Whitby Chronicle, 31 Jan 1896, p. 3

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The Ontario Govermnenit ias.appoit'.ý ed Dr. J, T. Gilmotir registrar for East and West York Warden of the Central Prison. Mr. Massie thse late warden at the sarne tirne, has been appointed to the position latr1ly filled by Dr. Gil- mnour as registrar. A respectable looking elderly lady got oJ the train from Toronto here on Tuesday and made enquires for one Thoinas lenrv Wright, whio she says is a brother or brother-ifl-law. She dlaimis to have corne from WiýSconsin, U S. in answer to a letter from her rela- tive to reside with him, and is wîthout funds. No such mani as Thomas Henry Wright, is known hereabouts and it is thougbit she iTistook the address. She is at present stopping at Mr. John P-rinigle's on joseph street. Bolted. It is rmnmoired around town that Peter (den, a on mechanic employed in the Spiglt works left for Uncle Samn's dori iwii aI ber abruptly on Monday, lcavirîi iio"it of mirr ner('bants in the lit)](- f, r g isi sized accouints and manv of bis friends and acquaintances to :11mu r n t lu' loss of mioney lent in various sm.raing froni 25 cents to $6o. I Ytcr a born and raised in the village ;MdWiS0 d w111l)11as a tirigbt. lbard- w ~if~vm>1 Tg mari, <if steady habits, afid li, lut t i ngns .agenuine surprise. Il pre tsare respectable people who fuelkn'e IVt bei r tbçn\s (isbonorable C P R Smash had p,îitp --i n occu red on the C. P 1.b.utltbrue rfilles Casi of LocuSt Il ii insvnrgbt. A friegbit train was uiii n1r1gWest wben an axie broke and f, îr cars were totally sinasbed, and tiurvc tlicrs more or less damaged. A w ureî king train was at once despatch- cd f rmsn both Toronto and Havelock, S ti ît wcr could be carrned on, on 1,,)tli 'odes of the debris. As the ac- idciii ()( cured in a cutting, it was dilfi- uit t ( renwe the wreck so that it was nutl mnnîil i o'clock Monday alternoon tbat the track was clear. The C. P. R. t rà iitlinai left Toronto at 9 ocl-,ock Sun- day nî1.ht could not get tbrough, and, :fer exchanging passengers with the Msstreal train went back to, the city sb tvbefore 1 2 Mondas'. Ail train biands useaped. Got $»5) Damges. liefore ludge Robertson in the civil .îssizes, Thonias (;3rimes sued W'm. MNIller and H-enry Kennedy of Agincourt f r$2uodamnages for' false arrest. Gm rues is an English farni laborer who i ieout to Canada in the faîl of 1894. Ilie sue(ured employnîient with M iller, w bo ns a farmer in Scarboro', near Aginncourt, and remnaîned with hiin seuverail îontbs, On Mlarcb 25, 1895 liu left Millers place and walked to A\gincourt. He was followed by bis employer on horseback, and soon after bu arrived at the station lie alleges that bie was placed underarrest by Millerand bis co-defendant, Kennedy, an agent living in the vicinity. Grimes says he was confined in a vacent room for some bours and afTe-rwards Dnrlogitht bfore Mr Wm Scott je busy cutting loge and wood for Henry Jones. Thomas MoGeoc is tVili cutt.ing wood for Mr. Saudors. Saim Brown is engaged with Robert Grerntg of Greenbank for one year. Those who want work caia Sud pleu ty Vo do, but there je a claas wbo dont want work Joseph Reynolds has just go!thmiongh thre'shiing aud bas moved hie engine home. He intende sawing neit week. The Ladies Aid Society beld their lait meeting at James Ward'a on Wednemday.1 There wae a good attend.anoe. Mr Edward and Robert Acton '%re visîting friende in Flose.1 Mr Juo MoKin in slowly reoovering. 