Whitby Chronicle, 18 Oct 1895, p. 1

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Lr )rncle.. XXXIX. WHITBY, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, 'OCIOBER 18, 1895. NO. 4ts' LOCALWEWS LETTERS§ urris CHL Omit c»spoNDENCE. The people will be surprised when they find out we are selling Sticky Fly Paper '-t Two double sheets for 5 cents. Fres%ý~almation Insect Powder 5c an oz. or j 4 Oz. for 1,5 cents. Shoe iy Poison Paper for .............. 5c. Wilson's Poison Pads for*@............... Ioc. Just arrived a fine assortment of Hanging Lampe, Hall Lamps, Bouquet Lampe, Vase Lampsaad Stand Lampe. The prices~ will surprise you. $W Cali and See. 92e-W. R. HOWSE'S STAND. TH1E CORNER DRUG STORE. MUCH HEA T, At Littie C8t, lgw t you will get by burning Our Well Screened, Carefully Delivered, Bright and Hard, Free of Siate, No0 Olinkers. are points we elaim for ouz Cool. *îGIVE US A T'RIAL.S J, He OOWNEY & 00. OPPOSITE POST OFFICE. Oholce farm to jet.- The undereigu wishes ta reut for s teni ai years, lot 4, con. 2, Pickering, contaiuing 200 acres. The farn la anc ai tbe best lu the t ownship, well watered fettced and drained, îocated on Kingston roanr, windiug bctween 'Whitby towu sud the village ai Pickering. For particulars apphy on the premniee or ta A. A. POST, Whitby. Sept. u6tb, '95.-43-3in. TORGETl H-,ayward, -has got uj his- Miss Minnie Stevenson, ai Kinsale, Sun- daycd witb Miss Pardon. Mrs. Moore, af Toronto, is visitlttg ber sigter Mlrs. S. Weetney. ise Junie Bell bas returncd (nom ber visit witb brathers ln Alviston. W. are sonry ta bear that Mise Etta Gee an ex-pupil ai aur echool sud a resident for so long a time a littie ta aur uorth, has left us for Toronto. But we are giad ta hear that ber push le being awanded with succese. She bas a large class there and attends the conservator>' wbere ebe also teaches. We predict for Mise Gee a brilliant carter i n music. Her many irieude bere lavish their- good wisbes. Her music clans here bas passed ta Misa Gibson, ai Salem, who will no daubt prove efficient. News reached us on Sunday mnorning that Mr. Gea. O'Lcsry bad paaaed sway about 7 a. t. H. bas been ailiug ail summer sud1 two or thîce wceks ago the symptame ai! typboid sbowed wbich specdily developed-ý ia inflammation of the lunge. His strongî trame wblcb has neyer lu aur recoliection suffered a day's iilness before, miade an heroîc flgbt but the gitmanster won sud Mr. Q'LIeary ta cartbly friends is evermare departed. Ht was tise sixtb cbild and second son ai tise lattTimotby 0' Leary. Iu early lite be msrried.a Misa James wbo bas borne i four sturdy sons ansd anc daugbt- er. The greater part ai hie lufe bas becu speut ucar Andley, tili latciy, wbeu heansd hie sous rented te Boone farmtot our wcst sud bave ebown their industry sud pride in the beautfying ai this place. H. wae known by ail as a jovial, goad hearted icllow with a emile for al and we, lu aur 1fe, have neyer met it witbont seeing tb. ismiliar sile. This good nature atood bu lun good etead lu hie ilunese througb wbicb he uttcred no word ai cot plaint sud died facing tht luevitable lu the helief of hie fatbere, Roman Catholi- desm. BROGHAM. Wm. Cowie la making occaus ai cider. -Robt. Miler, jr., snd C. H. Pilkey were lu Whitby ou Weducsday. Mns. C. J. Wilson