Whitby Chronicle, 13 Dec 1895, p. 2

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UIL C of .who bi, is rap taiy recov teY -- ,s of ber rý'cent accidenli- Aihbas virtualiy been > r the past two niontlis, bric rganized on Fniday evening on Frý c 'rcsh players arc uo be the go, --the band atiairs conducted 1 1jt business pyincipies. Ceici) I1>. Dancaster lias iniported M r. W\kst a trio of fine species of cru -.c-tblack-red Lyame fowl. roi t-('- s cabinet factory dam and tjeingdol" 'i ,\t\ Lt the iii were both wasded rence of WVh*tbNy. and 1- ,%, on lotiday night iast by the hey surroundiflg fricndos for nil»t- J urtie was spent bv ail uit vit Jvl nfl ~ 1iÃ"b0k atafng lu tQOý Ut 0f îitenc-rspense 1 , esègf olau rcs fk, ~ laL s~ing'Mr. Jos tirker'a office 8 lcuI u nd $820:00Worth"of ,th. . Overefld-bad hiecahbo oen.ed ail Auge OByl o's. store WUs breken into and gooda to, the amnitt of of $30ostoien. To-day & Young mxan of ,,repeetàhle parentaice and family Iný the pr4Olof Michael MayQok, lias been tried nad convicted on a charge of steaiint wot c rocks of butter from Mr,.'T. HIarricgten I le adnaittud bis guilt and claimned lie ad a partnert but we fAilon te get hise naine. ,i onl e Whitby jail to, tand hirý trial, anuI qt thst trial we hope te find out the righit and bdbtg the w-héle of vie 'Uilty parties LO justice. A.very iicoeosfulý and iuotertainig ncert was giveti in the town hall Mon y Ilight ander the aUSpices of h tiiodist clinrcli. N otwifhstaridincthe 2it nf the wa WtherYthe attendance te- rni> liant of the village have Cor Iean, ~" .. te 'le nieî'hlt M.norning. ThefnioWing i*Wap* lam~e. The entire programme was rer re&eedb the liilh( arris ftiilytcnitf te t - ~~ht rC( to Close their stores .it SP which was rer ate b th inuîlY hec nnahr iebdsonybit te sr. rng th(-- rnonths of Decem-ath brdipr adv Mr ien yer fae -rHriwoj te ber. JanurY. Februaryand Mh. sean fth ednnds past<ir of t lié churi, tut ha cengratu. teNr .(.Arnîstrofl nd bisrnther and M rs. Lawrence, ou n1tu(le a trip to Bradford, 1Pein., hist and neighbors :-A few large lated on hie succe-P jin the muisical train- I RY v<- uattend the funeral o! Nrs. circle o! friends have gz ~ re t0- ina f the ciIdrçf'..ý The club wingisp ilnu~Vuc aneCeutM rs. A riiistrt(î, nhtebo uheregeat- by E rnest waSR,à kêand féatlInre and littie wl <llCwîl eelllC wS -lltrnest pac hela'on the Samie who je only three yérs oid fairlv LeIr I.Ls~1 ib i l sutrlnler. breais of deservilg W- We hrongrht dwn the buee iný his oîuical e n for in- m an euvers. W e trust t he~ i n a fet I c 11w tousor~~ial priro r.J. E. haste te show our ap'îoyyarwemysistisiin mîyai lie Rîe~har(l la, - ce nuuch împroved tegrity andhnra lie i .uitl~an beautted (iurillg tihe past weck. walks of iife's sequ ene tehhaofgtemscltalent 0tù ccr sw ru curdo uda uytedl oc e world by l-y ltrewardiiig in our ot the pleasure Mr. A. Sautimo returned frorn Mus i\Unn le I r.111o J li rSelt MOuxvýve feel at having a family in koka Friday last. t ' Sh -<n-uslli DrinlolwbnOur mis.Yu, s; Aleways been Messrs. Fleury & Graham shiipped akani'îr s I s~r it'i hi'tctcile iionie au-d carrid the rnidst. Y aVý gord counslier a)teiI)d husbafld double Ideeker cf porkers to h ate î~ tl u ie I -cl î~ u1 0W w îi" t e aw t n u t e , l a u î a r e f î i l a g od a t uc n r r, r ce you are C e , f P eterb re, on T nesday. 1t was ceuipletely curel. 1 have lius ! icîteh dren, the cildest under the rutin i c yne , madat m, hf a ve oi en- Mert on Keed y of Ubrcin, twere Tilch of a couh sice that lime1, and -c ()t 2 1 ya. unorute îoss. runil.seewrh U1 omn- M.E endoUbigtWeî rny lIe."