Whitby Chronicle, 31 Jan 1896, p. 4

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CGE' A ND JNSPECT Our Large Stock of Perfum'es, Hiaïr Brusiies, To i/et A r/ id e s, Etc., Etc, which we are seIling at Specially Jdo E. I C hem/sti '-4e dîc Lock Street, fri= $noe bté$m olu Cases- ofopen scbMt, sud "S m t5ao 10$400 lu cases of nor luh s u ycms whcc bility nsabesacknow- reiged by thse defendant's signature. FProm, Co. Clcnk, cf Norfolk, askIng (or memnorial to bave law changed so as toeno- able rousties to make bargaj us witb minor municipalhties te buîld bridges for wblcb tihe coun£y la hable. Frets Co. Clerk, of Kent, sskisgf that a new law be passed te tax dffls hlçher. that bal! thse money go to animi uncipalitiea sud bal to the. county, thse $ a a guar- suiee fund fl-ouiwhicb à y muntlClpaty wb lbishbortof dog mf4 to pa>' oa.. may apply, sud that a rebatV r,. sllowed te m!nor munîipalîes wbes the ouuty guar- antee fund geta too large. From clerk of Co. council of Carlton, ask- ing memorial for changes in Provincial e1ec- nion l'sw compelling local municipalities te find polling places at local election ai uder own expense. Other petitions of a format nature were read, from farmers institutes, public libranies and rifle associations asking gi-anis, from good roads associations, single tai associai- Low Prices. ions and others asking thait teir lads be encouraged, etc., etc. STANDING CONITTEES. Mr. Munro brought ln the report of the j g special commitiee to strike the standing commitlees of the year as folio ws: Finance W IL /81and assessmnent-W. H. Hoyle Esq , chair mon, Cannington, Messrs. Smiîth, King, umprey, Hare, Miliard sud Poucher. Roadsansd bridge&--James Munro fsq., Lruggist, " chairmian, Seagrave, Messrs. Trelraven, Calder, Cook, Mowbray, Hamn, Brethour, a H all, Mc.Gregor and Cle.avely. Education-F. E. Dinge Eq., haimanOshwaMessrs, Ross, Kelly, Quigley, Gerow and Weîr. Wbxtby Coun(y property and gaol management- Walter Coulthard Esq., chairman, Oshawa, Messr-. Real, Hilts,. McCully and Pringle. L.»islation and mnemorials-J. B. Gould Esq. -JA~rN. ')l189G counîy Ceuneil. i-ns0 1ri hr-Iiereoi 1lues \'~tri-r Urri-e 'Ahs t-r.'mneag * nr1 s - ,fig rn--ri r'h îuît were pres- ir irnr'rg V.h 'n o-r'- F-X ardt-rî1 ,-ouid, Pr t o rrir i r. i -1 Xre-ves l-urnirreil iiii'Mlifarrl, 1f xbrrdg tows&r-hip, Blanchard, ,it \ >>0i WhitîJry, ex reev- of i irrg fir i e r i f F ax t, , M a yor R u tle-dge, m i rt y Ir t»as ure rNi' cK-asv. J ai ler Decker, \Vh i V M Yarnold, Port Ferry Coun. 1- A I I r-uty, [-. Whitby, Counicillors Thos. I >e-rr-I s r Wm urtisWhitby ; G. V, Mla-in, J Fi1< Pwell, Jas. Shaw, Col. and Mn, (1 i (, va u, (G-<> T . Mathison, E. lchýIart, Fil Meeri, W- Il Bewell, E. Armu sirung,Whhy Js N Hortop. Kînsale Jno Blright and Jas Cook, Myrtle; R. W. Ni'rav, KirîsAYl- ,uigh Constable Calver- ley, liailifi Palnrt . Jas Lawrie, Morris, M ari r-tori-sCol lector ?hîlp. The tlk of a one-sided council and a sure nia>u)ritîy of six o-1 a vote gave the Tories cnuch encouragement to look forward 10 a Trv ', attc-n, w hile the Grits looked upon thcîr eflort4 lu vot~e a man of their siripe ini as~ being afrnost out of the question, except bya flure-. [luth parties went iutc' caucus as usual, and sîayced in the hi',e a long lime. The