A LOSS OF FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS. TH. BEST BLOCK IN TOWN RIDUC- ED TO RUINS. Newcastle, Ont. jaq, 2.-For the third time in its history, Newcastle has been swept by ire. The first occurred on Der. 3rd, ". when the buildings on the' vcrv saine blocks as those which werc hiirned Tuesîtay miorning were toil' 1 ss ri)VC(. The buildi ngs which stlerud( at the last tire were those the conftlagrat ion of 1,S77/ he loss til igulru 11p)t()ver $ ThiO. n s rnav n 4sut ta Lrge'a nimin t t>>thew ordi- nitrv C:Li'>r d e r, butit i t i rn-iis a great >iua ii a m> î o r o0 uhaitants, es- pet iallv wb t' n the) best bloc k in the 11acv s laid in is)(< 'lie e at'dvîtuti .ofollows: D auîul V\icîii, satiorrur and under- takcr. 1liiîl!î,i$iLstck, $4500: K. .t tkClwrl'store, stoc k. \\Tilc lsk.in wlrch xcrc ýýtiuî i ' diii i-iit t t tif 11 $C (o s fo. r F: lb-inutt (t thre \indsor tuttel, lost N n ~ n1>1buillîr.~.$(x)oýo, furni- i -- I 'i k. lîttts and lshiies, build- îî >2 'tix k$200 n tîrance on '>1 ( t.lt'uiirinîiu , 1 < enIîttîunery. 111\ aturusiunu, on îssheds, 1, utnlodgeC A. V & A. M., No. 1Ul-tut ove r Alleni's store, los, I utsN1 (luur9cgeeral store and 1,lil ouldng S4000.tc $o0 (IIi n. bu opposite sîde of the street tlîu tirt' lsNî got iin ts ,work. W. Wag- siati. gr 'ter J. ri, tailor, Robert i>ý.ct'elc ý1sto rc, sutlered smaller '111c liii, w bit b statrteti in the stables t ii> R> ! lltcl, was drsî oversd at ~t iii t '.iv. tt t îîigl1 t his town lii' "tîi i ' tîtun.tere was no lire pun-, h'iltttsittt>!a and engine. n- î!ý tir n.' state that tlhe nitn cnlniît itizens arc nît t w blai-rie. .\ 1.' n>.1tken loun tbe advisahilin.v tf pUin l1tsîîlt.g ;' starîîi trc engin(, a fe fl o 1 tpu h se. W il nl t \n as seen n.hatIlt'iru n,-Is wl1tîtCi navand t ould not bc sttîj-i t ' lleie I b nianv ilIt' tire brigade M'as as i, tl for aTitnc hlry responîlei r ;11)(1 atIsent n.bir s amrand that i. was caused b>- incendiarismn or carclessness. A ruovemrent is now Be. irîg .gitated to ask Attorney-(;eneral Nlowat to irîstitute an investigation. t EPSOM. NI mies are reported ttî be in une of the homies of t)Ur village. The inernbers of the choir will bej willitig to tender their thanke to Mr-. Roîbert Scott for tbe energetie manner *11 whîcihob.>has pusbed forward the platform schelnre. Tbrougb hie effortq a nice >place bas been fixed for thbe leaders of oui- Srrrginig ervi9o. The Knigbte of the Macabees bave a lodge organized bore. This resait bias been brougbt about by the united efforts of Mr-. Court.eney of Myrtie and Mr-. E. Andersonu o! Uxbridge. Mr. Coun:ney le the gentleman wbo wau eandbagged at Myrtie. Pereons froni Manchester and surronding hamiet.s are joining the Epsom iodge. A lively time wau bad at a pubhic Etchool truBtee meeting heid bore a short time ago. Mr-. N. Claugbton had been prýviously olect.od au trustee but iL turn- ed <ut that as Mr. Claughton wau net a reeilerît o! thbe section aimply a rat.epayer therefore could uaL fil thbe position. A number o! candidates were put ap for the owce and Mr-. Jue. Aokney reoived a large ma]oity of thbe votes. Nosnly a&D the ratepayers in thbe section wseepresent and considerabie electioneern u a car- rîsti on. 'lIve one poison a sum, cf money and he w Ill i-unr)through it in vory short order wbîl.> bis folow wili use it as a lever to gain gieter thinge. A good exemple cf« thrs latter c"&s wilho foand lu the per- son o! Mr. C. Asling. Through hie in- dividuai offerts ho has seoured for huieif a v.ry good position n l f.. Mr. Âsing 15 a postmater, sohoolmaster and store- keeper. Reoentuiy tulle gentleman par chased the faimu lateiy worked by Mr. J. Swuphena. We think viien Eoo grovu, tu thbe proportions cf a village Mr.