VI MJ '$p yp1 Vf AnMau MF" Ayer's PiUfs .. 1wouid like to add my testlminy te that of others who have used Àyer's p>itts. atid to say tlat I have taken theru for many vearq. and always dertved the best result-s from their use. For Stomach nnd livrr trolibles. and for the r'ire ni Ietchecausod by these dera,îgenie,, is, Axýpr'q Pis cannot be equaled. When n', frîends a.qk me what is the best teBiedy for disorders of the, Liver, or Bowels, My inribe answer Is A yer q PIik- ',jýji r svwgn~ oîr thcy wi]] br.ak up a coldtt. pr-iîtla grippe, check lever. aîîd îegîIt< tii 0 digestive orgaus. They are (aito take. and Are the best R1I-ro1nn famil medicine 1 have <'ver hinown NIr-q. ý#Ay JoHNsoN, 368 Rider Ave., New York CîLy. AYER'S PJLLS mighest Awarde at World's FaIr. 1BROAD MINDED DIVINE. 1i 'ý N ( )T 11 1T AT E To S P EAR, V( )R'THE (;()()IIIIS XVORDS WI11LL D (. hS, I Ch ristian and a Reioved I < -b r ivli<) 13e] ..<- in Tann LtO. ho ldv as wel] as the Mind. Pic etvnîh dav of April is a rg t lîh iiv in the bîstory of the May teriiriihiarch mn SNracuse, as it is bal ofrl\'sdy the' installation of iJ bl'i t Simîne R. Calthrop, D. JD., lity he nînînt divine who so long bas 1lwt) iiircd to thern spiritually' as pas- as)r tý il hi.îlurch. Iii ( ilthrop was bhum in England nil rri tived lits preparatorv schoiastic raînîng in St. Paul's School, London. .,cî1~Trinity College, Camnbridge, e soi hecamne a bright figure in that ril iiiit coterie uf scbolars. literary leti 1111i wlts that followed in the tra- uutif \Nljcaulav, and is associates t thc un iversitv. Iii the-ý iii iddle of he , -ut urt- lic visited Syracuse and re- ett <I is lîrst imipressions 4)f the young tx tîat nearit' a score of N-ears tater ed to clbuose as his home and in Il hl],, lab<rs have been so 1, ng and ffic tive. The masterly pulpit ad- esses of D)r. Calthro bave had their udamientals drawn from the deepest esear(h H s people have been in- tructe(I by himi, flot only in th ings Iplrîrual, but in the elemrents of the radest culture. in literature, in art nd in science. His young men bave cn taugbt a muscular system of mor- 1f 14t. ln these and many other ways as lie endeared biruseif to bis congre- ation, wbicb is one of the most bighly ultured and wealtby 'In the city. q Re.1.Calthrop, Syracuse, N. Y fi 1)r- Daltbrop bas a strLking persan- 'ltY. T'O the eye he is a most.pic.. 1ure(e figure. H is head and ýe *rarred in luxuriant masses of silky, înow white hair and beard, are af the. .ype Of Bryant and Longfellow. AI- 1hough over seventy yeo4r# a9d bis aQc--spare figure is firm and eroct Lid* every movement is active an4 raceful. His whole 111e long ie bas ,een an ardent admirer ant promo ter fathlctic sports, andi evenast lis'ad. ranced age, plaiys tennis Î"*ithl1he igor and skill of a young MMn.T ~Yracusans, perbape, tuis tPW4 rersatile man is most whdely k*p1v, part from bhis profesoionasa dâl On & bighî Ap l-zý 0 Olwed the wîndiw ýunving around theoLI igatis t0 Câ1 1hrop Lodge, ap 1' >ick maiian, edn4 >1. oaks andi chotnute. W1ýd9 _ black skull catp antid IOfllenîcal cut, theoL t Uodge grscloudyreg~ Who cauledt6 ta qufr4abo« » bt, thaUgin&zuU troubled Wfth f Utriud t tervals ho suffee'excrueltujG<n fron I t. At times -the pain was' soi great as ta prevent hlm from walking. Many remedies were tried without suc. cess, and he and his friends had giveni Up hope of a permanent cure or of more than temporary relief when he took the preparation that drove the diséase completely from bhis system. In a letter written to the editar of The Evening News, of Syracuse, last year, Dr. Calthrop told of bis afflic- tion and its cure.