caiicur, lias seldorn been the means of elect- ing a warden, a lîttie exchanging o! corn -plemientaty soles among members being fnuch fi, rt -tltctive; but still it has te Fa donc by both parties. Tradition demands it. The grils had the smallest job in hand, there bemng only fifletn of them te brin gtu. one mind. [t becamne whispered aroundfor the third year running that Mr. King, of ý,_.l-it a hd been selected as the Liberal standard bearer Hait an hour later the Tories ended a long 5truggle, and came r down s.airs wiîh seven candidates instead of0 Thert are 21 of lhemn, and exactly don thîrd of Ihat number demanded the wftrdenship, and were bouud te have it. So sel were they in their opinions that eîerof the seven would agree 10 leave il to the Lniîîru1 pick out a man for all to stand by. Thus the usual selection had to be abandoned, and the many people whc ', lo,>ked forward toIthe certain selection of Ur. W. Coulthard, reeve o! Oshawa,- as the zuan were greately disappointed te know that he was only or s par with the whole hepi agon Clerk Farewell took the chair, snd read the ru les as t0 the election o! Wardcn, which showed that nominations may go on for half an hour, alter which ecdi -audldate must b>e balloted for separaîely, yea or nay. On motion o! Mr. Coulthard thc Urne for re- ceiving nominations was reduced te fificen then nmade in this eider: W H Hoyle, Can- nington-yeas 6, nays 28, blank Y. Jos Tre- leaven, Beaveron-yeas 7 nayi 28. D A Brown, Thorsh-ycaa 12, nsys 23. J G Um- gavdy,Oshaw-yeas 13 as 22. W Couit- aird Oihaw-yes, 2, nays 23. Jas Munro, Reacb->,ebs b, nays 27'. Chas Calder Whit- by tp-yeas x:2, nays 23. Chas King, Whiî. by town--yeas 16, Day. [g. Geo Dowawcll, Uirbridge Ip-yeas 14~, oays 2o. mno Mc- Gregor, E Whiby-ycas 14, nays 21. Jas Quigley, Scott-yeas 16, uays 19. Wm Ross, Port Perry-yeas 15, nays 2o. D Graham. Mara-yeaa iS, nays 17. NI~ r. Graham having thus secured a major- ity of the votes o! the members present, the clerk declared him Warden of the Count>' of Ontario for thc year 1896. The Warden elect vas slecvcd bo the chair by Messrs. Rosa and (Cle*avcly, and ledi Meanwbule the Liberals mlled complase- entlYo te îbinic tlaaîevery me o<f Uawr Ca". d ate ad cerne ont ub.ad or vn'cqnV. tive candidate, wvièiis*ws = M UIIG action vil! do. Tims Lft. b ê 1wb aspirations ebeeruli>' «msted ttiseune"la09 Lirailrman, LIoriage, Messrs. weîr, G.rier- snMcli>ougall and Walker. Pninting- Donald A-. Brown Esq., chairman, Beaverton, ,Messrs. McPhee, Dowswell and Rundle. ,Mileage and pet diem--Charles Calder Esq., chairrnn, Brooklin, Messrs. Coulthard and Mowbray. The report was adopted. Adjourned tb dinner. APTERNOON SESSION Mfet ai 3 o*clock. Mr Gerow, reeve of Pickering, who has the gril,, entered for the first lime and took his seat. Letter read from Col. Pattersori, thanking cou ncil for grant of $zSo 10 buy colors foi 341h battalion. The colors were placed ou exhibition in councîl during the afternoor Mr. Dowswells name wpts added to the roads and bridges committee. NOTICES 0F MOTION. g 'r Il I. e From Mr. Mowbray for grants tb public libraries. Fromn Mr. Hoyle fot grant 10 cul down a billinb Canninrgton; from Mr. Rundle making grant to Cartwright roadway ;from Mr. McPbee for grant bo bridge on Monck road, Mara ;Mlr. Ham as 10 by-law assum- ing Cartwright roadway ; from Mr. Grierson for grant to public libraries, from Mr. Hilts to same effect; rom Mr. King for $mo o c cul down hbis on Kingston road beiveen Whitby and Oshawa. NO STEP-FATHER FOR IT. Mr. Edmonson's notice of motion (lau over from June session) to memoralize the Ontario Legisiature 10 pass legislation cul- ting down the number o! representatives in Co. councils. was struck off, as Eio person would tale il up. CRIMINAL JUSTICE AUDITORS. Mr. Rosa introduced and carnied tbrougl a by-law 10 appoint criminal justice auditors Messrs. Wright and Murton were re-ap- pointed. The council adjourned. THIRD DAY. FORENOON SESSION. Met ai io.zo. j e I ~1 A communication vas read from Wmn. Kidd, sccretary o! S. S No. 2, township o! Urbiridge, urging that the board o! trustees 15 dissatisfied with Public School Inspector McBrien, as te the manner in wbicbhc dia- charges bis duties towards the pupils wien visiîing that school, and that he doca not send wotd ahead wben he is comning. MAKING THE NIGHT HIDlEOUS. A petition from A. J. Boyle and about o others, o! Mata, askîing ihat a iockup bc es- tablished ai Brechin, and Patrick Kelly, of Brechin appointed constable. A letter sent aloug vlth the petition states ubat drunken brawîs are of frequneni occurrence la Brechin, that tbe uights are reudered bideous, aud iliat peaceable people are not allowed te sleep. The Ictier states thaitich people of Mara are willing to pay their share towards the expenses or the county, sud that thcy naîuraily look te the count>' te protect tbem în returu. Among the petitioners la Father Mc Rae, tic parlsb pricat St Brecbin. FIRST REPORT 0 W FINANqCE. Mr. Hoyle read the final report of the finance committe. maklng grantsapa follows; $îo to l4ovÎncial rifle association; $25 ecct to "h Ontario and Southi Ontario (am- ers inMtItutcs; $2.5 b the Prisoners' Aid as- sociation. Thie committee finds that the move made ai bbe Jus. session to force auctioncers and pedlars to take out liceuses bas been productive of a large amowit of revenuie, and recotumeuds that more strin- gent measures be adoptcd to enfonce thse by- law. The report passed. Adjourned to dinner. War.ue orOntat. O@ue~. 18M-ProvWsonal Counell, Jos. 13. Gculd, 1854-Thos. Niholson d>usis, Oshaw-a. 185-T'os.Nicholson Gtbbist Oshawa. zS*-.ohn U 1otnpseu, Broèk. i8s chu HaMl Thomp=n, Brock. r8-» . G, Hwitt. sud Rama. S Iknoc ock Cmt=*WCOàtby a. mrealyweaketla thse scoe W.e , on~wItdided bee*esuMont* Kelly, uMeCulinsd Digle a tow*"blu tde handomesi member cf coancl, *ii air. kelly a flto i tbe 1lsd& Mr. Mt4ce tWold be b l n ttisatbIds hair tisadesent- cd hlm. Thie coeseil*action lait joue hmsadcuhled the. revenue (rom pediars auctiomnrand sti11 there 'a more to do. There la rcsfily noc good stsem of bringîng transient trader and auctioneers to ie, and ilhe coumkcil wil keep on until a way la founid. We tender our beatty congratulations to Warden -elect Duncan Grahams, reeve of Mara, upon bis election as flrst erecutive officer o! ibis couuty. His electIon on a stralgbt vote, and wittout the assistance of caucus Or cabal is tbe best testimony possibl e as to bis petsonal popularity and fitticas for thc place, whlcb we douit not be will fil bonorably sud mont credltably. 