Whitby Chronicle, 1 Nov 1895, p. 2

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t e. -Headache CURED PERMANENTLY BT TAflMG 1 was toubled a long ie vitI s ik headeebe. It was usuaily aoorapanied witbh seveme pains In thie temples, a sen.-e oft fulliiesseand tenderness iu ene eye. a bad taste In my moutistnge oaicul, bands aud lest cold, and siknss et ithe stomach. 1 trled a gond many remedii's recommended for this complaint; but it vas mut until I Began Taking Ayer's Pis thekt i mceved anythlng 1k,- pfrma- lient benefit. A single box of thies- 12 gtlit the work for me. auid 1luIit muîv1tr fromn headaches, andi a well mniu " - C. Il. HUTCHINGS. East Auburn, \le AYER'S PILLS Awed M odal at Wrd'e* fr Av5er'58arapar<i.l dofa*B... OORRZBPONDrOE lbho work gf Buugbîng the hatlI bas .d Mn. R. P. Hlopper le v isitin g friands in Toronto tliis week. Mrti. Jùseph Linton je siowly recever- ing trainlber attaCîkuf p:eurîsy. MrA. Johin (owie took suddeniy 111 Mondlay wl'ib orne heas't trouble. George Gerow is mnakiug a shipmaut of pumlps ta thie Nanitoulin Iland tis week. Reeve Gerow wae called ou Friday te inspect bridges ln tise nar ntsud et tise i. cauu:y. Mr. sud Mmi. Edwin Gould, et Bani- croft, wes'e bore witis Joshua Bandy sud family last veak. Grahamn Bros. shipped tour hersas on Tuasday. Tiss wem thse animale Mon tioned oy us last week. Henry Thomsen la tatking of erecting dwelling bouse on hie lot ou Wixou St in this near future. Rey. MoLesu was lu Kikfield Tuasda' atteuding thse funaral et oue ofthtie aideri et tise presbytersan churcis Ibeme. Our grain buyem, Mr. Keegan, repent having seoured a arge quantity et grain Fammaers are weili stisfied with pricas. James Leggott sud ftamity bava rature ed tram visiîing friands lu Bolton, su4 bas s'esumed hie duties aq section tore man. Jas. Jobbitt bas dieposed et bis horse bamne8sesud vehicies la aur liverymai Grahamn. James uow purposes to îrsve by baud or ou wheel,;. Bobt. Forsyth and C. J. Macnab wer eut shaotiug lately. Thoy lad soe fin' sisals but did net came te shoot on acconsi etftisa game being 50 nean hm In the'-danese et eue aven ing tbi week, Dr. Eastwood collided witb a tiî peest aitishe post -offie sud raceived tliCrk>JnQ l»st, <èf 126 jurons W90, tsW itfoiiiit: ýduld b. al,lte4.. Gr" e T ciWeme ~preVaila i§ d sXu'eaUr friends h&va po doubÃŽ but that; h~wl be ý,cquitW'o f the cbnxge of mutder il x the grourid of self dlefence. 2While piking apples on Tueaday after noota W. T.HaIrtrick, of iKing street east tell frotu a treo and dialooated hie ahotild- er, besides sustaining a light fracture 01 the wrist. Ra faIt about fetirtoon foot and the descent was in no way interrupt- ed. Sucb accidents are frequent bere- &bouts each fait, although, tbey are seldomn accoompaniied by injuries of se serions a nature. The pickii2g of apples Town fermer Boujdent êhoughttebeDyn ef Bsigbt's Dieeses, Uss Dëdd'r Kidney Pille sud Appeare on the Street in Perfect Health. niJu.H.Bse.la!,edngafvvek ie n ea in#tme sIty on B80 75vîit rende noaDati.tdy md ise~Liui~Gerw c M~I15I4 i~pu~.Morris Windtor is making oeus mtîu fe-eeks vils Ses'cousin Na d of O ov. . I x.,a ifl .AIIlitUn. i at the tops of trees snauîu evei, ux youngem people. 'we hope te soe Mr. Special te trie CHRONICLE. Ilamtsick speedily racoers. Listewel, Nov, lit, 189.