{Low Con Its Prom1 *raparfla. [to, ont. hile ln the ONc couiti fr Ranuab was senit &wu a very iow coudltli Oe lungs and boweia, ai zt. -The trip ac!roc ti seemed to tmzke her te 'lien che bega to " 1 aIle aras unable te -orne for tive montha U Sand lower part of bc bed had to bte propp Past Ail HeIp her to the 1 Home f as long an i oould hol not go. We tiien bosi -8Cure$ si nt doori every day r tliroat anti no cud ) Ili rigllt a gain. 84 W- rezart her cuiN rle"W. WYATT, Toronto. Ontaro.- pure'iy vegetable 1 by ail drugglsts. IFLIL REIED0Y PAVINNORL, e ot. ured he. avu oiii,. JimolrÇMo., &pr. 31 M. Id éavn ad haU W. Te ieeonumedejftt are much pleaaed wlth P. 0. Box sL¶. mgfcc. or addnma 10 LL COx1p1NYr', IALL&, MT SNESS$ 111E LIU ,'ER r.ATi N DiGESTION. 'xYear.r IEST FR[E!ru E IN CANADA. SO N'S 'ILITY $.'D IN FRIC bate.d for 10 y«s e fdaeundoul plrketg and bre i b ce $18-50 tn si Agt., Whitfr ldtdto, tke, thqr place of rotlriK tfU8t@C 58 sBr'own; ame tIhe-watchw"rds. The Paýron8ssParrow contest 19 well Prepair for La Grlpp whlle -the 'Pros sent state o! weather coýntinues. Rev. Mr% Wray occupîes the pulpit at Almonds church néxt Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Johat Davey are holi- daying at Kidgepart witb Mr. Davey's )3ro. Mr. John Bath's eldest son accom- Spanied by his bride are spending holi- days under the parental roof. Please remember and tell everybody to remember the annual meeting of Almonds S S next Monday evening for the purpase of electing teachers and officers for the coming year,* also to transact such business matters as are usualy brought up at that meeting. Mr. and Mrs. John Gimfblet celebrat- ed their china wedding on Monday evening of last week when between thirty and forty relatives gathered and presented them with a beautiful set of dishes. Mr. West our new teacher is snugly settled in part of the Hayden house. We cxtend to Mr. West and family a hearty welcome and among us a plea- sant one. The young people miss the familiar and ever welcome face of aur late teacher Graham at their numerous Xmas gatherng they have on the pro- gramme for the present and coming we ek. The smiling counitenance of Mr Sol. J effery wasseen in our midst on Sunday. Ail were ready to give him a hearty handshake. Mr. and Mrs. P. Wilson of Buffalo were here for Xmas and took home with them their littie son Perty. who bas been with Mrs Wilson's mother Mrs. McCullogh during the summer. Miss Annie Rowe leaves today, Fri- day for her new field of labor in train- ing the young minds of one of the public sehools o! Ridgeport. We wish her God speed. Her womanly virtues and accomplisments will secure*for her new friends as numerous as those she leaves behind, We feel that our loss in parting with her will be Ridgeports gain. Sanie of aur good people wene cheat- ed out o! their Xmas tunkey in a nioval way. The turkeys smelled the rats and took their depanture ta an adjoining barnyard and did not show up tilI al] danger o! being senved for Xmas dinnen was passed, wise turkeys. Cheese meeting ta-day at io'clock. Miss Annie Camenon, Teuro, Nova Scotia, and Miss Lawlor, o! Paris, France, are the guests o! -the Misses Spence. Miss Lattie Page spent Christmas with the Misses Holtby, Stone-road ranch, Mr. Geor'ge Ponteous, !ormerly o! this place, but now o! Stratford, is. spending a few holidays with lis friends and relatives here. We underst.and Gea is equipping hiniseif for a dandy cabinet* m aler. Mr. John Linton, o! Bittineau, Da- kota, was in town an Monday.. Mr. Stewart Onmiston is spendig his holidays in Toronto. Messrs. Archie and Geo. -Ewers, of Toronto Medical college, and Charlie Ewens, of Woodbridge, are visiting