~ IO~5S.GkAlDW1w&eM v ifmff tee ~ oin -Satlll-J h & Aim -ewiser.U ' ?w4Iag- ï $10111003 yrS.o lieg & jharrVî et.-Bs pes any other viuit1w1 NUU1l.SaAiOfl 517 -Ale2 L= -k nier, w.st erood mare-j D Ba sdôà t Thoo Rundie. DAIRYPOUE 't fr 0d1 iI3fl Cooke-Plumb. i yr old -u utrntlB hue'a ft -R ud r. Fily of z t .Bm sdu,'w BUTTER- b b t ar'son -Mrslb.1m i&d , t diN harneas- 8a1dnRu BaR.St.M e n y gOHadden, J Mrs A Orchard. MMswm PaTS0l -r Wb&Idt o. dt Baaaw Mr ayage-Baladen. Sdllars. Cir 5ock 2o î bs arOfl ?drB D )us tiMa. uh. A.ORICULTURAL HOtSBS--Brood Mare, jdas o, rchrd. rC 2lsOchr, r tms1 Mrs Harper, Ww ,Reynard 2 yr old filly orJMUlOMsHre. o b9 rI r geldlnngickMrs 5Ibo do., 1îcow Otly, Mn Js wo4 qll o gedigAlex Gray, Bagshaw. F117 onVikeY org8inHrprtonn y l pitOcad M J A M1llansa- eo of!195, P Earchman, Bagshaw. Teata ln wheelel', Mrs E Boltofie. omn haruess, Vipond, Jos. Ward. Mare or 611lY CK5 atr, 0Ia aesterr of any age A Bryant. factory. Home made, Mrs C wiemer r r ~SADDLR' OR CARIIAGc-.Aged stallion, Bruels. EGS WSBarnes, A Stewart. i yr old etalliol CARRIAGES, WAGONS, SLEGS C Geo Asling. Brood mare v;ith féal, Chas Bates, Wm Ward. 2 yr old. filly or gelding, Single carniage, covered-Jas Swan. Si-51 epc W Thopipson, J Christie. i yr old filly or gle cutter, Jas Swan. set Ea aineCs,1faisti gelding, Christie Bros, Wm Thomfpeofl. F Lucs Set single Clark , , Laing& Teata over 151 hande 1n hart ess, J Vander and 2 A o. arn el Rt ,zfaC Lt burs. Barrett. Saddle horse, Christie Bros, Mehari y. Asson atrYmd l t. Lilt cP*r« M. Kuta4fuh4n Oliver. Colt or filly of '95, W Ward, whitby. Beat made suits, gent's. C L whit'bat Chas. Bates, Stallion of any age, W Barnes. by,1 1, 2 and 3. Pair woolefl blanketse Mr$s ZMl SROAD HORSES-StalIiOtl aged, 2nd, H w Wallace. mnoat re McKenzie. i yr old colt or filly, G Byers. CABINET WARE. Colt or filly o! 195, Christie, Geo ABesliuteJssP o, ot.Drw 2 yr old Asingb, WClardghtfeld. Bdomsiej.opC. ot r iieauaclie Cyroagedingor Si le ing room furniture, JesaoP CO-. J Nott. Din-Sct CURED PERANENTLY Bu:hell. Over i5I hands, T Bours, J Stalkin, display cabinet ware, jemSp Co.,JNot W Brethour. Pony atallion, ShetlandL Extra beet collection drawiflg room furnit- 13 oe.CATTLE ue o C. FINE ARTS. DURHAMS, Bull 1 yr old, jas Leask. Cal1 Qit paiintilige from life portrait, Mrs Hayes .4 y e r$S P i sl of' 5, J Ward. Bull any age, J Leask Miss Alion. Painting from animais, Alti oLSTRINS. Bull of any age, R Walker, son~, Hayes. Landscape, Allià on, Hayes. - iat and 2nd. Cow any age R Walker, watercolors su bjects, Hayes. Do. animas 1 Vwas troubled a long time wlth sick 1 n 2. Helfer 2 yr'5 old, Walker. g Mre Heard, Hayes. Landscape, Miss Sara lie fchO [ta.Susail êOOfTlIliGd JERSEYS OR GtYERNSEYS. Bull of an yae Rose, H-ayes. Do. any other subjeci, Miss i itiseere