-f"The prese About seven o'clock Sunday mniig despatcb, fîrst rad hors in aW Toronto the people et this village wame startied by paper, but dated fram Noepawa, Mani the persistent btowiniz of a distrais wbis- toba, bas oansed quit. as. mucoa l tle in tho vicinity et the G. T. R. station. fumoe as in the town Of iti erigiL. The A numbes' of tbe village firamon and otb- subjeot, Mrs. T. H. McKee, fermerlyhved oms at ancormade for the fime hall and bore aud bas a large ou-oIe cf sympathîz- atter ps'ocusing the angine and boss reel ing friende whe had fer menthe fut be- quickly miade for the scons et the uproar. lieved ber te b. dyiug or desd. à r.e- It wue soon tearned that a pitch in bsd oaves'y frem BrigbL's disease sud resp- ocns's'd t the eaet end of the iren pearance se reoearkabe-so suoh past bridge. Two freight trains wos'e felow- cemmen beiief-natufBally resulted in ing oacb othes' eut. The one teading zusny enquiriea fer confirmation cf lb. could net ruake the grade eust et tho tacts.", station sud backed up te take a tresb Similar press despatches isavsniz beau start wheu the second train cama along, of *eh frequeut occurrence, durrng the the angine of whicb plowod its*way past few manths, coming frosu varions îbs'ougb the conductor's van aud two parts cf Canada, the management of this fraigbt carsa loadsd with comnanad cats. papes' bad deoided not to permit tbeis' The tbree cars wes'a onmpletety shattos'od, publication witbout verificatson. To tbis whilo the ongine wua oonsides'sbiy danssg- sud evos'y despatch bitherte publîshed ad. The trucks wos'o dorsiled and the bias been investigated with a meat grati- bridge semewbat irjus'ed. A ws'ecking fying re8uît. In every case w bers we gang wase t once sent tes' aud with thse bave wsitten wo get prompt replies, vos'y local mon set to wes'k ta cleas' away tbe fioudty in theis' toue, sud su many cases wreekage, aud the tmsok was clear in a, stating tisaI thois' casa bas been under, few baurs. Aiîbougb the damage te rot- instead of ovar, stated. It le found alec, ling stock wss cons iderable, the accident LbIy stata, that tram those remnariabbe was net acempaaiad by bosset lita, ne curas the sales et Dodd's Kiduey Pille la person baing injus'ed. Wbile the bridge tbe surronndizsg couutr'ybas doubled and wua severeiy tried sud somewhat dis- qnadrupled duriug the past year, sud abledt it did not intertese witb trafflo snd that thesa pille are beiug suooessfully on visi4ng theo icone uew, eue woutd ased in as many cases as there are narrnet ucsrosly know that a pitela-in had oves' et disoases lu the catalogue. The pro. oecurred. It is impossible te find eut prietemu of Dodd's Kidney Pills wos'i Who le responaible fer the accident, sud equatby prompt in placing aIl the data thse gS"ra opinion prevaile, that it is eue for the succeesefut issue et eus' investiga. of thase peenliar thinas that wilb bappen tien aud we bave ourselves become con- ln theo face ot avery ps'caution. -News. vinced of the sterling maert this won- BZ.Ec]RIr(. dertut ruedicine. Mm. P. J. Brady, et Victeria Hiarbor, is Dodd's Kiduey Pille lea the enty Medi- the ues of ie roter hreMr. cine or treatmant in the wes'ld that haE Brady, marchant taitor. vreedBih'dsu. Mr. Thos. McDermott ars'ived boeeR OWSUP trom the city ou Saturday evening aftes'MEATUNHP ia mon the Visit. Sly Reynas'd bas commeuced te rambbE The heavy snew taIt Saturday n-ght round in close praxiznity te some eft lb caurd te send f abighbutsta a faTrmyards, an ziaus, no doubt, te 5500!r ibared ton c dor f ee eiga helel to tain, what bis chances are of sacurings te eaon. r tho un a atthediappeaf-few fat pultets. The boys are primini te nawso. Teso a IlIsper beir muskets, sud a lively lime le antici, edno.pated. Bey. Ms'. Bethune and wifo sund Miss isFneao ulh spyn Bethune were qnests at tise rasideuceocf -Ms iugne ulb epyn Mr. rr ut wek.visit to ber sister, Ms's. Jas. Kelly, a Ms Oar it waak pen Stu.a Mibingan. Midse My iifi Overend spint aetday Ms'. Richard Tifflu, cf Millinglen, ha sud uudy vsitng rieue i Beveron.takea peseesaion cf bie farta, whioh sinci Thora wus no service ln thse motisodiat the deatb of bis fatiser bas beau ,- workeg cisurcis on Sondpy, disegresabla weatisar' by, Mr. Aléx.. Martin. Ms'. Tiffin abt-hi hein&, the ca.use. Sertkes as usual nezt dests left is1f -cf hie farn to-ôýhie -son; îJi Sundsy evening. baleno. 