Whitby Chronicle, 24 Jan 1896, p. 6

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Ky Tnp b Engsad. béeaubatiter vea houId ha. anjoyed oor ing ou liait more. to unc Our naxti latter will hate Glasgow via Baker VU- WU-.R0869 PORT FERRY, TAXES US A- Stiring and, the Trasaacks. friend 01088 THE OCgAN.-O-ULEELDETAIED - - -have1 INCIDNTs 0P TIEE TaI? BY ONIU WHRO 18I O.Ikilling OBSERVANT. The Misses Rosa and Hannah Cud. was se W. woro boath te part with our kind dahee are viisiting friends in Lindsay friendaisin Lancester, but'reisumed our and vicifity. Mr. journcy by train for Scotland. Leaving Mr. Thos. McDermott, an oid Brechin friendç about 7p ni., we were net able ta ee boy, was united in marnuage Manday, hopes much of tbL country through which wc ta one of Uncle Sam's fair daughters at hopa h passed for darnes soon came on. We Duluth, Minm. useful travelbed in one of the through 'corridor Mr. Thos. Sheridan has purchased a indust, trains" and reached Editiburgh at il fine driver. New o'clock. It wa8 raining and had been wet for days. but we were soon settled Miss Kate McCorkall, of Toronto, is friend ini a comfortable hotel on Pnrices street. visiting a: the aId home here. He ise We were out early on the following da), Mr. McGrath has a force of men an nean t] and it wa8 a beautîful brîght miorning. completing the hall aver his show for his Edînburgh ls a city of about 800,000 raams. This hall is a credit ta the vil- The pop ulatiuî and is picturesquely situated, lage and wibb f111 a long feit want. open c being hilly and irrtigular. It is divîded Mr. James Kyle and sister Kate, of eveninj into od and 'niew" t.own. ht was th@ North Onillia, spent Sunday here, the grami capital of Sýco)tlanid before its union with geto onOeed No. i Etigland 1anid enjo(ytod ttie favar of the guet f oh Oernd S-cotch court, Mn. Will Barken spent Sunday inDnt !rleýs stret 18 perhaps one of the Beaventon. Step] fi i e 8titi the vvorld. We wene delighted Mr. Thos. Overend and family of ha>' ta t« walk its broad pavements and see the Beavertan, spcn: Sunday the guest of procurc shops wth their displays of dîstînctiveiy their brother, Mr. John Overend, Vic- Ha>' is Scotch goods. Scotch tartan, dressa toria Ilouse. say the godt es. plaids, shawls us, etc., (Our village wvas the scene of a most ure were inifu) x and the lanicy goodeô disgracefub affair an Sunda>' evening sfee dlealers and jewelers dislayed tel.Asîihba m thenrtb- gneatly jowelled stones wliieh are fuind in their ls. Atih ane nothe nr caued EV countrv. A peculiarity of ijrincesa street coming angry withoeaohr asd E is that the buildings contaizîng the hotels somne baud talking, and a few well din- ta Uxi had shqlin are ail ono saide of the street, ectcd ôlows. turned and henieo an uutIstructed view of the NIr. S. Luck is on the sick list this of ther u1d t e sin and ca8tie ta obtained, which is weck. duce, vor atraciv. Stuaedin Princese NIr. and Mrs. Patrick Mangan, Mn. bowness street i~si îr \Walter -Scottas monument. and MIrs. A. .1. O'Boyle and family, taîtc It it3 a vers iit, Ae )rk ()f art iin the shape MisUs Ebla O'Dannell, Misses Lizzie .Sate ()fa ith spire anti is a b ttilig meniento 0CneadKt cokl eei h of thu Lcri-at Ietwh who învested hi e (Voner, anfd Kaeteemedcarkal were pe.f niative ct * y ts() srnuch romance. Wüthe gueM.sof ouesteemeSudaconlan, ta meec waîiulenuýi tiithle enîd of Princess street M.M Oonli nSudybat me of anîd juussîjtg the prisoni, ascendvd Caltoni Thc road ta the station is a: present disapp< 11111. It was julte an effort t< climb the in a \'ery bad state, and abmost impos- M iss atone stels thlat Ieads to the summrit, but sible for teamsters, the large atones o ae if the day had been clear 1 arn sure