Whitby Chronicle, 27 Dec 1895, p. 2

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Resuit of a Neglected CoId. DISEASED LUNO$ Which DootorPUed W Kulpq CURED 6V TAKINC AYFR' qýS Cherry R Pectoral.9 'Icontracted à severe cold, whlch setIed on ,uY lui..sa.nd 1 d1d what Is olten don. lnju ý s es (USneglected i1t.thinkin ltwould go s It < iLcaniv;but I folilie, attera lin!e "htile, that the sllghwýst exertion pairied me. I Mein Consulted a Doctor %vhi tund. on ixajnl nlng my ]unis, that the 'nipe part of tho left one was badlyaffected. 1 u1ve nie sorne medîcîne whlch 1 took as <i1« i td. l'tt hdld not seeni to do any goodI. Y r :ýa teIN» 1 happened to read lni Ay(,I-,, Anrc !the effect that Ayer's Cherry l'toril liai on otherq, and 1 deterrnlned to ,%'( t a triali. Atter taklng afew doses riîy trotible %vas releved, and befrI 1had fin- 1ksh (d tthe ottU. 1 was ured.'.-Â. LzirL.a, Nvatcrnlaker, Orangevîlle, Ont. Ayeî's cherry Pectoral Htghent wards ut Word' a&r. iver'a PUIs Cure Indigeatkrn. OORRESPONDENCE Star & #11lais Nrdcii V. R: Jones suit on.st'ump>lug ,coatrêt Dîë. Dtaas to the. Metez4j hchilwwork 4-been d'one,-. u ientt esetvd. Jai. 6,C110oghi or4en aN4»" F. Paierson foi ySones Qalloway V,,Whitby, Hed>e Fence CÇo. Suit for 2 monthu 1alaryat $ - er month Dfscn teuded tatPli«. had douent aw rk and tried to show that i wu' a&.3 inîth: contract and that it had expred Nov. Ist 1894, PUt. Prodced contract which was for 12 montbs. Thé Sec- Treas. of the Co. swore that Galloway had refused to sign a 3 inuthi comtume notwitbstanding that the Co. hadorder cd hlm (Sec-Treas) to take a 3 inths contract. They did not finally refuse to pay Galloway his salary any longer until Nov. 3rd. Pitif sent dowu a small order in Nov. and ou this the held that Galloway should receive one rnonths psy fromn the Co. with the rigbt if advised to proceed against John Burns, the Sec-Treas., persoualy for remainder- of dlaim. T. W. Chapple for Pitif. and Theo. A. McGillivray for defendants H Jones v. W. H. Bryant. Claim on a note made by Mrs. Sollitt deceased and Bryant for $5o. Defence was that Bryant was flot of age when he signed the note. The mother of the defendant swore that B. was born if, july 1873. The note was signed in April 1894 On cross examination it was shown that Bryant had been married over a year. A certîficate of the date of the wedding was porduced plaintiff's contention being that he must have made an affidavit that he was 21 years of age or he couldn't have got married. Not only that but the fact of him being narried misled the plaintiff. The miother settled the matter by producing the farnily bible. Judgement for de- fendant. -Journal. OEECRRYWOOD. -0:-:0- Geo. Davidson sold one of his fine ZEP]f YEL.horses at Markhamn. ZEPRYR.Muddyditch, drowdingzguide, Parson Mýr. Wrn Reid, who was sufferinig Moore, woe betide. from an attack of blood -poison îng, 'i - Frank Laughlin is visiting withi 8lowly recoverinv.1 redintecya psn. Mfisé. Laura Defoe, of Utica, is visiting fredar te sciyt sa esent.. at lier brotiier's, Mr. J. J Defoe. HWdesare sorry ht nsa tht Mrs Tiie leiczhing wlitob we have bad of Hoesi omwatidsosda late is wakîugclucuigs ively in the peet lumber businetss. Mr. JeseOook ha8 Miss Mary Wood bas returned fromn several gangs of meni cuttiug and skidding visting with her sister in Mount AI- logs. ft was ithouight he had a larg, bert. stock in 'ast yen r, but he parposes this R. Davidson is on the sick list at vear to far exceed it. Jesse is a bustier present. We hope to soon see hlmn The. basket social ilu aid of tihe