'being dMivied &mongs oi tisé Ms'. D, . ! eDougali, teacheçinl.tise members et the fam1yraL itoue publie sohool herel,bas tenderen hies'em*ýsigeîl e rk v ils Jt thift charadeS nation.- W.e ee *y te tee Dan bave ietieOcf hlm, and'he now poes.es0th the village. ÃŽHe wuaageneral-favorite whole filin.- Re bha- nov -61y'-to witb all, sud,,faithful te bis werk. The tise bird fer tise cage, sud h*É,lvork wil trtutees will find it a bard task tu replace be completedl. 9 snob a gaed man. Like evary place ,1e' Maras' avo Mr. Poarce, vise bas beeu bnyiug hay erful yield of -potatoes, 91woet-i1napsecod for the last two menthe for a Torontoeonted in tise istory of Canada; -On th y' fim, left for tise city Menday. Hay will tisa farm cf Mr. P. Thosonac, Upto'groi 'a be scarce bore nov. vashas'vested Ibis yoar elgistoon bxieha Miss Basset who bas beau visiting cof tise Amerloan wouder variety, fs'om n4 ia friende bora. leotIfor bas' homo in Kirk- -Ibo. cf saeed; soeaof thasu inuured" field ou Saturday. ipobeseround, and cf excellent qualty. Ms'. Thos. Melc.nay leaves far tisa sta te Grain cropa as well srects are e1ci ofe Michiean te mos'sow. Tam intende to lent in tis l ocaility. dtry tise woods again. Mise Barbta ThomaSn, organiatg ' Mr. Richard Gongisaz showod yeur the' Preehyteriati'nrehh, Upergrove, correspondant a garden onion grown by visiting ber brother, Dr. Tomeon, N Shlm that weighed ths'eo sud eue quartes' BgU5 Fall. Miss, Alliaton, le filling hi ýn poundesud measus'ed nineteon sud s halt place SItise orgtn very effmcenetly. el incises a'onnd. 19 net Ibis s good ize? Mr. C. H. Byssu, cf Atherley, gs'ew Ou Taesdsy avauiag Ilut a very eujey- bushels cf esrly harvest potatces frontm re able lime wassspeat in tise parloesof Ithe Ibs. cf see, and h. tInkiIi l 10 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ % Brei asi en eeto ob .fr@coe ne oeufav vils graiiflutï-e8u1ts. If' sutferjic:trGe aify, sUmnier bomplaint iii j4sl the madtiie-t WiUi cura qi . ry a botfi2. Lt saltisfei25. conta. Tise Aflan Line sleamahîp Brazitian is esSore- 70mie fowebc Meuiteba lhad thefiret ïaysuo totiïcf- iJeàivetýit By k A Ir4uel a"Troute. "M#ehiicfit b svpobaia i ysreyI,,mbavé y dreri, îsrsold. elbay heirses.-,4-yrs. z years oi!., ý sn~ ares - aid. i wbitéo irîs,'od c*v,.i caîf. 'zilgre y df er,-yrs. old. .3 calva ~odewee theued&s.The sterbi lU red âIns trÏ frôn t.W. Mç,ôuffén, of Torontéo, l it. MftS ENPLY GC>U [0-O e4 pbI ing~4tin finaer. at beiremlse,(Distdas aidItJ QJ MisAlioe. ëm h returned t e A U D Y ç'.o~ ,9 home lnWhthbywhole of ber botisehoùV furniius, IniPart.> Miss Nîllie 5h.. io home visiting ber as oplows, viz -:parler sulilà greon " rntk parent' atp~~ sent. 1 centre table.', extensionl dlin tbl.6an Oeo. Duïùlop ha#returned te hiî par. seated chairs, it ;otige, icane Ëeated rocklng ent bee t aêtdthewine? chair, i sideboard, 2asmall stands, z hall stand, entass Hao à is h inteuda . 1zwhat not, hall oilcloth, stair ollcloth, stair Mie tPieipîe ted atten4în3g rods, i bedroom suit, 40 Or 50 Yards ragr carpet. the Normal sohool Bt Ã"ttaw&. izself-feedlng steve with two offes,1 Duches5 Miss Mitchell.