Whitby Chronicle, 1 Nov 1895, p. 4

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1~- I ~?.# Ld~ir rmrg store~ w» *~oh~iFida rWl *~I~~-ttw: We bi ft e leare on wednesdiy cf 10 wek,out upop thea~ rd ~1 in the e *n ty, v1istli lg.WelI8 fruit levaporang works, fradte ttp1iIý b~!S.bc -and found the livellest bive Cf Industr êaiirwalla from one root teid~ _________ever saw. Lad$ of apples are poeringlu o indugence wotksi Mai. there as -thdugh the place WfC ç ýongraibnCkbeardweku 1 slt oueýo'eil the. fruit for cVSyOt sue <tesilasuggestive oESti * rage s~ud Ohemiofils. loïtd others to get eider made. Tht lateIrLie Geuui». plat'eniI1 M iOineo. pour their fruit into a a hpe t oue door m kUbtw d ltsohu datoc-gorudtth hian put a' five pupils ch eeitber afély oradiý49 Porptioau and RAO ipts carefüuy hose Into their barrelà, wbh*~ufl5 out the eouly houBedlue .,om ho -al c s.h4 SOiIY -jIy peparod e ider from their owp apples. ww ogallons,,turcs are l'tedi~Il4rc in *~ o~ e. wtre cruéhed from aeppleuthereý bn Sa±urday beuchos etc., and' mnuy ofthedi bavé nà lest after i i o'clock a. m., a hydraullc pre8- desks, andln prospeCl;,f ever .qlt) - ~~sure of 300 tous blug available, enough te untIl tbe*ress forward 0'moté<f<r~l squeeze the refuse sol dry that itý eau be used the*tourse of three or foeiyars.-,Wê ïu afueln the cngine room. lu the depait- vislted Miss AndersOn, wbo bas the thtrd ment whire applea are evaporated there ar*' classes in,ý,bsrëi, and whose,muaagnmntA dbu itywmn grsaaboyswr gadta y cdmetided by the J. E W IL 8 y d ftlyfoon6oo r o rS bship f icp alibtg. :, edld net "e $goa !ple pr aybeln r rd o ÃŽng modelite was bearlig a lieadiu la daduring CTbis new lndustry la coulicted here on very Our whole stay. The pupils are'.weI14rShIn fiO mI8L uf ruggî8t, e kllful und:succeulfil lines.Th machines éd. ful ef ambition, and appear t9 W numak- used for paring and cerin refie speci- Ing agre4il'%eadway. lAavlx'thti Cliao. M edical H ail, mnsetmcalsingenilty, anlu som ee ~went UwSbirs te er i5BI wbo .1 fo i oi usespr hou ave bandits tht junior fourtb. ,She wa Juat em bien 1turned off on a single machine. tint Bail ror a tesson iu gr4mnmar, ad It sÃ"on Brook Street, - Wbitby Bleaching, dryiug and packing are impor- anfttatb r pî r td .._____muon--%_______ tant features of the proces whicb are 'vér~Y ad urt.Sntne e *1 kl lnteresting to vialtors. The ftackcdàfrui dsccate a Sntheces ere veryqnC oea1amelytoGerman,' andi:t sent dsete n tercmuott at 1bla (Il i h' fit*IA ndat&a sae. ii.re~itLa ia ItIo inttdr55 tefurtber criticia 1ewr 'w VJ/U4Ufl444 ~y ae. Thfo eoose smae itdonc Iu the sehois. The ipesoipe glu eider an au asfmimo.t op.vilaon the lady teach er, that t yare - O ~~~Ions each tarTa utrul aue into riuw gIt meeme thàt t ,oim.l tr vinegar wlthout the use ef any dmrdgad' s p d.r f$o n htuoecnh amaer of this pure cider vinegar %r. ttarir ooad htuepcn hv ell'a name ila e om lfgt ie uà T igi . or ont ing f a l t ua n tà,sspf-t* WELITBY, NOV. 19 1895. a~titution is a great benelit te the town,. as it teachrng onigl« lea'l saeb WHT Y, N V .,185 inheis erploymenti to trn5nylboyè and u t'f nte atro .TMhi soe aison of the yerwe utersle ftettew ÛatiIliar gilsati. et sc bel o rk taeof à arwwhic ishort lqote& ned zhouev to buy iwarm *inter clit 9 nmna t lar, i ~ Iç~,and wheu their parents require a littie e±tM wifla ot let long If Dr. McGiiIjvray'8 Idças >Icingpocetsiscomnit'O ou this Imoue y to puéaesple of fuit ,esÈ are. carried out sud a brace of trustees make, year, "More than for a long time past. A Lo*elI and Birbetheme nngm vS, thi<r. intelligent ro«ndo'mnetithly. This vIslng ef gang followed Hon. W. Laurier u isntoul conversant with every detali of tiÃŽ the scimools symstematically le., very leterest- thrughthi Prvine, nd t eerymeting business, and are 15oputla puahlng busnl ns53hiZaîld'wiltendèï'every trùue more con- thrughths Povice an atevry eetngmen. They are buying asurnany, app V s ersant wltb bis work. 