CIKE AND ZNSPECT reptlng anlmallom, "and yoti w lllave a man wboywlll appreclate the responslbaliiy of fatherhood. Marriage wIll bc contracted et reasonable ages, so as flot to overcrowd the homestead. The oflspring wlll be here fitted by the law of hereicliîy. Good citizens will be tralned up, capable of. rlghteously living succesuful lifves. The world wili be a thousand years nearer miileniuam. OBSERVER. seon, muide up Çlargely 4 tween theï reeve oft on Pringle on the oth«,q»d é Coimn. Jackson, Robo ad4u cil passed a motion coniirming*ýth Wate Mutual pollcy, but the othm eri it gno and the council adJourced lnau«h a-stat, excitement that ail bande forgot to app the dates for holding future meetings. i 'i [rom oun, rloo ' red, te )Oint Observations. Wiîaî rigliti lias a parent over bis ofi- sî)ring ? Sureiy nu sclfish right. He! bas itivited, inu act, ordere] a bcing lu corne in- 10 Ib is a-urlti, lu figbt the baIlles of life for h good or for cvii. The chi] ic flot consîîlted a-beiber lie wtîuld lîke luo bhum mb Ibt tis farmily or mbnt thait. He cornes. Once here, he is lte work of hus parents. Go] bas given bis, soul mbt their kecping Ihat thcy m-îghî rear iim up lu present a cîcar ac- cou nI on lhe laicî dy. To bear successfuliy - -- Iis God-given resp,-onsibility should be tbe foundaîloît for a-hatever righî, the parent exercices over hie chi]d. The chil] is flot * te clave of bis par, nt. The parent bas no rigbî to expecî bis chil] ho toil for sustenance of the famnily. The parent by bring- ing te chu] mbnt the world Iaciîiy agrees 10 support the chu]d in ail neccseary coinfoni. Truc, It is but a cowardiy chiid a-ho wben he knoa-s bbc nccessiîy of bbe parent a-il itot sa-cii the farniiy coflers by whatsoever bis bui may bring We know no cowardly chiidrcn, ctli the parent bas no right, humnan or divine, t0 force tbe chu] 10 buoi for the sat- isfaction of the family. In nature, tbc parent birde fecd their young, feed tbem un- iii they are sîrong enough an] clothed sufficiently 10 try to fiy, teach tbem bt trust their tiny weigbî upon bbc air, watcb oves- thern until bhcy arc fully able to strike out In- 10 the a-on] for themeelves, and they bld an cvcriasting farca-cîl 10 tbem ,s they go on tL-ir own way 10 experlmegjflor lhemnseives in these various stages of existence. Thus it wouîd be among men were it not that tise divine bond of attection binds the child invioiably lu thc parent. Yet, front a phil. osophical standpoint, the parent is bound to fit the chiu] for ifsworle. Thse chîid bas the rlght 10 dernand of its parent educa- tionni advantages suficient ho enable It to successîuîîy cope a-In mte dîfficiaIgles lu ît3 sphere of11R. Evety lime the child la hampercdui5 he'b~preparahlon for 111e by ~.- the parcp-tb e parent steals from bthe chîld w j - 'n neyer be restored. AM9X te a*e of Solon the"e was une, tiat ~said uliît the son sbould support biesaged fatheroal> If tise allier had gleen hbisfà ld K0o4" éducation. Ilu Ibose aticlesrt y3 - ' Gree the rigiste cf the Chuid weebfttr known and en(orced than they gré TÃ".4ay men uvrry a ridîcutouut lyaf th preî 0 i oie'o Pf - tPUI s it1oM oi ivctive. riowever, wîth the one cx- ception, the report passed. Reeve King inîroduced and carried through a by-iaw 10 appoint a member of tbe îown board of education for 1896, Mr. Casîle Fox was re-appointed. The reeve ncxt introduced an] carnie] îhrough a by-iaw to appoint a town auditor an] ho confirin tbe nomninee of the mnayor for ic sainie position. In cmmitîe o f the whole D. Ormiston was xiamed andi tbe mayor appointe] M. O'Donoyan. Wbcn il came to filhing the blank:for saiary the