Whitby Chronicle, 1 Nov 1895, p. 3

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md, sutuagadis- M~ NEATH o4 Deah f Frllk Madil. !nts itory ,>arsa- ,ni 1 r LUk reut ideter- hottl.q. >U . ' NORITH ONTA'RIO LOftS 111 POPULÂR, REP- REBRNTATMNE IN TUE COMMONS-DIED AT TORONTO ON PRIDAY LAST, 0F PAR- ALYSIS.-FUNERAL AS ERÂVERTON ON MONDAV LÂST. Frank Madill, M.-P. for North Ontario died àt Toronto on Friday lart, af para- lysis, aften a moat distressing ilînesa of about two years. The f uneral took place tram hi. late residence, Bay stureoBeav- orton, un Mouday, and the corps was followed ta its last rosting place by the largest ooncourse of people tha. ever assenbled to do honor to a departed citi- zen. The fuserai was conducted by Murray lodge, A. F. and A. M , No. 408, aasisted by the 1. O. F., af-bath of whiçh ho wae a inember. The procession trom the hans. ta the cometery included Mau- ans, Foresters, Orangemen,' Oddfelaows Sons af Scotland, offloora of the corpor- ation and the officers of the 34th' Batt.al. ion, headed by the citizens Band, Theise sîl marched ahoad of the hearse, while behisd came a long lino of carniages. Messrs. Wm. Smith, M. .1., South On- tario; Major Be4nett, M. P. EBut Simooe and ver>' many others froni a distance attended. Ri. los& bath as a citizen 'and a represontative of the people will be- keenly fait,. fisme floral tribut.. were preseuted by the Masons, Foresters aud North Ontariaoonservation eSSOoia- tion, Frmnk Madili, M. A., M. P. for North On- tarlo, birrister, etc., Beaverton, Ont., vas boru in the township -of Scott, In -the Ccuntv and Province ofOntarlo, Nov. 2,3rd t8S2, and was subsequenti>' a chîlti of the rldîag. H. was the youngest pon of the late Hètûry sud Éliza M adili. who came te Canada from Moniaghan, Ireland, lu 1837, and eventpally settled lu the towushlp of Scott. His father the late Henry MadilI,,wvu ose of the. aid pioneers of the count, a nd, was for many years a prominent mnember of the cauncil1 of this mumicipallt>' usd1i bis xrempval te the village of Vrooznanton iu ibis coubty a few years ago, where fieaud hi.sgood lady ru- sided up 10 the time of their deazi about a. year ago, amidst, a large ;dt1e t cilren, grand-.children, great-graud-ehildren and, riends, universali>' respecteti apdêbeloved. The subject af Ibis sketch vas educated 'at Uxbridge and Wbitby high &choolsau ' uni versity coliege, gracluatiug at the Univer. sity of Toronto ah B*'A. isnî1973, aud M.A. lu 1876 ; studied law in the offce af the late Hon. John Hilliard Cameras, Q. C., M. P., and was called tu th. bar of Ontario, Michael- mas teim (1877) aud practiced bis prfession at Beavenion up ta, the ime of hlm odeath. During bis arts course he aiso took a cus lu agriculture under Professer Bucklaud and others in that departorent, taklng lb. di.- ploma.and- colego prrize lu that brandi. A pri. mas of biscolege asian bohorgrau aIe of bis university' bis collegflate record was creditable te otI i nstitutions. One t«f the tinlversity athletes, hu hel t lb.champ- ionssip of bis college, sud was a prominent member af the 'Varsity, football team, who, weu e at that lime champions af Canada. - Hie was Lieutenant-of NO. 4 Coy., 34th'Battalion, and was the regimental p&ayalaster, wid.tiie rank of Captain under'Her Majety's cénâ- mission. Mr. Maduli was first ieti4rned to the Legislative Assembl>' of Ontario 4111 J une, î8Sr, aud B;tnuntil the general electlou, !883, at which h. was defeated by 2o votes« in a total ai 5 d0 polled. At the gefieral election for lie fRouse ar COuInioÃœs lu 1887 he was agnin successful, aud again-at tii. elections lu 1891, by au increaset majority-., He ws*s a stauncl conservative 'andi a sup- porter of tbe pi-osent Government., He wnps- a member af lbe Grand Lodge of Royal Black Knights, "ud beld the position-:bf D,. M1. af Kiitg Solombn's Preceptoqry *2 Terý osto. H. was a memnbei of the Provinciall L. C. Union of Ontario, a Freemaso n ad a' Forester. Mr. Maduli bas takén au atie part In, the political conteis, tehe1h.