Whitby Chronicle, 15 Nov 1895, p. 2

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e lerful A, Common Affliction P&ummtlj rd by Ttklmg 111 wus amoEd 0er Ol¶htyIlruW th (sai ,u~y mdiouéswhch vers bhhlroc oMnended, but noue gave me -reief. i vemat sadvisod te LtryÂyr' Bse p1rl-s.by safrlend who told e thatI mnustpurcase Six botieand nie them 8=4rangtedirectiens. yeded te bis sulebouglit the six boties, and k the contents eftShree of these bot- 4e3>tor t m inish ourtibotle, in ia e re0a Free from Eruptions as ever they woie. My business, vhieh la %bat of a cab-driver, requlres me te W ett n cold and wet weatlier otten vititout gleves and thie trouble bas nee eurned.- Tmoua À.Joinra. Sta ordnt. * Ad=itUd at te WoULd'&Lir t Auer* PUS .Ceande t" BoweJ*. OORREBOPONDENOE a rse@id broaker. Quarterly services ver. held in the. mhetb.dlat cburch lisat Snnday. About 00 peoisons toek sarament, the. largeet nUmker evor doiug se iu the hitory ef th. church. A I.ug hard wluher. The. geesebone in nesrly aIl white tbis year. sud the result will be that ev wiul lie on the gvrond frorn early lu Docember until lat. lu April. A long,; oold winter, A8usd vit blutenngihoruis, le aboad. There are ether aigus Ist coufirmi Li..Coinrnusare 'uuumually thick sud clilmuonls ud vi -oodohnokea ùeArpiesdyftLà agbtkili Ocour". if yon do apt want7 1o bell oV& ail itsyoI britin pirit. Ber oburksb1ýdieds aie wywrthy of grester prais. bucause of the irot.ntatioiiS manuer lu whlcb tbey brise Evelyn Dennis, a former teseher i the. publiec sobool bore, bas gonG te Denver, Colorado, for tii. wiuter. Short- ly af ter reaobing there Misa Dinnis had a very liv.ly expeiies with s atieuake. Oimbine the. mouctains.witb om. lady yred, tppiug, over one rock to an other Mise béonis noticed lie suake whiob was juit coiling fo* s sprîng. Witî sticks and atones tii. ladie s aooeoded in etunning liii sakeehip, snd vile weo! Liieni eld it down withsticks m Dafou. mes ont off the. ratlies. Her oesy friend ini Orillia will b. glad to lbain that the Change o!fclimate l eatly improving Miss Denuis' bealth. pou", maitrat. wstd Ln respouse te a petitien signod by a largo number cf proininent citiseMinhte town concil bas resolved te ak tbe On» tarie Qoyerument te appoint a police magistrate for Orilhia, and promieed te psy hlm a sabary o! four hundred dollars per sunuin. No oe.ewas mentioned as bing a candidate for tiie poition. ID thinkiug over thb. lut o! available mon, we would snggest Mr. Melville Millar, if he can be induced te accopt. Ho lisas citizenw, Who would commnd tb. resfpect sud confidence cf the. wbole community, and would bring te the office a ripe e' perenoe, a judieial mind and becoming dnity. W. trust that Mr. Millar'8 naine may be properly snbmitted te tii. kttorney-General'F department, aud that eur worthy ex-mayer may see hie wsy .,,lear te acoept the appointinent. AUDLEY. Thomas Puekerin aud G.o. Waltere are enjoying a deer hunt up uorth. M r. Percy Bray spent a few days bore with relatives recently. Mr. Jas. McBrady speut