pain% lu th~ epe~ es G Steele. Cow of any age, JA Bon gard, Jno Sara Rose. Painting on elwLroOa of f liesa and tende ies% ln one eye. & Aam.Hefr2 r od as ot.1 rMre Heard. D.p1 So clrIlys taitaste lnI ii ii mUt t te: old heifer, W Marks. Heifer calf,MC r an- Heard. Do. ,satin, oit, Heard, Hay-es. Beet N h1% anid feet co14, uiLt s 51ues s dell, S Vickery.M collection paintings in oui, Hayes-. iN recomach I tfr tD gompany rebut I GRADESs. Cow givin milk or ln calf, ay water color. Hayes, Rose. Pencil drawlng, was not until 1 age, Leask, i and 2. Cow 3 yre old, Leask' F Earchmiaf, Mise Delong. Crayon, J A M Began akingBest berd, 4 females, jas Leask. Ox Or Hayes. 'Painted ecreen. Hayes. 1-steer any breed, Leask. PLANTS AND FLOWERS lY A yer's PUIS SHEEP. tha I ecevedan~lnglIle pnna LSHROSSHiREs.-Ratn 2 shears and over, Wlndow plants-Mise wlcox. Geratiium, tuet 1beel. Àansîng I lokîe e fiso Burnett, Leask. Siearling ram, E J wilcox. Clîmbing plante, wilcox. Cactus, liet e wl f o gre. n az o r W beeler, Leask. Rami lambs, Leask 2 best collection,' wilcox. Hangiflg basket, f'ii'nuOe wdach e and aweimn." - e we2ser adoeBurnett. Leask. 2 wlcox. vase filled with plants, wilco,Mr il i heaTcI!<Qa.Ea e uburn. Meshear s, unoet, iand 2. 2 ewe Rodman. Collection fluage plants, not, ese Iambe, Leask, Burnett. Best pen, rami and than 6, wilcox. Collectionl Begoflias, willoux. ~ >11 S 4 femnales, Leask. Three specitteIl plants not otherwle uared, AV 'E R U COTWOL-Ramn 2 ehears and ovef, C wilcol, Rodmian. Collection tut flowe'S AwBYOd Mdal t Wold'SPaIr Garbutt, i and 2. herlitig ram, Garbutt, Mrs wm Rodman,Mr Swu Ha eWee 2.shars land , Garbutt, ad 2. Ro n eog Ayer'8 Srd <.ti io he J09L Ward2. Ram amb v, Garbutt, i and 2. 3 oqUett, Reomn, wnglra eiu F. _____________________________ sharling eyes~ Garbutt, Ward. 2 ewe LDE EATET Iam, Garbutt, 'Ward. Bes pen, rani and Best collection of ladies' work 2 Or more 8-vdIuh ufrn. 4 Iambe, Garbutt. ser ndoekinde independent of other enti les, Mrs Jas SavedMuchBuffeing.LE1icESTER.Ram 2shas ndo McGregor, Mre Hayes. Pint lace, Miss C Reynad, BashaW.Shearit ar y- Rolph, Mise L Irvin. Houiton lace, MnsR 2 ewes 2 ashanS ad oer Rngar, RhW uIa.Otma ok rsSot r ]REV. FATIIER BUTLER'B INTER- nard, Ligge. Ram lamb, Ligge, Rynad. J Bruce. Darned net, Mrs R Short, Mrs ESTINO EX PERIENCE. 2 sheartigz ewes, Rynard, Ligge. 2 ewe Reader. Slîppere embroidered, Mrs Mc- Iambe Liggeizand 2.