Whitby Chronicle, 13 Dec 1895, p. 5

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'Éýby Te& sett ,rs Kettie on WroùgtIa stand, gtrn Fiah Knite and For-ke (tuaed1) 'Carving Sets, (cased,) Sterling Silver Spoons, _Coffee, Tea and Desert sizes, Sterling Silver Sugar and Fruit' Spoons, e Pearl Handled Desert Kuives, Opera Glasses, Walking Sticks, ailver mounted Clocks-Marbie, Onyx, Gilt, Clocks-Iron, Walnut, Nickel, Reading Glasses, Gold Spectacles & Eye Glass, Silver thirnbles. DIAMOND, PEARL, TURQUOISE, OPAL 4RINO6>. Barnard's, OW ciiCoulnty OrganL-Largeat Circulaà- tion of amy local papor in Canaa FRIDAY, DEC. 18e 1895. LOCAL LACONIOS. New stock Xmas art creppon siik et W. G. Walters'. New stock ladies' golf blouse in ail colors, at W. G. Walters'. For sluggish liver use Dr. Brigbt's Eng- lish Liver and Kidney Pis. Ladies' heavy ail wool shawls at excep- tionallv iow prices, at W. G. Walters'. 6 piece eolid walnut parlor suite, plush, with silk plush bands, for $32, worth $S, at W. T i 's. Auto harps. Violins, and amnali musical instruments at lowest prices for Christmas gifts at Mrs. Alluns. Get vour fire-pots, grates, iron or brick linings for ail kinds of stoves, ranges or furnaces, froni J. McIntyre. klnd lisua Tbtht col iutt tai *e Vrsi rxe Club which viii aýppear lit hinmal AuctIon saleo f'-boots, abotee nibbero 'sud avýershots, at -the west sie boot and abot stoe, every Tuesday and Prlday evening comnitncing ou Dec. z7th. Good a t auct- Ion prices évery day. .lI rural sections and places where tht achool trustee elections do tiet cone ofi siml- ultaneously wlth those for mut icip-il ctin- cils, tht annual school m~eetiiau4 .weuid fait on Christmas this year, suo we. u ppose khi' following day will be thte oe ueT for tliàt purpose. Hockey Tht juniors of tht Coilegiate have re- organized and are ready te hear.from, Junior clubs. Arthur Taylor lu the secretary. Try [t. Have you tried tht No. 2 nut ceai J. H. Downey & Ce. are selling at $450 delivered. For smali or medium ase stoves this ceai has ne equal. Varsty Oies Club Under tht auspices of the Whitby colleg- late institute the Toronto University Ge Club will give a nightse programme here iu the music hall on Monday, Dec. i6th. Csmmmeacementeorcises. The commencement exercises of the col- legiate Institute wiii be held in tht music hall this (Friday) tvening when tht certifi- cates and dIplona won by tht pupila during tht year wi be distributed. These exer- cises are held under government regulations and are free. Every parent and aIl otheru inttresttd in our schopîs shouId attend. Parmers' antitut. Meeting. We are Instructed by the Secretary of the South Ontario Farmners' institute to an- nounce a stries of meetings of tht institute te be held as folIows : at Whitby, on Tues- day, Jan. 7th; .at Oshawa, on Wednesday, Jan. 8th ; at Columbus, on Thursday, Jen. 9th. Prof. Shuttelworth, of Ontario Agricul- tural College, Guelph, sud Mr. A.* H. Pettit, of Grimsby, wili be present te adcirtss the meetings, together with tht best available local talent. Tht officiaIs cf tht institute are commencing earry in tht season, sud are looking f orward te s very prosperous sesson. Marjellous and Woaderful. Tht great and raging sale. Hurrah for Whitby, where you càn get your boots snd shees cheaper than sny place in Canada. Stop for a moment. Listen te the caîl. MAensa fine iined waterproof overuhees 98c.,. mens long rtubber boots ist quality, $;1.5. men's fine rubbtru, zut quaîity, 4,5c., ladies' fine croquet rubbers tut quahity, 25c., men's fine rubbers zst quaiity 45c., men's rubbers and steckings 75., misses' stermn rubbers rst quality, 2,5c., misses' rubbers sud stock- inga, 6.5c., chlld's rubbtrs sud stocking 6ec., men's heavy buckle rnbbers and socks, $t.5e. Compare with'other prices sud save yeur dollars by calling st M. W. Collins' New Shoe Store, East Side, Whitby. j J ' ~SilkLimen and: Fanicy ankrhesjust to had fr Gen~ts 1' Beatitiful lin. puri silk,ý largee ýize, Handkerchieà t 'ozly 600. esh euAr:860. dewar i lares, 8hirtg, Hais, Opa, ée> uwtu hiethngef;.for genitleman 8s Boys, and Girls, Grey ýP. Lamb Gas ~ T: ~,ecletvioFuir ae S<eilu.XM8dSPI".oulutê le. I>î b ,p-iresCTblpens r Blanicetso Quita etc.,a prli3s ta at be bëltt. No ig. ros itissce Store open 1103,pn.UE fT f WLOO g~ &mercw.ne u ne nrv avmoay Uignt > Mr, A. M. Allin ladsaenslb ath cre drug s-,to"te this wee , and next t week Mie Paul Gordon iwll take a permùanent slituation >Cmni Montreai- on the e ut, t ondan , t -the wegt the city and towu j aperas slg the heeuncler the auoiplces of the collegiaelà- Auctioti sale- of- boots, shoes rubbers and, overthats, at the mWest àide boat and sboe store, every Tuesday and Friday evening cammencing on Dec. i7th. Goodsa t suc. tien prices e'vet y day. Mr. P. IL. Punahon snd Mr. A. lunds vistted Whltby on Tuesdtyeveulig tio cou. tribute toa aconcert given in -teownHaill under the auspices of Ail Saits -church. Tht gentisofte former gentleman and the geulilty et tht latter ahone- out like a pair roses lu full bloou.