Whitby Chronicle, 15 Nov 1895, p. 4

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,T~t ~1 s Youïaeheeywarned a t't-mk n, pirhses until-you haeexwied thé. New ~~I ~ an DI Cp u Oimioais. Pnesonptioin d Boosipta coMefully imd uratoly prepared. . dL' EU -W-1LLI18, Ohamet4dDruggiet; -Medîcal H al$ 1-bkSrmt - Whitby WHITBY, NOV. 15t 1895 =opare- wtw ajiage'sq ite venewent, Ia*g9use in& fr4p-qjznt4lisplays of whaî we -abould trm IImefiud ndhtad iper on the beicb? W. caiisy that4, géneraiy o&etng, the newaripper are up <o dite: finM8ls much bo sald otbe Judges? A n'an wbo once -gels Into ê" cthardly Oe th , cit, ïe.uffçl ssuccwmeand re. verses > ni e ar rive hlïm ,crasy, aud causes il menluly 6lôo--pon our Irigbi courts u« chambers ofhbon-or. We fooltith it would b. lest asàurel ýIf 'ot6e of the blgh courtJudges would let the newqoppere sien., for la ljourua"-lswho gUtar4 lb. Intoresti of the hundroda urbo have noï4means of de. fendlug îhemselves. wbilç the, courts delay those urbo fail lto theirl an&a fbr IndeSelite perlodu, sud give thena littie satisfaction and mucb m nîlthe .end. turUwauge. Tho JurY etluga cf the blgb court of justice Opeuod on Tussdy, Hou. Mr. Justtoe Roert- sou pru&gw ORAND JURY. Andmeu M Rois, Whleby, Foreman, and j .7 Fehergl, Whft4y. luasA Berca, E Whlîbv; Wui. MCLÎn:cck. Reac; -as Hufvol, Uxbrldge;, EuetOM eli Oihawa; WYF Dobeon, Relch; Jno Mard, Roach; Wm Foaaby, Scote; AIe= MoRste. Tborab; las Union, Plclering village,; ColinSWntb. Mars; 1Jno Sharp, Caington. nbis lau n geoef lie insumunce swludie& RhI. trsbp lu addressIng -the grand jury eau* Kne e-ofRte nauanceftaus bualwys tlâte ho people of the county os the fact (1. g eo Insu)Rinesraudtha HS 1WM5 Um ere DoCrimes'o inmutiti. Anat. U~eeaLt~ ropes.) oinhs, l. Hy mtpt hadtisn made <o anduce te.coaoty <o Mud others cf t&eir sort, althongh bhwy ercdsexeno a aprooscutlo for criminel seeefti, have licou obiged' ta reort tg SieIn <o <h. Oshaa efoe is lrup the cruel, old-tasbioned method ofs;neIem ah. ne Repa onseer. l. etiug pa IVklLWsNisurtng tselruives bycSj olory, aud 'wtb <th ption cileci iypapesh .Ir Omeucorasilng snd siaugbtorî ng tiem lunurbole space vas used for puTlihng dlny toma. destis-trape. The pliM tuldtb-gmuus cftlie Ho dlitecftd juty 'o visi te.juil alid funis 4yug ViCthns oft houe arcis4fends haveiiUed hi1urlth a etatement oft hein vieurs In regard to th acaromeatlon of sied MW af mnpeople <ber. w«itb horrorthe boarta oftie visoýe huxuaioaa obsr Of =aCY. 13e alpu ured tbat race. Thse klUUng of lhe. poor Utile Pilez.!thie court bl-ted bhI'eëi.cuy. The girls w one of-thse mont heart-svelfing ipresetaut cf the grand )M ymade lunmreqose tuet4ents au record, and, bas neopesil ) i " wusàaveryable oe, and vil ho given iu Paralel I OurnextIssue. ail thse tragedies of tise stage. PETTJURY. To Dr. Fraccey of Witevsle, ths enrd Oso Baud. RabW hniouW wMrU nWbdy accora tihemoor o! inveutingajno T= Broo M k; eter m, DItbf =mt whîch more me ey enho made boenen. r, ;Hco = ba ty the operadtiens the mçsî ra4uipes hus WmF, Beatoo. Reacli; James ReMt. ofires brUdlltn mug pisi. gdge to10«; lises BerremuRab;T dlanbasoraaledsp=an anbas edémon hr PIdieulng; JAS Âdreur, Pckerlug;- etmted as *volt ta itti7a can lie madle o P"M, lkuu;Abaa an crithut ,as mucis as tuttUng shairi tis xde - 'ouiSun. inu.PIèbsrln ipu"ect's bead. lE slmply goes round sud RC5do EWi:y iheWbkb p ekout ai thisedlua mrials luthse cein- DRIEvans, Mr;W jlaiob=s,,, x- tmunity; efecis larigo aks uopouthenaol YI bridge ;ouru; Jue Balle. 