Whitby Chronicle, 17 Jan 1896, p. 1

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s ILiN.~ VOL. XXXX. WJIITBY, ONT10OFI AY, ýAIARY 17, 1896.0 elebrated LOCAL NEWS LETTERS, CEOHuOCmcL 0CemsPoNDINCa,. Hlartman li W haveUNDRLND We hve otbeard mnuch of the S. af T., but presume îbey are fiourishlng. _agieMissSaundors, af Victoria Corners, is vlsiliug hem sister, Mr.. Thea. Johustan. Pain sBALM. » Only At The DRUG ::STORE, WviTrY AN FX-PORTAST CLEAN SWEEP.1 ýI-ime tallk efor Cash: Good Wire Mattrasa, Worth $2. 50 fol $1.75. Good Mixed Maltrass, Worth $4 for $3 First-ciass Extension Table worth $6 5o for $5. Bedroom Sets woxtb $14 for $io.90. Bedroom Set worth $16 for $13. We have nothing but first-ciass worknien lu Our UR. holstering Departinent. Loa.ding Undrtaker,- E. J. JOHENSON, BROOK ST., WHITBY. WJILL BUY T-HE Weekly wmGlobe - AND***' %CHRONICLE FOR 18968 See our Club- bing Lista, Hondorson c& Grahame. WESTERN BANK 0F CANADA@ Capital Authorized $1,000,0001 Surplus 10080001 HN BOA RD 0F DIRECTORS. ONCOWANe EsQ., President. R RUBEN S. HAML1N, EsQ., Vice-Pres. T. H. MCMILLAN,- - - Casbier. General Banking Businoestr=msate. Drats isued, payable in al parts of Cati- Unte S asad ou Londou, up lâûd'-ý!bIc, a al parts of uroMe per cent. afwed on Sa¶viatgsBml.pcsLs3j and credlted halfyearly. Speciaatttenion to, CoLkec«in o Farinera' s#ale nots. B. D. WABBEIÇ Mana..r- of -WbItby Ersnch. at dforb8 aléeuotIss Frat m efor a/. otlm e Metof Lot à lathe ud L McCWimuw. iim.; a 0£ Lift DYER. ST Anatiser conteat hbu boe Mte4fM the division. Titis Uie-i. la the e tlns amalusth1e ladie. a - Ward asai. are the leaders on tis e riadoeb Ward and ?4oa Ba ofeUet-t ht* Wortby Pattlarch ' &Crmkg wIUbe-,.b crie. Tise la&sm 4rtobo vlctory, but tby idbotter uot h*eüun lisey areea f îewoode. Our churches are well filled every Sabbath which shows aur people ta be an the rigbt side. Mr. T. H. Gleudinnlng la once more able to be seen on aur sîmeets. We cougmatulate him on his recovery. The Orangemen, Black Knigbts, 1. O. O. F., 1. O. F., A. O. U. W., etc. are aIl work- ing harmouiously aud report progreas. Mr. William Stewart bas moved frein Wick and la uow a resideut of Sunderland. We trust ho may find thinga ta his liking. Our methadiat frienda are bolding special meetings, led by Mr. Reid, snd repart good succem~. Nothing sncceeds like success. Our skating rink la in fuil blast sud la woll patranized. So iL should be as Mr. Patter lias il in the very best shape. We are look- ing for a carival. While attending the funeral of ber sou, J. Wiimit HunIer, M. D., Mrs. Dr. Huntor. of Stoufilville, was taken sick aud la now at Mr. Amas St. Johus. Wo trust sho will sean recover. The uight achoolunuder the contraI aiflthe library is flot patronized as il shouid be. Only from 7, 10 9 are attondiug. Wo Liuk mare af aur young people sbould takre ad- vantage oaiti. The Sunderland B. B. is sire yel. Von hear the dulctet strains wheuover a show ma lu îown but aI other limes il Is dumb. Lt doca ual even practice. Came boys, wake Up aud practice, and show the natives next summer wbat you can do. Everythiug la quiet aince the people uaw have ime ta discuas the situation aI Ottawa, thme Kaiser, sud tbaw ont their frozen ears, which were sa fixeci by swinging on the gardon gaLe tao long. Mral-don't swing an the gaLe wbon Lthe Ihermomneter iS 280 be- low zero. One of aur west endors bas imnported a big