!LL ~4d~# DrugStore 4 «ý'he C'ounty. 98 andOhemioa1s. Patent mdioines. .011 Snd Beceipts oarefu aocnrately prepared. f. E.WILLUS ds ~Druggist, e4cal FHall, S' tre.ti Whitb Y, SEPT. 20, ly N 'G 'e 't' s 189â Presugtton of Colore. ~5FTE 34TrH BATTrALION PRi TD WITH SILVERWARE, TIIE NIE 'MH 8ILVIDÈ TROPHY FOR SHoO0TIN UIPà TiTION. of bthenMost attractive features ai th re tibswcck was th1e presentation o 4Y'of the colore 1 1the ,Mth battalio Coucty of Ontario, and of a citizeb. îefficers and men by citizen s of t ae !hibby. Il '19 inon'27 years sirice t-34111 was so favored, an which the wlfe of 111e laie Hou. T. N. rn.enbed coiors, which were dis- -3(aJor F'arewell amid cheers. tpatof yesterday's cerernany was P thc redcoats and band ou the after wbich 1the Wardes. H. J. tuie forward aI 1the head of th1e Mnoihlors. The baud played th1e kuthetu, and Rev. J. H. Broughai oblors, gnd offered a most appro- 'rden Gould then stepped forwarc ItWas a great pleasure to hlm at "d of the county 10 lead in honoring !hattalion and to show our ioyalt) Ag of this great empire, upon whicl Mevèr sets. True patriotism requireE eewho love a country shali know Its itry, and the antecedents of dt lAg bave covered it with glory in rt ofthe world. We enjoy ail out L~lgsbecause of the power that itRg, and let us as privatcitizens thtwe makre the best or our free. 11sM wbo fought on the many b9ttle maire our rig bts secure were cer- tter;Patrlos'han we. Our country 1ge sutus 10 equip ber army and it 'W b. prepared -le the best means tgwr and our commerce demande o, 'ad we In this country are pro uc eto conne forward and do our share. r4éui then presented the colors te 'rçd4drt King and G. Glover, wbc t3bçm witb one kae t earth. - FarewellIin reply gtave the bistory »t hattalion from tbe tîme of Wal. iell, Wà rren, Fairbanks, etc., te it. Offly once bas tbe Mbl becs armas-lu 1866-to repel eb Fenian He spoke'ot the enthuislastic man- Phîch they burned out tben, and of "a «crifices tbe cal entailed upon f'*1:O.ei and men. He recited the b&ittl fields Ail the way from Que- tUlefordupon wblch our volunteers 4rYsuetlned their honor and cour- en rs 0 Canada, and propbcsied oforbrave boys would be pri t«,Desentcd W 1the officers a s olection of ailver cutlcr for tpasisUu of,2î6 picces and a ail- f 20 1chishigli for 111e non-cous- i4"icerï,anid ten to wln lu irifle SHe 'said -that thse feelng-, n >rds the,4h was of bhec st ~8erptioà !WeW were proud to in cam hmibr and sorry when ý Tefr hiedisciplne and ýd#c , bai in the people of, a j~re.Lake tbem a pres-' eplled <or tbe non-cotu- an.d men, and Captain ,,,for bbc officers, caui gratmitude of 111e-rccip- bout, were moe d-' rical referenees, and] Amusemeai, rou Wednesdy pre- g able t0 form an opin- 0 Our fairs or tise statuary W t take away public et wislcis old bora. 1 .-optlon uhere ament 'ber, bas been tisaitise tmras, as regiards ai. * ciisyier tiai bisla tise public dtisi beir lii. la Qther tblugs. It Io wsnL tead:,we a"e of s t B Good judges pr"fluuced @orne of the ladies' work as beiasg aheA. of any ever shown at this fair. It le innecessisey ta say that tbe show of apples and vegetables was excellent lu quai- ity. One would wonder If some kinde of potatoe are flot tboabig (or good eating. It was most suitable weather for get- ting drunk, and many did the weather clerk the honor to drink bis health a lIttle toc, much. Messrs. John Thompeon ond Allun Gray, ex-reeves of Scott, Reeve Geraw of Picker- inig, Brethour deputy-reeve of Brock, Peter Christie, ex-reeve of Reach, Jas. Carnegie, Port Perry, and Wni. Warden, Manchester, came down to the [air ons Wednesday. R. B. -In auswer ta your letter we may say Ibat ail the prlze liste of ncigbborlng <airs wili be published lu the CHRNICLE as fast as possible, but that our news columne will be k cpI up 10 1the standard, which miay some- limes conipel us 10 give a prize liat a week late. This will be satisfactory to everybody. 