Whitby Chronicle, 27 Dec 1895, p. 3

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'Al Oi'II sing yez a song av the oulden toirne, Phin the south warrud bye. wus in their proisns, Mtore the Iaws made tbings a crome- Och 1 thfio wu& tb. days for funi1 At the tavera we uaed ta, congregate. Aich la his tura wud shtaiîd the thrate Or else go hume wîd a broken pate An' b. called a sune av a gune. Chorus- We shmncked our poipes an' we drunk our hier, GeLt dhrunk trehundhred talutes a year The divii a wan date Interfere - Wid the south warrud bye. of ould. We sphltit ur days et our alnsbg Unloadin' coal (rom a"e ud hilg, Wid "schooners' aetuc<ght an,' MaY's t Ta the cbum e "U eo cipyss-gocr ,le bye. wud pla" th* 0 emrd aiae An' phin thc nogght wuz grqwla'laie The dhunkest Wang viximmte baibe. .An' trun oui la the ga",~v Chors-We ahmoOk or pWlpCS, e. Phin shuakin' varMingfhumn tic tova Uum dowa to suve-c' We'd lay fur hini tp t An' paste h-lâ we We'd i e uhe-ehs a b We'd break his bkcki Gouge ont Mas eyes aa An'dceîetotbec Chorus.-W. ahesolï -Tac W8&Lfl<G Wpou, WA.-Ta~ Thé, annuel mùëe.tnofth"""othb-fiý en tOok placeon moud" a ê*ei110 t th Huron hotel, eand w».s, v*lI 'ettenc Mayor Allen Oewerçrn ooo(pied tLi eh-si for a' few minutes et first, and spent th, remainder of the time standing up k..1 in# order. Uncie Bilh Wicks wua a pointed secretary, anid ýommyÂtkisfo paassed round the ohewing tobaco st i tervale, of, whiob o :huipLrating wesd, D Whitney, Port Perry, had supplie. fou pounds, aocotnpanied by a letter stahinl that he had struck a Lowu whicbi down.t the Bsoutli wa.rd for hiIarity. and wicdinl Up iby stating hie regret» at no en Prselt. ra 1 t e» The liaimau eada tetegzram frou Lord Salisbury stating that war was im minent between Great Britain and Lbf U nited States, and enquiring into,&bi etate of tb. defences of Whitby harbor He wonld call upon Admirai Wat8on anu Commodore Perry to speak on bebalf oi tbe navy. Before -aither of thom ol< seadoge could ris., caeeUe Fox took tb< floor and said that lhe regarded it asa mean and contemptible breecli of diplo- matie etiquette f0r Salisbury to condi enquiries through aay but pUblic cifficialau Being postmaster hero b (oz) feft thai it was due to lis position that ail com. munications of an officiai nature shoald came tbrough bim. Hie would move that a reply be aent to Lord Salisbury stating that if bis lordsbip wanted information b. would please address us through the proper channels. Thos. Smith asked wbat difierence it made about etiquette. ini war timae. Mr. Fox said it made a good deal of difference, and h. woui< show the. British premier wbat it wus Lu strain relations witb him. Jno. Proud- foot asked when Mr. Foi wue appointed pOstinaeter. It wau understood te b. a junior momber of hie househoid wbo weu appointed, and tbe.t Mr. Foi was oierk, with the. extra duty of hatcbing plans to worry anid annoy everybody else on earth. Jno. Blowv rot. and objeoted ýto *biose bickerings. Here we have war upon oui bande, said b.e, and in dWeussing a tel. gramn from tb. prime minister as to oui fortifications w. lose track of the import- ant question before us in arguing pointa of etiquette and in -oaunmg epithete ait each other. We are aillor war, suid Mr. Blow, and the greatest sorrow of my ife is thati my white hairs and faltering stop tell me that tb. ghory of th.coMmng batthe field is for others to ,njoy. We love Our country with ail our hearts. Ini peace our efforts are united in ensùring ter progress, In war that Canadian