we that wcre put on las: summer project- ow mi âhouid have been rewarded with a fllu8t ing th raugh the snow. We trust a n.m mavinifivi,.t v l'. ho governinient ob- road will soon be opened a: the side. Tar.a âenadry s sîituated o(n this bill, and top- QIl a few cnossings are necessary ta oot jnng &zall im Nelso)n'8monument. WNe de- v ndy hycudb aiyrpae r sceîided and tuouka train-car for a cincu- mvian te' th eeasily nepl c Mn.n bar rie rounid the city, which we enjoy- i h pig lai cd very intich untîl it began ta rain. Mr. Phil Doherty, of Toronto, is punchas low easy it seemas to rain over in that visiting at Mn. Thomas Doherty's on Long,o country, and especially iii Scotland. 1 lBay street. Many have often heard of "Scotch mies" snd Messrs, H. Thompson and A. W. vensany we exî>erienced thiern, especially in Glas - Talbot, cttle buyers, of Toronto, are chu nch gow. Wve stopped at High street, and nwotaogtefreso hspeih wha~t a change. Froinithe beautifui neio ho amang uptheei farmesoo thispe ( Priticusstreet to the everyday High cnehborhaad byikn uw al hei ft ofelec 8trpet s <lik cirîgfronm a panlon to a f, cattle. el hykawweet oequaie kîtchuen. \Vhaî«t cro)wds of dirty, ragged fLpN.reati.ce chîldri They seenîied to faîrly 'Mn. D. McMibblan af Newmarket, and a pea 6swarrn - froini <ut the lanes whic~h in nicce, Miss Fraser, af Kirkfield, passed a sect<r tersect this steup hîll3 street. And then tlînaugh tawn an Thursday en route for immensi while wa1iii_ down it seurned so strange Newnarket. R to' sec haiigînrg ont (on lnes from the Mr. Jamnes Suter, af Draper ton were ap w1id(ws vehea te wshd coteBship, is visiting MIr. Robert Suter thisheet drying. If i h-v had been flags «ne would ekhr t aliutt have tihught that they were hung Oshawa out fr s -nie ala event. But we stopped Messrs. D. Rutherford, N. Ritchie, week. in front f a quainit old house, standing A. Rutherfard, W. Hodgsan. and W. M.J juet whene the street narrows, where Birchard and the Misses E. Davidson, Men. J htved John Knox, (trne of the most M. Glassford, A. Logan, K. McKay, N. professi; frnos- u nnwnd1fScthmn.Rtci ad1.Cadromrse tion8s a re grand, and amongist the uiany We undenstand that Mrs. C. H. thinIgs piecs offumitur weThre ci exquisîte icso ntr e noted Davidson and famil>' intend nemoving teîegrapl pantucularly the besutiful atone pulpit. ta Gravenhunst shartl>'. Beaverton the elect At the north-west corner cf the churchpepewl esrytha otbir-psil, formerely stood the "Old Toîboti" goal people wilb be syta euso. tei - onseibe "The Heant of Midiotian" immortalized moa rmaogtu.of Dr. P by Scotit sud set in thre cable atone pae A gentleman fnom the famous Dr. Taken ac ment is an immense -'heart" cf red Barnardo's Home, w-as in tow-n hast remiedyi granite te mark the veny spot. week on business cannected with that costm Our next vieit wae toe c stle, whicb institution. ease byi stands ou a rock 300 feet above the val- Mn. H. McDonald, of the Bell Tele- fostered thre block loy bclow, sud juat at the head cf Higir phone Ca., was in tawn Saturday last thre vani atreet. A guide, who hsd but crie arm,' visi:ing his relatives and friends. sumption shoed us round, sud wc crosscd thre and loqs muat snd thnough thre great atone gate- ALTOINA. by purity if. cer-taiu13 way jute wbat sein ýl a town cf itae. Mn. Lee, af Goodwoad, paid us a tion ora Indecd there i. sccdxnodation for 1,200 short visit on Monday*. iung dise soldiers in the castbe, and from this ene to thein, ma>' have some idea cf its iz. ew0 Mn. Henderson, our new teacher, A>y con( tic anunoury, thre crown roin with ir as introduced himsebf and has got weaknes! ewebs, sud Quecu Mary'. room w-er. down to business. blood, ah, J of appeti Mary Quecri cf Seoa. gave