Whitby Chronicle, 31 Jan 1896, p. 1

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- t-. VOL. XXXX. WJIITBY, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, JAN--UARY3,186 :: Can! + p%, <întîîîijj in and tring OURk GOODS, LOCAL NEWS LETTERS. CnitONICLIÈ CenUMePONwusca, KINSALEC. Our pedagogue visited the parental roof during Sabbath. Mark Brignal h doing quite a rush cf business since learning his trade. He gives good satisfaction. Give him a caîl and be your own judge. The tegular quar-terhy meeting service will u cti <( vt- 1< yotION LV WE keepîthe S *lhlrh"i"ce Il~~~~~~~~~ h1s NiC1wA'S RG.hen Mr H-arris wiil be present aud offici- \\W hlv tit- icnea"sotnînt of PER- 1.1UMN F- RY l-fi <'ver from our Xnias i -<1-. whili,%-~te willi sei CIEAP. Tooth Brushes, Clothes Brushets. Hair Brushes and Combe. \Vc îî tt ultg but the finest- HAVANA CIGARS U.. MId i w. 1 nes. Ail kinds of fine-cut TO)IACC )ES- always on hiand. THE CORNER DRUG STORE, WH ITBY. Evory aIy welcome. ,,, I iMPO RTAS NF CLEAN SWEEP. Pi-ices talk for Cash: Good \Vire Mattrass, worth J2.,50 fOI $1 7.5. Good Mixed Mattrass, wortb $4 fo r $3 First-class Extension Table worth $6 5o for $5. Bedroom Sets worth $14 for $io9o. Bedroom Set worth $16 for $13. We have notbing but first-class workmuen lua our Up- holstering Departruent. Leading Undertaker,- E. J. JOHENSON, BROOK ST., WHITBY. $I.23 1 YL L B uY T1HE Weekly *m Globe CHRONICLE * FOR 1896. ---'%See our Club- bing Lisa. Henderson cd Graham, WESTERN BANK 0F CANADA. Capital Authorized $1,000,O00 Suirplus 10090001 4 BOARD 0F DIRECTORS. OHN COWAN, EsQ., President. RiuiBzN S. HAM LIN, ESQ., Vice-PreS. T. H. MICMILLAN, -- Casbier. General Bankingz Business trsnaated. t)rafts issued, payable lu aIl parts of Can- -~ s.." ~ ada, United States, and on London, Eng- land, payable lu ail parts cf Europe. 331 per cent. aliawed on Savings Bank Deposits and credited balf yearly. S0peci attention to coUettion of Farmer' sale notes.' E. D. WÂRReER, Manager of Whktby &mah. Farm fop 8'aie Tb»it desirab fau,. 3sP4 Townshlp cf Plkedng eMid"l Iü MtuCU]lloflh, thrs. .h.tm ww4 0"ç. Pickerinig vilbage, mnd 'Mf MdI* don m 3050 wah ge boulhemne om 96x6o sM* barn elt 9014.1.n jÏ aie.1 Stephenson Bros., with two loadi ai hay, pulled in on the Toronto market on Tues- day evening. The demand is stili good for hay, and no likeiihood of it diminishing for sorne lime 10 corne. A parîy ai some îwo sleigb loads cf young people dropped int Mr. jas. Lewis' resi- dence on Monday evening and spent a merry lime. Games of aIl kinds were iudulged in t0 the usual satisfaction of aIl. Joseph Stevenson look a load of oats la Toronto last Wednesday week, aud was caughî in the great storm, causing his delay tili Saturday aflernoon. Great destruction took place in the queen city he reports. Mark Brignall, who bas spent sufficienti t ime with a first-class shoemaker iin Bow- manville to fit hlm to do ail kinds ai repaira, will be pleased to receive a fair share of the patronage of the public. Prices moderate. WVork guarantee4-6iu. R. W. Mowbray bas again rcceived the apooint ment of assessor for Pickering town- ship. He bas filled the bill for two years te the satisfaction of aIl concernied, and no wonder he gels the position again. He wiil be on duîy about Feb. ist. Remember doga are a specialty with assessors. La grippe, cont'-ary to our requesi cf some lime ago. has made bis first visitation in our neighborbood duning hast week. Mr. jas Horîop, supenintendent ai the sabbath scbool, was among th1e victims, necessitating bis absence from sunday school and cburcb. Mm Geo Ayres, Mrs Jos Hambron, Mrs Brignaîl anîd others are aise among the un- envied enes. We