canine, sud now the boys bad botter do as the Romans did sud cane cauem, ar as the pedagague would say, "beware the dog. By-Lhe-by, we have more dogs ta the acre lu Sunderland than ln auy other place afitisj size ounlime western bemisphore. We have one of tbo beat public libraries ta be found lu ibis section. Thme officers report over 700 volumes ounLime sielves. Time table is supplied witb the boit daubae, weeklies, sud magazines. The amali féo ai50c. a year la charged notwitisîanding wbicb il is bard1 La induce people la support IL, We trust that the foregoing will b. a heal- ing sud sooîbiug salve ta youm laceratod aud wonnded feelings, sud believe ns, wben we say, tbat had we knowu you wauld have takenaur negîlgeuce so e~uh ta heart we we won't do il a1-in We bave oue ai the finest villages lu the finesîtawnship in thme cunuty ai Ontario. We haroeLime haudsomest sud amartest boys, the best sud prettiest girls, thme mont solîd mcix sud christian women ta b. found iu any community. If yaudon't believe lîjust vmsit us lu compauy sud see for yourseif. Our public achools have au attendance ai rearlv sixty in eacm division whicb la rather 100 many for two leacimers. A third teacher wlll haro to be provided lu the near future. Miss Shior, who bas chargeofaithie junior division la the rigbt persan lu tbe rigbt place. A new school bouse wonld be a groat im- provement. In response ta yaur beart reuding appeai for news sud fearing that you wil become e complote mental wreck, I hasten aI once, sud wiîbeut debey, ta cotnply with- yaut me- quest, sud shahl endearor in lthe- future ta guard againsî the fearful responsibility ai being the unwittiug cause ai any furtber drain on tbe resources ai aur cauntry ln mainteiniug lthe institution on Sbauty Bey. FACKTZ. Greeabamk. Birth--On lime i ith ist. lime wife ai Chartes ahs fincers on Wednesdsy évevnlug-: Pro.' sident, J. F. Piri; sec., Miss Galbawiàyý'i Ironis., Mr. James Smitb. A commlttee cot*e" sistiug ai Messrs. James Smithm, 1. F. Fihe, Gea. Holliday, Miss Galloway,_ end Miss Bingmi, was appointed la meet witb simti- bar committees froin tbe aller yaung pei_ pIe's sacieties lu thme village ta, malte'ail uecessary arrangements for lime county CIL. convention wbicb wili be held.isere-on lime, 251h sud 261h ai Febmnsry. The uniqune entertalument ta be give ù In lthe Masonic bail, by lime 11Daugliters of th Churcis" next Thursday -eveuing,:?"3rdipfs. sbeubd b. lime biggest kiud .oie asuces- it will be if tise enterprise of thesey »qla% ladies la properly appredatedl by 1thepublic._ Througb preViousý fissoncemeuta Q..R1ýN- zCr.s readers have'beený Informed tbiat-tise entetaismeut is -to b. an «"l0d 14tiibé Fare nsd wilI be quile 'iflerent" irùrt any- thlng previousby -attempted lu BroakUift' Tise ball wil h arrauged to represetî an, aId fasbiaued fir groun witis boatis, ç1ps touts, Puncis aud Judy show, etc., ançI lunad& dition ltee wlIAnbea labora.e, art ale!y;, -au aid crosl saconta ntsg an~uerous coleclaofciris udrelies o ti -or four generations- ean d alier intertstlfi snd glItetaing ýexhibits. 4pruflammec oasstu f-cbtoruses by thej- * , - tt1> mental, maslc, tableaux, eti w l gve i intervals sud refreshmientav*bi erl free ai chargetêi mcrers ieaal feos t o aaateojadl, Miss Mary Swfnson, whitby, ia home for a few days an account afill b ealth. The P. S8. have their supply of fuel for neit year, having parchased it from Mr. 3U.John Liawrence Buffalo la visiting hie fatllÎçrawaiting 1the re-opening aif1the miue shops. 