is very ill ai lagrippe, thc doctor being in constant atteudance. -Mn. T. C. Brown, wbo bas been lu Dakota farming, le comiug bote lu about ,a mantb. Mies PiSobe Madll, who, le attending the Whiuby tuodel echool, *as lbcme Sta-, day. Mn.John Cowic bail a plowiug bee on tise Alger fart aset Tbursday. Upwands of ten, teame were lu atteudance. - Mr. Henderson, aur school teacher, re- signe bis position ai the end af the year. He proposes attcuding the univereit>'. Mr. James Cline le doing prett>' well hucksterng, He hanla goade ta the ciy sud Cones Ohotwitisa--" 4o4pn lic taises f(nom"ece.- - - C. H. Pilkey is talkriug ai startiug s pouud. Ever>' stray animalinl tht township Ues up dail>' lu front ai bis place. Tbey bave de- Ivoured ail tbey can fiud Lucre, sud are cast- ing buugry glauces towards Miller's. Mr. Jua. Miller ban ,o00 buebels oi pots- tocs, aud han probabl>' the beet crap ta be fud lu tue township. 1 did not sec his pumpkine, but 1 amn tald thcy are so lsrge the big one arc crowdiug th. little one aveu the lances ia oDay. Russcîl's field. There wae a deputatian au Monda>' (roux the Whitby (air ta ask Pickerng coucil for a grant ta square up the sbow's annunal deficit. The councillore gave thent a pretty cool reception, sud orne ai thet, who were opposcd toasmalgamating Pickering andi Witby shows, were quise indignant. Wé undcrstauud that-Mr. N. L. Stevenson is tryiug ta bornow a gun. Somebody has bieen ntlking bis, cows sud teaiing hie wod Rumor fixes ihe depredations upon a pat iscre, whose reputation le a llile astady Noble le a pretty god Isot, 1 arn told, an ise han exacti>' th is gitsqint.in hie eyc au the right sort ai a epit for that linaof basi nees. W. hope ta sec hlm going anound ix a iew daya wlth some cutni> blaii scalps fi bis belS. IRLL dilU WIfl f l U iJU Council met isere ose Mouds>'. T. B. Willlls wassinte cit>' Saturda>'. plitsthr. miss Carter la visitiag at John Woods. Deautifuil su look at.eachers meeting et Colin Phllp's Fnidau Lovai>' w bsudle. eveuiig. 4 Deirable ta have. Misa Nellie Alter,, BrougbAm, was in th Basy u ob.hi.City' Monda>'. F.m t obn.miss Emmaand Lydia Lîttlejoisu are b9mi Because wonderfully cheap. lortwoweeks. Veut inspection iuvited. Mnr. WinSceld, wtillc working ,at Rolm _____________Pisll1ipa, had bis aukie dl»loçated.. Stanley' Gerowspeit-aiew das tu tbea e Ewgais luDroISs od thse latter part sud ir8es of siis wecis. Mnrs. Robt. Pbillipe tas retirandt te dl Wlda wala ergesl, ail WOOl, 44 inch, 45 ets.j, withb ber motiser. Sisa inscnds staylug a le regniaf 65 cta. d 5Ela er e S7:a1Il wool,44 Inchi, 37J ts- - eulaSre i ,o, 0liia ol Mm, R. 0 k. tas ýbeaulaid up vwi ragulSa 30 . up. qli> tl a Biack H~eurletta Serge, ail "1. ,44 lacis, bema!P WO 10le ot 0 ea.vi -J'5cl., reg!u3~5 up. ottes j reunly tise'lÇan al Ric rcddDram. GoodB0, 4 lis, o 3c, awJisebltj. -'regular 30 CU.' RecaI ,0ldf m*M eýî'b coyeric1lh, ailwoul, 44 lmch, 6oci 4,=rq lloltÃ"1sl ct te * Molo ettes $,t44-l04, 5c, %OC CWk c$ergS,41#,, 2 co g 3e,5C t>' bel le oà is~ Ie t. Mun" BROKIN LAREUMONT. professing christian or cburch worker of If those so-called good men were hcmest The mnessies wbieh closed the junior division standing need apply. A.pplications recelv- and sincere, were pure chriatiau imen, the - Conner, jeweier, of