-c'one par« g. Mare -oGear>, L, G se olt of a, W0 P Sterleker. M 0nyn>&go- S51t*lMs y agiw Wï i.a RO4paew th oa ~ *I>~4 IBaldon. Ons- ~~""R«i G 7.Bs colt cf y*sQtGra., Yilly of 1895 PstJ Meade. Pair cf b=u$ m4 Wow&.lVipond. tn our years ý»r-Jobn Vfçd. Stallion fisur years Pi-twq 5Yoid- *4, YobiIt a nsU e with * D'. ËIlIy 1895-J1 L.sê. Stullion three ysari V Khsrj. ilhy or gel dia g el as Pound, Heron yoreedig bye yeanm old- S. y - u elding eue year a ros. MPl9-O <oak- a Bffla. Mare vittu foal ai the. d lby ber iside-Heron Bras., O)ias ýcoakvell. Beet mare lsmon Brou. Canadia draught ril*e-J Vlpond. Jas Leaiik. ,Ioaus8"s D PoMxxasSaddls J dt.-l ad 2 W Gibon. W10 hluneuaover 12 bauds and =-a-P Traylor, F Archmnan. ,an 'Foula of '95 cross brod à i D Talylor. OA.TTLE. ..4tzil ihree years old and~ Lessk., Bull,,twe yearsolad- bn& Son. Bull oe year oic tobt Duf: Bull caif unle, "Béb ' t Dûtf, Jas Lenton. Bul 4w sLaask. 0ev four yîur -john Monison, A j HovdenK &où, & Son. Heifer two year >&%Vi3son & Slon, A J Hewden eiy*t Old-'Wm Auderson, A à . gesfar omit under oesyea io-BQUftwe years ld-l and Bull péesyian old-John four Y"" od-l and .2 J #iree yeas old-l sud 2 J bi two yem sold-Johu 0Oke. -jQTjOlike. Bust brd-J ..ý.-BU Io ye@&m sud over- ,Ul t*o yeans old-T Guy. sr.od-l sd 2T Guy. Bull one yosn-l sud 2 T Gtty.» t-T Gny. Cow four yeans r.rd&-4 and 2 T Guy. 0ev d omil u over-l sud 2 T ~ertwyenmold-l sud 2 T ye o. an old-l sud 2 T Bull mse yhrced Wm Bol b uderoas yar-i msud2 W Bullm apmg- Wm Rolpis. sud«»LIupvard-1ilud2 [cet Wm Bo ,h. 0evthree s«42Wr Bol pb. Bouhthnbee t:Ãà BWrn Blpi. Bout herd ITTIEcOOW..l-l sud 2 Jas n.px.ldcow-l and 2 Two 4a~ite -u Aunderson, Bobt Du£ i eif- tas Leask. Boit>bird-Jas imn.-Beat fat ex on usteer-1, [as Leauk. BesI fat eew or m Lsak, Wm Andenson. r».-Bm tvo auanud even O T Ganbutt. Sheanling ram- T Qstbutt. Ramn lamb-1 sud Miûtt. .Tvo eves Ive sheass -1 and 2 C T Gaibut>. Tva Oves-i sud "2'20 T Garbutt. Iambe-I sud 2 0 T Garbutt. tsodOT Garbutt>. tz-smIo ehe«"'uasd ovu :Ms 3r. shoalinyrai- Qý b)aokbum. Tic .v0 s-% Ibn B ci.-w *oti- 0I . aokun I i s a o~s ~M-OGet. Boar pli ove«éix menthe sma under one year-l snd 2 Lunther -B"saey. Beur pig under 91% montbs-O Greut. -80W *Under six monthus-O Groat. Bout sr and two sows sny g-O Great, L Bradley. AGRICULTURAL PRODUOTS. 't' s GumÂDsazus -White 1wheat, vint- M er, 1 bush-T and J Mandersen, W J V .Euayoraft. Spring vheat, -white ifs, 1 0 bush-W J Haycroft, T and J Mander-. son. SprngowIeaItt goose-W J Hay- C omait, ti Ooxworth. B3priug wheat, any g other-Jas Launie,,T and, J Munderson. Rye, faau, eue bush-W J Bayeroft, T aud J Mandersbn. Barley, 2 rowed, oflO- buh-Wm Rynard, T and J Xanderson. Barley, 6 rowed, oe u ah-Wni Rynard, Uriah Yeung. Peuo, blaokeye, 1 buu- U Young, Thos Duif. -B lue pes, oe bush-O W Smith, T and J Manderson I Peso, umail, oesboue-T sund J Mander- son, U Young. Obto, black, que uW W J Haycroft, U Young. Oats, white, oe buâh- W m Rynard, - U Young.i Timotby seed, oe bush-Wmf. R> nard, Mns. C W lamer. Bed cdoyen sesd, oes bush-W Rynard. Aloide cloyen seed, ône bhWý Rynard, F Esrcman. Flux ueed, ans buh--U Yeung, J Leaok. Bias, visite, oeebush-W -oGregar, D Ormiston. 