suppose il scarcely necessary on our part t0 refer t0 the great ice stormu of last week, but for fear some migbî not believe we were favored wvitb the beautiful ice foi- iage we would just rise to pa-s a remark. We were favored wiîbout a doubt, and it proved to be a storm of ice unparalied in Canadian history. Fruit trees and orna- mental trees and ail kiîîds of sbrubs were a specialty,* and received very serieus sud damaging attention. Many orchards have been badlv disabled. It has often been said "it s a hîad wind Ihat blows nobody good," and ini this case the only good point we can think of is that most orchards received their annuai pruning much earhier than usual. Do not forget the « concert given bere on this Friday night at 7.30, under thc auspices of the juveuihe temple. An excellent pro- gramme bas been prepareci by the lemplars and wiii be reudered in their usual happy manner. W. A. Holiiday, of Brooklin, Rev. mno. Harris, and cîhers wili be present and contribute to the eveniug's entertainment. Our voung friends have made a special ef- fort 10 make Ibis the best concert ever given by any temperance organisation iu this place, and mest people know wbat that mea ns. A srnail admission fée of to cents wilh be asked. As neanly ail the concerts of the past under Ibis society have been free of charge sureiy no person wili remain at home on that account, but corne along and f611 the bouse and iend a baud to tbe temperauce wariare, which wili neyer be satisfied tiI! King Alcohol is-dniven from ourifair domnain. Remember the date, Friday evem'ing 31St, doors open at 7.30. PICKER ING. E<iitor Clark is indisposed this wcek. IWe notice the familiar face cf Mr. William Peartinlu ur midst again. A number from here attended the party au Mr. Richard McGuirc's on Tuesday cvening last, and report baving bad a good lime. The snow sud 1cr storm ai Thursday sud Fr1- day last did cousiderable dsmage ta the tcle- phone hune sud men may be seen svery day fixing up the sarne. Rabbit huniing is al thc raze around bere jusi now. Most any day may be seen the faml- iai sigbî ai îwa or thîe ai aur youths acconi- panicri by - Landiord " Gordan's ferret an&da bag. lima McCormick. Deckcî's igbt baud man, may b. sccu eacb evening witbhbis toboggan and falthful -,'Louise" drawiug the yonîh of Picker- in aond town ai ra cents a bcad. 1 teli you 1baî, Jim bas an eyc to business. It la with regret that tue bave ta chrenicle Uie dcath ai ance ofaur oldest residents lu the persan ai Mn. John Howhand. Deceased bus been ail- ing for the pas tua oon thice years. but death ended bis suffcnings an Tuesday morng. ii. funeraI, wbich tank plage on Tbursday, vas largely attended. He leavea a widowt taMeuin bis loss. wbo bas lte beartfeit sympatby ai thc community. Ox..oCmyp,. wiOK On the. 24tb lusitii. vile ai Mr. Edvand Mc- Cnily of a daugbtcr. Tii. funeral ai Mr. AlxThorbuin of Mari. posa took place at-the ocniclcry hum on Satw- day. Dcccssed wus ell sud favorably k4otun lu ibis section ai country. Dcply Rfeve MOCCUlY latiotUnet VVWîbui this week altendlng tbe coucty concil., Ï cap" o. f doing b hane day. thor e twawd managlng busimeu ofNOcf bs enly. 