MUthl&taIBdtaQ#icê collectioni cf fée ,o te' kAtoi. tpntiL..B6nd. FtulI hms, C Wîs. i &t au iietIa&t and ü0'r. pl, iilU youiig, W Wallace. the M Blrikto- 4reJ Glondinning, % ismer. te fix0 w tl* 'a we te ~g oan*t, voot warp-Young, Wismér. mO I~i1~I7the gâte ire. Ra carpéti, cetten warp-Young, Wal- me à . di4d îureaîe. The aé Ail wool oarpet-Wîsmer. Cov- de * Iueg o, etc., ii thé,hadll, *rlot-Wismer, Mn J. Dtiff. Bocks- plC ,Vérilarge bmd cf fuequalitiy. Youngr, *Wallace. Stoekings-Young, wc Mn aa% rooti wonexelentiit.ErtriésWlsmiér. Woelen yarn-Young Mrs J 9h. hiu#oaues eré ber.thé aver Vreeman. Woolen mitts-Dut Wimr , ~ whle cttiéthwd &a light falling Collection cf ladies' work-MrsHat Off in number, biat womré botter than ever Mrs Hayes. Pièce werk quilt-Milse J for luqualty Âtoehit thé show wua Baird, Wiumer. Faucy tonp séwéd qul <Iicid4 uccesa, sud thé seciety is to e b.-Mrs Jas Young, Mns A O McPhadnà i con NtPated on thé réjsultai. Crazy quilt -Mrs H-1 Iemp, Wallace. thi ,1bfollowing le a liat of thé prizé Log cabi qjiýt-Dutf, MoPhaden. wa wînnerîa Ladies' dreaii-%allaoe, Haiat. Ladies' pal DItAtGHT HOreIst.-Stallion-W Bag- utider-clothng-Haist, Wallace. Sofa l shaw, W Chambers, Team-Géo Had- Pliow-Miss A Baker, Haiet. Yarn rug to ,don, James Rennie. Brood mare-Had. -Mrs T H Glendinning, Mrs J Toung. on dent J Héron. Gelding or fllly, Hadden. Rag rug-Mrs J Young. Ohild'a d res- MI Foal-Hleren, 1) F'rancis. Golding or Wismer, Duif. Crouhet counterpau'- air mare, 3 teo yr. l-adeiJJCo '.Wallace, Haist. Genî's shirt, haed made del GENERÂL PTRi'Os.-Spau herses-W - laé, Wiemer. Cotton batten fer Bâgehaw, W Ry nard. Brood mare- flowers-Miss B Vallentyne, Mrs C Swît- To Coylo, 1Prancia. Geidfing or fily-Cole; zer. Wax shells-Mrs W R Hayes ýNj1 Francis. Gelding or filiy, 1 yr. old-I{S Feather fiowers-Switzér, Baker. ýVix C Webster J 'Purvie. Foal-Purvis, T fruit flowered-Bayes, Mm. Réard. Pil- L; Doyle. lowsharns--Komp, Haiel Pin cushon- tlii OARRIAOE,-Stallion-C H Amey, E T Kemp, Heard. Ottoman-Heard, Kemp. th, Williame. Span of hrsé-J Vandéburg, Worked sglippers-Kemp, frr Vanzant p Amey. Singue driver-W H Oliver, J Lam p mat - Mrs J Wý Thompson, M4lrs M u Croier Do ovr ~4 and-T éékeTaylor. Darning on nt-Mrs G R Van- NI Rynard. Brood mare-Jas Tocker, J saut, Baker. A rsensé work-Héard, Olt - Miller, jr. Stallien, 2 yrs. old-Améy. Rayes. Tuf ted q uilt-Duff, Hayds. D. Gelding or filuy, 2 yre. old - W ') Law, C Raised Bénlin wool work-Vaillntyne, no itrethour (reiding or filiy, 1 yr. oid-A Vanzaîît. Fiat Bénlin wool work-Van- cli liretho- , 10 zant, Héard. Hair 'Fiowers-Baker. Tt Tattng--Mris J S jLeynolde, Vanzant. :N, CATm-Bull-James Lacé, in twine-Haisl, Reynolds. Chair G ansd 2 Réunie. Bull, îidy, coton-Mrs J uiiue St. John, H aye. sG er. Iloifer, 2 yrs. old Chair tidy, wool-Elaiet, Young. Itaiian S roid-Juluis Shier, raised work-Rayes. Fancy kniting- cc yr. oid-1 and 2 Vanzant, Wismer, Fancy nélting-Výan Wl S Miller, Rennié. zant, Wismév. Faucy baskt-Heard, dil Itennie. Haiel. Crochet coton-Mrs Reynolds, In 2 yr. old-J A Mfc Kemp. Crochet wool-Vaniant, Haust. b -A.ti ull-A C McPhad. Leather work-Vallentyne. Cané work ta i and 2 McCilivray. '2 yr. -Switzer. Bead work-Hoard, Van- Ir à eifr-McGillivray. 