M Ayer's P11ls I jýWguld "ike t0 Id yIn tl~ thtOfthersa hC have usedo t PHIS and to Saa that I have &ake,, fosr mn earn .d awaysdeidte be t r s l afrom their u" .0 For Stomnach annd lvrroubles. andled for the cure of Ayer's Pilla cnot beec î~.We m'y triend3 asic me What la the ba recflfdy for diSOrders olthe Stônah, Liver, or Bowels, My Invariable answer l,Âe' ls Taklen ltu season they Wîll beýak UI) .a coldt, prevent la grippe, eheck lever, and 'rezuIate the digestive ra.Teae cas y to take.1 and ogn.Te r Are the best ail-round famlly medieine 1 have e'-'" kilown."-Mrs. AJonxsoej,ws Riter Ave., New York Cty. AYER'S PILLÇ N Ighest AwurdS nt WOrild's A ver-,» 84r.op«a fer the blooL. A SKEPTIC OONVINOED. HIE LAD NO FAITH IN ANY AD- VERT1SED MEDICINE. Attacked With a Bad Oold, Hie Trouble Went Frorn Bad to Worae Until ho Was Threatened With Locomnoter Ataxia-Then Dr. Williams' Pink Pille Oured After Ot<her Medicinesi _- - 1 UUB rOi kUs0. * y- . i- -Mr Truk oertaI.nIy looks . epicta"r etf hsa1tb,' aud retneiübeing, the long Petiod wbO e h ha bit 'laid Up, oui- D'Or Wis cf; .aly oeavineed tiat D.Wlame' Pinkj Ille have Weil de- eered ail that B aia of them Ose where. Wben tueh cases can b. pointed to in Oui- Own baidet ther. oan no longer b. any douit of the relii&bility of the Many statements cof woriderful cures effeeted tiroughont the. Countr-y. Dr. Williams' Pink Pille are sold only ini boxes bearing the firm's trade mark an-d wrappei,(printed in red ink). Bear in mind that.5r. Williame' Pink Pille are neyer sold in bulk or by thie dozén or bundred, sud any dealer who offers pub- etitutes in this foi-m le trying te def*ud kou and abould b. anoided. The public ai-e aleoceautioned aeinet aIl other se called blood buildere and nerve tonie, put up in similar foi-m intended te de- cin.. Tbey ar-e aIl imitations- whose makers hope te i-cap- pecuniai-y advan- tage frein the woudes-tul reputatien achieved by Dr. Williams' Pink Pille. Ask ycur dealer for thein. These Pille ai-e mauufaotured by tiho Dr William's Medicine Company Brock- ville, Ontario, and Schenectady, N. Y., and are scld only in boxes beaiing the ârm's trade mark and wrapper, at 50 cents a box, or mil boxes for $2 50. They may be hanrt rom auy dealer, or will b. sent by mail on reoeipt cf price. Dr. Williams' Pink Pille may be bad of aU di-uggist.s or direct by mail fi-cm Di-. Williamse' Medicine Company fi-cm oither addreee. The price at which the pille ai-e seld maike a course cf creat- ment ccmparatively inexpo.nsive as compared with other remodies or medic'al treatment. uxDKmiDGE - Mises Barbazon and Mise Beall, cf Sunderland, were the. gueste cf friende in town on Monday. Some pereon milkéd Samuel Bell's cow in the pashare field on fair day and carried cff the. milk. Mise Tîlie Gregg and ber cousin, Mise Ruth Gregg, et Piokering, ai-s the gueste cf the former's sieter, MrB. Thoo Thomp. son, Sunder-land. A leadiniz hotel keeper cf the tewn says there wau not as muci mnonAy speus in bie bouse dnring the. fair this year as laet. He atti-ibutes it Lo bard timee-. Nired. was goingz along the 7tb concession tu-' wardes bis(ai-m souti of Lie Lown h. board a sta-ange noise and upon inveetiga. tien found one of B. Boen' bei-se. mired in the creek. Hoe notified tb.e wner and the ranato ursave tue--- ,L From the Yarmouth, N. S., Timnes. here -The remai-kabi, cuires affected by Dr. igunaway. Williams' Pink Pille have long beson a Labo Saturday Jobn FiuÃkner'started inatter cf ne w8pa.per notoriety, and malmy from town with a 1usd of plowe (from B. cf tbem-well described as miracles- p. Harman's