Whitby Chronicle, 20 Dec 1895, p. 2

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i., - -'r .4, :1 9 u . K.»'.Kepp i e MEN 0F SCIENCEU AVERS ar?;L A MEDIClNIE WJTIIOUT AN EQýUAL. Sttitiacit of a WVelI Knowu Doctor A ". Sîr1siapai tolît .511eqIl I l t!i t -r ni Sprîîg nediel: e,:; -1I pI.~ i-avî'ae enotigli. 1 have wiîLcl i trt,t;! , mai~~ (f naavnl, andi have be-u:1 ii t Cier-odîs. No other hlou 1 II : 1 iN .e ver uised, and I have i .1 "i . t, thmougli ln ILs action, .1 vperrntnjent curvs aq i )ý 4,Lt~a*. .Dr. Il. F. MERI{ILL, Atîgii.t:L, Ne. Ayes ySa rsa parillia Adrnitted at the WorId'a Pair. A Ver's 1ills for lirer aid bowels. QORRESPONDENQE The first bicycle wwth ice attaohment mnade iLs appearance on Kant street last evening and wus mounted by Mr. R. Morgari. Lt 18 the usual, bike, with epiked wheel a.nd a runner in front, and geLs over the ground with great speed. In the county court yosterday a ver- dict was gi'ven for $200 and coste ini the case of Mimne vs. Howry & Son, for in- juries received in the laLer's mil at Fenelon Faits. Lt is now the beginning of 'the most proliific time forraffles, and although thie mee»'no of disposing of goodai i. fot uane- 'luid by Iaw, it is stili indulged ini. orything in connection witb a raffle 18 i.L1 ss Elisa Cooper, daugbter of Jci r, met with a puinful accident tE day, having sipped and bad] .ed one of ber ankies. The youi Mi. ily -fMay De contunea to the house for 801ne Limue. The Warden'a spread .On Thursday evening, Nov. 28th, Mr. Johu Chambers, the popular reeve of Fenelon and warden of the couaty of Victoria, entertaned the memnbers of tho -County council at an oyster supper at the Royal hotel restaurant. Ne0w Cathollo oemetery The Roman Oatbolic people in the Lindsay district are to have a fl8w cerne- tery for the burial of their dead. The mater bas been talked over for somae years pust, everyone interested feeling that the old burying ground, located to the west of the town, wae becomaing over- crowded, being too cireumscribed in ex- tent to admit of any improvernent. Au agreement bas been closed witb Mr. Peter TulIy for 23 acres of his beautiful- v Iooated farm, sputb of the to#n, on the F;cugog riçer. At a rf«'eenL prayer meeting in Truro a good Griti prayed that God wonld -cause tile i,;*. party tio bang ogether, where-. upou. a pions Tory present shout.d "iAmen!1 Amen !" This led the grit brother te makes the following amend- ment te bis prayer, "'Net, O Lord, in the sense that- our tory brother means, but ini the spirit of accord and conoord,"' "Any cord wiI do, Lord, any cord wil do," interposed the tor y. Tbe pastor im- medîately made a rule that hereaftor politice sbould be kept out cof the prayer meetings. -'adIa.n fat sheop at New York 1 1000 offered as premiume for fat' tbe Madison Square Gardon wYork, the Ontario breedere 1)45. Lneluded in this were take prîzes. This is a wc>n. and speaks volumes for "tonia ceunty was r.