ÂAslng wili stand a prettuy good show of becoming roove- The hall question seemus tb b hiber- nating. Another evidence of th. ne.d o! tbis building hua been given lu Iba ognztien of a lodge of the K. 0. T. M. Whero zare thoie people goiv.g te meet? Tbey 8an Dot niet lu tbe el h mas they shouid net muet in thesoool bous. yet at presant thoe an r the oialytuo places uhere a public s.eetIu4" oe held. The position as uow;ea ra. $10 asu bisoibed snd a Society "that ilbe lad to get a sitablel han. Àf.* of 42Pep meeting might b. obarged for th. mset the building. For hua som of M O ot $700 a very nice hall ouzdt, b1evN be buît. Mach lrér '- hsa tbÎs have bée eau ab" th ough w i4h fa r poor -O . o The -wedding bailtaS ringing, Mfiss Nicholson our station agent is on the, sick lbat.. Several of car boys have started baok to college. Sucoe te thm. W.> are isorry rx) report> thât Dr Walter Thom n j ot mach improved in health. Our choir appeared in greater force on Sunday but we think only in qaantity. Mrs. C. Clark wus indisposed last, week but we are pleased to hear is on the me nd. Miass I. L. Henderson intends retarn- ing to the city after being home for over a montb on ýhe sick list. Our young people intend organizing a Glee Club. We wish them every saccesa ini their new enterprise. We wonder what becamne of Butcber's moustache. Shurely the froaty days of last week iust have frozen it off. Our new ice-boat was launched Saturday night anrd we hope soon to be spending. very plea8ant evenings an the ice, Lewis M. Grant our carrnage maker, lias roturned home after spendinq a fort- night witb bis sister in Bowmanvrlle. \Ve rejoice over the fact tnat Miss A. B. Cowaur bais much recovered since ber return) from the gtneral bospital Toronto, F F. Matrks has returned home from Chippew Bay wbere he bas been cleîking in a large store for t4b past few months. School started Monday week witb a large attendance Mr. McFadyen our new teacher is highly impresaed with the pu- pila of our academy. Q uite a number of our young people are attendrng the meetings held by Mr. Rog ers under the Society of Fniends at Fair- port during the paat two weeks. Jobn Anderson bas gone back farrning again and it3 cornfortably settled on the corner again but lacks the one thing noed- fui. Surely he will cage the bird soon. %0'e1nRON1C HBIADACIE. Ibe ehongo linoey Mother'a condi- tlon nmarcellona. SOotte sSerasparilla la a Doon. MONTRL&L, Auguet 2qth, î8ç;. CaNTLiturN -There is such a change le my ructher's Iiisth that I cannot re- strain mysuif trou writia you. She sufferod for vears past wilt a ckronic headache, accornpanîed with a disordered stomnacb. She was weak and irritable, a.nd wc nhouight she was going into a de- cline. For tbree weeks she bas been taking a course of Scott's Sarsaparîhla, whirch was recomrnendied to ber by Mr. McGiale, Druggist, Montreal. lierh ead- ache is now but a memnory, ber appetite is good, a.nd she bas gamned five pounds in weight in twelve days. She is a dîfferent woman, and 1 teed that you, in God's hindi, hiave been the. means of ne- storing her to healn.h. I &hall always recommi-end Scotn.'s Sarsaparila ta suifer. eu-s troin hiead or digestive troubles. Thunking you again, 1 close. N'ours sincerely, H-Iortense Gaviliere. Srott's Sarsaparilla is a concentratsd extract, pleasant te the taste, and is Miss Min nie Harwod, of Sandford wat; in our totvn hast woek organizing a