0Cr, 8 rowed, 25 ear- O 8 Eastwood, Oe terieker. Corn, 12 rowed, 25 ear-U Young, J J Fot.bergill. IROeTs-?ettO Rural New Yorker, 1 bushel-Geo Steniaker, George E Mqw- bray, Potatees, Beanty etfifebren, ane bush- Ueo Sterioker, Wm Anuderson. *Potatees, Sunrise, ene bash-Allia Bras. Uriab Yonng. Potatos, White Star, one bush-Wm Andenson, Jas MeGregar. iPeottes' Early Puritan, eue bush-J J Fothorgill, R Alexander. Potatees, Bdir p ee - Gee Stenioker, O0S8Eastwood. Patatoa, aay ether variety-GeO Stor- ioker. H Meen. Beet collection of pots' toe-U Young, Jas MoGregor. Turnipe six roots-U Young, T Hl Smith. Six roots Maugold Wuntzel, long red-Frank - Hlumphrey, U Young. ýSix maugeldo, ýauy otber variey-Vrank Humphrey. O S Eastwood. Six cairote, wht.-Geo 1Sterioker, Jas Laurie. Six canrots, any 1otber vaiety-Jmfes Berehas, PR Aie:- landeor. Six nua bet--Jas Boreha.m, 1 U Young. Collection of field roots-U à Young, A J Howden. r DAIRY PRODUOTS. Beet 15 Ibm crock butter-MisEllen Lynde, Mnw M Burk. Best 15 Ibo butter in lbe-Mri Burk. Beut 10 Ibs crack of butten-Mrs M Burkt Mus Gr'tut. Beot 10 Ibo butter lin bm-bineo ren Stanton, Mme M Brk. BeI5lbo crock cf butter lirs M Burk, lins W MOGregor. Besi 5 Ibo butter in ponue-lMis B Burk, lins M Burk.- Best 10 Ibm fanmer's cheese -Mri B Bumk, MUs 0 Wismer. Boai 20 Ibm faunsr's chee-lins OWismer, Mrn B Burk. Boat crack cf butter net less tIsai 10 Ibo-bfrs, M Burk, Mmm Ccx- venub. Rosas-Kate Meen. Dahlias-MIS Wlsmaer Mrs C W Smith. PansWe-OCO Bond. Peit Albert, Un. C W Smith. Phlox -Drummeudi- H Meus, T acdi J Maudunsen. Carnations- Thas Haves, C S Eastwood. Dahlis Hodd.- B Bsink, H Memn Double Staik-Mis T E Susti. Mn. Mc30hvray. Annuels-los Dun Sau. Mes O W Smith. Gladiolas-J Duncan,1 Ormistan. Asters-Mes McGiliivray, Mn C M Smith. Zinias-M C Lawier, H Meen. Ver -beas-Geo BondMn Adams. Sweet Pes- Thco.Rice.MrsT Coakwell. Begouts-Bout Dsbegenaums-Boud, Mns C W Smith Sh*ngle gnaums-BoucLCo.Claris-Bon4l. C1 4 -ilIva. lUage gexaiums-Geo Bond Hann gl akt-Bond- Foliage plant-C1 à McGilhsry Lactanas - Bond. Cacti - Mr M Grifn, Lm MeMcillivray. Olmuade-Meec Uru or vase of plants-Miss Polly Smith. Pt tunias-Boud. Tube rose - Eastwood. Mi McQilllvney. Ivy - Miss Mitchell, Havi Cilla lily-Bond, W H Newbery. Other lily- Miss Poily Smith, Mrs B Burk. Oleander- Miss Mitchell. Begonias-Mrs T G Deverel Eastvood. GW»anuma single--Mes C W Smitî Ifss Poil SithS Do deubie-Duncan. fM C W Sm;ýDoZscetted-Duncan. Do 'Ii leaved-Duncaa. H Meen. Do foiage-I Duvenel, Mise Polly Smith. Fuchsias in flow, -Fred Burne. cactus luiftower - Dunca bpedrmn plant-Eastwood, Meec.. 3 jplants Dumua. Miss Smith. Lantana in fower Haves. Collection floyers-H Meen, M L.wler. bjeswurûum-M C ULver, H Mee