Whitby Chronicle, 22 Nov 1895, p. 6

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u ~ oto thti EAURA~LAT.-qj. N. Or bimNA"L A4D 1q. C. MIOWN # 0 UACR INVOLVED 114 RUXMZLIVX CHÂRGr,-TIS POLICY J% FORGERY &Nr% FXÂU» INiEVERY PARTICULAR.-THMRDIyING WOMAN NXEIR CONSULTED AS EXAMINED. -D.FRANECY MAKES A CLEAN DREAST 0F IT. -"IIE WAS TUE CHIEF P19LICAN IN ALL TUE DEALS.-THE, DEFENDANTS ALL COMMITTED FOR TRIAL. Police Magistrate, Harper continued the 'preliminary investigation of the Alger insurance case on Friday last. The same counsel represented the prisoner and the crown. Dr. Francy's cross-examination- was continued by Mr. Lennox. The, iground covered had ail been gone over before,1 but a good many points were empha-i V sized. The famous conversation at Macdonald & Fitch's law office, Stouif- ville, at which Elliott, the banker, and Alver were present, was brought out in fil, as well as one which followed downstairs ln the 1*zik, .in which Mac- donald -& Fitch saw Francey at request, and in which they tried to frighten hirn into taking their side. He s tated tot them that if Alger proceeded *ith his suit- to collect the $7,ooo from the Equitable, he (Fraucey) would testify for the Equitable. They said that if lie went into court and swore that lie had been guilty of fraud the judge would order the officers of the court to put. him under arrcst instanUty. W'it- ness admitted that he had spoken to several, people, who were flot fit for in- surance to have their lives insured. Some people-. whom he had examined had been accepted, and some éejct on his examinations. ,Donald Beatn 'Vas rejected upon hi.e examination, He had also spoken to .other people who -were uninsurable 'to try for a policy, but had been refused. Had spoken to young Mr. Hoover, of Green, River, 10o take a risk, télling him that has father would mnake a good thing outoft. Hoover declined to take the insurance. Mr. Elliott, manager oi the Standard bank, Stouffville, sworn.-Kno,1s AI- 9 pr. Had dealinga with him at the bànk. Loaned hlm ntoney and tran- ss<ted banking business with him. Among other transactions was a note 'inade jointIy by Dr., Francey and G.ý, E. Alger, whh !was paid after beingonce renewed. Alger owed the bank asum of tnoiy .aithe time of his wife's deatb, Wchwas afterwvards secured by a cèhàttel mortag n was discbarged "b, -notes taen at Alger's sale of his fauChâttelis 1ter on.After his wife's deàth, Alger made an assigument of the Eqnutble lusvrauce poliç*y for $7,000 as further collateril sccùrity for the collection of his accpunt., Alger was t -payup ha %indebtedness wheu the Inauraitte, couipanypid . Soe tjnie after this the Stpýdard bank was srewith a: wîit by the Equitable 1In- surance Comnpanyi seeking to annul the policl We lre-assÃŽgn<ed the policy to t Alger ta get ont of aaw suit, and AI- 9 VA ý McLÇUnÇZLU1 a meu1eUIUI VILac law, Ãœ=r of Mucuad Fitch. At the tume the,, converutioll washield at au r Office Franceyý did notsythere waw fraud iu connection with the. Equit- ablepolcyBut hu did say t.here was so uch dYirt in conuection with the Home Lite policy, as recently'exposed in the press,- that au investigation would be sure to bu held, and the ru- suIt would be that the whole of -tbem would get into trouble. We under- stood from Dr. Francey's talk that lie intendéd 'to swear for the Equitable Company because they would protect him and this would also save him fromn trouble ln connection with the Home Life policy. To Mr. Fare'ell-tbe main-.question discussed at that conversation was as to whether or not Mrs. Alger had con- sumrption when the Equitable policy was issued. That was the first I: ever huard of fraud having beun perpetrated in regard to that policy. Alger, Elliott and the members o! our firmn weru al in -consultation before Francey camne there.