Ternper around again. ance So ciety was a grand sucoe@8. An Thos. Songly departed iast week' for intere8Ling programme was rqPiAQlhl~ I nd ten Mr. . J.Kt,,ýr indy acep hs hme endinoi'ritihe shed but flot much vool. None d tn t heshome in Michîan, ter h d been there upon any days im- cd n vicatio0 to prt-side 's auctjoneer mediately proceeding the ire, Hutt be- Mr. Miller bas been vijiting bis sis eý think the Society were fortunate in A. J. Ailison tias retnrned home igvr ayuo htpit twstr r.Jh oe o 88(lUilnngavery halynuponatha. point.dIt ras MtnrtoMasanJohneRosenforôt1neeppsâst ek 816 r« sc aet rts roed r m aio a an p a s9ig'wn after six before the case 'wvas given to The boys who came oit from i,< $l.terms of the prosperous state of affairs the jury which rcturned to. court, after camps to vote on tweiftb returned o1 EPSOM. in that province. nearly two bours discussion and report- Monday <o their work once more. Tioconcert tu be beld. in counection Peter Cober has disposed of bis ed that tbey could flot agree, This Mr. josepb Nicholson vas callec Wiltli olir celuJ)rance Society is cornîng thresbing machine to J. Annan, of Dun- was not satisfactory <o> His Honor wbo away suddeniy onaccount of the illnesu Off to tunorrow righ't (Friday). TL. barton, and having purchased a fanm in sent themn back to reconsider the case. of bis mothier, - wbo is visiting -,her frielidI from Greonbank are to rendt-r Michigan wil remove there in tbe Another hour sufficed to bring the daugbter in the tow nship of Haldi. their excellent drama entitled tieiIl"Last spring. minority into lineand a verdict of ac- mand. Lot \Ne know thus play i. excellent, John Johnson,,who bas resided bere quittai was presented.-Tribune. A flock of wîld géese - ere- seen lasi ilavuug Seen it, and would advise ail who for a number of years, left last week to PICKERING Sunday evenirý,g, whicb is a rare-th-ing car, w go and enjoy the good programme visit bis home in the old country. Johnfo hstiefteyar Llhat lias beon prepared. Davidson. accompanied bim. They in- Tuesday evening, vas a very eventfuîfr bstieo tey ar T ilta concert and examination tend returning in March. <une at the residence of Mrs. James Mr. Steele la aàble <o bç around once wull be lie l in tlhe Betheeda sehool w .Tyoj. a eundhm Richardson, base Uine east, wben ber -more, after theaccident, at the railroad hîoli>. NMiss Sina Savage, the. teachrfrm visTaylorwtb bis .retnd hm daugbter Miss Enim"a, and Mr. E.' crosslng near' OrilHla fo.vstn ihhssister atJroug- Lewis, of Nwakt ceukdh lias [ceen nt sone pains to train tbe ham. Nwakt-wr ttdi sci)olairs, and thie ratepayers sbould turn wedlock accordiug to the regulations wetert .S.etuteakl4 EMan d Lggs.'for ont te lioar the entertilnment We are sorry <o miss the smilitIg of the Friends, sociéty. The, cere- One., soinetluing uew lias been sredate face of Miss Biakiey, wbo bas returned morny wsopleted in the presence of "God gavï"-no mes,- but'tho d4ivî1 senit us Betloesda ep-wortlî iearue. A isories of to ber home in Bendale, after spenïding a number offriends, ,includinig- ail te Sook 18"là arite gayitiPo u4coîg idebtte itsto he rlâtve oodnss f nerlytwoyear inour îdetfaut eatiug snd'ove!eaîinigt comOR Ba vbobe rA 01 del tes as e lie rel tiv g odn ss f n ar y t o y ars in our mid t.brothers suan trs o f th e bridg, w it.l ci io a -indige8tioa8 dyspeptia, bil nan . , iltl'îeretut Bible cluaracters are being held EEZCIEI. the exception oUMs McTaggart, of atàrh teoaôh,, heatiac,distes n (o n ot onwutlî the above society Tomeinr evc edj h Chicago. After' , partaking