Whitby Chronicle, 27 Sep 1895, p. 3

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-Ãœh"2îtù Mî-iuid - ' tat-tbe ciek b le l- ~ucted ~to i~oir M. Chas. A :i FED T rim it timl red wtth )pr 3,oSt BoW ION, CH E, LU VER. ATI N G5 E5TION MED COIJUz TOROIITO. Y ears 1 IPs NO 1ER T FRIENO CA NADA. )N'S lu fr 10 yearti Ld are und )2bt ket, and are re. gt. Whîthy. tent by ail who J, mont durables nd urdlnary lift I building stne êuvert between C ai 19, in 8th con, $ 19.5So -,j T Laughli for gravel supplied his road divisio $4; Robert Milne,' for repairing CUlvC on 6th con, opp lot 30, $1.50; j To( for gravel supplied div 48, $1.82; Hagerman, for repairig culvert on- con, opp lot 35, $ i; 'Elias Reesor,1 6o yds gravel suppied div So, $3; Malcoti, on acct of contra4> Gre River bridge, $5o. 5o; John Gordon,1 work done on KhWgto4, roadr $3 1 beg to acknowledgc a communicati from Richard Taylor sud-lapprove. the statute, làa>donçe -by him on townfinj C ini utcon -bétween Whil iad Pickering towt.shps. AU of wl, is respectfu41Y sàon'tttted. on motîon. of Mr. Poucher, clu nmai mrport W8* adoptd:t _ "v., 9" Lt'metting read Aýn4 approved. A~ number of accounts ýwore read and re- ferred to the VfrousSaligom tees, ,Ed,. Wilson .wia.hetrd ,re washoiut ti forth,-end of ,Çâristiain butYlng groun Mis sabell Lfs'b ëwus heard fuking tha&, Mary Ann Jolly be- secured Mr. ThoS. Chester was heard asking to rent allowance between 34 anld 35 inl 1 st Range,, B# F. con and on i st range lineop lt0 4 W>DeVÃŽtt was heard regarding the use of Usher cernent for the purpose of building culverts. Mr Richads reported having re- ceived $3 as license for travelling show. Mr Gerow reported- having received 87-.50 from licensing three travelling shows. These amounts were paid to the treagurer. Wm D Pugh was heard in reference to accident on northern townline opp lot 25, when Mrs Price Pugh received serlous injuries through horse running away by colliding with another rig. He claimed the road too narrow. He ask. ed that the townships of Pickering and Uxbridge pay the doctor bill. Your standing committee on sheep killed by dogs, report and recommend as foilows: Richard Medd, for one sheep- killed by dogs, $3.33, said amount being two-thirds sworn value. On motion of Mr Richards, chair- man, report was adopted. The standing committee on contin- gences brought in the following report: F & C Lotton, for burying horse, $à; Denton & Dodds, advice to reeve as to liability of township for rent of hall in the village of Pickering for division court sittings. $2; W J Clark. for print- ing post cards, $i; D R Beaton, on ac- count of salary, $35;- D R Beaton, for minute book and stationary f,)r use of council, $îo.72. Ail of whi h is re- spectfully submnitted. On motion of Mr Mowbray, chair- man, report was adopted. Vour standing committee on Indi- gents beg leave to report and recom- mend as follows:- Vour committee have had before them a communication froir Jos Monkhouse asking that one Eliza- beth Nighswander be sent to the Tor- onto General Hospital for treatment of her eyes and recommend that the re- quest be granted. Payment as follows; Toronto General Hospital, for treat- ment Henry Elson, 28 dayS at 40c,, Austin Badgerow4 59 days and Eliza- beth Nighswander, 43 days $52. AIl of which is respectfully submitted. on motion of Mr Richards, chair- man, the report was adopted. Your standing committee on roads and bridges reports as foilows: The reeve granted his order for the paymnént of the following accounts: Hay King, for planking Barry's bridge, ý$3. 