'lb. roc l o soer ba We and make the programme a success. The next place of meeting bas net yct been fired but ieft to the executive ta settie.g Manobeter Business Dleotory. A________ Muas. B. 8. PAims Kbanoheeten, repaiMrae- navates an ne-faîh[ine al sorte af lune ren- derlug them lu mout cases as goed sud To reduce our:stock as much faahianable as when new. Ordera eoliitd spsil bfr Wktkiti-ilgv Now is ie , ime ta look over your t aapsilenfaesoc-aforw.whigv their safety, aud ta, have them nenevated. Tus UNITEDSTATUa Lmm - InguEaEOU Ca.. * Â H * . issues th. most liberai pollcy in thue'mrje .a eduction offrlom 'frn T o TwÉNTY-PIVE P C GEANAX, agent loethie cauntilesof On-. harioansd Victoria, Local agents wanted Jn Pus CENT;, On ailtinter goode.W. have every ho-vu sud hamiet. To euoh agents wul stili a splendid assrtruent and genulnce be offered fin clams contracte, Write for ba ialu wili. b. givexu. The buik of- i particulan. W. shertyen; outt free col wcatlier i» yct ýo-CQtUC 4,d-itb0 eip' EROORIN. ng Undcrwear, Blanket, flress (00eds Wool Shawle or Hoonda., Cai s, Hrse le Mr. and Mis. John obineSansd famuhy, i kets, Robes, ete, ouaheteiwat OrIlla, are visiting ibeir furiends bere. suiipplie&deah-Oucem Wew*inb. ,pleasced te ". Ufj IM%É%pa uh.%t2ma#%&a é^ýob ebsow thesé,gonds e.ùd4ù quoe itu-e w- erices mvr. ri. m. D[UUK, wuu was uzre «i attena the. funcral af bis fiiher, returned ta Torontaou Tuesday cening. Mr. Ralph Robinson ainvcd home on INlday evenin . Rbas bcen ia Northenn Oàtatlo for aiouleofmorthi. Mr. Fred! Hueson gave bis fiat a bed gash wlh an axe tuben at veuk ila-Uic Woods about a wcek ago. Tii. wouad rcquicd four atitces uhen bciug dresscd. W. hope b. will have a spedyý îecovery fram ils eficus. - Mr. Davld Scon, of Toronto, %aw m, mr o Tucsday ta latispd Uic funerai ofUth ae J Brook- hs- bIw oly, is second vW: tt Brokli snce-h moedfrom eoeW Toeouto saine -un or Ivoire yemsa-go. Mr. Joais Brooks dled o Sii rylii after a long illaes. . H.etuas nesnly-sc*entyfive ycas C ffý ad wu. agold.reidpit of Brok li. mio'-=ltookplacc toGrov Si. ousoàe- ton TU" t -aea fono "ud w. élý M travelling upan;- that eacb way is progresslng there being no standing sihl aud that eacb way leads ta is owu appropiate end. He polnted out tbat it is a delusion te tblnk af foilawlng the broad way and obanging at deaîb bis opinion be- ing that people lnvarlably die as îhey live. Now he urged is the only time te make sure you are on thberngbt way. AsaBuaZE Mr and Mrs Routley, Detroit, are visiting bis brother of thie place. We are sorryta learn of the severe illnes of Miss Lilite Balfour, formerly of this place, now engaged as first assistant teacher al Zephyr. We hope ta bhear of her speedy ne- covery. Our heartiest congratulations are extend- ed te Mr and Mrs Rolpb McInîyre, who were united ini marriage about 9 o'ciock Wednesdav morning, ai the manse, by the Rev. R. B. Smith. The heavy ice-storm bas done consider- able lnjury te many fruit and sbade trees ini ihis neighborhood. Altbough flot accora- panied wîîh as heavy a wlnd as was the case in the storm two years ago, it is neveribe- less ahrnosi equal to itluib tickness of coat- ing. A good warmn sun or ramn would do much to lighten the heavy loads îuow borne by the overweighted trees. By the action cf the presbytery we are pleased to note ibat the Rev. R B Smith wili remain with us untilithe ist af March. Aften which time there is a possibillty that Clare- mont and Ashburn appointments wiil be united. A meeting, with ibis end in view, or the course te be pursued by the congre- galion ater the ist ef march. wiil be beld in the churcb nexi Monday, when lu s bopcd a representati ve congregationai meeting wil take place. Everyone should bear i mid that the annual sermon of the Royal Tempiars will be deiivered by the Rev Mr Weatberill, Myrîle, at the proabyterian church, Ashbnrn, on the 9th of Feb. On the following Friday, Feb. 14th, St. Vaientine's day, an cyster supper wiii be given in the bail, and a pro- gramme wiih be rendered by the best talent procurabie. A uasi successful event is as- sured as everycue la bent on making Ibis the event cf the season, and live committees are entrusted wiîh wcrking ilte a suc- cessîul issue. 