Whitby Chronicle, 22 Nov 1895, p. 1

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IC Ur -Sehool Boks D largest assort- C Scitol Books ie county. -We e inupecl Our se books. W'e te market. We D>RE. Dost Office. ONTARIO. VOL. XXX Push it along put CIil't 2 ' b m V e l'e *.esJ., DYER. ada, swhit is Leaditig Lite erit' Ltability ng. re, tatdian, lrontu. Vestcrn Bank, 0 0 N. F. DYE R. w 'LOCAL NEWS LETTERS., Dr. Starr lu movlng hueo hi. nMW resldence thla The soutit boumtis dfornmrlydus atBook-- lin at12 .lxm .9 nov arrives At sa o!olck. ,;,, Mrs, R. B. Potte -»d caugbera lte4dtese, <oTomooshortly, to romain-for <lie <intez. Ibo Wpl.PM, of t topr.b e M acluýburch boRd their annuel rounion this ( wuday) ven.ý ers, of Mnr. D. W. R gr, fOitâaa.Smtpdtn cars et eider app e from bore titis vul.Te <ors censlgncd- oeo hovinqwgar onat Ntiioi Lest Sabitatit atternoon Rev. J. B UcLsrep bad for -bist ubect '-The if e<yjËpit lanP*., pbecy." Naëxt Sunday b l e iii ' Tbc pur', Pmosf epropbecy.. On and afeer Novembor mSeb, Dr. EL. Wlgýt- mau. dents:, of Whit g. <111*11 Brookuin evcry Tbursday bo thora tbmfrm 9<0 £8 La m, o do aU lieau f douttai work. -Mr. W,ý Manne,4 -c Toronici, representibg mIo ReliseLoan Ah Savings, Ca., oft eatcity vas in -ewils b iroi, HoWay Bros. baye been a miedaente ofthlie company fer:Brooldn 1 bave hourd numtencue ropéres cf di.satsfac- dIon wit lî e uMer. Dud4 leyviebougbt a bllr uant4 oof pls t<h'f- l<ie >ectiebis cispect e <oemuch businmess bereenothoe soasO Uns. m fi, rbo lu att preisetzlivingat fr.e jno. Bnght near -Mbyrie. met <Itit a- Veatr â unelel lier' lors the animalý 41W ck"sd nmm lthu arIsvas tef z e sud thepstastolbd ýwmuiýdmuh4 iy ho !cy alttal for a0at laie. --A> nMWsoieybas lxmmon nued acneeg<b. youut*vMmerof tabpreabteddan=rb, to bo 'meehtr.cf<h Cbuhur." I lse am: rs ts- dradeuti Mine- Mornisin; vic lu, l . A.lfoD x ;Scb t Te Ob. oway; tre o, M-s SOI ,be i ject of Pme eocleti e eraiee"uudk<emprove lte, citotpro y. We. hope t<boy m mysiu <ih machsuccse la <heéin ci& Sozaottme Iso JuM tebi ttie thrsê yesn 914 daugliter of.,Mn.. ne Mira, Aý. Lavnanco vwu touid <o bv sobatrucïiosla-eme o! ber sc-i <nie, lkwas sexposed ltai a'pelypus <rasgrow- "tut ehenp sudIqi <iesie bas rosived moidical treatàegeeeni"-'c. Aout -a '<mcliago Wb=o snecisg <beobsructon as jectèd, and upu thon fousd <o ho a battes <it about tvo acb.e ofsria àached fo il, <bicti bld beelodged la te'oUtV nSrilfor semrly <ou=nisths ôd lutst B 4 umpqg uzm me~-ie CA the ofbttain. Y, ONTAUIO~ M0 aGutof Columbushas enviii Mr. W. 8. Gold- returned from bshnii excursion laut ,Saturday. messrs.JJothiergin nd-t 'rPhule WM list wéek -but l gl e~ leyAgdwI t neo deubt soon eareud againl - 1Oisdse U etOC for evnig e1 tlardlth 4ecld, ;entÃŽÃŽirpplibeattus.frlt MrP Reoke, eô*nn-law fof r. ýjas. Me- Gregoi, a rémoved bit, baktry sndcu~ tèctiouexy busiùess <rom Mstakbs;>in ll1 eid u out ýnelghborng towna. Mfr. Herti. Webster deUvered a&,fin - of