v P~. VOL. XXXX. WHITBY, ONTARIO, FRIDAY,' JANUARY 24, 18960 We :Can E'. c fl? liv vomui g in and trvxng OU R Swplilvu'tii vo o ON!Y Wh. R- 1i .ST1A i-) C11li A 1'1 S T GOODS, keep Ithe DRU(;s. \Vc h . i foui assortmclnt of PER- I' I R V t over frorir mir X mýas 11 1iV C wc ll sci CHIjAll. -A 1.S( Tooth Brushes, Clothes Brushes. Hkiîr Bruishes and Combe. \Ve . Il c IP tIl i g I lit thIle fiti n st- HAVANA CIGARS t ndi , i icxs. lUi kinds of fine-eut .îlways on hand THE CORNER DRUG STORE, WH ITBY. id y wl j MWUé AN IM/>'O hTA. Puices talh too W<dXire 1fi $1 75- Good iN $4 fo r $,3 .Fi rs w o 1thI $6 5o fu LOCAL NEWS LETTERS, CastoNIcL!eCORIt SPONDNca,. -:0:- TOWN LISE L.isten its the town line sneezing. jas. Truli is having a new windmill put up on bis place. llarry Janes is cutting wood bacir on the Chlas 1.y n d's place. May Kernpthorn la confined 10 her bed wvith croup and lagrippe. Mathias Mackey is recovering from a severe attnck of hemorrbage. Several of our young people attended the Sunday school convention at Oshawa. Will Sanguine has returned Io the city after speîxding a montlh's vacation in our localîîv. Geo. Richardson and Frank Mackey have t raded horses. The town uine wiîl miss oid Rate." A numnber of our young ladies are paying speciai attention to music this winter. This is a move ini the righit direction. Rev. Mr. Leech. of Greenbank, takes Mr. Mantings place next Sunday, and Mr M.inning giies to Belleville 10 assist Rev. Dr. jCade. Fred Davey, Geo. L.ee, Harvey and Ed. Harris, Frank and Arthur Rowe, and Lizzie Coakweii are the scholars that are taking in the inter term of school. A ver>- enjoyable tîme report ed at the Pat- rotîs oî'ster supper last Thursday evening. But its queer how it changes one's taste for ovsters tii be on the losing side, but then th"-re Is lots of queer things in tîxis woid. L'OSunday's snow rail was suîfficierit 10 il WIWIIIW*maire very good sleighing. The special services in the methodiat church are being contintîed ibis week. IBrooklin Royal Templars haëd eight repre- se.îîatives at the district meeting ai Whitby on Tuesday. CLEAN SWEEP. Mr. Thos. Bick, generai agent of the Manufacturer's Life Assurance Co., was in e________ .town on business iast Friday and Saturday. Mr. James Sinne: and famnily wiil shortly for Cash : move into the residence occupied by the late Tho... Courtice, which bas been purchased attassworh 2 ~ fo ifrom the estate by' Mr. Skinner. Nlixed Mattrass, vorth ,t-lass Extension Table or $. Bedtoom Sets worttî $14 fot S109go. Bedrooni Set w'orth $16 for $13. We bave nothing but first-class workmen in our Up. hioistering Department. Leading Undertaker,...! E. J. JOHNSON, BROOK ST., WHITBY. JL7L UYTHE Weckly Globe CEIONILE FOR 1896. ---Wmeeour Club- bing Lista. Hlenderson & Graham. Holliday Bros. have a few overcoats left that îlxev are anxious to get rid of. In order th at nione may have to be carried over they are noie ofieredi at a big reduction in price. 'Coais thMp were $750olow sel! at $6 ; sto ones go for $8 - $14 for $12, etc. Ail are new stock this winter. AIl kinds ot winter goods are now offered at similar reductions. The committees appointed by the young people's societies of the village will shortly hold a joint meeting to make local arrange ments for the big county convention which will be held here on the 2.9th and 26th of Feb. We know they will receive aIl the as- sistance they need from the hospital resid- ents of Brooklin in preparîng for the recep- tion of the visitors. Council Meeting The new council organized on Mon- I iii' last, each of 'the members-elect 1 taking lhe prescribed declaration of of- Ifice. This couticil only appoints une coni- mîîîtee, that on indigents. This year Reeve Calder and Councilors McTaggart and Ketchen will act in that capacity. Bylaws were passed appointing