their parents here.'1 The Sons o! Temperance officers elected for the ensuing quarter are as !ollows: WP, W F Dobson;- WA, Miss Minnie Fitchett; RS, P C Giraham; A RS, Miss Tillie Holiby;' Treas, W J Dickson; FS, Gea Lyle; Chap,- Mrs W F Dobson; Con, Miss Lillian Mar- tin; A Con, Miss Clama Fitchett; I S, Ilirarn Fitchett; OS, Joseph Munro;P WP, R M Holtby. During the heavy wind storm on Tuesday Mn R M Holtby hiad -the mis- fortune of having lits flue windmif de-. stroyed. The 7hurrlcane umust bauvç gone in streaka, for other mille in thè. lacality were not injured., Th* s quite a loss ta Mr. Iloltuy, but we feel sure the Aermotoi, Ca. vill helphW out- Now is the tîme ta join the. d!visiosa, nt onybeaueoft« =d-p.a given, but of the %@èed 1ix o ternperance caUsc.- - to be consid«red, lem auce workera .should -band thei e together oeqvan,8 for t the bauds of'tbh Caeacng~ ' '~5 A age cowld attenýIdth dions on 'Monday,, vmng whoni quite a, number of thé fair sex g= th -4iýa4I* ence. .A,11,had--an icipgted,.somëlùn, the spy speeches, music on the'organ by. Ml LawIor aid "a stop by Thos Manderson were ,i«të" pers.Bu this is going- to be a tarne time. ,No, election next Moniday, ý The Ã"id coun4 cil are ,ail in -by acclarnation' ':ind indeed they are a happyiamily. Pe C. GRAHAME Mia. R. 8. Pà iisKnohesgter, reparo noveâtéa or re-f&ashlonailsorts of tors ren- delg them in mnoat estse i qod nd fihozablesu wben ri.w. Orders sollc1ted, Now i. the. time to look over your furs for their ss!ety, sud te have thom r rnovatdi THU UNIE» TATUeSLron IpouaRÂ2n oEO. issues the inost lbersi poltey. la the. msket. P 0> GEalxo ,agent for ýýthiicount fOU4- tae sud Vitoria. ýLocal &gents waatt.tu every town sud hamiet. To uuoh s Iltawl be offered frat olasus ontracte. Write for parioulars. We stu.t you; outftt free. Another year bas came'arid gone. May time which makes us homely make us Wise. We have a company of young sports- men who frequently assemble and march -off gun-in-arm. for a hunt. They are probably practising shooting in view o! the talked of war wvith the U. S. It will be unfortunate for the army that tries to take Wick, if t.hese young worthies are" ont with their guns. A public examination was held in the school here on the last d.ay of the term. It was well attended, over thirty parents and -visitors being pres- ent, which should be à th;ighty en- couragement to ail concerned.' The sacrament o! the Lord's supper w'IlI be dispensed in Greenbank church on Sunday morning, and the members o! this congregation will attend over there. Preparatory services Will be preached in the church here on Friday morning by the Rev. Mn. McLeod, o! Sonya. We are sorry to learn that aur con- tractor, Mr. Wm. Stewart and family, are about to leave us and move ta, Sun- derland. This will be a loss ta our neighborhood, as Mr. Stewart is a good workman, a quiet and obliging neigh- bar, and just the kind o! citizen in de- mand here now. The annual school meeting held last week was well attended and the ordi- nary business transacted.. For the offiçe af trustee -Mr. Geo.,. Hadden and Mr. jas. Leask were nominated -aud a poli demanded, but the latterwisely, withnewfor he ake-ôof pee, -and al- lowed Mr. Hadden to have the seat, without a fuil vote ýbeing taken. Nominations for tile miunicipal coun-, cil bave been made and we notice our townsman and past coùuncilor,, Mr. jas. McCully, is in the field for the office o! ind deépulty"teeélve, r.McCully should get' a 'iheral support, ýas beè lias shown himself ,agood conýc'ýilbr, and is the only'aspiîrant tô theconi board -from this à side of!