reeve movedthbaý it be $15 eacb, and Depuîy Pringie an] Coun. Jackson stood ouI strong- ]y for a reducîlon 10 $io each. The discus- sion a-as very similar 10 Ihat of last year, and terminale] in the same way, $15 bcing ctli the ailowance. The reeve gave notice of several by-laws relaîing 10 the issue of debentures to redeem those falling due Ibis ycar. Count. Smith g ave notice of a by-iaw 10 appoint an assessor for 1896. TVicn commence] Ihe struggle in earnest, on a motion of Coun. Jackson regarding the insurance on the town ball, which business is in a mess. The town hall bas for three yearsbeen fibsured in the Waterloo Mdutuai for $9,ooo with a premniumof $165 per annumn for wbich the town bas 1<> give a premlum note of P2,5 as coilateral securlîy. This la what l9 caiied the premnium note plan, and the amount payable yearly may be more or less than $;65 as the occasion may demand, but the fuit amnourit of the premium note doe flot necessarlly à ve tube paid. oIppl ilJI understand whaî *e mean. Weil, the financeFomrnittee of hm lyear's couucil de. cided ta renew ln the Waterloo, but the report put tlirougb coucil in December was g0 wordedi that the treaSurer *M.s instrutted 10 re-Insure lnstead of to renew the nueur- ance, and a-as todo It on the preminqi plan. Thse premfum plan UmoapestaMbîcash And a fixëd amount, no ntebetng gjrgThuw If the treasurer followed the $iteral meii e of the report lie conld not accept a prenutin 1 note-coopany ilketthe Warloo hfuuat bPtý, could accept any pr=om, t. pauy..IW cca or nethaue npremlum Wpsam 8eleto reuew woold S«en to samo company &ain while ,to 4*s would amsotlat. S y o-db aepted. -rog ot ,. l tation ofthe -',oiktae the ù1à mand The county council meets here next Mr. John Bail Dow is off work with la gripe. We hope to see him around in a day or so. Ur. Dent the new science master !at the hie departuient this week. Get your fire-pots, grates, iron or brick linifigs for ail kinda of stoves, langes or Remember the Highland Club smoking concert in lthe town hall on Friday 3151. Corne an] bning your friends with you. A most enjoyable lime is expected. A mixed program of games, music and dancing. Tise following are the oflicers of Whitby Division Sons of Temp&tance for the currant quarter: Geo. Mowaî, W. P.; J. L. McCul- logh, W. A.,,, Frank Mathison R. S : Geo. W. Bcweil, A. R. S : T. E. Houghten, F. S: W. H. Bea-ell, Treas : Ross Jobuston, Cbap; W. F. Bcweli, Sup. J. P. W ; Jas. Law, Con; M. Mowa, A. C :T. N. Law, 1. S; H. G. Beadil, O. S; H. E. Boa-cIl, P. W. P. The Division meets.evcry Monday nigit lu the Sons Hall Smlth's Block.. Auction business. Parties wlshinfg 10 employ me 10 attend their saes cantu ake arrangements au 10 terme and duitçs at the CRROICLE OffiCe. rW ol r te pon On ur lbscribé $Otstcc. Theadvai tlieWéok1y Globe orp~ wlth- CHRONICLE for, t to every body. ANDRE W STOCK SPECI ALJAUR TAKJNG ROSS=- Stck. us Iereucd reiustoou SnAL n Enov in Stck mustb'- edued-p-vio t ourann a y%,L'ai%, A.nrvy Inr1 every departrnfnt will present its quota of Bargaius during the present month. Odd liios rust ho cleared ont no matter if it be a loas as it is not our customi to carry over stocks. This The neit day the Mayor consulted the Short Notes. town solicitor as to the logal statue Of Mat- O ur ILarge Stock of The Liberais of North Ontario, met at ters, and was advised to calia speciai et Beaverton on Wednesday and brought ont ing for Tuesday niglit, whieh he did. Those of Ihç memlbers of council favorable tu, Dr. Binghami, of Cannington, as9 their candi- Depu ty Pringle's company were late in com - Perfuiesdate for the next general election