Whitby Chronicle, 15 Nov 1895, p. 8

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for..~. .4, GI t' 4< .1< <g «Pure Drugu, podQumery, Toilet Beqmioitiés Toilet Soapsi, FnyGoodee Speétacles, 1< <'Anything in the ~a~DrugLinoi 's Rf/e '8Drug Store, simoos St. South, Oshawa. OBHêWÂ,NOV. 15,. 1895. Bu5ZN I5S OTIce- Oshsawa sUbanb or s4ve.rt a sy iransact anybses vith t tisec>LNmiL or msy oLtnetra copie sats=y time, rom Z. IX, Roers Farrs wll do vel ta cail ai M. E. 007w fo I fys'rcay imade clouhlng. i! you wish a uice Frenchs china dînuer or tes*suior nythiug ia !ancy china, or glass- - vre, goatoE B Mogan SOu. Iluvil1 psy any parties conieusplfttgbUY- lng au engagement or wedding ring ta see thse large stock o! Fett Bras., Osawa as tisey will oiltis s squtb vory cboap for cash. Genuine ditamaud 14K. onîr sq. They are ahso mal-g nome spoclal effes lu Gents', Ladies' and EoyW 'gold sud slvet watchea. se@ilion. Feu Bras. Rer. . &Sý. Oladrepraced lCoîboe.ast eburis lasISonday. Mr. BraveJobs vaswu Mlova Sunday vlsl4ng Rev. mud Mm. Ciu4uht. Wilib*su 0 *W* e51 centuiral B00o,1 tiday 0o eboh vI ram one tg a olowi =.O 1a maie a>- &ngeent vih pte ta bave s"les. v. L&joeuaT&hsove-Tb* lad Uillortu rud got' fturanfg houle01 o!bava. Bple2n5ld ssql lof tweeds, wormiède. 14 1a5, sl4étic, AlwaYmkept ln stock. MNT D5» - W5.boban Mt5sd .TeWeler D)eglersin w&tohes. icai, jewolIT7, silveT> tS ~.ltac5,et5, Enfflng, gold sud sud dmol rn e 09U over. HyVMuSo* hH,&wKfl<5- Impastersa nd deaOlr in tstmnotm nae~ntuT0T5 and bouaefuZZ1b* lUs'uppliés. m - OiYWOa lflWU JE&"T tas , . ansiaiboreonalflg duo.Pu trnci.hs ad otT5 ud ma. A ldoe. a- bicycles keP on baud. Mrs. Hoit, of Pickering, wam' vlsiting ber silter, 1Ers. Franklinl, last week. 1Er. Wm. Troms la baving anaiber sale o! standing timber on Tuesday rih bNov. Hia sales, are always weil attendcd. Mr. Jno. Brown movos to bis new farm this week, and1Mr.. Henry F'raublin, of Prince Albert, le moving to bis farnu at once. Heisegoing to try(farming once mare. Mr. Thas. Lamb-has left thse aid larin. on which lie las resided over forty yoars, and Cne to reade in a ouse ownd by Mmr amulinear Raglan. Him son Thomas bas rented thse homostead. MEr. R. Coombe had tise barn raislixg on tise Vlpoud farm on Tuesday. The urne was set on Monday, but wben the mon col- Ioctcd tisey had ta finish the frarnlng, and thon returu and raise lu next morning. Judgiug fronu the choors that rent thse air -and aroused people fronu thoir peacelul alumbors, our ploughlioye toit pretty good, on thoi r tu rm tise piawing match lat weok. Jiu'.-'tes won thse firsi prise In tise boy's clams, aifi S. Robertsoni gai firsi prise on beau gram teanu. It takou a Scotch. man for thse ho every urne. AUNTOPI. We regret ta hear of the very sudden deatli of bIr. AIbeCcx, of Solina. - Mr- James, Und bill, teaciser ai Pt Ferry, visited ai 1Mr. Jno. and -C A Lauder tcettly. MEr. Gea. Waiie snd wife, VWhutby, vlsltedI ai bis (ather's bam Saturday and Snnday. 14r. A. E. Hen bas nearly coml>letcd bis apple packing, i having pusbed a busy soason. Mr. A. Wasbi on bas also finisbod packing his supp y of applés. Thse twc above gentlemen have bandled a number a' applos otheir seasons previous. Some ai the inembers afI Thos AlIenPs 1famîly have been inidlmposod aof laie. HRit son Leslie snd dauglitorMable btînz affiîc ted with samething alun t. lever-. BEr.. T. Tharnpaon, of Godenicli, la vistins friends here. Mim Mary Phair, of Manvers, l'a-!tn Iiu MEr. Edwlin Coucis. The useuibore <f the dilalon bere rusent. _____elrPut Wôntisy Patrlarcb, k -3 _____ -fk 0ýt t.f......