50; -a1SO for repairing culvert and turnpilcing sideroad bet lots 32 and 33, Sth con, $6. 5o; also for repairing culvert on 9tb con, opp lot 33, $2.30; also for tiit drain and turnpiking sideroad bet lot. 32 and 33, 8th con, $5 ; for grading hil bet lots 14 and 15, 8th con, S5; Ge( Lee, for gravelling on Brock Road ii 7tJ1 con as per contract, $42. 12. Ti following bills were recommended;M Pengally, for repairing bridge opp 10 , con 6, 94.;o; H Haight, 26 yds o News. NECW RAVECN. Mn. Harwood Oke visited Toronto recently. Mn. Geo Allun is shipping peas to Toronto. Will Ham is laid Up with the fizz of a hop in his eye. Misses Winnie and Lydia'TrulI have been viing friends in Whitby. Mr. Ira Pearcèe was in ,Toronto last wcek and loineti the Milk, 'Exchanige..-, Mr. Jennings, station agent, is sick. An operator of Toronto is taking bis place. Samiuel Burgess, Esq., Poplar Grove, has moved on Mn. Levi Van Camp's farm. Mn. Fred Trull's horse ran away while he was delivering milk at Darling- *ton station. - Trhe milk dealers anonnd here are *trying to get the nailway- company to -put a road into the station. Before the finishet fruit corne bud an' v blosscrn. Bud grow inte blossom aut And se girîhoot - mergres into woman1 hood and the womai inomotherhood. Trhe two Most crit1 ical times in a wo -4 man's life are th. times which mak4 i the girl a woman a.nd the woman r mother. At thest Mmes,.. Dr. Pierce'# ravoni e PreFcnip gocd for but one thing. It strengthens ani ,IUnVgorates the organs istinctly, femiine it promrotes réeuinaity of the 'Iiinctions aflaiTitàiansd inflammýaion, ' 'eck! unnatural, xbausting drains, and p isthe whoe e eli<eate orgmsmite perfect condi tic»i. -Amost all of the itUs of woman.kiné are tiuceable to smre form o-Qf wht ià,knowt os,,"female Coflplait. lAnd this gener aUlybegis ither at the tirne of Ïpubertycoi cbîldbirth, or at the " tura eflife. >' - . n*ere are net three cases ina ahundred eti womait% pcular disesestbat Dr. Pience>t Paxvkdte ?=c~te iU sot'net tre, Thon sans f gtei-x W'omn ave- ýbeen ren etïmY , sTse, as the e c-ý d -es Y ;y se. nan ' of 1 Swto ez*e Kediçal Mviaet.J Vis rS llseusrteEeto Ok The watenmelon -feast was a great success. Mn. Petty, sr., is slightly indisposed at present. Miss Corbett is visiting with ber «D. Lawon is off work at present on account of a very sore eye. The,,bible css every W.-4~ a beautiful structure when -comp4 We are pleased ^to hear that Wi Burkholder is going to- work the$-,ûwm next yean. Mn. Taylor has a corn stalk. 13 feet 3 inches tali. This 's ahead of fotrier records. We suppose they had lots of water melons at the pearitig bee. For they got thetn'very cheap. Jini was lest home froni the moon- light excursion. But you know be went the longest way round. A wild cat is said to be at large. just north east of here. We wish it-would chase those half civilized musk-mielon- and pear thieves home in better tume. The forest, mill dam is being prepared.; We hope soon to see it finished.