Whitby Chronicle, 13 Dec 1895, p. 8

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Pure Drugs, Perfumery, Toilet Requiieitieç Toilet SoapB, id il Fanoy Goode, idSpectacles, di Anything ini the Drug Line, I-S Driug Store, 'Slirnoo'St. South, (Oshawa. (t f QI rouicc. DEC. 1:31 1895. OSIIAWA PAGE OSHAWA. N i h..iiia jsulîscrib<.rs oiiayt.r js R t. 't.n3business w1h li clk N I F ,r tu i obtain extra copu A n Ume ta oI k ERogers. willdo ii l t) <al il t M. E. Nia i,,h ni,'.rad 1mad ci oîîng. If onwis anic e n chi china dînner on iva m,, t)ratiktng m ni.y china, or giass g oF: BMorgan ' , Son. It wll pv av pnt scoîteinîpiating buy- kn k îi enatnent r seding ring 10 see ih agcsok of I cl iros.,Oshawa as tr lu Y iséi Ibis tuant h t rycheap fot cash. I -titi n t <i ani nîl 4K. oniv $S. Tliey are air.ikn ngoie 'peciai allers in Gents', ands iH sgild and silver watches. S thc1 t el hn [i Brî',. F Wu\ hi k liai r totees and hat brushes au tu <i mci ihng thins s'ar. l'ou cati i t tun triti t iilamrard of \Vhiîhv who Wi k~~~~n il.astî iiittaCh Silven initiais T 1h iet or 5 rsnîak ing them de Oshawa Business Dtreotory. Mri. Tunstil, whertls gWtîýÊ4411àýùht. a piaraltîk troke iast ,ekè reached the adivauced ageof 82 *he is1ùin extremnely precaroüs coadition. Some members from Epsont pald the division a visit last Saturday nlght, Mr. Geo Ward ably aesistlng ln the pro*rmmùe. He handles thre clanionet wel sud 111 0sce f be quite a rival of bis teacher' Mr, Guire. it la now a settled thlng that ýChe new mnethodist chureh la to go on the cerner now Soccupied by the hotel. Mr. Rose lntends moving out soon and then we understand thinge will be got iready for tbe new building. Much intereet was taken ln League tbeet- ing iast Friday nighî when johà Chinarnan was pretty thoruiighly discussed. One question was flot very satlsfactorilaser ed naniely, Why does John wear a cite or pîg-tail as we cali it ? Perbape the editor codld solve the mystery. Mr. W. Wbiteford has purchased the white frame church and lot at $175. If this could be fixed into a good bouse by Xmas., he would probably be able to ret it to one of the young fellows who intend to be into housekeepiing by that time. The peace of our little village was dis- turbed one day last. week, by a figbt whicb took place between two of our citizens who are old enough and occupy positions wbich should place them above such work. 0f colirse it appears that their grlevances will neyer be made up for until someone gets hurt. Perhaps this will keep tbem quiet for a short lime. The epworth league have volunteered to raise a certain amount of mnoney to help build the new methodist church, and as one means of raising this sumn the ladies are get- ting up a quilt. We understarid that there are to be 6oo names on it. Each person wishing their name placed there le asked to give i0 cts. 10 one of those appointed bo ob- tain namnes. We think this le a very com- mendable plan and it will doubtiess prove very successful. BOWI[ANVILLE. Mn. Thos. Jeffery, Toronto, attended the funenal of his uncle, John Russe.l, lst week. Mn. Wm. Hill, formerly with Mn. C. M. Cawker, is engaged in a large butter shop in T'oro n 10. Rev. R. T. Courtice bas been tbe recipient of three presentations f rom bis people in Seymour easî andi fnîends in Campbellford tbis faaU. Miss M. Fuller and Miss B. Green of the Ontario Ladies' College, Whitby, spent Sunday with Miss Nellie Williams, Queen St. Miss Addie McDowell is taking a post gradu- ate course in elocution from Mn. Grenville P. Kleîiser, of the Conservaîory of Music, Toronto. A very pleasant evening was spent at the resi- dence of Mn. Cornelius Osborne, Front Road, \Vedne.sday, Nov. 27th. wben the Misses Osborne gave an At Home t0 about 25 of their fiende. Mrs. F. J. Manning and daugbîer Rbea have reîurned from a very enjoyable visit t0 Mrs. J A. 