birti ta Miss Jennie Haywand and Miss Lee, uer-vous: James VI in whem thq crowus of Eug- of Goodwood, are visiting at Mr. T. ù1Css, are land sud ScotJand werc united, aud Hayward's. >soe frein this room àisshow-n th inwjdo, 'wer treyongkig -a lt ow ~~ Quite a number of our citizens are oine basket ta bo taken ta a place of safet>' partialy laid - u wt th grippe, tirat peoeilu duriug tics, troublesomne turnes. W. Cld winter trouble. ti<r livc visitedi St. Margarot cirpol, w-ich in in J. E. Reesor, of Toronto junction, ijtSete conuoction with ticeoatle, and on the. at bis old home bere once again. .fte jku Bomb battery às Mons Mog, the. great intends spendiug ,the winter iu our led lu Dr gun, made in Beigium lun 1476. Front midst. ical Adti tii point ils onaeoftheb.fineya wsof W .Brke'sl n odyhs or-cero the city, surroundingcoeuntryWsud. Bas DUnhAJld on onays «he custm the tiold castie could op ykandj<>ilà.thc>o'-bred tkm kow whe= mA ,would toIL Deriug ata loghâUry 'il h Dake of Albany, to Solomnon' BUrk..P#5 beaun nt only the. home -but tbe prison of hoîder. the Scottish, kinçs sud man>' a stor>' of The. ipecial servîces l in . eunion darlug as told ru oonnaetion wrth the: Ciruicli re beingeositln d e V=-~y.vm- , fa eu troughold. a w ltba o d mn g t is w e - E d-P spinaL Orouaval fou, about two 0.ro -ýable»to ated. 1 uie I qi .n7e saav .KHovrl otakim On ftmg «alewe609Mda-hit ln cisoue ut Cedar Gpo',tsaam earriageand mttW ovae te tir aLsa.H o4o SitPI =Mt dwn W'bstrfat te H iùteoÏde -volcewb"Îasiluetadlu eSquarM e iîa,915Pein.i **S 2 the foot 0f tieosnonue.te. W. é e Js~*~ O f <1< To_ç01> l*O iblace tnroughahnà oedewyFlàvhius'2a r, laI*e_-ibu 1 sud wara shovu -tha ytieu tomasof iis ut this pbi ~W fte eld h4siepac.The. tigoff tbap IepI>.,- kùm d qensof à4~ 'dF.noul4arwg ralkM sud> mer=-Cd Thi pupIt4oui b0itW*W ap*uetd lu 566asd ,wu ce. ur butcher; 2ENloàere ô~éÈSee iderstand klligfat utocik ýMr., x has the oroper outfit. ,Afar 1 near by would have donc wcll to borrowed ii lastweek, *who ln g a pig of immense proportions, ýen drawing it up with a horse.' Ilusala. Jno. Wells is quite low and his s are loolcing for the worst, rio being held out by the Drs. We, he may be restared as he was a 1man ta, society and always an nrous mani. ws came last week from aur aid 1Walter Thom, of Dunbarton. stili living, but gradually getting he end. No hopes are held out s recovery, Sjuvenile templars will give an concert one week from Friday ig, the 31st inst. A gaod pro-. ne is in store. Outside talent of iorder will be in attendance. forget the date, 3 Ist inst. phenson Bras. toak three loads of :Toronto a few days since, and ed good figures for the same. slikely ta be hay in the spring so e farmers. ,pedagogue bas been a grea: nr of la grippe iately. He ia now ïnecove ned. N. Wice took a load of produce bridge market last week, but ne- 1with-a very smali appreciation nortbenn demnand for farn pro- pnices being unsurpassed for s. Why no: go ta tire caun>' Wbitby. on and Newton are still engaged -Devils Dem ge::ing wood in for summer. The>' bad expected t thre aid tyran: himacilf but a: )f wniî.ing have beeri agreeably ointed. Maggie Neai iras been quite iii after medicah :reatment sire is ucir better. and Mrs. Walten Rogers visite( Lo a few days since. Royal Rogers is busil>' engage( ig bis five acres of bush latel) ýsed from Equai Rights mari, Mn. of Whitby. y' fnom bere attended tire anni- jservices of tire Greenwaoc b as: Sabbatb. Rev. Jna. HariE ed two excellent sermons. Man)> circuit tbink Mn. Harris is nal ,d this aide tire ci:>', and no: ex. b>' a good mari> of tire ci:> ens. His effort on Sabbatir wa! al one, and we ahi wbo could gel om irere enjoyed iris discussion sely. V. McAvoy