ho~y heres etWhitby oà;M- i Te ere 0sol tcbyrHml.iasd are o#x u tosn . Tii. prse i»dma auni twoýhndred dollata M t a meeting eftechers, ando erof car Sunday aschool. on WednesUa .venln Itwssdeolde4 W holdtheann S 'en tertaliuent on 11nld4ay eveuing, e. ch Ille ibllowing w*ee ppointed te mabe th neceesary arrangements :Misses-L. Rowe,1 A., ]Pbiki snd A. Rowe, and. Mesurs.,-S. Xçmpthom sand P. Davey. »urint he-pasttwo w«eksthý pçople Of titis coeuty lehAebd' lékfng uobjectles- ,son blng taatof etal f hc have béin Unfolded i>efore Police MagisSe tixt.e ]3arpdrher av e d xany Wsal spetd, Wto Pop 3se 1eVI" There caui ti ne qdoiabt but. t.be greed of gaina penptcd thesý'enca Wmýké the hazard. -TuilanSd aU other -kinds otYfratdut are Wour minds iduticul with gamblin and 'tise eeds 'of this passion t e 1pown it chiidoed. Ho* ,many goopý,gocctyMensd oeitcw àre wodIen iLtrsgcand toady- W thi éhilreal gïed, ndyet viien one of the spas taises te frahd or gamblgg _villblatie the. carde or the comýupanlons of their son, aid sàry-beieer I*amned anch vices fit ýhoe. '.W sy he di aud jitet as long sÃœ Èamûber.If a- noxlous e ed- 1, nett lbé fi d nou gadeust w otmet itber'pte Y~ NOVEMBER 22, t4 hlgher positi*on. ,We do sot wIIy the n. t hbas 'acted se ably as <fr O,' o ay- yosrahappeni te be out nt Offcé that hoexpects âne oft tbese ayA 1114keallhi. tlte and attention. leMr, Wrn4 Phoenli was enggcd on ý*dAy ý#j.ý ptting the pipe on the o b'p b >ëlrlan churc, thit gr tumible tbrough tL e -br:k¶n o ~dder, It as lîttls short of a miracle Ilte was net, erjously laJured, but te It il élnplY mnother addied te the long Miimiarexpeleace.A few palis re- jéd- thé lader aad eiw the pipe I la uitu mB again, 7ready to e dty -te -stouteet rbe esaton Itbat la occup-ylag the atten- th ePele, of 'this conmuniey te the ;àï;i5tOn everything elsé, tu the Clyde. Odg34D breach ti promise' case tiied at *fb-ylt tweek. Everyîiin athe papensI flo h uject lu eugcrly reat , and I"blitý of fun asa. beco got eut cf It, but 4bçy la astozlshed at tie ameunt cf N Sawarded. - It la salete ay -if theA tIad*ben selocted <rom tbIs nelgbbor- t%1 verdict would have been eoewhat Tha is i lsurely ýbe-sa warning te - o ld;>bachlorsandwidewers,i tie ;wtbi>otender àhcWtions of tbe 0esepeclally ofa ,seroag-mladed mein- 4'>Domra mlin. of Brookls, spent Sunday tue. Barrott wus ln Wbî:by last weck, te sîniangu of the petit jury,,, vnùý Wo twti a epwortb leaguiecblt- bl ut parizý las ncx <rok. wl beinooéburch bersenext Sabbath, 0il on ecouait ofipeolti er" oat Prinet 10tbàfrtioe. Churcfth beMd hti l v Lnte u"me àS bfoe. -,- g. n A -large number vere luattend.t -ï d ilô tenjy bs isouue very, 1S9~. PORc W T oaof "a. ~agalast thiebarb Isaa Wason ofToronto'j la ln townVîsît- Ice wopld ha"e-1 Ing frlends. DMaicwn Cour t MWs Kennedy bas been visiting friends lna hscor f Wbltby. iedll,.d ai , Charle Callacott spent laet Sunday lnl for pIE.; gbbeli Bowmanvlle.