music ciscqs. Miss Laura DeFoe bas retarned home ta bier parents in Utica after @pending a few weeks visiting at ber brotuers. Miss8 Florence G. DeFoe bas returued t.o ber parental roof. Amoug the young people she wili ho greatiy miased. Mr-. J. J. DeEce has gene to Stayner te spend a few days witih friends tuer.. Mr. Ode Weese ie doing s rushing business in the miling trade. Rise team-. is on the road every day delivering fleur and feed. Mr. Weese'e long experience lu the business bas placed hlm on the lst as an A One miller. We wisb him the best of succees. Thre officers, direotors, etc , of the Scott agricultuaai eociety held their annuul business meeting at, Yerk'B botel hast week A large number cf new mnembere fonined the ooietuy sud al have great prospecta for this yeams fair te be botter and grander than ever. Our brase baud le pnegressing fast now under tbe instructiens of their tesober, Mr-. W. A.. Honderson, cf }oodwood. Hoe makes semr-ruouthly vieit asd Bays the boys alwaye have their ?8sons up good. The band le giving s co cert (the best cf the soason) at Sandfen, on Feb. 141h, to be beld in the Odd.fello whall cf said place. The beys are noted for tbeir concert giving faculties snd ne doubt they wil have a large audience. Ad- mission 10 and 15 Cents. Mr. W. B. L. Beet, veternary surgeon, sud bis student, W.- O. Law, teck a tour uorth on. day luat week debomning eà ýte. Tbey dehorned somewhere intube neio .borhood cf 75 cattule on. day. The ven long experieuce in the. business rencdera hlm very euccesul vith " i.operablea. He has a grand instrument for the. pur- pose manufactured by bis father, Jas.; Best, of Sandford. bI. ig ht, stroug., durable sud easy ta opue.- Parsem womttn1 an, nfomatonMta t i la The. annual aulvrsry ofthe a m atlp lut BandayWs"oolvas em , sl uedar oud MonadY"9ay a t tand -1"1. T-7" pulpit Wae oooulda nd4&y by lb. Bev. 1fr. ULoai, cf GqAnbsùk,vio lveu-ed a Vary tbmsnomsiffmIVI SA laegthy sarmon.- C 1Kssidy 1"1009, au azolleat tt a d.Pvsame W", givan. 'Tisae va oêt, av.ythlwr p.ua i4x«t m y it. vÂ~a4 t .J aKîrby, oiigo loos Mns. B. Squires, town, vWWte at Mr. J. Littiejohus' ; Mr. Bd. and Mins M. Eaw- key, Tryrone, guelte cf Mu. O. W. Os- borne. Mr. A. P. RundIe is visiting hit brother in Detroit, Mr. Frank Randie i. visit.ing relatives in Brook. q Mr. H. Gay's planing faotory boiler bas been andergoing repaire bat la in working order azain. Mr. S. S. Brook&s shidped a oarload of deessed hoga ilut week. Monday Miss Minnie Everson's S. S. clse visited her home, and daring the afternoon a pkuographet, by appoint- ment, called and photographed the gruup, whioh the clame wihl prejsent te their teacher when finished. They alo presented ber with a piokie cruet and china fruit dish set in silver, aocompanied by a nicely worded addrees. It wua complete surprise te Misa Everson, who tbanked tbem heartily. À merry social time wau enjoyed. SOLINA Mr. Frank Orchard is visiting friends ln Michigani. Mr. J. Va Nest's family are saffening fi-oi severe colds. Division bau entered into another con- test. Captains, Sbortridge and Miss A. Pascoe - THE KENNED Y CA SE. WeII-Known Marbie Dealer Cured of Rheumatism, Toa Far Gone ta ho Safe-Foar Years Snffring-Ended by Uaing Three Boxes cf Dodd'a Kidney Pille. St. Catharines, Jan. '20, (Special.)- Great intere8t bas been excited and trequent inqniries as te the chse cf Mr. Albert F. Kennedy, marbie dealer, cf tLis city, wbo had been rcported as e e cently cured of acute rbeurnatiem. When seen regarding the matt>er hoe aid:. "WordB of praise cannot ho toc strong wben I arnspeaking cf Dodd'a Kidney PAIlS. "" ac~sute form I bad gene as far ais it W4 nfe. Lugo, for sometimes that f orm cf eumatism jes suddenly fatal. 