Whitby, for watches. of our sohool for twa weeks has let up, and the ed at any time - no testimoniale required- would uphold anyone in endeavoring te n Conner, of Whitby, for j ewelry, docks, schcoI cffae nce morr ruGa mootîiiy. applidants muet have plenty of cheek andi the town of such a blight, instead of rl waceet.Iseco orinvste u chsi brase, and able to throw smut and fllth and to ridicule and blacken an u mbeefr Mre. John Spencer je visltiflg at Mrs. H. wILk. Hie gaod opinionofhesdn of the not afraid of a (k)not. When I place the matter uefore my critiS H. Sencr's.pupls as aainshow byhisgivig &l a nli Loked n vinlin this way : Doyou think it le nigbt to HrJ.Spen che up wws ganshwnbfhs ivn al nl Lohein' *have such thinge in our midet, and éhoald Mr J FVihet boflie te uipit af daY. I looked in last week's Observer to see if such unseemely conduct go on ? Thee ans- the baptist church fast Sunday, wil Ioccupy The epworth league of C. E, in connection there wauld be any apology for its violent wer invariably le, "no,' in every instance= it again next Sunday. Jwltb u itaie hrh re preParing for ant attack upon me regarding the young Dien Why then do thoee pensons find fault wbeu- Judging by the large quantity ol grain being extra programme et her ex monthiy open who went to Cartwright fair, but there wae an effort is made to expose charactere Of. delivered here the Broakiin market is as meeting. no reference to the mattef. It seems that that clanse? Not until ouÃŽr ministens,- ch2iý- popular thie year as ever. Mr. Arthur Oieghorn, of Prince Albert, agent aur town papers fnay pitch into me for ai- tian people and good moral people an&, 9U Mrs.andMie Chno re aay n athre fr IiowmnIBgros., fruit, teas, etc., has been in mont nothinIr, and may cail me liar, sneak, 1 kindred associations of the chijrchesgct id - Mrs.and iss hinn are wyoà the locality for the past week. Ha e sjonringocrite, and ail such naines, and1 of that (shahl I Bay) mockmoet rai Ãœ,oel weeks' trip ta M ichigan, where they ar heHpyhyunigokmdet a c ai bis daughter'5, Mn,. E. R. Eddys. when they find they are wrong they makei morality shall we eee the social evil etiflcd. visiting friends at différent points. no amendfo their scandalous lanjuage, I thought the liquoir traffc was'a t.ickUlsh Rev. F. B. Stratton, of Napanee, presi- The Huhbard brothers. John and Robent, who but coolly let the ».matter drop. If in my and sensitive thing ta write about, and tise- dent af the Bay of Quinte conference, were s0 badly injured laIitty, are slawly imnpnov. items I were ta do half as mnuch violence same with the church of to-day; but those- preached ta a large congregation i n the ing. Their unfontunate laying up just when they nothlng but my scalp would atone for it. twa are cast far into the sade wbesa Yom"- methodiet church laet Sabbath evening. were needed on the farm if reRretted by ail, 'rhese papere set upon me without cause and compare them. to the social evii blig4t. - t- The gorgeous beauty ai the autumn fluage Mr. Andrew Linton, af North Brock street deride.and villify me mercilessly, and wheu 1 seeme my last article struck people *ho= 1 muet have been admired by ev'ery one thie bac apetied out a fine stock of groceries. fonur, every .nch af ground la taken ftom under litle