to the ing tu the meeting and apparenîly did not Peru msConfimons. inlend to be present if a quorum could be 1/lair I)r-ushes, Prince Henry, of Battenburg, has followed prevented, but finally filed in about 8.3o, when seven membhers had been secured to Tol? /t«Zs the exampie of the Prince Imperi4i, of sing the opening ode. When order was ]lc-, jl7. France, iin going 10 South Africa on a war cailed the mayor explained that a new coim- expedition anid then losing hie life. H-enry plication had corne up. Ail the applica- married Princees Beatrice, Queen Victoria's lions for the insurance had crossed each NIllcliwe re sllig a 3 oungesl daugbîer, in 1885, and was a very teadachdsae htterws fine young man. There being nothing to do no other insurance on the building, which h would render ail untrue and would invali- Specîally Low Prices n tle prince business, lie went to the Cape daeale l l Specall Lo Prces lu1 take part in the war against the King of dt i h policies. Beies th15, if a fire Ashnîc, ad ded f samDfever con, were 10 occur at present IL would be hard 10 tratcnd e eslofrican mate. decide whuch cumpany wouid have 10 pay tracted in ~~~~~the beasl fia lmt. tels, or whether any of themn couid be SSThis le the season of the year Por appoint- held for il. No money had been paid the ing auditors to pass upon municipal ac. Waterloo Mutual, whose risk the coutncil J. E, W /L L /i had confirmed as ils choice, while $154 had Y counts, and on ail sides we have the usual been paid to the other three companies. talk about cutting down their salaries. Th ey Before the discussion of the malter was 1 ' f '. L have lu be appoitited once a year, and the allowed to go on, Coun. Jackson moved that Sieist if Dug~ g/i, mcm bers of couricil who want lu make a the counicil adjourn until Wednesday night, as lie understood Coun. Noble had not been break for cconomy alway find in ihis the personally noîified and was absent, wbich Me d cal H ail,) tlrst grand opportunity of the year tu throw hie held would render the meeting Illegai. hernelvs. N gratermisake.BeteenCouîî. Bewell said if Ibis meeting had flot the county, town, village and township trea- beeti lcgaily called il could not lcgaily ad- Ibrock Street, - Whitby suries of this counity about 84o,ooo bas been journ 10 any other date, and a new meeting ost îhrough the cheap audîtor udea. There would have to be lcgaiiy called. Town So- ____________________________aie always narrow, cramped men who gel licilor Farewell's opinion was taken, and he iritho counicils on the cry of economy, withouî said that as the counicil had no rule bearing having the slighîtest idea i1ow 10 eflect il.' upon the questiý,n al] they could do wae lu r4 he appoinînient of at? auditor is the first fali back on the etalutes, which did flot ap tilitg îhat cornes up, and îhey make a des- pear lu affect the legality of the present perate figlhx lu have il dune for next lu nolh- mneeting. A member, he said might be out îîîg. Thev have nu trouble lu find men 10o f town and thus could flot be personal>- mtchi the. salary, and neither courîcilor nor notitled of an emnergency meeting. Ccun. du ditor knuows wiîat audio iig means. Sucli Jackson, wiîhdrew his motion, and the -how W 1lI Y ,JAN. 24, 1 S9G ouncilors last a year or îwo, and are dis- cunimenced. carded as uselesse but they aiways coni- Thei reeve movcd 10 cancel ail action plain arterwards dit the>- were 100 honest .0 tending 10 confirin the Waterloo Mutual Local option in Pickering. suit peoiple and were chut out. The audit- risk and 10 adopî thc other three risks of itg of at-counîts ie the only part of municipal $3ooo apiece. Coun. Smith made the most kk n .t.. t- .is .1 f avite bu-ýtness the eleclors are nul qualified to sensible motion of ail, 10 cancel ail the rieks t n 1lt»e lucal pin %ila 'nilt t)%,, l-îudge uf themselves, and the counicils should of arl sorts, and get new one taken in ' tht- grounds t hâit I 4 , 11-. ee lu it that such effccent auditors are ap- whichever company would give the Most poiiled as wili render mielakes impossible, favorable rates. Court. Jackson moved to m f agîî-enmleîit N '.'