foundry, snd whcn ho get bave been in oui- own province, but we up the. 6tb of Soott a littie way Lie necli- believe se far none have been publiehed yok. bi-oke and frightened Lie heomes. freinYarmnouth. A Times repi-esentative Mi-. Faulkner le an experiencod baud enquired in a quarter where such;mattei-s witb the reine, but th. hors..s omebew would likely be known, and Ieai-ned tbat geL away, tirowing him into a nice scft there were several remarliable cases cf mud iole and a wieel of tic wagon pan reetoration te bealtb directly traceable te ing oner hum- The iorses were caugit Dr. Williams' Pink Pille, rigit in cur on Lhiu way te town and evci-ytiing set uiidst. Curions to ascertain tic tacts in te rights. Mi-. Faulkner- vas fertunately rij&tion thereto. our rppresentative cfà llcd net seriously burt. on Mi-. Charles E. Traok, who mad been Mrid knewu Le have experieneed a long IlInesa anle. and now wae apparentîy iu excellent Another wedding teck place on Tues heah, hie cur-e being attributed te Pink day, Miss Blanche Baseom being united Pille. Mr. Ti-aek, who bas been an se in wedlock te Trueman W. Crosby, cf counitant in Yarmouth for mauv years, Chicago. Tiie ceremcny was perfcrmed wae in lis office on John etreet when tie at 10 a. M. at St. Paul's ohurci by the. the reporter waited on hum. pastoi', Rev. A.. J. Reid. The bride is a daugiter of the. lat, John Basom and le an amiable and ployer young lady. -Si. -was given away by her brother, Dr. H Bascom. and tb. wedding was a very quiet affair, tiie happy couple going direcet i-o the. station from thc churoh and Lakin9 ____ ti. train for tLiu-futur. homes.-Mr-. _____ ICrosby je in the. bicycle business lu S Chicago, being manager cf tic sdvertis. i bu;nqdopai-t aent of the great Mouarci - Cycle Manufà cturing 06. Fournd Jîr. Trask ini Ais Office.ý "Yes," ie said, "Liher. onm be ne ossible deuiL of tic dloaoy of Dr. Wil- fams' Pink Pille in my case, and 1 wil be pleasod if Lhe publication of tic mects belpe som. other sufferer back hto health. 1 canght cold, wus careles and caught more oold. The fi-at Lhieg 1 know 1 was seriouuly ill. I could not walk. AU! titrengti seeomod te have left myloesand, the weakness incroesd. Prom-bciug ohiged te roemain in the bons, 1 bocme obligod te romain lu bod, bût stili ulp r posed il was but a, v.ry bad cold. I bé- came se hoîplesa I oould net MOTi oa witieut ielp.- I -b.hd good atttoudano.0 and thc beet of car., and nursing, butan week sucooeded we.k I seeomed soe ro werse instead of bettor, tilt1I vas orc to a moi-e siadow aud b" nte cm r. litti, iif I ever reeovercd. A hint tb.ê 1 wus tbuiatenod viti semctblng .aa.d 1' ocounotor uaLx us re ninded a friezsd t!ha My oas e eused samblai-ho nom* of tIOMê described in tho Tîis, whlcçll d ta4 cured hy Dr. Williams4' lnk" ïi a"O Ibis firitdrew attention t$0 a possible aid te wt..1 ao ýj"1l in han. VJI- )r Lix«eY rui. Adangerous runaway oceurid Tues- day moriam. A team of hersf e olng ing to J. Nokees' livery, ýtint b.d been uued Le Lako a weddinig party tLe Lhc stations, geL frightened and strted up op town. Tiey turncd Brownscmbe corner ail rlghubut thora wcre a nrnber of rige duvm Brook mst eisu it lookg*as if a collision vae.uaodbe rw aI thc mar-kt madean iefletOat effrt to 'stop tien,- mmi a n-ioment 1.1er, a thouRh tbey had0 fer É'#-oà gientwtù sbars in,'t! .oeedinà à ý TI*b ýyouD =4 s~bas o*ilye en tnrried a bflOof- we.ks. -Wb.n tiieo-t*o prisonmr were, taIkol bak to tii. look vp -Xigbt'a . sistër ,f0llowed them n.and béeanteb st.ro'tl, eClutohinith oroer rn e usvefi ta e huimalray. 