1 yr. oid heifér zant. Toilet set-Vanzant, Réard. Eni- D .dc(il llvray. broidery on silk or satin-Haiel, Heard. ge llOI.S-rEiNi-BUll-O V St. John. Embroidéry on cotton-Wismér, Valle- th JRitY-Agéd Bull-Allan-.b'tcLeati. lyne. . Embnoidéry on woo-Mrs Haist, Pl 6 y r. old bull-J A McGillivray. 1 yr. Vanzant. Embroidévy on push-Reard, re 0l bull--T Purvis, W McKay. CoV-.-Rayes. Créwéll embroidry-Heard, cO McOiiuivray, McKay. 2 yr. otd heifr- Jaizt. Guipure work-Vanzant, Haisî h( Wmn Purvis, McLean. 1 yr. old hifer- Cheville work-Haist, Vanzant. Cre- w T Purvis, MoGillivray. Uleifer calf-T tonné work-Heard, Wiamèr. Appleque h( C Wartian. work-Haist, Hayes. Kensington em- hi DisvoNsHumI-Bull, 2 yr. old-W Mc- broidry-Mrs Héard, Vanzant. Whisk it Koty. Cow-McKay. Bull calf-Mc- holder-Mrs Baldwin, Heard. Braiding 's Kay. Héerd of cattle, i sud 2 Réunie. on silk-Rayes, Vanzant. Braidin gon hi Fat ex or steer, cow or heifr-i aud 2 cotton-Vauzant, Wiser. Knitted fine hi Rennie. wool lace-Young, Mns T Weich. Knit- tI COTSWOLD SiiE'-Aged ram- J ted cotton lacé-Vanzant, Young. Honi- ti -Nluri-y, J Ward. Shosniing rarn-Murry. ton lace-Vanzant. Point Ikee-Raist,' Il lirZý-Ward, Murry. 2 Sheariing Vauzant. Collection of paintinge-Hayes ai ewéw-Murry, Ward. 2 sged ewe- Reynolds. Oil painting-Hayes, R.ey- ,,,urry. ,2 ewe lamub-Ward, P Faliow- nolde. Waten clr-Hay ès, Réard do f'dwn. Crayon drawing-Reard, H ast. Pencil fM ~ 4TRAgdram-W% Rynard. drawing-Rayés, Reard. Painting on G .rlitng rain-Lynard. Ram lamb-l véivet--Rayes, Héard. Painting on p( 2, Rynard. 2 sged éwe-Rynard. gluBseand, Kemp. Kensington paint ci '.ntî~.w~-Rnad.2 éwe Iambe ing-Hayes, Heard. Poonah painging- et 1 are. Heard, Hayes. Painting on plush-Mrs el v IIUM Olt FINE WOOL BREEDS-Aged Hayes, Héard. Paintiing on silk or satin oi U Lurnett, à . MeKay Shearling -Hayes, Reard. Painting on China or cl -McKay, J A McGillivay. Ram pottêry-Vanzant, Reard. Sepia draw- ii ..-- McKay, H Waddell. Two aged ingz-Rayés, Reard Freehanddrawing I awés-MeCGillivray, McKay. Shèarling -Baker, Hayes. Trimmed cotten pina- cý ewe-H McKay, Burnett. 2 ewe Iambe fore-Miss Ml MoPhaden, R Wallace n Bunnett, A MocKay. 2 fat shép-ýJ Remmed handkérchiefs-M MPhadéu v Munry, Mclhay. Crochet work. sny kind-R Wallace. a BERKSîtuEîc Pî.s-Boar-3 F Maylon. B1ead wok-Wallace. Best drèssed dcllil Sow- Malyoîi. - Mise R Wallace, Miss G Reynolds. t Fielid carnts-P Faiiowdown, Pangmian. w Iepc.Ayohrkni r Mangolds-1 snd 2 Rynard. Wismér, Thonîpson. Cnab applé jéily, D&z'v itoDuE-Btte 4 ib -M..Ruan, Mn.i S Pangman. Apple jéliy, J ASièr, Miss RéBueie,0Mn. W-Um- Young,m A C MePhaden. Jelly any Jp hré.Ber 25 lbs-eMArethour, othér kînd, Young, Ruan. Catsup, Me- Shién, MitseL U5phréyMrButtere20 lb Phadén, Thompeen. Mapie imolasses, -iMiseBaird réteurButir20 ButerBaker, Mn. Punvis. Maple sugar, Switx- 10 iba-Baird, Mm. Wm Vallenlyné, Mrs zen, Grape wine-Bryant, MoPhaden. J Wadel, ir Buter10 Ibi sunrli- Raapbérry wine - Mrs Duif, Mn. Baker. J Wadél, jr ButerCunnant wne-Mrs Busick, 14nan. Wine Baird, Brethour, Shier. Butter fivé Ibo.a. yohrkn-antaN in rll&Mr4 Benett MmT 0 at.Shier. Raspberry vinegar - Shier, Mn. rien. T Reekie. Collection et picklesý-Mn. A PPLES, FLOWERR, LADIES' WORK AND Bryaut, Mn. Kemp. Extnaed hoey- riNE ARTs.