13 Whltby;- Wnw ekare.up hasts, and then aursits lwln- Cber y~c PLy~ous. Oshawa; L 'lisey Hlngr sloug feràatime, it i<»u, <d fed, i#g< toua; Amustard, Ux. 91 <~ oeut tonsa prevokriqgylngse-;bietu; Ch" LvÏtde .,, Wbiîby; Wm ttlttey ail coak in good tie. ý tkllbrdg; oay b rÎadge; S8H 'bise chenie bastise additieual virtue of jO<tes, PkeMng; N Qiaris, Canalugen; c MaEnpan.d se as ta admit efthtie nearesît Harpe. Whiîby; jobt Mabob W aud deur estrelativesottikei uisured paxtici. Gm7. -Uid!ldue tl0, S ,51LOs 0baws; D jpating crus igbl geod cwlU,. ana pedd ,fOV I % ".rn. lb profits. If there lanaytiiug hicS ueud Zh<s laauksenD1U ; fYirkk Minlu, itend to console a b.rëaged hean, twold Whity; A Rvina,; Jno Larbin, ~ate~Itqsooruns mon -Pceu; btsiRes A mls :aud espevltay mo uSeratise deceased wu haa H BEclcte, WbilbY; D_ -Crnaic , *ad burden.. COne beceines reè*ctied 'o Tbohorata t> o 0oyl, .r; Sý $ - oie xvay. Prom imuyParts et thst t«wushpo *eresad tisaI Ibose vils ee or botis feet i pave ver.e erolted'urlth tise insumà wiy keÏàmes. èMd tbst "triendsanad acquaint- u50"cere quietly awalitthse intima- j<i, The ouni enferrefreen Dr. rmnce8r'L Pkb Xrcat Insuran.ce ucieme are tise insumace eu. 'eompales, 'wvclmshich is asirsys ne- po addasanmsoet fntî, lu 'ster or loum g' 4erscw&nr ià asthse suru sc*cd la igoj î luge or e"Iui. Se msuy people bamve tW ef Iesetâid <o rgr umuce ompaules lse am, thse Obl ect erobb.n, tJ.sm* a u t Sdu 4et tli uit satomudonsud U T Wardon. We canot for thIe ofne! = th lt tieauthorities muni by srre &%M;" $qrfor dolng chat lesditmoruialite bara, orv ~s fie Lsdlitein~Lae. ygel, bu et < Tise mauy frendsof l~.o aesu~ 9.C.,wlitbe glad to lçuri<tUiM. elie re-hadl snimed thse pmative et aispr*ofesinah Us.«K.a Thbu t 4ectloun atise Uu4teStates on No.hsresulled i saciesu scoop, (on the-toà Repubicane even Marylm and udeutucky 'lindefet Sbreakin9s ths l e to uoin- lu the %de orOtt étiver, tso to the plted 1* t Rev lTso&Mun ladi 1 di ADI of the underBsighed inder penalty of miseing one -or the best- displays of S8EASONABLE ~a va l be former buasUtitlert. Hîw Dosnob talk spokmuiofmat*lapqto pidlhuU t ah. 'o me. lauooeexmlnatlon 1 âÏ.Chapple, defnd. bit otouied nuvnlag,, Uth )Mia, Clydle urs Oli. motber's requesi.., Aey.wute té ucp srvantbe girsalterhy lft f tya* ed e. Did ellon ber knoo a: i dm nis d M.eut àn mine.?adi put bis mii m ntS ùdbur ooeulosly. and urouid not say hoeever klesdh.r. May, baveputhbis am areund ber m tehra oe h o r okln, snd May bave udis god msnlgsIo ber. but notbing about marriae. lasutbeèt <o hoatS. soties, but doos mot romembor tu occasion pluictifdesribes. Roiorted hie dienfal cf the cunvoea"osroistêd by WilliraH o som Street. RadS sot» ie ri b my at r aboui getung mauried. T1àsus ho ari- before he ditS. Father cOien me t'he crop If Iweuld gel awrled. but we neyer imeudonotS MissClyde in ibis respect, cor auy otuzer girl. Henry Hmicasu suor,-WoketSfor William HIodgo. Plaintff ool hlmtibae. Had aoou- vorsadn urt plainuUfflun Jne :89k 8h. îold -mesh. urss sulug Hodgson for $5,ooo. and if she go:l hé ansd Iurene te gsi Married ibis lait and bave agpoilti dae, lia ci v"onaion stili claised that h. and- Miss Clyde ae engaged to lie marrieS. Hilurther examinsulon tonded tW thieur suu ongdubtés ou bis evldsnoe, and the Judge dstassed hlm urltb tbe rema* that such vkmw imply scandatus. ffnifagau entored the box sud deufledail cf Hiékma "à story. Meurs. Watoa, for defiendant and <)iapple for pli tifthn addressed the Jury, and bis 1 rabpearrguem nad sent thia-to iber room, - lh. ourt adjourne d11 iii'tock p. mn., wbea a verdict wu brought lua auardiug plaintiff 81,0oo and Couis. Watson vs. Watsso.