Whitby Chronicle, 13 Dec 1895, p. 3

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DOE8 NOT 8IMPL Y CONSI8ST @ BROAD ACn>RE.S ANO RE4OY t'S/-I iea1th i's lis Fortunle. PA INE0 ';7 C> ~lof al &hftoôý'alarge, bai*ibee Wvte - aISo jeta tlnOWing .tieani ad irôpý the , 111o ths of. m gt t ônsifrog, l f ë andvarOus anItual1 9 dbirds iâauéà,,tiiè 4iqirl stri-am. Têesee obê uTY 0It a~ age oe ofstâtut.e and o n m i~ woi. iuttn fot forget to men Lion tl»t- 01u-S4turday fihe nswly ruade btide, ýwhbt Cieir frienda, nieet aà st. OIoUd L s t thelnsives. It~ was brides day whefiwe were th~e an _have the lateat 4pt. ers about te displaywhioch brideg 8jOUà inake. A visiLta Paris woul~ b Cornu>Iete witLotut a run out to 1"the 'Palace of Versailes," bujit by Laoui XIV ln1660. We went by rail. îfis au palace andconal&s_ LUCees - . --. .... ra mon Orfbuldings about baif 4 mile in TettteOf S.S. NO.','Darling- length and ise emrounded by, the mont Ir-lhave 'engaged Mr. H.. Prust, :N L OS T. ~~~delightful gardens, fivè thou3ajd acres in laktefrtahrnx 1 - presume that no finer example Of land- MÉ. 8- Picheli h"ý tented Mr. Chas. l'broari acres and a gooti batik accounit, as it is in the thickly populated townascape gardening iii to be sieen il the world Goodalis property, do net con4,tit ute a farniers true weaith. and citie8. To so high an eminence has and when the fonntaina are playing it in There are huiidréýds of farmiers around us its credit and worth beeti advanced, that siniply gorgeous. We wandered through LCSO , who possess wealth in lansds and gold, the miaj.)rity of c,9untry and city families its various halle adnflring the mniles cf At a regralar mueetIing of L. O. L. No. but who lock that true fortune and covet- now regularly keep one or more botties paintinge, and enraptured with the wond- 138rbeld in the Orange Htall, Blacksfock, ed poss8ession as good wealth True man- for any emergency that rnay arise. erful design cf interior gilding and doconr- alter t6e fRenerai routine of business was hcod V . orous heul qn4d strong nerva, Paine's Celery Coijpouctd lias done ation, and eaw the woiiders of the groaj ransaoted, the electiop ut officers tedk Pre Ileaven'st gifi ;.rail classes and more life saving work than al] othor palace, as well as the two Bmaller cnes, Plac4e, wbich re8fllted as follaws : W. MI condition cf min. , ýnedîcines ccrnbined. It has saved life known ais the grand Trianon and the, Bro. Jas. Byers, re-elootod; Dep. M., It is a iii elanicholy fact that men and 1 af ter the dector failed ; it hias given petit Trianon. It would take a week to Bro.. Peter Heoit, re elooted ; Chaplain, wcrnen Mi the country breathi g thie pur- health aud vigur after years of failure8 wander through the gardons and see the Bre. Sandferd Swain, ro.elected ; Roc.. est air druîîkiiis frorn (,-id*iqbubliîîig with couimncu inedicines. Afr. Samnuel beauty cf its palaces.. Suffice it te >y Sec., Bro. G. 'W. Ilartley. re eooted foun tainis and springs uncontaiated by Hanna. au e8teemed and welI-known that 1 shall not atternpt a detailed descrip- Fin. Sec., Bro. T.,A. Beacoc"k, re elected; eerms of lîsease are liable te tlie saine farier of INanvers, Ot.