Whitby Chronicle, 18 Oct 1895, p. 5

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~UNDEI~CLOTflING AND radies', Children's, Meia's and Boys', in HO8IERY-~P-~ ail the well-known special makes,. at Ail Barqainal )le thei. No ý xamneflifte Soliels at 50c., worth 75o. " [ ,i ta.ry, ill d4' INITIALS, MONORAIMS, CYPHERSq ORESTB, INSCRIPTION S, Done in a tasteful way, plu es. prompt/y, and ai towest prices, by xol Slirt.. at 5(ic, h<)e, 75o mi onl v t rttadie in i ~ -, ~ , 17andI up. vin1 '* ' it r ) t 5 ts . per k, No Charge. "1J wrance Co. DIII Cdxv ian Manager. .....~ ~ s3,17 'c' ~. /-ws.AdaÀ-6'ss. tor of Agents, .ulîtg r1oroito. 'els,'eas, C offee, ,-Io .su il Mie Times. stock suid pnies for yeunsoeives. ?EMAN GIBBON, \\iite Sigin, Old No. L. Pouryîý7,'I Have aise got Î~ PII 'PS, whjch are highly re- rices reafimabi0. Caili and seS ( T Q PA-~rnsTÀPm Ilsh Llvr and K4dfiu.-Y'iUs - 1lÏer rConcert fig~ Mr. A.tàide Vuté, 'biCanadiena Expres;-Guy'Brothers Miltistreis wil PetOrm br >ffice, Mo*treal, la bome for a few week's 'on Saturday night and wili tmain'ii towf boliday*. over Sunday. 6 pluce solid wilnut parlot suite, pluah, Dr-. Wigbtman, denttst, bas declded to with sikplush bande, for 832, worth j45, et keep tis. room open for business ontu tIl W. Till'a. day nlghtm là future. Mr. L. T. Barclay wau at London lait Dr. Henry Bright's Engllsh ,Liver andl sieek attending the Provincial meeting of Kidn Pise are now beinz introduced in1 Fort stera. Canada. Cn be had of ail elf i fpi Hle Honor Judge Dartnel has been ap- cl.. ointd firet vice-president of the Ontrlo Mr. Guy Dartnel, Dominion bankIl To, ~uriers' Association, and will b. president ronto, was bas been relieving at Seaforth n 1897. for the puat couple of months, spefit Sun- There bas been consiclerable thieving day wlth bis parents here. logthe buse line this fail. Mr. Thos. Dr. Win. %1. Giiliivray, or Pipestone CitY, Smith la os hadofultry and several V Innso a, i, ie - this week. H-e has gain- barrels of fine pears, which latter *vere 1>'tk. * 11,r' t vo rd upois and eve ry ot0 ed off the trees. Others tnrerl %%utit il. i. il 1)4t 1 lefi ve years since lie wass ere buflered more ot less severurv * j - ird looks like a btalwart west- The Royal Templirs wUi-l t i ti eneraisru v ' ment lu theii rom i I. t t1,l%, of G. Y. Mr. W. H. Warren's bankrupt stock of Smnith Esq.) iexi t rcý ening, loct goods, here, was sold In Toronto onl Wed* 23rd, com siteLiiiK .at 8 u. -k sharp, doors nesday. tiogg Bros., Oakwood, were the open at 7,3- 'l'lit audience may expect a buyers after a spirited comapetitiofl. at 65 i LJi >~~~~'~~'~ , good~6 -r'aî.Creerysu eueaC11 U t" UaIIIII. A ill p.roal good seat. Silver collection, seil it at Oakwood or Lindsay. JEWEL.ER& ENGRAVER, Major Farewell's sale on Wednesday was Mr. Mayor Ruiledge and Mrs. Rutledge avery successful eveut. There wss a large e~tutued on Wednesd y from a fortnlglits andailth prpety utUp asvîsit ta New York, They had a pleasant diîîPOsed Of at good figures except 50trun h cuty vrthr u herses which the ma'or could net part wit frig evreyfromn drouth. People in Just yet. Que whoais wedded te the rarm mnany places in Orange coutl, New York, for years caunot b. divorced fromn every- have ta haul water severai miles for their 01.., ~ (l r ftflj~ thing pettaiuiug to it at once. farni stock. T~ ~ PiSteen monti for $.a.Brths. ------The Chronicle and Weekly Globe from At Whitby, on Tuesday, Oct. i5th, 1895, ilowta an.ist 187, or 1.2. Tll ourthe wife of Mr. L. T. Barclay, of a son. OMfoal Oouuty orgazi.-ImargeSt CircUla- friends about it. Socus Bllmad ocMahttnBec tion of any local ~paperin Coada 5 A. 0O .. LbrBl march ocaMrc.,an htayBbaoh The anniversary sermon for the Whitby mchic.,sto. li',W tb ok lodge of Uuited Workmen wlîl be preached admscsoe FRIDAY, CT 8 85 by Rev. Tho--. Manning in the methodist Boy Wantsd CCT 18 185. tabernacle on Sunday evening, the 27th A good strong boy wanted te learn the inst.