En<ravY INITIALS, MONOGRAMS$ CYPHRERs, ORESTS, INSCRIPTION S, Done in a taste/ut way, PromPtiY, and ai /'rices, 6y iowest JN ~]BARNARD, JEWELER & ENGRAVER, t4on 09 »Yj loosi P«e iu C &ad FRIDÂY, SEPT. 27, 1895. LOCAL LÂCONIOS. Roads are capital. Scott repairs ail kinda of pumps. See our men's ail wool suits at $5~ at War- renls. Flardwood dining tables, 4 leaves, oflly $5, ait \\. Tillas. Mliss Mcintvre, Toronto, is visiting rela- tives in town'this week. For sluggish liver use Dr. Bright's Eng. lishi Liver and Kidney Pilla. Mr A. Logan, Oil City, Penn., la here Vîsit.ng Mrs. and Miss Logan. Ba'divit's bee hive varns, iand 4 PlY, at .12.s and 8 1.50o per pound at WVarren's. Grass is growing green on the streets. Thex e will be lots of June butter yet this (ail. The mercury registered over go in the shade at the junction station bere on Friday last. We are showirg a nice range ol German mantles at very close prices, ait W. H. War- ren s. Chas. Hodge bas disposed of his tonsorial establishment in Pickering, which village is to have but one barber in future. Chas. Bell, barber, is in St. Michael's hospital, Toronto, undergoing operations for Why doesn't the Ontario County Gazette eall itseif t.he City of Toronto Gazette? It is ail printed or manufactured in a foundry ini Toronto but a couple of pages. We need not aay to those residents near \Vhitbv that thb re was a big thunder storm liere on Thuraday morningearly. The tein- perature of the atmosphere was not mater- iai y, changed, as often occurs. The college builders and town basebaîl clu b bad another bot basebail garne onr Saturday whicb termîinated tn the sarne ,W for tbe college boys as the town won ,,*e weéc es.eviousiy, the score beiniz 19 to 16. To tbe credit of both aides it may be aid that the beat of feeling was displayed throughout. Wanted. An apprentîce to learn tbe printing busi- ness, at the CHîRONICLE office. W anted. îooo people to buy boots and sboes at a reduction of 25 per cent. for the next 3o days ai the west aide boot and sboe store. Tbreshing Coai ioo tons of first class soft coal juat receiv- ed per Schooner Jamie-son from Sandusky. Farmers, eall on E. R. Blow for your thireshing coal :office opposite CHRONICLE, Whitby. Whitby Curling Club The annual meeting of the VÇbitby curling club will taire place at WVoodrufl's hotel on Wednesday night next ai 8 o'clock. Mein- bers will please attend. J. E. Willis, secre- tary. Sacred Concert The programme for the sacred concert in the methodist tabernacle next Monday la now printed. Mr. H uni, the organist and choirmaster, has made a first clasa selection of pieces. There are some very fine voices iin this choir. While the entire program me mties, extraordlnary exploits, blood-vurdl- iug yarns and bte like, aud news coluums which are alleged to be fresh, but which mme usuallfrnevera wecks old. rhe, mmu Who pays ~ foa uhd ewspaper simpIy e~ v to rob himself, bbc sme M, he wouId if go were bo kuowlngly 'buy -shoddy cloth. Ne!wipapert alway setlIt goet,,tq people&e vdes to the «tau= rofoIt 0tÃtthere fnobuoIu to-day whtch i.leu n m* worse sio'ddy Pl"n tbhà miutile ont bf teu of Our ncw.pap<t8. Tiamps vutl ýRevom An lncid#nt Vrhleb O=Mwrr.ë ôthe GÇ*U4 Col, Conier !a sen"ding, a week or two wlîh hle family bere.l Se. or 4o-Inch serge dres gooda at only 2S. pér -yard At irretz'm. MiîuoGreeon, Toronto, bau been the guet Of ?4hss Groom during the pa week. For dîseasesof the kidneys use Dr. Brlgts Engllsh Liver and Kiduey Pilla. 