a fiing visit te Cherrywood ou Bnnday laut. Teaobera ofe ntpublic soboohapaid the. couvfintou at whiLby a visit Tbnrsday andi Fridsy of lait week. The. mnti ef October bas pasaed aud tbroughout the. wbole menti we bad windy aud dreary wept ber. Our burgh bas been excitod'of lat. witb regard ce tthe Bradley case. Word bas reached us tbat, hoie relesod snd now uothiug romaîns but for hlm te reform and learu tb. severeiy-taugbt besson. W. de net 'Irant te Ioad him down witb ad vice.-but Ândiey peepie slwéjm velcome tii. boneet fellows Î,nd,'bbop poit. u civil, a$ Frauk bau #be eobance to aian Be. r,. aeÀI, e.of! preeyteriau POU yA I buyers ar graingmai potaLcei, w buyers arec varieties. ibout hiarveeted n2ov fer choie. On SaturdaL elz atMr. 0éo., Hotu., o!f theJ mitort bouse, b&ti misfortufl6 te friotureiaip cllai boni' bat undor Dr. Grsita kilful trestint 4i4s, rapidly mendIng. Mr. Jas. Workàniana.dfamily o!fCty- boygsu MeU., hambe.u viuitigM. u ffre. AI"xHamiIltou, of "EthelPîk for Lie past w.ek. miss Psu e;louto; ,o! Terontot, t in tewn reneving old sqpnaca iI at present L.getic lr.R. Bulter. A. meeting o! thii. Young Liberal Con- servaiv. club Wiii b. hold titis Tbumiday vuiug t lonxpeoted -tiisre will b. a ful atteudance as Meii, uisumete be tran - sacted la very importauli. The Express at weék centained ag900d biographical sketch o! tb. laie Fiank Mfa- dilb, M., P., accompauied by su, excellent portrait of th. deooased. Mrs. Bon Madili sud ! amilybof t ou' Wednesday uieruing laut for Toronto wbere it la Mr. fMainjtention te rnake bis home lu Lb. f uture Aàt the Northt Ontario Sabbsth Sbool Association convention heid lu St. A.udrewis chorch lait w.ek the. !olewaug gentlemen ver6 ebected teLte ofiRce fo r the. ensuingyear - Pros., Bey.. G. Mo- Ksy, Sunderadlot 'Vice, P,,y. Mr. Haunna, Uxbridge 2nd Vice,, H.ý -Ebbles, port Perty ; Sec -Triai., T. W. Grahami, Bmevrton. Township officèes, Wm. Nicola, ScOtt ; Wm. 1sbie ro;Js Ritebie, jr., Thorab. A barge fiock of wilcà geese are boldiùg nightby careumalsaroaud *tbe 'ne*wharf every eveuiug at proienL t. Ifme o! tb. "&deadgane sprts" (suppomed eb ri the own lin.) vie vere 6rer a1fthe isiaiid hunti u at Snnday, would look ebsrp b.ymight manage te smeOe ou. or', two brda out o! this fiocke 1,4çe azuey .bv usuf*,éiee4au1 be. We# vory few thàt au aaallor& te have their I pý=ethu9i' s earnled aw&iaysud ery p nostiu bould b. taken by lock, dog, S. J. Daiey bas -concluded, sud bas ali r~ad strt,, ~o bildaolrge skating rlnk on ,pre.petty. "ecentl uaBd by lm' south o f tii. hll. Tie ino riukyl be 160 -ft. by< 200 le. and wlb provided witi ftret-obsseawaitln«,roomsud every otiier Ueosery -accommodation for the comfd-o -th e.whc, patronize it. -The. 