Whitby Chronicle, 24 Jan 1896, p. 7

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si,, 4i 10 Pott (ay 'la ; xbridg. tb; .)nIY uingtoa, là; Oct, bvertoii, Oct. le; ýrgrove, Mc. 17 j ABlLE TO RIDE WITHOUT FATIGUTE. The boat mtdical aid was summened, and lire. Ilîrtwell vati savwed frein what eenlliw ber friends imminent death, bu lrlen conivalescence came, she re- 1r1arued deprived of ber appetite, extreme- ly weak, and in constant danger of a relapse, and ail ber physicians could de, couid not bnîng about ber former condi- twji of bealth. Numeroue medicines were tnied but to ne avail; sire waa weak, irspiriied, and despaired cf &gain onjoy- ing, lier fermer viger and bealtis. For a year af ton her sttn.ck cf pneumonia se t 0 continued te languinh in thiesetate. At last one day ber huaband pur.haaed a few boxes cf Dr. Williams' Pink Pis. Ile had read cf the many cures wrought 1E by titis vonderfal medicine, but prooured thoni, h. say9, for his vife in ord=rt. be able to sa~y I"vo have tried ail," rather than from strong fai in themn. To please ber hugband Mr@. Hsrw.ll vil- i.Ply consonted to take thse Pink PiM, arnagrat was ber sur piris and tisat of ber busbaud, wben siLer taking tiare boxes sire vas able to'take a shot r"d vithout feeling any fatigue. Sh. wisey resolved to Oôntlllft the treatmemnt, udî before long found thât sise had regaine& ber old turnestrenqtand se*diol&We that eh. 0wes ber reoovery *utIry $0 Dr. Williame' Pink PiI&lle.,-*uwMtW Mrs. Hartwell feit a sight reeurrenof ber former woakbnca» and eU ro*ed s -~ te PiPek Pilla,"Mac.whlch tiUe di. bus o ~ ~ o ne baaday's iULe. Dr. WiÃŽliams'7P-n qPillave a u nro ptent influeneion 1W blooM a ae~ thnany other #Down, uiedW ,s'ud speedly »restore .blom 01 b~hMU- tO palld obeeks. PtnkPleutw. I orsetby M"Atil aU W o,w. < W. SMAMx are siso eau&os4 &pit Uiee 0 oalled biood builders 1a&ni Mièmtonifs, put up in simlar forw lnwended to do. eoivs. They are ail imitUs4lo whose makers hope to resp a peeuuia.ry advaq- tage from the wonderful reputatiot achieved by Dr. Willliama' Pink Pilla. ksk your dealier for the! These Pille are manufsotured by tb. Dr WiIlam's Medicine Company Brook- ville, Ontanio, and Schenectady, N. Y., and are aold only in boxes bearing the firm'g trade mark and wrapper, at 50 cents a box, or aix boxes for 62 60. Tbey may be baa rom any dealer, or will be sent by mail on reoeipt of price. Dr. Williams' Pink Pille niay be had of aIl drnggista or direct by- mail from Dr. Williams' Medicine Comapany frin either address. The price at which the pille are sold make a course of treat- ment coniparatively inexpensive a& conipareil with other remedies or medical tre atm e nt. BCUGOG The new conncil of Scugog met on the 2oth inst., subscribed to the de- clarations required in such cases, and organized for business. The reeve in the chair, present also Messrs. Alldred, Bryant, Crozier, and Gerow. The reeve laid the treasurer's bond before the counicil for examination. W. C. Platten made application for the office of assessor. On motion of Mr. Gerow a by-iaw was introduced and passed ap- pointing Philip Alldred and Albert Wilner audicors. On motion of Mr. Bryant a by-law was passed appointing Wv C. Piatten assessor at a salary of $18. Mr. Alldred out through a by- law appointing path masters, fence view- ers and poundkeepers as fol: Path- masters and fence viewers-division No. i, Robt. Prentice, 