1*ii. cold snap aof1the past few days bas beetn unusually severe, and bas tended ta keep th1e attendance at achool a 11111e lower. Miss Mary Davldson was unfortunate ta scald ber ankie, week ega Weduesday and we are sarry ta state is flot pro a favotib1y as could b., desired grnig A!bburn Public gseboalhave erganlzed a fài>I te=m wiIh.Jamnes Routly as,,capl-alu ?~~~1Cssieascrear, sd xenow The C Herbet jamiesoncf T«Onto, la hS»ng Albert Christiecof zephtyr, bas bM n VW9iin mother and sister th!$ week. A. 0. 1U. Offceo. The followlng ame the.officers-of sewg lï1 A70UW for teo M& Workmn WBc toremnan, W Broo;èv& eW'ae fnancier. 1J Rolph -recever, AÂ1.Divis; ro JH Brown; guideë, JH rIli Oiii0 Powers; I W, A" Allo ; dàeleto agrad J H Brown;,alternai. Aj Davis. 1 O O 0 Officers. The. followlng officers were instafle in V ier lodge last, Monday evenlog.- N Ç Campbelt-;,V W Motiau -RS8NGe Wbïtby; L. S kG, o rîap; R S>VE Jeweil; LV G. C IOaor; $ C. eHAlison; SéecR Bre;S , Brown; reas,RMcKuîgîn; IG. WA ster -0Q, W jamieso; chap, J-Nou; ,P Obitury The lata AMain Def who pàsued peaso owy n tbe-th InsI. frtà heat dlsease, bon Inthe couuty Molnabah, lre1ad" In i He cam e îo Canadawhen 7 yem o14u k ship. A ftet--rlving: iberé for nealy fi ' g ,et niarred Rachel, daugh!ei of àr. ThSuis 1 and lived ln ibat townSbipir 16 yé"àt5ç 13i mnoved ta MWyrtie an dllveëd la that vlage f.d years. It was while ýa rsldent. of West Wl h. accum.utated a large amount otpr'op'eI over Soo. acres of the hastland li Ibat toïîw In z887 be removMe t.Port ?ew. wbeb slded until bisde*th, anid was-eslmate&hU wortb co"sdersbly,,ovar *o - , -. WLbên laIe Adani-Duft arrive d iiins 4,oeua<iti had a crown, in, sbÏio.ankete but 1 vuawm Mr. and Mrs. C. Fraser of Hamiota, Man., MU 0gtth, Satina, is vlsiting at Mr. R. are visiting, with frienda fiere. ' CI Misss Kte ud tell Spncer ait~- Mr. Huribut bus sold bis young driver barton, are vislting amoug flnsîvxgi, at a ibdsombe figure. Brooklinansd vicinity. Mr 3:à.Ashbton la aI preseut confined ta the Rev. Wni. Friazel ôf Toronto, wilî con- bouse WUIh rheumatism. duet the service in the- presbyteriani church , r. an4 Mns. Smith, Enniekillen, spent on Sunday afternoan at the usual bout. Suâdsy with their daugbîer, Mrs. J. Ormîs. Dr. C. L. Starr will f ocate either ln Tot- tn onto or Buffalo. He expects ta leave Brook- Ma", of aur energetic farinera attended lin during Ibis week. We wisbhlm succeas. the.'F' eM*ers' Institute meetings lest week, Rev. R.- B. Smith, of ABIIburt, 1 occupled at CQ;U1ibu sud Blackstock. the pulpit of the preabyterlan cburcb last Visitons Miss Mar Hurlbut, Port Perry. Sabbath and preacbed an excellent sermon. nt bef pasents' ; Mr. Taylor, Bowmanvllle. Mis Allie Hockin bas returned from Tor- Mrn. Jobs Dyer and family are visiting onto andIsl going to commence dreas-muak. lber relatives Lt Oshawa. -1 ing at ber fatber's residence on Raîlroad st. Mise 'Bertha Gilbert bas returued bomne The stock, implemnénts, and household after spendlng ber Christmaes holidays at furniture belongiug ta the lote Thoimas Port Perry, lookinc hale aud beatty. Courtice will be sold by auction on Tuesday -OU.it>division Intends bald a sociable even. next.1 ing 0gether sert Tuesday. Games of ail Mrs. R. Moore bas J ust recovered from a1 kindi, and the ladies -are looking for