6 piece solid waluut parlor suite, plush, wlth slk plush bauds, for 832, wortb 45,at W. TiI'a. Mr. James Campbell's sale of t-cal estate and houaebold furuiture takes place to-mot-- t-ow, Sait-rday. Mr. Thos. RIce atteuded the Lindsay fait- Ibis week aud while there acted as one of the poulbry jttdges. Misa Uile Crawfortb left for bore home lu Toronto on Tuesday, after speuding a week whîh relatives ln towu. Tait coru aud big thresbing atornes are ver y uuch ln vogue. Tbere muet be lots of grain wbeu ih eaube îhreshcd so fast.. Dr. Henry Brlght's Engllsh Lîver and Kiduey Pille, are uow being introduccd lu Canada. Can be had of aIl dealers lu mcdi- ciue. Dr. J. T. Camipbell, Chicago, arrived here ou M4ouday uight, to pend a few days lu towu before the family moyeu 10 Chicago uext week. InsPectors Meflrien sud Thlley were both here since our last issue, visiting te model school, where twenty-elight teachers-in - training arc baking bthe course. The United Statea Lite lumurance Comn- pany represeuîed by E. J. Dînginan issues the mosi liberal commet inlutbecmar-ket.. Al profita beleng to the policy bôlder. Mr. H. Meen laugha et the Manchester correapondent's item about thrcahing ioo bushels of grain in a day. He aya Mr. I.uke Robinson threshed over 1900 bushola for him ilu8)jhouri. Inspector Pet-g-tson v-sited Port Perry on Priday te atudy law observance. One of te hotel keepers took the inspectorle wind away by asking him to suspend the liquor code for Satin-day night. The motion waa declared bat. Detectivea Greer aud Slemîn, Toronto, were bore bhc other day, ou their way out te Brooklil to look into bbe matter of so many catlle dying. As no ucw cases have oc- curred there slave Ibeir presonce was dia- covered bbc general conviction la strengtb- eued that some fiend la poisoning people's cattle there. Apprentice.wanted. lu millinery departmeat. Apply ai C. F. Stewart's store. Fifteen mentIt, for Si sg. The Chronicle sud Weekly Globe frein now to Jan. Iat, 1897, for $1.25. Tell your frienda about it. To Rent. Good stable, drive bouse and yard, next lot to foundry uorth, $; per month. Apply t0 Wm. Shaw or E. Stepheuson. Football. The coilegiate lustitute beain bas re-organ- ized for the serson, and is open 10 receive challenges froni ueighboring school teams. The collegiate sud bbc mode] achool teamas play a match as we go to pt-eas. Coal 1 Coal 1 J ust receî ved three cargoes, 400 tons eacb, fresb mimcd Scranton coal pet- steamer Flora Carvetb. 1 arn now prepared to supply clean, bright, careful Iy screened ceaI at lowest possible prive. Office opposite THE CHRONICLE Whitby. E. R. BLOW. Change of Fit-m Mr. R. Wolfenden, of Wolfendeu & Smith, marble dealers. Whitby, bas disposed of bis interest in the business to Chas. Sm-th, who wiIl carry it on in the future, sud for the next 3o days wiil seIl monuments, acrolla, mat-kers, fenciug, etc., at cost.-43-21n. Fort7 Cents on thse dollar. A report bas-been put in, circulation ta te Ontario sud Dut-bain exbitoouldi only psy 4o cents ou the dollar cf its prize money tItis year. Thtis stcry la thc make-up of aomne person's imaginaton. The board of directors of the fait- does net meet until1 about the iotb cf October, and until tat time even the directors could flot possibly know what wilI be paid. This show bas ai- ways paid uts prizes lu full, sud unlesa lb la officially snnounced otberwise 1dle rumors need not be credited. Special Mlssionary Meeting. On Friday evening, Sept. fltb, at 745 a a special misstonary meeting wiHlbcho eld su tbe baptiat chut-ch uuder the -auspit. es cf bbc women's mission cit-de. Au excellent pro gramme bas been provided. Miss Pet-i Smith M. D., wbo wiltsbortly sali for India, Mrs. C. J. Hoîmnan. Rev. S. S. Bales B. A., chairman cf the Baptist Foreign Mission Board, Rev. Mr. Southain, of Si. John's chut-ch Wbitby, suüd others at-e expected to speak. Speciai music will be sîippliod froin visîiug friends. A collection wilI be taken Up lu behaîf of missions. The public are most cordially invited. Mr. E. Armstrong weIl again. Mr. E. Armastroug's mauy friends through- out tbis aud adjoining counties will be very glad te lest-n thai be la again able to bo out, after over bwo moutha of an attack of fever. During six weeks Mr. At-mstrong had no nourishinent but mi Ik Ho bas baa a drcadful time cf it, but nover loat courage for a moment, and, tbougb me-y rmuch re.