- "îirview flock of Mr. divile. Five firée., and a hgl awarded ith ered. IMany -round at 8 -on t ~srwuuMÃŽ, JumsMOÃŽ4 ss E lizabetl Fand -Ma. Ovorend, o.1r. H hùnM ji an.und Min -0;;y1, Mn. iud 1fr Tics Boche. Mn. (Ovenend was lovng ite andklnd- ceiglibor and th, syrupth o ti.'vole oonmunty so tedto4 b reevd-husbund and twi emoZ ochildrîn in thie their sd bereave ment. tel in Se hi er w bl Ahi he ai 'F ri jlt ii bl bl 'nd eu oi M Ah Io eh ah ou ail bc t'i BiE Ba li I i E i :1 I b t' town on the liame of having Commilttei aoniù" oelal& oa t. dàt. ofwaclàl aU4tic av n u1894. Tii.'war. ron t wai ss18114, bMaiovra Prker of '*aslowimm.bdiaateyutter the amri" hud bien effotsd I spector Murruy vais inforgnd cf'tii fhoL and lie commuflicat. id with Oounty <rown Attorney a t Whitby adviaîuag hum ofthtei cirdéumetunces and utating "ht Dr. Francejrbeing a witneus for the. Orowu in the cases cf the. Qusen a.ainti Alger. - àrtcDpand Brown and a possible witnui in other cases yet empinding vas in this country under protection. IL is un4.nstood thut Dr. Francey having bien gven a pl.dge of freedom whule in lbDminion in hi. character as a vituesfor Lb. orown yl not b. prosecuted on any uther charge net connected witli the insuraulce cases in Pickering township in whicii ho pluyed se promninent a part. The Doctor wau brouglit biere a magistrate on Sutur- day and vas releaed un. instructions fromn the Attorney Ceeneral becaueee had been guaranteed fruedom tram urriat. The Crown bolde that vbile in tii coun- try under thbe circumst.ances ho cannot ho proeiecuted. -TitiBuNu. Quien va. Bzauler. On Friday evening the 29th inat. semeofle entered the barn belonging Luo Mr. Wmn. Rush and- retieved hilm ut some oats, Mr. Rush on going to the barni next mnorning notioed a mnan's print in the tresh anow that had talion during the evening and aise, the marks ut a Lwo wbeeled vebicle ho thon came to Baltantrae and secured the services of Detective Hoaly and ho at once cern- menced on bis traok utwas rather aid cf course and the night perluden had made severals culis on bie jeurney whicb made iL somewbat difficuit for Mn. Hestey ta follow but ho stuck to, it like a biood- hound down tho luko road te the ninth1 lino Up tb. nintih lino ta Church lil1i thence by way of Lb. sidoroud te Bal- luntrue moaunring bis foot-pnnts w-bere . oven they vere visible. T heyton ce- 8 cuned a soareli w-rrent ta sourch Hiram t Staiey's bouse and promises but no oat.s nor stolen guods von t ound. Tien Mr. f, Healey lud M r. Bush that ho bad plînty fi ot ovidence Lu conviot Hiram cof Lb. tiief t and induoed him, no Mr. Rush mid to avoir eut a warrant and have Hiram arrested.-<(no doubt Mr. Hoaley thought thut h. had vent to a loti ot trouble for nothing and uni.. tihelle w-aua arresti tibere vonld be nothing îi for him.) Hiram waarreited on Sunday the. fireI mst. and appoared befone Jhaston and f( Roach, J. P's., at Ballantrae 'on Monday uftornoon and tihero 'wasnuo vidonco whateven La convicti Hirm, and lho vas honorably aoquittéd îvith somo good advico fer tho futur.-FREEi PRESS. U Atherley counoil B. T. of T., elecoi their offioerslaut Friday eveclng for tbi enouIrtLtern as follows: 0. IL Byam S. 0.; lopis a phet, V. 0.; J. Laànigan P. 0.; A. J. Gaddie, Chap.; Lettae Black B. S.; Emma Byam, F. S.; R. Taylor, Treas.; B. M. Âlleweli, Herald; Lo"i Prophet, Guard; F. Duffett, Sentinel: Truste«., W. H 'Whitney, one year; 0' B. Byam, Lwo years; W. Prophet, thre< years. The counil paseed. a resointion giigthe trustees aubbority to rent the halliiiin future for any purpose tbey thinli proper. The. active members of the council are beginning preparations for a grand entertainment in January. The methodiat aunday sohool teachers and acholars are preparing for a good ime