*land district, but bas never taken aan ai.tive _ part in, municipal matter. lie:belonged ta the p)resbyt'erian diureiief C4ÃŽiida, ýla aconnection Canada uitil,,the-.inêwV w s LWU 'D- old. an sd M à. Raymnd are trav-0 elng"a'nd they,will tiy one winter in, Canada tust to sec what it feels like. Mr. Geo. E.4Whiten tells -the News- tLettér of a very gailant deed dofele ast, Thursday evening. on Lake sirncoe by Jake 'Shilling, a Ramna Indiai, aâhdý Thois. Harris. It seems th4t *l'aUl Yellowhead,'of Rama, was fishhig near asxnail rock, which lies about a mile, Out from'i- Strawberry Island when ThurÉday'îs.storm camne on. He. go: on the rock, and getting under the canoe had stood the biting air anti the flying spray for a period of eight hours before to sures were taken for his 'rescle.- It was seen from the is.. land that the man could flot leave the rock, and that he %vould perish if not erescued before dark. The two -men, mentÃŽoned antswered the cai for volun- teers. They each took a roW boa t and it WaS agreed that Shilling should first try toget Yellowhead off the rock. in the howling gale, and with a high sea running it wras a most dangerous task atnd needed rare judgmneft and courage. He succeeded in getting theéuredpý î~ M into the'boat, and after a terrific struggle got back to the island with thé f boat haîf. full of water. The gallant feilow received a round of hearty cheers On landing. The Royal Humane So- ciety mighr well' make a note of theý f eat. UXBRI]DGC. Mr. John Kinsey had a curiosity last week in the shape of a second crop of bkiackiraspberries. Mr., Carruthers, an old resident of the vicinity of Sandford, felli'on a box- a few- days ago while gettinjg out of bgd and *broke three ribs. He is 88 ,.yAars of age and the accident. -may provre a serious one for him. On Tuefcday at Peterboro M~r. W. 'Nelson, of the Ontario bank, twa mar- ried to Miss Lily Dixon- 26f that town. The groom is the« only sonIl of Mr. Robert Nelson of Uxbridge. 1ý:-The proprietors of the Jackson troute ponds had' them eniptied two wSeks 1ago to get rid of ail the different kmnds of flsh, as they are purting ' spw of ne* kind which thé'y-do iht ibe destri>yedj>y thé others i8h. ' Whp the ponds were eruptied fine ,trout cÃ"ôujn 'b hadfor e t .ing ofthetüUp anc. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ W 7ruê eas.au i flowwrknWth bis old -friend Jobhn W. Dlsqt Ïfr Jas Wilkiuaý Wt seed ;rowd guîherin' The iéhoofi hoM ,.6otîthe nlsth, 1 tbink, g y. 1 as surüe à $l There'.a meeting ithe io. nlght. Some meon were standlog ne«rtie door, Au, mor a-comm'l on the rus, An' pushed an' crwded ti11 the (boy Weu' ouldn't hold'auotber one, Dad vtld lit minded hlit o'when The war broke1 ont lni sixy-oneo Wben alle the able-bodled mes Waà uîchln' fur tw grab a gun." W. both were ibotWbreath wvhen we Gai to the schol and plned the crowd, An' every mas that we cId sèe Was a éhewln' plug sud tallun' loiz4 The sqilre he wa8 lu the chai, I3ýef wu the subjeot hein'- discussd. Johune Balsdoz he wus there, Ao' theýtench« et )looked son-plussed. The meeting- o'et we bomeward weîtr, Thisklng the meeting was sot in vain, Fbr each- of us had given consent »1 ,Io heconle members of the ring again lxMMY, BOWLEq4 PA V. B. Howard, Hampton, gave an inetruotivoe sermùpn in the met4iodist ohurch Babbnith evening. ,?~h e Ladies' Aid Society of Enniakillen ,thodist churob will give a chieken pie eoojal,,on Eriday,, Nov. Bth. Mr. and Mn. 0,0o. GibsOn have mdcved ta Mr. James Pye's farm. Mi.- John> Pye -aud famlly and Mis.- S. Olbent sud- faniily wi1 moT.ue thetlae i James Sho>rtnidge aud farnily;wili mo'Te te Boriteton. 'Visitons ;-Mxse Minnie Ilogens born from Piekâenug; Mr. H. --Remmer, Piék- ering, gues& of Mr. P. 