19ANCRESTIM South Ontario District Division, Sons ai Temeer- ance. Met on Fniday iast, 24th insi., ln the vil- lage cf Raglan. Only officera present were.: D W P, W H Clark, 1) S, P C Graham, D treas., W M Weir. As the day waq any- îhing but favorable, only a few subordlinate divisions were represented, and in ail were only twenty-five delegates. Port Perry was out in full blast, and therefore formed a mua- jority. The forcnioon session was short, and and na business cf importance, to mention, was transacted. In the aternoon the reports of D. W. P., ID. Treaa., and D. S., were given. These showed that the work of the district is in good wonking order. Altbough a losa himeinbership was announccd, stili on the k.erage ail divisions were rcported as flour- ishing. Appropniate places were giron where new divis ions -might-b. rme sd and committees were appointcd te ook mb the establisbing of tbem. The officers eiect- ed for tbe ensuing year are as foiiows: -D. W. P., jas. Miller, Greeubank ; D.W.A., Mrs. W. M. Wcin, Raglan; D.S., J. Goudy, Port Pe'ir-y ; D. Chap., H. E. Derby, Myrtle; D. Treas., F. Arcbman, Epsom ; D. Corn., Miss Thressa Scenes, Prince Albert; D. Sent., D. Tbempsan, Raglan; D. Supern- tendent Loyal Crusaders, P. C. Graham, Manchester. On motion it was settled that there be ne public meeting in the evening, but some eveniug soon, (Tucsday, Feb. îuth suggested,) ail the divisions around turn out menhibwed becanse of the beauties af the scenery lu hléelo garb. li was a pecuilar àensation one1 eapettéenced when going ont the morng after thé storru for everytblng b.d been transformed in appýearance duriug the nlgbt sud it was mast as though we bad awakened in a new world, Theý effect of the brigbî 'moonllght an Sunday night, when tbe trees were swayed by tbe high wlnd, and during the sunshîne of Mouday, was beyoàd our description. Sncb a sigbt may flot oacnr Igain l a generation, The rain was 80 solidly frzen that all ont d<,or abjects are stil coate4 with the ice but la not now so heavy as it was. -WbIle we bave suffered considerably throngb damnage doue to fruit and oruameutal trees, It appears from reports reoeived that other localities gai the storm even worse than we did. Temporary repairs bave been made ta some of the telegraph and telephone wites, In spîte of the sosking, freezing rain of iast Tbnrsday nigbu, npwards of a hundred persans gathered ai the Masonic bail te view the sigbts and enjoy tbe amusements Inounettiofl with the "Gide Englishe Fayre," which had been for sanie weeks advertised for that date. It was, howefer, decided ta postpane the event tili the fallowing Monday evening. On this oczasion the Condition of weather, roadsanad everytbing else, were as favorable as could be desired, and he result was a large attendance of visitors, al if whom were greatly pleased with the novel en- tertaisment. The bail haît been made as much like 9 'p aid tashioned fairground as the iimited space would permit of. On one side was the cutlosity shop, fiUled with a splendid collection cf curioi and relics, many of them dating well back to tbe z7th centurY. lu was a matter of surprise ta every one that such a really menitor- ionse collection cauld be made rigbi ai bc'me here. Nexita î his? was tbe art. gallery, in whicb were nlnety one exhibits. This was exceedingly weil-srraged and afiorded a great deal cf amusement ,Il one end of ibis enclosure was the Punch and Judy show, wbicb was under tbe direction of Mi. M.. F. Chinu, wbo manipulaied the figures and carried on the dialogue lu a man- ner that would bave donci credit toa aprofessional. Young and aid were alike deligbted wîîh ik. On the other sideoaitbe