Whitby Chronicle, 8 Nov 1895, p. 6

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o f but aSfl1 neU u w ymu[»,,_ ,<re EEOË, ?1TU * initîated, lis. .44 wu à*$% výÂ .s.LÀxG¶ q tiemi DISCUSSIONS. hetime ,IinçlyBSutIf0W ere~ DÂNCE ÀND MARY INI' ers, forth lnbegwr h For the Ilut two wetks eveý'Y- scbbeï - mtherin ùjo, ad ctW~nIy,' teacher ini the count' konew ' thàti ne1iiongenmil, ?position for- them t.ou'.ý teachers' convention f or -1, m 1treTe ntrCôtf dthat his,- held at Whitby on Ot.31st an4-Wî' statemnents were flot tB1ken 'ltbOlutt out teachers, by a littie 3s tehéç andeve then wit.h- oi ftou5s shkes Of1 tached to the Seo etary's notice of nt the pedagogc eads. Some tIbought ing, that eveery teacher wus requlred by »hat Mr. Houston's rernarkS were mn'ereýi fovrnmeflt regulation to attend, Not payupn words, and. that thé tiire" less humredly did the Sun shoot up of the convention was beng ý Iesy above the eastern horizon on the MOtfln taken up. -The vast majolyh Ing of Oct. 3I1st, than the teachers rôl., however., thdt Mr. Houston' had setkst led out from their cosy cots and pre.- and- system on his side, and that good pared to answer the secretarys8 call wt4 corne f rm his- discussàion. Ho In at leasL one hundred different homes rag led out against the diffidence of th e scattered over our county there was teachers in giving answers to hisques-ý hurrying and scurrying for itIonsodl ions. He was forced to state, on One apparatus and curling tongs; for, 15 jt occason, that the majority of the con- flot seemly to present one's self in vebtion had no opinion upon a certain ones best form at the county town ? point under discussion. His advice- From eariy morfting until nearly was, -Be courageous. " In pedagogics, noon, teachers from al Parts Of the Mr. Houston is an iconoclast. And compass thronged to our town, until b4 *many were the cherished beliefs' that 1:30 P. m. we were besieged bY (one' were sadiy shattered by his, address. hundred and twenty-five strong, Of He had' no use for grammars. and as whorn more than two-thirds were fe- mu&h for the mighty army of gram- maies, -The first shot was fired," (to marians. His idea evidently was, what borrow a well known phrase,) at haif- is a. book other than the work of one past one on Thursday afternoon, in the man ? ,Me himself had made the stu'dy first form of the coilegiate institute, of, grammar a life-long one. Me had1 with Mr. Eddy of Ciaremont, the pres- read more than thirty gramnmars. Me ident, in the"" chair, and 'Mr. A. G. had aÏîived at certaini conclusions and, Henderson, the secretary, on his left. white te was open to conviction;, he it was a pleasure to look over the gath- would like to see the man who couid erlng, and into the eyes of so many convince him, he was wrong. This, earnest men and womex,, It was a he claimed was characteristlc of. the prèty sghtto ee uchan rraof Scôt. Me had found in his experience charming autumnai costumes. Many a as a student, and as a teacher. that the cute, tastefully trimmed bonnet added- English language was the Most difficult much to the piquancy 'oý laug hing eyes languag, he knew. He cautioned the and curling lips. A bu&omflorm look- teachers not to foist technical grammar ed even more buxom w hen encased in too, early upon the pupils. It was time ta tailor-mnade