RIO 1896. Whiby, Cicri Whiiby, Clerk April 3May 8 Oc't. o.4 M a y 4,July 9; B3urnharn,) 1'î n bncIà v, May v ould, l itl itg- May 1")0l , JuIy th, C&li:itt)n, ý; july 1'i Oet. uçiCC, 11oavertofl, OCt 16' , l 19.> ct. 17 ?t( 2u- LREWF 1.1,, erk oftlit, Veace, ie Stables Proprietor. F deait with Liais prices. kIOed ai resson- :ANCE. & Accident roronto. r0 Insuraazcc Co. per cent. o aIl returned t<e the are paid without f ut death or POW ELL. Agent, Whitby. St. Toronto. ithe 1 &Ma giving ifs from a dis- flates in nnbber, nd silver filing is ioperators at sn 'the City. id let me exam- Do extra charge. uth sait corner RNERA IA.- TOIONFF )THER. Almost Passes Bel lef 1!-. Jas.E. Nioho--n- Ir.oeville, N. B., Strumles fo 8vn Lonig ,réme wfth CANCER ON THE LiP, AND la QUUED iY Sa- NIr. Ni'chjolsnsa 9: "I1 corà silted duc- 1toIs W 1 _oSpreslbd for ime, but to no purpose0 UiO Cancer 'began tW Eat into the Flesh, ipreid to. iny chin, and 1 suffered ln nguiyfor fieven lon. . rs. Finanl1~ I ogan aldngu lyrs aaila a ,,k r w Ino, oda Decided Improvement Encouraged by this restil, 1 PerSe- vei-ed, wîiUl ln a nonth or su fthc sore u:ihlor îuy chl abgatn olu el. lithreO iîinst!ia niy IBp bc-gan to heal. atai. afier usIng the SarsapartIla for stx montbs1 tihe a L raceeuftme cancer dimppeaiid.' Aye,s"' ,SaîsapaiIIa Admitt. t uVorld'm Fair. FrRIENLY ADVIOE.- 18 THE MEANS 0F RENJBWEB HEALTHI TO A SUFFEBER. Dr. Williams, Pink Pills Bucceed Wher Doctoru had failed for Thirty Yeni -Tii. Sufferer one of NorthUc2bel i- )Co'e. Bout known mon. y"rut b Trenton Advocate. Mr. John Froet'e Me s.aje Mnost ri mnrknble one. RHo 11 Of tthe bel known residents in thie county of NO' thumberlann, being n retired farmorc moet ample moans, aud havinig financil dealipge with hundrods throughout tû townships. W. bave kuown him int mately for ovor ton yeare. Froin hi we gleanod tho foilowing factâ in Fel muary last -I wau born in Busland ar st twlve yonrs of ,arsrived fa Canaé with My parentse, wbo ..ttled wDPn E'dwardoo0unly and remained thero il uhtlree yea.eethem, 6 j, township-in the. neighbor«ug counutY ,%stings. For tbirty y 1 IWaal Iw reë4out of Rawdon,4 lreg er gided in Seymoux 'iownahip sud I Vat preis, Md bhave beeu for the Pl ton yeilh, a reoident of Murray toiq ship- For thirtjy years I have bees martyr to nhoumatisoe. During tl time I bave beon treated by soores doot.oransd iounid P 'artial relief but hn one. I have during the. saine peuî Dwbwà e Piclk ,-$o ol Ibox.. bearli gibe 0 1 sr&. mrk f.ppIlDG, (ridh e ln) i. 11MUyjb' vîu a keleoLThe.dootors amd h. . dro MDhnr a l It- thrteemoz a od ho weghedeaol VOIOUS*o BeL bomu 1 aten u d fttuww besý,M .ealtmped boy, am iete ai laeoo's miopplod theeue lnfi s coô'tt's Emnulslon fai fca ha es Zn nover sold îp biulk or 'by the. os.n or Mre . t.A..Wrtght4 f ciOOCs1u, .* lwhdrd, and amedealer who offer tub- mlved b6;. Tda o 0n sdlasa sluntes in thie forva.le lrylng te defraud ou tob ind ber brother.4v-lawt W. T.E H y«.r and ehould b. avolded. Tih. public Wrgb.8. ny bavemae oa mietakp are ie o autioned, agaluet &U othber se in th* place. Au y information wlb omlledl blood buildurs and nerve tonles, gladly recelved and may'b. loft at tii puýt Up in sinillar tom inntendéd 10 de- ofioe. cie. They are &U imitations whoék W. are infommed tint the oougregatiens 'unkers hope te reap naeuir advan- are gmewiug rapidly, at the metuhodet tage frcm the. wouderful reDutatiot ohurch as the popularity of he i.pator nchieved by Dr. Williams' Pink PElle. gp'resds. Deides lithe citimous of the teWn Ask your denier for tiieti . twi> attûnd in great numbeme many ont, ThonsePille a-e manufaotaîréédby teuic lti t owD 10w drive iu to e het. Dr Wilam'a Medicine Cmup.etny Brook- edifyinx 9erwons dellvered overy Bah. ville, Ontario, and 8clen.ectady, N. Y., bath. and