fHollybock-MeCti. Table bouquet-Mis G McGilvray. Eastwood. Rend bouquet-M Lavler, Miss Smith. Bouquet by amateur Mn Gbe McGillivnay. Eastwood. Floral desi 3-Mes J A Deloug, Mn ÂAdams. APJ'LES-I5 varieties-F C Hoas, Bovusan, vlle, W McG or, Wbutby, R L Huggard Do desert-Foiunll, Roai. Do vinter-Hoar 0 oBell. Do fi-Foherglll Hoar. So- ta nRynard, Zethyr, T H Wlson. Ben Davi -las MoGrekor, 1J-K Gordon. Pewaume-V RMSeP4lIl -Mriseu. Mes Wlsmes oj Spltzuburg- Fothé 'lBeIL. Miideu' flusb-Ryuerd, 'V Y Hitai. Badwla- ReYard, Riée .R Gree u lRuÃ*4 abell n u"-Mzu M 1 1c rf- âigt k _____________t -ehl. Mariue-Deverell. OrglSlwes o 0cnts. Dr. Sen Suliaephl Frazer. Do. ftuit-Haast Copy fleursý- LymSues & Ca., Monlreal~ blsI Hayes, Janess. Animale or birds-Fre. lu* -Aens animate subject-?rrazpr. Plortrah .--Fratzer. Crayon frein cast-Mrs L C SmItb., Do. land- spe cp-J ouess, Cleudenan. 1)6. à . g'fiv L Cou iHst. Pencil dreving lus~p- Clendenan, Eaechusan. Pencil drswing, figure R -ayes. EVtrcman. -Sepia or Uoiietbnoim is figur-Feazer. Hayes. Lsndscapc-Zraser SCharcoal figure-Ceruel. ChmrcasilaudnSca --Coruelt. Peu sud ink- ,.keteh-.i4)oIg. r.de CgandUbet draviug-Mtss Cernel. Q01 -anig-onU -Preehaud, nuder 14 yes- pV Eanchmau, Stephenson.- I MISCELLANSOUJSi SRustlc vood work-Delonsg.,çts ~'Mrs. S Rià ,is, AWucourt~, lire Ueo Rob" rCanued pl'aumsz-Hatch, BuÉ Pei t Duarboin & Son,, EMswo:,-,' 'ter ID& Mm.Wu 4ep nria~IrsBBu~k.mm UTL*c j: cauIflw~Mtrfo5 Bond', Cagpegreen ThQm*pion. Gedn Brlt* Ou1Oc#iÂtri,,d mo.caU suah..OimolBlk. t-b ec ê~ifoi Ofe-5oUth of qubWil Piper, Bur1k. Vegetable eyster-.OOMl.VN>~, klexander, Duncaü. Putnpkim- 11ggard, LTLI.UB f esu. Table oerrts-Aleander- U Youfl'ec Ofc orfei <iOpe rà ble turnIP--Ryimd, Borehain. Par8fliP< d Barrigter Tt.Onc om 3crehoml. i3eet- Alewaidet' Borebane. T"> Pu eh & futledge, nLextlgeyal otl atoe-.Bod. Burk. fri t omatoeà sWWi5mer, bylu . W b * - %Iexaidei-.Water Meln-E ,S Deorboro rOcBt.Wity io, otherfilil. Muskmeleu gree-~Fotheîr1i AII niT tD Irs Burk. D)o scarlet-J A Burk, Mrs Btirk.DYDOMSO4 .A. :îitron-Pothtrgilll.Young., Cueunber- od tOfie-I hHOfé W ilson, Wlsm er, elrU -. eYa5flA8 BLO OD rF E m p ng I d c D t c lc t r l h u e Y lon d s u rnpa sne sr ,e&c .oOh ec e -, -u i U & n 'si c >nions wblte -Mow, Burk. Yellow -NMOw t ua =ds. ' ,..~ug It le a ometh of the, Pest01e, lu )à liAf' Burk. Red-MtU M Btirk,Mlss Mow. P1-kling Piew MeIdinan md cmoâ-aml. ely dlatered Block, Brook Street, Whltby. -Burk, Alexander. Potato - Mn Biutk lg«utunovteaih ufatm6 1 Ohickory -Dunlcan, Alexander. Collection Of aG YOU14G BMITII. JLL ,,B. arden vegeables-Boreham, Alexander. rr ^crs BIH E E 6y larriste! et.,- Iw iey te Lean.