- duced in fiesh, ho is ou bis way te complote convalescence. Hoecernes up town- or takes drive daiîy. We cougratulate Mm'. At-i sîrugupo .b . p -y .;b.wib-isese 1 have much pleasure in, recomnmending Mr. W. H. Piper's pumps to anv party te quiring the saine, I also tlnd hlm to be a firta clans repairer of auy kiîîd of pumps. Ht bas rcpait-ed several for me sud they ail wurk fit-st Cîas. JAMES CAMPBELL, Whitby, 22nd Atsg. 1895. The guitar Prof. Watkins. bead teacher cf guibar sud klndred instruments aithebbc i ctt Conser- valt-ry cf Music, bas been added te the saaf cf the Ontario Ladies' College,, snd will corne to the college cvery Weduesday. Ail pupils desiring instructions frein s suporior teacher at moderato prices should make application at once te thc Rev. Dr. Haro, Principal. Ho, for Grand Trunk Westtern ExcuLrsions. Tickets going Oct. 3t-d, 4th sud 5tb, good te relut-n leaving destination ou or before Oct. 21St.. Wbitby or Pickering te Port Huron, Detroit S.5, Cleveland $7.50, Sagi- naw, Bay City $9, Grand Rapids $9, Chi- cage, Cincinnatti $Su, St Paul, Minneapolis $34 sud 8.35.5e, accordiug te route. For full information sud througb coupon tickets apply to E. Stephenson, ticket, telograph sud express office (opposite Hatcb Bt-os.,) Wbitby. He eaui also ticket you frein Myrtle, Brookl or Toronto at proportional rabt, guaî-anteed rigbt. War or Peace ibm af bbc marne. The war lu Ceres la now ovet- sud the,' Manitoba struggle la on, as well as tbc British elections. Murdering lastililun vogue sud on the increase. The mnan wbo thinka be knows a solution ef bbe Manitoba. achool question, doesn't kuow how much hie dcesu't kuow. How lb will be dealt with la a vexed question for pobliticans.' The Britisht élections are sut-e t, go Conservative, sud conserva- tisin as carried on to-day means t-tai refot-i. We eau stop mîîrdering ta sente extont if ne nail cvez-y blood-staiued meugler tW bbc mast iustead cf makiug thein recipientsa ym- abyand outraged jusUeýRae oe eurely' tta E Hart îsll. sella tise New WîIiîlaS d<wing machine, nhic Io laabead of theni al.. Celebt-atiug bis ratura te twnu. Buck Murray bas been in Port Perry for some tine past, but came back. W bis deux native Whitby on Tuesday accu- . To mat-k the eveut hoe et that ibere shculd ho a bit of jubilating doue, but ines are mc bard that- lie ad no meney lu baud. To t-aise the_ wind was bis fit-st objeet, and to tItis end ho wabched for oppcrtuniby, which soQu came. Ho non standing ai Woodruff's bar dispos- ing cf sncb drinks as accrue to ibese who are called up wheu a vusbomeî- treats ail bands, when oee cf the customners cbauged a, 82 bibi. Buck grabbed $1 o! the change eud' took te bis legs. Constable Calvet-Iey -got' eut a waîrant sud huuted round for hlm, but tere, was ne Buck to ho found. Word. non sont te Cbief McKuigbî at Port Port-y, but he had vot gene bset-e. Wo;e tise wrong pauger Inspectot- Fergusén visitedý Port Pory fair-, sud found netbiug wrong lu whiskey' circles, excopi insofar as rmora go. lHe received two leters-oue sigued by a woman, -aud which turned eut te be a fr get-y, sud eue arionymcus eplaîle. Escla 'of these Jeotera cbargcd bbc botel keeperswits wholesae infraction cf bbc law. ITinl- spector desires us te mention that he -itkes no noice of anonynro us bettera. H&does net sake public thc naines of- thosé vIse supply hlm witb Information, but must have aombody's0 signed boetter befre taking legal îaig am'S t lathe sittIug tc foin oe -of tihe PoPort-yht r. Ferguson was con- fobdby a srmger wbo a> me lus and- spodau oIlcWot over bis little dico board, a trwhlch ho produced his dico and ssked the inspector If 1kW ould Play. Mit, 1orgw_ î«n mepled lo, nom' you shall Motelther." The mi nsIissed uand wantod to know Ibe- inspector's ,spme, 'but nhea the 1uuk4ord was cal led thet fakir *as so >n fired from tIt place., Hoeisad utfrmed -up the nrogpasmen Thse board_-of 1eduçation bob) a, special 1 A ~., r. - 0 1 , V A R TI'sý-'-,-.