.l wh Wt li l'"i 1't Ntggarînig the salary can only have an oppo- have the mayor send another Ieicgramn can- !l r, lti r %-îed k', tu ofpi JPik- 'site tendency, and cannul fail some lime or ceîîing hie former îeiegram canceiling lte ,,r1 lI le- (),tu - ni)vi wn another ini costing a municipality enough 10 Waterloo Mutuai risk. îîn'a% etr Net %.uîed tll1' clise the sale of pay fur good auditing for fifîy or one hund- The reeve gave a history of the business, 14\ .nr, lu-us, atl %%clpt- eyer will. red ycars. for whictî he assumed ail responeibility. N hut-I k-, et i the iwnt l1 seilleas ______________F___ ili(iii r ,iun, N w à hni, uteach os He admiîîed that thc original intention wa.sE (il)iithle rSie il tlit-\ iAtre les Town Conoil. to'renew lI the Waterloo Mutuai, but at that N li t I s li e sanie e-tiller w.î v -lowever. lime the company was charging more than L div5 dt-csîîntwice the proper rate for the meat market. lT1 tîn-(if tfie dY i II)IOf îtcit REAT SHOWS AT THE MEETINGS MONDAY The other conpanies had accepîed it at one 4t- 1cel'pite yaI unti Iwilt-. saivnaîd her AND) TrHsiîAY-THE;i-ARMONY 0F THE per cent., instead Of 25ý, and lhe thoughî ti-tt ill)-l t hi-n lir'. ,an hei ACULVNATION COUNCIL IS A MiNUS that even at the last minute il w-ýs better 10 C tlwi wil bea catig ii afiirscancel the-Waterloo Mulual risk and save fi YitmiI]tît- priNs cotincîl declare tire local (SlîANTITY-.-GROSS PERSONALITIES IN- su a year by taking the other companies. pý onlil-l .t 1hkeî;gart-j everv tute îîL(;Eiî IN.-LOOK OUT FOR A Y~EARS He then piîched mbt Depuîy Pringle for cil- oi )1 tn ipîlr(eI ,1- lt-rt- bee rv n e ad tlng at thc counicil board and carrying ils in- T m mmipait - ý% hrc i, ben arredandsurance contracte as an agent, and aiso nl. %ltig %vtillbu-r-îte As niaiters nlîw The tua-n counicil met for organizaîlorn on stated that Uepuly Pringle had offered lu -titI .%%t- tout if i 5teiiii]bc legally Mlonday, and had une of these limes that une "divvy" the prcmiuin 10 cave the risk for gt hîike.Il \\ u il1 i t rX I - t iiNs 'uch decislil -a thuIi- -itis repeai O(c.] 014 i-nt t wiIl be nu reads about but seldorn secs. hie companly. Iii a-ipl o le irt hurîsip n Te tretbusnes wa lubalot or con- Depuîy Prîngie made a long speech, show- ba n Pc Topethe t lîve downhip u ilIThe lustruiesswthe aloîfr om ng that the reeve was tnot always as b lit-- haedreterdt I(e osr h standing commîttees, anxiuus ho cave $10 as he appears 10 be fc r .lni rl ati hase tlt- couraîge and Messrs. King, Pringle. Noble, Bea-eli nua-. The fact of the malter le, said Mr. f i, tan bt \ lstt- 1li urittî it shall tritinipii and Blow were seiecîed. They reîired fo7 Pringle, tie reeve had excrîed a one-man Ti tii ltotinii Thev idtiol have lte nak- haîf an hour and brought in the foliowing power lu override the intentions of the ig ()l i t itnrN-'s coti-ttutti. and if b3 report ,ioccncladvoaeisilnto t,v -i rlit if lîtýi-s the drink trame cupon us woecnclan iRt t ijntoa iinti I sul t titi,- as lm ie ia.s of mnwae have COMM ITTRES. which was clearly illegai. Then the depuîy laý reeve indulged in wrourse of personalities, be mt iîte(I