- The cider press, which bas been sent wy will be retulaced by one of later- design.l The one-sided load of exhiliionists returned home just before dayililt. So*me of tliem said that they feit wnô-neý 'the worse-next day but judgin'g froni appearaXlces, we could not believe them. ANY MOUE, BUT T Bi - RINDS ABOUT TE DERFUL VLRTUEÙ MINARD'SLNI %EBZ.D THB Bey.,W, A ook, 0 fq@ jack PoUa&-Making love is a good Sdeal like playing carda. Misa Pipkin- Bow sol Jack Potta--Thore's Ilgood deal in knowing what a band. la wortti. Mlr. Snodgraaa (aneeriDgly) -Woinen are alwaya ohanging their mindas." Mm. Snodgrma-A.I the mon 1 know have no minda-to change. _____ cRIWLL,3ea 4% a 9r s opltal. -A ol Oelery-CMON Cures Blood and. 8-kmin.seames Teundersigüed be' bau tabêti out a license offllie, ladre'al-l i ordm 's c T:1 -FOR IVI-NG STYL E, Ladies S l s rD re#&s.. ÂND rhm~ ii, oCeyskirt Boue. withoâut injurY., -T-The Olebratedr,ý Oreeare oxd Dresse$, teral For Bald' by leadlngDyQod la.. to rmovè ailobetructiorlhhe yh aveI' ~>J Qptt ir ýt ae£ .i-ast ,otsaid aliowaricc on or .bcdorethu 'st tc unatlasro da cf November. goloi1O t r *4<i4 -4 r. owbray, seýconded by Mr.. eea iti r n sen ra- oupe f Hlltg, môëVes that the reeve-ai rst de- d -nToon, puty-reeve ,-be ând are hereby appoint-, W~ " ~ IInI i n.;reatve N.> hia ed a connnittee -to enqu ire, into the 118 uOwI& t vy1gitn place haSt week.. VWU -,thHeaThfeochster N. 'S'i dlaim for damges against thistowýnsnip Hesîtîng he r-uhtter, Ms ,C made by Wtn. D. Pugh on behaif of his fl~ i lVitnghrdute,4ms mother, Mms Price_ Pugh,.and report aip8fail ta&,M Res? at the next meeting of this council. pritReeMr n rSehesn fPrs Mr. Richards seconded by Mr. Mow- Mr. a~Isp nfdaymSIateesowiPar,* bray rnoves that this council do now s pUî, un er. asls ee ihJ. adjourn to meet again on Monday, the MoCr, unr. adMs ibradcidec î4th day of October next at he hour of r.Chand N. Y., spet afdas last c 10 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~? , a.Ro h rnato fgnrlTE LD u OSPITAL week with the latter's sister, Mrs. C. C. __________AÈ) DOOTORS. Reesor. busines. Mrs. J. Quinn, of Buffalo. spent a ?KCKEI?<G.few days with ner sister, Mrs. D.. R. Thursday of last week Mrs John She Uses Paine's Celery Corn- BeatoTl, andother relatives, returning Remmer received a telegrarn froni home on Monday. Saginaw, Michigan, stating that her pound and is Cured. Miss Colvin was absent for a couple brother, Chas. L. Palr r had that day of days lest week, attending the funeral departed this if e. Another wonderful, almoat iniraoulouul, of her grandimother, who died at Tor- Walter Neale. has given up George cure te report. As usual, the affljcted onto julictiont. Palmer's fanm in the 2nd concession, one is saved by the. use of Paine's oelery A. E. Thornton has just returned and the same has been leased by James ComPOnnd. from a tnIp to London and other west- Wht.The place will change had n Ani anertecue ay ern points in the interests of the com- this faîl. Mr. Neale has not yet de- cive in Bracondale, a pleasant suburb of mra gnywihh ersns cided where he wiîî locate. Toronto.. Her sufferinga from a common reCa gnywihh ersns W. 1 Goron as prchsed romtrouble to many wornen, were terrible, Mr. and l4rs. Sherman, of Chicago, W. ~J Goron bs puchasd frnsd the. wonder is that she now lives. spent a couple~ of weeks wîth the lat- Geo. W. Decker the barbering outfit To her, medical and hospital treatment ters igrandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Israel and will at once remove his dusiness to pruved ot nu avail. At a critical juno- Burton, retuniing home lest week. the shop adjoining Woodruff's meat ture, the doctors deemied an operation Mrs. Frank McCoy returned lest market. Charles Hodge, who has been ùi peratively necesaary. ekthrhoeiJasnMc, occupying this shop has left for Whitby. ens. Saunders