-- 'Our-Fi tok ~ now /0 hand aa we are fi> Aeae every Une t show Mhe latesi dV'<eijùs -in-,e eyDeabÃŽ 1 Ar obd e wtho iii every 56e. ie y late t Styles in Fine DesGoain patteruls, oonfined tou el.01 i De~ iegLi ii eerypieu.No one else Lias the sanie Goode in Wluitby, Special Ln fHav ~rea 25o a yard. Do not failt te all and see thoni. Grand value. Lôw Prime.. n fieayBré- y -LVL LLUTj I.1+T :my - Sce or 364flch wcà l ttsgl ôiy1v per yard aii ié Hon. J. H. Long and Senator Prie. took la Port Perryfaitron'-Tueaday,, The Vail farm :On the ba leasee sold for $MS0, about $,4 pae, to 1-bafr. Pbllp, sou. Pri.r, r oMiss Mary PeaO&YOOtettifliec to Toronto ouMouday, after opdldn e~Vstn relatives ln towu. Vstn Get vour fir4et, pte; ro« brick lulngs «for ail kliidè 0F atoesragso furnaces, from J. cl tre., !"ao The Rev. Mr. Manning WulUpteCb in the tabernacle neat Sunday.7mulnngulp0n edu.ý cation bo teachers aud students. Au agîtatl n la. on foot to take Buother vote ai the comiug Municipal eleetions ou the question of allowiug cowm WO runata large lu town. Mr. J. J . Patterson,* son of M r. aud bars. Win. atterson, 4tb con., wlll occUç,> the pulpit lu the baptist chut-ch next Sunday moruîug, Sept. 29th, prior te t-eturuîug 10 McMaster hall. There bas not been a- fit-st clam musical entertainsnent ln îowu for8mre time, sud our people wll welcome the sac-red Coucert bythe Oshawa choir lu the tabernacle on Mouday nigbt Dcxt. Dottaga. Constable John Hopper says every dog In town that la flot tagged by Saturday, Ct Stb will cost bis owner a fine sud yomi. At the Royal Hôtel, this îowu, good din- iug room girl. Best wagca for a cotupeteut persoh. Apply at Once. Jas. Emnaney, prop. Gold Brooch Lost. Somewherc bebween Oshawa and Picker- i on Kingston Road or euse at Whitby Iatt- bhe fit-t day, a gold brooch bearinw in- scription " PÂPA'S PRIDL. " Finder p ease leave saine at the CHRONICLE offce, as it belongs to a child. A capital testimoniaL w ->JE~DiBJR~Jn WVint,- Suitiiizii, . Pantinga in ail the newost patterns, and beut goode that can b. had in Scotch, Irs1 ai (idi.ln meut- NewDOvet fingto c hn.and o naepi~ ti ulte.W. guarainte. stiefactionin thâ: depatmolt. ew veroatige o had. e. ut $10,, $12 niiul 1 sui -iliri-m %a'u ma r turnishings, to hand.-U~ ce. F1 'Oome and examine our panl GOod.'« 'STWART. II~u VIshors -will make it a point before Ieaving the town of. seeing-- W h-lOt-e ior 1 è-'.end e au, W. Go .MAGNIFICENT DISPLÂY .0........ F NEW ..*....... WALER 4UT UIIN and'WIN TER GOODS., The contents of 50 cases, iinported direct from Franee1 Germany and, Englaivl,- now p n exhibition in our various departments, 'consisting «of Fancy 811k., B1aelk and'Colored Surrahs, Ponge 811ks, 811k Velve.ts, Velveteens, Table Linens, Shawls, Travelling Rugs and Buggy Rugs. Autumn'a Faireet and mo8t Fashionable1 c3~RES GOOD)Soé'D 1UNDREDS 0F YARDS of new veuves and ~i~ styles, a display that ia certain to invite the. on- thusiasinof oeery lever cf beautiful Dresa Fabrics, Bisa Soleils, Estameno Serges, Henriettas, Matallassie Serges, Priestlit's Cotil.e, Brocados, Metians, Plain aud Pigurod Creppons. ~r Yo w - are welcome to 'Grand Dispiay e c~New Xaut1.s,~2~ 1GOLIF CAPES' and' CAPE, LL nev orectStles, -Matorial and Manu- < sud st sach ...LOW, PRiCES... that .theo provo a surprise tue ery.purchaser. erEvery Departient fhailof tii. n"eedansudovi ce.Of the season :GooHasy ais imwear.. Corseta, Laces, tRtbbons 'mlfflg corne-and. n~c an.amr whetkr oubu or not. Q * Meme in the other -4y-w'anted, somae nçe S47ONR7D said she didut.kiiow'wé, kepê ny-,so fi-ne-foý-und eut what she wa~td PERJL4PS v 20,000 busiiels, B-arle -0, tg " Oatl;, 5,00 - Iek- UyePi 2,000 '-MmyL 2lO00 " 8m&U1ei YUCA14. --We SOIlit: in* -ý--pads and, Q o: wet .Infants, iine nor rl-,,ýý«i to M. JL JL,.,& OntFîill p~n 'w-as a grand encoege aind the opinions were that Our display of Hats BonnêteUt ' ' farahed o aythng ver~hwn ii hiVy.As the Besson advanoes we wil keep sd4ing aI the neweut nove).- tieti V'hat iîlppoar iu thie market. Tlhis week we have received NeÃŽ Sailors, Walking Hate, e. i: (Z Ir ý a air