B. F. Campbell as- sessor, and Reeve Calder, Deputy Smith, Clerk Holliday and Councilors McTaggart and Ketchen as members of the board of health. Bdards of health under the new Iaw are appointed like trustees, for three year terms, and Counciior Ketchen will thus hold office three years, Coun. Mc- Taggart two, and Deputy Smith one. Thus in future only one member will have to be appointed each year. Another bylaw was appointed namning H. T. Langford as the council's auditor, and Reeve Calder ap- pointed Mr. Holmes, teacher at Brooklin, as associate auditor. A few small indigent ac- counts were passed amounting to 88.75, and about $10 accounts on roads frors last year were ordered to be paid. The counicil wil meet on the first Monday in-each montb dur- ing t.he year. W. A. H. Business DlrGory. G UY & CO., grain buyers. BRALL, &. - Insuer of Marriage Licenses. Reaideno. opposite Town Ha&14 Brooklin. SCRANTON Co.xL.-D. HoiDÂT Ais nov prepared to deliver, or oel ut shed, Brooklln station, or off cars, the celebrated Scranton Ceai at cloe rices for cash. (The beat la the cheapest.) W A McINE1ILY, D V S.--Graduute cf the On- tario Veterinary Coliege, Toronto; Honorary member of the~ Ontario Medfioal Society. Treate ail diseases of thre domesttcated animale by thre mont approved method. Alse iparticular attention to urgical operations and dentistry. Day or nigirt caUB pronrptly attended to. Office and xeidence grookili, Onaro WESTERN BANK 0F CANADA i1 surplus 1000001Ai BOARD 0F DIRECTORS. OHN ('OWAN, ESQ., President. R Et B iiN S. HÀAM LiN, EsQ., Vice- Pres. T. H. MCMILLAN, - - - Cashier. General Banking Business transacted, Draits îssued, payable in ail parts of Can- ada, Uuxîed States, and on London, Eng- "ln'-payable in ail parts of Europe. 33 pet ce, t. aliowed on Savinge Bank Deposîts and credited half yearly. .Spect*al attention ' to collection Of Fariners' sale notes. E. D. WARREN,. Manager of Whitby Braucir. Farm fop Sale# To reduce oui stock as mucis as possible before tstock-takring we viii giv. a redrction ef (rom l'un To TWUNTr-Pxvz. PUR CIurr. -DUaIl WiUter «00&s.W-0 bave still a spleudid e.uortmeut su ad "geauuî baye n vlbe giveu. Tht bu jk of theê #gUnderwear, Blauaets, »teJir4 wcoi siawisorRooda, ce?% Off tu kets, Robes, etc,,. should 4ui eù supplieti st ou= .W. viii- b.plesseta ~ sU hoties. goo" daudquofttme«i wrIeSm 1 -r, 1 bat desirabie faim, ontmlning S30 iiU tbe~.10 Centre O! Lot 2 la tire an0d Conessbonthe, Tovnship o! Pickerirg, the seo1b i.Jo McCuilougir, tirrmiles froû rWUtlby toitS or Pickering village, antix 3 miles frou a sbot and churci, Thc grounds, brck bou, sud>*Situa'1 tiare unsurpassetiGo)od orbdugd.4 Ont-j buildings; anc bain'36X60 Viii bssmenti C baiun 30x4O vitir stoneablW ¶1 The farm la well fenoed, faIt pI@< d inud à Qecd state of ultlvation. For futbgéPlu*- 6ir apply on premusezS or b = tteît.,81. TT 1- oaiv tir vISt GaEENWOOD Mr. S. A. Marks Sundayed in our midat, Miss L.illie Tait ie visiting lier parents at present. Mr, F. Tait, of Oshawa, was in town on Saturday. Misa A Adanison has been very succesa- fulin getting a good situation in the city. A few of her friends spent a very enjoy- able evening with Miss F Taiton rldy laat. Mr. B. Brignaill as purchased the Brown pro perty and in tends to move in sometime in Mardi. Mr. H. Jones and sisters, o! Mt. Zion, were the guests o! Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Green on Sunday. Miss Phenie Harris started for Ottawa on Saturday, where she intends taking a course ini the normal. Mr R. E. Jolinston lias sufficiently re- covered from h is recent attack o! the grippe to be able to be out again. A number froni here attended the carniv- ai at Claremont on Tuesday niglit and re- port having had a very good tume. Mu and Mue John Seldon and Mr W Wil. son were appointed delegates to the Sunday sciroor convention to be held at Oshawa on Thursday and Friday o! tis week. Thre anniversary i connection with tire methodist churcli was very well attended. Mr. Harris delivered two very able sermons to a full house. In lace o f th e usual tea meeting a free will offring o! $4o was asired for by way of collections. Sorry to say only twenty-seven o! the forty were raisZd Tire Brougham choir favored tire congrega- tion in tire evening with some 'very choice selections It is surprising thre number o! coppers that were placed on thre collection plates as they were passed around. Surely thre timnes are flot so bad a person bas to give coppers as a tentir part o! their in- corne. MYRTLIL Six of Mr. D. Ellerbys children were baving the measies last week. Mrs. S. Hoitt vent to Toronto last week to stay the remaining part o! the winter vith Mr. and Mns. Harry Brown. On account o! failing health Mr. Sam Barrett has advertised hs bouse, lot, i very stable and al tbîngs pretaintng ta his livery business for sale. One day last week Mr. George Downey bad a wood bee cutting stove vood and we hear that the nice lot of thirty corda were doue up al oak. On Saturday last Mies Hattie Hoar witb her Sunday school class o! large girls wenîta Port Perry to have their photograpirs taken. Cabinet sîze. Last week Mrs. Annie P. Hodge received notice of ber appointment as Post Mistresa o! this office lu the place o! ber deceased irusband Mu. Edwin Hodge. On accouai o! personal ilîness tire Rey. Mu. Weatberal the pastor o! tis circuit was not able ta take bis work last Sunday. some ef the brethern filled tire vorir, First class maple vood twenty tvo juches long ta being delivered bere tis inter fer seme. vas some tveive or fourteen yearsago. - Aîmour's 'store for bargains durlig thre reat o! tire month. Ail goode at coat prier te stock tairing, Feb. iat 5o overceats and 2opairs winter boots must go.Soeciri - unes in ordered clothing. W. . Ar=our. Inspector McBrien paid our school a visit on Tuesday o! ibis week and gave the scirool a bal' holiday. We don't tbiuk that our scirolars bere are in the habit o! sbedding tears wben a houi day la given tbemn and ve suppose tirai the arrangement suited andth ie school will admire *the inepector as heret.olore. Las: week anc o! tbe West Wbitby couacil- men moved Mis. John Silis from Port Perry te tbe home of Mi. Chîrley Gilroy virere sire will be veil cared for we suppose for tire vinter. I. seema ta us that i: was a pretty good bit fur against theni> or probably they would have seen wOtbe tinmes. We bave use for tbemn and they ,better leave the reglon for parts uncnewi. They- do flot live in Audley or vicinity tbanks be. Mrs. Taa4res.à r, la spending ber holidays with friends lâû Oshbwa and vicinhty. Mr. Thres Wilson Toronto is visiting bis Motber Mts.Dennis Sheeban o! this place. Miss AbOte Palmer and Miss lKmma Young, Pine Grove 8pent a few days witb Miss Aggie Bailfour. 'Miss Etuina Underbili, Claremont bas been spending a flew days vlslîing her friend Miss Amella Hom~s. Miss Lisse Balfour laft for Toronto Monday, wberc sire purposes attendlng the Normal, wbich Opeuicdon tbe arst.'1 Wearlau edte sec'Mr. Jas. Davidson around tgale vitout the aid of crutches. An experenceS 14 weeks with the sticks does net make hmMlus to continue their use, but rather là nSSShas gratefuinesa for the use of his own ihabe, - The AIMuAI business meeting o! the Presbyter- ian chuib 'ws held Monday but owing to the slim attendance vcry littie o! Importance was transacted, However it was decided if satls factory BiaOgements could be made ta have Rev, L Ml~e0 hoid services here afier Rev. M. Slhselnto goes into effect. Thre Asirburn council R. T. of T. sent dele- gates te tb--ë District council, Whitby, and re- port a vet y favorable meeting. Our Sec. Mr. W . v.Csi