Whitby Chronicle, 1 Nov 1895, p. 5

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v 1~ OaÉ T8,- Doue in A seu a, JEWELER &ENGRAVER, m ffoud County Ortak-IMrgbs tIon f loS 5 1051Bet15 m am FRIDÂY, NOV. 19 1895. LOCÂL LÂOONIOS. Scott repaireli kinds of pumpa. Hardwood dining tables, 4 leaves, Ã"bIty $5, at W. Till's. A pleasaut advertisement, like a pleasaut face, Is looked at twice. The apple factory lsa ow ruaaing full swing. both night and day. M1r. A. Sine lftI on Monday for Eimndale, whe*'e he opens ouI a taiionlng sbop. Miss Minnie Fidier, Parkdale, la spending a few days ln town the guest of Miss M. Billinga. Dr. Wightman, dentist, bas decided te keep bis room open for business on Satur- day nights ln future. Mr. RobI. McBurn ey, Toronto, in home on a viait te bis parents. He hant iately been sufferlng frorn a mild attack of the. fevçr. Dr. Henry Bright's Engiish Liver and Kidaey Pilla, are now bcing introduced la Canada. Can behad*ofas-l demiersinamedi- cine. Lieupt. -Col- Patterson, Serge.tt Jamnieson sud fCorporal Hodgson, Toronto, wcre here' on Priday to attend tht rifle matches of the 34tb battalian. Mr. Jolhn Hepburn, brother of Mm.' A. M. ~Ross, mas ber. ista week on a visit, and Misa Florence Rosa went borne wlth him ta Chicago for a visIt whicb wit1 b.. exttinded te new years. zooo people ta buy boots sad shees at -a- reduction of zS per cent. for te neat,3o CInyç s-t the west aide bout and shoe store. - Thot Hunt opinion. The. young man wbo bas s-cquirod a liit- cd supply of knowlcdge, sad iceu thal eu kuows too much te speak CIVUI~4 hi* fi- , 'ferlers wiIl not bc psb;moted ta tel1(i ta may have the honor of belag a stoker ia pandeinoniurn. Great sale of Shorthorns. On Friday, Nov Sth, the fine bordcf '~shortiioras of the late James 45raham Scdgog I stand wiil te sold by auction et Sp ring' water fari, Scugog. Also anumberof draft o 0 and roadster borse, colts s-nd files. Soc the Ade un another column. Ç. Eigbt pagçà of Couaty ne=s To day's CnztaMcL la eutlrely ms-d#e up, of County news and original local maClter.' We do flot gel four pagea piiited luù Tor- on to, and thon 611i two- o fthe remailiitg four with patent malter s-t ten cents ,per cbnu 'Our correapoudence ia fresb n aiil and ual clip rchasbedasfshtm. There is nos UTi about the" CxaoRuCE. We have fifty good vrrtersn stcidl ini the connty aud. viclnily,.ond our ne-w' items are ros-liy aow. Wmn' Graugoes boume buraed. On Sunday caornlug about 4l.imi. Bandel, captala pf II ieJog fs tawn, and noticedti ast a 0rne was speiin* up andl down stroot. Hie bustlçd ém othens of tie boascbelil out of 1>& gp4 r for theblaze. whicb b. fcaad ý bcop npritgt from lte roof of Mr. Wimn GrangWe PcýtB Ho lettieothers tepmnash., bo an'- arouse Grangor wb4upt h T1rang ýt, JAR s-ami sad 'nexîlmul e ee u îook about thirteon ennut«,os -ding of the alanin unt9,bIfl t Qaara waa playing oustbe bia. la Ikvly 0 But the danger wua vory great, Mft B. Pringlo & Co' a jgýâtndÉ gir*ýwir bouse being néti kr rfv et#t grain, suter, etc., and such C matches, coal oil, etc., kn.t t" L ta stres-ps wr-br* boight qtoV>ljý Tii "b *céntr# cf the - rof'wu qeait,â toe)kim ounié im gl, -0 Comnes, but succeu <IjDI1,xwM eflorla of the. brîgad. 