on Christmae evening. B ey, W. R. Barker will preaoh the Sunday school anniversary sermon on Snnday, Dec. 219t, in Atherley churcli. On Friday evening a social in aid of the methodiet church was held at Mr. aeo. Whitney's. The night was fine and the eileigbing good, and before nine 01'clock the house w... crowded, eleigh Loade ooming from Orillia, Uptererove and Fairvalley. The music wag the very fneet, sud garnes and other amusementl were indulged in until a very late hour, when ail returned homie after spending an enjoyable ime. Mies Julia- Mahoney, of Lozigford, 8Inent Part of lait week with ber cousins, tLeMisesMahoney. Mr. Hlank Anderson was home *for a few houris aturday, but went northli gain in the evenlng. MÂELA Mr. Neil R. McDonaid sold oneî of hie icrses to Mr. Glover, cf Couche Bay. Mr. Louis Dudenhoffer, carMpntef, bas gone to Mr. Doyle's, of Pa'rvalley, -t breot a wood obed. Mr. Philipe, of Orillia, i.s inking -a well !r Mr. Jas. Smiith. Mr. Dan MoDonald is bney hauling rood from Sebright, Pigidulley mille. Mr. Findlay MoLean had a bee hauling rood from, Rama. rDc It0 *ter tisi -hom and thie sto G.9 -Tho terri arut y I osluawa ont* Ca Oedby - Inflammatory Cure Wiy 4oo'e Ssa- Parilla. A -perfect, - wuntej', On U farci neur ie»kc. ZOWUV5 $hdis 4, ierIfellwithi s"1*q14. WmI, Ma ckaày$ 3r., Who lives n ol0- ~~~~~~~Se In n aev.eyhr. ffi rghton Ave., York township, and, Who Ili thigli *as broken in twoplaces and botli ýpkwlàed 0uilty to the charec edn >( tuko:en s bdwrtst nue o inoeg ofbené Ue4b -gi h s g, hen brought 'v rokn n b4t tht lirs iioes f Ã"neupbefore a miagistrate laut week, ap- d 1rtue. -A1hhogh a turdy Ïïiobuàane peare d Tuesday afternoon beforeMg ~. M.Bhsr ihve -aliard pull o istrate'John'Rich ardeo'n and FP Ellis at S. acocuit of bie ugo, Wbiol ig is iO rany the Court House, Torno aigbe aleaîndvLs ltd p. previously reranded.. Another infor- c- BSfur mation,. charging bum with continuing o0 IaDYofour readers are nodonlitmak- this disgraceful, practice, was, laid 5. ing JýMîosatfons to.,éhbitat b Xmas againet him bj Constable J. L. Tids.. mur et'<4fr beo on ?riday Of next week, berry lby ordet of the, Çrown. He DecSotli2 liPrses Are uas 'good as pleadecl hot guilty to the second usual ,andihere Mb. a lot of boyers in, charge., Both cases wereé adjourned 4 attendunoe. 01w1,8,Lu the -kw prities titi Monday next. Mackay was order- e that bu.ve prèvail0 d recontly for poultry ed by the Crown flot to kilt or sel! any iL wutd . unlsê o prdiotbig'pru"e, cf bis hogs titi they have been examin- butin Us hik h -uerpaudpedo ed and fed for a certain time on proper gettn s hgliprleê uas the #tatie cf the food. ,markets ut that t4me rnay allow. 'Lot ail o reneaber that the clean tidy way in 000. aske'. deaU. whiob produce is brought te rnarket ha5 Yesterday Coroner Doberty issued *always somotihing tic do with the_ prîcea bis warrant' fox an inquest -to inquire BW. hopie tesee a great big fair.