Whitby Chronicle, 13 Dec 1895, p. 4

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Hall) - Whitby DEC. 139 1895. Short Noteis. a i t o a i lendid unie for every- a o"Sis t su' tIdebt and bas the t zo and pav it.l'lie rnoney would liatio0, .and wou Id pass t hrou h 1,4 of nianv ati individual who needs $10 paîd i> d.iv mîght pass througbi ds belore thle new yea r, and thus îi, tof idelîuîed ness. A few 810 bis ' 4.0 in iight liquidate thousands, thus ing thelit ra iiiof man y wants. Hun- Î. o i in (%u Titi iý CH Rt) \ICLE small U o, could lave paîd it long ago as t,, .tEvery business mari tells the : i4v.Change yoiîr methods, men, î1 1itke tveî ybody happy for the coming li- A ner catis have the courage of wbat 'l I I lier convictions there is likely bt -ii1iblul ýween (Great Britain and the .1-tî,ii a verv short time. The wtloC trille, wlîîcb our neiglhbors to the ce *t dwell upon, and which hat, t. '. from wliich their fier), orators ilie lions tail for years, declares ,(-i ,SUitus will îlot allow enact- 114 tett rit. 4 , of eitîer North r*ICa lvY any huiopean nation. 't 1at t prescrit there is a dis- rrivbetween Britain and orî 4 witlîout knowledge 0l the question the jingo lpubllic is bowling for te ke the case of Venezuela iii Cleveland sent a let- iy deinanding tha' the 1 ,r r tlj arbitration, and last -11 ià ê. îeceived froin Lord tiL :ig ilîs Brîtaiiî does not pro- 4444 1 aritiratioti the question of '-ctýý( ýhi p olterti tory tu which Veiizuela ,l(.'11it ow o>f a dlaimi, as is proven 414 I ýt\ ibe dîsputed territory dur- .41a - 4 tii arnd danmages from 'ir 11 .r ai rtestilig ber officiais sent to 44k t r lit:,iîîterests iin the disputeti ter- Kt-R1~iî ig iipo4iithe iiterference of the 1 ,tc t \nezueia refuses 10 take t w.î ý%;ri a reasonable adîustment of te 41il(\. &oîgress is now in session ~.liaîd the Repubiican majority -i l a.îitiing iin courage to tackle uilto so ilnay turn to this Ven- '.4141 44iliet questions of foreign policy i 4. a 1-4Ilîrnînlg public attention from .4itîîîionrr which it wes elected. If 50 ie l () a rniîghty struggle. Both Eng- 41441 tle United States are launching 4batile slips every mnonth, and with i4% iii Uia4 liines ofdestruction roaming t î-ust1tit-re 15 1n0 telling wbat horrors 4414 ldeiîtatl. k\Wallace bas resigned tise Con- i,ttoms in the Dominion Gov- ,nt of want of accord on ,.q~uestion. Some quecr Sarii oui of this un- yHon. A. R. Angers left îîinistry because he beievcd .1t was tiot taking sufficiently 1, a.gainst the Manitoba gov- 1 row the Protestant end of thse %i n îg a bove tise surface . Th% s -ii cabinet is placeti in a perilous 1 ii being bomnbardeti from both 1: uereies anti friends, anti it is i îatyevident that the corn- 4 44 parbiainent will iot settle thse i,4 hie contrary we expect to se 4444hwill set tise Dominion on '44 eidt10 ie other, followetiby a .('tio4) iand sucis burning religious lhic counîtry has neyer witnessed. tN tbîi tends ibat way, andi it will be a vel headud rman, indeed, who cani steer 1 ro1glithe sîrîfe to snccess. It looks as if lere wîll be àt Protestant anti a CatboliC ,arty for rnane ve.îirs to come. At present ,,i indication-s are ibat II>Atun McCartby, lanson vs. Clyde et al.