their serious attack of bloodi-poisoning, supposed tré. h by 1aevrys 'ftisle ta -have been caused by the prick of a bat Mn, ,Fred Hurîbut bas just received a large pin she was wearing. stoctaI silverware for sale. Any one wish- Special services are being conducted inii ta purchase a very nice wedding pre- the meibodist chnrch tbis week by the pas.snl( better give h in a caîL He là, ai- tom, Rev. T. W. Leggott. The meetings will ways ready to recelve customerb. be continued, if the interest in them sl as it The receul war talk raised somne ambitions should be. hope -lu tbe bearts af soin. of out milltary Mr. C. Fraser, from Manitoba, wbo is nt ini, but it la subsiding wlîb the excitement. present visiting here, bas engaged Messrs. Me. Fred Ashton ieft for Owen Sonud lest Frank Medland and John Contes ta wark week'10 lake a course of training et the with hlm and bis brother durlng the coming Business College there. Hie ability, we summer. They wilI go early uext spring. trtj ,willlsoan put him et tbe top round of The non-appearance af tbe Brooklin lettersnccèe. in last issne has caused numerous questions. Th* baud la maklng pieparations for a The reason for it ual bëJng in its usual place grand concert ta be given ber. and et Black- is that it took two dat's for the leIter ta gel stoclu the near future. The young people ftorn here to the CHROXICLE office. Those of th)s nelgbborhood possess enterprise and interested wiIl find it lu this paper. tal0ntennugh ta make those entertaluments The new officers of thb. R. T. of T. wiIl be aOf11* first order. installed at the meeting on next Mauday Tise following officers were installed lest evening. Members bave the privilege af woek by Deputy Grand Worthy Patrlarcb of bringiug friends with thein la enjoy tbe pro. th# 'Sons af Temperance ln Ibis place, Mr. gramme that bas been prepared for the occa- B. - Pewell s-Bro Dyer, W P; Sis Wottcn, sien. A large atteudance la expected. W, -A: Sis L Pascoe, treas ; Bro Powell, F The first meeting of this year's council S 1 lOro Mackey, R S ; Sis Campbell, A R will b. beld next Monday. A laim for dam. SE; Ira R Pascoe, cbap ; Sis Ashton, 1 S ; ages bas been presenîed by Mr. Charles Bro Campbell, O S; Sis Wotteu, A C; Bro Lynde, Jr., wbose enRlne was over-turned Huribut, Con. otise 'et0 se ( thek f %rthe I services or@ M an s nammow piece of roadway an lime 3rd con., a few days ago. Tbe englue dropped about twelve foot sud, ai course, was bedby smasbed. Thme annuel buisiness uieetlngofîthe Commr- bus sud Brooklu presbyterian churches was bebd bore ou Mauday afternoon. Reports wore presented from lime congegations and ail lime societies lu connectien wltt Iei, al - beiug ai a very satisfactomy nature. Mm. Abex. McKenzie was re-elected president sud uearly alLihe aImer efficers were houer- etin lulie same way. The gaod naine ai Ibis village was dis- graced by tbe conduct ai the gang af beys limaI fobowed tbe saivation arry baud on Weduesday eveniug. 