Whitby Chronicle, 20 Dec 1895, p. 3

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A' 0 'î'MQW1*. of U:brid.à, theoust ci>Mr. aâdi4Mr.Jo Hgeon: of 141aac &Il at rOent. Ur. and' Mnr. T. , O. edgiskhintu91 Stmooe Lodge have beea u iin frionde 1!oroato for t'*0pat frtight rejurn- borne onsaturdayý evenieg lest.- *.JHolmes hm' hed spmie nov seas put ini the front of his store a decided improvoment ou the éatt1ered windows tho'e before. tJboZAL Humphrey is out again. r. Brown, our. worthy blacexith, ie g up soeineine cutters. Our tJown has been quite lively of late due to good sleighing. The hill in front of the blackemith shop has been the source of a good deai of . amnuament during the paut week. Young and'old eeem to enjoy themselvea by siiding down it with their hand- aleiglis. The elasa of young con verts are, pro- gresaing aicely under the direction and help of Mises Hattie LePard. Great credit is due to Miss Lepard for the work h le las undertaken and the int.erest she es in the olass. It is to be hoped that-wany of the littie ones m~al grow up ij& t4 fear and love of the Lord. Mýne-Gcitie LePard, cf Lapeer, Mich. is spendingsa few weeke with lier brother and eister bore. Mr. R. Skinnjer moved into hie new house iast week. Mr. Waines bas rnoved into town, .occupying the bouse belonging to Mr. Brethour the latter having rnoved into hie new bouse acrose the way. PICEERINO. Mrs. Paxton and Mrs. Eastwood spent a few days this week with friends in Whitby. A., Mahler and jas. Gordon went out shootin te other day, the former re- turning at eventide witb'a fine fox over bis shoulder. Mri. Medca.lf, of Whievale, açm panîied by Misses Tbornton and Beéare, called on a number of Pickering friends Tuesday evening. Last week we ventured to predict thre -snow would ail have disappeared within, a week- That propbesy bas flot been f nlfillcd, much to the satisfaction of ail our people. Tbis only convince.s us that we are somewhat of a succesmn thre weatber business. Prof. Wiggins ~could not have done an~ bett.er. Geo..Peart, whoas orçonsiderable * tine held an important position report- ing for the Toronto World, lias been appointed city editor of thre Chatham Banner at a good salary. We are glad to record tihe particulars of George's succes. as we doeflot for a moment ]ose sight of the fact that he is one of Pickering's sons; but as a ule our vourng people tumfi out well in aiter lite even if we have no skating rmnk or roller-coaster. Geo. Dunlop, of Geenwood, called on us the other day to inforrn- the edi- tor that he was thre person refemred to as 1'1Lan ky Bob" iiq a .ement letter from Greenwood. Hc. aiso' desired to tell *us that if we did flot cease mentioning his name there would be spots on the moon, and that a number of stars would be removed f rom the milky way. He had an idea he couid do ail this without the assistance of a step-ladder. *A proclamation has been issued cal- Jing upon the electors of Pickering township to assemble at the township *hall, Broughamn, on Monday, Dec. 3o, for thre purpose of nominating' candi- dates for the counicil of 1896. Tire presepit nembers wili offer theniselves for re-eieçtion, but we have not heard of anything definite as to the opposi- ton. Unlike those id othermunici- ities aspirants in tis townsip are sally very quiet until flominatioh day. ntact those who should know say th-at is quietness is ominousof mucir ex- * toment on nomination day tis year. Elij'ahl W. Bostwick died at bis resi.. ncKing street east, on' Sunday' omning under very melanclioly circuni- nces. Deceased -was in hie 86tir rand until bis deatir was higirly, re-, cted by a1lý boti oid and young. e bas