-Aotioon a promis. sory note of $a62.46. TIle ari il live et Greenbank. Thos. Alin and John Clyýde arm the executors of tbe laie Thom's Clyde, 'and laà October, 1894, matie a sale andci duposed of the chattels of deceased. Wm. Clyde purchaset g oods to the value 0"1262,45. anil gave bis note for i t. Shortiy af:erwartis plaintiff daims that John Clydie, one of the executors, came to blm and asked him to ciisoourit the no:e, whlch lanson was willlng to do provlied thc executors would endorse the note,1 andi said that lansos would bave the whole estate for securhty or word, to that efleot. The defendant's çxecutors admit discounting the note snd endorsing it, but dlaim that they did nou1 "without recourse," which means without assuming any respossibllity. This would mean that îbey rnerely signed their names as witnesses of the disosai of thse note, andi plaintiff admits tisai this releasedth ie ex- ecutors from personal responslbility, but helti themn as executors of the estate. Queen vs. Mann.-ndictnnent for wounding. Chrietopher Mann, of Washago, was cbargeti with wounding an Indian namet I ngersoll, of the township of Rama. Mass anti several friends, among- whomn were several women, was at the hotel, Washago ini APril, 1894. ail enjoy. ing a social drink, anti about ten o'clock p. mn, he and some others secureti a bottie of whiskey to top ofi upon anti went to Mann's house. After a time Mann îook it into bis beati to shoot his dog, which he titi by taking bis rifle outside of thse bous-e anti letting fly at it. Whilst out he saw a jack-light with whieh somne parties were spearing fish ini the Severn river, and aller ariother round of drinksa he said he would pop a redskin, anti went out ant i red ai the jacklight. Thse buliet struck Ingersol who was standing in the canoe spearing. County. Attorney Farewell went to Washago anti bat Mann trieti bel ore Magistrate McPherson, who1 dismisseti the case. Not being satisfied with the discussion tise county attorney brougsi the malter before the ttrand jury iu lune last, anti by th&t body Mann was indicteti. risc triai came off on Wetnesda-y of tisis week. Ail tise wit- nesses admitied thse drinkîng. Miss Morrison. who was at Mann's house, testifhed that Mannt stated bis intention to pop a redskin when goîng out witlh hi, rifle on tise night referrgd to above. Mr%. Clarke. the hotel-keepers wile, ,swore that she heard Mann admit that he shot rugersoll and that he swore a big oath that he wouid dot so again. Sorne very doubtful evideuce was ten- dered hy thse defence to damage thse cisaracters ot crown witnesses, but it faileti, anti the juryi rendered a verdict of guiltv, Mann was re- riandeti until December 26 for 3entence, J. E. Farewell, Q. C., for the crown; Juo. MeCoshit Orillia. for tefenoe. 1 GRAND JURY'S PRESKNTMENT. To His Honor 1 utge Burnham.-Our visit 10 the gaol andi inspection of the oeils, corridors anti yards thereof showed to us that these are all tisai cati be tiesireti for tise purpose of a prison. but brougisi vividly to eacis of lis tise horrible reatity of that poverty is a crime in this county.. Of those confineti in thse gaol. but one 15 there for what is commoniy supposed to be a crime, a man who has pleadeti guilty of a larceny, anti is awaiting sentence of tise jutige by whom he waa triet. The other six pnisoners, one of tisem a woman, are there because they are poor, the, municipalities lu whicis îhey live refusing ta, sup- port them. Two of tise men are iunatics. The rfvitlgs of these demnenteti people are atidedti 1 tbe punisismeut of prison bars for tisose corn- mit ted to tise gaol fromn some of tise municipali- ties of tise county as indigents or vagrants, tise procedure isy whicis sucis are now disposeti of. 