'Wbtby a-vU &*Cams. Scott repairs aIl kinds of pumps. Sleighing parties uow in order. Leap year bail neit Friday night. .1Business is lively lu town aincethe. suow Rev. Mr. WhItlock, Port Perry, vas ber. yesterday. For diseases of the kiducys use Dr. Bright's English Liver sud Kidney Pilla. Auto harPa. Violins, Sud small musical instruments at lovest prices for Chitmus giflsa t Mi-s. Allias. There w-as a w-ed<-ing in town Wednesday Mr. A. Balmser, jun, being maried to miss Bowmen of Oshawa- On Wednesday of last week Mr. Hubbard teacher, Mt. Zion was maried bere to Mrs. H. E. Disney, laie of Balsam. Two cars loaded with sait ran ofi the track a couple of miles west of here on Saturday. It took some trouble to run themn on again. Ex-Reevs Clanchard, Scott, and Flumer- felt, and Mlillard, Uxbridge township, were here on Tuesday to Bée thse new warden elected. Dr. Henry Brighi's EnglisF Liver and Kidney Pîlis, are now bein g introduced in Canada. Can he had of alldealers ini medi- cine. The cheapest boots and shoes ever sold in Whitby will be sold during February, ai the new red shoe store. M. W. Collins, east A team of horses, the property of Mr. M. Williams, Bowmnanville, ran away here on Wednesday with a double pleasure sleigh in tow. True to animal instict, they started east towards home, but were stopped before they ran far. THE CHRONICLE'S English may Dot be very intellibible, but when the Uxbnidge Times quotes an article of ours bt-cause it is eiber lin pid, clever, comnical, or sentiment- ai we wish it would read the proof, so that we may flot strike the public as being a bigger fool than we really are. 01<1 tunes social ou AI At the residence ot Mrs. A. G. Henderson i St. Valentines night, Feb. 14th, mction business. Parties wiabing to emPloy me te attend their sales can make arrAngements as Ici terms and dates at the CHRONICL.E office. L. FAiRsaNiCs. Howls thia for a snap ? The CHRONICLE and Weekly Globe and Canada Farmer from now to Jan. isl,187 for Si.25, payable ai New Years. Seud a postal card and papens vili b. forwarded at Sole Affency THL CHRONICLE has the sole agency for the Weekly Globe in tic County of Ontario. That doca flot increase the priee, -however, aend we sha11 stili scU it with thse <2KRN- ICLE at SI. 25 from now tiil Jan. lst, r897. Smoking concert to-nlght There wiii be the biggest smoking concert ever held In the county at the music bal bere to-night. The highiand club bas become famous ton its entertainmentsgie b couoty counciL. This titue carda andt other amusements will b. added to tbe usual pro- gramme. There wlll be sncb a time as one reads about but wbich bas never been seen util now. Re-opeisg services On Frlday evenlug, Feb'y 7th, a platform meeting will be bcld in the Baptist cburcb. Local and visiting ministefs and fienda mIll b.present to take part. Mn,. Miller of Ux- bridge aud 1Mr. W. S. McAlpbine B.' A. of McMaater University will tender solos and duets, wltb guitar accompanimenta. A rièh treat la iu store for ail wbo hear these talent- cd singers. Refrestiments w«if be served durlng tbe evenlng in the scbooi-room . Ad- missionz15 cens, Accident Mr. Wm. Pile, of tie Sti concession, vioe smiling ountennc'e ofteu illumines Our streets, met viti a paiuful accidenit on Tues- day at that mligbt bave