-Vlndicstor. Far sais, Four thorobred minorca roosters, appiy to J. D. MeMillan, Whitby. Inspectiag the >$h armories. Capt. Cartwrightb of Stanley Barrockir. Toronto, adjutant ôt miitary district No.Il 1 inspected tht armÃ"ries of ithe 34th flatt. at Whitby, Oshawa and Columbus on Friday. A rarity. Mr. Barnard bas on exhibition in his well. filed show case a seven dollar bill issued by the American Congrea a few days after tht signing of the declaration of Independence i n 1776. Sole Agency THL CHRoNICLE has the sole agency for the Weekly Globe in the County of Ontario. That does not increase the Prie hokever, and we shall still oeil It with tle CanRor- icLic at $1.2,5 from now tiUl Jan. int, 1897. Sehool notes The examinations at tht model school closed yesterday. It is conceded that tht cluss just Ieaving ranks among the best, it at be not tht best that have gone through the schooi. Several have schoois while many athers prefer returnIng to tht colleglate or their respective high schools te prouecute their studies for higher grade certificates. Inspecter UMtBrien and Messru. G. Y. Smnith and jas. Underhill, members lof tht county board of examiners, have been en- gaged durlng "-the- latter part ýof tht week iu examining the-students a t thipmod#1 school. Major Farewell visited- tht exiflting hall on Thursday afrerboon and(,4lNered, on behalf cf the board ofeducation> a t nact- terestlng and valuable farewell address. WhltbyCuirling Club. Tht annual meeting of tht Whitby curling club was heid at tht Armstrong bouse on Friday night last, aud'was welattended,. Tht follawing oficers werte lected for'tht. next year: Patron and patroe'~s, Mr,, ad. Mri. Paxton; president, S. H. Graham;.- vice, Jos. Mitchell ; sec -treas.î4 J. E. Willis; chaplalu, Rev. J. H. Brougjfalli; excutive cemmîttet, Messrs. C. Smith, Wmn. Hood, Jno. Stanton, Theo. King and Sheriff Pax-' ton; ice cnmte:Wm. Hood, u. Twetdie, £. Armstrong. Sheriff Paxton snd J. E. Willis. Present prospects, point te 'a good winter's fun at tht roarlug gaine, qmd there should be a large membership. SpaofEngland diager. The to#rn lodge.S.0.O.-gaire a difner ôn Tuesday,,to cekbrate, the twentye-6st birtia- day of, the order. Twenty-otie yea4s ago, yesterdity tight. men met In s private bouse in Toranto snd ovrgnizedfor mutuai assiàt- ance ànd protecton and to declare for tht maintenance oJ£ British- institutions. To-day ever zzxooo-hÃŽve3oined: with theé eight,-,with tht motte "Fideltyl": fideliýy to.thecn- selves, te ýach other -and t1* t crownof Engîandw It is Ittle' wonder such à -pro- gramme bas drawn so many stlnrdy John Bulis tôgether. On Tuesday ôvêr onejàtin- dred ast dowu te a sunlptuously laid. tpper prepsred' by Caterer,-Newbery.. DiËtrÃŽct, Deputy E. RX. Blqw presided,.having. nq bis Run one way to-day and another way to-morrowi but there are two thingo Fashion always deindg. that-a coat inuit be a goôd- Fit, sud se<>de that the goocs nmuet b. <>1 good quality and look v.'eil. . our liueof-Ouate, Jackets- and Ospes bas nosuperiors in Whitby sud few. 1eqalsE' We know -they - s snd stylishly made sud-that the > prices are'as l oi,' as, it is possible -te sel goods of thus grade. Ooie- store aud inspectl>hings foryourself. Here are a few sanimples, msny- more for the aakingý From sPour Button Fawu Friee (Jot lc ce..... *Nigger Head Oloth',Jacket Silk VeLiiet Collar......... Short Serge Cloth Jackets, extra Lar4è" 1eevei...... Plain l3eàver Cloth' Jackets ...........50,$ 0 ALL NEW- GOODS 1H18SE SASON. 7- 50, ly 1 Golf 1vprices, 3 differellt gwye f-Capes, Black Olotk (!spes# NEXT- TO YOUR WF~. y Ur ndershit s your neuretaud warmnest friendi,-1. M,»aybe to-mlorrow, or a week iienceï when your l'IV 't=i hitand underpants *must -give wosy teheavier weight. o8,viîNe :~oFia a , whea yoï iomething.warmnnxt to yourtskin.We eagoadsgtlSitftnerart90.thteth $1 elsewhere. esi h et* n 140si fUiewa httn b utu-forthe ro.W -the genuine HeafhhBrnd at $1per garmeut. Hay<aio ine newa, 1 The s Wheels s of s Fashion~ 1 1 1

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