Whitby Chronicle, 10 Jan 1896, p. 7

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J; uly 9. riam, Port ~;May 15 ;' Uxbuldge,ý IULh; lIy, dIy 15; Oct. Lieaverton, 16 ; Out. 16; tTptergTove, 17 ; Oct. 17 Stables oprieto*. t with is NCE. ciîdent" ato. 2rance Co. eut. o &Ql ied to the ,id witbou$ death or ELLe Whitby. .oronto. ma dis. in rubber,: ver fiUlin erators ait the City. mie exam-, ra charge. &et corner elebrat-' OAL. fýast of; VER 1ERl n rding ti !bitby lnt Lod Ion- Arti a. lbath. es te, Resuit ts A~ Ih MIEN 0F'SCIENCE. AYIERSail A MEDICIN13 WITHOUT AN EQUALS Statement of a Well Known Dootor A~rsSarsaparilla ls wthout an equai is l.i)1od-purifier and Spring Rn diciue, and catitot have praise enough. 1 have watched its etlects ln chronjc cases, where other 4reatrncnt 'vas of no avail, and have beeuî astoniiuhed rt the results. No other blood rnedicune that 1 have ever used, and I have tried them ail, ts 80 thorough ln Its action, ali eff*cOt3sSo inany permanent cures as ,Avers Sarsaparilla."-Dr. 11. F. MERRILL, Augusta, Me Aye's- -Saspîîb Admtted at the World' FaIr. à ver 'a Pile/or liver and boweba. A WONDROUB CHANGE. TilE STORY 0F A YOUNG LADY IN SMITH'S FALLS. Her Hcalth was l3adlv Shettered-Suf. & f t I ltbh*r addrsm 1%' ri. h7w i ;~ plUs o&. sol4 nak6e a oour-moet ýîî ment cmh!tvl nxoiv comparedwith other ree.de sor eas&. (Crowded -out hst week.) The school meceting on Thursday of hast week was fairly well attende&, but unlîke some previous occasions it pa sed Off verY harmoniousîy, the principal discussion beingr the sani'tary condition of the closets, grounds and. well. It wu. thought by many that- some im. provement could. be ý-.Made ini this re_ spect. James Leask Lwas thé- unant. mous choice for trustee, and no doubt he wiIl fill the office with t he utmosi satisfaction. The board as now con- stituted are G. Byers, sec. treas; D. W. Luke, and'the newly elected member. Last week when we wrote concerning, the new methodist church the pros- pects of it being built were anything but bright, but we are pleased to hear that during the last few days there has been a change for the better, and wil illustrate the truth of the old saying that" it is darkest just before the dawn," for now the clouds are breaking and rapidly disappearing, and there is no doubt out the work will go on before another New Years day. A fine church will take the place of the old cottage hotel. At the regular meeting of court Greenbank L. O. F., the following officers were elected for the year 1896: C R, W Phoenix; V C R, D W Luke; R S, R Cragg; F S, J A Miller; Treas, T Gully; chap, G Lee; S W, J Dobles j W.,GMiller; SB, A Leask; JB, H Taylor; P C R, J M Real; CD. S Dusty; Trustees, A Leask and D W Luke. Mr. Chas. Blair, of Bowmanville, has been home for a few days, Miss Mary Burnett, of Toronto Uni- versity, is home for the holîdays. - -Mrs. S. Hewit, of Toronto, is visit- fered From a bad Cough and Con- ing her friends in this neighhorhood. stant Pain in the Side-Pale and After ail the talk, Christmas has Almnost Bloodless-Her Health corne and gene and flot one cd those Again Restored. weddings have corne off. The bad Frornthe Smuîhs Falls Record. roads and duil weather made the day -l kriow that if 1 had flot begun tak.. unu sually quiet. No doubt there was ing r. illams Pik PlisI wuda large arnoun t of plum pudding and îng Dr.aveliadms'PingPrIs I woul fowl and the like put out of sight, but flothav livd mch lnge." Tesenothing of any importance occurred. words were uttered by Miss Mossop, of Miss Ettie, Phair. is home on a visit. this town, and a young lady extremely popular among her friends and ac- The three sided contest in the divi- quaintances. Miss Mossop had been sion closed at the hast meeting after a ailing for several years, and her re- fali:ly good time. Captain G. A. Mc- co%,ery to health is a matter of general Millan came in first, J. Somerville se- rejoucing among her friends. To a re- cond, and G. Miller third. _~porter she gave her story as follows :- The followihg are the officerscf- the 4"I scarcely know how my illness began. S. of T. for the next question; W P ' The first symbtom was a feeling cf Richard Cragg; W A, Fannie Howsam; tiredness upon the slightest exertien. R S, James A Miller; A R S, Avelina The color left my face, and I became Watson; F S. Robert Michie; Tres, as pale as a corpse. Then 1 was at- Edgzar Cragg; Chap, Lettie Till; Con, tacked with a pain in my left side and James Durward; A C, Alma Harman; coughed a great deal. At first home I S, William Nichols; 0 S, George rcme(iies were tried, but as they did Reynolds; P' W P, Robertt T Lee. flot do any good a doctor was called in According te the almanac's the year1 and I was under his care for about a on which we are now entering is a leap year. But the treatment did flot do year, when the usual custom ini "theE way of matrimonial