ýof a w'ed. and thle like. Gi aloo Rave ni, sTbrainy me.," t %veuk M oses and Joshua being <hie methodist church 8nnday evecuug vas ding repuat the' happys .twain boarded c6eho ,oo»>daive GWnMdcl»s uers selectcd. Wm. Veitch as largely attended an a ooletin the 8.22 p.m I rain at Whîtby for the lir m vere&t;og snd bad blood . Dd'>-iere, of uatu ~onîL sdecfMoesprve <ietaken for the. cause* west. Th.ey carry with.tèni<o ew- ut1 , eu fu shd t i MisoerY,» supuxiiîrity of ibat great law-giver, inlugtemn vstn i ô» market the- wish of ail> for a long, »e ij t scirairy n * e mnor, iýii sPite of blue strong argument advauced Amn h au iiosintv éde'in' suhll' îû rrytnois~ ir&v bv Captuîin Arthunr Camp lin in favor of Thtireday last-wero M. H. H. Oo.ok, j58 app n rsprulf. ar uCiet sand aact~ntmrt Joshn. A dbate l a ike nature wilMea nsd Measra. Joe and John -Bolton ' Baàïks, who -resides -neair live Lt -innigorÉàts eé 'le, bate u be bell on the firat Monday evening in MoDenznott, of Toronto; 1 W, J. ýSmith, Whitby, loaded u ~swgnWde-bcd~dt~s January under the supervision of Mis@ !WubJh MDnl c ldsay, day mornting* and ac'maie ybs hi ftor .. ' Mdary Page anti Miss Laura Campîjo. J. J. BSrker'.0f Orilla. s on, started for this Vlat get so 'me dncldeiI d- $r auenm ~ Thle characters in the. noua debate will Jas. Boyle ha. rentod hie fa n sd cbopping donc. . When descendiug, of psat 0l» n@ n tà be St. John and St. Paul. There is one taken up a residence in tho villae.ý Brad1ley's hill awhiffletreë- boit droppe< " I'.I ,ood feature in connection witbib is-Miss Gouway spet a*vekvsmn ntadtehres srtit. The 'Sv tyle of debate and that is <bat it noces- frieuds ln! the village, occupants were!>tlitown,,but o! "he itates the atudy of the. Bible. Mie Prinoas ruîï nf waÊon.. The animal cx)nirotin T Ãœ. -Whi ý of flt. w"';eound.d from . entre, sIrée a ine <swud 17swe4 NanyMoonsnI wnd byH.L Clark, Toronto. The. 1 id be0i-I "' in 806 "Ã"3i,tigWhou th, lr aw ls gwuç on êgat, erivmi of :ihë hrind<e te hord.ý fyÏiagdiacovoeYWa MMda. ofthe, cburt.d st4iirà of o *4I;ioy Ti, 14- eini "Mwt4f"m thé aptt~t by Coroue Dohenty suaterMard Ï&loD Wd the lo, coeils la te. own hall. Au f a~uas Wfl. tilol st cprtioulars cf wfebwil b.giveri nit we.k > Thi 14 vuirtfiw aedae.gd0. 1 etnto taniner. cither can or wouict e-tic WU rto 4obusineus ou suçliprinciples. T most'intelligent explaziatiow of f transactiOn h that lu was dou,'in, orc to .protéetthe'-chattels' agalnst oth other credktorsthus making both pt sonsparticip.antS to a fiaud. The ca *as âlsmissed wlth costs.- Geoige W. Graham aud Alexand Grahami of Aurora were arraigned the sessions oUôday norng ou charge of conspirhnz to defraud ti Queeu's Insurance C. of $400 by pu ting iu a fransdulent dlaim. The bie ory the case goes back to thc time the Aurora fires, of whicb there wei two-one ou july 24, thc other on Au i9. Both occured iu the G. T. E freight shed which was destroyed b the second fire. In outliniu'g th case to the jury, Crown Attorney Dc wart stated the fires were incendiai the shed beiug isolated sud there beiri no possible manner by which fire couli occur from any other source. Befor the July fire the accused who usei part of freight shed for storage put poses had a quantity o wool in th, freight shed. During July tbey mad, a sale to William Leadley, of Toronto It almost cleared out their stock an't previous to the fire on Aug 19 the, made no other sale or shipmenti After the fire they put in a laim to thi Queen's Insurance Co. for a stock o wbeat, oats and wool destroyed statinq that they had lost some 2,66i1 .pourzd, of wool. The Crown dlaims that thert was no such quantity and that takinî advantage of the fire they put ine frandulent dlaim. According to tht Crown Attorneys statement of the casi the dlaim put in gave the names, date, and details of the purchaset of thc various quantities wool which ,went tc rnake Up the 2,66 1 pounds. 