Whitby Chronicle, 22 Nov 1895, p. 4

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Q. .~ p~t I lo be Thl plw asl dres1 ~v--. -~ -over otr Cannlngtou friendi,' in regarc! Stîak ry i8,,, m Wby.$ ij 'i'uw PletiM.Uinto therangeof thiir -municipai aspiratons..promfitly attînc4ed too. loe't,îad hemuuépâ.pot, bas bien bodl : 'Wihas ut *y Asoc. anci aoouralely px.pared.i o ontb past. Candidates are not h R0b Of teo~glt' iea lorly Pmiùg it he front numerouily, but QuevtÃŽVe "8880UOn-am cale4 to mneet are keping up a gerce strugge snoth r11t. i ooaOiW da, au i~ columu s ouhe village paper, la whlch ti 0 -7h o teposéb fOj~Jto a re very lbard on eaçb other, and aloo on the 0 ieWIt frh lcin~ fiés I Iing'a Englieab and for. otite geutral ,business. A arge, meetint; s oxpected e iltUthieme ea yI*E.nILM. o8,tealtauatteoept ias just t>een b. present ad lt tIIie=erMnbdgoque madeto entthemayoran eeaair-omreflk hem/et ~men for supposed violation of Iaw, tbe.firmaewllThe btwlc<b., of wicbîheyaremember havlag sold theIn latiese cases, wbicb wOp. cfsed for lte citY sorne ammU bis ofgoods, wbich were present on Toisdayniçtb', Geo. E. Alger H ls ordered by officers ln thé. departesents. The wIs coinnitted foi'tilàlaIt lb.caseo0fibe Judge before whom the cases were tried de.- otbeplc -îû he ner #,o bock 8tre~,Whttby cidedthbat petty sales of thls chargcter are tral, a19 RieDembr ssWons, for triaL I hoepLite case, Gýo. ic Mg«r, _____________________not contracts, and tbrew the. case 0out Thte j N. l>rtop and -N.1 'C. ý Brown wqre each la a sensible conclusion to arrive et. Ii placed tinder $î àoo'.'Q~l to apper et lb. amali towns where there are only two mer- same court, ÏÏhle;i wl opeà lbore -on Decem. cbante in one Une nether f"el like runnlng ber zoth, betoieelcther Judgo BUram or III~Lfor office and serve. for nothing whilit band- judge Dartnell. lu e«Miicaetwo bonds- ~4uiL 4t. ng over a monopoly of the town'a wants in mon were requlred to bear bal thie bail. _____________________________bis Une itheii other. ftecentiy a member of the Dominion Houa. of Commuons had to re. Ho 1 for Xam. at houme. sigu because sorte governmein officiai le nand. Scotiand, lreiand, British Co- WHITBY, NOVe- 22e 1895. bougbt a few dollars worth of a oisfrom the iurnifa, Manitoba, Caliorala, ail Unlted memtber'. firmu. He did 80 o ompllance SI.ates 'and Canadianpits, aniywhere, withblegai decisions whlcb are ridiculous everywbere, boat, ail o cen. - Rates ~* ~and which sbouid b. annuiled by legislatlon. guaranteed rigbt. througb ticketsfo In he ackto*shiq o ()taio ouny, he ityOf orntola akig o ân ais.Pickering, Toronto, Myrtie, Drookiin "nd Rn ii.bak lwzshis f Otaro ouny, Tii cty f oroto a alragon in aia.Wblîby. Se.eB. Stephenson, Wbltby, be- wrltes a frlend, On. ruas acros sorte odd A municipal reform commîte. bas been fore travelling snd get cholco of rout" and specimens of tho genu pedagogue. In one struggling wltb the. question of boîter clîy Io best ocean steamsbip Unes. Aito very sMali Village 1 found tbaî lite achoolmaster goverament for montha past and bascrecop ikt epoiin tAianta, ai oePa., see Stephienson, Wbltby. 