whose life is flot plaeed at the disposai af Queen Victoria bath nougbt but water coursing tbrough his veins. Let us put aside personalities, said Mr. Blow, and listen to tb. reporte of our military and naval officers. Mr. Fox said it was al ,very fine for Mr. Blow to ry to put hlm, down witb a sermon on ioyalty, but it wouidn't work. H. want.d hMr. Jock Proudfoot te undîrstand that lie (Fox) hdneyer been pulled for violationof lnw. The. Chairman interposed and ruled Mr. Fox's motion outi of order, stAtiing that in hie mid tbe mayor of the south ward was the proper officiai ho r.- ceive Lord Salisbury,@ telegrams. Re DISOZSoN t i 1-lown, mît for dI:Iys e Ie~vdno be Ottie. 1 fo« r hall ofebx ikhg tue fIt her, and st»~ s weII MCIêv Toroint, ut> d, eMlent, sta. 25c. 115K AND» GA*IPPSrU JnýoProudf oot bîolët up tà qestion of us abe flh; EeI lïMpeop o ued, b.~~~~~~ ah.h ii u.co>alitile round this herbor, but ince - *rdëü'ta""I in. speotiors hed'bien eppolàted ôt a hein destroyéd efth.i for P, fit Ã"r fa'u. Helhi ron t*e"" be oh4 h gaine inapictors guedthe gemm t t seure it al thernilve. . D el, ui ho d id flot accuse auybodyot, M#gdoing, but had obmirved tuat anling g * orm, every year siince Inspecter Ferrytook, office" until this year on. oml-nL,.e make a rispectable catch of,pec. Tommy Soutihwel aid thm thi oould. n-' port the saine about 8hoôting mince Garniý Warden Willis iiad bien appointed. li seoretiary was ordei îd ta write both gev. emmenLe ta havi their gaine officiais dia.. missed at once. also.I In the railway cressing accident mon- tioned in hast week's News-Letter it appears there- were tbrce persons in- jurcd. Mr. Judgze, of Brechin, and Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Steele, of Uptergrove. Mr. Judge is in bod yet. Thc accident was caused by-a shunted car being sud- denly sent across the street. Action *iIl be ,taken ta reco-Ver from the rail- way. Siopeis Arr.mts a Qut i Tic Daly House a two people as- guests Iast Fniay mn ing Who vere net, 4s frîsky as t.iey wr Couple of wceks ago. Yoôu sec, U li Ovet Sound, a short tune, ago thçI'ieýrd John Rîchardson, a'tvorthy fàirin-his wîfe, and Willie Rayon, ani,è year- old, youth wio sought to- fin favor iu tiie.eyes "of,, Mrs. Ricliarson. lie. vas a -boar-der. The iady's husbaud was in the, Northwest ail fait1 and Mrs. Richardsojt, who-is an e. remeW pro.. pomseâsing wonian of 3 OT f se -gaveigar to the fleQcerer. ,Well, the, end flAaliy came. aé,-if-doeà ' n ostý cases.- Wilie and ,Mr'. 'Ri41ardswi decided they vere niade-for éih-té- The, 'spectacte';IaÏÏed'-e-výýa1 n*l ai Ver minutée p-hv wUii &=ctu a 8precedent for the - .guid- ance 0of futunre.,victima of ischieôo kids with hardheartsaM oowbais,- WILL, B.UJ' TIfF f - r.-- ~-.- 12 FO-R18& Our'Cl bîing 1s ho Jig,, rpla aro~, Pin î Wc und~ Altel ouJenuery,2 94 t1êmatt.rm Win have ho chaud'o Ver ut~Itl *aegmin- ein the warde Santa Clauis couldn't use sieigh or bike. L n eli lwyrcvrp.I wll be some time before she returns. Sc$héol eufminations- were heid Jast weelc successËUlly»».