'f his de. tailed statement was made Up froma passbook which gave no nanMes, He .urther said that the people namec say they did flot seil the wool as stated by the Grahams and that the state- ment is a fraudulent one. Crown Attorney Dewart is representing the .rown, B B Osier Q. C., appears for Geo, W. Graham and County Solicitor CC. Robinson for Alex. Graham. W. A. Hutt, Albert S. Burton and Oliver CTiliman ail testified the fact thatý UXERIDGE. Creamery. Messrs Kinsey and Stouffer of Stoufi- ville were in town Tuesday on bî..si- ness in C<nnection with the establisbing of ai branch here of the Stoufiville creanierv. A large separator will be placed 'here and the cream sbipped <o the ('rearnery. This is perbaps a saler plant-i tan b)uilding a creamery here. Leg broken. Mr. Alex Keitb of Reach came <o town the night of the election to bear the resuit. Returning home to Mr. IJohnistoru's farm he unhitchedthe borse and was driving it <o the stable when fie lpd on an icy spot and broke bis r iglut Ieg between the ankle and knee. A brokuen leg is flot always a serious matter but Mr. Keith bas unfortunate- ly has tLis 11mb broken in the sanie place before. Eivision court. Judge Dartocîl had a full days work here on Tuesd-ey, there being tuwety- seven defended suits and 9 judgne nt summons. The following were thie most important ca"d ; Higgins'v John- 1 ston.-John Higgins had a iudgmen't1 against r Joënstoo f Uxbidge lown.. shlp and garuusbeed' a coutvacqçtba vas engaged on for tbê. Johi.ton îhereýipon quit work.a 'uo. Ir ;t ~~.Your assistauo n church anid $urndaylscIloIwork.> bas been very 'Ãœiuch appreclated. -Your sc Inter- course. with, us bahmbeen of the m'Ost ,pleasat character. YUr ambition to to- attain to larger knowledge which .=Y lu turn be placéd at the dis- posai Of your fellows to relleve pain and nkeifmoeendurable will, together wth the other qualities which have 80 endeared YOU: 1tO us, be an example to jour pupils ai;d friends. Your future will be -the subject Of our solicitude'and MAS vcry buit hopes. Please accept this canand locket as a reminder of theAfeTad regard iu which you are held .by al Who -knew you here. Sigucd onu e- Owd0 hall of Union School Section. Hattie 1 isw Mi McCüllough, Eva Carruthers. Signeà dshvwla. on behaif of Almonds Sunday School, tfie 1 Jbar ben d. J. Mackie, Supt. III>.lJw88 Ilà bed George HoaUrneBIboldn.uechn SundayFwi&, frie'nds here. E. Jackson bas begun work in the lower grist miii for the winter. Newt. Brignail is in Toronto atte- ing a school for the cure of stammer- ing. May he bave success. P. Teefy beId a very successful raffle last week. Between the fowl that vas won and stolen, Mr. Teefy bas got rid of nearly ail]bis hlock. i Quite a nuniber from here attended the funeral of the 1l-ate, Mrs. Rainiey, Pickering, on Saturday. Mrs. Raiueyr was wcll known and highly respccted throughout Greenwood. The kmine Menit 0f Hood's Saruiparilla vinis f ieride wtherever It ie fairly and honeotly Wred To bave per fect health, you muet have pure blood, *ad *the bout way to bave pure blood i Ce taesoodSo 8or- sapar lot, t butbl o prfuor and mtronh b a nld er. L t oex p l ft a 11 ta nt 1 nero f la, à t ' ;rbeum and ail other humoro, ud t thesae ime builda up the wbele syuteM. Hood'a Pll are -pr-3mpt and efficiet. c, C ol. P rio r Ë î e- rpau o t P é ï W b a cepîaof <tie office of Gontroiler et mInmnd Revenue. 