*the township. An article about sehool ýaffaira ap peared in your Layton ýcorrespôndence' some two or three weeks ago, and we wish to say ýwe disare ih touni mnost every .point. Wr had inteuded replytw the sinebut sinCe thn oui wrath lt'is rowu o14. We çonsder that the, fflple o thïà section "cù*" how- mui truth tiid"-'- dtjt outsiders vil have f~i f a<bopit". it, s0 we shall let l4 ÙSI MSIO. W' Paua k eas w r oor eontrq+' versialst, as we would 'rather a is should be 'uùtruthfýl 'about uns hanj5 thtwe should1 dan a area Of 750, 000 square miles. -TeMississippi and its tributaries drain a n rea- Of 2, 000, 000 square m'iles. The Rivé"e, Jordà n hsâIté originin one of the à ,et ùIgïn thç world. The Conrecicut, terinçipa1 stream of New 0- mi i4~~nles In -length. Some o! 'the 'Strevn,-,ot Idaho are believed to have the power of petrîiy-- îng organic matter placed intei water. Al thé rivers which ýfiow nto the, Arctir, Ocean are frozen solidly to the' botoindurngaoutaj~months in the The Missippi, at the- point whereit flôws out 0f Lake !taska, 15 ten feet wide and eighteen inchesdeep. The Columbia River o! Canada is 1400 miles in length;., the, .stream-. o!, the same name in Oregon is 6cop. The British Islands are better pro- vided with rivers than any other coun- t.ry of the sanie size on the globe. The Styx was, according to Homer, the principal river o! hell. It encircled the infernal regions seven times. The Euphrates is termed in the East -The Royal River," froni the fact that 672 kings have reigned on its banks. 'The Seine is 470 milet'le-'le î'; nd during the lower part o! its course fre- quýently à ttains the 'width o! a mile. The River Dee in. Scotland bas had more poems written in its honor than any other str .eanis in the British Isle. Australia bas no rivers o! any con-. sequence. The interior o! this vast continent is almost destitute o! water. The Appalachicola River, -in Florida, is only i09 miles long, but it has a name out o! ail proportion ta its length. In a river which changes its channel every point gains gnound and every bend tends'ta become more crooked'. The Parana of Brazîl andArgentine 15 2,>200 miles in length, and after the Amazon is the largest river. in South America. The Orinoco is only î6o miles' in length but is much larger'than ,might,, be supposed, owing ta the heavy rains. o! the tropics. We havein Alska one o!fthe get. sirtverms'of -e, oTthe he-Cwichac lt iïs believed, to, be more tbazi1 goo mtiles long. The, Amaion is 2, 944 miles ÃŽ# lengthb- rising wti 0 ie !the~?cn 'In islauids o! t00 sîma. aiz ito_ h ave rivers ecelks are dipiedyatiup --The, Itisho in sîibçf'çe4, i - oo miles Hen der,o U6aq towi&1 n * ~qto4i 'drsn~ Xo0q Oqd~SOep lot M8 4tbeSn., of Whýitby "tê#nihlp, wil- ccll y publie suètIon,,jW aOe of hardwood- >1 a!aceic4o acre on on WEDESDY, ÂI. l.-S IeOf, ideaWa WMmkntook, onWensiy nl, Dear JMr. F4ipr..-WgII , ktdly n, form the redert bâf jour vjjùClua aeërîbsî I wil gladly edPK à yarIou Loat .Mbabhoo4 Ne W blly ~igb* cof -yoinbfulIi, phkuasof inilé d by qusaka and tiatein edicine ?-hmarka,-4ted mel few weekia. Ihave»nogi<>fl oe Rive away, Dotr aW, i a4edalgptponi medicine businem , but "I- bp ýp1ça-4*qber (rom any sufee, awizious tp ind ,acur -bits com p lint. o w bopI > lwil e Ia ~ co f d - uiallyý. how snd by what 1means 1 tvascrd Hundred bave sencu merub n vice Oosts nOtbIDjg to lbainwhat 1Ipaid but- dreds af dollarste _find, out.A4dresà confi. dentlaly and enclose stamp if-oanrenent. D.Q.OWEN. Toronto, ont. Riversidé ïP.O. Thé employa ! S sà e ,trWork»- in Gerapy esin aavýeraR# of $194 a year. Uhnlwd'g Linimout orsDaadvuff Probab1y là uLondan alone 2,0O,O atoijea Tii e best by 1 cd, nîcat di ,sud erding Pampae. s usent te .the nec levery Whi chili I-z