8She madiisgonmueh fus& ta he oConstable alloweýd Xigbt to îwalk up te tthe hotel, wi&bh her untul se becamo pâeified. Patterson'e young wifé bore ber trouble with 1a brave front. Mr. Ohapple oonduoîed the oase for--the pro- seoution and Mr. D Whiteside for the defenc. -Journal. LINDSAY. Wednesday of last week Mise iR. O'Neill of the eaet ward, sieter of Mr-. J. R O'Neill grocer, wae the victim of an naîut that nearly ended fatally. She was vieiting with bier sieter, KvrR Thos. MeCabe, Who lives a few mniles eouth of Reaboro. On the day above mentioned ehe had gone over to visit a neighbor. Mre. Roddy. Mr. Roddy waseout in the fielde plowing, and a son Samuel Edwin, about 28 yeare of aqe, Who had been plowing with hie fathAr the day previous, wae in the hous at t.he time. For some daye previoue ho had ebown indications that hie mind wae somne aat unbal..noed and hie parente were a trille anxious, but did not fear any serious consequences. ý\ hile oonversing in a general way, young Roddy aocued Mise O'Neill of being a witch, and ordered ber to leave tlie hioure at once. The look in his eyee and his tlireaiening attitude alarméd Mise; O'Neill but before eh.. could escape R .ddy seized a chair and brought it down wi:lî terrible force on the unfortunate Younglds' unprotected head, fellung ber te the floor, and while presîrto e e kicked lier re peatedly about the head, face and body Mr. MeCabe who liad h--ard the ecreums for assistance, arrived jnat ini time to save lier life, ae the maaniar evidenîlv iniencled to kili ber Dr. P~ool wae speedîily sî.u uioned frein Lindsay, and upon bis arrivai hie found it neeeseary te place several etitches in a gaping eut on the head. lier face waa aise badly cut and lier body bruieed On Tbureaday*Chief Bell and Constable Foeter brougzht Roddy to Lindeay and placed him in goal for safe keeping. Roddy's mind ie supposed te have becomie unbalanoed owing teai-e- ligione fer-ver, but just what the cause cf hie mental oollapse ie it je difficult to say. Ho wae up te tbA time cf the unfortunate occurrence a young mnan cf exicellent die- position, and enjoying gcod health. The, counterfeitoas.. The. trial cf the memnbere cf the Murphy famnily on the charge cf making and paseting cnnterfeit coin, i8 in pro- grese before the Hon Justice Meredith at the aesize court. True bills wero i-e turned by the grand jury againet, Freder ick, Riohard and Allan Murphy on separ- ate charges cf pasaing bogue monoy, tbat againet Wellington Murphy is under con- sidoration to-day. :A true bill was aise brougb t in againat Jcremiah Murphy and lis four sons on,-the one general charge of -Making -< riýwfoît eoitior having tried yeste ms uorning andconviotodo paesing bad oney on - Ma. F0emnu the' jnry recommrnding the pfrour te thi. meroy of the court. Mi-. Riddeil for. the . orown, and Mr. Stone for the defenos. The case against Allan Murphy occetrpied. the afternoon. Re wue Charge4d wtb attempting toi pasn a bogue quarter at the. store of Georae Fox. erisoner.stated, in defence, tint ho got itfrom a buyer of frog's legsa in towyr. Quito- a semnsatin Mr-. F. Rogerlias 1purhascd the pro-. ý pertY of Dr. McCulloh bore. The Dr"s.i famil wili rem ,ove in a fow days lttb Cit;y.y Miss Kennedy,-mis" Munday.Moisi- Stevons a~ udy MaPle Gi-ove4 wero uasn i.O.L trûeli gundây, M*Ik 18 a true Emnuisioa a ik rceml esier to digest and assimîl ate .an utt r 8 ist!a sinfilate than raw 011. This 'i8 Why SCtt' gesan is much imore lisef ul and effective[thýa th( e naural On; why it accomplishes go mucl inutaesn ate andi builditig -tup the body. arsiu