'Stewart at Exeter and olher friends ai London, Sîratford and Toronto. Mrs. (Rev.) T. W. jolliffe and son rettwned home to Campbeliford Morday nigbi, having spent ten days very pleasantiy wîîb ber many friends who were deiighted 10 meet ber again. The anniversary services of St. Paul's churcb wiil be held on Sunday Dec. 15, Rev. A. H. Moment, D. D., New York, who bas been travel- liîng for the las! two years on the continent and in the East, wil preacb at botb services. Dr. John Hoskin, Q. C., met with a most un- plea8ant misativenture last Wednesday in Tor- onto. Ble was in a dentist's chair, and chloro. form was given bim in order 10 facilitate the operation on bis teetb. He did not revive wben 1 C' F. R Y, barber. Siîmcoe street. mle 'd[Ittic Cwas nernoveu, and thie medicai 's lIVEV, iinoe sree, nrtb men present experienced somne difficulty in bringing bim ta. He was quite iii (nom the ~ti1haruesmmsaker, Simaoos street. t-11<cs, but undenstood 10 be now on a fair way Ni i IIFliRlLL, b)utcher, King St., West. to recovery. -Statesmnan. 1 i i tesN, Ientîst ;office over.- Rowse'risao -rt James SadIen is no better we regret 10 report. AN J1 h i1 PForinion pianos and onganm, Mrs. Newton is considerably better we are 5î--Strct. pleasedti tareport. À4 c ve.sssNterinar'. Surgeon and Dentist, Miss Lizzie Orvis is et present living witb ber R i 1 kî tr(Itte.R' t, 1)sawa, Ont. brother, our populan storekeeper. l 1î11'cNij PFA'çwN. oniton and Ontarlo In the absence of Miss McBryan Miss Flo 1 i c uvyo (i vil Engineer, Box 5î, Osh- Rodd presides ai the organ. li a Mns. Wagoner was taken iii on Sabbath and NI Khm1 AI. i1eTF I,--J C <Voeu.)n pro prietor. Dr. Moore was called. At tîmne of writxng she ljosteilrym.invnt and cornfor*tabl3, was prognessing lavorably. 1 t< Tom Lewis took anoîber load of produce ta il %11 I aurer for Itait,, Assemblier, Wed- the Toronto manket thîs week. He dlaims that ,i, - ' i'rh, etc., etc. Aiso ail kintis of market excels even \Vitby. Mark Bngnali is stili in Bowmanville. -He 1-- i oi'-'k F }mli ne of books, will return a full fledged shoemaker. We will rv s-t fans'y goods. E. F. Rogers, welcome him back ta our midst. S., t'-ret-. Mn. and Mrs. Hugb Mowbray are visiting t<.il.i'iî"s Vi ittly-0rlawa stage line. their daugbîer et Windsor, wbere they wiill ikaly I, ib-ia1wii et S a in andi 2 p m, andi remain most of the winter montbe we beer. Vit 1-N" t i, a ni and 4 p m . The nice sleighing of late bas been particnharly 1 si . ninufacturer of fine carrnages, weil utihizeti by the public. Al baving vehicles oari.. watt is, R11n alit kînds of cutters andi adaptedti t the snowy seeson have given tbemn no itlt)aliîg a speciaity. test of late. Ju U tjw)..u Itainiter andi decorator. Dealer i~4es. e'tig secoration'%, paintp, \i î:11411în<., brusets, wînmow shades, etc. '1 tI.Wioer in Stoves, fumnaces, ti.n- le'. Lango stock kept oonst.antly ou .lIîga speciaity. Simacoe street K MFRITON, lP. A. - Barrister, Solicit.or, r r Itîie, Conveyaucen, &c. Money ta t-ý-Ofie oven Dominion !Bank, irucoe ,,'r, ()s-heiwa -t. <'etAtiiatmgig puttmg on Life Insurance, W It) HI NTER, of 'I'le t'iti-d States Lile. I < r>eicic't are thie iost att-active. i'netguaranteos. E t. MAY -17eater in Grooeries. Fancy China, rekrTinware, andi