--Collection of AP<rLe-GeMn. W Umphréy, - Shiér. Houey iu Suuith, J.Ci Umphrey. Aléun réý-John cemit-Shier, Uoepbrey. Home made Glendinning, A Doyle. Golden Ruesét bread-Mrs James Vroomau, Mr@ Young. -Umphréy, J Miller, j.Osynga Streak -W Rynard, Smith, Dutcheas cf a.,. Odeuubug-C Bret.heur, Mfiller, jr. Fai Wtlhrotrsi giclua a * Pippins-J Miller, or., Umphrey.Kiugeu ihcaaulai gmo o -Uriah Young, Wea Miller. Nertitren seratisuiOur fOara Mhi"e thbIaS eso S«W Young, Umphrey. Gréeing- SOwii fi ve vy eztnslvy. Te ~ - ou~1HGrffi. Sn#-Jauéslow la th"t nitisdo ~ RoburyRuset- * ounthé soitets vaîl i themarket i. .Cw¶.'-8MItIý m 1ý *il n»Wmon profitabl Ibm $me .other -P ar . J Elliro Âsha Îdb éra 'g ~ *ilMt0ck arebig et drop. BêYOIId tfis hII ~~albôt river Ibe ctilised . . é.tialei ,direction et 'Laize 8110oo.e In regard thé charge. made that -Itlian work- en- weré being ' eoepL, $d'iCi-thé -detr* ,Ont of C>wadian labgot.s, Mr. Otîder- )nk otatéd that a few Italiarîs wérée em oyed on beg work, wheré no other men uld venture, but on thé rest Osoadians eré engaged entirely. 8léne vu. Rafi. Dénnié Maloné bad Jno. M Ragan be- .re Mayor Sanderson yestérday moru- , for alleged, non paymnent of wages. i. plaintif! pulled a quantity ef péas for s détendant in August fer which hé as te receivé 81 per acre and board, yable in 80 days. Thé defeudant's ,en waï that his employer had refused py bina for hie work, although hé ad 1more than cne occasion went alter il. r. Malone aise eonténdéd tbat the .uount of peas cut wfts more than thé fend1ant would pay himn for. The dif. rence was a rxtutttr of about 891 cenýs (assuré himee.lf onl cérltiflpointe, Mr. lalone liad calléd in thée services cf Mr .Eý Fritton te eurvey thé fiéidà . In e witnest box thc sur veyor showéd that co plaintiff was riglit in his estimate cf e acreagé cf thé ground ce whicb thé eas had béen pullel. Risa\Vorslîip gave igmént for Mr. Malone in wages for 9.04, tht8 defendant te pay costs in- 3dîng 85 for expert évidence. Mr. G. * Grant acted for Mr. Regan and gave otice tlîat hée will appeal thé case cf hie Lent to thé Division court. Ibo Chief £xoneratéd. At Monday'e counecil meeting Cotincilor ilpin asked tlîst iimelf and1 Méesers. 1eppand sud Kickey bc appointed a rurnittee te enquiré inte the way in hich Chiéf cf Police Dreyer had bée escharging bis duties. In support cf bis aotion hé s'atéti that Mn. Dreyer had sèen ratier remise in coilecting the dcg ax. Mn. Gîlpin saiti alec Iliat a certain ticlé hati béen lest in tewe anti Mr. nreyer lîad detuandéti $2 beforé hé wouid it it back. Théernonéy ws paiti sud hia article retunneti. Mr Gilpin's cern daint jù'as that Mn. Dreyer hati made ne eturn cf thé motey te thé town. Thé ,ncil appoiuted a c&moerittee andi it éard évidence on Tnlesday monninu, 'heu