ýK-uço .urugs, Porflmery, ~<Toilet R Reui8itieS ~'Drug Lins, 8 D~~gStore,1 015. South, Oshawa. B.RAWAI SEPT. 27e 1895. BRfAVA PAGE OSEAWA. FUçSTIC&.- Oshawa subseribers B CerisreM y ,rsact an ybsns ýK W$ do o el totcail at M. E e'm'for boy*' ready madeclething. yotu wtsh a »Ice French china dinner or set.et nytlnglu auc chnaor glass- ýe go E l3.Morgà u & CSon.!' 'wiII puy anyrparties contemplating buy- M. engagemaet or weddlng ring to aec large stocko! FeIt Bras., Oshawa as r wMlU 1 thls month bory cboap for cash. kzine dlamond 14K.Ponly s5. They are 1jiakl ysoins pcal affors in Gents',1 le.'Mnd oystol ed dsilver watcbes. thein. Felit Bro. Ur R GOudal wvaslu tovu las aturday. rLX K&Mresmlvdod h o frenEglad lmi Moiday Mms C Ievlas of Torto. is visiting ber fatiser, Ur Warrent.* Mr llrersomi, .1 Everson & Hawkins, vas in I..osdoss ha tweok. 'UrF Mar ô(Rocbestere sfflâta few days in leva racectly u18lcls hms fien Mr 1 N Le Roy>.01ethte Ontario Loin and Savinga Co., retarseM fcom lits holidays lest Sai- Misa Alice Ccad loft ce Mouday for Orono te agam. ake. charge oe!uMVis1Wmuln's mfliuom mrs-W lm YBrlenad alyad Mn Sn spesnc a, fw dmy l Kij ueeIssveoiiing U )(fr i$Mmdssi asÃerSelter ef Cape 'Viucet, Novew à k,*ê-vlslting-' Ur asdti i Lisk, Feuit Hil Heom. %e P PFletccher of tise chrstian chcsb 8at- wM tise provb" t1 hnlanan ndeaver cou- ventipuulsed lu BmadStfees weeh. :R Js lusem, aftwrssllases*of ove weeks,. wseetot À chargo cibeducch lmseSUD.- deyuorobog. Roi MClake Ocmplod ehepl- pl it e eslugI. Me Kisesexp'etic.be able to taisonh ifmgam use 4noost 'bu '~t. eba cub Md Bowde"S']Park éveeplayeti lui e Matu s svm smr MOe M= se b4r. L. J. Docker' en sat""dy wght sud eus ral eglUtmT, viiis totbelere>oeDing 1t lm k fo r .Mn rlu the dees, scetise ln- sblvosturprlsbd Cc r. <Çeo, Ailey>8tBlm bad boas eui to iuci popular viîh tise yong peOple ~~ ~Ales., andet Hendersos6 barrister, .eoftthe lav fine of *Hendemsen& -itel, " &sclY,"wusunitdinl Marriage chis afiercon .at Vauceuver t is MiW Susan Crawford, fourîli daugister of Me. Wm, à MeCramsey, ex-M. P for Halton, Ontanlo. lise ceremeniy tecoirplace ai thes Ramer streot meoche- disi cisurch i 4 occdock, sud vas conduciod by' the Rev. Coverdale Watson. Thse'bride vas givon away by lier father. and had as brides. maids her 515er, Miss Lottie McCrâney, snd niece, Mis% Margaret MfcCeaney. ~h~o wuaseuppcrted by Mr. A. B3 Matkenule. Thse bride vas dressed ln a charming fawn travelling suit, wlth bai ce match. Af ter the cocomony, tbe happy couple left the cburch, innid a abower cf rice. and drove te tbe reaideuce eft Mr. Me- Craney, where they roelived thse congratulations cf nuinereus frends. Mr. and Mms Henderson wlll defer isole heneymoon trip tdu a mare con- veicamnon, as Mr Hendermsonaprfssoa engagements yull praveut hlm lea:in g fi he ci t& for any lengtli ef dime just nov. The happy couple wll arrive lu the city this evenln,ganaudin thse course cf a 18vdaya vil beginbonse-kep- Ing ln choir nov home, corner of Second street »ad li~fth avenue. Mrs Heuderson doos ,net como te W.uistec a straniger. Por- a,*ne sbe held an