coat. Siceves there werc cnough tp do so whcn the boy got intc of the prevaîling kind, though not 80 thc third book, if he was a good reader. L.much so as some we have scen. There He was liberal enough to state that the 'ktù'd'ebea sense of the happy pupil should be encouraged to thini inean. Similar- words mizht bé said for himsclf. He deprecated the idea of thec-men and their appearance.' Th.e that the teacher should be autocratic teachqr'.s were the bcst.dressed ~ cople and appear infallible. The teachel in town durlngr the two days of the shouid give reasons for what he does. cwnvent1dn-In the face of this, thre if thre pupil differs and can't be con. rumor that ýteachers' salaries are affect- vintced by the teacher's reasonà, then, Cd by tbq,,prevalenit firiaicial depres- thte teacher and the pupil must agree tc sion carnes little welght- Or is it that differ. Kr. Houston was asked if tir a rossm.cuft-ent of vanity has struck best wrîters preserved the ortirodox dis, dagogues ? In former years. a teacir- tinction bctWecn hat and Whih wus knowir by tire fact that ire was a answered, "nos When opposed oi vingpatnt ediineadvcrtisemcnt this point, he agreed, if anyonc woul( oftehrible" effccts of tins or that naine a good- Englisir witer, to fin( disese.To.day, hcath. and happiness errors from is works. Tis point wa! ad Uc xpressions upôn thre teachers brought up tg. -show that gannra couritenances. do -not always base their rmies 1uPO It must be that Our rschool-housc e s age. It an tausing to olb are tter lighted, ventilated and drain- serve tirat, ý hile Mr,' Hlouston had cdthon thcy wcrc a decade.ago. ,Never heahthy couteMpt for grammarS, Yet have we seen a'ilealthiAmr, a betier fed wlienever, ire cîtedagrmnar, ire Sai4 or a better dressect body of teachers. "-Thii' me." rq.whTh Corispicions eMong tire'teachers, Was mteting adjourn4at 430 p. ý»m., by t'w ontvenrai nspector McBrien. His definitiôns of a 'statexnextt belng givei geniality *as vcry much in evidence, tire one, byMi,- Houston, "Somethin at airiessis of the conventibn, assertcd" " - bigbte th Mis8 ready wit and ciheering words 'did byp.I reb" ugeto tmucirý to enliven affairs. Wiren tirings mînd cxpmcssed in words." la gcd and thre air grcw oppressive, i$ s T INTOWN HALL. Irishr wit chaàged-tire curreit of every' At 8 0 Iç -nThursay nigirt, _Ühought. Mr.. McIBride,,of Porf Pefty, one o pt q 0uckCi ethr a audincamcxd i ii 1 t own hait tire'oldcst Memipers of thre association, M _-lec ureup retaqy'sadesk and the wiruloWwssw«el f tf 4cortcdwitftwerng l8$t~ ~~onbe nmtriimony.. Thre shgde ôf Ten tie woUa werchuoeng splCits* Q 4 son would risc 'up,againstthre -nt S .cIool's 'work in' drall' .. h *t f-boQ4s. helcue . whokethe room is the 1-¶'vd fupotuI~O Al echool room In "town. by',KMisseslK. 'and Aît lsn't there a brigirter o> ' - iteLO-bv iss A IMa ii ailcitationi diryy draf- f ,L S r ieici osin tr eacming uny- thing e¶së;thte tache#s -dutyii -S teacirtire pupil to discover for' h!ýnseJf. "'Novr dofor iuplwhat the.. pupil 'ct do for irimsclLe' . He thoulglt thea îer' patsof speech," as uscd In oui grammars absurd and nonsensical. Could we flot abandon these ridiculoue features of nomend1oture-" Tire, chile would naturally tink from tire words, " parts of speech," that the whole o- tire speech was flot being taken.u p, buv cnly a part~ of it. Hence, the term w& m isleading.