'oaton 'aonute toi.a ide :of 1Market 4eteî i ew:roda Sboutii of tii. Hait br'ld- ingp, *bere il la erf"itil iiaieanodd OpOn good bard Sure ad vi iût.ola ice eau b. oecured as tlip euxliet poaibbe daefox skating purpoes. Thii k w'il b. a '01 d'eu0suanrraumgemeute are undir ouelderaticu for other couveni- eoslu 00 cectien wit i h of wbicb w. iuay ,speak labet en. Teking ev0rythlng -ute ýoulderation, wben It le fuiuhed as iMi. Dalcypreprooes4 it wil beue of the fineet riaki anorth cof Toronto aud willl f urieisltabbe amusemnt for tb. youug d orI*ng tii. braclnu inter weather. As regardseLb.ecl rink beueath the hall, the wpa. vub. fioored sud shelod, and "itdu with a new set o! tables, &c wbich vUI fubly acoommodate tb. ever increasîng attendance tte m.iarket. Tii. von yuil b. rushed rapidjy along me as Sc have 'ail ready at Lb. earliest possible date. beating Luat bas evor occurrod lu tusi metiônofn cfountry vat bxongit te igbt ou Friday iast. John Burrovas, of the third concession o! King, sfter fihiug bimmelf* witi wbiskey vont home about 1.80ý on Tbnnsday moruin o! bast veeki ac companied by a mnu by the' naineo! Mason, wvoi va aimedruuk. 'Mrs But- rowe aetd' ion upband eut-o! lié wagon asud entbihlm*lu tii. bouse abong vitb the. suMmmson, sud 1iteu prociid- od %0 put Lb. team lu 'Lb.e *table. Wbi dolug e Brrt cge he * table sud cbargod Me ony i'stku ber cosnmenced. o pQud ber. ie pet-. enaCtled hm te -i tht o tetbouQs., wh*i, u tbey snnri ved thotp Mason Wa writ euiovm ten dil d i il u <ooraand theYu4vIng ber dowt mi mene sud _pullo'3;blf tii. bain ou bir er i Hier crie. lot aaistaoe wàoeu'M tfring efforts it basmrMche& -oii f one of the. fiM4ithe ti. outq. h.ba oul~gsied ii.esteeni, sud love of teà drea" but :aise Of'ti aat Thoso, who know ber beat esteonlI moot hér excelýWlence. Mise Btill is su exe'fl plary young womàn an sd ber iryluene up opn -the. pmpgshas been great. 8h. bas trids -d-ih- -, -,a- -, inotil the, principles of kindueus generositi and uihsisefisneasamoià ber pupils ai Wall as te teatb wbat is erpecially irequired by 'uchool proge'm. ,Her sucuesa er. bas net been equaledi by any of ber prede- cessera for many years back. Lt le greatly to be lamerited that for a few paltry doriZwe bave to lose a tesober of superior abilïiy suafruitfùliexperîçnc.CO WbSt w al.uhdoubt . n18eluteaobivg can not be made up lu dollrs ud et 1-t: i net eory educated porion ,tha éau teaoh. The. teabber-1- Ike the ceet, is born, not made. Matiy bave:thb. kno- ledge but cau nont impart t . How are trustes to know? Simply by ttfing the teacher. Well thia was trieci 8&ë tlibes ini three -years iii tuis.section, sud.the. sohool wus ln coneo<uence 'a compIlote failure. Now, it seema, tbe trust ës » are tired of baving a well conducted sund pros- M eOUS scboûl snd are going toe try iL It ia ime the ratepayers of this section waked up to the fact that truitees sbould. 1b. mon more intorested in the succeus o! the sobool, tbaïsn lthebsaving cf a je* 1dollars or thiiporting cf a vot&e. Coi- unbue mnay weil be. congratulatoùo obtaining Mi"sSil erie nw hope be r efforts may be appreoiâted even More than bo*re, but regret deepiy tbat. their ga,inlaOut Io»s. About Lvo yoais &goe, Lb. .Mr. Surf,, ef Biue Spings, Nsbr., lest bis hair aftor Jeter, ,aud, beau». nesrly bald. H.efiuwb1y reolved- toute -ÂÏrli sHtrVigôr, aud nov s as n oeertsiny atoawt etrememelg Wben s&0many pe «l ae-tskln udda'v vouts7t~oorshf? 