wound not flot sanction wferek to herahoewin acson, M ih The apple-buyers hereabouts are now the propoued eperation ; ahe had faith in ber parents, Mn. and Mrs. John Sleigh. busy packing and sbipping. The price its w0fldrouspowe.ra to Matke her a new Ms mly fMnraacm ranges f rom 5o cents to $ i on the trees. woman. Pairie's Celery Compound wu r.Eseo Mnraacm The crop is abundant in this section, ber chosen agent; se.ueed it, andt tanka panied by- her two children and neice, but the recent storms have done much Providence for the happy change effeot. Miss Long, spent this week at the old ed . h. writea as followis her cure : homne, with her brother, A. E. and W. damage, and increased the supply of ..I was with niuch pleboure that I tes S. Major. ,wind-falls materially. tify te the value cf your wonderful A. Hamilton has neturned from Saturday afternoon while driving Paine's Celery Compound. 1 wau a great visiting friends in the west, and is now .west on the Kingston road near the sufferer fromn severe attaokas of neuralgiasitn i ecMs .Amtog Spik ili, lihtwagon, driven by a in the left ovary. At times the attacke before returfling to his home in Kil- man named Sis from Hfamers Corner's were s0 acute that I thought 1 would lie. marnoch, Scotland.-News. collided with Jas. Linton's buggy. As rny reason. Suis was aiso driving west bis approach '-Several dootors treated me, and I wus weas net noticed by Mr. Linton. The a patient if St. Joseph's Hospital, Ram- F m hns buggy was capsized and considerably ilton. I obtained ne relief froim medical Thns damaged, while the horse was severely treatment. Tii. doctors said un leua I had - injured. Mr. Linton escaped injury, the ovS1! taken away 1 could not bo Wilberforce-Misa Dinaniore is a bright although pitched out between the <cuird. girl, i8n't ah.? horse. Thescrapi"Instnead enof submaittin~ e tiitheo erato Gilderleeve-She flares up rapidly. hrsl oaes. T e t asp iro iman wason- 1 used Paine's Çelery Compoun ,and 1 Dora--Mr. Spooner ays h. alwaya sidered to be worth anything, he wilcu&DI me. ,yor alabe>'dn feela like a fish eut of water when be is not be sued for damages. Notcet I wouîd 1k.el 1k anwioan n wjth me. Coea-Tkeu you've hooked witb sashingthe bugy, an cent~t aU ufferere to know juat m haeyu wih mshngte ugy adinjuring what this great medicine bas don. for Did haeyou.ntc hthaydw the horse, he became very abusive.- me.?$ Di -' éL. not.ice what heL:- - 9. 5110 UA Bmi UU uuuukua ~iuw uanknuuul WEST'ERNà-I*F 1 intr'y s th,, t)t What j es gett t1g y(11y; ATT t>Ã"ne ;Infants !ne nor 4! au 1 t jý Castoris a 5 r. Bamumelti zpe hm$ SA ' )foIn .ud Obtdren. It coutal»U etber OnimIWrpliIft other Narcoti- sÛe0ea, i Io a B larmInesa BUigd for paregorto, Dropa, Boothing Byrupe, an& Cà.O* Itis Pleamaut. Its gUaiauttea --sthirty yens' tffl f"eermbusheCasoinsPrenits vomltlng BÃ"xué C cures Dlsnrhoea Md Wtad CoUle. CastOgia -rè teetbng troubles, cures comoston suf& àtti1 castonlaasimlsestii, fOOd. gulses tue:"Oe and bowe, 4givln IiolthyBfl tIItUIr OP torts la the IVhfdreu'5 pausces-the MotherS*o Èw Castoria.&C so eaumslameUomt iwd for cbtl *M"oaat oetaIauêapISt4 dieu xotims ave ratsd&to meO(tui r.eommeIditas8U5>Oi1Gt? goodefBt1 Otb* childt" ~onome.-"£ À At *~0 o~oetbebvOm dd»ebBdrO -"QS PQ sutathe eO 1 cham ioge& 1fd Iae tbh.duyl e m u&ifSpokoeAbbl ie f b wem or aut ~WIOUetêel. ae i *IrOU*.4.ÉatL ~madcal q~iIw wba-1# k"~ U W.*m1RO W W

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