proposaIs is revers- cd and the ladies have the previledget of making their wishes knowu te thet man cf their choice;' se that te bashilllc young men, crusty old-bachelors apd. m widowers this will be ýa year cf hope. : But unfortunately, the ladies do not ap- M pear te take advantage cf the oppor- ;, tunity, and unless this proves, an ex-. ception te the rule this yearwiil pas with little or nothingbeing acconipwsha cd, Some time 'ago it was reported that one cf, our ladies beleiving that -delays are'dangerous" especially when there is two others in the -feld decided te take time by the forelock, and flot Cou/i \'N'oigo up Stairs 9WiOwut Restig. once t usns. htatc,. e me ny good, and 1 was steadily grow- warded ber efforts remain.,te be- seen. me. and weaker. 1 was unable Our genial fr!W djqbnLi Iwn, to go upstairs without having te sit was a resident of our village for many down and rest when 1 got there, and years buthlas for some tisse beçn livinsg the pain in my side grew more and ini Dakota, lis n'ow nutmdtdr- more intense. 1 kept wasting away ceiving a-hearty greeýtin te rm a boot and lot ahl intcrest in life, and at hast cf friends, and tht means everybody was so low that recovery wus noe x- within a radinsofýnm*y Mievyo pected. At this juncture my mother is please te se« is jood d fc saw an article in a newspaper relatlng The only îegret ii 1 Mrit. inton is the cure of a yeung lady whosc case net with him.~ was almost identicaj with my own, and And so there is te bea new trial lis whose cure was due te Dr. WÎlilSn t b Pink PUhIS, and t.his prornpted aetrial cf case. Thwibcàg~ that medicine. By the time a couple who are net ln it -but the on-e tzat w of boxes were used there was a feeln 4t *& of improvement and 'I continued v tiiisgbable te sS' it in the Pink PuIs until I had tanas "1mebdta»l boxes, aIl the 'time 9=1%zsgrapïdkyî, Yem w ,qiteÎ.Th until now 1 feel that I have rtecovered-l îè mY old timehbealth -IcaU>,n * iJ1diîtisa g4ince without befing -tfred, and V 1 amno nelôngertrouble4 wstls that %tep. 1fr; rible pain in, ny aide. My appeta e 4j has returned and 1. cn< ct' - as, much asany member of thse ayo .and Iknow tht ha nt'1 -k'j; ing Pink Pilîs Iwpul i t bv,lVe14i much longer." Mrs. Mosfsawthm aàn è Tho ua o oiMeeting ou Thurs. ,rfir.d, and B. A-. lison vae . A oeher club vas organized bore lest imbek' with -about o f a inemhersbip.ý OMCO.S-4>res., Wm. Miller; o., S. B Lyn e; Tr~s. F. 8.Burton;- oom. of maua.m~ tbepro., sc.,treas., Geo. Carter and Eobî. NeiWlÉàt. The mou,- ebers vffll meet for Praetioe on Tuesday and Friday eveningo cd eacb week. r Âznong the many hbo. spent holidays out cof town are the Misse McGrath, 1Misa Rosa Barker, Mfr. 'flughie Mo. Doùgali, at Beavorton ; Mr. Jou. Traceyp, at Lind¶say. Mms. Aloi. Rîtchie, of Orilhia, la the guest of ber siséer, Mrs. John McQuaig ini the village. Mr, James and Miss Jennie French, of Beaverten, spont Xrnas with friends -in tovu.r Mr. Niobol McQuaig, of Brandon, Mani., je Viuiting hie many friends in the scotch sottiement. 1Broohin is forming an athisijo club to make an offer to pull off the neit prise figbt, as thero seeme to be no law against it bore. Mr. Daniel McDougall, for the Puti four yoars principal cf t.he public sohiool bere, left Tuesday lstfor Balsover, where ho bas beeu engaged for theo onu. in« yeare His many frienda bore viali hlm every sucoos M, bis Dew field of labor. Mr. Thos. Maormott ret.ured to the village Saturday evening, after a two oeonth'a visit to the Qneen City. The news of the death of Bev. Father Campbell was reoived witb regret by a large circle cf frionde and acquaamtancea bore. A gloom, ba been, ost overtbe vicinity by the mudden death of Mis Minnie Smith, :t, the eirly age cf 19, second oldeat dan'gbtei' ,-of Mr.- Neil Sxî,re sidng fe mies eat cf the vlae M. Jài..ýohnE lre f Frairvalley,- spent a few days in the village last week. Miss Blanche XcPbee bas returaed bomne from Orilia wh8re ée'he asbeen attending sçhooL. >r Gc Gillàso ýreurned homo for a. weék's holiday Thnrd'My, îter ajear's absence at Segnin Falls. Mauter John Mcee penta er4y lut veein az"ngoù Mr. Donald Morrison au old rè-dent of this plaçebus lately cft Forth »s!ýy, ta tho gueo f Mr&Âudrý ewMNabb r: " Miss Nelle.o'Donnell ponta fedays lst woek,Atu guest cf ber:ssp!,fs Michael Lynch, Orilli. x Mr. John Overond M. suforing from a i 3evoro attack of rhoumaion. The resd»ee f Mr. Wn-ai <*odon, w ile9s;oagt cf the ,vüllo-wasi macle w * t Bm (~ç,ot ~ id. W, 1895g r oàpitsl PM~ u Ou .- tZmsmmm 1 -y.: WOOa' !II8PiIdIfl.-~TâGrea Rn t& Iime4y ht~tIItt ve 8 ysratrsUg aouuass £oaw~fU aIkow dwug, iUl ~ lat w bse4Iye~tw obwua* A w W~earap u .'eWaI.De4k,. Use f tceuNwparWo*pu wb*u f.w tout IgovS. the grave-ýbut restore4 tonaivior-s, m tes wh ha gion u cmbe, mrI e , ue s , si4 ; *1 Th.wsPb«*omum b

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