- We asked hlm a great many questions as to wether or flot the Equitable policy was straight or not. The question arose as ta whether or flot Mrs. Alger had consumption in December 1894. Dr. Franecy declarud the womnan was ail right then. He ssii if trouble came lie would not go to prison alone. It was after he went down stairs that Francey said she had consumption wben she was insured. Upstairs Francy had insisted that he wau flot culpable. Francey was payirig thu premiumn on the 2,000 Equitabie policy and Alger on thé 5,000 policy. Franecy had demnanded an assignment of- the :,ooo policy to huru. This Alger refused to do. Edward Wilson recolled at the timne iuterviewed Mrs. Alger on Dominion day last she stated to me that she had, flot known a wull day sincu ber father died in January 1894. I saw Algur the day of thre exbuming o! bis deceased wi.e. He appuared to bu under the impression that the trouble bad sprung up out of the Homne Life difficulty, but I showed hlm that thu requestion under which the body, had been exhumed stated that the proceedings were being taken at thre instance o! the Equitable Company at wbich lie seumed surpriz- ed. Henry Truil of Oseawa county agent o! the Equitablu T.ife was callud but it was aunounced that lie could flot be found and tis finished the testimony on the Equitable charge. TUE HOME LIFE CA&SE. G. E. Alger, Charles H. Francey, J. N. Hortop and N. C. Brown wure thun arrauged on a charge o! having conspired to defraud tire Home Life association out of $j,ooo by false te- presentations as to tbe conditions o! Mrs. Algers irealîli. County Attorney Farewell te prusent- ed thre crow#, Musa., Lennox,, Joues, and Macdonald & 1itchfor Alge,-D0v & McGillivray for Hiortop, and H.7 A. Dickson, Toronto, for Brown. Dr. Furguson, Toronto, one o! the doctors present at the exhuming o! thre body cf Mis. Alger on Sept. ioth, gPye, tire~~ saetsinn s lust wek .to theé uffect that ire had, died o! consumrp-_ fion, or'else cot.of -complications aris;- i-g ont-o-that isease!--.___ Ain. :ter t that and klortÃ"pAnordi1d kIlgcr ,in an u1t it Ho4 "P hvig. in -red is, wlfe's lifte, ad a conversation about this 'ic tîh Brown st Uxbridge I said I huaird liêwas mixed up ,>in the Home Lite application., H1e- nid "a mucli.", 1 nid I -had heard î.irat the application *as not signed -byMrsAI- ger,'but tirat, #-,asreported that bis wife had sïiud ,Mrs., Alguire's name, toit. rwn idkwaa notso. It was Hortop wvÏho hbadid 1.1-mu that Mrs. B. had signçd the application, Hortop' told me that lie got the. bla k form o! ýppicaion froni BroWli-', aibad given it back t0 hlmà.- lie did'flot saiy in what condition lie had ianded it back -wbetlrer filled or not., I am agent for the London & Lancashire Insurance Company. I took an application op Mrs. Alger's life. M4 Hortop had carried word from Alger ta, me that I could get a couple of-rike huere. I took applications for $5,000o on Mrs. Alger and $2,000 on ber daughter. Mr. Hortop was with me wien 1 took the application. I sent il 'in. Sub- sequently 1 was notifiud that anothur examination busides Dr. Eastwood's would bu requirud. I told Alger about this. He said bu did not sue wby îhey wanted anothur examination, and if they were so particular lie wouîd lut tie malter drop, and would also cancel the application