> 1881e0 DOMESTIC MANUFACT-URES. ON THE~ LIVER. IIDNEYS of Marr ae Licenses. Ofice - Smith,# Flannel, cotton work-U Yoting, Mrs Wi5mn PAND PORES 01% THE SlIN' Bleck, SBouîho Mret, B? cck St., 'Whitbl. Pli do-Yo'ing, Wîsmer. Rag carpet ço"ttOf&bimaso tmogndiutlO MGLIR Y arp-1)Mosonl.Youg, Dowoolen-~\isn>er eilig. enafteeo gidio5u DW&M(4LIR Young. Woollen blanket.s-Masofl. Wlsmer. .gere of acrofuleus, liherited, or contaSliior ion'cey ec ~orscblanets Vann, Wmer.Covele humours whfch Boat in the blood, perspira- Barrister',selotr.uOacrec Hse a e - Wiser i B gk.Wo tioi md sine Offce inu Mtii &Bakefn new block bev-Wse uk olight-~Wi5mer, ieBrocrIe.k St..'W hitby, seuth ef Ontario bmink. Burke. Woollen'stockinz. - Miss Burnside, MBrocN Wlsmer. Do sock-Btxrk. Burnsid C onTE E etockln 8-Ml85 j Mcpheron, mrs G R Van tant çoolenmit-F Earchrnafl, EPsOm., Ite Most pronouncedfuatureltults rernaTkable Mrs L C Smit. plain yarn-young, Mrs Wm effica<y incai atilt poson ad impintiet ______________ Wallace. Dodbled and twlsted-~Burke. Young. frous the blood, and building up the wcrn Woolenrug- Coakwell, Rie. Rag rug- ad debilltated parm cf the ytem. Thtss, Dr8, Warren ïf bMoore.' Masn, C<akwll. in stubbcrn cases ci acrolsila ad other dis- LADIES WORK. o eue' dependlng upon impue blod. quck Uggtx-Ohilds dress-A Holut, MrsJn resutIt are ebtained froux ilu puriying and J. J.Moore, m. D., F Warren, M. D. Dui Ladies dress, amtntetr-Wal lae. Delong. tssue-bldng preperties.BrkinWhty Gent'm shirt, machine mnade-~Wallqce, Wismer. Boki.wiby Quilt. cotton_ Mtison, Delong. Do woolle- & r KN*T A U M-1-Ofc ot 1& Wlsmer, Hoist. Do ilu&-Mrs T Smith, Wis- 'tE KN TH T C R ."office heurs 9. a. M. fiehusi mer. Counterpane, knitted-Mason, McGiliv- sco'rrs BKIN SOA te il aaxi. te 2 p.m. ra. Do crocheted - Simon Irvin, Whtthy, Beautifes tise Cmplxio. W' pivate Telephone CommUficatiff Wallace. Ladies' underlothin- Haist,Wl lace Do2uarticles-Deliotg. Mrs W j flvcroft. Agincotwt. Crocbeted table mats -Irvine, Toronto Wa oworks. 1p. P. BOGARET, gI.».,L.D.U. Sceley, Toronto. Macranie work - Mrs T Smith, Wisnier. Fancy woollen shawl crochet- An. Outbreak of Disectse Feared and Great Physicsa, Surgeon sud AcceUcler etc, ed-rs ea cDoald Hat. uilting bY Precautions Rteccusmended. office ana Resadence next to mi âaint'I edM ona. Child . ast S WalceT wo Spcu) 1 -h cietChuroliDundas Street, Whitby. X. B.- band MasonWi et D acn'oRl, Seca) et.1t-.'acde Dental 8urgery un alilite branches promitlY Fancy slippers-Wismfer, C F Stewart. Fancy wrhlcb recently occurred tn the Toronto water- atteuded te. work slippers-Smyth, Mviss F Devlîn. Lamp werku conduit bas dreated a great deal cf con- __________________ mat-Haist, Mason. pin cusboh - S,ýcoleY. atettioanl,,sd au outbreak of diseaae lu pos- ma*U Sik laanese crazy work-Mason, siyth. sible. Doctors are presorblng g ;e various re- Dpinlog-Mrs L C Boi h on.Lauudered cautietns te b. taken, ana amcngr theusPt s Dr. H.a w mghni an Dahin-thth.Young. strotigly recommended that tbe kidnsys should LLDIM' WORK ORNAMENTAL - Knitting be kept in a utate cf perfect regularlty by woo lceVazan, ougDo. Cotton-M155 misas ef Do'Id'u Kldney Pille, a remedvwhlcbENT S T. Clendevan, Sayth. Crochýed 'lace, care- experience ha.sbowu te be equafly emiu