-2 ini. h;prdware business. Grass & Granger. Church notes, WhitliY, Oct. 17, 1895. LOCAL, LACONIOS. The niethodist young people of the Whlt- How's this for a snap? H-ardwood diuiný tables, 4 leaves, only $s, by district will hold a convention at Kinsale The CHRONICLE aud Weekiv Gltbe And aW.Till's. 1 on Monday, Nov. 4th. Rev. A. C. Crcws, Canada Fariner from îîuow toian. . is,. t97, at . g encraigaes Îonorbrc secretay ef E worth leagues and for $1.25, payable at New Years. Sein] A Getyer frepot, raesirn o bickSuda schools, will b e prescut at both postal card and papers wili be forwarded at linings for ail kinds of stoves, ranges or sessions. .1Veryene interested is looking once. furnaces, fromn J. McIntyre. foiward te a very good time. Excursion to Toronto. A special meeting of the W. C. T. U. will Rifle Match The Ladies' Aid of St Paul's churcli, Bew- be held next Wednesdfly, Oct. 23rd, lu rcad- ing rooem at haIt past three, te discuis im- The 34th battalios match will be held at mauvilie, wîll run a cheap excursion by G. rtsnt business. Every member try and the rua~ here on Friday, 25tb mît., open T. R. te Toronto from ail stations between Ce present.te aileona-fi de members othe battalion Cobourg aud Whitby Inclusive, on Thursday whz -put in their lait annual drill or were aud Friday Nov. 7 and 8. Pariéuiars bater. Miss Nellie Kean, daughter of Mir.joseph grnted leave of absence. About $125 will To Correspondtllts Kean of thîs îown, at r sslesbady lunegvninpttors must ap- Any of our staff of writers wlio are out of Clapp Shoe Co., Venge St. Toronto, liai pear iu uniform with forage cap. paper and stsmped cuvebopes may' have the received up te date -the highest number of Fine Parm for Sale by Anction. same by lettlng us knew. Each one ought votes in the 'News bicycle coutest, as the Mr. R. J . Lynde. 3rd con., wil oSier his te write every week from uow onl. We want niost pepular saiesisdy. fine 65 acre tarin for sale by auction at the writess at Cherrywood, Atha, Goodwood, Mrs. A. K. Rice had the misfortuue ou Royal hotel litre os Tuesday next. This is Zephyr, Vjaientynt, Saiutfieid, Leaskdabe, Monday te catch lier foot in lier bedroori oue of the choicest pieces«of land lu this Blackstock sud Gamnebridge. carpet.. which caused bier te rail hcaviiy, coutity, sud is just the size for a farmer te It came back straiuiug aud uearly breaking lier. ankît. work witli cern ort and advantage. Land About six months ago we uoted that Her mauy good reuds wilb be verV sorry te lias te be well tilled these days, sud oee as Kigetanr ad becs burglarized snd hear of the accident, and wili do deubt take te uarrow dowu the ex euse lu mauy ways, Kîna letuery hn Tetiee er e the proper niethod te exhibit their sympathY sud the sale of a farm like this in sncb cap- up intheicatiier business, and took the for a wqrthy obd lady. ital order should encourage a good cosiputi- werst rol cf iéather iu the place, it being Elegaut Steve for Sale tien. splits sud ef very littbe use except for shoe Gurney Art Countess largest size, double Guy Broc Last Night. longues and other such work requiring poor heater, as good as uewv, fer sale at a very A large sud apprecivative audience greet- stock. Mr. J. J. Fothergili brouglit ta low pnice. J. S. BARNARD, Whitby. cd the appearance of these oid time favorites Messrs. King Bros. on Monday a parcel of New songs in the Opera House aset niglit. The enterain- leather which had been found iu the wcods, "A Very Pretty Little Maiden, " "My ment was first ciass, tht siuging. dancing tied up iu a linen bag. It provcd te be abeui Own Sweet Heart,"- 'The Children ou the and ather specialties this year which add one-third ef the stoicu leather. Tht partiet Street.