7T &WÉç t: 1 building viii ainount 10 a févr hutdc tara mmc is1 fiUly o0eie,~by Inutitoti v*fi asl h azqaîô Col outemI t 1,', 4uirof youIýZ peopie fronü -here ft¶ ed;.tbSU m ad sUppetc at Mhburfl 0 Vidne4Y ëve'1ing. Mr. W*Black titI on TuesdtY 0gifiI i! 1ckkoring, wb ere ho takes Charge of the ordon bouse, Mr. Gordon- bavilg 5 'Rev. J. C.ýýSycamore wîîî occupy thepulPit fti te balptist cbu.rch Sunday, * inorling and4 îvédi o.Sublect lot evenlog, <The sekÇ.I Tue 1 uo.m er sus<f > te Reviw Ot Re- _ 4teWi o%î z vthin â est isof that great 1 liqýtIýA hve ever read. It contlisain oe làéhi~ Itraky, 8cietific, theoio1Cal4 >oliticftl, 'educationai, etc.,, Everything pointe to a very i nter stlng ftn at the conýventIOn to be boid at Kibtalo ittiodit chuftli on Monday net ,t. Rev. %ýNC. Crews ,will' give two addroasfiP:-on Busfàness" it,te afttrýnoon and Bt -nlgbt il subject wilù 'b.1I'Thé E Pwotieagne; saamead m tbôdi.s 4 Aliot every mo- dêtýin t"oùtern on 6hof the. dist*t iiIl bê represente4upon 'the prqgraï"iiiO. b~ topics.*re i ivry practica infltest LO YOUiig eristi . okers. - f.,bm è bo, #beroverslt9esd oflarastwott ôf tliefiest ÊO o 14 -iaId atf auction prices. COm Uinig SausOct. d6, Mt M. W. #Collnsnow re Ot exost>ide, Wbltby.. -.Oû the'evewiingr, of Nov 6th Ïev. patbey i~a*, ~toz~f S. Mchae'5 ab4:ràl To foltt ~ wI cturé e t joe R. Cchuïtt hoi ater Ryau is bueof the teoster -i" pu- %«B swi be.siin'leo.; -The :ocoduIibe n 'bld of the new organ whlClVW atelY put M ! àa'Sawdon is laid up wlth typhoid fev. . misas-FanCy $Jackson. J oronto1 s v-isit- Iogn*er motet hete fora few days. Wh WJfeiwil conduà t tiiservice maSt joi-t"s.ea.rch ne hit Sundty. , .Mr. jas. Wfls bas rp~o"d froibIisfone 'l~c o residencéb on tbýibaselhe,,4> Mi j.Y *aner4ons.cottage On ok atreote àggemn at the jtfùttioV,. Issugpddig from aÃŽ *evéç..attack cfscitaua >i0U red hope tq heaF of hisýtppdy to<bvriy. 'Mri. Daniels, the igoiffier'of4Lrs. R. Li, Rùiggard of thistplc,dlqe,,a on Tues- d 'mrniaig aftBr ýIIpge!n.iIInes. .$le bed xesched ii. adviaced âge of!U bars: > àThi ashooner )ÃŽmqry, bôd!id for Osb awa ôî oad 4arley and, tbe H leleubouud for uinst ;called 't this Pott Iitrdu- ,Itg-thie week. Th*o1Harapï jCdIs"chooner,ý "ffm. ameso, lgd d Wiy. b«oeÃ"n Wed. ttaan tiife&bst é Jwg sau m.&e là« rnSPÊ4a odfsitable k lat<We h}nve thever'v' N wiI ut -yonr oaLfor you Free of cu ~~it~ ' -o'yu uthe VeyLaigSye z~t&ctoi lu VlPepartment.1 (?YL adies' U/stor0t*a W,,Vhen ( .ti* eîan riedal h intown ynîî'd jln.the ,one yon ýw..nt G i/e prices areatyslze red eourtowM~peepîe»o omOtfl ife inuslC el Mfr, J-Çastel fopkt ,,whio.e bio"graphe B fGladbýets ê usiflotiaiig from, tho lrela,- à lu tuwa the gusatof Mr. 