Fanicy Goods. Pure lis a,îzîà1('oflees. lita ye ready made suîte a tLtcty-s'ery cheup. - i ALFA -Thp subseriber wiii be in Osh tt Af, et tie Cenitrai Hotel, iday of each -- k tr-oie-- jïto :i (eolock jpru , ta make ar- L P!)'tiSi AItilpart ies wisbing tu have sales. ihlAi1, A santtioneer. hi&nssThaie ading tailorlng tlrni silîng bouse oci(Oshawa. of-î i tweeds, worst.eds, l.it.colars, etc, always kept rtcinîakpresuad Jewelers. t'm. cttcks, jeweiery, silver- t-c Engraving, golti and 1d gold ings rmade aven. ,t j#welery repairing a -<iters andi dealers -rind bousefurniah- f tiuware. Eav-e ng doue. Pur- A stock of visit- )f'i Many attended Mn. C. Rogers wood sale on Tuesday hast. Auctioneer Poucher disposed ai the wood in bis usual gond style. Gooti prices were realized. Mr. Wice ibresheti bis claver seed a few days since. The yield was flot large buti an extra sam pIe. Mn. Wm Lynde with bis new claver mili diti the work. The insurance gossip bas -ilter a busy seasan settieti down, and we hope may remain s0 until spring camnes anound. wben il wilI no doubt receive another ventilating. j no. Rodd is making bis regular trips ta Ton- onto once eve two weeks, taking farmners pro- duce and marketing the smre, bringing home the proceeds and hending il over ta bis custarners. A teachcrs' meeting was held an Wednesday nigbî in rannection with the S. S. An entertain- ment ai same choice kind wiil be presented by and by when due and tîmeîy notice will by given. The epworth league gave an excellent pro- gramme on Monday evening hast. Robt. Mc- Aývoy, tbe wortby president, is daing much ta lurîber the interests of the league and he meets with able assistance among the members. M rs. 1Johni Banett, we regret 10 hcarn, je of late seiously ill. At one rime no bopesif ber necovery were enîentained, but chances are now in favor of ber recovery. r. R. Rogers. wbile, waiting upon ber. bad the misfortune ta fal clown seller. the dcci having beca left open by one of tbe abildi-en. No seriaus injury is antici- pated. Another strong proef cf the advisabulity of advertîsiag in THE CHRONICLE. We mlighî mention thai Peter Stephenson advertised lei this paper that a strayv horse, givibg descriptioo etc.. had sti-ayed Int bis premuses sometime ago, and wisbing the owner 10 prove property, psy ex. penses and take the same away. la a few days the owner arrived trot» ci-cmtwenty aide smt, paid expenses aud took bis bouse borée. This le only ane of iuany Instances tIrai euud be. - ferred ta whbe..e lbe property bau been reclaimed by adveutisiug in Tint CuaoNicL, The Gazette scribe lu bis hast week's items -&ped congratulation upoh imeif fer Cd -ber subscriber for tIe Gasette, » ane -orepotîdeat witb iajutilng Y=uclnojmjoeji.. seems te me a very fÃ"rtstiate Iblag for ci ibat Ire li. wfond of hutuSelf, cdg tifylng insulte. Perbapa. f indb to is lime te titis orde of buiInw îo. iII rant bisu pranxtios aboat tb.be. thr e w yrar. amd s*M>'biq sub on hie holiday tozS=mea., What athy lie Irasfor 0>. VsEo*ttcz would lke to stali , .t utt peç belahe d o s thsdy uu(%f1ê Urne onme .at. b wu cr of %. * -2 tiefty Mtf1101Oftpml - Mr, ra Trl vwattd ber sîster M4,3râtch at Pickoerng. Mr. Walter Oke Of Port Perry, la âdsùlg bis niother. Mr. and Mr.Sume Isgesaevlstlng their daughter Mm& Alber' MdiîltgofClark Mr. WIluasb-'-of Iaowoeanyille visited hlm daughtor Mrs. Jobna truU reeSntiy.' There hav..been sevenal Wedditga berej and rumor saya îh«r are seveal more. to fonlow. A numbeandd the- tea ai Ebeneter and reported a gond time and Én suMPtuous repast. Miss