ý This is Dr. Cal- throp's letter: To the editor of the Evening News, -Dear Sir: More than 35 years ago I wrenched my left knee, throwing it almost from its socket. Great sweiling followed, and the synovial juice kept leaking from the joint. This miade me lame for years, and from time to time the weak knee would give out entirely anid the sweliing would commence. This was always occasion- ed by sorne strain like a sudden stop. The knee gradually recovered, but ai- ways was weaker than the qther. About i15 years ago the sweiling Tre- commenced, this time without any wrench at ail, and before long I real- îzed that this was rheumatism settiing in the weakest part of the body. The trouble came so often that I was ob- liged to carry an opiate in my pocket vcrywhere I went. I had generaily a packet in my waistcoat pocket, but in going to a conference at Buffalo, 1 for- got it, and as the car was damp and cold, before 1 got to Biuffalo, my knee was swollen to twice its natural size. 1 had seen the good eff ects that Pink îIls were having in such cases, and I tried them mvself with the resuit that 1 have never hiad a twinge or a swelling since. This was effected by taking seven or eight boxes. I need flot say that I arn thankful for mv, recovered independence, but I will add that my knee is far stronger than it has been for 35 years. I took one pifl at my meals three tnes a day. I gladly give Yo u rs. you this statement. S. R. CALTHROP. Since writing this letter Dr. Caltbrop has flot had any visits from bis oid enemy and is even more cordial now in lits recommendation of Dr. Williams' Pink Pilîs than he was then. To the reporter he said . «,I arn continually recommending Dr. Wiili-ems' Pink Pilîs to acquaintances and those I chance to meet who are troubled with rheumatism or locomotor ataxia. , Pink Piiis,'" continued Dr. Caltbrop --'are the best thing of the kind I know of. They are infinitely superior to most medicines that are put up for sale. I know pretty weli what the puIs contain and I consider it an ex- cellent prescription. It is sucb a one ag 1 mtght get from my doctor, but he would not give it in such a compact form and so convenient to take. -I recommend the pilîs higbly to al who are ti oubled with rbeumatism, locomotor ataxia or any impoverisb- ment of the biood." Dr. Williams' Pink Pille are soid only in boxes bearxng the firm's trede mark and wrappor, (printed in red ink). Bear in mind that Dr. Williams' Pink Pille are neyer sold in bulk or by the dozen or bondred, and any dealer wbo offées sub- stitutes in this forru le trying ho defrand yen and should be avoided. The public aze aise cautioned againet ail other so calied blood builders and nenve tonios, put up in similar form intended tic de- ceive. Tbey are &Il imitations wboe makors hope to reap a pecn iary advan- tage from the wondenful reputat4iL achieved by Dr. Williams' Pink P:lls. Ask your dealer for the. Theou Pils are mannlactnred by th. Dr Wi'lrsm'a Medicine Company Brook- ville, Ontario, and Schenecta.dy, N, Y., and are sold only in boxes bearing the firm's trade mark andi wrpper, at 50, cents a box, or six boxes for #2.50.t Tbey way be hb.d ir any de&le, or will ho sent by mail on neoipt of price. Dr. Williams' Pink Pilla may be had of ail drugrgists or'direct by mail from Dr. Williams' Medicine Company from either address. The which the pille are sold make a course of treat,-1 muent cooeparatively