'I he choice of a -Prisoner for Poverty,'" is as tise result of gaol rules eltiser soliîary confinement or consortiug with iunatics anti crirninals. This is owing to a eouniy. populous mut wcalthy as Ontario. anti boastingly referreti to hy pronrunent residents anti ratepayers in it as the '-Keystone County of the Keystone Province of Canada," not yet havuug establisheti a House of Refuge andi Industry for tise honesi poor withiu is borders. It is a "Condition flot a Tbeory,* ibat bas to be deait witis in this business. Tise Pro- vince of Outaiio bas mate reasonable statuorf provision for aidiug by a grat of 5.4.000 toaa county, or combination of municipalities ini con- tigious counties, seiting oui 10 remnedy ibis dis- Zracelul treatment of poor people. Wbere (air trial isas been given to these institutions, es- tablisheti elsewhere in tise Province af Ontario, emnin-ontly satisfaeîory resuits bave followet, iu the more humane anti economical care of aid andi more or les s elpiess poor people. Suc in l cdents of tise worâting of tise preseui sysiemn or rather wanî of system n iiaring for the poor as we bave seen in Ontaro County are deplorabie to tise last degree, They are reliies of barbarisrn -survivaIs of savagery-ili becoming a commun- iîty like ours iniibis endt-of-the-century age. Las guage f(ails to picture tise pitiabie pligbt af tise poori'unter our present practice. 0f thc flîli capacity of tise goal, wbichis 1 twenty-four prison- ers, not isaîf bas becs required of laie years. Tise igiesi number of prisoners at anc time witin a receut perieti. being fourtees, 50 (bat as a iemporary ant experimentai expedilent. it is suggested tisai part of tihe gaci be remodeled so as b isriug ih widsin range aofbtimanrely cariug for tise poor committedt t he gaol. We congratulate Your Honor upon recovery fron tise accident tisai receaty befel you, asti express our picasure at seeing you resume the duties tisai you bave se long andt aitbfay per- formet. Willis' ,rig for the Holiday Trade Pc r/urmnes, lair Brusies,, Toi/ltA r/ides, Â.,Etc., al ~~veryone shouldcome and,.g .,the g~a agisw r fein iXmas' Goods. Children's G. L. Caps at Boys' -Nutr*a Capsý at Men's Býeaver Opposum *1.75.. $2,50.ceps et $,0 Men's Nutria Caps at Men's Florida Otter Caps at Men's Beaver, Badtie. Seal-. B. S. T$s.a2a9 Sale.Ces t $5.0 Seal Caps at very lôw prices. ,Tasani Sale ape at Greenland Seal Capes at Best G-. Lamb Capes, 30-h, $16, $18, $20. Rock Bottom Prices. at $25. We have also reeeived a largeo shipment of Handker- chiefs for the Holiday Trade, rangrng at 40., 60.) 600, 7c., 8c., 9e., 10e., i2î-o., 15eo 200. and 250. Gents]I Cail and see the grand assortment of Lined Kid Gloves."e are showing. Thoipsim-At Whitby, on Thuràd>1,De 12th-, 185 Mary Aun Buck, beîoved *f the latej Tiniwclf Thom paon, .lu' bèï 6ti year. The funeral w"I take place'front bei sons residence, Brock St.,0 Whltby, on Sattuë, day, the I4th lust., at 2 o'clock p. m., to St John's church burial ground, at the bay. Ho 1 for Xiii.. at home. Engiand. Scotland, Ireland, British Ce lumbia, Manitoba Caiifornia1 al Uilted Statesanmd Canaclian points, asywher, everywbtre, boat, rail or oceatt. Rate [guaranteed right. Through tickets, (rois Pickering, Toronto, Myrtie, Brookils mrd Whitby. SecE.