-Actdon b for eolsure Of mirgg for S inteeaw i. *zs8. en fart» =o Suplslaid. The Wasoh family divided U D i. 'Ist. 1890.the boys lakug te laid aid gwlug <b. girls nionigags te sèee their riespective ebarçs. 'fic giKm now caim ibaït <h Inteleit bus not been ' pald. 'and tue» beys set up a cauer clain lorboard. ýAfter bearing a good deal cf evidonce4, te. judge gave udgmnent ou the mo tgge, and &uggested. an unlcal. seleme t WIl oineter clln. wbcb wo ndertaud, bau beeffected. Ebbolls for alst. ; Chapple fer- defi. Birtb-Ou the r:tb 1îma., the -uife et Mn. Wm. Wil or s son. on Mounday u igbt a mbergf Grenbank- ieo0ple asi throaghb 4re en r oute foHr Piu. D&l. er. ýuemtliey suppted the progeen et tise tetuperanceocial.. 0uêsstebatel l lses nqwov cr cauez wuu 5tvcin i mec <ry twu>. or theyean heàc tlhe reasaufor bis con g aàit li - clamper seasp. -Thé thacboo$gonds hec. ever are là sà kod àscrdtch, ths' ne we ptemsm. he *111 *épt I bem in s sadi- U.F. J. , lIespie, -refirn- uiotuf on Norh Ontri, i te ons. of Cemmous, lasbee d" tîs . éesuad uinipn cIls Mn. ýIL Lffsiab"envJIgo bloends là Ibis part o1-hè idini. Hela ne doubt6to1ing afte hmplàt'rwstsh b.coin hig~eu<tIa laY -uoo beb. eid.' lutbjvokbhe bas osderable tise sarl cf bis conaoriatlvç = tsthe latter la Bot et lt, idônthe pat roncandi.1 <Sl is e bellevee vtühdrawn frons tb. *eld' * iuq.y-.5coT-~~~ W.eliuken," thb. rubideuceoftthse-brideon WedIieïds, , Nov 6t à, by the 11ei. W. M.0CLdly ohn Phily. tnufbaurer, Of Norccod,ýODt.,e Lydia Btte Sc lvdeur of lte late Dr. Stani.y Scott, -of Neunianket. Knàn. -At Peterhead, on -the '"th Oct., Hec tot, relclofthl. atë Robent Keau, «ed,. f'osp Reuu A TTRA OTIONS ever before offered; and also under penalty of negleoting au opportunity.to1 procure for yours.elf one of the BEST BARGAINS ever kuown. You uan now reaoh the limit of the. purchasing power of your dollar. Our Buying Powers that we are enabled.to give you goode thus season at prices nover before h&bard of. ANDREW Dry Goods, -Ready-made Oloth. In -Tor ont# every person is, wearing some Trilby nôvelty. It's àIi the. rage. WE HAVE~.M. Sterling.Silver Trilby Rns-t...25C ýStirlong Silver Trllby Stick Pins at..... c Silver Plated Trllby (Little BilUte) Stick ~Silvo Pl4ted TýrIlly Locket add Chai' 0 Sif1,r Plated Tri by HaMt a~... 5 .WhItMétal Tnlby Bângle Pins at..... xSc - ý Iyae -~hyf18ve17 Ont. East- Bide 'Brockfit. Sýuth.i VIANTED ýee-Q.buphes Bgtloy, 'c -t. Warren's Bankrupt Stock S worthi of DR9Y GOODSO LOT: i. ciLOSE TRI as the, lease expires On, the' 30th lOn/y Finest Qua iùso oidszig PrcsRÉduced ag i kùWi eàuil in -and' Dresa Goo Frcaps, Mens. ana. S-pe ciîa1-Me n%-sIHe BIk Eye Peas, Mummy Peso, S llPeas, MS~I Lily AND LATrE STYLES IN DESIRABLE JE GOODS are such.~. j k' ti me ROSS, FINE E~RY Ail we Enl G.W et W, FOI B'rigb Mr. Mn. s day for s 1 Maenl JAnR? -ri. h pnices. value -Dot f* - A y Il 49M - - àl-

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