1 Mise L Smanick i sfsill in a very1 dangereus state. On Friday eveni.ng a number cf friendg gathered attise borne of Mr. Levi Gray4 and spent thse nigbt ini games and amuse- ment, dancing being thse principle amuse, ment. Tiser. weme two young in swore off going to dances wisen tbey Wiedto walk wbere tiseir borse wonld get atuok in the banks. . John, Bert and Tommy had a liard tîrne gettiug borne frei n ud.lrlad Sundy nigist. They say they anly lied a lwUpsets. D . Lawson in indlaposed "lswsk withi a lame shoulder oas.ed by a faI!. Robt Anders ost ua ?lal*h ors. last week.inle a "aahn iraseli.a, Be, J Ohieholm attêndai the me.tS*g of Prembytry heM atBoisWêbs lait ueek.. W6madoes a- £ fl&iO -w4a roalâo.d Delegates frM * 'ow . Ïo Cenution heM-Uti day. Bvrd01ou o' U TIe, aboyé co =f*>r'1896 bot fit,,tveeting où M o atGi<tV, M4it the members beinipteet Thrfe minutes -61 'ast meeting -Wereè read and approved, and the tuembers took the usual declarations of office. On motion of Messrs. Walker and Millard the following standing commit- tees were appointed for the year; Finance and Assessment-Millard, Lamb and Skene. Printing-Dowswell, Millard, Lamb, Cont ingencies- Lamb, Skene, Walk- er. Indigent-Skene, Lamb, Dowswell, Millard. Roads and Bridges-Walker, Millard, Dowswell. Messrs. Millard and Walker intro- duced a by-law to appoint an assessor, collector and auditor and to çonfirm the nomination of the reeve of a second auditor. I. committee the blanks were filled with the following names: Assessor-Gea. N. Gerow. Collector-James Howatt. Auditors-B. Parker, Price Pugh. Messrs. Lamb and Skene introduced a by-law to appoint a local board of health. In commîttee the blanks were filed as follows: Reeve, Clerk and joseph Henderson, W. T. Robinson, Thomas Carey, with Dr. R. E. Darling as medical health othecer and James Howitt as inspector. M ess rs. Henderson, Robinson and Carey will hold office for three, two and one year respectively. Mr. Millard reported on behaif of comrnittee appointed to dispose of the bouse latelv occupied bNI Sarah Miller, that they had disposed of the same to MIr. Robert Hlamilton (lot i i, con. 3,') for 99 (This is known as the Ux- bridge township voor house.) Report received and adopted. Reeve Dowswell reported on behalf of committee in regard to the accident to James Smith on sideline between lots, 5 and 6 in con. i. The committee met on the road, and found it to be 16y,4 feet wide at the place of accident, ditch 2 ft. 4,Vý inches deep (from crown of road,) and i9 inches from edge of road bed, and that where buggy upset was 72 feet from culvert. They requested Mr. Smith to be present but he had not attended. They recornmended that the tacts of the case be laid before the township solicitor foi advice. Received and adopted. Mr Smith was present at the council and disputed sorne of the particulars given in the report. Mr Dowswell also reported in regard to accident to Mrs Wm Shaver on side walk in Goodwood. He found she had fallen on the sidewalk on 3rd con., on the railway property. She claimed to be badly injured and asked $500 to seutie. Recommended secnring advice from so- licitor. Received and adopted. On motion ot Messrs Lamb and Walk- or Couricillor Skene was appoirtodacomn- missioner