ý Both teachers. are enjoying theinselves elsewhere. Miss Wet.herald, of Kinsafe, lias been painting bore with here friend Miss Puckerin. Mr. T.e N. Davey,. of »he 'Varsity, visited his aid school here an Friday last and was welcomed. by ail. Wm. Harris, B. A., of Campbeiiford, was here with his father on Sunday. He looks as if the- profession of la# agreed witbhum. Miss Susie McQuay is visited ber friends in t.he Queen city at present. May she have pleasant iiolidays. The S.S. meeting »for election of officers wiil-takeýý place shortiy, and then tee ones wiio shah! teach the woid for 1896 shall bc acquainted with the -Ir office. We have heard no rumors con- cerning chanues as yet. 1?erhaps a complete change wiI 'take place. -We wouid think that a few of our younger members should be ranks as teacher of manuel Sleep brougiit up Lie question but hie hoped ther. would hi a figiit. tSino. Dan Whitney ef t the wand tien. had uaL been an eleotion figiit worth d sp.aking of. Hi wouhd ike ho ask if any ýt of Lthi outi ward seats wauld b. op)en for 9 election thie year. Tii. chairman said n thati Mr. MoClellans seat would b. open 6 for voting, and'Mr. Fox's for an appoint- dment by council. J Palmer was giad te *hear tuis. The. board of' education gut McOhelian in chairmmuh becausi 0 rid cf Fox because hie, everlasting talk * lampens business. Charles Perry nomi. Inatid John Wahmon for icOjehansa place, à and hopid that *Influence wouhd b. 8 brou«ht te hier upon -the. counoil ta appoint Uncle Bull7 Wicka tho h. board. Commodore Jackson asked wiat wau *then e gainat Mr If Clllan'î> election?1 8 Tii. board of educehion hed honored Lthi r wand by appointing Lb. worthy gentl.. ,man cheirman, and according to preced- r eutholi wouid b. ne-elected to the. saine *position for 1898. Tiiewiiole town Iwould fiel astounded et thii wand doing tsuob a tiiing as opposing Mn. McClellan's * nturn. John Stirtevant said he would advis. Mn. Jackson ho lock alLer bis own Ire-election, and neyer mind Liii shool rboard. Hi (Stintivant) would wisii te annonuce her. Lhat lie is a candidate inz Iopposition tic Âllan Cemenon for mayor of tii. sontii ward for 1896. Thos. Smithi wanted to know whenu h um would corne for a candidature. John Saunders said Liii people would leti Mn. Smith know wien they were pining for hin ho ru for -office. Win. Thorudike begs to nominaLe Thos. Pindîn for Lii.e cuncil. Mr. Pinder wantied a new sidewalk laid Le hie place, and getiting into tiie council had enabid- John Smithi te make himself' a good one.. He could mention several othîns in the ward *ho ld hîlped tbirn selves along wondmfully in wIay of walks and ditches by ge$ting into council. Coun Blow said titis insinuation wuc net applicable te hlm. Hoehd -,bien in council several y ,aned* had ne walk eit ail. He igi sa, however, that lie is bound te havie oe nîxt yean, on know, Lb. neason why. This hhiug of spending ail the.wands xon.y meti of Liie ruawy in played out., -()ua. John, 8mithý-seid Mm. Blow miionld vote for ward gra»ta,4 and tien gît himsaif appointed te thi stineets committee, and h. cculd malte himseif a sidOWak the. flnmt, yoar. Hi iidbien amusîd et Ceuu.Jackson mmv-- ing on the .tunît cemmtti.a #«hol, ea and net geting a rnad driven for hutuseif. Whati wa. the.1280 of liftinag inouncil if on. did nlot tum ni is mte "hlm own advau.- topî Wîi. Tboradike naid lie agnetI with, tus idea ezeoty, -aud as Couii1 Smtith ibas lid e verythig foreu leash - tihouglit ho priglit4nov ptaid -out e yemr on two end give Thos.'Pinder a show. H. would more that -Xr. Pinder b. nouinated lu Coun. 98ml t mod4for '96éý The. motion wascannied, as w»saime one in laver of ward grant.- - D. Gahbri' ai4 idh. ouid 1ke, Lote the var qu.4li* Iqrther, v.utîIâtsui. If thon. vas gong to'be a hacêwfirtthe SLatLom w. mlouid be baçidJ4g- no0 op a&me,é-sad h.woul plm V hi wi* Aprl. 4 Ntw. ~u or 7 ýL05,Gs ri o'ided St l Pleud wt 0. box 348 ddrou. 0 ON, .889 IVEA VTION.

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