at n But it is much More than ordinary fat food. It lias other Constituents that have Woflderful ha' n strengthening power, and in addition we add the H po- phosphites or hsphorus), another Most ',important elemnent inl OVercoming decreased Vitality or loss of flesh. These are the reasons why Scott's Emulsion is benefiting to-day hundreds of thousands of conýsump- tives and anoemic persons, as well as being a food and remedy for sickly, wasting chldren thaii is sur.1p rising both to physicians and parents. é Scott & Bowne, Belleville. Ail Drugglsts, 50c. and $1. ANDJiS PIN WORMS. Mio re M¶isery. 1C ING PIS le an eoeedîngly Paînfnj and aîena)ytr afflt tien, feund aticein h ch lband poor. maie and female. Pr ;- i .0; aymnPteme are a severe lî.oling, whîoh la worat at nli'ht %%-la.,i the st forci- becomes wà rm in bed. 8o terrible lain he tcling t hai ff requenc It ta Impossible te !Procure sieep. Oten tl4e eutVcrer ii tqc nscioua d urina siecu scratches the parts untll thoy are eoi%-.-ulc4a-r4 - id tutou foi-m. excessive meleture ln exnrlei. Fematei are peci.Lar -atreo from Mei disease causîng unbearable 1rritatIon and troubv. 1Whese ait *very ci-ber symptoin of Itohing Piles or irritation in any par- of t body are lmnîedlately allayed and qulckly cured -y Wwa. OIn mont. It will instnU>- sop 1oiteh ,4hsm! c.ses@W«and ulcéra.il S Up the cdaoiture. PI~ oa* "Ont" c~eatfri hf- r et. D ives awiý Instant )emmet-T rft Buto-.r. I Relief. Bé eflerL TomIoth The osisbrated Dr. Ob&s'Ohntmotzla' Mad 0zPT0517fÃ"r~itobhn lme but Sit i . a t laeuring mal ItawySkln Dlesaseaucizh m EsoaIteh. Barbera teh 1À 06,TOrM4 ~ont. ÂaaroiaIseuu M r. Holmn is oing the round of hie Fo.r-7fWS iave been a grët sUfere frei u i " 'u h ~ w e k e t y re i d z g o y a j t < u l a d Il t rA s o . M y b a n 4 s m ,d-uieaýago th* -eekgenly rminingand ankies were Htrally aw. Tlîe firt appic; us tWa ther"-e W c-uothing -zsonre. i *Jcation of Dr. Obmse's minment allaypd t~ world as deti and taxe. - )inii. thn snain. O . nox u M L a s . M o e I f î iérd y t o c o b a l e t ra l C r d 1 1 . I t l e a i s e m t a n t r e l i e f Ience hie t«dies iafo blbiais. enryA. e tr, & O t MsAnale »rýMehbasgones to Ux- ýA Bxantford dmugi it eut Ir1ees-oo per eent, b rido 4 or - a f e. y a cék s.,a d t u o p l e v r t e t g i t MrJno. erown basrentýd the, Vipond tlo ut farinand m'tende te move. thore Shorty.. We are sorry to lose'thein freinthis Our -CE, soiety hadaverypleant Thursday ovenng. Jrohn Priekett wao drown4 eaeo Mi eMinulo C0",te is learniing tihe -ý,,he1ëUN -drossmakïegwith Misa Harrison, atPort irry our datl ortuê$* c yu aaklin, Ms-L-ÃŽieiaTeis is eon the, aiok iekat p ot htIjouf a8k 16r.-13OýiYU 7* presoint, butwe -he, -he will, é'c-bia~bt f' OKfr.iê*ew.I -,th We have thé Pineet Blc tien in*town cf those. BEAtJTIFUL AWMA WA LL PARPERSS, Borders to Match Corne early and getfiraet eloia'e. P. B. WARAM,* By'sold stand, Brook t., Wliitey (Sýuccessçot-to H77&dm'pson.) The Subscriber bas agate opened huaii bere. Hie office will be at E.* R.' BIl telegraph office, factei-y at Mrsr Newbe bouse erf Brock Street, souti. New Piu manufactured and old PuÃnpe ea P'irst class material used and woirk.watt ed.- ý,Wels dug or cleà ned e-ut. O SCOTT, solie.185 DOMINION BAN.>" Capital Paid up,-9 8$45009000- Surplus, - *1,8ê QQQ Wbiby Agoey., GenerM' 1B&kdig È BnBinea Tranaacted., hntorut . llowe4 les.blg A:,urrezIt rat«~. RAI acted marvelomq mach and bowe] e. 8~G~ M-r. Thos. ýodol farnion buckwhe wIfi l fur,,thi' sons i-oic ý- LowEST H. SCOTTiý'-l. - ' Whit4y and CýbhïwiL. Il :-: PRICES, 'VMITBY-.