room was tbe "Iun," wbere refresbments were served toalal corners, and the gipsy encampment. wbich was a great attraction. A letws pitched in true gipsy style, around wbich the singera, ail of whom were dressed in costumes resembling tbose gipsies are supposed ta wRear, gathered at intervals and sang choruses, whlch were laudly applauded. On tbe platformn a number of beautiful tableaus were sbown,, among them being, The fiower af the family," * Rlebecc and Rowena,'" 'O omin' ibro' the rye," "gronp af statuary." and others, The White Bron. played several selectiols, which wcre welI receiwd as nsaa. The vanous events were an- nounoed by a crier, with bis bel! ta caIll atten- tion. As wq.s ta be expected, there was nothing in the-sUghtest degree objectianable in the wbole programme, and the management are receiving nothibg but congratulations on the spleudid suc- ceas tbey acbieved. The receipts amoucted ta n",$ly35. The - daughiers of tbe churcb" takethia means ai thaniking al tbe frlends wbo so generously assisted tbem ln arranging for and carrylug aut their finit programme. W. A.H. GUY & CO0, grain buyer. BIIALLY IL - limier of Marriage License. BoUW*ùe opposite Towni Rail, rookn., té douve, or soli ut oet., 'oriti off cars ecelebratea Sorunton Coul t 0os pices Ïor cash. (TLe.best la th. cheapeat.) 18t. 95, . W A MCNEELYr, D V S.-Graduste of the On- tarto Voeenary Callege, Torante; Ronorary mem3ber af theOntario Medical Society. Treste ail diseases afthe domeeticated animale by th. moiti aproved method. Aiea particular attention te urgioal operatione and dentiotry. Day or night cais promiy attended ta. Office aud reaidence BrookllnÎ, Ontario. recovery is entertained. We hope for the best as they wauld be mnuch mlssed in the chnrch and neighborhaod. 1 Wonld k not be wçll when sweeping the snow fromi your boots at the church eni- trance ta close the door. At this time of the year when coids are se prevalent it- causes a pecullar sensation ta cl-cep Up 7011f back ta have the cold draught strike yen. Rev, Mr. lliott, an account cf a seveie cold, was unable te preach last Sunday. He attcnded his sever a aintmenti how- ever, and gave a short addaress whicfi was well rcceivedL Mr. Elliott has gained for hirnacîf the woe spoken cf lin the bible, everyone speaki well of hlm. * He is ap- parently juqt what we wanted ta get thinga in shlp-shape. Alton Tri;pp leaves this week for Bessemer Mich. This makes three cf our youung men who have gone te swell the population cf Uncîti Samn. We do net auticipate any trouble in the line of war but shouild any trouble corne it wculd net be from these young men as it ih reperted thý -y have left their hearts here and will sooin return ta dlaim their own. Balaam & Ut Zion The grip bas seized the Joneses. Mr. and Mrs. Hubbard will reside in Bal- sam. Gea. Crummer, Brookln, was bere San- day. Quanîerly meeting here next Sunday aite a. mn. Mrs. Sam. Joncs presented ber busband with a boy on Monday week. Mr. J. E. Jones was visiiing friendi in tbe neigbborboud hast wcek. Mn. Binkett was bitten by Mn. Wm. Pile's dog on Monday, but net seriously. Miss Cana McAvoy taugbt the school bene for Mn. Hubband wbîlst h. was away gctting mnarnied ta Mrs. Disney. PORT PZRRLY Do net fonget Mra. Heand's coucert at Man- chester town bhail, Ibis Fniday evening, Rev. J. C. Camerait, cf MeMaster University occupied thc baptist pulpit hast Sabbaih, Mr. F. W. -Hodson, of the Ontarie Agricul- tunal Cailege, Guelph, la a guest of Mrs. Major Hadgson. Mr. Joseph Bigelow la borne froïn Trenter Mn. and Mis. Bigeiow intend very soon to go te Soutbein California. Manager Hicks is making great preparatians fon bus first carnival this Friday