to examine 8130W fence buit by Jo@ Chapnian and Vo grant his order on the reeve for 25c per rod if he fSuds it buit in accordance with the snow by-law: Mr MilcLiAdseonded by u UmvWalkr, The first meeting of the council for 1896 was held on Monday Iast. The members signed the declaration of office and qualification, and the reeve took the chaiç. A communication was received from' Thos. Conant re assessment, and from two other sources. A petition was present.ed, asking aid' for Mrs. Crandeil, of Cedar Dale. It was referred to Mr. Grierson, and will' receive his attention. A by-law was passed appointing Mr. Geo. Mowbray- assessor for 1 896. On motion of Mr. Henry, John Cin- namon was paid $4~ for sheep killed by dogs. The collector was instructed to col- lect taxes for only one dog from, J. Ham ilton. A by-law was passed appointiug Messrs. Scott and Roberts auditors. A by-law was passed appointing Messrs. R Hodgson, R. Power and F Coleman a board of health. Mr. Henry gave notice of his inten- tion, at the next meeting of council, to introduce a by-law to appoint Over- seers of Highways, Fenceviewers and Poundkeepers for 1896. Ail parties occupyiug road allowauces, are requested to meet, the çouncil0 at its neit meeting, to arrange for,, ent- ing thé sanie. The reeve and clerk vore appointed a committee -tO rece #ei fr t.he declartion andb 4ualiflcatron 'of office, took their seats. e counc ili this year is compose oft j G mphrey, reeVe;*,Wm Brethour, dep -reeve; James McCully, second deputji- ee: and J T Edwards and S Thompson, councilors. Minutes o! last meeting read and adopted..On motion o! Coun. Edwards, sec- onded by Coun. Thornpson, tise account of H Baldwin for 55 cents was passed and ordered to be paid. On motion o! Deputy-Reeve Mc- Cully, seconded by Coun. Thompson, tise iollowing accounts were pased and ordered to be paid :-T H Walshe, 25 cenrs, for telephone message; and T H Walshe, #*i. o, for delivering ballot boxes. On motion of Coun. Edwards, sec- onded by Deputy-reeve Bretisour, tise accounts o! tise following deputy-re- turning returning officers at the last municipal election were passed and or- dered to be paid :-W Patterson, $8.50; T H Walshe, $6.5o; S Vrooman 88.5o; Ed. Edwards, 88.5o; Wm Amey #8.5o; J W Hunter, 88.5o; John Farrow, $8.5o; J Thompson, $8.5o. A by-law was introduced and passed appointing the following municipal officers :-Clerk, T H Walshe, at a sal- ary of $450: assessor, Moses Chambers, $115; collector for north haîf, 5Wm Walker, 86o; collector for south haîf, jas Brethour, 96o; treasurer, J S Bra- bazon, 86o; auditors, Samuel Bretisour and C W Wilson, at a salary of 012 eacb; road commissioners, north haîf, Andrew Lowes; south half, F Doble, local board of bealtis, W G St. John, D Francis, Wm Baird; isealth officers, Drs McDermott and Jardîne; sanitary inspector, R K Bryant. On motion of Deputy-reeve Brethour, seconded by Coun. Edwards, the fol- lowing accounts were passed and or- dered to be paid :-W E Hall, $3.68 for wood for town hall; Wm Amey, 87.65; for 153 loads of gravel supplied tise townshsip. On motion of Coun. Edwards, sec- onded by Deputy-reeve McCully, tise account ot W H Oliver, for $ 2 for horse h ire, was passed and ordered to be paid. On motion of Coun. Edwards and Deputy-reeve Brethour, tise clerk was instructed to advertise for tenders for