Whitby Chronicle, 7 Feb 1896, p. 3

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Ny ME. WC. BUlm, poRtT PIRRT. TAUS US,&* CR0S8 THE OOEN4-CL£'T »1?AIED INOITS 0F TEE TIP BT OSE WHO 113 OBSECRVANT. t3atnrday Aug. 24th dawned brightly bnd we were up at 6 o'clock for what wu8 a Most deligzhtful tnip. Our train left L,'diubarglI at 7.06 a. Lu. aud we ware soon speediflg over the country whiCh Isettl o <renched by the late raine. W. croesed tti Forth bridge, wilich is the largeéit of its kiud in the world being over 6000 u m S ilong, and as 1 put mS heliad ont of the car window while crossing and noticed the great iren girders that bind ia togetier was reininded of Eiffel Tower at Paris. This coit.ly and immense bridge waa buit to obviate the tranefer of pamsengers from train to boat, and slec to save about an hour in raitway travel. We were no: 1 ng in reitching Stirling, wbîoh jle buùinuing oft te Highlands and la sucd . hititoria place. Near Stir. linu are erî fainous battle fields, the imost notel of which is I3annockburn. 1ierts o s tie fanions Stirling castie sîLuate,1 on the top f aboId rock, and WO L() chatge oOur train at Stirling htUni Mw e slithe weighing machine tind 1 tirtit1itho ertiaes at 18 etone 12 ]bs or 191IbleHo fut Lquite comfortable at not iosI11g tiesai becauee of thle pace we wert, iîakîiîg. Lt je bard work te make FL btisitnea-îf travelling and we were often W lewotflgwe l'ad a very good ý)biuîîll *V Of ocbserving soine of the Sco t tu pplo, t'cr a great crowd ticcew* pai-li,- a bud were going b;' train for it * N \ hat stnrdy people the scotch svelli t W Iwisli I could picture a Surti1la. ,t1hure me sowethîng se frank ?iU( lhiii, i stil thbere la a sort of re- sillil Inîepeiîdence. L t is satd that 1 ~IC~ii5I as Loc thîingli tebe îhank- t'Il lr -A fine climuate," whioh gives loi a orous onstitution, and the pelît'îanchurcll," whicb mnouldas Li hlcIaiter. It is well te be born under suci conditions. 'l'but guard adviéied us that our train wt.aIy aud we were soon jonrineying tI)r¼Ii ll ovely Valley with bmcb monn* tains un elthier side. Borne of the lunovn tain tîcs were In the cloud8 and the briî.!ht sunlight gave a glow te the picture. We sacon arrîved at Bueblyvia junotion Rnl chalnged caris. Here a train waa waîing and six mniles furtber on we arrived at Aberfoyle. Then it was a race for the clîcîce seat in the coach which wasto take ai§ over the mountain. We sucuIred a good place but the chief seat was 1 -esitie the driver and was already occiii)ed by a lady. These coaches for nmin tain driving are a great insetitution. Y()( reachl the seat, about 10 feet frow tihe ground, by a step ladder.IUnder- tienth the seaptEs is a great box for holdinz baeewae. There were 25 passengers in ocrl) h sd the first thing was tile coaleîntan's fo, Gd)(. We were seen away dirawî by four horses witb the reins in tLe bands cf a skîlful driver. Aft1er leav. tleUi station the flrst thing that attract. edin attention wa8 a bouse buit of ro11,01 tone baving a thatcbed roof and ont, square Wood chirnney about 18 juches above the roof. I tbougbt thaL wonld ba poor risk for an insurance Company. S v dea was that we should bave a rougb Acbray. ilere commenced our ride of about one mile thrgugh the famous Trossachs, (the bristly outry). Lt is a pass between the m'b1upL* aiusheav'ily wooded with birch, oak, nazel, and here we saw the mountain ash, remmnding ne of borne. The Trossacha je famous for its history and ie the place immortalized hy Soott inh]Il"Lady cf the Lake." \Ve were soon at the pier of Loch (or lakp) Katririe, which ie about 9 miles long and ene wide. The steamer Rob R was waiting for us and when on board I struck op a conversation with the man dt the wheel and he told me