11. bVgi e11 dd f akluig Toro4is, Ont 'lOÈ omyerage whie- inthe. aid ceuntzy Iuahad>7 igite~5fl8lwuassent say Item.41 IO iàptlinSr y1vconditin w1hco~isUtiti4h i ugisud bowels, and weakactin*c lb hi tt Ti.tp acrosa the ~waheLO .uI5AO T8eMO& to riae Uer licol t>eti*fer~a liiei ienlis 'bga te geL verse ud fo l #m %ibeheva= ualeo geL .es à bnueetli 11ba sudilover pirtof bedYd sud~ ~ ~ flb Ifaesu pi bdls Le bpreppeý SWShe W" P U I eIp sudte WBntodmOêLemdlier lti isO fome fer anmbIetl But X sa!dsa loneg . l0Md lold Mnyband tep 9-à U -lOti.We 9Mnbega nia netrôlub1 itis lber throat sud n* Oougs Sud lier heatsjern o be ail tlhh . 511. tiie ôü i~j~ U'Iood'tPJIIË ao jfr're.t î"t F JUIJDCIAL, SALE 0O* FOfR1 y LAN ma. wN. es8, POIL CROSS TEM 0OR ICIDENTa OF OBSERVANT. 'suppose in tii London's chie! a mueum. Lt bal tors, a.nd amug of George 111 ani owned by the.nal jfluetrious a bot fonnd in Englal Lt wala opele< and hae gradua bas assumed col A. haudsoifei and we enter t] gZreen gragS entl bro&d flight of 1 sive portico. The ,estibv' mental, an? w the readii v 01 the bI--.c uý It iBaL L in form. .,14i feet to et it is lunlie Ceni shelves conta. o! the books, are the desks One can fil book or m'm will be f urusf read ail day that any bo~ By the. jn conduced È ahelves, snd 1 have tore of book shel tion. Ilina saw go mal nor since. booksa snd gift and col tees have book publii Near toI paper rmoi people res papg&s on tour O! ti Shown iu W, wand Bomanj busta, etc. ja Conta~ gaufla tt its 8 fSrr Script ODe ed the 1 Ânciei14 -f tbebhi PoUtloi in Nori Ontario ha& stddeàly t"ken avery ilveby tutu-aoolershed by th. prospect ot an imeudiate bye-eI.ctlou to fill the. vacauoy oocaioned by the. doath e!ftii. late member, Mri. Frank Madili. According to present appear- ano.. tire. candidates Wul b. lu the field -tMr. John A. McGiiivray-, e! Umbridge, spd Grand Secretary e! the 1. O. F., viii b. b. nominee; Mir. F. J. Qileapie, o! Uptergrove, viilb. L tBe forin standard bearer sud Mr. 1%. C. Brandon, viii effet as the. Patron candidats. Prom vhat b.sdiqg supporters o! Lbe respective nemi nees ste &il hiree viii teke Lb. stand ot nonluterferece l inbe Mobttobs achool question by tiie Pedetal Goveramn.t Aà veninelection la antWopaeW. Conserva- ties viiicouvene lu auinon 0Nov. 19. They masy nominaLe Dr. Oslle aiel tlepresideut o! Lb. North OuLn o von- serliative Asociation. Tva Gilleipies on s ballot vould tend to mix Lblngs. Mi.Mciubay, vife o! the veil-kuevu live!yntm., bu. D. M. MRcinly formerly of Îleach township, diededdlyo Satinrdsy evenlng lait about 8 o'obook of s~ppexy. Tii. sudden dethi of a lady, 'me pll sud populagly kuovu wu a gret sokeaarg leeo!f rieud ansd oqualutanoos. Mrs. McKiniay o Batarday va, barriugasn llhasb e oying ber tiuaod helth. BSe la ldou but1e. îuwlte fternom and teaolid ber ova beus# about, 480. 