Whitby Chronicle, 10 Jan 1896, p. 2

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21 h'.! "~~' 'j 74 wo ke lob. W. K. W.y4 Hopeless Case. A Terrible Oouth. NO leie Ni1ghl nor Day. Given up by Doctors. A LIFE SAVED BY TAKING CHERRY AYmLISuECTuRAL «Several years ago, I catught a severe cold, attended with a terrible cough that allowed me no rest, either day or nlght. The doc- tors, aftir worklng over me to the best uf their ability, pronounced iiy case hopeless, and sald they could do no more for me. A friend, learntng of my trouble, sent me a bottle of Avers Cherry Pectoral, whlch 1 began Io take, atid very soon 1 was greatly relieved. Pvy the time 1 had used the mwhole bolt le, I was cornpetely cured. 1 have never had- much of a cough since that ime, and I firmly believe that Ayer's Cherry Pectoral saved mny 1f e.'"-W. Il. WÂRDL, 8 Quimby Ave., Lowell, Mass. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral HIGHEST AWAROS AT WORLO'S FAIR. ,...' ~Lc PilleU the lBest Family Physioe Equal Rights Meeting. LIVELV MEETING AT HON. . H. LO 0N GS OFFICE O N MONDAY NIGHT.-ENTHUSIASTIC SUPPORT- FRS 0F DbALTON McCART.-A WEEDING OUI 0F THE UNFAITH- FUL. - STRONî; REIN ON THE PARTY HELD BY I R. LONG- LETTER FROM STUBI3S, M. P.-A IiAýNI ANI) A FLAC.. There was a full attendance cf the faithful and unfaithful at J. H. Long's office on Monday night for organiza- tien. MNr. Long took the chair, and r' appointed W. H. Crosby secretary. Thc chairnian teck a look around the room te see who was present, anti stated that he ebserveti some spies in the place. anti would request them te léclave. As ne persoln rose te go, he )djE4, asked J. D. Howden if he were net an .nè--Wo4fficer cf t.he Dominion gcvernment. Mr. Howden admitted thathe was, but if clainied te be an equal righter. - You are nothing but a government spy!" replieti Mr. Long, and 1 caîl upon yeu te, leave the meeting, which the post- master %,erv reluctantly did. The chairman saiti he was very sorry te rL adopt such measures, but since Coi- tb1î lector of Customs Phiiip appeareti slow 101 te take the hint, he would respectfully eni request himi, tee, te close the ticor jt from the outside, which the coilector .i accortiingly did. County Attorney i Q Farewell, Inspecter Ferguson anti G. Y. Smith, issuer cf marriage licenses, were aIl seîved with a verbal writ cf ejectment in turn, anti then the chair- man remarked that the atmesphere h~having been thus purifieti he weuld ~ < cali upon the secretary ta read some letters. The flrst was from D.'Alton Mc- Carthy staijing that the prospects cf the party were neyer better. His support hati been largely increased by the me- cent Cartiwell election, and the third party now censists cf a lawyer, an editor and a horse farrier. They weuiti make a combineti attack on the Dominion govemnment in a week or twc, anti woulti neotiubt bring about' " Ï ts dow-ifali. I-le hopeti that S. On- tarie wouiti fali into line when the next eleetion cornes off, anti trusted they wauld bing eut a candidate-, who hlas money enough ta sweep the ridig.., The fallowing letter was- read from Wm. Stubbs, M.P.: --MR. j H long Esk whitby: deer ser - thankg yen fer yr verry knd Letter cf dec. .28th, askg me te Be Present at yr meating. I cante Cum,, juat the saime, as z a .Hoarses is bad With Inftenza anti i About dyg Wit inflamatn. You knw i amnVtur stirgu. Mat gee to Otwa jane 6 to be Interducdti t Fellow Mmbrs of parI- ment. the situatn is ertical jt now, anti Macarty may be Culd to fonn minstry ln My absens Wich ' wd iéb harde te, acomplali whithoiê My a@vce. aur Partyii's grpwug faste, and"wlI soue, Rul the state, i roteDlftu iot &ex- pct me dn te Otwa t! th 6ii4nhe- rote bk sayg tht u« o nst wd ý b6e- lowd tili zar'vq, Yoi *epý,mC4MVwé Wlm:e'oui and Me in. Dalton àMI tiave iet tonignt twsuPq>wtr. '#iusi McCarty Yôu bave heard wbat Mc-, CÇarty and Stubb hlas - satiïntlieflet ters whieh hasbeen so- nobl I by our, seçretýry, The p&ople, of t1is country la beingi wokc 'UP Tiir'ere is- toc -martw pirates sueking our blood. We --wantalteepirates -Plutýut of office, aànd when- men is wanted to filî the places of these pirates we can find honest ones to take