- of Glen Major, basbeen cock steve. cerai or wook, i 3Io1?b eater, 6 per- visiingat M'. arri' lst wekforated seat chairs, 2 wash s;tands, 2 sets of teilet visiing t M. Igrril:' ut wek.furniture. i round -table, 3 French -bedsteads, 1 Miss; Maggie Birro in at present visit, sewlng machine, 2 fal.leaf tables, 6 commtn ing ber motber at Ocre Bey, IMani biand. chairs. i large bureau, i kitchen sideboaTd, wash tubs, wash boards, etc. Also a large anI Mrs. Pallister recoîved a bad shaking beautiful lot of toliage plants. i Calla illy. 1 up by falling from a ladder while.picking red lilly, and a lot cf other articles tee numerouM apples. to mention. Misss AiceTeey an Ma e Dwyr No reserve. Sale te commence at i oclcl. Misss Aice eef sudMagie Dwyr Terms cash. bas lef t eus' midat having secured work in LEVI FAIRBANKS, Toronto. Whitby, Oct. 28th, 1895. Auctioneer. Great crowds -wèùided their way te Markham to hear the famous Laurier onChtiMo gge S e Saturday. C atl or- g : al Mr'. Henry, cf Oshawa, wua eelestOF- week after apples and barrela whicere u B ries, Oattle, Implements, etc. bein diposd ofat woderfl rte. The subscriber has recei4ed instructions te Oeil We understand George Mutoh la about by public auctii3n, at the prernises ef JAMYKS to rernove from our midat. W. are sos'ry MAVNARD, in the town cf Whitby, on to tees. hiru as ho bas made miwy fust SÂTURDÂY, NOV. 2nd, '95, 19 friends. the feilowing mainable property, viz: 9 R. E. Jobuston la te be oongratulated Hbasu-î bey maie, 8 years aid. in foal ; zs on hie exceedingly wonderful escape fs'om buy mare, 9 years old. in foal ; r creea mare, 9 an accident whicb rnay bave confiued bsm years ald,. ln foal ; i gelding, 4 years old ; iz' to bis bouse for a few weeks. brown ge!ding, 3 years old ; i bay gelding, 3 Years old ; sorrel fillY, 2 years aid ; i creain CHEEYW OD.gelding. 2 years otd ;z bay gelding, i year old ; Tuoker bas laased himeof for a short 2 sukig oanlis. eas ld sri n term with Jas. Thoma. white caw, 4 yeairs aid; i roin COw, 4 years old; 1 Miss Elien Gbaprnan, of Toronto, la i red and white huîfer, 3 y ears old ;z1co w, 4 years old ; i aged cow i heifer, 2 years old ;2 i pending a few days witb ber parents steers, 2 years old; 2 steers, i year old ;z heifer 1haro. z year old; 6 sucking calves. r We are.sorry Wo bear that W. Taylor, IMPLEMENTS--I mowing machine, i single Iwbo wua improving after the foyer, bas plow. z gang plow, i set of harrows, i set of bob sleigbs4 2 lumber wagons, i cutting box, i bad te return toe W ~ with a very bkd hors, power, i seed drill, r îurnip drilli limb. scuffler. i tËnning miii, i grindstone. 3 sets Of Mise Çexwortb, wbo-hai.. e vi..in whiffletrees, 3 neck yokes, 2 sets of double bar- at J. Laugblin's, a rtr dhoet nes, 2 sets of plow harness, i set of single bar- bas etuned orn tones. ;ý wheelbarrow. i hay fork, ail complete, i Stouffville. We wil ahl mise yen Polly, cultivetor. i agrcultural furnace. *especially at- bible clase. No reserve. Sala te commence at i o#clock. In@tpecter MeBrien visited eurs' shool TERMs-$zo and under, cash ; over that n Tbrsday lut and fond evrything amount edit te Oct. 15, 1896, te parties fur- nishîng.appreved joint notes. lnterest charged A 1, but ho hardly knew the t.eacber, fer tram day et sale if n nt paid when due. Brown bas got bis hair ont. LEVI FAIRBANKtS, Mr'. Lawson bas rented biseasut farm Whitby', Oct. 28th, 1895. Auctioneer. te Jes. Laugblin, of Wbitevale, who- je le now buaiiy engaged turning ever the soit. IMPORTANT CREDIT SALE Ie Welcome Joe. FaisKx. a Farm Stockr, Implements, Etc. A Bkletu lutis Cloet.The subscriber bas receivea instructions frorn How ofte.aý do we boas' of this