2 Thos. Henry, 3 jas Davey, 4 Jos Reader, 5 jas Jack- son, 6 Joshua Todd, 7 Jos Stephenson, 8 Nelson Alldred, 9 D Jackson, io Jos Gerow, i i S Fralick, 12 Wm Pogen. Poundkeepers, No. i I Rodman, 2 Chas Hope, 3 Geo Crozier. On mo- tion of Mr. Bryant the treasurer's bond was accepted as sufficient. On motion of Mr. Crozier the council accepted $4 in full consideration for use of hall by the Patrons of Industry up to date. On motion of Mr. Alldred the reeve and mover was appointed to make ar- rangements for the corporation print- ting for 1896. On motion of Mr. Ail- dred the first meeting of the court of revision was fixed to be held the last Saturday in May next. On motion of Mr. Gerow, the whole counicil was ap- pointed road and bridge committee. On motion of Mr. Bryant it was re- solved that the sacieties meeting in the hall shail pay the rate fixed by by- iaw for each night that the caretaker builds a fire or lights the hall. On motion of Mr. Crozier the counicil ad- journed until the last Saturday in May next. OIBILLIA. A .oma --nth .e iedSatswa place had been the scene of a merry gathering during the previous evening or night. The hilarious party had broken the panes in the entrance door, and strewed the place with cigar stubs. The sponsor for the gathering has flot made himself known yet. Oivtiuztng the OiWanS. At the Methodist church last Sun- day evening Rev. W. R. Barker made two requests to the congregation. One was that he would like everyone t.o join in repeating the lord's prayer, at the close of the first prayer, and the other was that everyone'should bow mAe head during prayer. He said that there was nothing particularly wrong about sit- ting erect during prayer; it was just one of those little things which do flot look weli. A reverent attitude was de- siraffle. Feoealin ulimbe. A deputation -consîsting- of Mrs. Greene, Mrs. Jno. Gray, and Mrs. R. N. Grant waited upor Mayor-elect J -p on Wednesday, and called his atteion to the need for some provision for fo-, maie prisoners in the lock-up. At present there is flot even a separate apa.tment or a bed for thetu.I The de- putation asked that a specialwrd should be provided for females, and a, matron put in charge of kt. Mr. Jupp acknowtcclged the justice of thse ladies' requcst, and suggeted tisat a- vaemtî room under the town hall be fitted up for the. femmte prisoners. ne b ls 0 lag It is worthy Cfi'"te tisai tlat thiceOf these BUCCM ndidat« ii thse municipal electIou dld -fot button- isole people and asic theum for&chir voi and lafluenec. We =W*f * =. ,VenU nead'DooIlf$ , yWh&bwe*r 1 ed to tise DeptyR.shlps handiome majoiitfi%, *md ),4.' *cW whe iscaded 1*1 *11*-inth It 0*4 avrbr J U .-Ths $oui O! soetIand Zliedge of tht. lie heu &nUy-r ater a4upperin Mr~. Da,.* Smith!& rtautir- ant ou,-tue evening of Wcdn@Udy luite which for a good trne ita ahead of any- thinir hthmb uscorne 0fas yet thie, wintir. ÀAfter j ustioe had been d1on. *0 tise Sota and to the spread a couple of- hQur were spent in speech-making, singwng and dancing. M r. Jas. Munro sang "IAnnie Laurie"I with gtood effeot buti it rernained for Brother M. MoDermott to capture the audience with the old famiiar "Bon- nie Doon,," which h. can sing with a sweetness and pathos rarely exoelled. Mr. D. M . Smith gave a coup le of comic songs in bis usual happy style and Mr. Barr, fBrcin, w as ah. to the front. Mr. Bob Gorden sang -Me Mitiier made a Baldock' and giave as an eacore "The Brooklyu Fîre." Speeches were made by Messrs. Logan, MoMillian, Overeud, and Ron McKay. À scotch reel by four ruembers of the lodge to Piper Lunan'e merrry strathpeys and a clog dance by Bro. Geo. Williamson brought te a close a very pleasant evpe'iiig. Succees to the Sons cf Scotland. The 'annual meeting cf the Thorah Agricultural Societywas held in the town hall on Wednesday when Lb. following officers for the year '96 were elected: Pres., Alex. MoRea; Vice-Pres, Thon Treleaven; Sec.-Treas., Jno. Mckrthur. Directors Jas. Donalds, Dan Brown, The,%. Overend Jno. Veele, Wmn. Turner, Jno. Morrison, Bud Tiedale, and P. D. McDoughall. This aociety je now a flour- ishing condition and the Directors will &pare ne pains to make this year's show an unequafled succesa. The annual social of St. Andrew's church will be held Thursday evenining in the basement of the church. A good programme bas been prepared and a very pleasant evening je being looked foi ward te. We understand that the "Bachelors of Beaverton " intend holdinv an "Aesemby" at any early date Althougb the" Bache- lors" have been eut of the social arena for the pust two yeare and Beaverton's young ladies are making sad bavoa in their raîtks, the few remaining are all good-loeking, plucky yeung fellows, and their guesta cati rely on receiving most courteous and considerate treatment at their hands. W. are net in position te give the exact date as yet but think the ,Aaaembly" will be held in the early part of Feburary. Hlere's a pleasant evening to you beys. Meîuars. W. H. Johnston and Thos. Armstrong of Pefferlaw and Messrs. Ftuewell and Fead of Cannington, were in town on Friday last. Miss Hopper, of J. J. Haimes, left on Saturday for Paisley where aho will spend her bolidays. The Rev. J.- W. M ,Millan, ef Lindsay, occupied the pulpit of Knox cburch last Sunday and preached two very eloquent and practical sermons te hie hearers. SOUTH DARLINGTON. The Christian Endeavor meetings are well attended on Friday evenings. They are noted for the good and moral influience of the yong tpeoble. Se-ve-ý A number of the fai mers around here are having sheep worried by dogs. Mrs. W. Cracknell has been visiting friends in Oshawa. Mr. Joseph VanCamp butchered seventeen bogs recently, with the skil- ful assistance of Mr. Samuel Burgess. Mr. Wm. Frank is quite indisposed. Mr. and Mrs. S. Penfound visited at Mr. Levi VanCamp'ýs recently. Miss Maggie Oke and Mr. Luke But- tery visited friends at Providence. Mrs. Jesse Trullibas been quite sick again; some better at time of wrîting. Miss M. E. VanCaffip visited lier sister, Mrs. L. J. Dickie, Oshiawa, for a few days. Miss Smith of Hawstone, is visiting at Mr. George Bunker's. Mr. Malcolm McKinnon lias.i eturned home from thse shanties as h t î impoe.» sible to'draw owing to uhere bewng no f rost. Mr. Donald N. McDonald ýbad thse misfortune to get bs -irat6ingcromthe. left liand badly jazrned by 1beîng catiht, by ahbeavy loggfig chaWi whlfr o4Ing Mi"s Aun Chuion of Crmghu0t, îs visîting lier relatives on thse- MnCI Roa&.- Mrs., W= Pweee*1a r4fç YOU NUi Miss McBrine's the Benefit of Ne rvous Won She Specially Celery Re c Result of a 1Neglected Cold. DISEASED LUNOS Which Doctoru Faileulto H.lp, CURED BY TAKINO YE ~'sCherry AYEMS~Pec-toral. 