aud C. J. Stevensor )pointed b>'tire Sabbatir scirool attend thre S. S. convention ai aon Thurda>' and Frîday of ti jas. Salton is stihi contemplating ir is farmn and re:iring f rom that ion. Seemea sif con- i - aumption alwaye ,plcks elut thre briglrt- est and bet. Maybe it in't o. Mybeit seemes sobecause consumption le tire meet frequent of aU diseases. Consiump. tien kille more peo- i .p le than wars or Choiera or Yellow reyer. Pull7 ose-sixtr ie deatius that occur in tihe world are by consumption. And cansumption cured. Doctors used te say that iý Mrable, but tire doctors were merely n. It would be strange if medical did net make some pr-cgress. Maxy arere once considered impossible. ,au steamer, tire locomotive, thre h and telephone, tire phonog-aph. ýtrîc light--ail these were once m- cand once it w-as impossible teO cure ptiou. That was before thre tinte ier-ce's Golden Medical Discovusry. ccording te directions, tis standard wili cure 98 Per cent. 'of ail cases cf >tion. Consumpti.n je a diseas of d& -It used to- bccoueidered a dis- itself. It i3 netIt le caused sud 1b>' impurlty lu tire bleod. Purlfy >d and r-estere tire healthy a«ttit i erg.?"- of thre body and con- mwl ecured- it is by weakuess 1 f vitalitY lu tire biood. It lu cured ýy and richueu of the bloed-*uely, y cured. Thosewho hrave consurnp-1 any Ingerng bronchiai, tirroat or ýaÉe, sd tose who are on tire read 4have à. positive r-enredy at hand. adition of Vie body.that indicates ss, auyeIdication of impurlty ln the hOUýd b attended Vo at once. Loas tite, loss.cf fiesh., loos of vitalit>', tees, weikness and unnatura wear- re indications tirat tire body l r- Wu. Dr. Plercels Golden M3edical rymnakes the tté zeod, t#beAi- h vigorous Streugt.nTous", dà of ave tctfd htit'habnraUys le. S e of th,.tstmuss, witlr hundredsot1>1 ouglt te knowvibout é ansd, sud utedliluhve becs éWbed Viser.i Tis i.rcbpèze -usedicai ofusely llirated, wifb. sèW fme [t - f -në.eet atàte tuçve su 31ta M' y. Wo1d is- ~I.içl ssoiaio, U&4 -re 1 'mur MoXide, 1Who tupO4 hf the O.ixtn rwIuoiý lIy aetr, erwùig tour menus of a fifteun mon1thu spul*eneo for 1eloenl, sobe bsprîmso arb 10 War dan Masma by express <rom &Aurora... R ortainly caupot now. b. acons.d of 1er. Cony cf the. Ocntral dram. goode. Clcsoly following the. ste?> of lhe mail robbery at Sutton, cernes the. report that Frida>' morning Baggageoean MoKay on the. Button -mized, disooverod that en oponing about eight luchée. in lengtb bad been cnt in oeeof the. baga. Mail. carrier Townley wisbed Vo return the bag te the. poetmaster, but the. baggagenan preferred delivering it te the post office inspector At Torouto. Detectives are in.- voatigating tbe matter. That Markharn village holds boire toaa fortune cf £150,000 sterling, will b. news to ail, yet this je probabiy the case and the I.ucky famil>' le that cf Mr. Hosea W ilkineon, cf Albert etreet, who with hie brothers and sisters' are the olaimanta for the above name surn. The oeoney was depeeited in the Bank cf England in 1884 or tbereaboute by a Mr. Wilkinaon for bie grandson Wmn. Wilinson, father cf Mr. Hoea Wilkinson. The depouit has been advertiged several- timnes, and was firet called te Mr. %Wilkiueon'e atten tien nine yeara ago next April, by the. late Jae. J. Barker. Mr. Hlosea Wilkin- son bas ne faith in fortune, and wheu epoken te, about tb. above would say no0tbing ether than that the whole thing might be an unfounded etory.-Sun. pUMU 8. n e 'JBWE1L Qs ces Barrister Oounty Orown Âlttoraysud 00un i ootor.Omfo.