1hey were fitted out witb sticks, pans, etc., sud belng possessed ai good lung power, wbicb was made ful use oi, Ibey kicked up a great racket. Eren thase wha do ual sympathise wltb h eIbte methdof tihIe army are sorty eesncb A gambling des. 1Fer neyerai weeks past rmora have been rift that playiuig cards, pitcbing ooppere, :browlng dice, and gambing wan belug carrlcd on inaa business place la îawu. Some of tbe lasers have been sique.aiug and the resuit ta the Ilcat ta Out of the. bag," andi R. G. Shicr's llivcy office bas beerk for sometime past a bauging out place for boys, young men andi marrieti mon. A few yeus ega ibis saine Sies iivery 'office wasa place where seme profeslonel gambling was doue and the stick one gaI away witb the whole boole Shier matie a great uoisc-apparentby- about lt, and lu lime th.e ffatir bleiw aver and ail wan quiet. Naw aiter e lapse of a fcwr years It agalu goes on la an amateur way snd on a larger scale, as fer as. the nuinher of porsons tskiug part la coucemcti, witb the siakes on easriailer, scale. Womse than Pdl, same oi tbe gambllng bas beelà dont on <be Sabbatb day-the first Sunday as far an known wus Nov. nâstb last- and boys snd young mes have been trapped loto au appareutly innocent igaine of dioe, sud befare the gaine was finishod tbey were minus some of -their mon y. t la bigh lime aur municipal council Canclcd Sbler's lverylicenoe, for sho6w. ing snob seandaloias proceedings ta go on. 1 amn credily lnformed this gsRmbllag bas bes going ou since November lest, eud latcly It bas bees neamly evemy nigbî, besîdes Suudays, Christmas anti New Ycars. Dons au y sne persan tbink for anc moment that that kind of busns bas been going ou sud Shier flot know it ? There are mauy îla towu wbo tbinik ho was wcll eware of it, (in fact be bas beemi ceeu îhrawlng tbe'dico, whetber it was for moner I can't sa,» suad that b.e could ual pans lu anti ont of bis. livery office and flot see a gang of boys and mca theesud flot know whaîtbtey were doing. Sncb a mas la flot deservng of cubher favor or patronage Who wll shlow snob dastardiy anti infamous pmooeed. ings ta go on among our voung boys anti men.- Lt la stateti-1 cannai ranch for it-tbat on. ai the members la a professional gambler, lts.frieuds say 50 ai any mate. Severai citizens iu town bave madle remerks on how so mauy boys sud men, congregate at Sbiern iivery stable on Suay afteruoous anti evenings smoking and telling umatîy yarns., h la naw plainly to be secs wbet was dmawlng thein thIe place. 1 bave a Ilat of twenty-etwo names ai those wba frequent that p lace sud I have given th is;ata Chief-Coustable McKniglit who, wlll attend ta them for the futur. Lt ba, becs suggested Ibat aur chieot constable sbould riait Sbier's livemy two or Ibree trnes on a $unday and, frequestiy- evenlag- througb the weeand prevent snob caniemphble: actions for tbe future- and break up the..crawds: that calct ties. C>a, ctizteà seid. thatfroin thme reports ai 'the gamblfiz thba s'bec, ar on tbat nom. bave sali t tihgisla kept going that a tragedy^ may happen- as saine are sa in- censed at losing Ibeir. gaine, af dice and money.ý Develepments are âwaited wlth abated breath * Sevemal weeks ag* Constable Powveliunexpected-- ly made bis appeiarance'au, 8uadsy-aftemnoon and warued th-on. playsnug ta:dest or hc woüuld tsa fortbem steps wben a stmpede was-made fanidossd deas. Lt *La aise sad Ibat card, plsatlng and other devicesi ofime saune klud ar piayed et a certain bat bouse on the lak.re.- Town hall roof Duriag thé receut municipal electionscou- iderable dIscupsioà -and snaniy rumors-were, 7abrad in referenke to.tise ta"wu hall-roaf.. Ms a rest-of-4he 1'talk and -minora, ,stralned relations -,now exW- betw.ees IJ. Wý Mcbarw; tiring dîspôdlîlan about ts ol S achoa htei ceased wes-a.go.c ýau

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