41 1 contracted a seyere cold, which aettled ûn my lungs, and 1 did what l.s often done iii such c&,ses, neglected it thinking it would go away as It came; bu I 1folnmd, after a ttl mh .'lile, that the aiheteeto pained me. I then slbeteeto Consulted a Doctor -whn found, Ã"n examling rny lungs that the r Pp art of the left ont- was badIyafl ected. ie gave me some mediclue whiclîi1 took as dir--rted, litit It dlt! not qeeni to do any good. For tuîiat.eli happened to read ln Ayer's A'manar. oi the effec t that Ayer's Cherry Pertoral had on others, and 1 deternIlned to g vc it a trial. Àfter takting a tew doses m troublI was relieved, and betore 1Ihad in-Z Ih"-d the bottle I was cuired."'-Â. L&FLÂaR, vatcimaker, Orangeville, Ont. Ayo's Cherry Pectoral HIghest Âwards at World's Fàir. Lyer'a ptUa cure ladMgestios. ILL NIGif UNTO DECATH. Titi E\PERIENCE 0F A LADY \ELI KýNOW.N IN COATICOOK. s k l eiW th LaGrippe, Vollowed b; Pneuwouia, She Langnished For More Tlian a Year-Dr. Williams' lPink Plille baved lier When Other Medicînes Falied. Firm L Etoile de l'Est, Coaticook. Que. 'l'lie town of Avenui, Vt, je situat.ed allteight nulles from Coaticook, Que, and 18 the home of Mrs. Ada Hartwell, wlo lias many relatives and numerous frionds iii the latter place. Mrs. Hart well las passed tkîrough an experience wliîch L'Eroîte de l'Est thinks wortby of givîng the wîdeat publioity as maany others may derive much benefit there- from. NMrs. Hartwell bas ever beeu con- sidered a wornan enjoving a healthy constitution until about two years ago, whien she was, like hundreds of others lu thîs vicinxty, strickPn with influenza or as ît Ï8 more generally ttjrmerd la g.rppe, a disease which carned cff many people in thîs towrj and vicînity, andti ii the case of nutnerous others Ieft belîind wre'cked couRtitntion)Is. As often bappeus, pneu- ruoma followed tbe first of ta grippe and lire lIarLwell was sick, nigL unto denLb. Experience LA We tici ahave the Pluesi Selec- ain town cf thos. BEA UT/FUL AMER/CA N Given fort WA I1I aloat hopeles-caestbatbhad boss tr.aied by the moet talented physi- <i513-c5 thatwvere on the verge of despalr andLnani by--caaethatwe totterng over t.he grave-but with the continued and peruverlng use of Wood'% Phosphodine, tiesecaesthat lied been gien up to di., were rèstored tomnSy vigor and health-Beadcr you need flot d.spair-n*mat- terwho han gwven you up as Incurable-the rsmedY la now vithin your reacli, by-lta use you can b. retored te, a lit e of uaefulnom sadbappinems Prie% one packageSI; six packages, $5; byxumailftree cf postage. owe iuilées sLrgaranted ta cure. PanWmphlt reto my âddrus. Tii. Wood CompanYWindsor, Ot ., Oanadp* Mtr .'L. PA PER8,- -WxH-Ir (ers to Ma tch l ST PRICES. wly and getfir.t choi. P. B. WAAM Book si.,Wbib OT7e ~fPMÂKER, WHITBY. ccessor ta H. 77umpson.) a --- --- 99 L. ail Weak and M-en and Bord nen. LOWE .,ommends Paine's ompound. H. SC ]PU] (Sucd The Suhisc concerned: here. H is "LIt je with the greatest pleasure that I telegrapb cf add my testimony te the vc'lumes you manufacture have already. oxifyle in favor of Pain.'