« Best peu fat sheep, Gregor, Mrs Wismer. Macrarue work, Mrs nffered Froin au Absooss in the ide any breed, Rynard, Garbutt, 1imn edwrMsMhny n et wbich Dr. Williau>5 Piuk Pille cured SWINE. Wilcox. Arasene work, Mrs Dtifl, Mrs R Aftr Oho Meicile Fat.IMI'ROVED BERKSK1RES. Sow any age, Mrs Dundas. Embroidery on satin, Mre Caledotila, N. S., GoId Hunten. Christie, dip. Boar i year and over, John Paxton, Wrs Wallace. Enmbroldet'y ou silk, Faith leada masny to believe, yet when Malyofl. Boar under i yr, Christie. Sow 1 Miss Hayes. Netting, Paxton, Meharry. onue bas exverieflOed ayhn and lias yr and oven, Chrieties. Sow under i year, Crochet work and fancy braid combiued, autthngChristies. Miss Fanuy Parr, Paxton. Crochet work in reaoKi to rejoiCO, it ie far stronger proof YORKSHIRE, and aother large breede. cotton, Short, Mise L Irvin. Crochet work than faiLli witbout neasonable proof. Boan 1 yr. and oven, Heard, Bryant. Boar in wOI. 2fld Miss Dundas. Crochet work iu ÃŽ. a pleasant road, paeing by nunei'ous yr, Mrs Jno Burk, Heard. Short. Knitted fancy wool shawl, Mrs Kel- Tr 'ý4 farie, hved Rey. T. 3. Butter, the. psrieh TAMWORTHs. Boar auy age, Burflett, lett, Parr. Ladies' underclothlng, machine priest of this district. Reoports8 baviiig Bradley. Sow any age, Burnett, Bradley. made, Mrs E J Wheeler, Mrs W J Haycroft. coin tothe ars ed y Dr Wilias' PULTY.ad sewing, Parr, Miss Ida Nott. Cottoni wer ?ink leul ce.ffet nM.Butrt Pair light Brahmias, WV Haycroft, i and 2. shirt fiand made, Delong, Short. Do machine Ipa Pink Fiforme t.iofl on t r. uert Pair pantnidge cochins, Earchtiati. Pair muade, Walace, Ms U Youg. Shiýrt fiannel thil see inoruatin n te sbjet- r-buf cochilis, HaycrâUft, Wood. Pair ply- hand made, Short, Wiuzner. Knitted faucy kuc 'butte poi e ry13PhterMIS Of thue moth rocks, Hayci'oft, Hd55 Pair otton stockings, Short, Dundas. Do wool wWî Pin k Pille, and eaid they liedt saved himn Langshatn5. Haycraft, Jones. Pair Don- tockluis, Short, Young. Do woot miyttens, j*, untol suiez ~ and enliaa eaed he kige, aft, st and 2d. Pair gaines Mrs: Bruttî, Duff. ...Doêwool ~' ti T ue rvere nd g nte m ba n f e it aei t tlI C hristie, E archn Im a. , Pa ir silver spangted W ism er. Sofi, llow , M n R ý B ùue.fr1 .tln -. lieTe i rYet gîvi genea bi ursSliot d. Pi sle pu roitet set. any kind,'Parr, 'Hayes. Tea P bediar)Y at"vng apu ltetiMOnjicle hat iaburgs, Wood. Golden spazigled cosey, Mrs W Rose, f Mehariry.* Pair piUew irez at'~,but after our rpore rematrked plns Wood. Pair whiite face black shams, McGregor, Dufi., Piano scarf, Missop reOte pl ads Wnd.s, Elhitt, Bur- Neltie 'Rose, Delong. Whisk and holder, u ti~ti~ oe ws rellygretfulfor ~-spansh,..~- Pai houan e D egMcGregor. Table ceutrepiece, Clara Po side ed rugen .;mia 1 us ityUnarleYaos r~bsh2MS AeOU Ms. aYorunglod.A 19ay r co mof th b o d. Aâle ,Rynard, M anders Sf. i bus jar strawberies Prese e 1 re ou g Pink Pilla for gliseage ft oe,'d barle, zeyu, Young, FaterButeriewol nowfl,troughout mrwowfat er rahYul.Any other Mn Rose- Jar Plume Preseldl Yug Ibis o utr i e latrnn k aoineher Ã11tysmI, Netherton. Mandersso. Bue Mrs Sillaf. jar plume canned ieSr tie couny w n ef ltsni fic h t ln e w ,e eh rto , Lawry. z bu o s, M