Mn. Dréyer>aid that a quantity of ioe bad been taken frctn Gilpie Bres.' ardu are store ; that hé had bée btld cf tby thé fintu; that a certain party prom- sed te get thé hose if $2 svére paidti t imr aud no questions .ssked, andti iat hé ad secuneti théerncney anti paiti it te à ie party, whoe arné wag.not given te ,ho cotnriteé. Thé comrnittee thought à e explanatiol] Ratiefactory anti exoner- ted thé chief. l@ Sinrunned over. Mothen2' A litîf e net yét-tbneé-yèar-old sou cf gr. anti Mrs. J. O. Ceatée, corner cf *oldwatén anti Matchédasli streéts, le cséedof a vény commrnn childish Liaractenietic et piaying ou thé street ait ;ch titues as it can escape the watchful ýye et fend parents. Fniday lasI mankéd né of thèse occasions, anti Percy-his bnristian narne-was coutentedly énjcy ýng himself on thée mididle ef M atchédasb. If his freck was ncwai d ean hé didu t Dare, anti hé let pasUnnoticeti or did nt héar thé rernanks of passerby a-mong whein penhaps wené parents* of oldren about Péncy's agé Who wouid just hé w hère hé was on Borne othér street in thein endi of thé town, if. parental guard was nelaxétia litue now anti then. Porey likewise had nne îhought for thé perdons- ness of hie position, anti whén hé béal d th. noise ef a heavy Inuber wagon thn dering dowu thé streét lu hie direction, hoeéithen mupposedti hat thé driver wonld avoid hlm or stop befone thé team wu upon jim. Whatèver wéré Pèrcy's thoughte bis infantile brain wao i nen- siblo te, danger. Thé gréaI lumnbén wagon camue thundériug on with that duhi shako. eom-up rumbié ibat ocly lumbér wagone make. lIts course neyer aitenéti but seémed te continue lu thé direction of Master Coates. Thé driver may have seri thé chilti or hé may net. If hé titi it wae when il wae tue laté. Perey satW il tee, but neyeir etirreti. Clesing bis eyés as if te shut eut thé sighl sud raisin, a pair et plump littlé hauda ou his béat, a wovémént which, hé prebably hopec would afford protection, hé waitét. Tht hanses saw hirm and perhaps knew; AI. mnosi delibéraîéiy they seemnéd te divitit and pais ovér thé spot oue on eacLi sitt eto the chutd, who neyer uttereti a sount, Thé herses hati pasiset him and thon tht wagon wuîh ite gréai noise frein thé pou. déirous whèels went over hlm withoui hs1viug raiset a biain ou thé heai of P, Ouates. Thé yeungstér got up as îht veice et hie mothen, cemiug te look foi hum, was béard. Ris expression waa ong cf surprise ah having anu nusua! bit c fun, rather than féar, as hé sait : & bin, nuuneti over, mother."- à %"Tu~ Q MAY ANDPaamit"s M7TOIGPA,&Y., Mrs; de Navamro(Mary, Anderson) bas now conip!eted -the autobiogrgphy cf ber stage Career, anid a seies of the mosti interesting' chapters fromn the manuscript wiii be printed in The Ladies' Home Journal, Ie these ar- ticles Mrs. de Navarro will tell of ber first appearance on the stage, the ex- perienceS of ber theatnical lifé, and tbe famlouS people in America and EngIand whose acquaintance abe made. Tbe journal wiil begin tbe autobiograpby in an early issue. THE LuI)ES' HOME JOURNAL INVESTS. What is getierally conceded in Phila- deiphia