been a resident of tis place or at least foty years. Upon >oming bere he settled on tie farta now, owned by Mme. John Andrew, where he,continiuaiî1y resided until a few years ago, when ire retired and erected the dwelling in which lie breathed iris ls Sunday-morning. For some days prior to his decease the old gentleman d been sufferlng fromnwant of sleep. This coupled with hie old age rendered- him weak, in" boti body and mind. He leaves a wldo*r azd growd upý family of~ ten cijdren who have tIýê sympathp ý,f al.irn thcir doubly &ad bereavement. r >11gt:'drop doi6-fi an:* 4 -Tells how lbc ov«çamecý rorathe INgorsalhromlwh. That a sou*id mnd4 in a sound -bo4 is one of the best and g faee iftesof, a kind providence no one will deny, Mankind in ail ages have sought w o b- tain the elixir of life, have hunted for some means of proionging health, vigor and vitality-have in fact hoped that they miglit find 118oée blithe wine Or brigbî elizir peerleas tbey cootid drink And so bjecome immort&L" But whiie man can hardly hope to attain that coveted prize this side of the eternal world, yet it evident to al who give the subject any consideration that modern science, skill and educa- tion in the treatment of the ills that flesh is heir to, have worked wonders in restoring the original body to its original 1 form divine," and in reiieving many sufferers from untold misery, bringing tbem back to bealth and hap- piness, and giving them a feeling that life is indeed wortb living. A case in point, in our own town, having reached the ears of a reporter of the Chronicle the scribe determined to satisfy his curiosity by calling on the party who had had such a havpy experience and tue,"-, ." «BuWiy at Work. " investigate for himself. He called at the boot and shoe sbop of Mm. John Toull, King street west, and on enter- ing thre building tbe reporter found , Father Touil," as he is fgrmilarly known in town, busily at -work on a pair of shoe for one of bis many cus- tomers, at tire sanie ime humnming over to himself tire tune of a cherisired hymu, for by tire way, in iris younger days Mr. Touli was considered a good local preacher among tire Methodists of tins section and frequently filled the pulpits of some of our local churches in tire pastom'js absence, and ire stili loves to sing, preacir or expostulate on corne scipture theme or favorite hymn. Tire reporter was cordially received, and on making known iris business, tire old mau's countenance brightened and iris eyes spamkled wîtir delight. It was interesting to note tire fervency with, whicir ie volunteereçi, as ire said for tire sake of liumanîty, to tell wirat ire could of iris case, and WC will let it.be toid in iris own yards. He 'said: "-For xwenty years 1I ;was, subject to heart trouble and oouid get no relief, altiougi I tried almost ever>ýtiing that kind friends recommended to me. My famîily physician would sometimes give me some medicine tirat wouid irelp rue for a short time, but without perman-; ent benefit. He told me I migit drop dead at any momefit, a.nd I tell you I expected to do so on amy occasions. 1 irad ireard of Dr. Williams' Pink ?UIs when -they fimet camne- <qt but 1 had used so- many emedies tirat I just about, lost faitb in evemything of that kind, and had become resigned to my fate.I However, 1 came ina contact witir 80 many tirat irad used Pink Pilla, and whé. assured me tiat tbey iad beecubenefit,- tod by their use, 4hat at lms I !decided to give tirem a trial aso,-and. everal yeams agzo 1 commeçnccd taking theu. 1 I continued tiroir use iintil I hgataýken eigiri boxes, and I am' now'hdppy wý say that I have -never ba4 a symptom of the disease sincée, and