as honored witb the appointment o! Heri, As stated ln last weeks issue that the Tenwà 1rs intended giving their annual ser- mon ehortly :hey aise purpose givlng a grand ovater supper. Full particulars next issue. The date wiIl be somewhat about thre 9tb of Feburaty. Samuè Henley of Burlington vas in towm last week on business. N. F. Paterson Q. C., of Uxbridge was bere on Tburuday of las: week. H. Befitt and E Prinze left on Tuesday for Sundridgé,1 t engage in the butcher business, Mrs. Opper was tbe delegate from tire Port Perry ce Io! Royal Templars te the ditrict council a Witby on Tueaday last. Meas Martyn, A Good, W Lamb, W Stabback'JWhite and F Lund left witb îeamns on WcdnadY for the lumber sbanîy at North Bay. Mr. Jonrath~an Blong is moving tbis week liet bis beatui,.u home at Beechenhurat. Mr. C. L. Whitby ire. tailor la preparnng 10 move into the rooinsiateyeocupied by Mr, Blong. Thé mounleraary services o! thre Methodist cburch'.0lIl be held next Sunday and Menday. Thre ReV, D. M. McCamnus wili preacir a -song sermnin fpthre merning and the choir will give a servloe of &Mg lu *the evening. Concert,-tManchester. Mre, - IR. Heurd witb ber music class wili give a frauuk cncert on Friday evening january 315t ffl~ttw hall, Manchrester. The pro- Rgrme vt*1-iusls of voc ancd instrumintal mUSIk, redttIà p dialogues. eydrill ,aurd trouble iftbe-pracdiceof sellingZ or giving liquor te tie Scugoj reserve Indiens is ne: stopped. it bas become sucb an old story tirat 1 semetimes ttrink that if au carnes: effort were made and imprison twe or îhree of tire Indiaes thre eues who farnisi tire liquor would soon ire found out. Cause and effect. Last week I irad an article on gambling, tirai vas cause. Ins wcek the tevu had an exhibi- tion. On Tuesday morning as I lefitithe poat- office I vas irailed by Mr. R. G> .Suer, vire cal- led out tbat he wished te speak to me, and vas assaulted lu a owardiy ced violent nianner. 1 arn debarred frein making aey comments on the niatter, as Shier iras te, stand bis trial before me iaiay i mà c oer erprpeiy u uerotcemaisr£e ra eratwnimuy, anau vuz council and tbey provide a goed home for ber, ihave an opportnity te Rive iris ressens for so GB=NANKdoing befere thre magistrate. GREENBAKTire station crovds. Mus. Carneggie is visiting f rienda in Mari- Several of aur beat ciizens have o! late made posa. many complaint of tire motley crowds tbat as- Miss Ella Byers, o! Toronto, has been -semble nigirdy at tire G. T. R. station. -lt-la visiting frienda bere. more conjecture vby tire crowds gatirer et theo _Thos. Arsey, o! Brookl, iras been i station and on tire long platfom. Soute timk lt Egyt te lst ew ays iste sec tire inceming andi outgoing passens. Egypt ire iat few aya. IAt asr rate it is a nuisncetirai should ire stop- Thre metirodist cirurcir people bave cern- peti at once. Tire crevds usually congregate mencedti te aul tire material fur tiroir nov 1 vile tire station agent and iris assmst nt ae veu churcir. bnsy witi tiroir dties and cannoticjave tieri Tihe Rev. J . Cameron, viren ieturning work. -Ikis otten ihe casetirat do, ie bave home from tire service boue on Sunday after- :1 0 otie station te meèt fniende ceming- in- or- te noon, almest had a smashup on account o!i fr nds 011 tiraitith canuet elbow thefrway, bis herse taking fright. tirroairtire Scrod. 7if mie GT.. an"th-orutrews lir. Wm.Love ba pnrciraed tire old -v usnd a detectîve or speclal constable bhe Mr.Wm.Lov ba puchaed he ld ot-for tvo or tirre. eeka te assat lte station agent. age hotel and îs nov engageti tearing it iWould scon b. tiraiwoMen aiid cildren cult down, se lu a !ew days tis iioric build- go te tire station and net b. ote snvbp ing, oe eof tire oldeet in the village, vil be a peusanw ap tbing of tire paat.