'Teit pay wus also the storekeeper, pointer, dlock bt t. conclusion tbat the. clty needa a cab. You fixer, jeweler, law icounselior, and officiai mnet, or mlnlsury, and wont be happy tii! it Chrclde clubs. refere. la ail disputes, Ho ls also the. lu- gets It. The suggestion as il now stands la 'CEMoNIcLIC td Jan. lot, 1897. SZ. ventor and oxpounder of much religlous doc- that the. mayor and aldermen b. elected for CHRON ICLIE and weekly Globe 10 Jan lot.. trime boetoforo, unr*'eaiod. OntRio day1 t» yesr termes, and titat. frout among thie 1897. , 25. reacbed lte village lanquestion tRer. was a alderman, lb. mayor abali appoint beada of CRtIL n ell alt a.mt f0neral service atthe Ilremt~ iael.difforent departuments of lthe city service.1897 Jan. rat sMd sebool bad been edlsmlaad 10oen- Thes. executive beada whi meet aet a round able the pupils 10 attend. Tii. next day table la tiie city bail, and will play govera- CHIONICLES and World 42 So a yeir. tiiere was another fumerai and thie bysand ment for the city, eacb belng espocialiy re- CHRiONicLa and family He rald and week- girls had another half-bollday, To day sponsibie, for one portfaiio. Wviicbeyer iy Star, *1.75. a year.' laler sebool was cailed off again to enabie political Party is ln a maJority at lhe mayor- CHOILadMotetWts So the pedagogue 10 attend tie fli fair et a alîy eleclion wlll control tRie departmtms per annumu.n 46*0néàoi by. Stiti aobody klcked. Verlly for lb. Iwo year lermu (oliowimg. City poili- CROCLadToooMongStrr great #ithe b.country pedagogue!1 He la a tics are b slow without priznbP CKdNesRONILandoronoQnng$ r ruier unIe Rîimelf,' a Caesar and an auto. titis municipel refoews com7,t5e, wbic cm.HSaYMPAtbetic beart wlns every- should b. the last boclyilathb towa 10 amiWabash Mote=aaasp.ci - body's confidence, and wbat h. tinks best up party poiitics, wilr find that will b. the, lvery mornlng et m.o3 Ibis auperltIvel'v oroie 0be rigit goe. wlîhout question. resuit of lia good governutent effortil. la equpe ri evsDalousalp H. erule of bisgeneration and lte'New Yurk city tiiey eaul good governutent Chiao nd -suares on braigRit towad Ce utakerof tb. next.cn es"o-Go',ad experlence landibesligcn1aiin t~t 4i Wiiat bave we 10 ho thankful for ai tbis bas demonstrated tRial Ibis la no utignomer. saine everiaog givlng passengers one bout- thinksgilvlng season ? la fi because we are - to view the new depotttare:aD ieS~ *IIun. passenge saon mnthe,,world, Tbe train" .~.. an bae auteiiig 1 estandwes. TWE <iOiatien beads due soutit, arrivlng at 4*01 Do we meed to'tiiank Ged bec-auqe Hie bas Scott repaireaiarUkinds ut pu mpa. Springs. Ark., next utornlng,. Tezko 001 claWMed "ht poor life wbich He bas Mr. las. Phllips, of Hart, Mîcit., labo n oon, San Antonla followlng morn a , ud plImto our poor bodies, or iai Ne bas al- on s visit to bis parents, Laredq saine evemlng, wbe r iect co , lowd u t _bve ita fod nd lotes or Misn Bertha Tamblyn spent Sundayl nection la mtade wiîh a lrough-trinÇrRe whie",wehaýewored s har ? a InCity of Mexîcci. imetables sud panpblets 1 Ilc ebv okds ad Sorte peo- te Queen Ciîy, with friends. o eioadIi ra ala rn m ~~~,12 Thepraiîoufineuqona intdieun mler weather caue a riroad agent or 1. A: Richardsc«, Canadian mal"cditera egartheg wrkry dcold early y terday utornrug. passenger agent, N. E. cor. King sndYug too)d*Ifruits ofrisii. bu W tulgRit we Master Claud Perry Bracebridgbe ln latreets, Toronto. cuMse ilm and die, and Jet înü talte lhe îown visltng"bis tincle, .1- Haut Perry. Provi!e smt or WladIes. lite e gave us. We should tee! able t10 Mr. Geo. Docker, -Pi>ckering, pald bis . A greatmany ladies attended.tRi. asizesý thank God for botter tîingts lien titese-tiiat fatber., Gey, D.ckeri a visit on,'Suudiy. sud--,tRe prellmin -ryboarigal om lÃ" we StIl!!bave bis gracions pardon for wilful r u alr here i apet.wt teWlTur uds lcb netî aiti, tint we live in an intellectuel and pro- icer.lWi ThlenY, 'Wtred rbs asecreda lb. tedo ur ous. berc on Frldy jn4V ve Umba laws, that î ainday *t Wewomal- eÏeclOof ràlnd,, sudwebae frihe. Mr-G. V.Murtin 6bavàghc lismc Meutlnrd' t he0 b.Petit sud b'O te ofbfis, *sdýc ël>i>edbytat Uu.