printing. Tenders to be in tise clerk's hands by Feb. 8th. On motion of Deputy-reeve Brethour, seconded by Coun. Edwards, tise clerk was instructed to advertise for tenders for two cords of dry and four cords of' green hardwood, twenty-two incises long. On motion of Deputy-reeves Bretisour and McCully, a by-law was passed authorizing tise reeve and treasurer to borrow $iooo. Tisis amount to be bor- rowed from time to time to meet the re- quirements of tise municipality. On motion of Coun. Tisompson, sec- onded by Deputy-reeve McCully, Mr. Sol Vroomnan was paid 8 1. o, being a re- bate on taxes for statute labor perform- ed on-roAd diisin N. MAI) INDILESTION!1 For a Matter of Sou. Fyort:ÈyîssT r More. Josepî4Gardner, stove dealier,o!-t, Ontario, lea agreat 'belielrr- au Dr. Glisse's Kidney-Liver ÉPlls for indigési tion. eomtpatien, & d iS,.Brght's diseana, rnheunatlbm, sdkiduiy, ive and etomach troubles generly "1 wau troubled for over. IortyOyeari wlth indigestion sund constipation#" he write.-At interrsle, I sufféred , rou, severe headaebe. I spent dollars an'd; dollars witkout resuit until -Mr. Bal>, our dvuggist, -.4viae4 tue Vo tmy Chams Kidney-Llver PIlla. 1 dîd so, nist say that they are Vhe ouly rzsy ta gave me relnez.. Lwopu14 not b oeut thom for &nything."ý Many peope suffer froin' nb.u=tgi Ba.d blood aud,8iee&" diduçy r z- it en. Dr, M1ade a Ki - $ PIverIS will reus.dy *eUtMs sud C '. erhem- VîinK,çsetiea-e.laùd akindred èô»iplàiit*- I<y boy 'was alal crippled ~ ~ -* U4 ossifréd awfuly mitis rt tsu" !trrites Ifre. !. WIII, ' of Qt] Uwi ai Z iA tu =h' sot tiat. T'l Oured éoh Ils doïng' 1I:él-,-ttderthe' abie Mange et tof xisà MWLean. Miis Annie Lewis has retut'ned home from Yisiting friendei in Reacli. Mr. D. Cruthcrslias mo'ved no Mr. Mitcheils newý house. Mtf. Marshal Crozier and Mr. J. Walker. were visitlng at. Mr. Williams, on Sunday. 1Mr. Joe Jones is spend ing a week at Mr. Mitchelle. Mr. John Campton was visiting at Miss Beiltleys on Sunday. The ponds are in good condition for skating now. .The stormi on Thursday and Friday done considerable damage among the fruit trees here. COURTICE Mr T F Wright and Misa Effa, Wrigt Blackstook, visited heme. Mr H Gray haas the plans execnted for Mr J Brooks' new mansion, Miss Lent, CJobourg, i. the guest cf her brother, Mr 0 Lent. Rev Dr Marvin ia preaching a series of sermons on Christ and Nicodeinus. Monday evening, Jan 2Vth, st the residence of the bride's rother, Misn Minnie Everson and Mr Wm Snowdon, Maple Grove, were quietly mamried by Bey Dr Marvin. The young couple lef t for their new home at litaple Grove the same evening. W. take thse opportunity of offering congratulations.' Mm S S Brooks and Mr F Courtice at- tended the pigeon shooting match at Blackstock last week. Mr O Jonas Thomnton, the Patron candidate, la pursueing bis canvasin this section with assidity. The successful farmer has learned by experlence that some grains require far differ- ent soil than others. He knows that a great deal de- pends on rlght plantlng at the right time. No use complain- ing in summer that a mistake was made In spring. Decide be/ore seed-tbne. The best time to treat coughs anid colds Is before the seeds; or germs, of consumption have begun their destructive work.' Scott's Emulsion of Cod- liver 011, wlth- ,Hypophos- pliltes,, promptly cures lu.ng. and throat troubles. Do- not