11I had enffered inteneely, at tims, for the past four years ; hsd lest the uecf my bande, wrist>s sud arme, being aimoat paralyzed. "Had tnied aimoat everything adver- tised or recommended before fding what i needed in Dodd's Kidney Pille. -The reenît of ueing three boxes is a perfect cure, and I have had ne relapse or hint cf pain fer several menthe since being cured." Sold by aUl draggiets aud deslers. Prico 50 cents. If net obtainable, ad- dress, enclosing price, te, the Dodd'a Medicine Company, Toronto, Ont. means the prevention of scores- of cases of colds, coughs, bronchiti's, pneumonia, and consumption. Wet feet do not directly make the germs of consumption appear, inIhe lungs; but they do cause coughs and colds and inflam- mation of the throat and lungs; weaken the whole system. In this condition the germs of consumption find just the solit in which to work. ,Sctt's Emulslon of Cod- liver Ot with Hypoph os- phites, is a most valuable retn- edy for restoring the system to health before these germns get the upper hand.. - SCOTs EmuL.:k1ow1mbu endosed by the mediol proesonfortWetty '&s <Asà >ser d I A) u s besmuse»0 t As P e aUIKhe M mu U geryns ay.~<i h164 Cà ýfi ôoffice. isooke0. A lagand enthû8iastic meeting was heiç lihe Gleaner office on Thursday evening last- or the purpose of discus- sing the - advisability of orgaà nlzing a hockey' dut. Mr. A. B3. Saunders oc- cupiedthe chair; and, after some dis- cussion, it was unanimously decided te organize and the following officers' were accordingly eleeted; President, H. Wilson; vicç pres., J T Robinson; cap- tain, A B Sanders; secretary, Fred Ed- wards; treasnrer, Fred Chapman; cern- rnittee of management, J P Lindsay, H D Talbot and Geo Halward. The club starts out with a membership of about thirty. No truth la the report, There is no foundation for the rumer, which bas been current here for the past two weeks, to the effeet that Major John A. McGillivray, Q. C., M. P., would flot seek re-election at the hands of the people of North On- tario at the approaching elections. Mr. McGillivray writes us to say that he has neyer authorized such a state- menut, and cannot in any way account for its origin. He will abide the deci- sion of the Liberal-Conservative con- vention, te be held shortly; and there is flot a shadow of doubt -but that con- vention will tender him the unanimous nomination of the party. The rumor is, no doubt, being circulated for the purpose of injuring the Major's chances at the coniing elections. MES VOUS DEBULUTY, VAIIOGILE, UI1OHT LOSSES, A" ALI WA.8TNG )ISEASSoud wrI te me for 6dvloe. 1 hava been a close student Mo = =,ct â:Xwesubeî:yei.te bsatu oe= thre si4otolder mener r1tal pylIanaIlves- tIlsated ý tieshetply udM.ovrd iml g= red me sud tMfy enial d efron a 0 cote ndition te naturai atrengtir SM aims Iwt evryyouoold man te know about ILI1klm ,eion=t ntratlu snob Cames sd Po ore held Mttty cnlheMaLIsedtr e ec0e *THIOMAS SLATER9 Box »49 Obizwer of Fumous ]KaiamazooCelT. KALAMAZOOS MICH. Accident. On Friday asat Steward Wilson, wife aud chuld were in a ulei1gb and juet start- îzrg frem the Mansion Hloue when one of the herses reared breaking the bridie, thus depriving Mn. Wilson cf control. The teamn then started east &long Main St. with iLs three occupants and when epposite the. end of O'Brien Avenue they breught up the. Longue of the rig directly againet an electric light <polo, throwing s.ll the occupants