ilélpeflsive as with other nemedies on medioal4 trealment.1 South Sabbath Echool Oouvention. The Soutb Ontario Sabbath School Association commenced t.s 21st annual convention, in the Christian Church at Oshawa yesterday, at 2, P. M. promptly. In the absence of President Firth,) who is iii, Vice-President B4rnard t.ook thie chair. After devotional exorcises9, led by- Rev. Mr. Fletcher, thie official reports were read. Secrctary Brown's places the number. of schools in the riding-at 44.;otcx andi teaChers at 445 ; achOlar'U 3 average attendance St 2565 - number of acholarsWho a=are mmbers of Chumk '9,81 tecnrbutions for the er Treasuror Dalow eatus- tire-reôefp to be Uo. 26, a"d thcexpc"dtr'#ê. -83.pond -eImio ihenregame, with o ptilt'tln ani pýertinent questio. M.J.S. 'Barnard, Witby pe an atidress, whlch he ilutrt11'it r iginal designe, on the subject-.;'The Quarterly Review, andi haw ta conduct k.", He said keep in view the salient features, and do not inuoduce new matter. Have everything in order and be prompt, obtain interest by catching the eye.- Mr. Barnard used an outlined life preserver with good effect. as also a star, ail set ini parts. In the topic ",How shah] we make our sehools îiiore efficient ?" Mr. Elmer Lick developed the part of " 4Home Study. " Teachers, he said, must know the lessons which they are to teach, or the results or their effort wili be a fail- ure, partial, or complete. Rev. H, I. Allun, Columbus, took up the thought and bearing of parent and teacher upon the sanie topic, and in an earnest, interesting manner laid bare the opportunities of mother and the giorious resuits of our earnest and de- vout teacher. In the absence of Mr. W. A. Holli- day, Mr. joseph Tait, Toronto, talked on the topic, " Use and Abuse of Helps, l' showing in a terse manner that though the use of heip was self- evident, he would urge the study of thei Icsson in a most thorough manner aiong ail other lines, and finally sketch the1 entire study by due recourse to good helps. The abuse of helps is when a teacher takes that help to the class, and by reference or any other use for question and answer and by which practice no life or permanence can corne. The evening session was opened with devotions, led by Rev. Mr. East- man, after which the minutes were read, and the Nominating Committee reported, recommending the foliowing officers for the coming year :-Presi- dent, W E Dyer, Oshawa; i st vice, E Wilson, Brougham; 2fld vice, Wrn Purves, Columbus; secretary, J W Brown, Whitby; asst. sec., Miss A Philip, Brougham; treasurer, W Jt Dale, Pickering.1 Executive committee-Mrs Hopper,( W Firth, Mr Boucher, Miss S Dale, Dt Barkey, F Hutchinson, j Bundy, C Rogers, A Allison, Miss Roe, J S Bar- nard, John Burns, E Lick, J Davis, W A Holliday, E Nancekiveil, Miss Cook, B J Rogers, F L Fowke, T Morris, Lée K Murton, John Balles, and ail clergy- men who are members of the associa- tion. The new president of tbe association was then introduced and conducted the ex.ercises, caliing upon .