thought of, as thcrejare, sonzany "skel'- scason, even by those who might passibiyfed etc. He advertisee hie wares as cheape them ihey stili think they have doue sanie- etons iu the closet." Pity 'tie,'tia-triie -A. neyer have donc se before. than te OeaPest 50tta i who patronize him thing nieritoriaus in assailing me, even good deal of squealiug- came fo hm rny xpc godbrgin.thaugh without the sllghtest reason. The who hold their heade ve>'liïigh ocl 1y4 - Master John Vipond, wbose severe suifer- myepe adbran.. samtepapers &hut their eyes ta al the real cut quite a swefl. It l no woudctiea-- ing fram blood poisoning wae reparted iast Our band boys are on tbe war paîh 'juet now evile ttat exist in the community, astd feel ticles on " The church ofto-day"ad'$ weck, ls now much better and fromn present ioaking for a sultahie drama ta ha presanted that this, taa, ehould bring theut mucti standard of moralityp ' raisedthe ire ofSI~~ appearances will soon be alnïght agaîn. eone ime next month. The band baye are a appreciatian. In fact they expect ta be th~e people le Port Perr. No chunchiwuyq~ Misses Courtice and Deiong and Mrs. W. talcnted, enerRetia lot and are sure ta give us ainers by guarding front expasure those pen that $bzuts its ces toasuch *bricw .5_ A. uethlog yadarh netheysîartfaut taentertaîn. wo do Nw-nng. There are a few people town. Some offt ecmean etaitd*« st Os-' A.s Haniday re dlegiaSteds ro the mthea The hockey boys have not arganized as yet. around here who back them uip in a loud- tositlon I have had te coûtend agatuat ha&r prnia conpetion tSun edayishorotaoh Their meeting adventised for baturday cvening mouthcd way and who neyer miss an o p-b cen from church membens, s-ae b" proinialcovetio t behed n TratOlast did not matenilize. It le apecced that the portunit>' of aeriding me aud threatening tias. Another mattcn that I hae bién aok- ncxt weck. boys May require some trne ta get sianîed, but what they would do ta me if I meddled with d ta mention ln that af 80 maüy resp We regret ta learu that Mr. Wm. Bell, wbcn they do gat a gait on something is bonnd theni- Brag le a good dog wheu no anc young women bcing out et nights w z who has been in poor heaith for same tiine, ta give way. We hope that the club will not around. My judgment le tn error if muyup and down our streets until tete sud, dac nt etmuh ettr.Hehanneecoliapse but will he rc-organized only ta stike a epelietecusofheO erver and 0 clock. The>' do not imean an> feut rlght since he was sa scvertily hurt by wnigatfoteses. tandard-which latter has a lange cincul- m3ntvo aebtohr agO * an enragied bull test winter. c.MxWiea ro h apitcuc to f4ara.Sncb jourualism asthey ofmt1 At ae' rate iutb ro tl w Mn. Marshall Madden. wbo was à sales- here bat .n.uurned fiani a iew manth's visit ta aid have ludulger lu has bronght themu inta .yauug wmucxt-t 'M Ù man ln Holiday's store nome fiftccn years Ireiand. Sis deiighted congregatian helci a re- cauep.wieppr/fata etaesacst eo iesreatuU ago, was bere for a few days this wcck. pepeflon onste evening ai his return, ta show fst takcng the gronnd. ý The only time that hours, as it only giwe. vi-tts ý ý_ grsumne and bottiers ta read the Standard ad unsaid.ri4Ui Sioch eter, gbht eas h.a bas beo en a livin a. oufr a tm for. h e. g ntla m an >'p ra a e n ttrs u ten c l o sac a c a o Rocestr, ut asistl>'bacntea esîentsuce.