&Stephenson, Whitby I'Ûe. fore travelling and gmt cholce of routes and 10 beat ocean steamihip lines. Sec Stephen. son, Whitby. 'Twil pay you. Chronicle clubs. CHRONICLE to Jan. Ist, 1897. SI. CHRON ICLIE and weekly Globe toJan. rat. 1897# *1.25. CHRONICLEC and weekly mail tojan. rot, 1897$81.25. CHRONICLE and Wrld *2 50 a year. CIIRONICLE and Çmiiy Heraid and week- ]y Star, 81.75. a ye r. C H R O N I C L a n d1 MW r e a i n s î per annum. CHRONICLE and Toronto Morning Star.or News$'i 75 a yea r. Scotch Social. The social given by the Daughters of St. Asdrew on ?riday evening last, was well attended, and Vroved most enjoyable. An interesting musical and literary programme was rendered, ini which the following took part: Whltby orchestra, Misses P. MeOil. livray. K. Hillary, A. Stewart, K. Fraser, and B~. McClellan and Messrs. jas. Brown, Allan Adams, anâ fpo. Burns. Mrs. Geo. Ross presided at the organ and the Rev. Mr. A.braham took charge of the meeting. Re- freshments, furnished b y the mem bers of the society, were served d uring the evening. rhe receipts were considerably above the average. Grand Concert. The University Glee Club will give oné of their grand concerts in the music hall here on Monday evenirg next, under the auspices of the coliegiate institute. The -Varsity banjo, mandolin andi guitar clubs wili be present andi assist. Forty maie voices wili heip sweli the choruses. Several first ciass tenor, basso andi baritone soloists are mcem- bers of the club andi a rare treat may beçon- fdently expecteti. We have no heaitation, in saying that this will b)e the best concert.. of the season. Thtis club filhs thp pavilion at roronto whenever it hoitis a concert. Prices> have been icept down to the lowest notch. Generai admission 25c., reserveti seats3,5c. Plan at the Corner Drug Store. Wabash Montexuzna speclal. Every moraing at i11.03 this superlativeiy equipped train leaves Dearborn station, Chicaro. andi stares on her fiight toward thc land of the setting sun, arriving at St Li uis saine evening, giving passengers one' lîsur .0 view the new depot, the largest andi finest passenger station in the world. The.,U4ain hen heada due south, arriving ai Sot Springs. Ark., next morning, Texarkana noon, San Antonia.following momlïng,, and L.aredo same evening,, where direct teoxi- nection is mIatie with a tbrough train'foir tFe C.ity of Mexico. Tîme tables andi paniphlets of Mexico anti thîs great railway frour ay rairoati agent or J. A. Ricbatdlspn, C axrdiap iassenger. agent, Nl. E. cor: King antionze streets, Toronto. I Board of Education. Met Wednesday night. Resignation of Mr. Sidney Silcox science master of the coliegiate institute was reati, Mr. Fetguson noveti that it be accepteti anti the yeas anti nays were demnancled as follows: yeaw-- WREITE! W/ffTE/fFA/fl. Chrimima: $100.00 in -Prizes. Novelties -- - - --t - ,ON TUE8DAY94vi '24th, 1895#. DECY'11 'The following Pd=ze are offered for competition: Turkeys-best turkey, $z, 500; pair turkeys z, 50 5 turk,-ys, 2P I, EWcks -Bems durk ISt $I, 2fld SOC: pair duclcs i4?ZC; 3 pr dnckS 2. 