%I r. F. L. Fowke to give the Address of Welcome,-re- plied to by Mn. Boucher, of Broughamn. Rev. Mr. McAully. of Pickering, then addressed the convention on the sub- ject, t iThe Young People's Societies and their Relation to the Sunday Scbool. " He said that wbile the germ of the Youug Peoples' Societies cornes te meet that important work; takes charge of ai who may perchance slip out of the ranks, and it -trains t.hem lu the exercise of that which tbey bave iearned. Mn. Tait, ex-M. P. P., then lu bis happy way gave an address on -Chris- tian Citizensbip.'" Tbough the even- ing was veny disagreeabie, was a fair and appreciative audience. A resolution of sympatby was passed to Principal Firth in bis illness-Re- former. Friday mornmng sesion vas openeti by a the Bey Geo Oarewell, aller which ï President Dyer hook the. chair. Ti.he jS etorm prevented tihe expected attendano. but excellent interest wua sustainedé t.hose who vere present. Reporcts fr, à the field bore more than - he averg-ti fruitage. Obstructed travél délayed the P' speakers of the forenoca o>wotuherr. $opýSp At L8Op m the to*naà p one '-i p were helti vith unusual ifftlè" an":ùai 2 o'k Rev G W coailBÂ, 11,w*à on hand te oenduetthé,w dftotional 1lt- cime, after vhioh he conforeteoreport1ed vhth untold advantae te ail. "Wha1 proctîcalùhntç hae 4" for future uaeb1om t he ProvjnWoveï- tien," was ably led by à Mn E Wilsoni, Brougham. Want af space forbitis hie intefest:ng 4 eltations, aé veil as "bOf aithe threeëý minutesakers. Report of the. oatny dite t hoii Provincial Convention yln Happer, (Ilaremont, vas tlie-n gi a more graphe mainer, 0hrcoisool of Lho ladywbo gv l Mn ÂADay, Trstsoooib.hiltof- the. 19ame Deputrn»it Wbu thife- sanda attend 8abbstk~hoola ih*ý,f . iow thousanis uWho < 0dota4" 4ýomnoImtpl th. home clmasedpntment prov" de... them *ad by its. mmag 1lomd r4 'b.-ý hng addeâ Là tiia 6i 0b M I I soholos.,R e I*ôbdfIîýdW 1 Mi. 1wept" 1ie t EasiIv Cured if the Proper Remedv is Usede The Mast Common-Thea Most- Acute Miaery-Dodd'*a Ridney Pilla wiIl Cure it Without Fail. This bas been the experience over and over again by usera of Dodd'a Kidney Pilla. Valentyne Fisher, of Oollingwood, wus twisted out of all sembiance of phyaicial manhood. Yet hé commenced f o mend before the firat box of Dodd'e Kidney Pille were al taken-and he got as well and strong ase ever ho was. How wonderfui, how simple the cure je - Lot us learu some- thinfrorn this. Nomattor what may ho the secret ac- tion of Dodd'a Kidney Puil, the moment the Kidneys are helped, ever so gently, cure commences that instant. And if the kidneye reaume kidney work the poison may ail be arrested and turned out of the eystem in twenty-four Theefoethe onlv cure for rbeuma- tiemn ig by kidney treat ment. &Il thiseoxpiains the rapid cures of rheumatiom, neuralgzia and eciatica made by using Dodd'e Kidney Pille. Think of ail the tnethoda that have been tried to alleviate the miseries of tbis disease. 64Zeai, but not according te know- ledge."-all of it. Urie acid remaining iu the blood cry- stalizes in the muscles and jointe and the pain produced ie cailed rheurnatismn. There je but one way-a single meane -by which unec acid can ho remoyed, and the biood muade pure. The kidnoye do this work or ib nover can be dune at all. Epworth League. Every preparation is being made for1 the comning meeting of the Young People's Societies of the methodist churcb in the Bay of Quinte Conference, to be held ln the city of Belleville on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, Feb. 18, 1 9 and 20. It is expected that it wiil be one of tbe largest and most enthusiastie gatherings of young people ever held ln this section of the country. It will embraee representatives from ail the societies and mission ciréles, and is the first heid within the bounds of thxe conference. The president of the con- vention is C. P. Holton, Esq., of Belle- ville, and the secretary is Rev., C. W. Watch of Brighton. The pastors of :he ckzy churches and the young people's societies are heartily co-operating with ;hese officers ta make the gathering aý succes, and Mr. Watcb bas twice visit. ed the city ln the iriterest of the meetings. The key noteof the convention s -The culture f'heart and nmmd -for the- buiiding of character and the saving ai,- souls. " A session will be given ta each>', iepartmnent. >The Rev. A., C., Cre-ws il deliver an, iddress on "<A i3th century failure.uani Ith century suc-, cess," Dr. 