for insurance on bis daugli- ter. Know Francuy. Neyer saw Francuy and Hortop togetirer, but have suen Francuy passa through Greenwood going to sue Hortop. Was neyer pre- sent when Alger was coflvursing witb any other purson about insurance, ex- cept with Hortop. Neyer huard of. the Equitable policy until after Mrs. Alger's' duath. To Lennox-Have kuovin Alger ten years and always found him bhonust and straiglit. He felt badly wben ,Hortop sud 1 were thure. To Mn. Dow-AlI that vies said bu- tween Hortop and.Alger that nigit was in my presence. Hlortop ýappear- ud surprisud wben lie spoke te mu of Mrs. Alger's deatb, whicir bu appuared not t0 have expected. -Mr. Hortop' told me that his company, the Ontario Mutual, did not take risks on womun., Mrs. Alger was going about the bouse and appuared to be lu good hualth when I took lier application for the Londoa & Lancashire. Neyer huard of- ber having consumption. Neyer saw the Home Lifu application. Mn. Hontop bad nothing to do witb the taking o! tire London & Lancashire ap- plication for my company. .The court then adjourued -for tbe day. SATrURDAY MORNING. A. J. Pattison sworn.-I amn man- ager of tire Home Life Association at tire head office, Toronto. Received> Mrs. Alger's application as prodÙc on'lecembeir~ e r pflcation was ed, itaitingih at tlirislc is an unusaally goqd one, and askirg to bave it accepted as soon as possible). Iduntified the lutter. Brown was au agent of ourcomçany.- Brown told me~ that bu filled lu thre agents' answers on~ tire application on information received, from Hortop, that-ire, did flot know~ -Mrs. Alger te' years as- stated there,~ tirat bu did hlot know as stated -therer th- ille It ýilanÃ" ratded It to b1mý- anDYbe ta Bravi n. He said Brovin had t 1old hitruIre woùld get Mrs. lger's signatu re attaclred. jito., Brovn-Is a brotherdï,'defund-' airtBrown. Was at Ward!s -sale nuar !Bàlsani lis- fall, in compauy viti uy brotIher.' My brother spoke ta- Hontop thereàakihg hlmf if Mrs. Algur's appli- céation lid' not been signed before being delîvurud t6 Brown. Hort.op answured yes. To Mr. Lennox-This was a monti bàr more alter Mrs. Alger diud. Thure was some discussion about tie applica- tion having been wrong, and 1 inferred- from thli talk that Alger knew al abou;t tie malterbefore hie wife died. .Dr; Francy, aswern-Examned, Mrs. ,Âlger in Ap ffl 1894. She lied cousurnp lion ln u n ced étage. 'Pold Alger, of ber Condition sud lt a se.coulaDont iîVe long. <Tire firet part of Francey'a evi- dehce wusa tie aime as detailed in lhe Equitaille cade lust week.) Kuovis Hor- top. Had conversation wiub hlm ai Kinsale about insurauce. Alger sent me te Hortop, saaing tbat Horlop irad said tc, iMr(Alger) liraI ihocould pot more insurence on bis wite's 1f.. Alger said le me tbhut tirewua $200ilufor liorlci and rue if vie could put *5,000 on iris wdWe's hf.. Hcrtop lied ne Home Life papeou, se w. laid lire matter over unlil lie coula get some. (The opplicto prodnod.) I fllled il out. Il is au tap. plicaticu for i!. assurance. Tire date is April, but I think that muet have been a Fmialake iu tire moti. I cannot say whlither 1 geltirhe papers froru Hortop or Alger. I met bobetftirem; trequenlly. 