- Ail orders for muoic premptiy materially te this bhow. Tht statuary who took it round their mistake sud ilirern filed, at Mrs. Allin's book sud music store. work ef the Guy Br-os, is excellent and te- the Worst of it away. Annu.ai Union Meeting. ceived mucli appiause. The orchestra is Chages cathe. G. T. R. St. Anrew'ssecndrto noee lusi.th cunrysud aliey r Mr. Chas. M. Hays, cf tht Wabash Line Sodit. Aurews neav no erscetyngintedrnee Stmsi.Terseifaut bsbeen appoisted general manager of th4 holingther aima uionmeeingin t.was a day with tht circus lu which thcy gave Grand Truuk rrilway, in place of Mr. L. J Andrews churcil on Monday evening, Oct. a musical description from the ticket seller Sa enwewIIete ot nlu 21St, at 8 'Clock, when the Rev J. B Mi -te the meneagre.-Frornitht Belleville Saga nt dvil ioroadgoteEr wllla Laren, M A., the ceunty delegate te the Bos- ammbcr cf thet ior ord rwiit ton conventioni, will give a full acceulit ef Ontario, Oct. îoth, 1895. ceive semne other position. The Canad'ai tht samne. Ail are welceme. Port Whîtby officiais are uneasy lest Mr. Hays ma The guita.r. Duck shootiug ba% becs slow sport here cashier them sud import a lot of live Amer Prof. Watkins, head teacher et guitar and se far this stases. cans to taire their places. Tht uew mari& kindred instruments at tht Toronto Ceuser- Tht farmens are silîl hsullng grain te tht ger bs a thorough railWay mari sud wl vaîery of Music, bas been addcd te tht staff warehouses at tht barbo n lucenqîderable wakt up thnp. It is expected that tvî of te Otari Laies'Colege andwil quatites.heurs fauter t7ime wiIl be made betwec co th uae LaiCblege , sud w'11 quantititS. Montreal and Toronto than at present. Pa conie tde tt igetevein ry Wednsay il Mr. Wiii Proudfoot retu'oed to Chicago seuger traffic could be greatly increased i pupils er ug inste rc o fr m eaperorlast Friday niglit after spà~diug a month întroduciug loer fares. tealir t mdeat prce sio11-akp-with lis prets - Visitinif car Schoois. plication at once te tht Rev. Dr. tiSit, rimn- cipal.-tf &ood Orchards a beon. -J ust say lu tht CHRuONICLE-," said oui mcrry iriend, Mr. Thos. M-oody, of Liver- pool Market, "that tht farmers al slorùg the front have from $300 te $500 worth cf apples in their orchards, and that they will be able to elitbem ail for cash, even "if tht price dots net inn higli. Tht large yieid wf-l make up for auy weakutss iu price, sud il thteud they wi11 ail have a nice lot ef mone) and wili be happy. 1 lîke te set tht (armer doing weil. Wbeu they have luck we ai come in fer a littie cf it. Just say this anc yen will bet eling ucthing but the truth." St. John's chunch at tht bay.- The toiiewing members cf the Wydlfl celle g e mission soclety bave becs appointei te, officiate at St. Jehn's church durin g th college termn: Messrs. McCnnllI, Southaw Wbita, Ten Eyck. Mr. .McConnell take tht services next Sunday. At a meeting beld lu the above cburch oi Wedsesday, Sept. 26th, W. J. Soutbam pre siding, l was deided t&form a ladlossoclet te b. calied tht Womanls Auxilliary cf S Jehn's cbui chi Tht followîng officers wez eiected . President, Miss, Smithb; vice pres dents, Mrn. Howden and Mrs. Adams; Re aecretary, Miss Arnold ; Cor. secretarý Maiss Howdeîm; treasurerrMiss Blew. At succeedisg uxeetiug heid at the residenceq Mnr. John Blow on Tbursdayi Oct. 3rd, Mr Harris, ef Brooklu, ably acdditssed the ladii and gave them an insight lIet the wori Twenty-sevtfl names Were placod upon Il Mîr. Geo CoraraciIp-swrecked. Tht abovo gentleman was at Parry Sont last week, sud the fellowiig d1spatcb frc Midland te, Tuesday's Globe Fives tht c tail of a catastraeb. whieb b. .1 hlm on 1 trip: Last Frlday. Mr. muiler, of Par Sound, told tht crew of bis tug Minebi te take Ide frieud, Mn[. George