Vanzant. Smith. Do. lace fine-Vannt, Clen- in the latest au vieil asin lué diiarlieut stages cfGrs Gage'.W tb denan. Do. tidy cotton-Vanzant. Haist. kidiiey trouble. It is aise stated by the phv Over (Tgs&Gaioro Ub Roman embroldery-Vaizant, Masoxi. Em. sicians that this season in eue in whieohtls _________________ broidery, silk or satin-Masota, Miss 1 McPer kldney. are peculiarly susceptible te dasorder. son. Toronto. Do. plusb-Smyth. Do. wool-±Ù cL f ltU . len-Holat. Do. Crewei-Stly"tb, Hoisi. Out- The Dake ef Marlborough arrived in the line'figures aud flowers-Mason, Mrs J R H eard. oity Monday. Ribbou and plush work-Devliti, Smith. Mexl- W .Y B OD'.L . cati and drawn work-Vanzaflt, lialst. Berlin W.E6AN LD ... wool work fiat-Miss McPberson, Toronto, cwt, uvyraa riaeBe Vanzsa!t. Drawing rooem screen. painte-Mrs 19p lfiur4m LUnIm*Dt ha th BOU" ort SreyerazdDringt.gie W H Hare, Prince Alb3ert. Do. woked- Pr e ,Ot Hit anit.ti lace--Soyth. Point lace- A OT Hais, MoPhersen. Kensingon embroidery- , . A POST M~cPersO, Mss Brusie orot. Fancy The Garibaldi veteratis vwere revlewed at Architect late with Laugley ton-McPhI5<XI. Suyt i. e fa pillow-Masefl. Bouse perusor h ave p riodicai attacks cf V lls ti à se rutur e Hlait. Tilet set cotten-Vauzant, C F Stew- Canadien choiera, dysenteyor Diarbea, aud oprieare fr rmedlieX?90=1struoui ast. Do. satin-Ieard,1 Vatizant. Carrnage or "ae te use great precautieus te avold the dis- laOffie-ir 0fatox 202w..n Eose' rsofa afghan-BpDk. Misn Clendenan. Wored sais. Change f water, cookinu, aud grn str. POBO20,Wxty tcamp chair--Haist. Do. stool-Haist. -Tew' ril uet ru uteatos osc csy-Ida Scoley, Toronto. Foot res, uPhpho. va vcwuld recemmend Dr. J. D. Kil. - AVJLY stered-Haist, racara. rancy basket-Maset>. I s>yuentey Cordial a. beinff thse bet à um mIBE, 'wamyB 8 W icker basket-Mrs L C Smit. W albasket- d in t h tis asrket for al summer com.ous-t u ew P " 8s 0tiayes. Fancy leather werk-Mru Delong. psusI e rp r taken iu water Havlng modineexuw reli, s Pans pited-Herd, EHayes.Panel worked wîsenf.be symptme are noticed ne further apare rd te etedthehan f bsin -Table . Piano-Haista Spnk.nTabl t Ue- il van Peridgt iehresna Tal - S d as. i erHaais pik. Taeau. c>levi i PesecOana estaddey business viii be doue te obi sith, Stewart. Sideboord su--SOfr!ISpiOk. x. eceor MOoeuie4; cf Petroleai died at faction. Colars a- spicity. CaOU aud1 Whisk bolder-Vanzani. Poney basket-Mfl (JaJiary of consusuption. nay .hop and stock. GSe lUce. Fancy tldy-H&lst. GraS. Sacoul 7 W. CALYEUaLEyp bsg- gaist. Paintig ounplash -20 Raes., O a T usOý.Seà i4OO o t>k 1 u e r, ?af atÃœg "_O n'k or stiUn-M iUss P SMith, <, bà ù » d y R eguest.) 01rptjW I ce Painting on white vevet-H5s5o"~ P=»u panting-Rayes. Plaque-sud 1XW5JU 4Deà r 3fr Rdior-WIZ-y - kin ylu - - pousser brasa work-MrsGi MDOIi.O fr hiraer «yo vtube thai J NO . O LE - routo. Devil. Bradlg on slk-SmYth, BI! I wll gladty send, pFR te an,,stifeefrei OB E Hl side. Do, ctton-Veazsat Wismer. L1A Lest Maiheod, Nervous Debllity, Nigbt swooilen hood- ait Do.e. af o L- ses , « îe, Icdeý'1îsud ti.