N'ettie Wlutberldge, nýf Toronto, la visiting ai her fétbere W4r lohn, Wlherirlge's Base line. Mrs. Charles L. VanCamp bas returned to b ome oril Omaha ciîy, after a pleasabb visit witb ber parents and frletds hmi. SUTIGA Miss Anale Christie bas, returned from a Our entorprising carpenter, Mr. John Horn,, went to the city on. Monday last to enjoy.a. ,well earned holiday. The ïmosl valuabie article, for sale about here 'mat now le stanuding tfimber. At Mr. Brown'ls sale last weêk It- Wentat Sioo per Mr" J wIgfIrenihfsarented the Miss NÃ"ikàiWl- b à runt occupled by Mr. Tennyson. lui btenda rnovlng here in the spring. The methodiet people here, have decided on baving their usual tea on Christmas even- ing, which from the preparations that are be. ing set forth, wiii meet with an unusuai suc- A few of the children here, are affected with the measies, wbich resembles a bad cold with much fever;- there being no dan- ger if they are dosed well with bot drinks andipreven ted from taking coide. »NFIELD. Mr. Arnold has moved int Mr. Millson's vacant bouse. Mr. J. Ormiston jr. had bis fi nger bruised by tbe turnip pulper. The band is talking about giving a grand concert the first week in lanuary. Mr. W. Arnold and farnily have taken up their abod2 in the cottage es of the ohurch. The epworth league has fully organîzed and is now in a fair way for succesaful winter meetings. Mr. Benjamin Powell is ont to Port Perry taking care of bis brother George wbo is very l0w. Mr. D. Tramner bas a temporary residence in Mr. Powell's bouse until he can rebuit on bis lot which he wishes 10, do in the spring. The contes! in the division is gaining interest. The sisters we hear have great hopes of winning the fight for auperior abihity. As usual Enfield was bléssed last week with the beaviest snow storm of any where witbin miles about, the roads in places being blocked. Our teacher will bold a public examination in the scbool on this Friday afiernoon. The par- ents wili al îurn >oft-o see their cbiIdiée* success. Steps are being taken 10 organize the Sons of England bere. There is enough men of the nîght kind 10 have a very successful society in ibis place. Vîitors-Miss Gibson of Hampton ; Miss Giftoid of Bowrnan ville; Miss Mary Wotten bas Zone t0 Columbus 10 visit relatives; Mr. Thos. Hall intends 10 stan lao England this week. We are sorry t,bave to say that Mrm. R Oampbell is not improving in health. Afier being confined to ber bed for fourteen weeks ht will be nothing short of a miracle if she is restor- ed to bealth; We îhink Mr. Editor that the correapordence from Ibis place of late bas been a liiUle lardy, and as your valuabie paper bas more subscribers from bere than any other paper we wiîl endeavor ta take up the pen and from week -to week record the newvs in an honesî and impartial way Mn. and Mrs. Tapp lefi Tuesday morning for Rochester where îhey will spend tihe winter, and returfi in the spring. We aIl will miss tbe aged couple as îhey are among the oldesi settlers and very seldorn leave tbcir ho-noe ven for a short time. Their warm hearts have made many friends ESM Master E~. Earc.hman is stili following hie art studies. Mr. C. Asling has been re-engaged as teacher for ig896 at Epsom publice chool. TIre superannu3tion fund came before thre members of our churcli recenthy- At sonie near date we may discuss the matter, mies Sina Savage intends holding au ex- amination and concert in connection. wÃŽth the Bethesda public school. Theafair*lî-' be Ireld at an early date. TIrat platform for thre choir itaanot beeü