ý, Izives his tion of this place which in said te bave Tca. r.8 efy eeeted; I>. of dread dsaetisat cone( thick Ind fast te wo)nderful experience with Paine's Celery cost $100,000,000 and je a perfect CBe oi akr-lce etr ciypol,'niipountd as follows elysium. 0f course we walked the or, Bro. a.Baek eeetd o cas. people, Ceeetd ou Naturto's tzarîc laws are eontinualiy! "A fter severe sickness and euffering for Principal business streets and visited the Mfltee-Bro8. Anscu, Taylor, W. . Boa violategi everyw]îereand as a consequeilce a lenigth cf tirne 1 arn happy te state that shops and Bmw the shep windowsi. There cock, Geo. J. McLangbîin, Gee Snggitt, thepelis cornle swift. and sure, 1 wa.s made well by l'aine s Coiery Cern- were Rome fine dispimys- of beautif ul goode; Angus MeLain. Auditors.-Bros. L.ý G. Thet;e penîalties consis! cf (11505505 vilyiuig lufld. To be raised up fi-cm a low aînd fer whichi the Frenchman ils noted. McKibbon, Bro. Joseph Taylor.- The ini foriniansd chanacter. We find debility wea k state, insîde cf two weeks, is a But we leave lovely Paris with appe-by w. elected offiýers wero thon ingtalled iîrcsesrheuiiatisin, neurolgia, niarvellous work, which nothing eisc but titea whetted for anether visitt, wlîiehr yP M. Devitt, after whieh short kidney mund live-r troubles, heart disease, Paine's Celery Cornpound ceuid have ac- hope 'May ho seme dayi anxd next week addrosees were delivored by the newly dysp)epsîa, îndigeatieiî and a variety of cnpiished. wesa rvltBliu n t aia ieceod officers, a very ploasant eveninR terribl Icddseases. 1fte r using haif the firat boutle of the Brussols, and tili thon adieu. 'wssetb h rtrnpeot \Vhen. the arrows of atfiction tPierce Couipeund 1 was able te dig the holes for GE WOI.The annual meeting cf the District with vcnorned sting, the farine3r anîd l18 a forty rod fence and help te buiid it. EWO. Orange -Lodge 'of tho District of Cart- faitully inust svek the sanie healinig agent Before using Paine's Celery Compeuxud 1 Williamn Penegelly je vigiting friends in wright, will ho held in the Orange Hall, that city people use witlî such suceess. couid flot sleep and had ne appetite: now the Queen city. Blacketock, on Tuesday Jari. 14th 1896, l'ai ne's Celery Coinpound ip, to-day, the 1 enijey goed sleep and a hoalthf ui appetite Glas breaking seeme te be quite a at the heur cf 3 o'cicck in the afternoon. farmer's grlrat heaith-restorer anid true Pauses Ceiery Comipound is worth its ;.n. -- Mt~ ~aeh aôison hspicae h0ý h âu n d lot of M.~ ..ug Lv~ety utmanly for yug rmen to it1ito ckurch -end sit a few nminu tes, a:r4 sheti the rninister je about half W4tigh th hIssermnftuthp Up and -~on.Young tt» emny ~M#~ Ro t. unôn as had eretted r i I .> CastolHIoDr. Sain, ant idren6 t n1 ether iircotie -substa, mta5otbs for parégorie, Drops, So6thi1 p Castor [t i. Pleasaut. ILs guarauie' fr iWhrty >ceare' use IlllOUns Of 1Mothers. Castoria idestrOys WOrms i~ d alla féverlshness. Castoria prevents itag &uCr curs Darroeaand Wind Colie. Castoria retteve tE*thlng tiroubles, cures9 constipatton and fltitu1eney C3astoia assinillates thO food, regu1a+eà the stomnac anid boies, giving liealthy and natural sleep. Cms Castoria,. Catoria, îstoea la an excellent Medicine for cii Csei ss elaatdt childre .Methoem have repeatedjy told me of its rCemmenrita s superierdated typ1.8fidq effect upon their children." knI wn te me."i i uerotayrs D-1- G. 0. 