êUk t . ,e. naeùr 5Ã""4 alfRIBOucW blet ad bmadaged th 7 s 4q.. Mise Ethel Wlco2Uon i5 ýj~urned after spending a féi ew *ks liiue City. Rev. Leggotl,.ai Brookli n> .reached ln theê' nuthodisi church on Spundajy, vening.t MEr. E. Tink *1111 gls hlrreport of Uic coKIvenlUQll eld lu xKiosae <unWedntzday evening. birs.Alili pepose s epartng ihe .LftO>I noon las, assdtse larger isiembers afe Xe*- q uosted te lbc present tieXt Sabbatb asftef- noon ta chuoe a leader, One of aur crack p1pwinen wenît t Reac h ploughing match with theIdua that he would carry ail belote 005,- bUt' wlsun thepriffs were awarded ho waa not l>fi. Dakota. Allie 0. VI rusticaifg wit we have a fine iss k. Ewv few weekm visit cker, ôëf Rtcbmd Hll'iAS lbme.tbis week. Ho thints 0 lot, o! girls ato nd or e. orwha h ' iïbeen spendng a tins' ber brotherjas., !n Elden, mrlùùàxmpegayÏnlaw t sumk ma wa Quesijc abor n têius tQwn shp i>4 v6 te ôaf theulectors of tblsatownshlp -6fM r. W c 'r Ãœi é ,le!tk w as n ,tru cte d t éa r- range wth Mr. Dj, A aendi othèr.prt e sI¶t eîrestecd anjto fiuually is eof h e~ _ _ original alkôwance for a nthe 7thcoq. betwoen lots 12 -and 13 and ta prepare ail - necemsry documaents Wlth the transfer af thse Jmre. Ou ýmotion of blr. Welir be council adjourned ta muetptïsuasst ta thse statute on zfth dayof December z895. P. C, GRARAM. novleSO??.!MlIOlS U StSOzr, 1,7 L Nowvis lb. im tl ookover youzr tus for Ihei mely auIobave tbsem reuoialod. Tmux mpI ftÂeua nl uui IETaaCo C. tsumestbsrnüotAheral poiOy tea the méiela. p 0 GasL,' agent for lbthé, n1lo!ofOn- ltta asud Vitons. Localagentls wîma i n every lav ansd hamilt. To snob agents lfl >0 oüfeéred Orsabi ias contracts, wulle for ~,rlua.We elrl7ut ou ltf re. PELLWS, ÂNc~E38 -AT- $50-00- Aima his GOAL OIL ana GA-FOM-- $5-50 to $25ÈàO, returned ta lber home tierO où, Wednesday ADE lair. Wilrnott lnformed us tisai wben these Mr. Huntly's plowlng bec ou Wednesday revivalsatop an epworth league of ciristians was a grand succeas. T l 3 l I 'wiIi be organized bere. Ont youug e ýONits. Wm. Bays il, suffering ftonu a severe sbould ths k ver the flatter sud deerm ne attck of nuralgia ai tise somach. S that îhey wlll do their part ta make lu a Mrs. Bell laenry 111 ai present. Cancer of N V .U~ '~ succoas. tise.stomacli la tise trouble. We are pleasod ta note Usai aur clerk Ssci Muil bas engagod bis chum, Mike Orvis,Tiktfo bv wl e se rO thse sidewalks repalred en tisaitthe councîl- am foreman an bis farm, andi their intentions Tic ets OaoewaRii bYissed famy men were not lu danger of breaking their are ta visît al uthepcpal owns ini Canada ~.h ica h saaRiwyCmays' preclous necs hie ecrs on Manday. Ourin luthe spring, on their silent steeds.* Offices a*iý flrst.deputy looks vel despite tise lad tati l Hcnry Bee Sundayed ln Pickering. ' Miss Ad a t , eacies<,<Frank Guthrie bas secured a situation as Single First-Class Fare. Ul b oty eahr-fpo ead drug clerk ai Rihey's, Oshawa. He c______________ ochool bas signiff ber intention of teac rg spent Suuday at hume. .year.W _vr' plased te nta ib lihougl shu only-teudereci for tw -- Thsomas Puckerin arrived home on FridnK Dts selsools bots were io toiser. This iudeed brIuging deer iln alundpnce sud being o7l n - Daes speake veli af ber. Sise lias owever libe&a1mtiide turu, ho îreated us ail ta Ail trains November 2th and acepy ue M. Zo col e visisher sam. 21t, 1895. oory scceas.Tise cbol' social takes place ihis evenlng Mis M~d Senc via fr or e Urne back ai tise 'rusidesce o!fBMr. Mayne, on ts c bas licou Iu Kincardine attessdingthic icb G Iivray. place t ta ureUt, Tise bouse l IMIT. b d o f ber lirother-lu-law > 1Mr. H. il S b de, l ' âtsfi55 ' ag o rn u expecueci. A dm is-A U t c e s z o r u n l av rcuurued bowe. an Saturday. Sh$lso oks,-6 I :t pie A ikesgo t eur ev evéryuilg bQt vwehi suer W formiug lier. --T11res la abelug lu buman form tisai re- n etaton-o art uask. But-Msudnover dos- Eluyag a l a! des-a-aMisIdistance tao ou.noruli.west * in detato otatrha výwise atendIuç tis i, and nMwadeoe a ties1is sprojoctinl<s 11, wîo lias been for * November 25th, 1895. *111 ho fatîpson. Uses. l asber 'of years, s coward sud a vil.