cvening. Sever- ai large prizes are'te be given, Eigbt ai oui besi curlers wen t t Toronto yesterday ta play witb the crack club of that City -the Granites. Next- week lhey play at Whitby. Some une sent me an Uxbnidge Journal of hast wcek. What strange tbîngs eue secs wben iehbusno gun. Did the cap fit the P.P. cores- pondent of the journal,? A parlai soeial In aid of the church of the Ascension will be given ci tbe residence ai Mi. W. M. -Jones on Tucsday evening nexi, Feb. 4ih. A gaad pro- ,gramme of mtuslc, readbngs. etc., A silver col- Shier an4 naiyscfiï 1pretsome Uic report of the trial will b. found in the Wbitby newýs colmmua. I shall refrain froni making any remanka about thc case, and simply would direct those who wish te read thc particulans te the editor's report, lu il' Wihat, to --suit,a à -.sion- tabfi *-Swab, , a, -- noveltiel - .. anybln niet warE - goodsai - sell at y fJ E SS Mn. Wahely's removai. Liai weck<Mr, John famUvcftl>ort Pergy4 loliday Brose. à -idQ 'W'ftW~ 1.tMU - Vceyfcw lu tho nelghborbooqd, ur. ý z g tcipo Edua Shipmap,,whlo bas - ooua" lf, is able tôbgouon$agaiu< Comm»wno arviioe Swisy M ia their jibes and smi ~ei~tt>~ ibose evilsand vices« o-frtbieýi oui boys and Olhs luPt people wbo préfeu .asoand,4 people will do, their- pan flike à" a nd and not. be wecnleeng and f"ut -fading_ Ik be donc. RogueMbering thé goldàýe a u.: unto,'otbers at ye would others sbould do uni The races The aunual ice races came ai) on Wedncsds and Tbuisday of hast weelc, The ice, wasý splendid condition aud the crowds wcrc d=C boih days. Eveîytbing =asd offe the bonsemen we.ne wcil plèaeéd, -, and the prompt way in wb"c~ the purees;.tbIs le- wby theP tien always bave good races. was tbe lastest ever made an tUeic ôèe day-, 3 minute race-puise Sxroo- Golden Prince IrX Lulu B. ~ Lady Lcgacy4 Manager. Farest Victor, Hazch B., Mis * ' llly S.. NeIiy C., Lady Risdyck, »orcsî Blue Beard follawcd in thceider uamed. TMi -2-22-y, 2.23%t 2.21t;/, 2.27 race-purse S7- Demand 8 5 2 1I'T Billy Mac 1 1 433S FredO0. 2 4 1 2- Ben Hur, Lisbon, Sunday, Tommy .L1-à Mack in order narned. Tume--2 26, 2,23J., à- 2.25, 2 25, 2 23Y4. Second daY--ý 35 race-puise #75- Sorrci Dan aiz. Lulu B. 23 Maud R 3 3 Wheei of Fartune, Hasch B. Tue zu6, s 2.26, 2.27J. County race-purse $50- Biacksmitb Maid 2I- Dick Mack Z12 2 Harry C. 33 3 ~ Carnet. Time--s.40,- 2.3,4, 2.36. 2 31. 2 20 rac-purse $zoo- KIng Forest z 1z - Dick French 2a Blackstone 3 3 r Time--tz.23%, 2.2IY4, 2.25, 2.29J.- W.J.NT, Port Peny Buulum Dr.*oy; G. B. WxzjÀmoçsa, barber, next t. pot Oct, Uth,-S mos. MxLni EN. -Mm aTxaoomu bas o*te Dow io.U stock oai mllhn sudlà turu ont i-as stylesud low prifes. tmI-4 i arder. -sept. l9thi.-8-mos, W .H OàA.hahuefer'sale thre B oo m é bad palbueaie*blé aen, h Ubi-iM as thyre gaao agie NO.» The aft'sorm hast Tbursday uigbt piayed bavoc with mny fruit trme. The storm afoug- L.ake Ontairie seems ta bave been far, Worse than wuth us iu Ibis vicînity. Conductor Mogllun said on Saturday he counued b.tween Wbutb and Manilla x24 places tbere tbe railway tele giapb Uin. was dotun besides several posta bioken off. Ii. annlýicrsa services in counection with, the. methodisî cburch were a suoceis luever way. The plaie collections on -Sabbatb wéne.oven$r3,3.1 Tii. chphr on Sunday eveuing gavýe a acTrice aof.I sang sucd their siilgiug wasas usual upi.tao tbc srtandard.Oa'Moudaj eveing -tbe members ýanud fripndL montably fiffl éd ibasemet ttu excellent uti t as suppliéd by, -lb. orchestra4,' ndseveal:addrepses wéredellvcred The ladies- pqvàdcd a luanch for -ail uhosie tbo tupre -pnemitî aud :l-cvSig was eujoyed by ahi, il

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