1 cannot say who wrote Mis. Alger'. signature lo tie "application. I wues pt pos.d tla be medîoel examiner, but no personalj exammsîlon ever teck place. I lid procured a ccp y0 mry former ex- arninaîon cf lMa.m lgr for tire Equil able, sud 1 filled lu tir. Home Lite appli. cation tram il. Mr. Alger lied tld me liraI bisw"fwonhd fDot have suytiring mre- to do with in*urance. I did the fillingin but retused to aigu ber came. I via.te obave a ahmreof $200 for puttiug tire riak 'tbreugh, but Alger aflerviardit out il devin ta $150, eon t vwiiol$85 wua lo be paitt as lb. fiet premiumn. I visa te gel $100 cf this Inarace St Mus. Alpes îdeath, and il viesstipalated between Âlger and me lirat su agreement wouhd, b. dravin la Ihat effeot, with Hcrtop as viitua. Ilviesfurlirer agreed boîvieun Alger and me tiret if-tire Home Lite disputed lire daim atter lais vite' deslir lie mallei was to be -drcjpped. 1 weut.d >uir le take tire application devin eaet whereiris wite wue sud have her: aigu il, but h. naid aire would, net. -I gel b. papouà=hem Âg4 tegive te Horlop, .I.made me undersltand thaItirhe name would .ld u ftrwazds. Igave tie astHO,,«op. Idonfot bue, ihe Mu.Algeri Dame vriéaigned . Neyer, Sa eh pat-7s ' f-er1Igave, the ni t Hortop uwsîgned-..,I slai florlap en.d AIg g"_the 1Eegaii uy Barrisier, etc. Onfcq formerl,, Oupie6 by. Farewell à Rutlodge, nezt i ya oel, Brook St., Whllby. DAVID URU1STO1i , E.A., Âlloneyaî-awBollcftor l hi baioMb7 Oozivoyanoer, etc. Ompé e- In the Omfie, south 0f1the PoiOffice, iMmoluibt Blook, Brook Stîreet,, .Whiby. 6. YOUNG OSUITE. LL el, Barrister etc.,-Mciiey la. LozIn. aner, Block, Son A of Market, Bi ock St., Wbi$bY. DOW & -McUILILIVRAY, Barristeru, Soicitori ln Oba.ncery, etc. Offce i. Mathison & Hawken's new blook Brook St. Whitby, south of Ontalc bank. Dr8 Warren à bMooreé J. J. Moore, M. D.,F. Warren, M. D. Brookli. Whitby. Soffice hours 9. a. m. Offie houri Il %.m1 le il &.m. le 2 p.m. im-' prvate Telep1hone Commun cwNf. D. P. DOGÂRT, lDLDS Physicaa, Surgeon and Accoucher etc. Offie and Ruuidence next o lle Ai t, Ohurch, Dundas Street, Whitby. Y~. P.-ý Dental gurgery tu al l. branches promIrtly altended la. DrH.Wightman DE ATTIS T. Over GO=U &% Tamgors. Whtby- Ke Open every esauray ighît. We . E. AgnoLD, De.L.S999 Colty ureye ad Drainage Englue.; Por Ferry, Ot A. A FOUT, Archileot ae with Langley, Langle& Burke,,1forouto. Designh&for Ohurchea Villas aùd Cotlages a speoially DrWin, prepared-for remcdeling xt hg tture. office-Yirst daavez w . R.Uowe's drug store. la2F O Box 202, 'WMbil WU. CALVERLET, NLENSXK~ ETY Havhsg mo'ed ie Our' Dow *aremdia, w. are prepsred tg extend lb.erteeeofbuuiese ARlwork perlâiiulg t10 librxeB.ak sud saddlery business wM lb. dons 10 salis- faction. CoDarsaaeiat.Oi e mysop A"dstocç P. ALVIL -DRALERa 8:n eaJly;Sp, 3; PEOPXAX -M. Goee Uwbie Ojérk,-48B ; 8March; y4; ay Clerky r-.ý-.sn. 2 ; Ma>oU-9,k-9 Jeu.81;Muro 14 716 Juy -18; Oct. 16;Dec.16M . BauvaaTox-Geoý P.Brcearon Olerk-Msiob 15'p' aYl17; Oct. 16; Dec,lL tjpm»oey-P J Glli., iegUpt$rgrove, Ork-Marc 1; May le; Ot. 17; Dec 20. J.3. E. PÂEWELL, Olerk ofthe 1Ëeaoo. 0October lSth, 1894. New Livory. and sio tail Dujdi. S.,whitby J. T. fWO~~Porl 's g $ >r. -omrllmon liberally deahi with ='-,ig oue ai reaible prfcea. Frelgit sud DBage liauledl reagan- able prtes. A cialclledd. -g- ILIFE INSURANGE.» LuretOi. Stock Lit àviarance Co. on, thé- -iu, fut Prcent. .1 acotMll plusi lpftue te b pelloy h"w À07 Ail.Ialînare id vth out delay orýdmSùon1 ou roif 1fu teath or Cor. Eig&Toiýý i B., Toi M-to . Vcor7 e n êz ber*4lwr$ti~ spelalatteein$ >pliet, 4Aom A, 4$ tance, A=airm~uj 114~~. work cowhi 1h.no .cs xereubl 09,l b c$~~1lu~~#êà lx ALL ICIND5 07- Liimber, iiug.s ordere or f!formatlon eau >b. -nrJOHNïj-NOBLE, Dundas itby, -opposite:M.A .WI mncc. Auil- 19. Ia. ASK ain a l ot ~rwasn< aud lui and vi died b Oyears

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