-cio j George Sharp frein Mount Foret la visit.gapi appaà lng bis-famIly. g ie cune" Miss Ballantyne, of Wbitby, was vleiting etýéIa r friende bere lust week. pIf[f. 1fvor said Mrs. Cralig, cf Toronto, le viuiting ber jwss slowno,. sister, Mrs. A. 1. Davis. j dt».,ÀuBu4o,' LovelI'a directory agent was bere ln town Wt*te16 e uollciting subscrîptione last Frlday. 1 diemisec- Gd Mr Franklémfoure, barrister,.of Hilîton, p,= v.G ls viuitlng hie cousin Miss R. Mesure ln t dgwlxicIi w tewn.unden mecbtàni Mr. Jh Irvln!s cattle sale wau uuccesfl a ecte lest Saturday, every beaut efiered brnging aodopi a gond pnice. e 1Rev. Mn. Crosby, cf bMcMaseter Tjnlvenslty, 1Tornto, occupled the bajitist cburch puilpit lest Sabbath. j jýMrs. D. E. Wells aad ,son, of WestTorý oteo Junctien, spent Tiisnkugivlng D)ay wiîb Mie. A. H. Reynolds. Mr. Rob~ert -Hiclis bas movcd loto bis new' berne on R~osa street acar1 the tain g roun-ds ad bas noir a very com<eftabIe resideàceé, Our popular hardware mcerchaat, Mr.IL J. Bruce, lau-werth siooo mere thaa ho-*à*&ivAs few dayu ugo. It lu an, heir,4-elino.wpapa.ýý Miss Ethel Kennedypurpoes au etidlitn scbeel et the close cf- ber Jrect yesr ofr teacbing. Miss McConnell i take ber place. Mesure M4. Planli, V. ýS. Ohava, and C. - 7P>nk t nd -R. Bell, of 'tttbrige, have iseen m,2dcki,sbootig near tWwn- dinng Uth ast -Mabler Brou. wbhek closli their wrnsfaor <b.' eesonut wek- ie thein einpioyees- tsffv pull iand ail enjeyeda pleasant aven-ý lgwl<h <hef,in aPiôyns -The deer hantera turned 1 a4t SatardàÏj,; uM ost e, sdeer-adohr hta er Seveal ownpeopé- bavéetý4oyed eIp Marrlad',. ~rB. burck sociaL Ths £rn!lat a-t arM Jýon oirsaintbas corne t 1nelihfbnheod aud Is oing tolive hmryMy vilsrn Ladies', 450. Limid or n price ; as ave no time. îveryono. The OR CLOTE,*>) iippera%. 1 4 Corners. ,TRY AN IMrZ bai ai 1The Pïîtôeeiak for Ossh: < $4 for $l3. Pirt-clasneWoflTsble iDmitt worth $6eo for e . Bdrsosu Sets bet th wio!oth. $t4 for $reoB edtom Set as tce bat firat-elae vorkmc"iin-out Up- holstenln Depârtmeut. < s Leacling Undertuloer -*thé' do I& Je JOEflONx- luiDÈ-U1ITc j5k&.U w mr.9 - Town of Whitby-, Votera' L NetIs la berebY giwus *at a =pw lilbe puSmsat th te oawlo vo"z Ust Ac î84, byRis Homi oe ejudga'ýte mi w - f L5 e Cmn<~<nao klv a. ouruecuon wuî ity. - Eu~g D~ vid thlas tdayoDi Nol MerO It Y, Wh T rice ,e JL MttSb 1 Ifyou have a QOLD or OOUGE 1#y OR. HARTMAUSOTG and you wlll be conlnced It le a good tblng., For Coughs. Colda and Ceid ln the Head, IT 18 UNEQUALLICD. Try ou>' W/toh Hazel Oream for Chapped iands,> etc. Softenu the rouqbest %ni. Does flot leave the handisicky or greasy. For sale only L at the THE CORNER DRUG STORE, B~W . HOWBE'8 STAND. MUON7, HEA Te A t littie Coait Iwhat you wilige y brigOur, Oareflly i sed J3right ana Hard, Free fBae No Cinkere. are points we Ã"laim for, ou. >oal. ft&GIVE US A TRLL.e je He. OOWNIE'Y & . OPPOSITE POST. OFFlCL '7. fo re ý ýAý 2-*Wo"00

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