attended ta yet. We wonder. where tIre managing cammittee in titis matter are, and when they are going to act. Mr. John Claughton Iras been the vicétini of another faîl, titis time down a CillarIhe result je that Mr. Claughton possesses. a lese dignified etep titan usual. What about thre by-law to abolish statute labor in Reach ? We do not Irear it being taked of, sud it je to be voted on at thre be ginning of thre year. Blind vaters are a nuisance 10 society. TIre hall question seems to be reacting. Thtis should not be as there je bath need and advsutage in thre sciteme. When you ~ut your Irand to thre plongh do flot turn ack. Thre contest in thre S. of T. Iras cîased, Jas. Ackney's side winning bY 43,5 marks. A new and different kind of conteat le pro- posed, i. e.. su individual contest among thre married men in thre society. "Variety is tIre spice of tife." when looking for. UIT. ZION. Dressmaking. Miss S. Ward has started dressmnaking at the residence of Mr. W. F. Jones, and will be glad to receive and execute ail orders there at very moderate rates. CLAR.EMONT. To THE PUBLIC.-We are informned that otherj ,newspapera are offering 10 supply the Weekly Globe in clubs with their j-urnals. Al parties are hereby notified that we bold the sole agency for the coun-ty of Ontario for the Weekly Globe. Any person can verify this by wniting to the Globe, Toronto. Our canvassers will be around in good time. and those who want the best paper and the best prices can have both through us. We shah take @teps 10 prevent the filling of orders for the Weekly Globe except through us. Henderson & Graham, publishers of the CHRONICLE. .XeaeMe Xrtoffng The Xcellcnce of My Xceptionally Xquisite Xmas. Xhibits, as I don't Xtort Xorbitant Xces Thereby Xhausting or Xterminating Your Xchequer,J For Low Prices Prevails at JEWELRY STORE, Eiug St. West, North Side. (YOBHAWA. «- TRE' ARCADE. FUI? CAPES.F atld Bee8 -, 1 'Wrought Steel $ 000 1116 cotilcil met Monday. 'A, com- mt*ncatiQft wM res1cý front Josiah Pal- Smer te Modson; frcrn Eby re account; fr tJ. F.1 grewell, Q m.,r 4an on Iî ase Unte.- Mr. - Grierson moved that the report of 'th irnniittee to.eurchaàe Cédar be accepted and that kree grant his order on the treasurer lun favor of the committee for the sum of $8 for their services.- Carried. Mr. Grierson moves that the reeve grant his order on the treasurer in favor of James Lenton, Geo. W. Walt, and Thos. Po, r- riman each for $i, and Wm. Baltyxftp- $2 refund of dog tax. Carried. Meà Guy moved that thie reeve grant."iill,- order on the treasurer in favor of j'lh McKenzie for the sum of $8, being54 value of one sheep and i lamb kiLléd by dogs; also in favor of jas. Mountjoy for the sum of $6, being 5/j value of i sheep and lamb killed by dogs. Car- ried. Mr. Henry introduced and car- ried through a by-law to appoint deputy returning officers and polling booths for holding municipal elections for this municipality for the year 1896. Mr. Stocks introduced and carried through a by-lawto appropriate the înterest ac- cruing from the municipal loan fund to the schools and union schools of this municipality. Mr. Grierson moved that the reeve grant his order on the treasurer for the following :-Mrs. John Dingle, relief of J. Abrams, $5. 5o; jas. Hobbs, indigent, $3; Mary McCarthy, $3; Mrs. Burgoyne $3. Roads and bridges: James Trevail, $9. 15; John Luke $2.80; Robt. Sinclair $6.85; jas. Ross $4.9o; jas. Jenkins $6.85; G. 1B. Mothersill $7.30; George Allun $2.5o; H Robins $6; Angle & Ellens $6. 