- A piano teacises trgck ibis tawn hastvee ltain in'-,the'Ircaimeut b. accords»ta hlms t- For tickets sud ail Informaion call sud suad a more esolmspleo furukture vas tistlbett«rbaIltise*mumÙÙiyst large STI nover known to tâter IL. WiI1ubis auulg es& ta tisinkltbeuai talot. him sane, bt isfe -W- -STRCKR,- -at RadlaY face eudamnoatli toaglus o'- cucýëeded in sur- ïisfi woman a!~Odî much a wretcbed exîst- Ticket Office, Thou>s block, Oshaa 'Prlxsg oa ifè w a Our fair ladi sYiad th nce * and thaiiyla reéred lu mach a fend- f gntlme be t ue lu a (ew plsces tisai crauWre m vo ,wethluk It iSse tarà1aim AREA tOBEAWA. tQétaiie4Wnedsres'a! ewyW ato4f hilscoat tàf rlief t.o ppressed. Weisooolhe Stall msiglt -ue iaisso. It vould perisape do nmyeltisor refions istai tise mon wiltue Nov. I4iis, 28e bi od-téocaliagain. -It ispon 1110151t. vindicatc this nvoie s M_____________ T hse revival m eetigs iico tn ue -trouiis aà ' t se hem ater drap, but viilraise tlsiè wek. Tise .tendance cacis Iuight l r- <i Iucaseesedo largo sud tise discontie.4a grapd The Rev._____________ Mc. Wllotta ldeeéd e"api Dg f > tf,sIlu *4à ý otI' I sat a.eettos-latest dmgs mieI 1 i Pe 5dà uet-us' assume*as la fact Usat you do- .We nearly all do.. TbeÇgrcat essetielo therifrefofOi to; ,know wlicreltO get theý behst TEAf0f mo eatnfey. JAPAN -TA--e baVê -JUil ýPurcbéy- froi woisaiéTà s Houle, 25 Pac*- a ges o i>(eeJapatn ,,Tea ai v.,ery clocu figures, . Itla' cquai 1 qaalîty Wtl0 1 d- 5oc. Tea on the maikeitot. Ey. We art- offertng fi- at the very 10w 'prl'e Of 25c., per lb.: or ôlbo.. for $1.1O. Thisli an'excellent bargrin. Ca» a=4 get a samplo and try it. jar We .- want -Butter, ý-Cheese,' Eggs.. and gthier -fpr' produce, for, whlch we pay b hbe rie. OPPOSITS POS-T OFFICE, Oihawa, - OntariO. uLieAssuraisf». if Cnaawisci to-day unquestomlbly Use Leadsc"1L.3e Canada Acient Mid Employerol LlabilitY, Corporation of Londoà.lEg,: Amongû,tbe r .Pli latelasotpii we isaudle ib 'anSlbTe Gadi MercIafhes ~al-I-Sd )vvzCZ luxai natis cf the 'Wetn-B", . CLAB.E. - . D YEL A LER TO8s! IM ~ j 'ai Tise luesOu li at*TslbD ch b is Ms~madti. RycscfToronto. spetnt Sun- M.adMs tis e cfio Pd ad r.Js 'M.1.Sandersof aWbhitliy sd 1Mr. Wmsn l e t Tsa1oq, spet Suaday ina th ue peuof Sonar Temsea, of tise Toroita CoUeoge of g M*uç, vas ln townu Issu Frlday ndeavaring 10 urmffl fotr a can ïst-voca osgiuono. Ho ie4d zot meet with ' Ocygo:auccesabut wu Sape tI bial oMay yet be able ga forisa arge cisa. La:Spdal, vas tise s6îb aaulsetsy of tise 61 Ia be lieSimsoéetsu. uneodist auris Mud Utuxuat anuiversany ervie oe belâinlu eoiuosartiau ix uai e vent. -Tise Rer. 1. P. Wilsono! Co1wu~,oonPiOd .lPt bot, uuosig sd veaug sda 4.11 -îwo ey ib oOw tglrnsa sud pun0sismeut zalsd l - iher "C." supper, l ulatisael<r1uom frai 5 Ici, 7308arme=- aits P.=gle - -bis ecur o i Ola syUn tlis m am aThi 8âý,hge-of ", euudy orung, We oïo Stuce my lia« report a taken Place bere. Mr. lOI to Brooklu Mr. Christi vacited by l , Brayi,Mt inia tise bouse v*cted b ,Wllllaus Hesselwaod sud to, Omb*a a std .Our <lo :11 ,mbly, bas moved iuta by mmrs Hesoiwaod., R. O. Whuie pald $unday. 1Er.. Sbsrrad leavi cosaL viser. show» e baume ti ta day fart Use Pac n ,.a...A *1, wtfr Witt b ave 5Da-lay e doge aIali hoe Wkenu ac t I 1 1- -FROM- 9

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