Cormacek Whitby a lumberman, to Xidtan"î' boat blet Bt 2 p.m. At 6 p.uL, wbei di noms was thickeéning end a ses rollng t boat rau ber Pmono a rockp carudi<t and took la a large qusutlty ofgu crew aud li4r. Coràm* IJtw simali hest &n<l pellte t teai o about a tuile -sayad&otto d front Mldland. Teete Mqýý1 and bullt a fire. Ab vaibo.d Irg thez4ti T bad a mdit, jetB break. -The psitY t sAxa At nom a 5II#$ ed te the bouse for over a moutb od account ef a fractured ankle is able te be eut again. Tht propelior J...G. Nichols bloaded peau litre os Mouday, sud tht schooner Fiers Carveth delivcned a cargo of ceai at Downoy's sheds this week. Mr. W. Appleton gave an At Home te a Inumber ef bis friends os Monday nigbt cf nlast week. Duning tht eveang tht guets y' sawed a barge pile cf îles whicb William had -s thoughtfuiby precured fer their amusement. IlRev. Dr. Cade's Succees. d Tht Belleville Sun cf Menday laut prints a goed picture of Rev. Dr. Cade, sud gives au extended account cf the annivers.Bry sel- Fe vices of bis church there, wbich teck place 'd on Sunday. We quote tht fcllowing per- lt menai reference 10, Dr. Cade: Since Rev. i.Dr. Cade teck tht pasîcrate of the cburch 'tht debt bas beeti reuced cousiderably sund by bis uutining efforts It wil bc still amaller S befere another year passes Dr. Cade bas, e- lu tht short time- ho bas becs here, maode ty himseof beloved net only by his congrega- t. tics, but by ail with whom ho bas corne lu- re contact. Hlm masy igood qualities bave cu- si- deared hlm to, a barge circle of Moueds, andi c. the members of HclboWay strit church bave y, otbisg but the bigbest praise for hlm sund aprecition f bis untlr gefforts l4thol oebaif. That lie may long hospre t d m. houer te tbe cburch thei doctrines of whlci ies ho me abiy expounais athe wlsh cf aIL.The 'k.' report bac! gaint d ground that thte oquent bce doctor lntended to superannuate, butl this, bai mot the siightest foundatios Wlu (udr His vigerous constttion and great spirit ati gives biàs congregation ccr" roesto ho9p Mthat It wfl h many ýyears ,.efore be'wllb le. coutpeUe te Jay clown biz.111e work.' bis Aflohiflstso T7Mr. Jobn Sullivan, a ' Whltby boy," r4t ha ,bas dout ell u ,nBmton,'paid' ilsi.annual of velobis native towu onSatiitday ,and L*DIESP MXýN'8 VNT. Fpeil~neLvi's Rbedvst t1 e,20a d25.Filin 5e . rn Volit, very large size, ahl wool, t only 85C. We also have the LAties' Drawers to match the Vesta at 1.00 atnd 1.25 a p tir. Fiwi liiiof Ldies equestrieneTi,ht in black. The correct thing for Lady Bicycliat. Ietns U rd rw ar. Special .lîte f Shirts at 25 a D awers to match at 25 . a pr. Fine heavy lin e of Shirts and Drawera, textra values, st buc. and 75c. înjai..ý ' aîti in atock. .Special liuo of lMis' Feavy R~ose ...at.......................... .Special lineoo Childreti's Heav~y Ibac at....................... 25 cII. ce. I e r.- a- in' eo' I F- V'esltors ST 1F_'-j-- WART. [o %V biitby 1il -will make it a point betoiMé leaving the town of seeing- G) Wb Go ...MAGNIFICENT DISPLAY. .0........ F NEW ............. WALTEP AUTUVN and WINTEe TheW contenhibion0ca» ,in our aroudectarmFne, onis1 n of d aSl, Blackond (bibiloein Sur r, ong epSiksSi Vs,, Velveteeof Fns Tales Linens, Shawls, Travelling Rugi; and Buggy Rugs. Autumfl'8 Falrest and Gr5DRESS GQODS*é'D UNDREDS F YARDS of new wtvs and a~~styles, a display that ie certain te invite the en- thnsiasm of every lover of beantiful Drees Fabrics, Bias Soleil, Estamene Serges, Henriettas, Matallassie Serges, Priestly's Contille, Brecades, Metians, Plain and You are weicame Grand Displ GOLF CAP -S and* CAPES.1 A LL new correct Styles, Material and Manufacture, ansd at such ... LOW PRICES... that ,thmey WW, prove a surprise to every purchaser. y ge"Every Departrnent funll of thc needisud ncveities g' cf the Season -:-Gleves, Hosiery, Ladies' Under Et" woar, Corsets, Laces, Ribbons, Trimming8.