important poicon on the teaclslng of tho Colutubian Meihodist Colloge. aud macle many friends lu tise civ, vise yul be dellgited te welconie ber bhidi agaiu.0 A Comanon Peactie Mr Geo Brook, vho fies on tise MéGiU e*tate, liat a remxacrablo exploit ene nigise lust vek. Aboutthree wéeoks go bejoaw a itranger enter lis gardon aud sample bis prapes. Flndiug them sot ripe onougl tihe mtnweut away. The rame mmn drove pat thore on Monday veek, sud Mr Beach noticod tisat ho vos taklng a men- tal cbart of thse promises, se ho edd-d-tespeud that ulgisunuder bis ove vine sud fig creo, watcblng for ehieves. I vas net mniea su au heur or tvo pose midnlgisu when tise thief re' turcd and proceeded te pick the geap=s Fmaie Brock var'idden under tisé flrst bush tbat vas selected for ebksnsd w vbe omade a move t e sizethse mnsutise latter rau asaItfer lis lite. However frock overhauled hlm, sud made hlm surouder, after a flghc lunvisici thse tdibo trled te bite sud eheote hlm. Ho vas held unili mernng. vison Constable Hainan wenc outsud - brought hlm and bis herse sud wagon e ouw. Ho gave bis nain eas jacuis Helpet, zoo Pear st, TSo a nte, u asflned 84 and costs. As ho let vithout thse oovey- auce onqury vas instituted sud Georg Glaspel clainied MemeOf ciickens vhlcb Hlpeit bad stolen thse saine nigis hat ho vas captured. Word wau sent te Toconto aud thse ChIo agie brouglît boe, but MagbstutG$rmelt hlm cfi vlth 'sand caste on account of! tie raeunt arrivai of<fls in îbe iolpert f&mlly. lenbpcHelpr vaslking up a colkriOCI for their =oct wheu ho vluted tise beuseries aud vhnoard. Tise hoe r uned onite belong te a relativeocf He! ports iu tho city-. whltber le vas sent, W. do net doubt tisai may sncb mem a Helpert go a distance loto thse cuntry sud thon Cake a ulgbt of ite steal a wagon loat on choir raturu. . E. ROGS]R& Oavwaa Em Dlretory. 9 ré. VICKEMY barber. Sixmco estreet. BROOKLS' LIVRET, Simoos stresS, aonth. wM. BOLPE, harneramaker. simeosestreet. T. B. IWOTEMEUUBiL. butcher, Ring et., Wes& Da. P¶'mso, Dets; office over Rowes's store. A. J. B=TLT-Domluteu pianos ad érgus, imloceUsteet. A. C. WAMax, Vetermnary Surgeon and Deatirt, Ring ateset veet, Osisaa, Ont. WILLIM J. DZAarsDomniontesasd Ontari o Laatiurveyo. CIViBUinser, Box 57, Osis- ~itaahost.lry, meutsud osmfôrtasily J tqipped. D.. LToi). -C..terer rer Balle, Assombiles, Wed. ding., Suppers, etc.4, etc. Aise aIl kintis ef glevers. Oen.AWA B Boxtu-PU llinset01boioks, statienery and fane>. goode. B. B. Rogure, Bimloce street. les. Rlo7LDUN - lhitby-Ouawas tage lin.. Le&ves Oshava ut 8 arm n sd 2p m.,and Whitby et 10Oam and 4p m. Jews u (IÂZ, manufacturer etfluie oarflages, catwg,6 ud aiBkinds et cutters and slelghu.Beall.ga speclsty. JORNs Ezuvua, painter antidoorator. Dere in Wal aprs, oeillng dorations,pnainss, 'el, vrnîhina.brushes, vlnaov sbad&Z etc: JAXte PELLOW. derier iu utoves, turnaces, tun- ve*. Ie. L estock kepte easantly on bu.Jobbing amspecmWty. Simoce street L.K~MusEoig, B. A. - B..rnlster, Sociotur, Netary Publie, Cenvoyancer, &c. MNeyt lenti. Offce over Dominion Bank, imc Street, Oshava. Whop