etided tueit seri-' ouslY. He was driving alos the tovnllnc between Wiitby aud Pickeiïng vies thse load of bay vbicb b. vas takiug te martet upset aud 1Mr. Pile vas tbrowd vioIeùt1y- the ground. Hc las- stunned tor som e lM and on recovcrng managed 10 take bis vas-t te resideuce of Mr. Wilson wieice- ho vas ýdiven borne. Aitbough ne boues wcrc broken bir. Pile vas badly bruiscd but- 15 nov doing as veli as cao Rie expecied. - Wabash Montewaa spacl Every txornng, St x11.03thisSpraie trais leaves forbr tatîion, ~i~ and stares-on brflgStadbe land ofthtie scuting sum, aris a oi aine eveniog, glving passeugers ose bot to viewîbo nev drthte la gen u f passn tIse vorld-The. ttaîi tbeuw beadsa duonotitrldvlog at Hôt< Spnbogsý, As-k., next rnorang, exs-an neo%, Smo Antonia, follo n omruna n~,d Laredo sre ev*ditig,, vlae direct eon- nection la usadevýitb ethrough ,train for.-thie Cil of Mexico. .,Tie tables sud pamphlet iot sd jl reà'-uas- fboni. apy ralhrodagent os- j.4 JRlardsoti, Catiadlan- pa.senger agentg ad. & Uor. pts-i esTov>t8o,- li u o ÂNDREW M a -"uT' A STOCK Stocks This RO S8' IA11-%. 1 N lAIS01, Y :0: TAKING must be reduced previous to our annual inventory, and every department will present its quota of Bargains during the present month. Odd linos must be cleared out no matter if it ho a lose as it is not our custom to carry over stocks. w eek's Bgargains: o o o o o o o o o Ail Wool Blankets for $2.00 per pair. Union Blanketsi for $1.75 per pair. Men's Ulsters for $5.00, $7.50. c~3~So corne early and secure the Bargains quickly Dry Goods. as they will ber-ý picked up. Ready-made Clothing, JUST RECEl VD.I' Ohoice ffew Goods. China Glassware and Crockery. Dinner and Tea Sets, Cheap. Choice Family Grocerios,,Teas, Fruits, Etc., Etc. Cheap/or Cash or Trade. Coffoe, 1 Prces to Suit th4e Times. Don't buiy before calling and examining the stock and prices for yourse1f 1 «-4..îzgmSTATE OF ,re-oùmm IbB*me Pee1l is Oats,-ý--, I Give Dil id be si frulsy ê~,ugnWi go1 p~oc.i~tofcts Th1-àwilnot bethee with an animal m blood is out of order. Wlen a hor s mn down he needs a tonic the same m a w Oftcn he cannot have complettest cks Blood Purifier uite how qniddy hevi!l kp. HiswhoIe em will bcinvia±ed. Hid igdSie vini strengthened so- that ail the nim' ch'lýment be drawn from the food an lm, of'it"wilI lqmrcd&. »kk'esDi.oodPïwudflw drivi» Bo, Wrm and aIl paatesý. Dkk fi <e., P.O. Sou 405, ~~tWssI. M Uwards-of6 te Good sletgblnig -Bt lit. c oise ýinit.li Mn.M W. Wbiteford4 bus bén un4er "the, thRe wbole poa doctor-9 cane frrneTh1ie flrstont Mrs. Wi. Love ba bcs ponthe slcklist , WCfl sflùC butis nir î mproviug. -odt r Firat D pu ev. M. Real la attendlngtiecir.4 tii.t WbltbythLtie cotùa Witb a,,sJiu Anumber oft sembers from Esomvisied lm I té Ra otS. of T- division on St oa ves replyin, g i- sd dd d -»ërvw iç, 4 1,6e Drooeranne. n e. ni WH-JTBYI H ayward HA S DONE IT!e QUee Street,- Bankrupt Stock of GROCERIS amounting to $2036. Ail new Goods. SALE COMMENCES ON Feb ist, I8g6, IN STORE A P' WH-I7B Y. Also- Stock of-DRY -GOODS at 6o per cent . AB- to be éleared- out-44m 2z-months. NOM foruner fa- Gflfl flîfé.îc on taken at a Adjmord et 6 pu -j- ;ým 1 1 1 - 1 1 :e: Extra value. Il - SALE Saturday Next

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