of the motte, on the wheel. Lt i., tb. McGregor or Rob Roy mottocIlS' RioRha.il Mo I)bream," meaning royal às my clan. Tiec mountains surrounding the Loch rise hundreds cf f eet and some are very barren wbile others are oultivated. Lt is frein the crystel waters of Loch Katnine that the city cf Glasgow, some 84 miles away, le supplied. I t was quit. rough on this littie lake for from bëlow the mountain gorges cornes some flerce wiuds. W. reaohed 'stcnacblachar (tbat is a good Highland naine for yen) and had another rash for a coach te take us four miles over the rucrîntains te Inverns.id. It wae jusat sucb a ride as we had over t.e former m o untain on ly perb ape the rondi descend - ed more rapidly, but w. wore 90 ocoupieti with the rugged beau&y of t. lUsand -he ruahing waters sionvUie of us that we did not fear. How muolawoonýJoyed the quiet for an hour at Iaversnmid snd looked round at the falis and vmdter.d out gauieriug ihehr. Ai w. looke4et the Ben's or mountains ,round us sm# cf tbem over 800 festinu blght&atsof wondrous beattty vasspiea «#tbfoe us. W. left InumUdby boatou Loib Lomond at 2 P. t. forElo., Onthe way we touohed ab TSWbtiEow4pa Lus anjthonuatBal". LoukLou ond issfitid t~ob. the s et u 0 lakes. I aaot9lpo~io to, five wide snd basia~e* which lend th.frOki hi.îêÏÏý ~Bn m oun oI.ft wf Hiaory ao gone by wh.u dlffirmiOmwp "W e4 thi oonntrj'abb b..» tuIkW«.,w4.t u"à" ueuthir sbU. beo4h; sud 1 "' ily wihd I1 ooôld hait hid ob. or Môc. cf them alouxg w point on te me the par- ticular beiutes of moutitaîîî, foreeot, glen aud loch. LINDSAY. à Mari posa fariner, had a wefl.bred, but very siok horse, andi meut for a veter- mnar urgecu who' dlaçnosed the caue, and advised that the animal b. kllled at once. This advice was acted upon in part and the unfortunate animal led to the woods where ahe wau knocked and ber throat cuti and Ieft for dead. In tihe afternocn a neighbor paed that way and disoovered the. poor brute. Thinhing that the animal had attempted suicide it was led te us cowners barnyard, the marne voL, sent for and the wound sewed Dp. Lt is saidti tat the herse je about alI right again. Who saye there je nothing in bleeding ? The law regarding the finding cf money waa fully laid down at the recent sittings cf thie division court beforo Judge Dean. On the 16th Novemuber lest $80 was found in The Watcbman office, and the follow ing day %%as claimed by Mr. Thea. Par. ringten from near Carnbray. wbo admit ted that hie wau net in the office, and wau unable te say positiveiy juet where ho dropped money allegeti to have been lost. Under the circumetances Mr. S. M. Porter, in whose bands the money was, deemed it the proper course te hold the money for at least six menthe, or until a claimant with better proof of ownersbip would tnrn up. The case was tried at the division court last week before His Houer Judge Dean and a jury, when the meney wae awarded te Mr. Parringten, the judge and jury taking the view that the moucy muet be bis as it was a Rimilar ameunt and there being ne other claimant. Friday eveniniz last a man-evidemtly an ernployee cf sorne lumber camp in the Nipissng district-arrived in town by the evening train. Ris appearance indicated that lie bad been badly uised and mal- treated. 