entemplating pattbsgon Lite* nurance, »eeW D RuwmTuac The Uuitf d StaSes IÀIu. -Their pou"o aaretise mesu attratve. IL -à . MA&,Dfleir l In roceeres. PY China, Crookery Ttnv.eansd Fancy=o .Pue TesU sud-Coffees. Boys' r=aY modesulie a speclaty-very cheap. Avxox s AJxmi-Tbe subscrler vil b. in oa" awaý attheCentrai Retaeliday et eachi wee f "one te 3 o'oiock s.m., te ma"e as- Sagenret iCparties vlshug to havesa"o. L Pan.rcEauctïonee. "batP LAN3EET& trSm-The I1sdisg Sailceln bois! ud genW ta' rniabng houa.etOf ebava. ceo plendid asirbInt ot tweeds, v oroted#, ra o mrvsen ÃŽbhImt. cellrsetc. slvaya kept die. P=x Baee - Watcbnskers sd Jevelese ,- ees»ta vatches.clca .esyuiv- vas-e apeoclsetc. Engrvngl sll gve - != Md nti ltigold ringmatie or. - Pl teti là ok, anti jeweiery repairing a vit.. todieuteta tos1004 pngevomlse pet s<. et*r.SZv.lbrufti -ti ~~bu ta ctag4 "akoby au lxsS-elsu t -5o M'lin, Vhiy astiOsao amst 5 ue sion ilutil i. 3o. The dpeteches W t5*IItIcé. srl-- fahihodrtgeue h eti noc of"lf0' r- cha-long tine. The ordination Strviceswvere very beautiful BudiinP8saive. Rcwr. J. Abrýab.M couduicted tihe: W4hiup with moére thon hie nuui earflOstuOsS, Tb. lnduO-tion followed immedlatelY, R e. , I<eod, Newcastle, preachedl the sermon R., M1CkUley, Pickering, delivered the Charge te the minister and Rev McLaren, of CoiUM. bus, Performned thre sanie dutyfor thre Lon. grga tien. A bountiful supper vu, Previd. cd by- ire ladies cf thecCofgrOutlh. and Was served frein 5 to 7.30 P. ni . t 8'c ock Rcv. Mr. McLaren took the chair, and a splendid lierary and musical treat followed. Stouffville methodist choir Previded the Music and nobîy sustained the higis position cf the premier choir of West Ontario. Dur. lng tire evening Miss Brown, eue tAiented ,elocutionist rendered one of lier mat-de. ligirtful monologues. lust béfcre ClOsing the exorcises Rev McLarenl, whe 1nederate~ this cail, was presented with a purse of rnoney by thc meiubers of Ersie chuecir. TeRev gentleman wuS quite taeby sur. Prise, but preved equal te the Occasion aud respondecl n graceful, feliciieris terme te the watrm words of praise of Pustor MCLean vire made the presentation on behalf of tire cengregation. This joyful occasion vinl long be remembered by ail as a red louter day cf presbyterianisnx in this locality. BaMiTTIELD. JOSoPis Town is visiting ai E"4in Mr. and Mrs Moore have gone te Qît&aae a vii fr a ev weeks,a Gee. O'Leary is visitirse bis negbbors selling bis nWv gate. lî's a good one. Thse faits are ail thse g o just ai presot John Bremmlug lesbowing lits (ancy driver atoll the local fairs John Malyon is showing bis hopu and peulîrY. G. L. Ashing 15 exhibiing lome oi lits fancy herses He bas succeeded ini eakinR a gond nuniber of prizes ini Whitby and Por, Perry--red ones ai tisat Joseph Ward isasbow. ing his team ef hoavy herses and carried off tise red ticket at Whiiby and the bine ai t P erc, so we are li itjust what yen would netije. GREENWOOD. The Usher gang are completing F. L. Green's silo. Miss Harbron, of Goderich, is here with friends. Wm. Hancy is now laid up with a very lame