- iTire annual meeting of tire presbyterian ia etn ftenal ierv churcir vas ireld on Wednesday evening- The anu etn fdeOtrofl rt last. 'rere vas a geod îepreentatim et:,CtMV Os.Xvas btdOit MOndai hast -10 the thre congregation, anrd witirte exception o!f eW I.Tire. aqdltomrepq«t -which %vas, tire mlssionary funds - wîich bave not, tis Idp ioedmr eptu s 459 eý year-beon as good as 'coultib. wished, -ail IPOndituit$50&97, laavlu gblneugra. tire reports - pTesented vere of a very nier.buseo$o btvshpflec factory ciraracter. Altbough there beeb..u I or1155 $iZ@tbe YdIshW*- oT0w for duil limes and upvaîds of $zoo eipended' Il ugejandtbç _-eeetry ,Co.- latend 0gb mi te matter andi defendtheir car«tamrThe builditdg a stable at-the manrse, tiretreasuier ý. ~ . .r.Mt vuabtle te report a bitiauce, Of $rfonbaà doandfid ot-ow hepno~~yw&mt~at and flot a dollar -of ciebt _t* a 1y, . Mr. ~ ~ .~ John Lee and Jas. McMiUlan, te r.turnlng M<>1194 managers, vere re-eloced fgr- aib Tier terni Tire, as considerable eefituand Ç1tdU '~d ~Cam - (car ititis ncl;irborbood -à fpw ays go T-biI -of reeor lïbe i thé*st wirei jlîvasuled .thst te bandof rAtbs. 1ý wo b that ver. diummt ued t of Lltdoy* à short tume ago weu* cwp- between -bor ýe gid ~ ~ ~ , town 1 do know that the members of every lodge and society endeavor to do their cluties faith- fully to eaéh other when occasion requires it. Villa"eCouncil. The new council met on Monday morning at ixi o'ciock. Present, Rt:-eve W Ross. Deputy Reeve Rundie, councilors, W Bateman, S H Purdy, S jeftrey The members made their de- clarations of qualification and office, wbich were subscribed ta and taken by ail. Standing com- mittees aported : Finance-Bateman and Purdy ; pà or-Rundle and Jeffrey; Fire Protec- tion-Ross, Rundie and Bateman; streets--the wbole couuili, Mr. Jeffrey moved that tenders be received for (i) leasing corporation scales; (2) 10 corda 24 inch green wood ; W 5 cords green tamarac and 5 corda green3 hardwood for the pour; (4) 1 % lnch plank, ro and 12 inches wide, 12 feet long, and 4 x 4 cedar scantling 12 feet long, an d 5 corda atone. Orders were granted on the treasurer in favor of the returnlng officers. E. D. Roger,, $3, j H Brown $3, C Powers $3, polling booth $2. Capt. Crandaitof Lindsay, wrote the council relative to a uniform belght ot the waters of Scugog lake, Orders were granted on the treasurer for $21.25 In favor of the poor and for supplies provided for the samne. Mr. Purdy rnoved that the firun of Ponton. Tate & Co. be relieved of ail taxes on their foundry property (with the exception of the school tax) over and above an assesament of $2000, and that a by-law be introd'ioed and pas- aed for ibis purpose and to replace ail other by. laws fox merly passed in refèrenoe to ibis matter. An amendmnent was carried that this motion be laid on the table until next meeting of the coun- cil. The foilowing accounts were ordered to be paid : F M Varnold, registerlng births, deatha and marriages, $zo; M jr Harper & Son, te- pairing fire.pngine. $8; W H McCaw, stationery etc., 82 45; Newton Bras., balance printing ac- count, 1895, 835, Mr. Purdy gzave notice that he would introduce a by-law te raise by deben- turea the sum Of $39.000 ta meet debentures maturing this year. and Instructions were given the clerk ta advertise in the Gloibe, Mfail-Empire, and Montreal Witnesa for tenders for sale of thé same. A rebate of $15 was allowed H Vennet on his butcher license. Mr. Bateman gave no- tice that ho "Il introduce a resolution to ercm oralize the Minister of Marine at Ottawa in re- gard bo lowerlng the waters of Scugog lake dur- ing navigation. Newton Bros. were awarded the printing for this year at $60. Auditors-r J Widden and j W Mebarry ; bigli-sohool trùustee, W Kennedy; assessor, E D Rogers; board of health, M H 0 Dr. Archer,- iýeve, 'clerk. C Parrisb, H Frise, 1 Rolpb. Chas. MoLean and M; Lealoe, Oshawa, are vlsting at Mr Geo McLean's, W. J. NoTr. Port Perry Busines Dlreotory. G. B. WiLLIAMBoNw, barber, next to post office. Oct,.Utth,-8 nes, MUiNuar.