34111 Hatt. Rife Mn.toh. The annual match Of- the 341h Bail. Rifle Association wili be heid at Whitby ou Fr1- day, t8th Oct., when the foilowiug prizes will be conipeted for: Nursery Match-=o and 400 yds. open bo boisa fide members of th1e 341h Bail. who neyer before competcd in a battallon match. t prize, $8; 2ud<, $5 3rd, $3; 4111, $2; 51th, $2; 6111, $2; 7111, $2; 8%h, $2; 9111, $i -,soth, $i; rith, $i; 12111, $uii 3th, $i. Pive à hots at each range. Entrance fée 25c. Dryden Match -Named in honor of Hon. John Dryden M.P.P. Open toalal meuibers of the 341h Batt. it prize. $8; 2nd, $6; 3rd, $4; 4th, $4; 5th1, $3; 6t11, $3; 7111, $2; 8th. $2; 9t11, $2; ioth, i ith and 12th P each. Ranges 200, 400 and 500 yds. Position, 2oo standing, 400 and .5oo, any posltion-bead towards tar- get-Seven shots ai each range. entrauce fee 25 cents. Town of Whiîby Mach-Named lu honor of th1e citzens of 1the town of Whitby. Open to teams of five previously named nou.com- missioued afficers and privates boisa fide members of any compauy iluh1 4th1 Batt. it team prize, possession of cup for i year and $!,5 cash; 2nd teatu, $io; .3rd team, $5 Individuai prizes wil be awarded in 1the above conleet as wcil as teatu prises as fol - lows: 18t, 88; 2ùd, $,5; .3rd, $3; 4111, $2; 51.1, $2; 6111, $2; 7t.1, 8t1and 9îh, si each Ranges 200, 400 and Smo yds., seven shots each range. Entrance <ée teatu $i, for individual coin- petitors 25c., whlch le open 10 ail wh1ther competiug lu team or not. Aggregatf- prises-For highest individuai score lu Dryden and Town of Whitby matches. ist prise, Dryden cup, presented bT Hon. John Dryden; 2ud prize, Provincial salver medal, preseisled by Captait' Dillon. A match for civilians and volunteers be- longing 10 other regimeuls wili 11e arrangcd for. Snyder rifle only ta 11e tsed in ail compe- Mr. Suohatian's]Enunit. Mr. W. W. Btuchanan, editor of 111e Tem- plar, delivered a speech aI Uic dcmosîra- taon at Toronto on Labor Day, and cdaims tc 1 have been insulîcd by th1e uewspapcrs whc -reported hlm. Thec last issue of th# Tem- plar quobes t11e CHRONIcLE, which shows tisat our rcmarks bn bis addrees are regarded as dolng Mr. Buchanan th1e grealel i us- lice. Wc, therefore reproduce aur short report of bis speech, folhowed by th1e Tetu- piar's verbatim report of bis words : "HRe was arguiug about how wisc and well off our fathers were, and how fooiish and unhappy we are. The aid folks livcd licIter and managzed better. They laid out a sys- 1cm of rafiways and canais. We igave it awav to monopqllets. Thcy estalilished a postal system an perfect lrim, and we allow -monopolisee W carry our mails, etc - CUHRONICLE Sept. 6. .'Otar athers saw tbe importance of Uic public road and s0 they established th1e King>s bighway, whlcb inbered lu tbc peo- pie and to wbieb al had equal right. In- vention broughî us 1the steamn englue and 111e railroad, and wc permitted th1e advan- lage ta go to monopoly and 10 become 'a ly- rantilnslead of a public higisway. Our fatbere saw th1e importance of public com-. munication and se bhey established 1the post office that a nicans of communication betwcen man d man migbî lie naintained lu tbe public intereet. Invention brongbî us Itse telegrapb and telephone, and we per- mitted thc advaulagc W goalemonopoiy and bleed 'us on- bhc riglit baud and bbc left. Th1e worsî of lb aillasnot that these Ibinge are truc, but that bbey aïe ail we--deserve;, thab- tbcy are ail that wc bave the intelli- gence and courage 10 command.-Templarle *hortbiand report. -- okno notes of Msr. Buchanan'. 