-W Il. AIID, ~u&tiithe day deavore tp u aleva tln hadeS en- bast ongi etavrbuiness. ybellevo that Aycr's ciierry 1etoa \rs. ýi aser had been wahrg therdt leiaet usa orBehn hr i-l haii.s onf ailuasg bnedîca aid -wasvê u t.' ore. il. prem itit amiliY l ( w as taken w ith a h ~ rd o o f r V u husband w i h hum scce s. U x bi'idgs J urna . cl3.ll <jjc Qhthrrg Pectoîall ai wa.' ~ !~-WlI ail the bonds e! io"?e and te shed Mr. A. Cnddaebise pent Morîday ai ngUJ,,t "NIill(I .e il\iso c ai.he your sympatiY te ail. 4~ has net been TueBday in Midland. gîi! srukenbullîi Ind fmilyoro wasted and while oft ~una h Mr. 'W A. Weese, cf Lindsay, was )OS Ah WORLS dAR -îest1ah !aliitersro. "orbedhsbe atue tLown Friday and prchaed a dozen fi , csFamly r'hyos Fie startlng nc\vS was rccieved here waters"' it bas returned a. ain, and your herses fr the English.rmarket- l ai t t e death of Elbert rnany friends bere ts f* te ha v' M . W l at r o o t el f t -;:n'b.son of L. A. Garflsby, Esq., gatbered froin that soc shore. Then plae, paid hie old friande a short vi \ofour own, at the hom)ne of his sister, your friends nave bec w atchiiig y0u, Thureday lest. -Y iN s Cias. cnrY, Tilsonburg. The and as you noV step n the third Mr. Will MoPhise, jr., Ieft fer Car iiinerai tlk place froni the G. T. R. round e! tbe hyrnefiai 1de "t e hlford Friday last. -c. tatoi.>.t..estcon the arrivai et woof bas been woven thnt.' thread bas A part! cf eight cople frein the vill -co 11V nu. 11 train, direct to the Orono been spun. and noW is ne tirn e e teck in the hep given at Gamebridge 11-1(tl(l in cl-nec1w.mur. War bas been .dee.iared on the S. 0. Ei hall Monday evening1 itteChina The peutr-reparatienS lv h aV and report a good imne. ICLA aTEMONT. Chin a dTe , ou otfcto sa e aUo ( ,C() ir y is no bie chade. our fo tfi a io s ar rO T he po lits e boetb fer t'uis section i I onto, is vi' rfartu isISnO ~~4.'opo!ThsandIo~ bere you are in our finm asp. ha at Mr. Luck'e wagon shop, Main Si Pugha ~~The friendiy barstathd rqw r. d to hie prac- îFrank 'iantie huas moved into Geo. w'ill net loosen, and while in hee we MrHglMLencft ii Iundy's biouse. shall dctate our owfl ternis and, look Post siaif, epent Thursday in the -vifll yr, spent Su- MI. lienderson and wife visited Ash- for your imminediate surrender., We The heavy snew fali Sunday night -des alabl o lstln on \\ediesday evenilig. ask you te accept as a sligiit tokueil of tnde 6,ne sleiRhing in thig vicinity. lale eigon tcsr- Misolmr f Pickerinlg, is here our esteern and friendship for yoW, this 34T. F. J. Gil-lespie, the Liberal ca tiwekwith Miss Pattersen. set of dishes, lemenade set, 6 Oi-lcek date in tecmn loin sit uttea set, this iamp, .fruit dishe aid card Mesrs. Gun and Grant, of Orillia, of eront), was out Miss Dickinonl, o! GodweOd, visit rcie. ed e wis top- tere, l1repsd a larae audience in the hall1 I. IlH . M ajor on iào n ci w itii M iss Evans last week. *e e v r but as odhog t is e rh y op a- 1kw Frida -y evening 19t. P., slowly reoVll~g J.N -ortop and James Lawrence redtgthrna ouasoatQS One cf eur ni!lih -rs; was ornel .- C Major w s \ere lucre this week- with !riends. grw d sra d d sr a leb d t ed the other nuriing on Iisr,,rvr r dugte~, ueLiyd Mrs. L). J. Cunningham lihas been for ding friendshiPSpe adiiRrt raitgftew teii'hr - dagerosiY 11 a bera few days here with fiends during the last in unîLed bliss. T>Çre are jet WC 0 edn ke orcwa o w eek. tut ayyï A re meoved. w rtl ië r s, m n ea s ~ ~ ~ ' 1 M r. 