Whitby Chronicle, 20 Dec 1895, p. 5

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0~' Toby Te&. Set, Brus Kettie on Wrought Iron 'Sand, Fish Knife and Fork, (oased,) Carving Sets, (caeed,) Sterling Silver Spoons, Ooffee, Tea and DeBert sizes, Sterling Silver Sugar and Frait Spoons, Pearli1Handled Desert Knives, Opera Glasses, Walking Sticks, silver mounted Clocks-Marble, Onyx, Gilt, Oiok-Iron, Walnut, Nickel, Reading Gla.sses, Gold Spectacles & Eye Glases, Silver thiruble8. TURQUOISE, OPAL_____ Barnard's, tion of MWj local paper la Canada. 1895. FRIDÂY, DEC. 209 LOOÂL LÂCONIOS. Mild weather this week. A Merry Christms to ail 1 Whitby winter fait neit Tuesday. lFor sluggish liver use Dr. Brlght's Eug- lish Livor sud Kiducy Pille. 6 piece oud walnaut parlor suite, pluah, witb .11k plush bauds, for $32, wotth $45, at W. 1111'.. Mns. Angus McKay,., of Indian Head, N. W. TV, daughter of Dt. Gunu, la bore visit- ing ber relatives. Mrn.,McKay, of New York city, daughter of Mr. M. Grithu, 1. ber. to speud her holi- days with her parents. The etectrlc ligbt -bas becu minus for.a (ew days wbllst a pew sud much more powerful engine wae being put lu at the works. A actioneer Chas. Scott drew a good crowd at his firai performance at M. Colline' boot and shoe store ou Tuesdsy night. The sales were satisfactory, sud very fair pulces real,, ized. Mr. and Mr. jas. Lawnle, of Morris, Mani- itoba., the latter a daughter of Mr. Tbose. Devereil, sen., are visiti ng tbeir friend e be.. Mr. Launie went to Manitoba fifleen yeara' ago, and bas been a most succestl fariner, there. He lives 40 tuiles south of Winnipeg, near the Red River, and reporte that theî SLawrie's have had a contiuued run of good -crops ever since going te Manitoba. The wheat crop there this year was imne running from 40 to 6o bushels par. acre. Mr. Lawrie is a stalwart Greenwayite, but says there is far m-*re tislk fere about Mani- toba schools than in the piairie province. The best Anthracite coal. Nut, stove, egg, $475 No. 2 nut. $4; ut yard. J. H. Downey &Co., opposite pont office. Sole Agency THL, CHRONICLE has the sole agency for the Weekly Globe in the County of Ontario. That does flot incu-tase the prive, hovever, and we shall stil uell it with the CruRoui- ICLE at $1. 2 from now till Jan. lut, 1897. Entertalument aud Xmas tree. An entertainmnent will b. held iD the Separate school on Friday evening, Dec. 2oth inst, at 7.3Ã" P. im. Christmnas tree in connection witî it. Parents and others interested iu tbe scbool are cordilly iuvited to attend. (3ood Advlce to Sensible People is travel via Csuadlate Pacifie~ Ry. for Christmas and New Vear'e.hlid~.fc îl rates for ail. Single first-c as arte, going Dec. 24th and 2,%. retuming Dec 26th, 1895; goingz Dec 3rst and Jasu zut, returulug Jan 2nd, 1896. Single ffrst-class fare sud one-third. goiug Dec. 218t te 2g5h sud goi.ug Dec a8th to <au zut, returning untîliJ" 7th, x896. Special rates for students sud 4each- ers. Single first-class fart sud one-thurd, going Dec. I3th'to 24th, returuiug untiJan' x3th, 1896. (Studentesud teachers nuet, surrender certificate signed by ricipal.) These rates apply te aTi tations-Fort Wil.- liarn, Sauît Ste Marie, Detroit aud east, sud on connecting uines. If the C.PU.agent bas not given you a Christunas card, ask for one. n. I. Blow, agent, Whitby, Ont. Pay your amail debti Since THIE CHKRoNICLEiu its lest issue urged the paymeuut of asU sorte cf unal accounte lunorrtg"'put, uoney lu circular tion, the ides has gene thxourh the ctiytý 1li ke wildfie, sud nov v o tce it is* coi- uxeuted ,upen lu the daily przssPuhsd hundreds of miles a""Y. A- reat uay have core-i ne uud Wdpal4 ipzzêzS La_.4 te- newed subsr!ptlons, satlnug that 814-r»~ gestioq hsd > ponpted theé=. -We coud mention suansfitance wiur kpald lu tluls way vent trgth !1;e l= 'oe da t1dle week, thus paylng $t5 in àcouple of 90=es Pieuty cf g hae ve the uueney in