1 o; John Bray $1.86; H. Reesor$ r. 6o; jas. Stocks, jr.' $7; J. O'Boyle $8.68; Jas. McNally $7;-,jas. Crowell $i. 5o; Thos. Slap $1.5 The council then ad- journed fo meet December 16th -ut i p. M. WM. PUPVES, Clerk. -FROM- $P5.5O to $25.OO. Railway and 8team8hip Agenclee have been transferred to tbe 0511 WA RAIL WA Y CO., whose offices are a few doors south of hie former place of business, where he will be prepared to supply ahl required Railway and Steam- ship Tickets at rates guaranteed to be as low as the lowest. The best steamship lines on the Atlantic are represented. Special railway rates are gîven in con- nection with Steerage and Irnermediate Tickets. Thirough Railway Tickets are soid to all points in the United States and Canada, including the Canadian Northwest. Baggage is checked through from Oshawa to ail points. Passengers for the United States may have their baggage examnined in Toronto, thus saving any inconvenience at the AUl informafion cheerfully given. For tickets and aIl information cali and se-W. P. STERICKER,- at Railway Ticket Office, Thomas' block, Oshawa. R. C. CARTER, Agt., OSHAWA. Nov. I4th, 189,5. We have always a general and varied stock to select fromi-latest designs and finishes. Prices right. 0 Uncteftaking department fully stock- ed, and embalniing according to latest methods. Picture frami:ing proniptlv and satis- factorily done. L uke Bros, Oghawa, W<1Jt4-The greates ther#(etm *lato inÉow where tu ge bestTEAfStr in~5toney - JAPAN -TEA-We hbvié >114 purcha"y fromn a wholeaale Tea }Iouse, 25pcj' âiges of ie Japa*t Tes at very close figures. It fi equal là quallty to and' 50c. Tea on the markct to day. We aré offeri g Ic attheety lo0w price of This perlb.an exlletbn. or $1and Thta àa an rele -t rgln. Cila, g e a atButdtr it. ,Egg and othèr. farm produce, for which we I Beaton's OPPOSITE POST -OFFICE, CLARKE & DYER.' INSURANGE AND COM- MISSION A GENC}'. Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada, wbich is to-day unquestionably the Leading Life Company.' Canada Accident and Employers' Liability Corporation ot-London. Eng. Among the Fire and Plate Glass Companies we handie the Lancashire, Guardian, Mercantile and Hand-in-Hand. Aid Savings and Loan Co., Toronto. OFFICE just north of the Western Bank, 0 0 OBHAWA .e0q A LETTR LOSI OUT 0F YOUR ALPHAm 2 If you do not bny your ,Sébfflà -fes from us. We carry the'largee -.êrt- ment of HigIr and Public ehool -ȟoks and echool supplies in the -connDty. We invite every echolar to, inepect our Scribbling and Exercise book. We bave thQ bet Unes inA'-he market. We head il -howest prices.- RQGER8' BOOK gTORE. 'One door nortb aofP Office, OSHAWA, - -~ ONTARIO. The Corner Shoe --Store, Qiw. BIRIGHT-PATTERN CA.RPET 8LI-PPR1*SB-Men'i3 38elaie' O ehilds 25c. WOOL LINBD R-UBBEBRS-AII ahàpïes and,'ies. FIRST QIJÂLITY OVERSHOE B-Buckle, Meu's $121J Boys' 95c. Youths 80oc; Buttlon, Ladies' $1.25 ; Misses' $10;(hild&- 90e GERMAN FELT- BOOTS, (Walkerton make) Men's half-faoed t2' Men's grain artic $2.75; Men's foxed laeed *boots ( $1.50. XMÂS8 SBLIPPERS-Leather, PlûÊjh, (Jarpet and Feit, yi gret Vlldety. OYERGITBS.-Iktdies' 35c., 55c. and 750. RTJBER8 &-BOCKS Boys' (1 to »;YOutIIB (11 to 18) ; Men's (6 to 12), li the popular styles, and a 0J01o asortment of Heavy Boots and Fine Sunday weui. The saine small-price to everybody.-____._ Jgt~i~* ~OSHAWA, vootpAt the main 4 Corners. r Aloo his GOAL OIL 'ad GAS STOVES (t Lt (C St <t Iyley's OSiiAWA, ý S. CLARKE. E. DYER. Li Five Salesmen on Saturday nights. - Grocer, 10ahawa, Ontar

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