'M attin B achi and M iss M i aJH A. Miss AIlice Burgess bas retured after mnany years of neighborly c-omapaflion- village. 'r"enuling a fw weks wih hr site i ship and residence amongst us.- Ifthas Rah-frîei ftiepae u occupying Mr.aI8 ~ afw.~- h.. sse beasadeiedl11wil resid1ininl Toronto, are calling on c 1 ' t \ h1 tb ee s id of ld ýl' OW peas n ,, rn nw rai in the villae tIis weel t,,ýerntha W I fuerl f te at Thma;Tan t x-and we mnust net f orget that the good M he Overend and famil e.enI~tied as principl faea !telt hmsTa tU-God of Love bath permitted you and, BeavetPfl, spênd Snnday in towii <I oibt on er brd. Eo.ay us te enjey this. When our time - n W, e ndrstand the trustee ol fl assistant, bas deW. Mason is now manýging EE.eartli is over and the long race is run ublic chool have eecured the erv ',t livr engagement here Pughs farm, better known as the Dol- may the home prepared above receiVe Mr. Barnsay, for the ensuing year. e yt-rir. She las provedi priin place. you inte everlasting est and then bc - - ---- ~e. - - xteietteache, and A. Bundy has reioved te David erowned with the golden coWl~ when Wben once-deLeofl seught t-. find ire Iiiupils under lier Pugh's farm east o! here-to take charge we ail may meet te "Praise God frein The fountain gi-vinq back Iolli yeuth, Niaelvea C o vi lie r of c t l o h i t r h m l l s i g l m . i n d o I t M a y b e th a t h e h a d it m id Ale iwfield et la bor.fcti o h itr 1hm i lsilSfo. indo That dnaukight whilh ieemenf te iiake 1 lias eîîgaged Miss De.v, iRev. Mr. White is going te deliver a behaîf of friends. Sûsie C., McQuayt Out of thie fable ages- old. - t l ecer for 1896. ecture in the baptist church on the L. Kate Bray, F. M. ChapiTien. Fr driking it the o11 grcowyonn Ne.1.hîaly recowniisnded, evening o! Dec. 16. Itiided rtib fgld, mise ÃŽAplEz enVE. surptmingtiii by -pnes ug of M Sttord aer atndw th guest o Mr John Crurnb, Danfett is home, 1 DeveY 1% coure- I-l &180 . ses a bcocon'l cluss non profes- Mrs Ster. Agr a itw cihtf and lie ean d a M .a d M .R o p r M rs Geo and M aster Frank PoWer petent rjuvenatr A-f the~ wetk n d methodiet church bere conPne a Mr&n r.R .Hpe.1~ f ~ ~ nW bl~ syem., It drives eut Il po large conereizatin onSna n- fi. Pugli bas genle te Chathami agaîn OPreiepurlty, enriches thle blood. and inù! ~O rt uli . cUpied by the where he wl1 remnain until spring, and Mr and Mrs Lenz Wood, Orono, nid and worn <uit .1eel YcOulàR wvt y ý0 '-it! aund witty divine the Rev G tenii aepossonehifrmhave visited friends here. ponce-d-Lork1 <tlsdo; dicover it, -b Th pupi - a oaldi "nd f iscey. t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ te aîtntl- taf possssio profu Mesis JonMudy n Rbr Pierce lid, ati lie nightly nanied iv pri4eflttio Tuedayandwilre- nd ertie Munday pntndaRy i a ldi Dr. ier' Peiecue ermane 2. <k, <m~~~~~~~~~ad in looking, over trul-eatte.wes- u."omIî. dec ded that ones or two pesda hs as quarrtS arnong r hsSmoitrovifgrol twt;-9< btW' .weediug eut, must eig prd ctvof muCh ei d for tihi butcher or deal -horsr are hrodvti, evl i loypau~Iilo - j '~',,desirable membhers f It behooveS us this 'week te record rThe woather la vorY btVh0 No0w Rabbi David'e the death 01 an oldci6 and tihl es.en- & <-g4tgitriida; zJ lias ans ttecwedesident ofthis villge, and vicinîty MBtca1f*i.Xiny 0 "$but a trifle skittish. in the persoi cfe Mrs. lés, M1dl0iOi- Ms.M aolrX1 atxK Y, a dfor th t W mn Death came verY sudd nly, dpe r»1 r ff.,'Do th milkingth UOk )îclined croceeded t d-hî ae WSt '1ng Inspected. te,-'adhsbn' .d t viw -thewas highl1 esptd.adwbf Te b. sure the reSie titwshpk' il ro Bri4ley, of Oshawa, bas rentedLN famad I US,-- - wllheînwthete umer carren ~ta yrê~!