9fretors of Da Tuomas, onrj~~1 Du Ov beiug sold la, iumense qszte throghoutu the Dominion, it is webqoand te the uuffering iuvahjd everyvbere wi tb emotions oif delighî,becanse it bMnihes Pain sud gins instant rende. ThIs vsluable speçIfio for ta- aiost "every idl <ba tIe,,h labeir to.," li@v4,ued by -the auffier as more precious than gold. It ix the elixir of life ta au My a vaeied trame. L'o Lb. fariner it la indispensable, and it uhould be in every bouse. Sanuel GOunpers vaS 81POWedpresident of the A.mnericant Pedetigon of -labor on S4tùrda APale Ior se Ompeon May- be v.' '~~'n oo Bs l e n ' ! e ae liay 'e L îv e r L 6z ëu 'es . ' dealers for aelling cigarettýes ta minore. Worms cause feverlaesa, e moing aud rfeslesnese drlg léep., Mother GFraves' Worm Exteenminstor la pleasant. suire, aud t fectui. 'If y-ainr driagaa bas noueinto, Rut hlm to Procurait for you. ti 4* refbefor tie. Igotso battis tbatnl 4 ~IMlt~~I8~7 ~p. ~ Hoodo PUIS eas7~tsoUon. Bob Th e I n-PROSPECTUS. A DVERTLS- R INISlUNDAY AND .COMMER- ÇTAL (EvÉrio IITOS - .9 a; &IM&4 f.Duu Â&4"8$ @peut Sunday in Covu1 01V Election day pauO>d off very quietlywe bore. Some cf the voterg a sve did ae ot The momnbéesof!'thé 1"e-e'nfi the sacned Reart iiinietz wuS, Audrev's ch urchhwbve Parbaed 'a new ai Iibrary, aud psrtiesw 0g-t&k booép home may procure thom 8S"yigin ~> aud Wodueua .for 4 P. ,%obwe T the feeu are OConDte pper76 r wowê den abuse tii. oused b ii he Dunean M*Nai,,rMn %ý= O lui of Che village, W 4ib. Ft h log brokeun viii.ué nfii - t lust. en lou gsve e n f A t' er.- eauCm. 1(e.biÏ,n Ov'btmlpt. 1 On turdb lton f p p.inn ciienOn thed sy àtofeoreomion citisena hi e eron othe ore Jaui whetn oy pamed W rture i"oa frlong and peino a lls.er rtune, sfe alon sud ptu ful iJlohsTi. eoneadvai borv. 18, John., a d ondlandf ieio Nheoee f84,milia s i& ount on o Ch.oldesC amn ieées uhtlorseute oolon&ry, Âwogenbi pn&eceaors vos the peaceo tthyoe rsl snHieerk o! th. peae @oft ih.oloey Himesray boad e rev apont y fNor amdlie Bay sud ator recivnas vory fi h r anirs! edu ofun bh ubi a Laedeu Ch. printon ffcof- dC. b l'bli egeuncews.e tho U.n'on dunodby is uni oleeh. l big tHour Woutn, fth whio ho servon biTCet Jon DAfterws hand otigt. t.n on's DilyN eye sronoud ong Staron 1 teon ean oomig *0Torcto vsegaged ouas ional Glo, su vng Tre ene a0d ionr atl otr tutigor e.ndo188su Uihr. mhateu o hoejourna pli.cat188 oflr Th au anoey unrtook h u ctin unif Thg ManagmenSUnio héoouinue o 1887. Isn ent, fu18ilhothé fiôlt o po887.er Iu Sept.o 88 h v pof1id ostsedr. u Oober of 1894 h e-d j foeased retves fomadsiot wath Nov- !ouudnd relait iRtivessudso a lerva aktoe sluth righ's diserfue l !Lothebe ea opt a porfotoed Lhc tw uhtIbe Goerali o t al, crontt fioh ieet va seaugC cueffoot ba cure bu hod erlutleesdsase ouldnoho betayed 2nd fal ast. Rdea mrnl o andeated las lst. erw b ave ts widow sudtop-i Lautiromn, whohavethe symprahy cf Che re fuoml intheor boreaemendt. vuo fral a eld ou Mudsysudm H j ~r f ka Otso. a-dfo &,os a 1 no beil Wrtsedj I loua [zgthe fi, M. and atmi ,WeIl ai e efficent, y &. 25c. Iwo for pai ter Pol the UP Pre' LOI mi, Uni etai ne Col the Sea.À flooi mnes mat enq Bej mu] à ro Chsi ho i pro] who i gool $ho, 'Strt foot viti von iDk han grm forti Runt fi 1 ed t. F Coli 18r (1 w', T i "s i o n 'n LI at l 1 out hou hobd sis 61'1 tv a' 11n any a n lonj ray n 111< sa

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