'the sadmis wlll b. may eolewee obed he plague bas possible, aud wiU rmus thtt5P'tTa ~gtrai tmltd uhe bo~will be eve ntackd undy ahoo cnvetios, s ufficient fruit cornes la. WW*i tCP 4te bandit that part et Its *0r- whicb, as Miss Haycraft, asistant editor of the. the succes tiei enterpuise, ,andi eer perina te teacbing snd equleoWienl an Bowmanville Statesmuan, was relleved of a merits. . in>ltlig.it inanner. We uûderst nd that large sumu ef money and some other valu- They a a fte rus. very Iew ef the memberw oet the boa2rdof<-- ables et a convention in Toronto Saturday. ThbsaaVukt<fas for 0 ucatien bave ever beeu In the achoo'sasd Ontario County mouÏrus tht bs of a very weeks printed 'unde tut big«* obt can easil y uadetstand, what hhapders brilliant, honorable and popular citizen in gestea I, 1chu i."serles, of iusings. can be made ln handling matters byno For omre imqmam cr werà several para- littie about. Our bôard of edutio bas the death of Frank Madili, and a seat la left graphg, sumd &I»ays orne:. t shot et the 'taken a bi~ stride forward lu ibis watter, vacant in the Dominion ParIiq»ont. Tb ,lumioamscLx- -Tins ungus bave been anid tht Full and extensive fruit6> ofthè deceaaed was a moatu la u4cmi kp P aIltl ouubssmnr more will soon become manifest. e shahl man.He ad o pllto) jt4jïo jýnp*dewp'tO a sigie quib, stili hlttiug ait this net comment upon thetetacbera4n-trainin-z man.~~~~ H..d ep>lca PDit Trý pUrnal. I1<la uow obvieus that our cotenis and colleglate until the neitt monthls Comn- Wbo voted qaau fh id 1to at nutg eeail written te bIde a covert at- mttet makes its round. grounrds, theti bertaw 8 iclnlgte bis r tack ou tht CHRONICLE -"each wtek.. Tht sonal fi c.neu lms fIng eath R feformer aise fluda occasion evelry week te TORONTO. for muore iba, year bien univralypttd ipew some - of lis old 'woman style of vitrel Sf bwr r prtn aon'T? sudi nucb commented oppa. teebing a upon us. Whv la this? Have we meddlpd ente junctien. feelingef ahnout absolute certainty trou, tht with-eitheroet hem? Thethîing is tee open. Monday's gale was eo 1emtwers-foi fluet tbat h. could net long bear up u'iier Tht CRoNicLE la a newspaper, flot a years o n the lakes.4 bis maladies, and many worldly, selfiah and sbodd v production printed lu a Toronto type Tht trial' et tht twin Hfyams brothers for unsympathetie people have given a deal et foundry, an s fa st swteping over aIl tht thet urîder of Wm: Wells wIIi CoummB6nec prominence te speculation as te Who moult! territory lu tht couutIV sud vicinily.- snd next Tutsday. fil! the dying members political ees when papers wbicb cannoý coqipete witb this iour-. Greti interest la centrtd in the Holmuts the vacancy would occur. hIs avr sad te maltel that tht>' au ÃŽre vembrm attis as wt trial, whicb la Iu progresa In Philadlphko sec a youncg suc clever man cut off by death pas& b>. Weý are partkulari>' thé target efthiis week. , "ri inssshve _ 1 _% in uIlis way, and especialî>' ont L.ke Frank hatred frein tWeOshawa sud Port Ptrry frein bere, Mad il who had a grand and useful carter lu papers, wh cb artabout .ss-sdess a-lot o! , Te uit>' c=nci a eue yair aIlmost certain store for hlm had uot:death rage as- eau be feund lu tii.cOanrI ei r ouia o eepMdorete educi sacimeei mntervned -attacks upou tii. CaothcLppear wttk- te Lake Sinwoë, but farors a au1! ca1aIto PryObserver appears te. be ly, as this is the stason (kt' ùýr.4,gew su>,- the upper1Inis. ThetyPor erry sd in resdgthrdreb6ou t<'bPodrtUS