-South Wing of CourtHouse, Whitby. JAIMS ATLEDUU, Barrister, etc. Office formerly cocupled by Farewell & Butlodge, neit Royal Hotel, Brook St., Whitby. DAVID OISTON, B. A., Attorney-at-Law, Solicitor in <Jhancery, Conveyancer, etc. Office - In tho Office south of the Post Office, in. McMmilan's Block, Brook Street, Whltby. G. YOUNG SMITH. LL. B., Barrister, etc.,-Money to Loan. lInoer of Marriage Licennes. Office - Smith's Block, South of Market, B, ock St., Whitby. DOW & NcGILLIVRAY, Barristers, Solicitoru in Chancery, etc. Office ti Mathison & Bawken'si new olock Brock St.. W hitby, south of Ontario bank. Drs Warren Moore, J. J. MooreM - The Chatha.m sud Speîght worke Oom.f Offce heurs 9.a.m Citizeus cf Markbam and fthe people cf East York generally wibl learu with re- gret that Mfr. T. H. Speight, wbe bas se enccesfuUy managed the Speigbt Wagon Worka fer the past six yoars, bas tranaferred hie intereet in the plant sud, stock of the conceru te the Cbatbamý Xagon Ce., et Ohatham, aud acoepted the position cf general manager cf the joint cempany. Tie wilb ucceseiLate bis renioval taobathamu at once. We nuder stand that after ail the stock ounirand bore in worked np, it is thi u4ention Le manufacture wagons exclusively at the Chatham works, as the. beet of tim ber ie abundant tiereabouts sud the sbipping facilities arc alio botter. It je te b. hoped that the excllent factor>' sud plant bore wili ire utilized for building Iigbt work as w-cil as a repair eBop, and moat cf tire men retamned. While we cougratulate Mr. Speight sud the Chat. ham Wagon Co., we carinet but depiore his rernoval as an irreparabbe loeste the village. Mr. Bpeigbt goeste Cbsthanu ou Saturday Le take charge wbeu the works re-opeu on Monday.-Econcmist. When seounany people are takung snd deriv. iuig benefit from Hoon's Sarsaparilla, why don't yen try it yourself ? I is highly recemmended. Mr. M. C. Cameron, mem ber for West Huron, was introduced un parliameut Wednes- day, sud received a warm welcome frein botb aides. A wide-epread habit And oue wbich we nearly all have, is of giviurg advice. The meet of us place a iiigh value on our ewn opinions, soitîe correctly se at other imes these opinions are wor-th ne more thaur the value our neigbbors place on them, an opinion thougi w-bich we nearly ail hoid anrd wbich undoubtedly c?)ntatise a great deal of truth us that ini the spri'ng w-e require soet unadino te assiet nature inthtie remnovai of ail impurities fron thte blood. It la uimpby s question cf w-bat in the beet? Our local drug- giots Reema to coeidor Eseljay's Liver Lozen- gos tire best renredy for thie purpîîe, sud tor bilions troubles, if w-e may judge by the stocks they are laying in. Wc noticed them piled up la tireCorner t>rug Store rsud Mr. J. E. Wiliu toc, in w-cii snpplied. A-4euene manw-ho uaed there remarked <I'Tbey oeil becs-use tbey cure and are se piossarît te take. " One box 25 cents, five boxes #1, United Stiates silver mon w-I probably place a ticket ln tire field in thre Prasidental care- painu. 1'aka Notice., During tire year thre space devoted te ad ver- expressions of ne uncertain seund front people w-ho speak fremin rOmai experience as te the monits cf Ibis beal.cf Heusehold Reunedies, C. 0. RIOHÂRLDS & Ca.4 Bey. P. G. Bovlia, pastor of James atreet baptisl cirurcir, Hmiitou-ba rcsigned. Sr'oroxsMejauru;intense itciring sud tlngng ; me: at i gbt;-vorme b>' ortoýbug. If aloWied te continue# turaou sf orm, whiol ofaen blced sud uloorato, beooming ver>' seraor. b ýcig ts ulÙceretio, nud là nua oÉê rsmosê liotumrs.At ruist orb>'mil <or ~ ~ -llcl m0cna )rSau ou, OZ:adepbl Ptlaida Hay>'. of Ballaubarg, i. dead, Illew!w »,W" cD ,A-Privale Telephone Communication. 0. P. BOGART, Mg.D.,L.D.S. Physicaû, Surgeon and Accoucher, etc. Office and Residence next to Ail Saint's Church, Dundas Street, Whitby. N. B.