1. (ieese-Best goc>se, i, s0c: pr geese i, Soe, 5 geese2, . . Cbickeis-pmi chickeos 75c, 50c; 3 j'r chicic- ens i, 5s= Collectionl of Pýoultry, one pr euch'of turkey - gees, ducks, obickens, 2. 1. Hoge-dressýed bog over 300 IbS, 2, 1 ; 3 h.;e flot over 200 Ibg eacb, 2. ir ; one do. flot over 153 2. il Sbeep-.dressod lamh 2, z; carcass rautton 2, X. Beef-fore quarter 2, z ; hind quarter 2. 1. Buter-5 Ibs butter in pounds 75c, 5oc; ro Ils do., 1, Soc; 5- lb crock 75c, Soc; ro i b crock i, 5oc. ýEntries taken tili 9 a.om. of day of Inir, when ail exhibits znust be plaoed. No ont race or ad- mission'feç& - J Rutledge, C. King, Thos Devereil sen., President. V..Pres. Chairman. 105. WHITE, Seeretary. In every d'epartanént. Trustees o~andi Ratch are the commoittee. ta ývisit tirqschQO1s uring December. Mr. Dow red a report omi the finance coannlttce rocoMrneérdi )ayment Ofraccounts âaé fohia*a : J.. Cofflicge )ccasional tcachinig, ,$12; J. IL Downey anti oô., as cal ace., 8241,80., Mrm. li*), snp- licas,855;R S. Cormack, -do. , $4, ,. Jus Reard labor, $2 ; A. -C. +Wilson, 6oc;, Win. ,lobie, carpester work, 4$84,69; iT4omasi >everai 8737Jj Bel 7ne ccmmittseIx Bcomnlended paysrent 'f ô10to- Thbàmai; Deverelin Setietbof 1- accf or the-I kafierin street fthoiol repaire, anc $It ' ta B. Warain ta settie a $17 8se 1 fôr 9s} rie report passeti. The cbafrman, Of 'the liferenît committees- were appointed t irrangc the iiÙaul financia1stàténent. Ifter sasse discussion the.board adiontiae Gik.t: Zn C irimi: great varzety for WftL Christmas. Glove and Hsndkerchief 3oxeii, frush and Comb Brushes, Jewel Cases, Manicure.Cases, etc.-in celulaid. Dreasing Cases, coller and (Juif Boxes, Card'Cae, Purses, etc.,-iu leather. Albums in all titi lateat styles. Ink Stands, Ash Trays, Fancy Whiak Holders, Card Stands, Pin Trays, Paper Enivea, an endiem. variety of ab very low prices. Datton's, aliea Tuckeà Celebrated Waenders, Bookieta and Xmna Gooýd&. Bibles-The Oxford, Pooket and Teachers' editians. Prayer Booksa a4 Hyma -Books- in great variety. 1>oetical Works, a very fine selection. The DVËyfai.uld Lang Syne and Beside tihe Banie Brier' Bush.- Miscellaneom, Booku, JUve-_ nil. Books,- Toy Boaki--Anserican and English-in great vanrety and law prices. Fancy Boxes of Fine Stationery, always an accptablêgift., Sandy Claus' for the Little- Peopi..< and Sleighs. Cirai nd-useTi StDallaet.ChildrenIz l(at ail prices. Xmas. Papors, Aunuala Almùanace. Lowest Clubbing Rts o ail papere. Inviting yaur inspection of ont laIrge and-:varied stock af XMÂS GOODS. Thankirig you ail for past favora and soliciting a.contiuuance, of -tihe same. 'W ishing you ail thre Complimenta of tiee seaàon,. MRS: BOOKi. ANJJ MUBLO STORE,. WHITBY Th h* d,ýS«tes and J Reaob, tgton, A full Une of Ties, Collars an4Cl uifs speoially for Xmas Trade. A FEW SPECIÂL EÂRGA1N8-,.n"a. 8 pair of Bra.ees fo.....$1 00 20 yds Extra Hearvy Cotton for .... $1 00 7 pa~ir of Wool Soxs for ......... O1 i pair Blankets; for .........i..10 5 pair of Boys' Mitte for ......... QO0 7 Ladies' Vests for ...........i..100 "."Ready-made Clothing Department in full swing. Boys' odd Pants only 45 cts per pair. Boys' Suits for $2.75. "(A MERRY XMAS. TO YOU ALL."y _______ANDREW M. ROSS.e ýcia11y Low Prices. 8E. WIL LISi C hem/st d Druggist, Medical Brock Street, I 1 TBY,) mmwmwmmý -ý(d -àr

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