to be. one of the most desir- able building sites in the city bas just been purchaseti by the Ladies' Home journal. The property is located at Sixth and Walnut streets, which means that it fronts on two of the most beau- tiful squares in Phiiadelphia, the fam- ous Independence Square on the east, and Washingtonl Square on the south. The land acquired includes five proper- ties. On May îst, next, the bouses fhereon will he torn down to make rooru for abuilding costing 8250,000, to be solely owned and exclusively occupied by the journal. The builing wili ne- quire two years in itS construction. A Générons Offer. (Published /iy Requesi.) Dear Mfr. Editor .-Wili you kindly in- form thé readers of yeur valuable paper that I will gladly send FREE to any sufierer frorn Lest Manhood, Nervous Dèbiiity. Nîght Losses, Varicocele, Impotency and thé rsuits cf youthful foily, particulars cf s simple and inexpensive means of self-cure whlch after bé- ing humnhugged sud, împosed upon for years by quacks and patent medicine sharks, cured ire lu s few weeks. I havé nothing te seil or give away, uer arn 1 advertisping au y patent medicimie business, but wil hé pieased te hear from anY sufféer auxieus te fiud a cure for his complaiut. te whom I1 will extilain coufiden- tialiy how sud by what means 1 wss cured. Hundrede have been cured through my ad- vice. * Coas nothing se learu wbat 1 paid hun. dreds ot dollars te Sund eut. Address confi- dentialiy sud enclose stamp if convenient. D. G. OWEN. Tenonte, Ont. . Riverside P.O. Thé New York Yacht Club accépsed thé challenge cf Mn. O. D. Rosé. We bave ne hésitation un ssying that Dr. J. D. Kelioggs8 Dyeentery Cordial ls wîtbour doubt thé bout Medicine ever iutroduced fol dysenuery, diarrboea, choléra and ail summer Complainte, ses siekuese, etc. It proiuptlv gives rélièf andi neyer talle toeéffect a positive cure. Motbers ebouid neyer be witbout ç, bot- tie wben Ibeir cbildrén are teething. Thé man Muonu, wbo 9esaulted (Jonductor Miller, ba@ escaped trom jaîl in Ralitax. Skepticiam. - This je uuhappily an apte et skepticism, but Ibère iseu=e point Upen whfcb pérsone acquainled witli thé uubjépt agréé, nameiy, that Du. TuevÂs'P;ýCLEc TROi On ia medicine whicb eau hé réliid upon te cure a cougb, remeve pain, béai sores et varioue kinde, sud bénéfit auy iufiaméd portion et thé body te, which it je applièd. Hon. Mr. Laurier'e meeting at Merrickville wasehfgbly satistactory in ail respecte. Thé remnankable inumber et cures cf gent sud rheumalism wbichbhave foilowéd thé use et Ayer's Sareapanilla, peint conclubively te thé tact that this remedy cornes nearer béiug thé spécifie, for complainte 'of thie nature than any cîbor medicine ln pharmacy. Tweive livewen lost»by thé sinkiug et thé French bark Pacifique lu collision, A Remarilable Cure.