them. There is too many pirates sucking aur blood. The Tories is as bad as, the Grits, an<ý the Grits is the worst of ail. What this country wants is Equal Rights, and equal rightâ is what we must fight for. _We want ta put these pirates out at Ottawa and Toronto that is sucking aur blood, 1 arn very much pleased ta have a letter from Mr. Stubbs. He will certainly make a very expedient representative ot Cardwell. The peo- ple has elected him at a very critical apportunity, as he says in that letter, and it devalves upon Stubbs ta, acquit himself well. 1 horoe Mr. Stubbs will stand by McCarty and coincide against everybody else in parliament, no mat- ter what they bring up. We must root these pirates eut that is sucking aur blood. As for myself 1 arn for equal rights every time (cheers.) I don't want no pirates sucklng my blood. I think we should organize a party here on the equal rights platform. We want to make citizens of our children, and give themn equal rights. That's My plarfo 1 (applause.) We don't want.no searate schools in this coun- try. We want schools which is edu- cated to believe in equal rights. This is the only kind of schools we will ac- quiesce with. 1 shall now declare the meeting open for business, and hope the gentlemen present will diseharge themselves creditably. The chairman said he was pleased to notice our friend Mr. jas. Lawrie, of Morris, Man., in the room, a worthy ex-resident of the town who went west somne ycars ago to grow up with the country, and whohasattainedtogoodly proportions, both in person and in pocket. He is also an equal righter. (Applause.) He is a noble supporter cf Greenwa. We must hear from hirn as te how things is going in the west. Mr. Lawrie was received with an »ovation. He is proud te represent the :prairie province. Greenway is the idol -of ail their hearts eut there. He took hold of the government out there when the catechism was the only text bock used in the scheols, and before three years had abolished the whole business, ;The Cathoiics had te read their cate- .chismns in cellars now, and a bock- seller date net keep them on sale in his store. If Greenway were sustained in this election (cries of --He will!") he would intreduce a bill into the Mani- toba legisiature te abolish the Frenchi eut there. As ta Dominions palitics, he believed McCarthy ta be the man for premier. He would scen put relig- ion eut cf the schools, and start Orange ladges everywhere, in which religion would be preperly disseminated te the Panrents, annd frern them te te risn many pirates there- now sucking the people's' blood. The way things looks from today's reports Dalton MèCarty is very much needed ta take hoIild and acquiesce in the proper dismember- ment of the wray things is being rue at present. We should ail acquiesce with McCarty In restrictingthns ta their, proper places -in this country. If goodi men is wanted to represent, us in parý liarnent théy eau be foueid righi hereý, ready andvwiling to propitiate thé doc.. trines- whk&h is 'bêst for couùtry% , re- soures.(Çries of "JO H.'Lonxr tobeextended, and I hcpetat,,who- ever these ' raen is that is to, representi us, theywUýn*l be trime tb these pmdcplès wbih is best for this 'constitùtio ù, TIRE $UfEWS <>'FW E.ArMitrg said no doùb al eo n ess hàl served any éther pumOse 'but, tô, make m ey for lew}ers en« hungmy paliticians. No pallian oü r lawyer !,-ver ,touclmUed.,aything unl"ess there, ~was moneyn luinit. The president said he W*onild ask for' Mir. Woaodruff's resignatien, as a meni- Lber cf this association.' . Every WC d that had escapçd that gentleman's ips was an insult te McCarty andi Green- way, and they wanted ne followers whç lexpect et thern- ta foot the bills. Mr. Woodruff-Do I understand the chairman ta st.ate t.hat we have te put up ail the, cash and get ne heip but speeches from thqse- who are making 50 much out of this equai rights busi-, ness. The chairman-You understanti the chairman ta 'say that yau are ta take, your hat andi meve eut of this meet- in 4r. Woodruff withdrew, muttering as he went that the head basses cf the Patrons use al] the funds they get haiti af ta heip elect supporters, andi he con- sidered