0'000,i. A. AnRCuin, IL LoeelyJIsss. 111 Se. Oxford St, 3reoiyn,: istoria la the bebt remedy for qChildren of "0ur physicianS in the children~s E LI arn acquainted. I hope thé dày le flot ment have speken hîghly cf their ex tant when mothers ivill conskler the real ence mn their outside practice with Cas! st cf their cbildren, and use Castoria in- and although we only have anrng f thevarleusquack nostruxnsshich are medical supplies what je knewn ag re ' ying their Ioved cnes, by forcingeopium, produc.,ew 1o tcèfsath Ëne, soothlng eyrup and ether hurùlù l w & oa<f t ria b& wo tw te Ilook 3 doive their throats, therboaeuadin# fuy-or IL" bo preznature graves." j Dit. J. F. m!j3D Jie TheC-tar Cm-Iels=Xu>A et CW dren. good e far disi Interes steadc deumt morpbj agmxts tbom m ,F o the Order will please- accept nation. J. M. Devitty Die. M.; larley, -Dis. Ree...Seo. Given Up To nié. ffed for Two Montbs. The Patient takes Dodd's Kidney pilla.' 'ND (Special> Dec. oth- A (Jorrea- st, Ottawa, of a Torento mnvestijqat- sd cur*es y Dedd'13 Kiduey Pilla aself here among ardent friends of kidney*troatruen:. MUr. McCarthy hie ahcp alter qeing cleeed for twe exPeottie cf deauli frein Brighvsg bat geuntlem>t ferrod hiun te the adtvised hies te use the, Pilla- Th7is- rfccrd a fariner whohad'à, hip ýd-ridoen for twenty- seven menthe wo.s said to; be "TIncarbio Diaetée" g .the correspo)ndent found Mr.. ,g0Rhing lu the Ifid 1 A few hôes )~d~ Pill, hbgd½wýrkdéc L6cur. e ia ro hruaprise ast'beyal- ni Grrun dlegtes will atteùd ici "ocngres 4 to belji U. Pris thi$, "aî>eôtu, pille ,reqùire<u1Resollayis ýn" ar P$erRS&Dt to take and bott&er ~costad t2s ~îîey in se ~ a Tii. Ceutaur Compae7, ~T7 Mmrray ~treet, New tarir <kt~ VOISàD-ISEAsE - pvtomld l'Ruuai:tece.e.Seanemi Cntt ýtë%manti Draine Ule ys BlurPl rtos;Pisi is.fagm LýookiZug, BIot<j r Letaie I mu k T, )K1heîesslog;D'strnstf ol sud Ïed ORS 0 WKENNEDY&KEG "At it'ysarscf ugo 1I learnod a bad habit which air me. beamenervuisndwsk.My -batik troubled drans fnght weakoned me. ridsevenMeu t4e te, Patffnt Medfehce-aos axn j I LAITE DI s ( J N 1 uivr.isre r(iine ruraiuuscrîcrs weihu111gold to, any sufferer; iL ist---1 LA "uinuopertowu, "~e (if ur*boniin 18 as bright and lustrous j best nedicine in the word.' ie E e, o T r no a o e thie intin ________________________________________________________ with ber parente for afeaw daye. W. G. Bi and s escctumly a ciy o th ded." Peter Perry and dangliter Maggie, are My Trip to England. andi bas ni broa aenuesf thndad rîgabout te uneve into the village. stree ts b n d eyaveu plotn bas ergjng J. J.Brignaîl, cf the C. P.R, and bis Shet Clos MRi. W11. ROSS, PORT PRY TAKES US AC- stesad vrygvepo si8 brother Will cf the Toronto St. Ry;, ft CRoS TE OEAN-PERY DTIL chapel so that on looking down a street ut were in the vili " rTedy CicS8 UEOCANCLARV ETILnrein/nds one cf a row of bouses. The Avmet g oe hr Toea ofth INCIDENTS OF THIE TRIP BY ONE wHo le chàpels have doors usuaily of iron grat- Au oeaeblesc h IHO OBlSEREVAN T. n or if te are joidt ere a window ledcra ondentl ing tey slid hereGreenwodcraery !Was held in G-be- igacu in theni tu admit light. Peering into sofls hotel on Tu esday ovoniog. feund himi Orie înorning at '4iX e'clock. «ICC)Mnpan- Borne Of them ive eaw the "1altar aund Mr. I3urkbolder lias rented the farm th!