9peb~n frgot about bis reference to 11e telegipb and Iclephone, but thal omis- sion dois not alter th1ecase. The Parmets, Sun, wisosc fild of work le W saupyrad lu; ferbisoe wiso love W kick about every- tbîng on cartis, was bbceniuy paper wbicb applauded Mr. Buchanan'. reanarUs. ]vcY agitator lu tise country a artél fancy -th 1e îaboring clases are 'ield, asumlug bisai bbey arc cager tW be taugisî tisat eveïy lodge lnetltnou or syndicate i à nlo a. yrobbey, -sud a menace 10 tiseir rlgstsI4b ansd capital bots bave Ibeir ups. suid 0»"o uttls ae aturai lliea, nteettà , ab a& aital work lob of pia L l utisbra Wcpec tisai b. wil» tay 10 akie ar a lot of. wsgei. WI.u lalsor cominle.spginal capital, tise late!,r " ysou wî~tdisdwre in thé fild, En 5 Prias lia n usu W#e. The lawv egainst ra tgbhdad * l-g damp ht di pet., but ue fairs we aw~shaue wltb. li. Cne amiart yvoung mtan autis sted Chief Constable Calverley on Wcdnes.d.ty nlgbt. aud anted tco know what couhd he <loue tW a nut-shel fakir who had donc ltnfur $9. There is nc> fakir'@ gamie so weil advertised, uer any so well pntrossized. It beqts ail whit t oie people brlng to i <air under the lie.d (of 'eticil drawhig. - Keep your £uouey. We notice several local papers arouisd here are advertising ftir a Chicago firm whieb wanîs people ta behieve that if they send nîoisey to in, address, to be uaed in speculation, Si will bc- turned ista $xo. It sirike-, us that if ilere are any snaps is Chicago there are thousaisds therc ta grah themn, and teiss of îhousarsds of dollars ready ta be invested. The same firta tried to get an advertisecn iiserted in the CHaONIcLE, but we neyer auswered its Isuters. We have our opinion of pipers which wil l issert such adver- tisemeisîs, ansd pe ple should excude thern f rom their houses. omais should taire a raper which will help ta skhihm. Ltterary Notes. Archie Gunn's inimitable art is adusirably displayed iu hie spirited drawixxgs, in this week 's Illusîratcd American, accampauying an inîcresîing article about 111e international cricket match on Staten Island, N. Y., play- ed by the British 'varsily teans. Harvest is about finished in this sec- tion. Mr. T. Watson, jr. is employed, we hear, in connection with a large grain elevator in Manitoba. Mr-. Towns, of Saintfield, is rpow plowing on the -farm lately managed by Mr. Alex Macdonald. The Macdonald family are going to live -on the home- stead, but do noîleave till next March.. Rev. Mr-. Reuben Stillwell, of Smith's Falls, filled the pulpit here last Sunday eeniug. Mu-. Stillwell lias corne 10 visit bis mother, who has been very lU of late and stîll continues in a very pre- carious condition. 'The ice cream social held lately.in connection with the Sons of Temper- ance was a grand success, if you can, judge from the numbers who partici- pated inl the cool refreshment. The same institution was to bave had a de- bate last week, but the weather was too damp on the night of the meeting for it to materialize. However, the putting back, has only seemed to increase the interest and a good turnout will be ex- pected this week if the weather' per- mits. Subjeèt of debate :-' 'Resolved- the world is getting better." TEEM AEK=T Port Aperry. FaIl wheat 58c to 6oc, spring 58c to 6oc, poose 50V 10 52, barzey.6 rowed 30V tO 400, barley 2 rowed 30c to 35c, rye 400 teoo0, oats 22 to 23c, blackeyed peas Sec to g~, iuumy c Cto5,mal 4e o5o, buckwhem . c to beans .75c to sî.oo, alsike clover 34.00 Wo 4.6o, red $S.oo t10 5.5o grau. seed $1;75 to $2-500 corD 40c tW50, ;813C-sk05 4QC 10 6oc, wool 8C W ao, bides Sc -W oc, beef $5o to 0.00, pork $5.oo, to 5,5o, turkeys îliéc 10 o, ducks 8c to oo, chickens o8c to o, gtese Sc to00, butter i 2c tW 15c, »eus tac teo O=, lard 12 tb Z3C. pOttoes 30. 10 WC, aples per bush goc W o C., bard wod $ h00W#4.301 soft wood 82.00 W $2.5o. pan wbeai, 60ec oats uew 2510 33, old dot; pesu mal S6ec; 14ea,50iô téo$911 bi R-EW hoQ sua wv«onr (or whLt heconslde#ai> wlthotstopu W ousiders whetbert' i 'l btherain luuestf io n y m ie 6ec l sMd j udie for hiumsif or hers« es 'tcV, lb elts-,e itowilbe mot hapty ý b111à nlsl snob wlith-a cop In u llrotherlykluadness, ouretR ruiy, Ã088 -JoaNsiS. Whîtbby ;ers , 17, 189 We would rcfer our read- quote bobis Mr. Buchanan la own report of bis speech and ours. It la always tge case that agitor who aitu to hit everybody cisc bard, are the worst aqueaiers when the y jet bit back. If Mr. Buchanan goe into thse Kier Hardie business he must expect that other people hold as stroug views as 11e, and ameas free 10 criticise. BD CHi.) Town Locae. Hait ? Belote buyiisg a spray pump, 11e sure and see the Anderson double action force spray pump. The bestIin the world. 