~ - cme. f ecipOf or W It~Y cen- Rrit Nr,± nr for nad y f, -e-1 c AU eal h ' We-n ey rdru rat 1 aodhneo ', e or ~ier Ne~PPeSu e ~Ok0 copy t/us advel- for Liv'r iVeesaPerM$.e oider ~ ~ 6~. Br -,rdV. I lioKengit ie as hein réýsgugé4 scheel rte. douie around thie xi outh of thb ouge river iL a h tltierblt inake fine oh.ewing. Sare grievéd tê haie to ÉstMtLfiat Dr-. Wailter-lPhein je ln a very,1low cnl. tion, etf health this weý>k, -anc1 his friencli- fear the norst. The cù»anLeatie W'eathF-r is ne dým1bt responmihie for i alttered, ('e111itlon. \Ne truisi- niwiv r, .,bat lie oay getLitetter. lorrtoit S.S. No 3, :'(kerirà1, N,v M.j W ynan 1895 Sr 41 e1itc:s --L -riglit and i nil%. ew B ru wlck. nan etlii, rCl1ark suid A Annal3 equld. -f. 4W irl:,rs-I Annan, ii14 ars.Ai er e, '4ir.bo1,.on 8rd elisQ- VIMt-Donald,L I iester, L Walton. Sr 2vd claie-J <~~VV VJ Nie&iolis ,n, L Anrian.' Jr NO 1 erOfgth, NO A Ition ~2.,, c. a.q-E Nirhoiison,li~ Parker, ]ý1 K8e rsi Sr Pt 1d-F King, A 1IoOd's sargaparlla Cave rc"rfect. Divin, E Antit C JA vicRonj, Te folewilg letter le ftram a výe!1-k<nowý rteoher. mercliant taler of st. George. Y. B.: ". . lood & Cà., LeweII,. Mass.:; "Gentlemen-I arn glad te 5:4ytblat Tloed'g- Bargaptrll&n~d l'oed'5 nusl have dane me- the grip in the 'winter, and alter gettiuig over tii ~ /IWU~WLV/lever 1 did net seem te gather streligtli, imd lmadd v ~ ook' Cotos osI~o.pu~d ne ambition, RUod's Saro»parilz, .pred te be Manufactured by 'rhe comend tlihTI.icine ta andDttOtMCh.U~ u -Whoax ee déit-i re1usuit Wcor -V Cook Co., WinorOt. 0 ly known safe, reliable3 imonthlyimedicine on whicb ladies afflic- tiong caused. polseniand poor'blcod. cauidepend in "Me kour and unlim y ke p Hojj4)j arsaparîflabin my bous a of. need." nvery lady who reads and use It wii needane. We alse keé W'. this le requestedl to intlose t-wo post- lloodls -Viltsk>n hand and t1iluk, bllil i Ltfriil.l age stalnps, wîth her addreis, for J. W. I)tkEMÂi'A GOE YW EUfSI (T1~ OOd'8plle are pureY vegistble. and di he 2'M ~shP.rw will~ ot prgepain orgpe. Sold ÙyaUldtgg5t and f partclr,' ewl send by cetxcrn mail ln plain. sealeci nd envelope. All old physician, 33 years cont- lui tinued practice treating diseaseB of fte womenl, has charg e of the office, and cati b. consulte by letter or in ie perbon. Address our Main office js~ TH COO 00K COMPANY, Room 3-110. 253 Woodwarda,.ve., I'Cook's.Cotton~ Root Compouad lage i od by ail responsible wholesal@ an ealdruggists iTte Dmiio last of Caniada and United States for Onae scEu îtRNO Donlat pet box. FORMA*01UQftS1# dsay HARZ'WEKL lage %m88d~Q~-le ec mie onoe ir yonr m bbas IN 19. 0 ok u bgý' Ibye0ed a 1Ot a HARPER'S WEEKLV i% a jç>uv,.t't i he. _ andi - h~ ot:lV 1 ais wt&'th hk- ' e ho. Tiue )a bv worid chat are îimportantL 10 Anericans P~L Lad - Ili fiuxrying Ou ibis PO1C, Iflin i. j' uhan here Ra;ph visited China r:id lapan. nvd j urieyed hreugh the %west; Richardflarding Davis tec)k Dr B 3.»aD, t'cd-r Tl ro :%trip through the 0Caribb.alSea: h ouin~.çjf',< ~îw±ifli&iIeut ýwhst of the new navy wer- esclbc nn Spastatfi.b RinttuF F. Z7- Iv1! r1 '.ýP1~ R njn<P p ~ ~ t Gfoi pbi ' Y Srecsn r f 'n- ,ud,.S tof AT niy anv Fr.,ntr i ie; Pman -P y 1<otOWatended the cpering of the K' 'B Bh 896lkw ten sua"!vWT 1< vrv-__ Webe bppn (-'l ~~ t *i~ 'jr fOG tfG t fÙB * itratue, nd msic ud 'e dain wil be _____________________ 4. & t R e 1.

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