@ great ied by Dr. Sinith, 1 vusitc.i '"The Halles crucifix" and the chaire fer resting on, lately vacated by B. G-. Camunack. Mr. atwointb i Ceutrales". Thias i e great mnarket of and it is custoniary fer the friends Of the B. nernes froun Stouffville and je ruade digease; Lth Paris.. decoa!sed te go and, commrune wirb theni, welconie te our unîdrt. inea whe in these mnarkets you sec the traders un hetuce the neccssuty for the chapeis: The ewners of the Greenwoed iseigh -Wào Win. e ail tMeir glory. U e erdered our driver &mre were splendid, others ivere humble seocles hav e had said snales repaireu$ and legs aMd be --h to, wait for us muid wandered tbrough. It It is surprisiuug bow unucl iouey is ispent put in firsi; cIs Workinq erder. Law- O ale cnit f a nurnsber of square paviliens on the dead. Wo PaRsed the tenîlb cf ronces, of Rinsaie did thewerk. M£oord -Pl( ýýinveniently rraigncd for the display cf "Their' , the iret president of France, Mr. anud Mrs. James:,Pengelly, Vo t,"t, o g~d1in~ve~edwitb streets, muid a which is said te bave cost $150,Othj sulio s reaott mv ne the wâi8cre broad bouleard runs througb the centre. There is a peculiar place there that village, havingj rented the hanse cf Me Here je for sale uieat, poultry, gaine, every person visite, it ie that cf "Abelard 1 icj mut etdftenethodit Britishb e vegettihies, fruits, butter, cheese, fiewers, muid Heloise', or the sbrine cf disap- -thet et f he Bimutal etc., in fact, the food cf the great ciry. pointed love," pmrted in life, joined un : ~week. Sucb lovely tic'ivere, brilliant, and death.' I cantuot begin teo tell the atory SeadNo ani remvngmw ore-ý sparkhing witb dew. We made our bar- about it, but tbe above epitaph -expresses cuir village frona Stoney Cirek. ,P4gWIl Li ver Lezes' gain witb the Sharp business wounan for a it, and it is said that a great mnany dis-. r ettotmetor o h un-ta US. magniicenit buuîch of siegant French appointed lovera visit ut and derive cen- Lieadsac f bu ni.aeh-If ye't roses after some trouble, and wandcred solation freni reviewing their history. way. . .. round ianîongst the fruit. Jr uuust have We did net forget te go te the top cf On Snidmy Ovofifg sorne party.Or1 par. healmb'fuiîye mo in usuuug to those French people to the great Eitfel Tower -me cf the moderntdes, i.uaehed in BanI3 20 lihts Of glass iii ja Bee us two Euglishrnen tryîuug te make "wouîders of the world. The basie cf the lieuse about ta be 1 o0cuýLied by uË. take. Ke them understand whar we wanred. Iicw- this tuiver cevers an area cf about four Steward. Those Iitt)e: arts of meannes8 o.>o ever, we proctired souie luscious grapes, acres and beaidos being a huge icoking should not lie allawed to 'go uàpuniibed. Mon 'di-e t peaches muid pluuis. 