-sults -DEALER INi ALL UINDS 0F- D H-aust Cleudenan. Paitig on bofc l-De - of youthful f0lly, p tiffrs f a si ple s-d hMiagles W' Hayes, Heard. Do. gbas-Groat1 . i~o- . pesii es'cfsef-u e lh ater be- r- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ M Ãapbd-sZft ayeoeaoox n ubge u Mpeed upon for yeans Sa 1)0.0m a4SIu - crochete-Vazauft. Teedylaeysm155 ul b quac ed ptetPOdcUesalscre F ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Mdte Noet ayku-Hit dcn buin, bumt v: icine be esd toear obtalned frend OBL, m w' tis -w p. lii fb,0 -x 'be adas wu.- Lt»M Fune ~luik Dc.r W.4or M.Glesn G*u*#d JuIyrc le;; Bey. 9; Iiev. 18 1;oct 14 ;bDec. 17. OÂwflW!w~OTO mith, t inil Jum. si; Moh 14; Msy16 uy1;Ot Io,. Dec. 18. BE? WO-eo. W. Bruce, IBeaVetono Blerk»MTh e s ~;oct. 16;é Dec, 19. UrlGovz-. Ij Utile le, tJptergrove, Olerkg-MaOh 6; 18; e&t. 17; De2. s- 't (Otob*i 151h, 1894. IDuflda St., Whitby, y. T. NWPORTt ProprietO! - onsmercttlmonealiberally demi-t vith Teamlug dcoue at neasonable pulces. P reight sud B&age hauled at nessom 'able prneu. A Cah8isocltd LIFE INSURANCE -Mant8tur6e' LIUN & Acoldexi Insurafloe Co.$Toronto. - Largeut Capital Stock Lite lasurance C on the contineut Ninety per cent. e11 erg aoelu u t surplu lureturmed te t, polie>' holders. Aitdaimsare paid witho - daeIay or dimeount on proof of death usaturity' ef endovaient &k J. B., POWELL,' Les, Peb. lot, OS.-'Agent, W1hiti rg DENTIST. Cor* Ming og t ooa a, 1Ven finlg rcnowlg by ClrelaSSOpcertons ai Je Imeut remôcuble raeCuits ity'. rbea tu theeitYiSi l t ud ll ssai- sLc1>o~i. mae ne'exra ldige. W. m ARNER DEALBB IN SOLE AGENT hi Whlitby fr lthe »Celebrk Office an4 d Yardjws Est 7of - Uptown Station., Wzitby oct. 251h, -1894. 11EV. FATHER BtC ESTING EXI F ffered Prom an à which Dr. Wisti MrOther lMed Caledonis, N. S., Gold Faith leadO maay t eue bas ýexperienced Z5500fl 1 ejeicO. it iÙ thn ath witisout formiles imc euntros4', 1 fanai ived 11ev.T. priest cf ibis diG12 '6.me tc>the esans ci SY~»eW tl u e e Pink Nb5ango1Mid untelda E4wïig, ai lire. -46reyenenld ut f4la, but. abtere e cure hg duty 1 gta i ps in bis 0" iWerds led te taesPink, thse testjmoTli*l troubwlcd ils au 7i trd ied mmaid et ay&ia iWl underge au OP5t >oldcoime - e gnsal feelinge nue. one box lm tao take -ahne themafsiriil -am oonip 1Y- _ .sdtreaghu t waY ~ ,so1nn Pink P1flfor gc Eaulei Butler ut "atacoU i' have aPP1ared .-lime talime,- -W0fouis-itis - Second ta o 15n1 'i.kule Head CURED PERkAI BY TÂlKIN SAyers 'IVs nubled a loni each.It wuea ss with severe pains ln tise of funesS and tendern bad taste ln my mouth bands and tee! cold, ani Stolmsh. 1Itried agoo reeammnded for thisi vws nDot utuI1 Bêgan Takit ..Ay-er's Pis *t l Ineelved ant netbenefit A sing e dld tise work for me,; freInomieadaches, end C. H. HUTCHINGe, Ea iAER!'S Aar<fod Modal ai ail tbe ort 07 iby HORTICULTURAI. r