'rut.ispend LbDo in utbhé4m vi en sd comimap.d ofeelilIand itLvui rhittie daqgbtft wtao fiet uotlo.d her .noiUu.attdne The bpai t bloodývmssi: Be4foîîtWoxo'. ber k m- ditton gav* bath do<ibw sd fflns d emi siaruThe vomtng had ul lo »dt w.ipsd*.ulsr. tnd cate estaeme v atebb»mg 6 bis.Ier .1séa s Lubo#*f*sp4oùeUè a«». Bizrl, before S oçlok «W6s4 cfdevotoa to hi, realm e!fibolusa u bies. toua ul ie t4iere, W. oeh eau reste is enevezdenLte orne here oftenoL. IL menmi&W if ont ehoir have iâs.d te s;psuadic u*aL one wculd tbink tatiez ve lave veoitredie s"ut etuit a leader' b. appolnte sd'à bnkLtaI isii t Lie ouly soluitiondo!'the dilmculýr sud ome long'% a iltii. cocafingeér lii. pe jalaso lang viiicontention suàjlouie b.ioni panions. IL -Meemi eaLoI -of Our meùm e laoi imft e.uon huma.)? the.dntyo! leade.'This km .!o humhlity, viien progrsé !e pd. aof a sîckly ort. Let sug enmnbr nov -te select a leader su'd iien live, together ln unity. W. believe our No. 6 ves pedaglogno vouid giy. lessos Lite vinter lu b. ev.ng heurst ictioso yotinug mon Who have ne ime te attend day scbol sud ne opportunity-Le t eka hlgi mehool reduostien, .-butvewnd1k e rfiniýbing touches ou their IlM kuowledge, b1I h. els eoDmuragmt frein Lieun. Nov a Iarg e lasa coldbe totmed sud, ou.. or tcelo. #wqk met sud atudy mqah tilflog sw omeriwa artihoet l tann booakepln ud witiug etc I Make k ov oreugtsttOn u h. b volti oveoation. S eversl loada ftoutour viOiàg veut> ta - befere if breaks 4ev». -'! Tie'sst straw "' doesn't break it down, but it uakes it stâp Coc> worme., Contuualiy pUt the.wroux thini, t Li luto' your stonepmh , aI.d 4geaipa viget La< we~r w eaker. Before long, soe-on Jhln'woreaictt n sal vu Ilb. iaten, and *11go ttroh '-the>'stpmacb intc -tbi bovels, suad lceit wll Stlek-tbatr cu.cv L îtptiu Ltit.ceutinuesdUrejnoh.it ingýbad that ltwUoiotlead te. Nietevth of alb hunian sipheme w due hoteutbcpa tien Saue cftbo }ylest sy ptosa* ceated'1tongue sd fonbrtatb, dizzinessî, Vt heartburn, flatulence, sehbewhes, distres1ý i after eatlug,-,eadacbici- and l1esitude. 'A littie tlting viii caunem&constlpation,.aud aq little tling vili reliève lu., ;r. Pierce*$ ýfeaant Iel 4s are a cërteiziénure for-con-~ sl pation i. - Yie are fin- ugr.coafed lu 4rnules nulid sud niuatu n tcir action, gw Thr ;nethlg nj'uxious about theinï. fo Yen ican take, them JuiL as frceely as yen aie jourt food. There la ne danger ti4dt e Y u vI eoxeaslav e te Liý cluse. T hiey tnuýl cr usdthen >encUnstop) tairing them.Snd<rfresaple *aCkaifo from 4 te 7 doses. Word'a ispensaz-y Medical Association, B oal, N. Y. A-GREAT BOOK FREE. Over 68e,ôooo copies of Dr. Piercels CentA]' mon Seuse Médical Advlser have been sold at tic regular prive, S1.50. Tic profits on tiiImeuès" sale bave becu useci in Pdàu1- lnà, a new edition of çmomc copies, bouê. un itreng paperevers. vhich la te b. given,~A avay abtoltkyfree. A copy vin b. se'Mt 1 ter any .4dress on recclpt cf 31 ene-éet bisteryl tbrougb inutiat Lime te care St aïe. ai Pmue of oe -wit ionget.-Jotui'8U.. s 0~Toronto E. Steheaumetm e'a DS'I' . 1 1 Al A W. 7â

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