î-lrtttîîutpatilinient hâilI give us Finance aînd asesemenl- Messrs. King, to which the reeve repiied.w -tilt îiite tncil- Ipeope of Ficker- Pritigle, Scott, Smith and Bea-eli. Streete Coun. Bea-eli came next, and scored boîh ar- itîuv silî -,tiIl be igliitn oit the righî side. aîîd inmprovemîtMessrs. Devereil, Noble the reeve and deputy. He could flot yet di, lît-'titîtîoiev, but Ilite fees received by and Jackson. Fire and water-Messre csee how the thing was illegal as matters be iti: tuit or townlshîi;bf-,r the sale of liquor Jackson, Burns, -Noble, King andi Prixigle. stand. Coun. Smith tried 10 poqý oil on ch alf- liter e iilîsw-moncy. *1lte weaiîhy people Towni and market property-MessresBlow, the troubled waters in a very moderate ex of 1>çkeri ng shtîuld scorrt n the sight of God Robeon, Devereli, Kinig and Pringie. Ap- speech- Coun Blow demanded that the hallw to ai t pi a p)alir)> e3OO Or $400 from the plicationi 10 office-Messrs. Smith, Scott and be insured-3s chairman of town property liceîtsinng of the greatt-si ecdl Ibis world lever Bea-eli. Licenses-Messrs. Burns, Robson he demanded immediate gction . The ki-tsv. Till, isut he nineteenth ccîîtury of and Snîith. Relief-Messrs. Noble, Burns rMayor said Coun. Blow might make bis Mi christianjtîv anid1t s high tinte that men and Jackson. Prinîing - Mesers. Scott, mind easy. The insurance wvas the business Br whoi Aottîlti relu-e tlt! steahungs of a thier Sniitiî and Burns. Raiiways and Manufac- ofîthe finance comimitîe 10 look afler. Coun ar svwîltil aiîrtj-ýct te ut ce of a drunkard's tures-Mesers. Pringle, Blow. Bea-eli, King Jackson said the report of the counicil in- hie fantily t, lis-ing,- or his hI 'lo]. and Robt The firsî namned on eacb coin- sîrucîed that the premiuni note plan be qu We ailIdrea] a-ar, a hîch mighr. cause the milIce lu bechara.adopîed in theinuac.Te ayrcî-k deaîh ini d-ferîecof the cohinry's homnes O on ostnojce 1 ntxgontec i ttnin1 hefc btIh yo-q o o o o o o o o o Mll Wool Blankets for $2.00 per pair. Union B1ankets for $1 75 per pair. Men's Ulsters for $5.00, $7.50. E~3~-'S o corne early and secure the Bargains quickly picked up. Dry Goods. as they will be§ý Ready-made Clothing. Feb. 24th, subject: " Work among the Eskimaux," iliustrated with lime light views. JTJSJ IRE;( Mr. Stringer was at one lime in charge of the above church. How's this for a snap? The CHRONicLEF and Weekly Globe and -anada Farmer fromn now to Jan. Ist, 1897, r $1.25, payable at New Years. Send a ostal card and papers wiil be forwarded at nce. rwo best Papers in the Province Taking the Tcironto Weekly Globe as a ýeneral newspaper, and THE, CHRONICLE as local paper, we do flot stretch matters, by ,ying that they have no equal when coin- ined. We give both for next year for E.2,5. We have the sole riglit of the county or the Weekly Globe. be Toronto Club Art Show One of our citizens who was favored with view of the paintings at the Toronto club ist weuk savs no such fine collection has ýen ruade/ in Ainerica since that at the Vorid's faî'r. To Mr E. Wyly Grier, the Don't buy before cal rtist whose portrî-at, of Chief justice Mere- the stock and pi ith and Hon. J. MW Gib-,on have lately ten so favorably noticed lvý the critics is' hiefly due the credit of Ibis commenda'be -r at-vESTATE O01 xhibition. The war in Corea is now over and the anitoba struggle« is on, as weii as the itish elections. Murdering is still in vogue id on the increase. The mani who Ihinks eknows a solution of the Manitoba school uestion, doesn't know how much lie doesn'î now. How it wiil be deait with is a vexed iesîion for poli ticans. The British