their pockets vi Iwhielu thuy ! t I s sume, bt they appé 1 r±o t" matters eau b afloived te staud ,Wear te yeàr aud-tluuaa maug wh*ep buu44wà,As' in sm;aiiamu =tai left isa4e4for=9 Wnui. Black,1 * Joet 1f1.e% t cordon honsé, Pickering, eet lu town tufs week. Gtty~rlre-pots; grates, 1ren o* ri finhgrai l kmnda orf steveo., rangpm àu fur Ilfri ,,.me4nim il Ch»s. Bell, Who caMe homec- frei ûlofoný to a short tinue a"gio lt uerhat, Jes-nale, to be around ho havlng taken wôrse On Sunday isat. Dr. Henry Bright'$ Eng14b Ltv and Kldney ?llls,- are noW belng tnmirdced 1t- Canada. Can b.had of ail de&lwîsLa nune4J. cie. Mr. C A Conner bas pu; cha5ied hie- ow~n bankrupt stock at a perceIîîage on tue doi. lar. He bas been under the weather thîs week, but will opeti business agaln è'0 Sat., urday or Monday nëxt. Some good frlend lInINew York sent lm a copy of luat Sunday's New Ytork Heraid, ar Issue Of 72 pages, about one-third Of wbtch. i. printed iu colors. It was probably the beet Issue ever made of a Sunday newsPeel and we tbank Our unknown tflend or the favor. c., 6o.,ý Lined Ily for Hol1 for Xmas. et home., Eugland. Scotland î Ireland, .Brttiih Co-, lumbis, Manitoba.- Califorulii; ail Unltedý States sud Canadian points. auywhere,' everywhere,. boat, ,rail or-ocean. Uaeu guaranteed rlght. Tbrough tickets, m' Pickering, Toronto, Myrtle, Brookliu sud Whitby. Set E. Stephensou, Whitby,, b..- fore travelling and get choice of routes sud 10 bestoceau steamship hues. Set Stephen- sou, Wbitby. 'Twil psy yen. Chronicle clubs. CHRONICLE to Jan. lut, 1897. Su. CHRONICLE and weekly Globe te jan .zst., CHIRoNICLIL sud weejcly mail te J'an. Ist, t8397 $1.25. CRONicLE and Werld tz 5o a yer. CHRONICLE suad family Herald sud Weekà ly Star, O815. B ar CHRONICLE and Montreal Witness 41.6o per anui. CiiONicLE snd Toronto Morning Star or News *$r7-;S yeor A Great odton- A marvellousiy* great-paper la Uthe analty Herald sdWeekiy Staroôf Montrea. i l a uewspaper a mnagaine, a stockbreedeis'. jounual aruers' oucyclopsédia. s. dairy- itnsus guide, a,'bousebold com'anlot.. -Tôe mucb Csunot b. as4iur Wl&fthêPaeeIý, I GOtJNTE te;.c Bau stff t "hesanie salaie» .leads te the, *0PloiOn that It 15 thè é&ordwbh-is uselesoi Anud net the ttaChers Whou e putations ha~ve beenleopardijsesonet dlessly., , Mrï Wuu; PField-- tom nesi, -Fert Doldge, Iow a ' lu nt*>Wn on t-Sarddy lu comseur wlth hilbrébedjerge, of.Pkkerig we iaw»te Iowa over twenty-live years %and sdbas grown up witb thte Mwe$ le bas clone-welI, and- makes tbf. visit teý hi. uati eland a frut of his prasperlt'IlH baste hilne atuinp and o6dfsied an btùdl'è g av avenplceto, dean -fields and new-agle-effiices. During bis 'resi- dence of twenty fveYears In the thuited States Mr. Fleid as l'.earned t* thlnk and talk Ilike al thi Americans, and as a resmlt he tbink"the only habible part of Uicglobe is'Uncle Smsdîuls At Whitby, on Sunday, December I5th r84s, Heuy Harvey, aged 7o years ancs o Egga arebhlg Make your hens lay by feedlng crushed ôyter abelle, to b. had at W. H. Newbery, Auctioa S&is of Boots and Shoos, RuëJ$irs and overshoes at the west side boot ' td shoe store every 'uesday aud l -, day evening. Speclisal ie Tiuesday, Dec. 24t11, Bt 2 P. M. C. Scott, atuctioneer. Correspadats Waated. If there are any places where the C«Ro1*- Icx.C a m no represented by' good wrlters w. wouldbogtiad te have soi reliable persn volunteer for the -.posiojuW. still have rooni for wrlterm *hi) eau ndilungood uews- items and personals. The puplis ef the senior departuent cf the Hl*nry St. school.gave, a llterryentértain- ment on'Prlday afternoon, durlng which If lu Lotta Westlake toad au addrs te W. H. ýGroeuwéôodand zMauter --. Chester Taunblyn -rresed hum with- a haudacune volume of Shakespeare. Mr, - Greenwood: mnade- a repense un hi. nsaa neat style grief addresses were made by Mesurs. r. Halitit, W. Lawton and Principal- Brown. Mr. Greenwood wilI