~cvry aruculr. heRev getleanObserver are when they have some abusive ai Toronto. - paed 'efui sermons last Sunday ta large tiae gantmslfo oeote e- Collector Meen has. comment hl& en- tOt5 sns ~Port P«" ~ ~ B0 nua vsiaton i h.rae#acr QI1*t~xi -tÇbantaqua Circle af this town have enter- Vlewed by an Outsider. _.B ] ship. Mr. Mexeldalpftv1i T ré ed-oî,ànpuher ycar ai cindy with the greatest I was eurprised a.nd I may say, pesdl O l~~> cod n tihe collecion aôl( tyer t2 eP nthsin. The longer they remain in the receiviug through tie mail thse follolg .ctd dae not intcnd ta let'£895 rutS bbdI4i4ts dcle 4ho better they secmed pleased with the letr. I heartly thank thc writer forl u~n prieo~o prederreesors. coumà.Such mn extensive rendinq of thse besi ldwrsa tsos htteatéide - isw *lj t-eÀ.lm*n Mrs. Marshall and femily have ni>ved wrftse*fon tinte an the cunu ant ;iopics of thc readers of this papen do flot look an my * -*%à4i doue 15 the hanse on tise Maw fart, opposie Mr. A. day mp conduce ta the beneflu of the circle weckly budgets as a few narnaw-midd '4 M. Delong'e place ; and Mr. M. F. Chinn in spopcnti on o thI aem1y w ~ a~ffsia1o ,,tree. op&u..pnê now making arrangements for mooing it Thse Careniant curling club bas re-organized warmIn riende and backers right lu the town" -f- VestBnwftm ovons, wbichb*1WU1 the bouse nest vacated by Mrs. Marshall, for tbe seenon of i1895ý 96, The inaugural meed- and vicinit>'. W . NOTT, Cor'. C9ioR0a ep orcashs. Caiànà 4nsp.ct -te which be recently purchased. ilngs 6moe0tyis4y cf lai week and the week be- iciE, Port Penry. DÉAR SIR,-In your cor- ;_ý a»s h>' veoa& baëg4tusi. The sud cptemb@rreake aifore were ciarked by great enthusism o n the respondeuce of Oct. 4th, I notice the fol-_____----____________ cheseAugust adSpebe aeo art of the aid curlets, aud by the adveui ai lawing sentence:. "A ï4u>' tbing ta me l PA"IW cse ae aig beresdte fa the hernfo sany zsèw sdherente aiftme roanin' garne. The that I havewitteu man>' aricles that have W L thenpreailig. he hldi ai clb rts ont with the brightest prospects, met with the appraval ai thc public, sud the prvaiin Th hodig o the chfese Whcn 4e-ece camnes stich outlying hamicis as net a word ai credit ln given"IlNew, rny le 1likel>' ta be a good thing or the patrons ebn Whitby, etc., will be aklen ighî ia dean icllow, let me sa>' you ma>' have a icw ~ Z R > A E Z an there has bcen a, markcd sdvance iu camp ~nvrîe tllk t enemies, buti case assure you you have a pnice l>. p ,- henevomu îî ee ai tie lae puli hst ai fricude ; but Uic writcn Wha, baubut The beautOà Lweter we hav noe.llmt COMneteet he pCaetabicmelittie educafion sud no abilit> ion -witiug a ave eJoyë,. Uwîý -àvàjut coplete thege stseroksof this (ailhn pnîl o ruigOi ~ wihwil buasacdoutieletter, cau appreciate your canrespandence. We have a e an ripe be nsie r ickc lu M , â v iW voltm -estW $50l Lie ae oth second .ro-p'of1i lu sm res r > e e ever>' tine. Why, away back fromt the ver>' Roeb oed'1 taw rrle an ee. lbki p _Tebar f'maae fit bu get yoif settfroamPont Penny I catildP$DR A. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e Rathe a nCtabeasletock srev-wseaa. , barhcaia ~got Uic ight insu *1 pueOtes uig h' t ufor a correspondent (rom zyour tQWuý.