-J. W. Jenuison, Gil- ford-Spéni behweeu $200 sud $300iluconsuit- iug Doctors; triet Dixou's sud ail othen tréat- ments but gel ne besietit. -Guéebox et Chase's Catarrb Curé did me moe goed than aIl othen remédies. in tact I considen myself cured, sud witb a 25 cent box ahthat. Mn. Robent Lamb, et Gait, wss drowued uhile duck-shoot.iug lu Pueliich lade. Minards Lfiniment cures dundruff Mulcaby's Blnck, in thé centre of thé busi- ness section cf Orillia, was burned. pileés 1 pu«iItelmini PU«. SympTOMds-Mispre; intense itching and lingng ; most aI nixht ; woese by ocachsng. If allowed te continue tunlors formf, wbieha of ten bleed and ulcerate, béceming very sore, ',SwAYsE'5 OINTuget" stops thé itehing and bleeding, béais uloergation, à n3(1lunmest cAfféS removes thé tumors. At druggists or by mail for 50 cen ts. Dr. Swayne & Son, Philadelpitia. Lyman Senso&0C.9 Kontreal, Whoiésalé Agents. qyd Office heure 9. a. mn. to il office heurs Il amx to 9 p.m. 29'Privale Telephone Communical:on. 0. P. BOGART, ,.D.,L.D.S. Physlcaa, Surgeon and Accoucher, etc. Office and Residence neit Vo AUl Saint's Church, Dundas Street, Whitby. N. B.- Dental Surgery in ail its brancheBporl attended'to. spo tl Dr. H. Wightman, .DEN TIS T. Over Groose & OTanger's. Whitby. W. JE. YARNOLD, D. L. S.. Count Surveyer and Drainage Engineer, Port Perry, Ont. A. A POST, Architect, late with Langley, Langley& Burke, Toronto. Deésigna for Churches, Villas and Cottages a specialty. Drawings Préared for renideling xisting tructuresi. %ffce-.First fiat over . R. Howse's; drug store. LýÊP O Box 202, Whitby. WM. CALVERLEY, HAESs5 MAKER, WBITBY. Havlng inovéd into our new prernisés, we are prépared toeéxténd thé range ci business. Ail work pertaining te thé harness-making and saddlery business will be done te, satis- faction. Collars a seciaity. Cali and se my shop and stock. W. CALVEBLEY, Second door west of old shep. Dundas Street, Whitby JNO. NOBLE, -DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF- Lumber, Shingles, nah, ]Doors and Blinde, Turaing and Fret4Sawlng. _gO Ail orders or information can be obtained frem JOHN NOBLE, Dundasý Street, Whitby, opposite Mr. A. C. Wil- son' s reience. Whltby, April 4111, 1894. EstabUshod 1856. fi per annum la sdvanoe, otherwlse $1.60. Subsorlptionu always payable at thé office of publication. The. publisberr de net undortake te délirer the paper ai say pest office but 'Whiby. Acy piper wbieh i fsUSte reaoh its deutination w Il be replaeed upenn eostton a. a malter of eenziesy. Advegtbîuns rates unien* by cou. crc. 0ents pur linimnparlel, fgratin. sérUm'n, and ô cents per -lino esoh subsé- quent insertion LocallO c0 entsper lin, JOS)R STANTOZF, Poxeman., Rilway" Mmzie Table Gako D SlaUN AND mIDLA14 COunty êolicltor. Office- -ýBothWng cil CourtMBoue, W hltby. JAMIEw UTLIEDGE, Barrister, etc. Office fermeri y occupied by Farewell & Butledge, neit Royal Hotel, Break St., Whitby. DAVID UIISTON, B. A., Attorney-at.Law, Solicitor in Chancery, COnVeyancer, etc. Office - In the Office South of the post office, in mcMiiIan'a Block, Brock Street, Whitby. G. YOUNG SUVITH. LL, B3., Harrister, etc. ,-Money te Loan. Issuer of Marriage Liceneés. Office - Smith's Block, South of Market, Bi ock St., Whitby. DOW & Mc(ILLIVRA'Y, îBarristers, Solicitors in Chancery, etc. Office in Mathison & Hawken's new Dlock Brock St., WVhitby, south of Ontario bank. Ors Warren & Moore. J. J. Moore, M. D., F. Warren, M. D. Pundas St., Whltby, J. T. NEWPOUT, Proprietor. Commercial men iibérally deait with Téaming dlone st reasonable prices. Freight snd Baggage hauled at resoon- able prices. A eall selicited. LIFE INSURANCE. Manutacturers' Lifb & Accident Insurance Co., Toronto. Largest Capital Stock Lif e Insurance Ce. on the continent. Ninety per cent. of &il accumulations et surplus in returned te thé policy helders. Ail eciine are paid without delay or discount on proof of death or maturity of endowment J. B. POWELL, Feb. lat, 98. Agent, Wlutby. la -E1. R# 1GQS-. DENTIST.« Cor. King & Yonge St. Toronto. For thé next titrée monthsamangiving;, spécial attention Vo patients frein a &a->, tance. -Arn tili making plates in rubber,. 118, célluioid #10. Goid and murver filing work crowning by firet-clss operatorgalat thé mont resenable rates in: thé city.- Whén in the ciliy eall in aud lot me exam- ine ur teeth. I maire no' extra charge. 0. H. RIGGS, Dentist, seuth émut corner. King sud Yenge Sts., Toronto. Nov. 8th .18M2. Wu He WARNER,;o DEIALER IN GOAL, LUMBER, OORDWOQOD, BLABs, ETC. SOLE AGENT ini Whitby for the "Celebrat- ed" PLYMOUTHBGOAiL,4 Office. and Yard- just Et-ast of Uptown, StationÙ. Wbitby, Oc0t. ý25th, 1894. ABK WATIQNER r"s DailyMa. emn, «Mist 5~ W n-. 0,c.MacdonlWlbOei Jan 2','b2 ae2 ,i2M72 June s uiy é; sep. Dec. 8. bby ir OSluWÀ-D. (). BMacdoIill, WritbY;,maièr jan 8; péb.4;Mrh4 trl8; ay June 4;JIy ti sep, 4; Oct. 8; Nov. 4 Bioeà i- M- Gleesen, Greéuyeoodp Clerk.-J&ii 4; maroh5; >May 4; July 9; sep. 5; Nov. 5. B r h m P r PORT Piv - J. w. unan Pr Perry, Cierk-J53'. 29; Mgarch 9; ï«&y 9 JUIY il; Bep. 28; NOV. 18. UxrnsDeE~J5 ILhE. Goul, txbridgè, Clrk-Janl 80; March l1; May 151h; .ly 12; Oct 14 ;Dec. 17. CÂNNINGToN-GéoYZé Bmth, Cannington, Jan. 81; Marc h 14; Mray 18; July 18; Oct. 15; Dec. 18. BEÂVzuîToNt-Geo. f. Bruce, Beavèrten, .Clerk-14arch 15>; May 17; Oct. 18; Dec, 19. ,Ur"rzROBVR-F J Gilleupié, Uptexgrovey Clèrk,-March 16; MeY 18; Oct. 17; Deç 20, By ordér, J. p, FAREWELL Clérk ot thé #éacè.. 0October iSth, 1894. New Llvory and Sale Stables "Wafkcd il ~S t0oped over 011 bis knee. 1s "aot tro yni -wpzk. LocaLTp any goot, and 4neaétmeut nilj vi theut évei- -ýsToronto disocu -- wôld ta-ke né offl eda-ifl' sau t turnes ft afor aeme 4t..Jo . 8tI1 Resuits J MENdOF~ AVEI A MEIC WITIIOUT/ ýStatemeut cf a Wt Ayer's Sars;apariî; as a blood-pu.rifier aid cannot have ur. c Its effects iru c:rnc tréalmènt waýç cf li() 94dicine thît I have îýete m ail, is so t atld efloctis sonma, y .Ayer's Santaparnîlia." .Augusta, Me- Ayeî s "e AdImtted th dvelaé'DPis for TEE PESOPL AT THE RESCUE 0F MORN: Badly Crippléd Wî tense Sufferer Yéars Was Net -Dr. Williami Hîm te Héeaitb Frem the Sheiburne Thé complèlion service betweèn Sb Mille by Mesrs. J R-. . MariaIt, referrE recently, was thé the notice cf a nep thé fact ef thé rei héalth soe mre chief premoter, ci twe yéans Mn. fh sufferer from gcia.t While. net aiteget badly crippled tht S occasienally-babb Hormngn's Mule, n4.t;by. d hétcot - ii'tq and. he trot j enet. Ris famili dents of Honning'