* At any rate, lire would no begin at tire parts. of speech. H( would first discern tire function. li tire'sentence, "Rests uùpon the, life in deed," nine persons out of every tei would pare itideed" as an aàdver, modifying "rests";- but if the sense wa correctly interpeted, " in -eed" was ai adjective modifying "llife." Again,i tire sentence, ~Wolfe gave tire coir 1mand, 'Fire!l" tire word . 'fire" wasa >adjective because it was an oppositisv mnodifying ,command." 0f course tmight be parsed. also as a noun or verb. Tire idea was to cail a word th tpart of speech that tire f unction di .manded of you. He was prepared1 r ircar tirat iris views were unconverltio eai. Me wanted Uic teachers to pr c) serve tireir convictiosb t to be ab to do so by dint of'rios rasni e In analyslis, ire would t#rst find tl k number Of statements, and( then classi a tire sentences. He considered t] ,c prescrit systcm of classification of ser r ences into simule, complex and coi ipound, vicious, and on tire face of > nonserisical. To illustrate iris' idea , -a statement ire-wrote upon tire boai co "Red blood flowed from tire fre ýe wound." '"Fresir" is anadjective. E s- logically, it was.'not an adjective- but le additionat statement, because it add n additional information to tire sta Id ment, -Red blood fiowed fromt id wound. " Mr. ,Houston . was -, i5 quently interruptcd by what seemed is us îinsanequestioas. A iman,'- wio1 n, taugit thiirty years or more, is "kfi Houston l camncoieiscutenvea ary anîd, 'omnpound.' He wu classprimary senteces Ime s' comptcx . When questiQnied ing tinWcasiffcation, ier anlg'with àaritimetie, -in2 said ,-A teacher * ho teachéi by copu'and complex i5 doôr, to a'fot 4h"Tere miany' of them,, tien,, saii, McBn»en. "i knàw 'it," rei< Houston. Tire sentence, tirat hieis sciemirg,>-as, sentence, comirrg uncder 'tht of comnplex.,1 To, our mmid 't cation. seems a mnore iatuYidia one thiic onie 'no*"iny concluslo.ýVhilW- briçysui what'hie had'gsil, ire added> ire- a readier, 'he:- 1ould lobd gramimar in tire sclt0hol-rooii., onemaster of. a, high 'schoo not 'used a-gra mmar in hiris svnyea- - "I iraven't hi os tzte..1~ofh . John P. 1 ha»:'ý" , -". * ~ Brook S, WIiUbyer, S~ - )L s'n 4,;ed -v UIage a re ioW miric on em êW . e Bu.A. k41 1 âJolS;Po;rtl who wiII recere tir appeinme»t. . W, Mcenyve 0e.-a-4'1 9; Maîà 9'. ïLS 9; Tir Mtkam apr.are .docatin O yOO etc. ~,PBS'" J Bribl r fo a "eP fktrly. should thy coO otrf I otOfcet M l'uy1;O 9dv18 Iini ttractilu suchr an institutin M r-BIok, Broo te P ,wiii4. 8;. id bige haa j, et b, adtnitted t1O &Place 'sin 'rtî .. BC1ork- ' ; o c ll; M y 5h; ui aunt varions towns that auuronnd .YUG1;Ot*>O 7 lier. But it will takealtosop pitr t.-eeteLa.ler SthOmlno, i Ja es oadn ad W J assn lft ' MarkiLienet OI oce Bm witirs m. 8;Mml 4 iyO uy1;O a fore MueodaenédaWy. Aft "on n a Biook.,-aio f 9re, oI tiWy B.tTOs-Geo. F. Bruce, Beaetti efr hurnting eed in ftOrIlhcveàpo- w »ow lIcILVR lerk_~M5&h 16; May 17; oct. 16; Dec, 9 muised e lio do udo.berB àU#,goc r17 h eret.UzeO FJ Gillespie, Uptergiov, s1o mse atosh 'to iid mn teirOfc-iiMtiin&U knB-Mewiloa rhO16; May i18;(Jct. 17; Dec 20, cifinor ud We wisir themn Brook iSt.,#'W hitby, souii ci Ontar b 151k. By order, ~,Plentyof luck and a asie