that McCarthy and Greenway shouid do the same. A CERTAIN MAN. The chaiiman stateti that if a certain man were brought eut te run tor South Ontario, money would be forthcoming te pay the cost cf the campaign. Pat Ryan-Is that gintleman's name Long. The chairman-You will find eut bis name at the proper time. A BAND AND A FLAG. E. O. McCrohan said there shouiti be a fife andi drum band in cannectien with the association. A few tunes played where they would halti meet- ings weuld serve te draw a crewd te- gether. He likes te hear the " -Pro- testant Beys" anti the girl he left be- hihd him anti the "-Boyne Water" te make things lively at meetings. Thas. McCann said it would be a good idea te have a flag as weli as a band. There shoulti be a big banner with "Na Surrender" an it undemneath a picture cf King Biily on his white herse. Wm. Hooti saiti there was ncthing like a banti anti a fiag te pull the boys together, but it shouiti be berne i' mind that such things are expensive te keep up. Besities, the elections are net on yet, and we can't tell what may turn up yet. It is ail very weil te be equai righters in time o! peace, but when election time ccmns we may feel like giving the aid party a vote, and then it would seem hiard te have these flags and drums that we have paid for brought eut ta beat up a crawd against Tshe chairman said M., Hooti had better faîiow Van Woodruff, as his ser- vices in cannectian with this associa- tion are 'dispenseti with.' We want none cf these caim weatber followejs. Mr. Heod thereupon mnale his ab- sence perceptible, andi the çhairman appointeti Messrs. McCrohan anti Mc- Cann a cammittee te report upen the cast of a flag and a banti. eh. Meên saMrf . udto th hiian cleatly Mr.~ ceirtli1n tended to abolish our' lttle separate ecole in Oztarjo, that case wýhtïr would thÏe catholics1 stand? ;ýýThe-,charnai a hm aldball right. Aecording ta, the canstituton they could refuse ta pay taxes to the public schoais, whie at the gàme time they would be able to send, their chil- dren te, the public schools free. Mr.- McÈann said, that lookéd like too goad a stary ta believe.- Besides that 'would be bath unsatisfactory ta catholiès «and unfair ta those wha keep Up the public schools. He could hardl§ support such a policy. The chairman said that Mr. McCann could not expect to make McCarty' pelicy ta suit hiniseif. Any persan who is not suited with the McCarty policy could withdraw frani the party. He would advise Mr. McCann ta go home and think the matter over, and if he cannot canfarm ta the pallcy cf the party he need flot came back. Mr. McCann left accardingiy. THE RANKS GETTING THIN. E. O. McCrahan complained that Chairman Long's action i firing se many whc could net agree ta every- thing had thinned eut the meeting un- tii there were only six left te arganize the party eut cf. Thie chairman said it was a matter of utter indiflerence te him how many or how few stick te the party. He has carried it alone here for five years, and can continue ta do se. There is lots cf people, said he, who want ta go in with us just now when we are geting in sight cf power. They have laughed at us and opposed us ail alcng; andi even naw when they are running over the top cf each ether ta join McCarty, each one of them wants to, fix up McCarty's policy ta suit himseif. That wcn't work. If these people is cf opinion that McCarty can't get along without them such people is mistaken. Mc- Carty knows his business and will teach some other people their business be- fore long. Th-ey can't teach him. P. Ryan asked if McCarty's sup-, porters weuld have ta swallow the whole pohicy, neck and crcp? The chairman-Yes, sir; or get eut There is na twc ways about this thing, Mr. Ryan cammenced a search for his hat, and he and E. O. McCrohan left weeping for a lest cause. E. Armstrong said* he was beginning te feel lonesome since the boys had al left, and weuld mould mave that the band and flag be brought out now ta see if another crowd could net be cal- led together. The chairmari said nothing of the kind wouid be don e. As Mr. Arm- strong was getting uneasy he haci bet- ter go with the others. This left énlvý Chariey Scott and the chairman