~.[ e~ futurei ebb h ope tg f)undd onHîspro mg9110R dagecefttot aÃ"u ifu1,*entu- mise sud imsealed wllb ïprecisblomud GlnU frabcoine-,ila l lt ghl- Ca" nover b. broken or witbdrawn. W. lininga for 'aU 'nds vera se, ranges or number of! ladies arè p1 vl - 1i sitoild thank God tRial we bave friendaïad furnaces, frouij. Mclilyre. .cm~uatuc n orovexcplWsthe# 9 kî»dred-witoc we dearly love, uat-wo bave Mr.. Guy Dartn*1, Domînïôn batik, o-c rs along the front. W epciD ýr asocatssu ascillu wi~l~cutibt ot<,was ln town, on Thursdsy RosI. He -the attention -of Cithýah i h to our bappluèese sud onjoymutK tbaïman.- vas ou bis-,way îoCro aý 9y~cunypoetycirite itsmre Ç ~ isd Of u m l obe wlt iU wicb.grma n ob- Dr. Henry BrigRts IF..l si t e Livr and T ere hould aie mbeà watini'roo e t,,tb ai' lebouttolbnei4lyvit gan sdKiueWPI, tnow . ntroduced-l Citir 1>5. nterstig vok v maytaCeanada. C"n ho .d of ail.'esters la medi- WurOr peaS e& an t1heae, k Gudtio & tWil i.beuqfi W e Can bicot, tt san i e -u iug u rngt 5.TRie war iu Coron a enow over sud ,hë usl. og ftRio prot id erly atu.'Ur-'RW=. Lavrence, mail clork on tRio Manitoba struggle la on, s el im~u bara10 ouoyint ooaci MWtby-Msilia Il neu'asug aholiay BrtisitthéclIjnw oru hodyýBtheet n.-Mlmderngissffltfn vogue- itýday. Wê boultkd tiui&~ i te î(W' *eek Tr. . Oia"UPsn, Troto, .ad on the inéré s.Theo man wbo îhlk tbouand done animal& o e l. l nd o laciating lu biss ea«d. ho kutowsà asolutin 1o the M ~anitoba se viici bAlve been ail dedicated to-our use 'Theo egular meeting of 1h.e isinBadqesin e now bow mucit ie does,'.i gV109 Utlbe motus cf produclug l1tod an4 VMI ibêbehld lu thie 1Ritstcitrh ---ou pj. know. liow $1 willibédoalt witb lea svexd rMiment lis abundauce sud ciegance o iedaoelna8ocek., PatorSycà <requestion forttôlàtcult rlReeto OcSms ȃlrivera sud'iakeo w ththlbo-beau. VtU Od0upy *t hâ bir. Aul - am Resz= y l-amre go 1~>CÃ" eatlve, sd ose0 Ii.i of locatilofor the MopUtalpa di v ittvited- iu sce dot dymnsrsIrfrt ~' mlorl a4'bef.rloplip lu1vn.. ie Tb.Svalo1An1y1-ai1s1vesutsela, as cn to rde lug te soute. orIent if NabtsW»lbifait titank God thât tRi their merry pral ind %brclcotth min lu ludumscrlabk waredn k& ay4Ghses yo~ llve in~. $ Nw 4y arýerë - A - - A of the underaighed, under penalty ôf missing oA. of te bSt -Dxpy o SEA SONA BLE ever before offered;. and also under penaJty of negIeoting sn- opportnnity to procure for yourself one of the BEST BARGAINS ever -known You 'can now reach the limit of the purohasing power of ycrnr dollar. Our Buying Powers are such~~ that we are enabléd to give you goode this season at prices neyer before h6ard of. ANDREW Dry Goods, Ready-made -Olotbig W. &I Gold, sud john .Watson, won f5rsý noney eaItho Joncton s boi t0m-, uatcii Wed- nesayou'a 11, sotitle divldâ her. was a -confirmatin vie etaIAil Sainte' cRiorcità u -Wednesciny filgit. ,COMpare TaiE CiRoNICLE wAfrtt other loeal papers nol On rweek tcan Rie saved b>ywatcbIng Tait rICWOadertsimgcolumna for good Mi. r l*rspd b olding special servwme 00 coge atin*d with gocod results.-1 ratrwn of lmdoglrY bad an oySer nipper. turout, aud aegraud leust, mi ifgle butrabave Co= .boine*fout 1 w iîi ot e e r r. s6yrvto*her t bat Mrs 1Enoch Keudail R'rdslig veivfasît tpreseut. e&hnuMtloin Ulmb, ofaaSon. TheMd UntdStates Lif108, iurance cou Hlead office-In New nurano. r*txn -CNEW YOR Oa'ia«. Boome86-and ,Qîb ý.Dinner and. Tet J.Choioe F'amlyý he4pJor Cash br of ti ru m- Ilu to GOODS 0* rekesented dis/ricts~. ý()ity-l movaim, LA TE t' STYLES IN, DESIRABLE me NEW'- YORIR-

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