are liold only in boxes bearlng the. Mm N. F. Paterson, Q. C., after an fimm's trade mark and wrappor, at 50 hbseuoe of threo years ii England jropre. cents a box, or six boisa for *2.50. sentwng thbe Iudependent Order of Foreut They may ho bnci trom any dealer, or ers, bas retutned te Canada and laut. week will be sent by mail on. rooeipt of prim. opened a law offo6 iu Uxbridge for the Dz. William.' Pink Pille may b. mad patice of bis professon..His busines of &Ul drugrgists or direct by mail from quarter. ar located iu Jones' block Dr. WilliZam.' Medicine Comipanyr from oppOsite the market' oither addrees. The which the. a">. pille ar esold make a course of Irént- William ffowe, of Uxbridge township, ment comparatively inexpeusve a s bsfjorbst eut itof0 oompared with other romedies or mediomi bashels eacb of potntoest aud howil oel trealmont. theora for 020. The tweuty pis weuld coutein 400 bage, which ns *20 for the lot --------------»4% ýwould ho five cents per bag. Mr. Howe aUNI>ZRLAND. b as his cellar full 10 the jousta and is slok Mm. A.. 0. Taylor lias moved into biseo handlingpotatoos. There ie a chance new oug, nar he taton.haro for tho ownor of n teain 10 do some Meors.bousnepandeStamution. nprofitable bauting. Meess. oseh sd SauelTbo so, À few nighte ago a coupleofo buggies ut Crosswell, epent part ot Bturday liere. îooked wheels on the railway crosslng.on Mr. Wes. Jackson, of Cannington, wu~ Brook street juât ne a train was moviug the guesi of Mm. and Mme. Mathow Tay- out from the station. Some cuan whc lor on Satnrday. bappoued te ho passing belped oxtricat* Mrs. M. Gillespie and her danglte-, hem sud tbey got over the. orossn.4 'in Mise Teenio, of Penetanguiebene, are time to esoape the train. Thie cirouin viiting at tiie residenco of Mm. W. J. stance was mentionod as tiie coune1l Hurd. Tueeday nighî te eshow bow daugeron' Mm. T. H. Glendinniug le confined btintht crossing le vithout a light near it. bis bed suffoing with a severe atack utfSharP business. typhoid forer. It le te be iioped that b. About the. keeneet. clama et bueinew 1will soon recover. men vo know of are townshiip conoillor Moeurs. J. H. Gloudinning sud J. Bé and perhape Beach council takese lb Vallentyno, vie. were ont in the Parry oshe. At their meeting ou Monday th«. -Sound District bunting, succoedod in badl a big eep bill te pay and decidei baggiug twe very fine deer.. ho grant the usual two thirds, but ti Mm. Win. Lahoy, Ridge Bond, Brook, owner E J. Wheeler, iu an nuguardoi moment snid he he.d nealized #2.50 ont o ýD came before tuhe ceunoil jus# as the ad. thebe fdee8and thay forthvih deduotex jourmient wae made, and complnîned thie, net f rom thbe valne of hi.e beep, hu Lint a number of Toronto sporte ver. froi the. tvo.thircls that they were sup eleannng out the. ewampe in the. townshi po dt py m reofu evomy abbit that thore wae. ]Ho sua- se o a h od tom information as to puîting a stop toe i. al to 1ida. 'n the. Toronto sports tespaeing and taking We dont veueh fer the. accuracy oetht r- au) the game eut cfounr wooda. Ho wu folloing, saya the Braoebrldge GazettA informed that ho coula stop them, hrom but.enoh jokos are tee rare te b. allowe trospassing sud killing gaine ou hie pro te p»85 nnnetieda. A. tew da's eop cm perty, whicb ho ho wonld do. of our respecte8 citisens underteok'te 1 e- so the tewuship of Bydo on horsebao. at STOUTVILLE On thbe wsy thither h. met au.Buglit r- A buliet trom a rifle whizzed past the bthste wbý o hp putMideti ohheads c4 two patrons lu the Vricinity of by tr>yu ldyte n1 b.our crqtmey on Mouday forenoon. z afinr»=, t-Person' handling modern rifles should A. ig EngÈisâ boy -ummea bti ar remen r that they carry a bullet a Oolvin le hanging iSonnd'tewo. livingc ah long djýtance when discharged at the a hïèiy, amid ouht th b btakmn n ucbam nd proper. elevation. It is sca.rcely safe to by tiathe "brite. HR# bas been workL A shoot Ùpwards wit. them n i uhabied for di#èent far=nea eudhome'bn e secCtiQQs. k lw u>t generally known îplyently doeDot she.y long h-onê-ima for that, b'ullet propeleveiticahly wll Psopiele aknow the mzen ho ba& Wôrki à ou ai '1b, ling av<in, when ik conftes tothe fordo not, believe ii theviho:b.