elections esure t go Conservative, and conserva- sm as carried on to-day means real reform Ve can stop murdering to some extent if we ail every blood-stained monsier to the mast isead of making Ihem recipienîs of sv- athy and outraged justice Readers art ivored with the*e phiiosophical observai ions urely with a view -Io remninding theni îhvo l 1irt stili selle the New Williams sewîîg Scfl1Notes. The new science master, Mr. Dent, en er- ed on his duties on Monday iast and was weil received by stafi and pupils. The coilegiate iterary society held its 6irsi meeting fiîr the term qèiWe-diiesday afternoon. The president. Mr. Wmi. Remn- mer, in, the chýiir. 'the secretary, .%ir. Robt. Stewart, read the miriutet, of the organiza- Jiog,ý,eeting and aiso a letter from mir. anc' Mrs.Ãtorev- returninig thankS for the letterof condolence sent by the society on the occa- sion of the death of their son Arthur. The glee club gave a chorus. Readings were given by Miss Annie Howden, Miss Georgie Vanvalkenburgb, Mr. Byron Davey and Mr. Chas. Smith. A vocal.solo was given by Miss Beatriçe Tamn'blyn and a mnouthorgan solo by W. Hartrick. The president gave an excellent inaugural address and short ad- dresses were given by the masters. Por WhaltbV da f ikns a h Therj oe gea ea o sices t ise- ba et ocpcilyangtecid s-e se claofTrno omr lT of MisspescAae, of tontoformer.hè lyi ofIispaeaeviiig redahr this alek. nbe o ec a rs MnmacJnnHofGalue Rs etotahaIee tn temuporarily filled, by 3Mm Robt *Ws. Mr Glenney,'au elderly ïgefttlemlan mesid- ing aI OshaWa, -a, anamrw- e - romt deali I tt satin hte ostTJursda,. niglit getV c liMe waa eIba1 Ohoice New Goods. China Glassware and Crockery. Dinner and Tea Sets, Cheap. Choice Farnily Groceries, Teas, Coffee, Fruits, Etc., Etc. C/îeat jor Cash or Trade. Prices 10 Suit the Times. Uina' and examinng vcs or ousef ]Feels His O Thisq will flot be the case ith an animald whose blood is out of order. When a horse is ail riin down he needs a tonic the same as a mrant. Often he cannot have complete rest Dil systei best will1 be re, For sale by utgnrlsftcSee or sent post on recelpe of 50 cia. DIck & C.., P. O. Bez ~8s. Em~L wae nothing o warrant sucb charges.,Tie oulcome of thbc malter le tisaI Mr. Burneîî h as resigned, and the executive adjourned for a weck 10 consider matters. Should Mr. Burnett persist in withdrawînig Ihere tnay he - orne difficjiltyy n securing as strongt a candi- date. Under tise circumetances Mr. King could- not -acc'ept the nomination, and a-e understand le not as wiliing 10 mun as lie a-as at tise ime of bbc Liberal convention. -Messrs. R. Mackie, IL. T. Barclay, GQ. E. Mowbray and J. Lick being teAlkd ot Mr. j. .Glprincipal cf bbc - squth wadpblic school, bas the'-gripIbsaek a t. IL.R. W îllis lias char g~e of iescscl 'Di. Henry Brigbt'snL% si L-ver.,and Tytlen Tobad or-wr cks Blood Purifier nlote how quickly hé will pick up. Hiswhêoe 2M Win bce invigorated., Ris digestion wil ;trengythened1 so that all the ýourishui-ent be drawn from the food an leus of it will equired. Dick'8 Blood Purileedrve 3ots,9 Wormis and ail pazasites.- Under an] by vî rtue of tise-powrcna- e] in a certain mortgage , a-h ii -l be pro- .duced aIt he li-meof sa;le tere ,Will botr eBd for sà le b y pblcatictioný, a teRa hotel, in Thtow-oWityon SATUrR- DA.Y, JANUARY î8bh, -A.rgIt- o'cl ck p m ., tl~ ollo uig v alu able -P ro - prty,.-coussing cf son ac -esbing the e o u l h 4 v s o > s ~ ~ 3 - a n d u t h t ,con». cftheé- wnhiî n0- pfiyfu,.w i r- m,. IU=C t W a We ek's i k "W'OEIVED i Bargains : Extra value. quickly Irown L«ais. l il me TAKING SALE, UI7 ]Ready-made Clothing,, Gib"