-Journal: inte the cause of the death o f Geo. 2 uee.ava.s.akr. Haacke, who <ied at the Wellington B t will b. remembered Liait tibia cati e lhe cause s daacerfid b c ame up befote our Police Magistrats in Thé aueofing physican, Dr iierb the, early part of the entamer. iti wasth tedigpycanDrFehle, upn aunformatîcioid wbio on. Qowan were peritonits. What lead to the in- Bake was compain nt a d Weley quest being held was, thap, on W ednes.. i aker and Michael Baker, jr., were de da afen o ofas w ek¶ e ec se 1fendants" They were obarged witih ut quarrelled with tax collector Rueben ting down apple tries which were claimed Lunau in the F-'anklin bouse bar andi bY the comPlainunt as bis property. T. called him somne filthy names and the1 W. Chapple was counsel fer the cern- latter jumped on' the bar and kicked1 plainant and F. N. Raines counsel for the Haiacke in the face and jumping down defendants. The latter couneel oontenâ aise struck hina with bis fist. Haacke sd that une cf the defendants waa the was taken ili that sanie evening andc dwner of the property upun whiob the put te bed at the Wellington and Dr. apple tros grew, and since tisi was dis- Fuerbeller called in, but his-~skill was cf puted by Lb. complainant, there thon no aval. Haacke is a well known arose a valid and houa4 fide dispute ais'L famer and resided with . bis famuily on thetiLe o th ladin question, and thut lot 21 in the 7th con.,Markhaxn. thoner.Lb.Polce Magistras bd fno Fromn what the Economiuit scribe ctuld turidibjction But Bis Wunshipo trrultdegean from eye wltnesses tic the Frantk- mhe obeand avejdn roie d te try t the lie.n bouse k does flot appear that Luàau',ý cas an gae udgentugatut L.- e.can te connected with Haacke'sdet fendante for the priesot -thé trseà, pepalty. et an.d coit0U Muntang te about *120., The as tbey unite an eaying that h. Xtid flot defudats omaol t oce aveyeralkick or strike HIaacke on thé bodya notice that he intended to m> ugnsiai. Jgowe#er, the witnsses, J s p te co;lvictons bu iowihsunin ~Gleasofl, Jos. Torrance, John P o Pli«àlawmt orere th icst Chartes 'Ackney and4Wi. Mlswl to e b. paid forthwftlî, which ., < oué-give their evidence before the jury this The cae cam-up in -the HRigli court 71afternoon.-conomist. Justice, Torou"to, and" n order w", granted for a *rit cf oertffioate *oi *î ilim er Oi, la6" ftn il, th&. cas. from tbe.Polio. Maistrat. toc the usys tibat he-UsedAyoesHum Viguor for neanly- %hig-Court. The long;-uuimmsrv-ucauie iv. vous* and owss to It hie splendid bafr, et intervenedudthe imai motim ~for-tib hio b.JUstly prend. ML tibsrd, order Lu quw s i i . o o b>n'v io n OW y .Ott lin o t è tybi e e r , u d dew il up befors two Higb Court jhtd ts cf t hékn wullue Wfo m ting ty- i . N ertbwn 'i est . Divisional <3oUrt lait week and9é: the rder yon,,ai heNrhws' wai gran o , quashing thbe con it n Gold-4iledt.ethbvel o o a E y ti with fnlt cete againet ithý complaia ' ,tome, f fle tçpouuteury 1.C and ' w ,i t.at any order for pr t" i n t T s . h a b e n o e i p r a t d s c e pu sback Withinù w o weeks tii. coit e r , invention Of Eàe1j,1 'i LLI euze k s ba tcmelledehe fdefendanri ; t'O pà wwyyi> otI'ress#'bevuefit t ery. hlm t Lb tueof tt'.. trial before- î.Oàrypeuàlv g Times. PROSPEUS "But evil la wrougbt by vant oet tougli z As wîll as vaut of heurt." The A DVeRT1ISERS Bjy vauat-ut bougbt mothers tilow daujubters FR~l88 Lu bewoc rail and puuy. Over.istudy in girlsFO audueu utonine, diordera and weaikuomýse#., sd blghfts tb.fî futuÃŽre .bappmàess as i Sad MORNING, SUJDYAD OMR lnothens. Joined toc preper bygieANDue, Dr Pisces ivo~ie Prscipto l'apnie s ne- CIAL (EVENING5) EDITiONS.* = Z 81 no l m n e, a s u b cn i n e o m for conètables.

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