- Dental Surgery in ail its branches promçptly attended Vo. Dr. H. Wightman F. Warren ,M. D. Whitby. Office hours Il amn DENS& TIS Tr'. ~'Open every Baturday niht W. B. YAiRNOLD, D.L.S., Oouut Surveyer and Drainage Engincer, Port Pierry, Ont. A. A PUST, Architect, laVe with Làangley, Langiey& Burke, Toronto. Designa for Churches, Villas and Cottages a specialty. Drawings prepared for remodeling ezisting structures. office-First fiat over W. R Howse's drng store. 9EýP O Box 2020 Whitby. WU. CALVERLEX, HARNE88 MAKER, WHITBT. Having rnoved into our new prcmises, wc are prepared to extend the range of business All work pertaining Vo the harncss-making and saddlery business will be donc to satis faction. Collars a specialty. Cail and isec my shop and stock. W. CALVERLEY, Second door west of old shop. Dundas Stret, Whitby JNO. NOBLE, -DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF- Lumber, Shingles, Bsha, floor.suad Blinde, Turnlug and Fret4Bawlng. pg" Ail orders or information obtained front JOHN NOBLE, Street, Whitby, opposite Mr. A. son'e residence. ..WhitbAplth 84 Established 1856. 01 per Ibnnulu insdvmnce, otherwise $1.60 Subsorlptions alwsys payable at 1h. office of publicat4on.- The publisheri do not underlake to, deliver 'the pope.. ai 5317 posoce but Whltby. Any ppe whio?"faits te resoh its destînation =Ub repl.sod upon notifcaton asûamalter of oourtesy. Avriigrates maies. by Oon- tract, 10 coe per lilîts noupariel, fit In. serlion,, and 5 cents per l]ru. *ach SUbe. quent insertion Loale 10 cmetspar un. JIHIN STÂNTON, Poremat. RaflWay TM Tio ê2ab1 0NoS, Ex rss - I Mal . r4S a X!Q '131gvèle ml Sun , ... SOnl can be Dundas C. Wil- [it FU * ci t if WET-D. O.-MXc»40»14,WhftbY, CIk jeu, 8; Feb.83; Msroh 8; April 2; MaY 2; lune 2: Jli>7; Bop. 2; Oct. 2; K1,. -. Dec. 2. J OSEAW-D. 0. Miodoneli, Whltby, Oierk ; Jan. 4;PFeb. 4; Msrch 4; éqpril 8; Mday 4; June 8; July 8; Sep. 8; Oct. 8; No-v. 4 Dec. 8, BaouGeAN - M. Glee8on, Greenwood, Clerk.-Jan 6; Ms.rDh5; May 5; July 9; Sep. 4; Nov. 5. PORT ParTi - J. W. Burnham, Port Pe-rry, Cierk-Jan. 29; March 9; May 15 July 20; Sep. 28; Nov. 18. UznmBrez-Joseph E. Gouid, Uxbridge, Clerk-Jau, 80; March 24 ; May i9th; i j3y 14; Oct 14 ; Dcc. 16. C&iNniTo-George Smith, Cannington, Jan. 81; March 2b; May' 20; July 15; Oct. 15; Dec. 17. BEÀvERroN-Geo. F. Bruce, Beaverton, ,Olerk-March 26; May 21; July 16; Oct. 16; D)ec, 18. UpTznortaov-F J Gilieupie, Uptergrove, Clerk,-March 27; May 22; luiy 17 ; Oct. 17 Dec 19. By erder, New Livsry and Sale Stables J. E. FAREWELL ' Dundan -St., Whltby, J. T. NEWPORT, Proprietor. Commercial men liberally deait with Teaming donc at reasonable priccu. F'reight and Baggage hauled st reason- able prices. A eall soficited. LAFE INSURANCE. Manufacturera' Life & Accident Insurance Co., Toronto. Largest Capital Stock Lif e Inhurance C. ôu the continent. Niniety per cent. o &il accuimulations oi surplus ioueurned to the policy holder.. Ail clair@s are paid withoat deiay or discount on proof of death or inaturity of endowment J. B. POWELL, Feb. lot, 93. Agent, Whitby. 10. BL RJGGS. Cor. King & Yonge St. Toronto. For the next three months I arn givin; special attention te patients from a dis- tance. Arn stili msking plates i.n rubber, $8, cefluloid *i0. Gour and silver filin; work crowning by fra-clame operators at the most reasonable rates in the city. When in the city call in sud lot me exam- ine yor toeth. I make no extra charge. C. I. RIGGS, Dentint, scuth osai corner King aud Touge Ste., Toronto.- W. H. WARNER» DEALER IN LATH, C?.RDWOoD2 mLA IETC. SOLE AGENT ini Whitby for the "'Celebrat- ed" PLYMOUJTH GOAL. Office -and Yard just Uptown Stlation.- ASK 'YOUR 8TAiTIONER TÂKEIOOHR A 318s 3 .-~i8s East of Y tii I ru 0 ctober 7th, 1896. to 11 a.m. 1 ver WMtby. 1

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