and. secretary, and no candidate yet nam-ed. C. Scott thereupon rose. ta meve, se- conded by himself, thatthe Honorable, J. H. Long be the candidate cf thé McCarthyite factien fer S. Ontario at the next Daninion elecýtion. rtr M9 .4 '-c14 nZ I e, of P ort P r ' , 1 the gest of Mré. James Jôbnbtont con$ 13, Bruck. died -at Scranton, Pa., on Saturday. ,lus remains were interred in Orilliaon Tueýsdày. > Weregre t ta ,find 'it our sad duty this week: ta chronicle the death of Mr; Henry Arney, of the loth cofl. of Brock. Mr. Amey came ta this part of the country when -the forest prime- val was its prominent feature and for nearly haîf a Century woric&l his way Sforward, fighting the stern batties of a loneer life and winning for himself omfort and satisfaction thatcornes5 to a man froni the living up to bis ob- ligations, the cheerful and wholeheart- ed recognition of the claims of friends and neighbors, the conscientious per- formance of his work as a man and a citizen and the doing his duty in that state of life unto which it hath pleased. God ta cail him, He, Mr, Amey, wasO a consistent member of the English church, one of those whose time and means helped to build and whose aid in many- ways served to support the venerable church, that until a few years aga stood in the cemetery on the. i i th con. of Brock. H e was- 67 years cf age at the tirné of his death on Thursday of last week, and if the number of cne's friends is te be rneasured by the number of those who assemble te pay their last tribute of re- spect, his life must have won for him rnany of the good things that comne to one froni holding a warm place in the esteem cof one's fellow citizens--Glean- er. Nervoua People And those who are ail tired out and have that tired feeling or slok headache-an be relieved of aIl these symytomo by taking Hood's gars- parilla, wbich gives nerve. mental and bodi7y strengb and thoro ughly purifies the blod. It alec creates a coud appetite, cures indigestion, heartburn and dyispepsia, Hood's Pillg jare eay to take, easy in action and sure in efféot. 25o. The General Mining Association of Quebea opens iLs sixîh annuel convention on Wednes- day. Mo ey Saved and pain relie fy the4-ead- ing houebold remedy, Dit. THommA' EOLEc- TRIO OIL-a amail qusntity of wbicb usually suffices te cure a cough,hbeal a a sure,. out, brlise or eprain, relieve lumbago, rheumatism, neuralgie, excoriat<,d nipples, or inflamed breait. The' British steamer monomoy from New York for Leitb je ashore on the Orkneys. Minsrd's ILiniment ourm Dandruif Yesterd*ay the O3uban rebel forces under Gouez .a.ee.i Managnua 2,miles freinHavane. A wo'nai,. w .vbe frown caused the osbl Ie Dow Lme most peicteful wýith 'wbom youý could dwl.;- Her crankiness carne -froin complainte of the And Esieljaýy's Lozenges made her quité well. The A DVERTISERS, MORNING, SUNDAY ANI) e4MR CIAL (EVEN;i4G) EDITIONS. -Aressi-ve RepulblicanNes- --papems cf.the Higeest Class. j edtab 1'79ed - Published every even îng.Ne Yrksoldea -tand. boit eningè pýaPer. 112 pge.Subcr tion price 8,6 .Morng &vriê M.Ot. [on haumeQ A Marvelous,, Medicine Whenever Given a Fair Trial 1lHood's Proves Its Merit. The followlng letter le from Yir. J. Aloido Chaussé, architeet andi surveyor, No. IM8 Shaw ,;treet, Montreal, Canada:- "&Gentlemen:-Il bave been tnklng Hood's S;arsapalU for about s1zx-montiis and aam glad to 3,y that IL bas doncinie a great deal of good. Last May my weiglit Was I~Z, pounids, but since HOOD'S Svasawlla CURc.ES 1 began to take Hood's arapaflla It bas ln- reed te 163. I thliuk Hood's Sarsapanilia Is a mnrvlous Medile and amn very much pleased wlth it." J. ACIE CHÂITUIE.- 1Hood's Pille cure liver'ilis, constipation, biUi eo,3aundp ic~,lk bedach, l"dleUuLn FOR1 se.. latl qjDAL Dr.m xvi r B w- i mu wodrtu u i, PAE better make -his exit* eut. of 1hesete and Mr. Qily a'togo. Geo. Mathisoti as1cé< hôw it weûild do te aoit seiparatè s4chooI and haveè the caàtichîsmtau'htithePbi schoolsb hepbi Thechaimrnuý-What' cate'i<? Mm. Mathisori-Why 'the ' presby'ter,ý iancaechia* of cts.Wa te nom hSr. 1 i r I -' fil 14,A "'-' irel ib roue party th Iln CIk e1

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