limeVoung Conservatiivesand Young LiU> gretl ditrssd i rgad t oi oilÇroefuither. talun; aud thg«p tm'des arcetafls are 1tAnn éier nnal eleêtieru per- Perry correspondence, and wlll not b. happy thculy original matier tm>'pls, whàîtoprmance, lu vetlpg 0rfcr fuu on until ît finds out whether tht editoroetthis ei iwç nestb.y gi*e hejng di tmlg year. if theeý,àieas cr6<okdirI6 fOUteCnkONwCILe nd fBowmusnville mry s y nl ln journal or Mr. W. J. Nott wite tht itemns. Statern, andpasse ofû$gha h<> of _éas hi,ïiuc èralxa4 2 It urges that lu any case we be held rso-Vimmdcator'lis.ilî <bT5S raepw > t ' th è&s -o sible for the viewa expîessed,aud we agrte the à.t 44 ' ~ httht "fj. te that suggestion. We hobd ourselves tully Itf i e :ék*d, ~ -~~.~ r responsible for ever>' liii. wrîten by ourit le mPade up b liltîs - s.W. JUDIGIAL SALEtv'.,~ staff of over fif y ce espondents. If ire bad have tht troublruwâd efflnSé of training hallFJANY net aufic lin 'ou1ence lu any ofetth.,m te a buudrtd crpmdmts, and thtu th«e Fý- do tbis we should a oce mncea loprint 0ly ôdyicnt as pm Ch, cfi t ~ ~ o ing oui procesa. Tii. Observer passe% on to as they wan t au4 p 1bIts riifl Zsuttz one of its long. filthy, abusive îîclsabu btaietanron ti sntwet*and tam- ' . onr advocacy et tht curfeir bell' ai Poil baste us foi al thcy ssrem Woth, on alh soe .urinant toan order et, tht Jrgh Court of Pou', utnetlu hiby, sud about ourInl- of prétexte, peffonal snd public. It beatsjsutin tmater et tht estt f çr subtiste ctisons of Port Perry. Sucb suat- ail irbat nerve ô b Ùn Utw pagaamat iist'Adaumi, .decéase t d, n ibe actidu of mente are kueiru te be (aise by every read- world. lbmat ilice united and c»ouctrtd at- Rk&hrdon'-against Robonts, ufare wmll b6 er et tht CHRONICLEC, sud do net eaU ifor à tacks are prol futile is fuit>' ettsed by ýl4 dby public auction, on repb>' tromu us. Nqr ueed w. point eut tht Oui swifttyi> imaMsng listÈ. If proof irtre course pursued bythe Observer. Of ail tht,>needtd that lfiège Pappi'bave dis astd KILdayt "j@Y.- 25th -" q~ 8v crimes and misdenleoanors committed lu port thei Obwn'resalais i r eedonly ppint ta>a w 4oki'h arrmojttt Perîy. duiug the. àt îweuty year hbas the letter et Mr. T. A Forman, aihte,,«sî., attw puavusn t nihi cIcr ipibe vil neyer attu fit te make menti o-ta sîng ~dent et Port PerrY>', luanother celunmln, aà .'c-f Cmîum 1 b> tuIFsanksuu cae.hilaib siedr t riean p entleman mmeao ptjiei t en apr 'imme 'liit. o ebstfm UGa . sues a pllcy o!fouciugvillianes dem po- but et tht EaconcL, simd miire-ap ierns î jlca ase-EWItf i .'....$4.0O.... ITN»ERWZ 4 - 4--. Men'sSbi$sand Dràw»rs at 35 cents ahixryhay Mens ShirtS - &d Dawers. at 50en8cirents eh. e ol L"diese' sat 15 otii, 20 ôte., 25 ots.,t 30 ôte an 50ôte Ladis' Wol' Hse atT 20cents, per, pair. Men's W1 ool Soc»t 15 ôte., 20 cts, -5ôtasQ 0ôtsa. per pair. AN-D R e w ..f-5,OMS- )od8,-nz flaady mado-. lthrng 4 *: W~RAMLNR *~ BAKuT '4 ,t it e *o aa1Comty Orgma tisaof am>' oul p. LOOÂL LAN 0 Scott repaira ail kind, Hardmeod diniug tabi at W. Tillas. A pleasaut adrertiset face, ha booked et twice. Tht apple Lactery' swing, both uigbt sud Mr. A,. Sine lot on IM whebeehe pens eut a ta Misa Minpie Fidier, 1 s few dayala ntown t Dr. Wightuman_,, doen keep bis room opena foi day nigimts in future. Mr. Robt. Mcblurney, a niait te his-parents. suffering trom » antild ai ,Dr - HtnryBright's KtdnêyPilla are now Canada. Canl be bad 'c chie. ieut-CoL Patterson sund Couperal Hodgsopr, on Frida>' te attend thi 341h battalion. Mr. John Hepbuin,'b Ross, mas bore last im Miss Florence Reais me Chicago fou a-rit mhi neir years. Wanted. lmotOltOby 'a *4 F- - -à -e . 4 1 ý eo - 'A -

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