resune his studios at Ujniversity College aterXmas. vacation. A av"od mans retalned Ma¶"r W F. Cowan ha. been prevaled poDythe Oshawa town coundil te stand for nuayor for the*,slxth year *in, succession. The people of eut euterprislng sister t»wa revgnîe ' god aWe' worth, andtýîellu the advantage of hisservicS. Iong as pos- sible. Iu tht. town a nman, may-dlspiay the, hlghest ability and fidellty in -the town>s service, but at thet ouud of the year aù > deunagogmue nuay set Up aast hinm suà ~~ ~1m uu front huete bouge,. gé i for thet votes of thoqe he has served se wefasd eveén at 'tla,tor bestet n ~et de(eated m=Ore than halfýtlue tur.It '19 easy to set -why this town and Oshawa'oc- cupytheir respective positions of import-, ance tht greansd raglng, sale. lHumra- for VWhtby, where yen cp:,get your hPoots and shoee, cheaper than any plac'tutCanada. Sto fo amoxnent. ListQen 'te the ecaU7, Me&lhe'llned Vïýterproo.f oversb., p89, men'a 100~Rnhber bnots -ist noaifrv . .'~~~'Sll, irenand ýFancéy rànlouhiefs just 3etw1~u1lin pur su, lag..à,i à ~hioIs atoI drerTioai Oellars, 5hfrtàýfê, Ou 'apieôté,.,iotn l3y' u Irlol Grey.14bO8é5,$ 75 ~g~ei $ëee thelLX&8daly eoffl utbaerMêi.bg Blinke~, uita, tc. et pri ed hute an'L hýa -4t~ Stoe oen ill9.3, pm. ~V8TQ E WLI mil~ S 1~~' u~a WELA~T Shail I buyfor the -&n,, 1 .Ro-a Gift fo r wifo, daughter or swi a~n4uuefuf? f c~-IE1~ - E ,no'~c It is with deep regret w. chronicle thé death of Wm. Stunson, jr.. au old Whitby boy whlch took place at St. Mary. on Sat- urday, Dec. 14th, after a week's illnes. with' pueumonua. Deceased wasiluhisiUoth yeia and le aves a wîfe and uai l family to mourut' his los. W. extend our synupathy to the- sorrowing eues. The regular fortnightiy meeting of the. Y. M. t.C. A. was held in the Highland club room on Wednesday evenlng. rat vice-] pres., Win. Pringle, presiding. The pro- gramme consisted off 6v. minute speeches' by Messrs Pflngle, Juo. Grahamn, Lawreue Jackson, Arnold and M. Collina, .Mr..j B D>ow and Robt Mlletr aiso delivecidShort addresses. Meeting closed wlth tht a"usuàl cheers. Thue club wiii meet agan on the second Wednesday in January. Thanklng you for your kmud patronage for the past year w. ask a continuac of -the saine and wlahing ail a very happy Christ- su ad prosperous new year beg leave te Say w. bave n0w got ln ail our Christus purchases cf cholce goods, coua!sting of -the very cholceet creanu of every varlety nuado. They are tee numerous to list. Cali and e our stock of mixed sud other candi.. ie of the very beu and complet. ilu ail kluds of our owu make. Brown, plnk sud white sugar sticks, the samin ubull. oye.. Taffy, plain brewvn, Almond, cocoanut, wîdlnut, pea nut, and'mnaple creain hb' the pound. lu cakes we, bave iu case daïly, angel cakei waluut, alomnd, cocoanut. lunch, per ond qponige, lady fingera, fruit cake, man kndseof tes cakes, fresh bune, stons, sunali tea 10sf, fresh cakes sud bread dally. Leave vont order for cakes for Xmas aud New Veauste b. b.d and oruamented, don. witb despatch. D. MKrUifsoNi, Whitby.- Varslty TWO Stop h W.Alan Sadier. For sale at Mrm WhbY's ulterfat lu-1 another columnu we priat the prize list of Whitby's wlnter fair. which speaks for ItseILf The show will b. a great oee $4-3 ",Iseran*"s Ceai!' E», It Blow will seffi Scrauten ceai a aton a0hlscoal phud at the harbor( t- ëd 'quantity) outil aft*r New YVears. fiRce. oppoute'CUaOXcr*, Wluitby, Ont. --A w. paper, s-lau aunseta te tht ewspeprbUlmessc Dominion àtbighly satsfaý acribers, Who llud it one 0 c ýment. that returu limons. subecrIber. - Thre commencement exeri legite listtute ver. e don last and vere attesded bya The chair vasýa sud on the ph iue su ,eLy,-of TcroeDtun bard feduçtoppind Tr dint -àI $h1 00 ' 00 1 00 45 Cts amum- nasA ,Jewel nd Cuif i istest au, Pin attons,9 s-The )Oks in Juve- ad low mmrages ighs et tos Mor same.6

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