'T'en of themn bought by the government for the ex perimiental farta. Oniy 813.50 each. L. Fairbanks, Whitby, agent. A capital testimonial. 1 have tnuch pleasute In recommending Mr. W. H. Pipers pumps 10 any party re quiring the samne, 1 aiso find hlm 10 be a first clatis. repairer of any kind of pumps. He has repaired several for me and they ail work first cas. JAMES CAMPBELL, Whitby, 22fld Aug. î8g. The United States Life Insuratice Com- pRny represented by E J. Dingruan issues the most liberal contract in the market. Ail profits beiong 10 the policy holder. Onte of the fruitîsellers on the (air grounds yesterday was raided by Irîspector Fergusoni and somne whiskey found in a hottle. He was arrested and was to appear before P. M. Harper last night, but asked for an adjourn- ment to enable hlm to bring a iawyer here to fhght the case. He le (rom Toronto, and went 10 Port Ferry to the fair there. Pay theze Bills. We are sending out subscription accounts in ihis issue, anti we warit them ail aetied. We have published the tiest local paper in Canada, and feed that we have a right to ask plainly for our money. If any mans feels% that we are doing wrong in aSking h1rn for money let hil ay 50. We need this money and must have it. Please Do: pro Hose at 25c., (special value.) Ladies' Corsets at 25o per pair. Ail Wool Grey Flannel at 15c, 20c, 25e and 300. Just reoeived another bale of that Factory Cotton selling at 5c per yard (worth Se) ; seliing fast. Corne early and secure some before it is ail gone. Men's Ready ix ade $3uitos' at $5, e $550 nd $84.5 oy'd2p$eeSit at $2.75,m$3, and $3yi.5anBon -pieSutsat 8$49, $410 and $5; ailewell msade avndy. CantonrFann e u eoel t8, c 0an 12ur f. New Goodsear as it wiii well repay you for your trouble. P.S.---Order your Eall Suit Jrom us and secure a good Fzt. Large range of Patterns (o selectJfrorn. ~ANDREW. X. ROSSO NEW E FALL a AND M BROOK 8T W INTER GOODS. WE are in receipt of a portion of our new. FALL and WIN TEWI DRY GOODS, consgisting in part of New Dress Goods Towels, Towellings, Napkins, etc. New Flannels, COt- in TwCoreds, Sergs, enwriets, ietc. Olothing wE> are showing the flnest range we have yet of- fered and at prices that cannot hielp but please everybody. In Men's, yout hs' and boys' Hats and Caps. we are. show-« ing the very newest thing in, the .market. ln-ladies '4nd, men s Waterproof Clothing we have just receivedl a..very' choice selection of the very best goode in the market, whioh will be sold at the very lowest- prices. WARREN,- sT,- WEITB~. - I JO',:I 1OllE Ha.- award -has got- in his- Beautiful Wo look at. Lo.y eiandle. I>esrabie tW bave.- Easy to ebtaln. B=uase wonderulv bop le Ispectlon s#ltd The Ufnited :-S-tates LiMeInuacCo Head'office-1 L. A.Stewart, tion FR.' Scott r Gentsf ren 's, Big bi shoe stor Read t' in this isu For sli lish Livet There prepari ni Deput, tendcd tii day. Messrs- sud Char th1e show Mr. JE Frsday. Stanley Potatoi here. Ps threc hux *We ha, furuishinj cuifs,lies The co prices vai for winleî sold in bu We pu~ * victionsi o« the coi nomes of peophe st hihus savt Canada a: Must bepf yeanincns îà f tbem are with a n. An app ns, ati Io Rte-t Good s lot 10 <on te o.S W reto Tise sos :thb. auspi and refre .15-cents. -'-fresmil dlean, t ln N EW Y RK Oty. Caaian Manager., Nov I~ COAL, W.e H. :BRQbcIK il, «OU rnay tdk about the break of the Conduit Pipe in Toronto, but it is nothing when oompared with the break in prices of ~%F9fI Goods at our Store@ We are eroî'ne Io make business hum tkis Pal!, and in order 1o do SO we -wZll commence b>' selling.. 1 1 1 1 1 Ladies' and Children's Rubber- Cireulars at 500. Ladies' Cashmere made Suits at $5, $5.50 and $8.75. Boys' 2-piece Suits- at $2.75, $3, in Tweeds, Serges, Henriettas, etc. New Hosiery, tons, Flannelettes, etc. In men's, youths' me and boys'-