%çtc. ýy or not. w hitby. i ta corne and ins/e ay whether you bu W.G. WALTERS, .'Jt education asat week requirlng tht chairman, te name two trustees at each meeting whostÊ duîy il will ho te visit ail thte chools during the succteding montb, end report uipon al miatters coming- under their notice. Chair- mas McCelas thereupon named Dr. Mc- Giilivray and Major Farewell, the mever and seconder of tht motion to take tht work for. tht coming monib. Tiiese gentlemen piomptiy etarted tht bal rolllng On Fniday mori.gand we bac! the pleasure of mals- ing ritîarty a trio. We first v.sited tbe Henry- Street scboul, and walked mbto the firsîdor we came upon, hais g that leadlng int Miss Mitcbell'a departmeut. Here we founid aboUt flfty smiall Canadians, workiug 1k. bea;vers- W. had frequently beard it ata.ed tuat'Miss Mitchell là a very skillful ýant ucceofut trachier, one who loves tht profession, and tht'firet tes minutes were devotedl to listenig to the instruction us- partei te a ciass cf very simali juveniles. Speakisg for ourselvts we may may that Our aechooltisys wero hlimiteti. Stili we can te cal! eno ugb of tht routine of bygone days te esabie u temay that everything connectei with testchlng-has changd, except that It le slii dose wltthe.mouth- For Instance, lu Our youthfill days If we druw the ondine of a plg os our siate, Pr If we lndLlie lu a iveakuemm wepomsestd of carjcaturlug the master, *bQmu we, were wont to represent as i. eldiug amlat ik Ilhau1 , -11I -e 1ieee,"wt SBY if wte ffayeg o'drà* pldures- nechtai the e l~Ieday. of yorei w. recelv* aes, th og1l dmnbing T heo sbolmbaster * ws WsealwYsandikuew everytblug;-but ýt 7w "fing him teacàliz the 'cbld to-dgy? wbat î 1 u reat offlense aÈa1W11discipline for Ig~- Lecture on "Chat'1e8 Dioken8," I APPLE8, CIDER. WANTEL1-j 20,000 bushels Barley, 3000 " Oate, 59000 ci Blk Eye Peau 2,000 ci Small Peas, 10,000 bbls. Wiuter Âpples. W.BNI.LE&CO. Rev. H. Symonds, Ashburnham, Ont. ....wltb MUSICAL PPOGRAMhME,.. ...u. AiAl Saints' School House,. wEDNESAT, OCT. 98r4, at 8 p. x, Admission 2.5cents. AUCTION Of First-Ciass Farm in Whilby. The- subscniber bas roctived instructis froar MR. ROBT. LYNDE te seil by public auction, at tht Royal Iotel, Whltby, ou TUESDAY, OCT. .-andp î895y bis valuable tarin, being compomsed cf tht north slxly-I fivc acres ofr Lot No. in l the nd conces- Sion cf the owap WhtyThoSOU le, dlay loam, sud second ,> noue, well feucoti with cedar, well watred wltb a neyer fail- ing atreani cf wter acirosut on. corner dis. tant about 100 yarda rou Ine stene Itoie 4rvlg ouse,îs abl nsd.frame house abunda.ce c fruit cf akinda, just outaide thetown ef WhltpÏ, sud viitbifi îwô- Imiles from th tii tre-thereof. Thisfart laO eue of the' clçitieS il, tht townsbip , lu a frtdsa atof cultivallil, bas: neverl My es" A patrS, wIl Easae oieta after tis date, to the 2,5tb of Sept., my cider miil wlll be run on Tuesdays and Saturdays for custom work, and after that date it wil be open to customers at any time. I wiII commence buying aples for the Evaporat- ing Works on Thursdai Sept. x9th. Dry- ing apples must be frée rom over ripe apples and cider apples. S. W. LOWELL. Whitby, Sept. 6tb, 1895. ,, e emnç E[a i WE <FIX"-. !MMý ..wMMMMwý e,ý: ýl Children;s, Mea's and Boys', in all the well-known special makes, at Vo uuie Ltu"ii prosis upon our rnainy laLrns te adviasttiiliy of aaking your purchases as ea.rly aa possible, as theý preb%%uare uu w ofuriug luuw desirable gouds ut wi1 4"ure very speedy sales. t eN ew L ' AJ!\on ): I,L-XNK ETS, QU ILT S, COM FORTS. ý . j it in. " S:Ei t-'Com e a.nd seethem ."IE I ý The same reliable GOLF CAPE Lecture on ,Charle8 SALE 0 a mo8t rashionabie 1

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