colrrAd. - r I - Catorla, la-,Dr. Samul lPftcee's plsep S forJufsi aaê Ohidrene hct niaieither O*tMqbs o otlww Naàrcütto subsauce It la a hamié.musit for Paregolop -DropaSootblng ByrupasudOso U It la Pleasant. Ita 'guaraxtee lo tbirty Year'mmseby WUloùis of Mothems.CasteradestroyaWornx uaIas hbverisbneus Castorla prevents vomittg Sou r Curd. oere Dlarhoansd ,Wlnd Colle. Osatorla relleves teethlng troubles, cures 'constlpaton sud- fiatule]ûcY* Vestons ash a ie food, regulaes the stomàc and .'bowel% -giving hcalthy and natural sleep. Canne torJs la thé Chlldrebn's Panacea-tho Xfother's Friend. 01C§eM§f an emsllSt nuedlenem foreu drues. Kotheu have repestsdly told me ot Ite - odeaect upoes tbek cildnesy DI. . O OOe» bowen, MeÀU 01Cégoelahes.but renedly torelsfdrun of Whlch I amn acquled. hq e sday la Dot ter' disnt when mothersulfloasider thereal k"tre.tOt thier dlrem, and 'us Ca*orlain- stesd et the varlouaquack noob=uswheh are destoya - thefr Ioved ones, byforeingoluin, morphine, soothlng osyrnsd other hurtful aguf down their tbrosa thereby sending dumVo premature grve.." Da . . I CKmOE, Ooaway, .&rk. 41Oasloelassoireladaptedtocbildenuaag 1 recommnd t assuperloetoay prdictlpU», knowu te me." & A. AxCiua, EI&1D- 111 So. Oxford EL, Brookiju W. Y. "Oui plsyulef.sla the chuldrms's 4epst-. ment ha»e sokeahlghly of tlsir pe- enoS la their outalde pracdicew"t0utra and although ws only have amoSg - otsw medical supplie what la known as mgula-r produets, yeO vo are free to cOnàt ab &th* umîtlaetfCastorla ba won us Vo iogk -wItI favos' upon lt." ÂLLEN 0. SUIEKM 'e. The Cuatau Compas',t i Mu1Ta7 8fr.t, New Varkooele, Emissions, Nervous Debillty, Sem i Wckne, i Stricture, 'Syphilis, UnnituraL Dlscbarges,, Slf Abuse, 'lcldniey and BiddcrDlmsa c s oIiCIy Cured'byýI U'You con fleposit the Monsy in Your fthk et wlth you? posimatt' te be pald - us after yen ame. CUIIIEunder a wrlttée Guaratulý and -middle age men Thle thmi, the workohop the Bwiday ochoo, the Ohlice-the Plut" sons-all lave ite viotina. Young mcwas if o0"aeben~isret eaoh Maidinagcd ee% you are growing wokudo bt enlyd 'onanIt nbefore too labos. NO IIAllE3Sýird6 WE UT WRa iiEMCosawt; .= VARICOCEL1E, EMISSIONS ANI) SYPHILS CIJRED. W. 8. C0LLIN3. W. S. Coillinel of Saglnaw, Speaks ., W.- itOntt *lI am 9. Ât 15Il=d a bad ha1twhioIcoati-4. ued til!19. rI1thon ,becoine "une lot t1e-bl "aa .~ gay 11fr. Exposmreproduced , I becme-ner' us and despondlent; ne ambîtion, emr P0Teye red, ounken aad bluz; phnpes-on ac al ooe b poin; ve k-'k vrcoee r and onI C&W e-àt drdse rbaéw n e>~vncneuam BSIPoAETEZ&TM'T g=ubeore giving upleD" S. Â.ý"!ONe. Sun!Weakness,9 bn teuc sd ~ ~' ~ Iconnlted DraKenndy ,& eRaan, 1 hr.d llttleheope. I vas supzre Teirnewkahbod Treut-, * =met ïkp=ovd metie r&'oe. iisions c ed nervo bcan'Ètron&paiïm diappeared, lais'gravis agan y.becarbighoeru us opsyad ~ Sewdauia.,Thsy treated ine iouorblauekUhLull.'l TPneJl Kga Narro* Esou,-' Gzoo. Housland had a wood-rbee la Tnesday whiob wus lagely a*$eded. The oeeony-was eople»è-&wîthout tabock. ,W. Taylor, ir., baï tàek.i bouse on the trin b tOumr wss#, snd.,is e' r, 3fvp. HenderoI rsde th'ereo.ora Mrs, Paak Raob ~eueotd hem l band wfth a eý1bhy au~i. »8ta dr.The w ebfoke Mrs., Iý. Man- lami likewise. ýgl&do.thie hearit!h« husb>and w*ith a -1»»4 'lie ~~WJJit s

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