ï r of ground, the saine velocity às when à t about*teni.ý It. eems to us ho wiii be vas left the rifle, consequently the great conflimied vffat loen if ho. f o luet re- danger troin syent bullets faling fromIn R h 'fOiaOyor- .oU3Osimular lui am agetheight. tto4tm5 etThe diro'cto-,s of our creamery have 0 a established a tfranh at Uxbridge, from &m as ibr4t Ipraen bat which they reýeive the product ohfjour Nuskokîdspsm osevemi -oboico b e oh hundred coWyl., This is a move in the Of homo e. ls hich lie bas witb bit». rm right directon and we are satisfied that The .idowa13ie oh tus tovu ore U de Io pras ik le sumn tepay lu C4nada 4 0, mau r wwa, f,awiw.ig lq wel as iu other parts of the worid.t ý6 1p n . a". ùettng suto MY ragmvas AgOning. f traed ,numunmblo remedios, but al611.4 Qcnro me. Soarly a menti ase tjpat I am Dfot laid npsudteunI sai confiuod to b.d six Or eigbt ve uniablo te me.baud or foot sud enfer- în2g nuiold Moiie. Tvo wvoli kown% j .dô ~o 01 me one thie t 1ba4 I u have $0 haveau, a=m talin&bu oe MYie. ItlycS av uua gré", afferer im uiy tino a" ximt l Iv everyiiing teo nmê M7 aises ,"a. me n Umt di adi ng su< ad gmu lp I aud ont ofhM !9l haves 6eerout, u~ Frostummfr ý-,rdu4 à tRou. asixaLb«« daccOrdng tu SM IT H Whiby, nniawnt Loa, Iay pca ru (Pr long. re*.-A r tif r appliaeft rs TB 08 Edcte ~ iey iO7 At the reSent"ÎYisiOn court held at -» a f Aürora by Judge MOrgan, an action by about a mon Mmes. Mary Aria Sm th, oh that town, .8d to prcul ajuînst D. A. Pýhullipe for $5o damage, whioh théo I camnel or hearing, Thc defenclant ciii psud'i vau wheehîtng a bicycle uiong tiec side- sd dr walk and Mit.. Smnith Mrn into iÎ4 ss- early. tiff $30 <angsand cOls, rulig t ludud in là fiding or even wheelidg,a -bicycle urit the eldewalke wa illegal. and the petyIioh wrà y ,Notïng u M abot aby-Iaw;of the dobt ,oc rw*vpftt*n h., but lk esi. N LII W. bave thte Finest Selso' tion in tevu eh those BUTIFIJL /tAERIOA WALL PA PEu s -w- dI1s to nourîah thoin. It supplies ini a, coucntrated, easily digestiblefltI >rMt just the nourlaluxent they need te build them up and give them B'orderà , M a tou. ealth and strenigth. It is Cod-liver Oïl madle palatable and easy te AT. sixnilate, combied with the Hypophospiiites, both of which ar LOWEST ::PRI CEZS iost remarkablo nutriextus. Don'pt bePe'rsuaded to acce~t a substih.! 4,7/ Cornu arly sMd gat flri choke. ;ott& Bowne, Bellevile. Ail Druggists. 5 ~ and $1. . P, B. WARAM tTCI3X J~TGH. SCOTT, ' AND (ueso .2sepoL PIN W RMS. 'Te Subecriber bas sà n peed bs1ites KTONIZÇG plLWS fi sa etoeu lT pataftu,.-nd ann#,yinq nriîa bore. Hie office t tE. R..3lOWs No dofuédaenthe rieh ad poor. male sMd Mtoue. Tipro~ telegrapb office, att eNv M o edIIo el p rre s && Pa t h esu Y4ro ud :c ume Firt claie materlal used ad îi " mst es re- P-1 ttà hl e. Wells dut or cleatied eUt. Ordems M isery. Mo a bdin and.. *Isu:' eP. f einaIs ar O7otbevqmptemno< t - gPus r Irnt*tt- a % e boiy arlu Mdaol.Uid qujkrurdT euit t li7iO ,ei*6 1=00a e«d uion%> Feu. 1!4, 1495- Wh1111y and' Oa"4i ~ ~DOMIN-1ON BANK zurplus, - W . J.yTi * $1,500,000 $1.500 000 ngBuulneul ~&1mftoK. Mis Lii, h PrtHope, la visiting astdlurbi Mr. W. i md us' - uS Moers 4Te.Waid Jas. Bortug aud W. and i sud sncb cemplalati MICROBE BE8.Z» - I, dumwltg l M. W. North e" MmJ&. T. car of 14 Ouitarie- sve.k. 4 Q uant about cel tweén 4, les k. [e ted gon li e 1' I t I I ik 9IL ir ým