'p. Nowarà VI AU exciptonal l3uce l 'p o lkrrd U. setre râne dry goodà, cbo, ;lt'e 4<, is a,:~~. ra and geatsf, tàluhliý inp " é rucl.uvtuiî lu picès iithe utile et artiabakuf tock, Busitets iîe *rsi kha enti Wàik. At the. Svrvlcctq-ngiht at AU SmintW chutrcb Muslc espoc.îI icte1ýd- with- a viowlo ti', ativ.tsa riI -. rqded by iii.choiti ncluiag .selingt #lb <agüificaet' b 'Asnir.Th R, Ce Macby f Toronto, willi b. thi re r:Thesevce - >egins aI , a!loq.T uu raywill be continu.d ' iunday, No, 37 sidatsrh fmm uoI& 4uctkIbuer F*irbanks "àldthb.Sid. A]41t aâria, lot 18 la the 41hco0cesso100fW h!tb town4i nWdesa oM.AIrCd *#'pwrtAfor$xo o i q ce Our AuctiosSale Uit On another page will .fotiud amamber of advertsementeo,puctýon salles n;diffri ont plalos., Our readors ahould 'look ve' th faffe, t cca*an akea' note f tbe utts«4i LterayNote The. curreat lsue cf lit. Wepk a te M enlargoil antiotbmwia.¶mprovodiau as an- extra publishes Col. t>eaison's papet omi Canadms relations wlth ,tb. ZmplteMr.li Carter Troop IlaniaUiga' signal suctte-, bis Snodq=t of tht. èxcelItdi lteary pari- :bdchr lgltrnd knare ' è sWrumtthe- Torobtq Co4ýer vatory cf Miisic, bas- "boep addedtà pthe. sUsft of the. ,itro4Lde Colle' 'aa4 vil corne hi.'ou.ee *1ry, W ,n#P"auy, AU papîla desting Instruction front ýa supé fior teachor ai moderato priceb siloudÃŽake»p pli-cation aI onle to*thë 1ev.Dr aePu- c1pal.-tf. A Sports qmae boodqra MoSxr,ý Fno atb, Wi.Si bold, < M. Ross and Ine (riffiui lef Aé Usà'I aorth iluatiagaîo t u oI~ h t h woodN .aýI Me"a. A. Whiteiaw, John DIcCul4ug fromn tbis towa aad iÇaptt"Campbeol, Yric Mallett sad CIters, - roin Oihm aYimeh nortb tg lte Htulburtm itrIct on' Wdes- Rzcursim o toârwt The. Ladies' Aid of St Pý1sý'r1 b* ma.nville yul-ru a ach'emp e Ïrn u y G. rý R. to Toronto a staim1l n iaftoas b% ,ooa Cobouranid Whltby inclusiveo bM'_ and Fnîdal Nov. 7 mnd- geing o. m. trains on. Thursdey and ail trains Friday,'returning up tO FPriday iglit.> Retun tickets frqçm Oshawa and Wit>, Soe local ruflway tim tables andbl1b A-Carmer from tE astliti<by4fli vn- der tii. influence ofIliq;toriMrte.s l îý» on Tuesdlay non, and*h- e ti iIÏ2çnùg àOf' the'Qutiià*sbftel Yard Êsruk 0tiCencWtt histe n i andiiscceeded in ternlfbUetW 4dowi. B.y the tiote ie -&of oppo(Ce' 1 b. found 4hBt one oft4: ueis *m qiUdon<e, and It-à whh"s i~ L -ý :TM LE hêvery k' no uséefishing unes -hebaïtisý tros u he . It toatl i oao rii eift sa, a4uo&iuprice iiot 0 y al*b nyp T~C~ ever vii cd up th at a fur le -b A s hemdlmý of oié of our badies' Mari-ties ' to - gkte o ukUp szog whieh we cut and make. Il wo going out on tii lumnp. Pricos, colorsie t4t sA. 89 TM crWhedu youwsut steato ii.~pnyou getjîa !RmmFý (/.

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