1 alfair is synîctrical, gracef ul and pleasing Mn faryugspre~ereigTate.RE§ljai The quanity of food required in ail te the oeye i itL proportions, We wait the sea8cu in great s.bape tri the skatiîng Great Bri thiese iaî-g cities iseteierunous anud as a e at oeeof the corners for an elevator, muid lino, ail week oee au ses boys on-blipice 9Vr LOoer suit riere lias been a1 great deveiopment inte a car wc are, whicb ilul hold about Wh ich surely cao not ha Yery- safe. ?Par. of "the muarket." MWe lhave the nmarket 100 personeamund slowly we a8cend il ente sho 1l laak ont for -titis as the 'ad' anid iit eue the fineet sight.s cf lhis about '200 feét froru the grcund, hoe e being 50 ory& s t~l.Villgeis-18 5rsa great city, "The Tomub cf Napoleoti". alight and view the city,. and home alto. great-Lemptation fer he- -S. In the cluurch with a dorne 340 feet higb are a theatre, cafes, restaurants, etc.,, andr h-by- acd .86; feet broad, remiuuding us cf St. taking a car Io anether landing we geL F. L. Green -hag- had à. wire suepensioMRpït f Paul's in Lonidon, and directly under the net only a view of Paris, but aise of te bridge etreteh'ed ùcro&s'hie n'orth dam in bitôrr camnei dorne lies the great Sarcophagus cf red or surrenndîng country and home toc one frocm cf te gatesfiom-Wbie, tlhe ice c'an chocolate Finian granite. . May use the powerfuil elescopes but vo e brk»tiLe nerItie ealy . It jeeaid to weigh 30 tons and centaine are net te the top yct. Tàking a third gcuc>d thusg~, O] 200 féet of brid ge vWaa W - nl>I the remains cf Napoleon 1, accord* ý eca vesowyaeed n a o osete utu his expressed wish. "I desîre that niy clouds hecenue nommer and the earth so .tabr4e euaegodsegiuje lou,-e ashes repose on the bordera of the Seine te be getting farther away tilt tth80'in tlln hwme i kele~ e amidet the Frenich people that 1 have landed at the t» narytthO.ete es ~agoba-fi f~ii loved se nuuch.'l the air. You fW.tehad cjs Frein tho floor cf the church you look change in ietm intHte seves È over a marbie balustrade d(own iuto a it vas quite-coq14 -,e b iý4 hiê h t-douert giveën iiiAlexandria -,DoIês~w 4 large ûcembrypt tLa ee the tomb and the ta wri ïhtimaae-4W s8 Ur ~« -u -wtole tii as a work cf art ià thorough- 'IuLdand. fa va o f -bythei,ýÉàev , 4hMamu )y in lfeeping with tise glcry cf te ran. rmailing itur- er4,.. -ô*very 8 mi sfulaily, f, Te pô le1, was aP Il I cmti nover forget the statutos a.nd the- oircuiler galley'*.. ' and mearilight ýVo bmsy 'ongirru Ù ui cclored' marbie used in the construction, It l'B seid anti ciuý, me 4 4 oof Âtc;6ùhr1,o-dngoefut6-. anld the elegant mosaic womk on the floars, t!y on eacli <O nd l pece frm-" and pormanontly fixed ii n y rnemory is greatîy cf arý, 1ýtwî6'b 'wýllM ItOd ÏÉthei ut the beautiful green laurel* wresith of views ad 1t è,lïriuê . F asuer i eot rti »Ç mossie work whicb onuircles the tombi. The weu lrgeitet-fàiriy, eet Perbaps the noiseet place in Paris is'at el îereàs o mid~,~, *lI~ iq r -'. the Bourse. We, heard the clattor at lded y, cOuuh1bea e M-ig.Th T d - d loaet a bleck uiaway and >se odro ve u Ù: dl #XA '4ihe - ff ~ ~ 4Pêetor /tif el,>t. W te broad stopscf the. great buildic# wu -v ued foru', là *-Yý AO > alive with spou1atore brokere andOr 4h q e oî e z alcgol ghly re and So ION*. Y- De to 0 ýwj'OXPOUND RESTORFS IT

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