'RO en. se M.and L sud . W mI 1own motei iter, Muo. N. 83miih'0; Miss MayVirtne, Mr. B, moroney aud X. Flemâingo! «-Port Hope- model sOoool; Mu.: Alez. oel, Tononto gueuiOf Mn- A,. Riggs.b.1 Mr. jas. «Woi# fathr t abounocing boy baby. Mr. Fred R; Poley attendïd the .. Qonvention in Toronto. lm , 'LJ. bad a very intenestlngmuai- 'Quarteuly meeting wM le .heM bher. Vieitor #-Mr -Lvi.Baîlet, 1svo .4 JohnY. (oie, Ha[Uiptola Miss J ~.nmnug, sud isaE us<%dsd ýWIn TfQnoU.thý tôwn. POR WIN"A ligh t pliable lastlc boinê , um4e fromW FO MGquie.I soft sd yleIàlg, éi,Çp im rçadily to folde, yet glving, prope: s8,pew STYLE AND SAE krtrrSkirtBoue thâay e wb. w itbu njury.ý -TO- The Celèbritea ' eebe Ladie Dreses~ corsets are oorded ittu FrBale by leading DryGoodi Dealers. Wt-I oir Il lÀ 'I B ~e, il bas Imoney as nmen do, pocket picking will I fot be s0 easy. .About 2 a. mi. Monday residentsý on Glenelg st. were startled by the cries- of -Mutrderî" and the appearance of a whitd robed figure on the sidewalk. Windows were thrown Up andi feminine heads done up in paper'poked care-ý f ully out, A moment later severàl men appeared on the scene, and enquired what the trouble was, when they were informed that 11there was five or six burgiars in the -house.-"' One or twa of the ,sterner sex gre* a trifie wrhIte about the gilla, and got on the south side of the neares4rtrêes. However, lots. wemi drawn for the houer of leadiug thre pro.. cession, andi then catching coat-tâils and scréwing. Up their courage a dash was made for-the interior, -the leader beîng armeti with a shotgun into which a handful of bucks#Qt' had been hastuly rammed, and. two revolvers lI each boot. When the kitchen was reached the mystery wassolved._ It was found that a large tinpan bail fallen froni the waàll, ýanti alighting on soigt 4ishes on thre tablehad ralsed rcket enough to wake the dead, to say n tothing of the sleeping. Tinpans, wi.1 be hung up on the floor in that irousé ln the future. - Watchman. One. day last W"eek, as a butternut., tre, most tw*o feet-, in' diameter, wâs bcigreoc, near théï. gate at thée entrance of Mr. McéKerrobll's residence, a small copper kettie was tound upnder thé surface. About a footi down twç, skeletons, lyîng ieb side, vAýredg up. The kettie was mucÊrdecayýed, theç. bottomn being almost ,altogether wasted away. The skuils were complete, but the skeleîons; thougli thre .fotrm coui *eseen when firet,- uncoveret, were mucidecy4 Roy Ma-ýsters, a boy ýwheià"ý' deýàat, Mr. Win. Reedy', on Fron*stret, thiew himaclf on, àUounge on Saturday ,eveninje n nticihg- some kuitintg 1ly- ing there, and" uufortunat.ely. for higu- self-Que of the necales. penerated the smil of his back te the itépth ,,of twoý anta I a 14f luches, abd i then brokèo01, Afrer much dificulty the 6rokeh needle. wasextractied, andi the bey wll soon -be ail rgtaan An intelligent and,'ucessi -farnier "~y thaî., --te ashes exporte tçthre Unîteti Statés èorn-,es ýfrlom Canaian towns. and flot froffl thre farms. - He -hinisdfeifoffènd thé s=eaune - and con- dItionsripon ~whiêh the asires f rom'Or- illia electii-ight', .station ale sold te tire exporter, andth ie offer was reftiseti, the conuniîttee prfe ring to hve tire ashes goeroati rather than, to 'have,,it used to itnuprove a, farm, the products of whi*h --are so inuOrilhîia mrb.t. This would, seem'ob 1 ujc o eèxplanaion.-Packe:. As -wili be seén by,.our district cor- espoence there seems. te have -been Ue , '. on, CaWl eD. tutPtI aud Otldrei. Xreic4 WEDY Rteru UR . %à o-f r c-r , t, udlher I RIl 'I h-.U.' M .ncl with DOMS4 1 ~lJ 1 )N, 'SON. SC06 Li toN-To. rears Is RIEND - 's p9Mpsil Ir 10 years, ma. ire. 'ndout and( are- re* 13.50 t<, $15 by ail who et durable, rdisary lift m-. Sample Itore Of Mr. 1 flecessary MI$~ Pump, PIPjk 'hitby, ont i- '1 vers èetimate- fourteen- mcht fali, , o.snow years. This.1 ject te,'tire'-n habitant.

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