in demestie MRS. WIGHTON, to sel by public auction. lite et this day. But what is more appàeiFag at ber premises, lot 35, in the 9(11 concession of a than the living body made repulsi.ve wittî ekmn Whitby. on. f abî scalp diseseis, aalt-rbenaî, ecsema, tetter W ded,, Nv Oh 85 and scrofflous &sansd rsellinge. Dr. el sdY NO.2t 19, Pierce's Golden- Iod' Disové&y h the-poi-- the wboe of ber farta stock. etc, vis: U5 tive cure1foraIl of bb If isessoe.' af takea iii - black herse, 9 years aid ;_i bey e timeg, k- also curas Lungr-icrcfuli, woitlly mr.4 er oCzb O Ux cl., 2yeArs old. d: kçuewunas Pulmonary Oonsumptiea. By drue- CATT-r Cow,, 8 yeersioid; 1 cow. 7 years isglts od; cows, 4 ye osad, t calve in April ;5 Dle R . IRO: KeyerN. 'os3ye. old, so incal f ay; z cow, 2 or i- abutyears aid, wt afby ber sidai; z1ul2 a earfi Sthree years old'I was taken witb murupe4 aise e ld ; :2 steers, 2 years old ; aeifers,2a yrs. aid; ha bac foyer, tineily 1 Lad that dreadel 1dbae a beters, i ypar oldl; 6 steers, y Irod-- r4 S-r esof-la. The raout emiasut phy.'ic,;"ns in cëalves. sa- tissection treated rsil te ne a2val. ih.1 I Mi'LuMENTS, ETC.-7 1wagon, uew. 5-iW tires. m ýrunniug scrofulous soreo on lsft Le f e î pade -hhrrcw, z be- hy forkt, rope and pullçs eadtac. Iwasmuiil ud .a4y when sigi 7 tn tOI1 hY, -3 acres et corn, iu shocks, 134, or aine years old, and4 i mfact wss nearty .crturtWnip5 skeleton. Six botties i,,f D.Pec' od Sale eF2 olck, nIIn. L. unch ai t e d- Medical Difteovery Weaugbt marveîvu:î eTglts-#$îe ;. under, euh ; ever that Id- ýcha nges. Although the 'sorbe wers bêgled la amnni credit wlt begÉivea tili oct. lst, 1896,- ta aight monthe, 1 dîi ioi-4pit'tahng a uqntil I paities furnishiong approved joint notes, with l.a- waa sure it bs4-been eptirely toultsd fre:In my !mrtàstet 6 per'-cens. per annasm. A'discont ci- reg gystemn. The-only aigus fof -thêýdireadfnl 6 per cent. -Pcennum, sllowed féfretash. Tulr- >1k disnosa . arthesas %ic vr m me of 1nips and cern, cash. il, a 'OCT usapsvauus on n Toi IEUALL lin B.,T DerSUîl-L i Kendali a ~.pav1i *I.4,gfr Id. tR. h.,.d.ç Death o, p.o<LzAKE Pains hIeJit Caused -by IfB ft.tr A perfect Cure by I4ood'SSas "Ilt afaords me ranch pleasure to e onmend f eod's SarsapaUla My sou wa emficted with great pasin uthe loi nts, accorasnled wlth gwelllg se baid tIsat h coizld net gel up stairs to bec! withoul cravili On Issad-s"d knees.1 was very aluns abou t m, aud -havlssg sesd Hood£3s0>' Cureas georanch abou ot ec'SaMspUÃŽUa1[ Ides'r- nained le tryil,4 sud gel a haif-dezen bottias, four ef which entis'ely ecus'ed ILm"?Mms . A [.,AKEc, Osbawa, Ontario- IL B. Be sure te get Hood'5 8araffp&1115 Mroodls Pille sot eaeily, yet promeptl Wsd ,mcieuitly, outhe Uver sud boveis. 25e. arn I t R ES ENT A TI AT TORONTi A LYS IS. -F t: moNDAV LA Frank Madil died at Torent, lysis, af ter a n about two yeai from his bate r erton, on Mc followed tb ils targest conco aissembie-d to i zen. The fi Murray lodge assiaîed by t.h ha wap a men tise bouse 14) ans, Foresîs sens et Scot, ation and th4 ion, headed ail miircbed behiud cern Messrs. Wur tarse; Majox sud vas'y m attended. a represeiil keenly f elt wero praee and North tieu. Frank M.- tarie, b-trrLb bomu lun1the and Provifl vas sssbseq vasl the yei Eliza Mad Monaghaii, settled ila-f -the late H ploneers O --yeas a pE tisis muni, village cf- years ea sided up, 1 year ago, grand - el friensil The subj Uxbridgii univerÉtl sity cf T -1876 ;st non. JO nlïetel i at Beau * Duri2i ehers" a te of vas- Cr -the un menibi veto a and w lis*i elt electi Ra m M.c jý. , 3

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