back. Ned Gleeson traded canines, "-but1 tht hound came back. " -Mrs. Fitzgerald and son have retuen- r-d to-Peterboro agairs. M. Gleeson & Sons have been busy ail week opening up new goods. Wm. Crav has completed his har- ness contract with the Devitt people. W. Sadier and wife are visiting wuth iris father and other friends here. Ben Fowlie has left the Pengally Bros., and is now with the Usher gang. We are pleased to sec Mes. Abram Boyer around again after hpr meent iii- neas. Mrs. Perkins, nec Miss Petts, of Moorfield, %Is with Abram Boyer and orife for a few wee ks.0 Mes. J. Biignail has vacated the Lar- kmn faim and J. Adamson & Sons have leased the same. -Miss Georgie. Pengally, professional nurse, of New York, is here~ with - lier people for a short titne. Mr. and Mrs. Radenhurst,- of Ro- chester, have been for tht past few days with Thos. Madden and family. The above gentleman is one of Ro- chester's chief engineers. Thieves have been nunuergus litre- abouts during the pastwek Pears, apples and tht like have been appro- priated in a most shanueful uraner Pity it is that an ezam4ple cannot lie made of someone. There are a few cw wearmng belîs who disturb the peole. of tis village tacir niglir. Throuei tht ýsulent -vatches these "dtingle-tingele echots vibrato tirrougir tht unft>equented streets, sud it' is -indeed annoying te those who desire to slumber. Tht Hai-vest Home- under --the, aus- piqes of tht Methodist ýçhgrch- 'Tuesday evening was very weIf attended, d those who were theréý- were very wel pleased with the pèogram. indeed. Particulaily was Miss -Martinof Whit- by, imucir applaudcd. .Rev. lIjarris gave a very entertaining addreis- oùiris, trip te tht old counltry. -Tire rec opts of tht evening were sojmeth-ing0 like $65. Tht ladies are to be co nInent-. ed upon tht veryexcellent- ct f tht rcfreëmuents provideck-, Otober id4h WEDNESDAY,...r. THURBDAY, 0- 4 --and FRIDAY, W~Finer display than ever. IW~"'For Stylish Millinery corne and ste us." ÃŽW»Open titli îo o'clock on Wednesday. THE ARCADE. fhl 1 lou er I9 Sis- 1Aonual g i a i sua sùgee hst -AT- a5.O Also bis GOAL OIL and GAS STOVES -FROM- $p5.5o to $25-000 Edmondson '8 fgures. i l e , 'P-e41u l n lu ,aIf Soc. Tes, on the marskt t*IdI M offrlg it at, he verYIOW Prie- Ã"f 2Uc per lla or5 11 l o This le an exc ellent bain. CaJ get a saibple and try it ;~ We want: Butter, -Checse, sud cuber fanm. produoe,.fer vu psy highest prices. OPPOSITE PoST OFFI< Oshawa, - oui Grocery TUE MODEL MILLS 0F ONTARIO* Mil la - To thce Farmer8 of thce County of Ontarioand Durhamn At a ver>. large ceai these Mille have been eqnlpped chrougiout vltb tse vezy bout and latat împreved macblecy for Cbcpping Grain. Th"y have beon specsally deslqnME fe i.p"o ef mieeting thse demanda cf thse fammere lu ibis lUne, wbbch are v.Lr e Capaclty, se ibac a Grist cau bo greunt qulckly and mckenhbomo aceuon. TissoMuta Exour8,on hav a capaclty of aco bushols per boue. -TO-- W»~Port -Huron, Detroit, Cleveland,, W"'Saginaw, Bay City, Grand Rapids, IW'bChicago, Cincinnati, St. Paul and W~Minneapolis, on Oct. 3rd,-4th and 5th, Good returning on or before f-Oet. 2let 1895. RA TES- From Oshawa to-.4- Pt. Huron or Detroit .... Cleveland............ Saginaw or Bay City .. Grand Rapids......... Chiczansd Cincinnati. St Pau or Minneapolis. 7.*75 8.25 9.25 11.25 34.251 ,Em"'For rates and full partir apply te W.. P. STERICKER, at' Oshawa Railvay office, just a fev doors south of- his old stand. .O. OARTEEAgteOBgAÀA Sept. 2$hb, £89%. CLARKE & DYER. INSURAACE AND COM: *MISSION A GENCY. Sun Life Assurance Ce. of Canada, visici s l to-day unquestionally the Leading Life Company- catuda Acefldontsnd Kîspiopers' Liaility corpora tic London. Bng. ASoagtb isé Fi-su Plate Glass Companies vo banidle tise 'Lancashire, Guirdtaù, Mercantile sud lïanÃŽd.in-Hand, Aid SaviMpand Loan Co., Toronto. OFpîcs jnst noeth ef the Western Banik, 0 0 OËMWA t 00e J. S. CLARKE. ie.-To have machinergo8 easily and se persect-ly adJusisd tun: the very sinailest noxicu aod Ma be obbsolutcly kllled. Theso mifls yul make flour of the fineit sedsIf neceoary# tbotreby- eutlrelY destroying the germ. 3.-MiUls tbeb so eenstructed as ta grind iboroughly ail kinds of grain. oe¶xed or otbozrwiwth- out delay. These are the only mill& that will do lt. 4.-Corn and Cob ame cushed togeiber, redncing thein ce fine niSi. Theso mils yul reduce It -as fine as fivnr, and as fast as two cani Landie. There ia a rapidly growing demand for ibis feed. It me the best and cbeapeit foder for mlcb\i cows and hogs that the fariner can produce. lu is &hso the muast valuabie fertià merobsisbs ih Coli contains a large amount of sugar ta fa«tening property,) 15 awonderfulappou r.,s»d-cws est i with great rellsh. le contalus more po£asb than an y otiserProa o of r>iadwbèn fed' as above describied, retuns te the soil a vital principal ut l a tsibelg êilnleoa" ed-Tii.pce reqnred for the eperation of chese ifs le necessanly great; notvthwaiding is I baveniarle the price as 1ev as any of the Illemils that bave insufflaient pow,Only hall grlues tiiseok. allowing ail fine seeda ce escape bcbng ground, and frequeudly requing à seraijOine Moea gris cmnbebail. Oshawa is oeeof the best towu iu Canada ceoeunfarn produoe iu, and 1 is ono ii. betst to purchase goods lu. Briug your Grisca aloug and white yen are- shoppln% your grisM wuIhb gronnd. The large amount cf cuistoin nov ccming to the mille warrants thi ertioùn 4"that fermera have been humbugged toc long in thse vay teîrfebd bas been grund, and complai loudly, of the inadequate recuiru of fred taken ce diferent m'"'21They ful"Y appjréeitfe "o Order fi ' Thinga.» Brlug aleng plenty of empty bngs. m. s. ~MOfDOW The Corner Shoo LATEST TLS From --he boat makers. IMMENSÉ ÂSORTMEBNT., BootsShows 8lipPerBbesQesos W.F. D. U P4TOiDÂTEB SFLLING 8'YSTEM. DONý-GO I3LINDÃœL-,Y 's-.- Trunloe, VsIii One unceangeable - priee-the lowest; ahdwu checks,". sùie treatment ofpoor ana rioh. GOOD WIEAING ýBOOTS.- :.-- omatrhow, zemarksbly cheà peeypr CLOSE-DUT: GITY PRICBES. dispu e ' 1 e arfe e owest-p. About mai Frumitum We bave alvaya, stech te selectj ans! flaies. Pii - s,1 0 i-* s flctuee OSHAWA'eS NEW 1DSR 1 1 Bé a-i-o'n,8 ProVelder