forward headlong out cf the sleigh and freeing '-both herses from the eleigli and firen each other. On. o! the herses was borrowed for thbe occason ana th&(other belonged to Mr. Wilson. Se wben freed both went iway satt on the mun, but Mr. Wilsons hors ue dpri - viously been mb l N. M. Sinith's and it tnnned in thbe lane and was oaughi, but the other tock a b.. lin. for home. . The eleigh tongue wes broken and the. barnesa pret y badly smashed, but the. occupants. eseaped with but, littie injury <*>ô siibetantial bits, oidI>ridles u strong limes would prêvent many accidents with Thbe mid we.therbasu aitIb oepo -mont of the Guelph ou$ing be, oi Inuit Tuesday AOear.uu~v.4 atoria la Dr. Samuel PitcherPs aoc1p~o for In"tta and Ohlldren. It contains neither Ovium, Morpblneamo other Narcotto substance. It la a barmiessbtte for Paregorle, ]Drops,SBootblflg Syrups, and Castor 011. It ie Pleasant. Its gu.arantee Is thfrty years' ne» bym BMllons of Mothers. Castorla destroys Worms and alisys heverishness. Castorla prevents vomltlng Sour Ourdi. qures Diarrhoea and Wind Colle. Castorla relleves teething troubles, cures constlpatt4on and fltulency. Castorla assimilates the food, regulaes the stomacb. and bovels, glvlng healthy and-naturial sleep. Oum. toria is the Children's Panacea-:the Xother'ls Frlend Castori&. 04OaotS la an ueoceflent medii for chU- diu. othme have reçestadly told me of its good ~cupou their dldren.2' Da. 0. C. Offocen, Lowell, Mass. etOsgorlslasgo est medy for chldm of which I a=n soquainted. I hope the day in net fur duant when mothers wlIonsiderthe rSS. âgteeut eoftIrir childrem, and use Castorla in- .tead of thevaio«>ua2ckflStiUm mham deaoyntheir loved cnes, by feelgum, miorpizin., ootblng syrup and other hurtful agmUt dovu their thi-oas, thereby sendlng Qram tb psematiuregraves." Ds. 3. P. Kmnztoz, onw'ay, Ai-k. Ca8toria. 14Castoisla sowel adaptedtochlldrmau#ba 1 recommoid lt assuparloetosmrpremaltio known to me." H~. A. AUoUuM. D.9 111 Bo. Oxford st , BrooklysN. y. "Our phystolas ltIte chlldro'sdpar.- meut bave spoken hlgiyof Ibsepe M eueS ln their out"ldopracto. vitis sarI4~ and afthough 'w. oily have ainog oiw medical supplie what la knowu.-am rgair' products, yet we are free te cofeU'thaltthe mmItaoet Ostoris a Unvonus to look wft favor upon ItL" UsrrsnHom'rnL à » DDzumiar, Bc0bGIc aU ALLNO Srn .m. Mm . O.taluw Company,I Murry strtt, Nw Towk G WEAK MRVGUSUDISEASED UL£ , Th.uud"CI Imwmg s Erl.ie M s ar e mi Uïll st oMsRto tioa. Memoro'~ aigue d U xctble siIItaU.Bwo e Bl Mur liÉms n Thratfrar isoe;1'aiuinBd ksud sexaUy Id=o' Chas. PattoTon. Read * "ftna "astORS, KENNEDY .UflR~ "AI& 14 yem eof! age 1 leartned a bad habit which almoot ruai I m 1 became nerrons sd 'wOak Mi bsek troubled me. ,Ici stand noexeertion. HeSd sud aies beme duILi Drmem'à drains nt nlght weakened me. e I tilediaedical -Purmsi,I I t;rfm Baits, ften4,Medicinee sud lamiyDoc-toS. ThIey gave ' re heip. A fiexidedmied mtotri Dis. Kennedy & Kergza. T sent me eue mouths treatment anda, cured mme.Ioonld -à ail dfa*eU.- They hawe corid nmn f mi fri0nds-" _ k~HU *.lhAIUGiUB ome syesage! onatd srons co dus,.1wentto Hotopiings 10 maIforsyphili klsD me. tma while " . smptom a gâai became me, p"ain A lmbe. pi-mple i fae lo dbr, glandseu]gd, etcý. &mcdical i XKergs)1-é ew ehMdTmatmeà t- Lu S had » §n Dto" jo -- -m ir ma 15 T1 E-ARS I- DTÎOIt1a.0 Caeu0>O , yu. era aur& laltm ebbc faoteysldmyome ppj I 150001rt çoniènt OfPatifflt 0w'r NewMethod Treatneitff' drin» aMdloseespuis. the bi l=, vrj- Oirranee te The aelo" Iculortube Brualktka place msysairwy"ý