retumu. J. E RkoteW PELL, fW bile riding eaut on a load of empty coe1th18. t ipplo barrels on Monday aftomnoon. tticl ooe bh 19. Ceko iePao is Thomas; Kemptror feil ofe the load op- Dtposite St. Andrw's churcir and fractur Ds W re ~M oe e loyadSl tbe [ hecollar bône. Tire injury saDr Warn M oeNw,-iryndSlStbt n very severe one and Thomas will be morne n-. weeks laid off with tire injury. Ro nowormD. WaenM.D ~nge bout with iris armn and mioulder J- J. MOrO .D, F arn .D b ba"ndaged up. It wràa a very unfortunate Brooklil.Whby ()nc tours 1ry& ire hriteshae Ofice houra 9. a i fiehuei . in TeProvincial at iie aejuat te il ar..to g p.m. in discovered that a gang of burgiarsareemeamîniain n- making a tour of tire country on bicycles. Ao, priv"-t' TepWnCozrUcawî an There are thre. rmon in tie party, and - . .BOGÂRT, aI-D.L.D.. re, they do mnost of tire travelling at nigirît> it Treyhaveblon sfes at Caledonia, Physic"L, Surgeon and Accoucher, etc- Trat avre Nblo, shaa aae ea dRosidence next to Ail Saint's Dundas St., Whitby, a ' sodNbeo, 8afa Npne hiirch, DundSS Street, Whitby. N. B.- iand Toronto Junotion. IL is also beiev- Dental SurgerY ln al list branches PromrtlY ..Té NEWPO)UTO Proprietor e- ed that Lues is thre me ganq that ried Le attendeite. Commercial mon fhberaily deait with le- burgiarize W. T. Dunbar s store a few' Teaming done a reasonable pricea. t-o ~ Taeln b he hif, I~ Ik m~ Freight and Baggage'bsuled si reoe r-course would be mucir more difficuit tmmD follo. T ir.y are all T ronto men. 1 Il I U I blapnesd eu so i it d lewe ay expOt o he5r of tiroir arrest at D N IT IE IS R 1C Leany ie ifv Wedneday evening about 5 eolock, & anf .WhÂvby. . , . __ _----:- mornsoe maobmnery. Upon reaoiring ost Ia it, unl on. cf tire herses suddenly drpped 01dead. Tire mou cooliy removed tie bar noms, drew thre caress te tire roadaide, Lrd, andtirere Ieaving iL, proceeed n tiri esh - orny Tire uext evening Lirey returu- But ed, but did net deen it necessary te buy an tire dead animal. They wnt tirrougl led tire village t, tire West, thre eue herse Rte- draving tire double wagon. HealthIn-Tr tire specter Richardon vas notified, on Fi- Ire- day and had tire animal buried without 1 to dea~Nvtheso fellewisaliould b. iras 'made au exanîple of . Tire nspecter lu xed 'after-tlieur and vil, ifpossible,--force, (mn tireur te pdy thre f uineral exponemmat lent. in, ,atoneq tht -tir ir&,' W. BM-- -Y ---NoLD .. Ooufliy Sarvoyer andl Drt~nfge Enginoor, An ÂPOST, villas sanaCOttage' s& apecialtry. Drawrnga prepa for rernedelifl exzijng tractures. ~ffoeFliatfiat cv V W, B. Hose's drug stoe. P0OBox 202, Wliitby. Wig. CAILYELBYS wie oUirrW- promises, vo moyse4*ud tk. doorvhe steuet alwp. a, ae8 Ot Wbltb JNO NBL, -pSALER KW ALL KINDS 0F- ý Ai rdets or infiormation can be biaieçt fror JON NOLE;Dundas 'tetWlMoep eit Mm .c. w - ~d1 t11.18 . 'r t4 0 'hi ntcurnesCo., Torociden Largoit Capital Stock Lif e Insurance Co- oun the continent. Ninety per cent. 0f aIl acaooulations ot surplus is returned tetire poio olders. AUl clairre are paid without- de or discount on prIoof -of death or matnrity cf ondowment J. B.P WEL Feb. lst, 98. 4.e',Wbitby. DENTIST. Cor. King &- Yonge k3tr t' C. No W. Halv SOLE "Office a. ,"tu of u ptow l ~ÂM A&<YOUR? -oders. tire ii DEALEB IN

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