. Firat clase r ed. Wells Celery Compound. A fter suffering for solicîted. a len.gth cf time and having met with e.1,89 May dizappointments in the use cf medi. e.I4 8 cines in general, I commenced te use Paine'. Celery Compound which proved a DO N a complote success in My case. Your Medicine cured completely iand I feel as well as ever before in my life. capital1 "'Paine's Celery Compound is wox'th ite weightt in gzold for sick people; 1 would' SUMRplu specially recommend it te ail weak and nervous people."Wb Generi TeGreat Englisk Rensedy. BÂl saris UreUtng thousandi of aSes wlth ail kuovu Jatr«t a] ave Mâcvere the tr»eremedy and tmten-aNonete of ict a prompt and permanent cure lIna&l stages of- r Emmeg.Nervous Weakà,sEm*gsim. MI (O0ÉI@tq Tobacco, or ÂlcohoZie SâmuJaniso, aul of alty, Consumptiou and en .aidy gr«Ve. Wood's êd sucestUly >y hundreda ef casestbatssemed HL SCOTT," Whitby and Ogpbàwa.- M5. 41NIO-N BAN-KO-ý -Paid up, -$1, t*d. VflGS DBPAETXM T. - ilowed âti hlgh.uiourreai ralSi -RÂDAM8- MICROBE KILLEItREFIt J. 8. EDGAR, Mercat Bor: M. K.. -Mi" narvlouslyla k cbkectoand bowe toule Wool'a Pliephoulln la .Id by r seflslble wholesub s4, rotai *t dlt8he DOuminm 'wX AOEAEi Was ginup teodie f VICTO" COMI-UDyspepsWansd Liver Ijoul VITOIACONZS TIA.Arn as weIl as ever now;- Mr. and Miss Doble, of Uxbridge, (Clroweied out last week.) spent Sunday with their aunt, Mrs Wm The departure of- a prominent citizen -T. H. L uPeOO Colman. f rom or corner basbeen-a surprise. We Mr Arthur M urry, who has been knew kniew nothing of tb. departure LQOOl visiting friendq for some time here, until we iissed him from our -'i nd hoiccuhandb went home on Monday to Dakota. faled to eee hia lamblike manner. They luitp ver. hLurm*l7g my i Mr. John McKay, Dajkota, lias for say b. en awan ob hoe, 1. iSsi u takt MKi the last two weeks been caling on heeeawy ee on eroî friends and old acquaint.ances. M.JmsAitnbsroe rm WiRdn i our midot Re has rented frmi U-(,t James Ruddy, who lias been ýsick brid«e t. in W.6 ur,80f*lme:s xG'T with iiflammation of the lungs, has - egowai&r lias lieen recovering until Friday when un....Kendel frelil aToot, nin aeail he got a relapse and is now in a dan-wearesory t-,esale deh.it otSUi gerous state. poigvr at .B~WE8 Cottage prayer meeting was held at .Ariu-Qnn'ajurcoed Mr Wm Scott's on Thursday evening.. from aoevore M to f te ape There was a large attendance. _______ -~- Sorne oftee boys have shovelled off- j uu w t part o)f the lake and there is good, skating now and most of our young 9HSBN.ý» O ~ T folks are taking advantage-of it~I~~ ÂFAMOBJS"D, BE Wb« jtesolothiI"Vo -0» ýt0ih**worklp e Miss Minnie McBnine, of Bethany, Ont., positively declarea that Paine's Oelery Compound je worth ita weight in gold for isiok people. This . tatement corning from on. who was raised up to health and vigor commande the closest attention. Paut failures with worthlees medicineis and perfect succesa with Paine's Oelery Comnpound je a strong and olear demonatration that the popular compound can b. trusted in every case. Read the folIlowing letter written by Miss MoBrine and thén honeatly decide whether Paine's (Jelery Oomnpound is worthy of a trial as f ar as your case is Wood's rnosî Io the resaIt of over 85 yi Sexai .a2 ii4y, tbswe or Worry, Licamuive use 0/ whlch soon 1ed 80 Im Buffl sTmkUlug. Phi>hodi» e m bosuso SUCESSI abus ietoir. ident G. ce C. o ail tuo the iithclat btb or hitby. onto. givins a dim>- nbber, filing ois at City. e xam - barge. 3oere tof 9 ie. Itbi ibi ,utu AdT ~nnber bas again opeued business.- office will be at E. R. BtoW&. lice, factory af Mrs. I<e*beW&~ rock Street, south. New Pumpll ed and old Pumpe repaiedr naterial used and work warrant- dug or cleaned out. OWrr

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