'Cinan willsekîie Dr. Potts will, lecture on "Epwrorh- League for Chxist.and the church,". N" W. RoweWl Esq., il speaPkon "The, culture of,-the nild 'in the religiausï if e." Altôgether there will be about Efty papers 'and atidresâssgvna 3mong therspeakers in additiou toa, thé. ýbôve are foud the naines of Revs. 5; Y. Shorey, W. R. ' Young B. AX, Ti' gianning, F. 'B. Stratton7*ýJ. J. Rae, 'S. r.Bartlett -and Prof, Doxsee.TIiê- ailw ays will issue reducd icî t ï .he convention. Enqin-xes Couenn ?rograms, rates, etc., sholt be sentWt file Daily, Ontario. t t c v c N i ,returneti .ùçW England, le. guest of Mr. Thomas Eiliott. We welcôime'into aur viiigevMrs. C. Cooletige and'family.' Mr. .S. Jobb, Enniskillen, has'rented CaPt Rý H Buitt'sg farm andi wilI soon' Occupy. Miss Addie Y Cole, Maple Grove, is guest of Mr J Cole. Miss Laura Saiter is visiting friends at Greenbank. M-r C W Barrett, Newcastle, occup- Miss E. Gifford, town, was guest of Ai,# I MrF j Groat on Sunday. I J(lLo IIN t qt. W. have the Iietslc tion in o t ofthose BEA UTIFUL AMERICAN- WALL PA PER8, Mr j Mollon is on the sick list. Mrs Jesse Salter bas ret4irned from visiting friends at Greenbank. On Friday evening at the close of-- the prayer meeting abou t tli irty of the friends of Miss Jes'sie Ward took pos- session of her home, 1.1. having been iearned that she was sooa to ]cave the village. Rev E E Flowar-d called the company to order, and Miss Ida J Allun read an address. ZION. Mise M Leach lias been vieiting friende in Bowmanvjll. Mr. Robt P'urese bas been viuiting friende in Western Caada. Mr, Wesley Brooks je preparing for the ereotisn of a nov bouse. Mr John Sawdon, cf Honeywood, vieited bis Unole Mr Jas Eerritig. Mies Annie Aliman bus returned to Toronto after visihing rinondA bore. -Epwontb League officer6 for this quart- er are: Pros, Mr J Cooledge; lot vice p res, Mi Rigge; 2nd vice pros, MieM Herring; eeotary, Miss E Stainton ; treasuner, Mr A Hardy; onganiet, Mie M. Stainton. TYROUI, Mr 8 Bingham visiteti Caîborne fnienda lutî week. Master Wille Simpson hes b.d inflam. mation of night iung ; ho is improving.' Quarterly services at 10.80 a. m., in Tynone oburoh next Lord'a Day, Miss Etta Emmerson ie visiting at Peterbono, Junior E L O E are. to take charge of the Seniors' meeting tbis Friday evenins. Subjeot: 11«The offeota of Iiquor snd tobacco- on the human system' Inter. estiing lime ozpecr1sd. 1~ - w- -w- w %P Wbff y i "6 i Corné éai'ly and getfiret choice.-7 * P. B. WARAM-! Brymn'a old StBUd, Brook St., Whiiby H. SCO7T, P'UMPMAXBB, WHITBY. (Successor Io. H. Thompso.) The Subscriber has again opened business here. His office will be at E. R. Blow'* telegraph office, factory at Mrs. -Newbery'à bouse on Brock Street, south. Ne* Pûnps manufactureci and old Pumps repà ae. First class material used and work warrant*a ed. Wells dug or cleaned out. Orders soliîted. Feb. 14, 1895. Whltby adObw. DOMINION BANK. Capital Paid up, - *,0,0 Surplus, *100O0 WhitbyAgay General lutereat à lQa lagn onn rt MICROBE KULLER REMEDT., Eankini Business I ~ cf - m~ obii1 se4 j-= lob LowFST :-: PRICÊSO