-Si T.uoloesoighasnreoeved her new jul stock of millinery and in prepared to ttm out first-olass millnery in the latxent styles and 1ev pricas. Stamplng done to order. Sept. 191h-S3-mos, W H CLÀnâx hafer sale three goed seond- hand parlor heatera witîh avensa, whilà a ill ssIi oheap for cash. CJai and luspeel theni ase they are good bargains. A cobbler rocking chair, a three piece parlor suit in oak or curly bircli, a drawing roomn suit, an - easy chair, a bedroom suit, a sideboard, exten- - sion table, fancy table, a swab, a coucù, bamboo novelties, an easel, and, ... nglnetwaeso Wefu casil GfJ E SSOR P Furnî-ture W. Je- NOTT,9 :: Company. - MANAGUL Wbitby Town Locale. Mr. W. irhonipson, Petarbeio, - e viating relatives here. A few front here tooký in tihe carnival at Bowmanville on Priday night lust We would like te have correspondents at, at Theruton'. Corners, Cedar Dale snd Poley. Tire Agency Business In Council. We would rather bave tire tevu inbutince placed ln Deputy Reeve Pringtls- cowpmny than any other mutual company tirat hâte been mentioned yet, but if Deputy Pringt can supply the town witb insurance and çol- lect a commission wby can't Ceun. Dcver- supply us witb lumber as thre agent. lumber company, and why can't - Jackson take an agency freni some r company and suppl>- the Ore deparunà e»t, and why can't Coun. Blow a& tbeý-ageqt' et som ebod y su pply us witir ceai? In short wiry cannot one or other ef the counctilors get an agents commission eut of every plece of business? What le te hnder -tire mayor, as financial agent of some broking corpora-tion, from getting an agent's commission out , > the sale O! $20,000 or 83o,owof > debenturestii be sold presently ? Thre councileris could maire stacirs o! money if tbcy adepted tI!ls pnincipie, a.nd a membercf tbemw-appearo- be mighty keen to put IL In vogue at -ne Every titan at the town ceutii board'ts equaliy as mucb right t W sci agsce through wbîch to do business aulth theë and to go ta council and argute a civ thre heur to put mney into his evu Cengregationai meeting. - The congregation o!, St. Audrew's ià d'ib thre basement o! the churcir on.1%-ï evening last. After devotional e*erciae by-, tire Rev. Mu. Abrahami, Mr. Juo.,BuEna*», called te thre chair. The report oft tie.sessioua uirowed that the different socictieso oCUîe' churcir vere ln a flouîlsbing condition a0d dolng good work. Tire mcmbcrgbip of the. cirurcir iad been- considerably in4craud aithougi tirere lad been severti 01M-'_ threugir deatir and removal. -Thre manaâbrm report recemmended among otirer tblüPp that a com mlttee b. appolnted -te conskide the question of tire purthas.af a pipe orga#* to hch nd85ooe weîeý,now l tiire hands -of, the treasurer. Thre report asio recommed, ed that four usirers be elec dte asuiathe1I -managera lu somýe dépatnents cf thefr venir. Tire ushets elected;-are Meurs. chas/ McClellan, Robt. StewartWuPtnlan4 Ciras. Smith Tire treastire. riepotlsI*éd- tirat considertng tire times tir onrbIla~ of the, members of the congregaton- bad bë meut liberal. Th~e - question ..-of holdhmï.' a soiree la yet in abey pc.Messrs. I*1h'_ Ross and D. Galbraithr were rleted oiI9èe board of managers The-e meeting cliqc witir devetienal, exercie. Mr. J. 4ee ia laid Up vith an att.ack>,vgc~ sipelas. On Sunday evenlng as Revm. v could net attend, Mr. Tind, of and Mr, J. Davis, conductedtlhe rxevlvà îîiî vice be. On. Surday _R"evli,.ri>rke, .etEi KATI New Vi Tkanks -Our Ch*l - mg thé. unf T'flpapess gre- fit» of the- air sem ûupf1 Wl»' it oeinfrta or in or penisape 14 Véeiùzela, ùiot, but we do k* oW the -war s9ina Oniw lIiday- NO.8 ý t UMUMUAMMUM 1 1 1. " %X 42z- Il--