rnMonroe. Jar black carrante pre " haveapparedin ii.Gold IUtnter fron, whte oats, Netherton, Williate.zbsevdMKeetSiaf.Jrcrau lim tetire. n equiifl a ti. tore backoat, Vwig Hacrat.Indian C0f5s eserved, Ida Nott, Mrs Sillars. jar goose- o! J.toE. uebiigOn d N . E nq- Do las, it ou g, whitfield. Beaus, Nethez ton, V Usg rries pr s&V d SYaSo rt. Jar -a-p- lof ound'. ha Pin k Pand lN. .d asale i bus timothy see, WleUier, NethetOfl- terdies pfeserved, Sillars, Yu .Jr rasp- secfond ht oe Pin.kCui al aeRed doyen, Lamb, Kyziard. Asike, aIÀl', bernies cauned, Rodlali, Young. .jar peariý sueod ifnlie . MruCusio!onany g Marks. Flaz. Lessnk,Youiig. pesrvdRodüiztl.MrsThon Graham.. Do thow rpîied tht ho hadhg ap L Jag Caz.ege . s o U jarp cliesp ra y p nn say Pik Pilla had helped miegi, Caraegie. Mirs Heani Ida INo1t. Jarcerrta es péerY liiz] n erfu.ll 50 IFtELDr OOTB Eary Rose potatoes, 5mars, RodiBi. o canned itsW Ross boxs banflgti. fnm s r d ymark Hebol, tuC.d ~aghton. Do. Rurti s ilai'Do c<aoSti esa Dr. Willis.1l' Pink Pilla s ar n , ou igGedOW bro.D .Bat fws e. jrc n te in rao b printe Izzr ted markB* New York$1 A olpardt M L Crindell. Bfuels. jar cton resetvëd fBrel Val m tmWliliam s P nk P is are D o. b. # l etaiZD5ury, Chni5 iO9i rsJO h Y t*. IHors.r cBkie uarr U M. Don. auy other ar ut oulu , Prdy It .jar ay tt cff HiP bundfd, 5n any eir ho offel'ssub- lnp MY other v à rty Y oui5 ro aLiuteS iiiandhuy frdeatyng1 fa ~ardYOl3 ber? rf4longY,"Y0Wl 'M%, î< - s, %.&>' sm e .J b, - p .Bilt Oca0 h elerlk myWà nýr.d _ý .ý o. any rd ~ . nad rf, K dt yo «A so*d b. avoidsil. Tii. ubl il coa d b d buler nd n n tnes ,îgPa p l i ety Sr ndel aMtleu ausolb., G er j u p ii~ nia ominernddto desSte0oth w . ,m Brs riW Umic. »c@,esiro l b, caeve- Th e a re Wtiizë à tsËe'ph ' z.EV TUCuI.'l ' -Delon Il wl anOnea ord-5o *i1sql an maknshoe 1 rap a t Wo"flsdv. WbOG13TAIJ'Si$O raba Jsme, T hey are SU ïs o eBt R 4 bb er a, g , J 0 i sù r e i ' ou u l Tab-jule £ n-, aie, IIeOI1,vari3ety of wine, Kellett,, 5Ilai 0.age froniVonijas due r.dýAà .a s o u eel or thoni.ý deailer r tn'@Mnfe, lood 1 ~betsi aoy,, vetYtýofa.db% rsMrai Dr WilliaxiVîmmbedola' u W V ki 0ck are sold 31wIeï 04. r T,, lfloOntario2"a' Dboxea _, #Pt- ci eh! ý TuevsI~ 5 a~s I tri e d o ia -,a fr*4but :O~psf m to i z i îtbh bd u efèottl m n- W. have the vinet, 8100- Jtabe d»be ,,Th egaWOdblion$>o~O~ BEUTFU A,ÇRIOAN Scot' Emlso n WALL PAPE8 fal usef ~ or siclldy deliate, children Wheu tlieir other food ,xouris em.It supplies lin a concentrated, easily digestibleBod' Mac îst the sh0nexit they xieed to build them up ind give them Bt'>L snd te 11l't.It Cod-ltver 011 mnade palatable and easy to T ate cornbied wth te HYPOPhosPhites, both of which are UowEST:- PRICES.