- N -ÊL& à> T. J. Holîde>' s garden.Dubesota% f çs4;îgie years 94 sud "s.Thta at could malte similar reports. uauucladty -of out l»meeny 15 cvdeuce6 e»' ý:The way -you ewooped -down- on yaurtowe ..L. cousecil for theïr shabby treatntfthte W.-~ Mr. Rolph Robinsan,,V.S., ie hante aitnfO~5Ol WP oglItr are M f atoniti .T.i u nthe quéstion af Suéeuriewbeilî aui~ne fnal> i.years, aud us ne- nKe fl5 .tise fealeesway- yoti'deait *!thlt iose-whî71_ifii * thé' ce~n da elcmv ou i h.~l.-- soin il ,- no mlawfùlIy;,"Thse Churcis of To-> time frands. I~è tis heeù pact1sutuîs %fact aUtiee ~irOs 'b pcfsin uIW e ie hua s oioueofxhethet groin uwkeis have wJtte bà,é tr, Acou prfsin uIw snvl; tt o f thty, eure, Castor andth sb Boki.At present h. le lu On rMn u as ddlues r lwy ous otd doecredit to anyv newspaper enti te aite wbch . wil etuu tcrata pene oolur s.refusb«ed bu -er sd- g.tapaie ni s hibul oe odwltcWeC Thereles er>'bad pace i siewal ou suks i tie riges. he Bookl buer wl nLT l ea resnmua t e l vau abtea, V atwntc he onditio n ertf'o uld brecge1o. deiesc. asi ntise ct oey o Ontia. reaa t ne.Te tines r cse-jGer etw, heUxbddnge wai hsïupawts deluged wi e wn-i tl$aoswh twiier ~ctey rttedewheluZan>kplaes ud wlrs1Su1aunrn ln ed r e tet n aikettW. 9 v. .rep aerybd befor u' emsetJHer'Blnhetrcaht.ba nda ouma i. . nahàm,' Wrksc th tetin ba utJm BalTin stee lhaet o ehoteUld' frgora ait>'. a re UicIne hs hav mt s oo ~siewlkas51>'otte l; aa ory a ars n.su- is moed eventhue. Go osiae, . t,-s wektê tise -aý eý'Po4 ~ tie vllag asit elag>'ud b pda-Siure ver>'y ii it f ytvé ou that"tex suce> ud ofm-t ' a uRcee by in- a- - o ro trise orn wte nercthes, oLmeilt a>' uds. Uinonosagcta r.$~Ulhg5hyu1rijaos sttnr. C.aA.es leie cus Princ A làrin ic at Pont Pue nny prose te-» in. ltlugor s Mn.JamesDavidon tuS wlt a fi ~ene~Pc ntKesnedy ? Uznidgc ~g dentceO Si crel>' Ahe s ounOP tIofSOntario. e s aident oncTesaae evewing, w - ill idwitsficu4s ntown. - AT3MCU. -tuci85W001 The edhsTah1tbaVints-orvic pltion io sem awyrn. awaa i'pln~(oi e'> ril sandardnd, wisl ty'. UcJ,~l4 ~ Byv's at th iontaxa. i isabugy tg HeBlotlkba pimrhaueth p'.ra- n.» Rfogersdl '.Guait ~ram AiS H.a etcO3rý;a d roeteb audit. sd tu omp an, trmet ,s- tOngpznopet> er'street 7ud ay crr- det "nnin Wez.$ e repir blucoaite q0eWai' street. s. psesinits ware he>nien hosecorepndne s nhatter sapsrions asideajsaun. Dsvd- j lu g&msoissol Inee -r.Satsadand visit o? accuslume.Go o N ic ots t e*toth iher isae as iéitJetisrésorse u bobahssd pp ilsi n ttMa't i enlled vetitandu'marnb-Idiâ no-ec, mil, beitwa sôppd y esr SmRb. tarx,- e. l e igwtic reg rett--e cba stt'ô Sperincsud hftedhe llida', io te rd been m - nsf r onto K se a-e stô yptis eenc u.eitr n ov.Ts uiotri& stato 'Ia en"lynggtot npoogoui its byon ti h e ad rn ePrtasPerr ess in luting LYso t> l ginuege -nI h Mr MCau&lagaductugevvt c oul e nceeavunu4 sTOPexit-OfP Pettroulai? gv.EtoeATaIM e sC-nE.is$- t~u1e è'14e ot PM accidseen o Teay ee ti' paries d lng cron lst tend itlfi>nd e-nal ou'mlvet eIUI L oant, ve nmotchiene> ral" »Otltti0 > wO -Mis.sj.p BossRe -dental uge o i pn d vxsuom'eIS *. ' ocrins.155~'us hayistwJthioa[wite u ime f lM. at(onont . oa .es _t.So tS~ o.sij or wcs a rièd' 1

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