I1arn convino. ed tihat by tire blessing eof God, -Pinkl Pille cured me., I - ight also say tiret last fall 1 vas, attclced with rheùrna, tiai,i whicb bcaime :ba Ih 1coùld soerely lk % rou ix, y ,wor. ptr bouse, anrd fôr a loýng, tîme I could not_ get ôut to chute». ,I ,tied a nuub, ofthiegs >to'omned - to ne, but re-- ceived nô good,'IrÃ"m thieifte a ir te Vmysclon4ayt f 1 leaIIsdid'sixï $o0 e»20 or, otmvhart ,S. Corbet: i. tw'th ý4Iex. Moon f> the winter months, 'G. Lidgett, of$Musk oka, le s i ng at- James Lidge:: e James Harrisi of Vxbridge, vlsîed- his parents Over'Sunday. George Dunlop bas. engaged ln the, services of CaPt. J P. Rowe.t Miss Bertha Sanderson, of Bro g- ham, lias engaged with Mrs. E. Gice Son. William Haney, of Columbus, ïs' spending a few days with- friendsa ln Greenkood. A ioad.-9f our-younig folks journeyed tq Atha the other evening and had a pleasant ime. Thos. Law, of Pickering, is helping bis brother here tlirough the rush of horseshoeing now being doue. Messrs. N. and B. Brignali have ad- vertised their stock for sale, intending to move wo Dakota in the spring. Wesley Porter and W. J. Devitt spent iast week in Thorold, visiting the Queenston cernent works and taking in Niagara Falls. .James Hoar badiy fractured his leg whule engaged in moving some ma-. chiery in F. L. Green's miii last week. We are pleased to state it is doing nicely now. Last week one of Thomas Madden's cows feul to thre bottom of a well some 30 feet, in which was considerable water. The poor beast managed to keep afloat until assistance arrived and with ropes managed wo get her out alive. 4 - - . Mi" Birdie Pénlard, Oiswe, lias beon viuaiting b,,er iesMr*8 Plad uister Mrs Henderson, Bowmanville. Bemember, the pasorks leetffl, iit- Monday' 8V5UïnBp kWJOCTI à bii-> osophy c f - ocrei- Mis .Ferreil É a pu reed Mr J, T Welb's residence. MIr WmiMn u bnahsmoved mb tiith Hodson hom ed A greet day in 'ryrone vil b.OChrist- mes. Famous. talent WUll'ontribute to tire S. cf T. elitertiment lun the Sons'. Hall, Olristas ie 1%t-iss M. Thomp- son, elocutionâ id - edDlsrtesa of ,Tr- outo ; Mr <J Eeret "Brown, Wst Dur- bsm's riing ,, baiitone; 'Mr Fed l W Ruthrerford , voceat Snd hn -osentr tamner. Girl>' 25e, cildren li. Doorp openat 7.&>, cioceta sto>elock. Eey body corne sdejo>'"etreet. MIr. L. T. Courtiosto~vshm aonday. Mr.,Geo. IMilIson,>lt en» iie friends horsreoently. MIr. Bilas Haumkoclcad 3r. B, Osborne MIr. Samn Trickbas movèd o7O 1w.. Mr. L. -M. ouoe #sueýjài4 . %mn council lu est #ac . À.8aTe lmsen hosdn a, 4émèeg M Aà heW2fl. Our"ub Hender8on Gahm 'I Joints, mmatoa'y 'd'e ara tn rfeommetd' i afflictrd vrtth inpaniled wlth get up stairs and( ktièes. 1i having red 111a, I deter-. lozen bottioe Mus. G. Â Saparilla. promptly and 2k. y I w~s OUIID cf rbetuùtie goul ~RD'8 LINIMENT. Uslif.x. ingt 'v. $oei&1~ d~ -t "~oe~e twiN..n~t ImteftStOftI VA. '4. A Sandey school t iv&dispoae ander nighofdakt» ~MuterHrry T -lee erett of infimmitoyrlemeis.,0 Kennedy visite&ýMfiexdalPicrugst week. Mis Rosa Barker is home Mr. HL W. DVolé , la hom o oia Visitors;'M.Qo nce Truo m1ia Gei Lesol à1bus ;m&x ) K~ennedy Gardn elU . Miss E n& Xeo4y hairoi rn d om ~'IÂ,Dw~. 2.- ".dre* Q3G > lot 27, 3rd cpu, 01, Whitby9 v fer 10 acresof har7oo and 10, 80Mesofoder by, public- eu#iou oL - r dy, D1 - 2 h,, - -01o3i 1ai6ace lt., Ti.ilb~s nt lot 1ii âth coftW>hitby tWlub1ip wîil éUb2uloentes2 ne of hftwoÃ"d in,, half ar ton fTusdy, Jâ. 27th. '-L. Praàà1j' ~NMsAJr<. IL -ale of landeet Blackstoek, on Wedneidë, Ji.1 MIRE. or- sug mbmd w"h gE N e 'ION. 00 â earsi 'S 'c R ?IEND ADA. Ire re.. e 815 Litby.

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