-1> lmarkftble Xutrjeults. oeeryadqa is hia . fl'0teersuad Ito accezt a substitu teI on.atadgefitohc. & Bowflelle,, U Druggistâ 50tand $1.P B AR M QEZLNG H.SCO TT, AND PIN WORMS6 eo ITiaIs rp îM«"Igrp1 nU adan here lis office w111 be at E. R. Bîow' doi oCueD ala. u t th» rCSUd poor, nima nd toisak.Tihrincis telegraPh. effice, faCofY et tufs. NewbmYtî *ympomsarea aeerelt- wiloh a Wnstas l e mqnih z bouse os Brock Street, sOiith. New Puznps g ýb .nos'm t b eL um i »W'tm l le te tt lg thai wqe~ nasufactlined and old PusiPO rePsred. It l ~ Ub~Ottlu uifeer nenuUeÃ"U~ dai guteral aedandwork warrant- f er e e ,orts t h *j ffses O - I s tuli u i t o c a i n e r al U d s i l o reY oD. ozeOselYs nio a SeXUd h Ver a l ù« r o&î5.iYd. WelIs dug or cleane Ot. )dr d b .8 M , fan' tèb byike tbso lltU ae dK . O O T T -4 lodY a Wed aad otolq c ewhity andCbbawI bmeuI l l&M »8511 SP ,bsir lts uduer, Feb. 14, 1895. htyan b5 5 $19500,000 twbtg-,tbe, Qu WIdtlby ÂigeLY Sb.ppUd. E,. M. nst Fai Visor= %oeeo=SeUhemd eEteditof f th la-entrentSidwratenMn e~à - oftt5o elklW iPout hm s ie otbsisnitd teudr i t biirI&' r éq b toBi4Tie1f sflyPblcAutono it reise3. j.~ ocIB ft m . (Special) -~~~~GMafLY ert Si h t o.WibeW D g re expessed b iaito mto t me Ids N S AYmC O E 3iz9.atZ010à . .atdnlà l~ I u n ae e Irtae the Dodd' b Medise omyal ! thtf& engtees al !LtN. 8 cr wt=ahsu owltobe sM it- d4ntbv iplyo h: mute t o.lhiy As i hefn cwn Doti'a KdueyPill, thr~~~33 ntoc *t. o u uhol bas1,7thistbnsbecillOsowdelvnd ata.'ForfE, nr y aî kno s'n fr due olu 8 te aure of oraofi the L . PAOe ir bA K SWe. I A D , Z, L >.i, çld4y r so lu 11W T hi o mast Ati ast ie de> gb X p medy~ ~~~~~~~ige woud t ___________PublieLivr roulewxuoeis0 *rete t8hiithe4th oue hteb, OnIEi ToiauTf, (Epecel) S t 3 .orny Ilt u r es180ClOER td, xel5-at rd bk 1"K ce mréosyI n NB fA rinlC g18Iand 1anwel, steule arM . r s ed b i i O j. u t a t U T , I e fa Oi sta les gIdnd ue>~ buu l f o fr Lot N O b om e e '-- t, ~ ~ ~ M dcn ismpn offt.iI6am fhe m co, he tY yt> ', c a l cub~ p.rt a h o d a rahitiy. Also--and tteGfaim - Ctl&daot bav a dis1a t teit e w pun *b' 4 h, ., Piues bae b..» lçSk, etc..inloro! pa geI5i'u md due ildiiCure lO7 mmth foss r DO th e h thestae uhs b dl aVO h . o1ve a gitdup- odi SO a owlithn tIdO i th' th.. 1895. raurS Iw~' Wios fMUIn 00 rvp r etaobit nout 28 c r e', c f, W o u ~ d s u n thie gentheaMau -iUiï ofyt' 1P . b . vI t i, . o o t~ I 5 a 1 - ý1 .v e~LI I A , du e We i l , r ae e l 7 I d b2 I swhtch1) .u> - uBti- >oulon bas poîuztod ontel'd shave at ave been-ý, ns would ack.ow-, 1amnotr ce. icen butitht te, oNi t a ile m Qm I can lu any of man, Sowsuich« oftlzeir ay soti nof the <write I ect is to y rate. -royal of paperj But met 0 of re- -ng, and latter. rt andà Ian in- IItile public' lnessed- je pro- 'JIn the e fu-- k ore a g e c d o ! h o Wl-A l IHamiltonl 'Inatisai tha wflti8Ptesý be wet this Infante mie nor bstftute