11e was unable to speak, and iei name and place cf residence could nfot therefere b.e ascertaineti. He was ac- companieti by a young man named Fraser, who wae taking care cf hîm, and bati him convoyedt t Hind's hotel, oppos- ite the market. By order cf the mayor thie tcwn physician, Dr. Kemp, wa8 amm- moneti, wbo feunti the unfortunate fellow sî3ffering from blood poisening and lock jaw, thie roemit, it is auposeti, of an assauît. On Monday ho wus sent on te Wilberforoe, for whicb place a ticket wae found in hie pecke.. t is te b. boped the true facts cf the oase will yet corne te light and the guilty parties punisheti. Monday laet Mr. Peter Nicholle, who resides in the ncrth ward, had a very narrow escape frem a watery grave. As is well known Peter le a groat admnirer cf the goat family, andi the eldest inhabit- ant forgets the day when Mr. Nicolle was without oesof these useful if net orne- mental animais about hie promises. On the day in question hoe was returning f rom the east ward leading Nanuy with a roe, and te save timne toek a short cut acrs dis ice near Dovey's mill. When well acrose the turblent Scugog the ice sud. dently gave way, and but fer the string, with tuAe goat at the end of it, we miokh forty yeare since the deceasoti commenceti iu thie mercantile lino in Lindsay, for the past thirty cf which h. carried on a very exteonsive dry gooda, grain and produce aud general milling business. H. aiso teck a deep intereet ivi eyery movement iooking !e the welfare and up-building of the towu, sud always commanded the re- spect aud confidence of the residents of thie town and ccunty. Eleven years ago ho, in company with his two nephews, John D, anti Wiliiam M. Flavelle, pur- chaeti Mr. Wm. Neediers iuterest in the well kuowu Lindsay mille, and later on Mr. Thomas Sadler'u interest was aise purchaseti, the valuadie millîng property, limita, etc., thns passing into the sole control cf the. Dundas & Flavelle Bros. Milling Co. The business has beeil bfit up and extendeti, until te-day it le one cf Lindsay's greateat industries, anti a source of weelth to the town sud whol. comrnunity. Mr. 1Dundas was boni iin Druru, Ce. Monaghan, Ireland, and came to this country in 1847, lu December, 1764, he marrieti Miss Joues of Rochester, by whom leho hd ten éhidren, four daughters of whom, sud bis widow, sur. vive him. lunrliio deeset vas a conservatuive, auoau ardent supporter of tii. National Policy. H. r.prentid tUe south riding of Victoria in &-ep-1 - smout commeuciug 188. te 1887, bt 4SOuDIm4 re-nominstion at the next gsntl .l.oe tion, as bis ýbuolu o îqufrnd ,bis whole attenton. A out fou ourgo tt rs- mov&to Toronto,in W e ity, *Ias- dm resided, su vIie* b . hout.rs4 ,,t. finmcof Guun, FsI es*,& eo $ & s». vetr.amn lId i t #i.eU" uay budalu r. vDmu -vu 4was, 1«y octve ts =4 s m d in > e& -to bis msuy vutw« vu I4é 4h T«OXMate Bslasadi L.olà tv ami e* II 19614YýIMSW bl 5b#oSbet, Uo 46 Bleuie, cft Peterboô mi"s PsY #pent Saturday anti Bunday with bier parents lu Toronto. Mieis Fanny Tait bas retul'ned ft-m a visi bo ber siatertâ in Teronte. i. ~ ~ ~ ~ wt f Qiga~,~ikrind A sleigh-lond cf young fo'ks attended the carnival at Malveru last Wednesday evening andi daim te have had a good time. The epworth league had a social even ing lut Wedneoday at the residence of D Aunis. Lt wus well atteuded andi was a very suceeufal saffi. A uloigh.load et the boys who went te Markhatuou Menday eveniug teo attend a carnival on the skating rink went them on. better, and hati a high olti time, and sksted most of thbe wsy home. John MeCra.loest a fluger and hati the cthers cf his left baud badly eut by cern- ing in contact wituh the kuives cf a shaper in- Taylor & Leuat's factory, where ho waR workiug on Friday is. Lt is a mis- fortune oertsinly tor John, but lucky that tube several digits did flot belong te his right baud. A painfal accident befel Thomas Beare on Menday. A pan of grosse on the kitehon steve caught fire, sud Mr. Beare in carrying it eut doors elippeti on the le. sud fell, ianding withbhie nigbti baud lu the boiling, burning fat, burning that member in a terrible manner. Mr Beare wilipbe disabled for seme littule time. A team from Lb. Duubarton Draught Club drove up Friday eveniug anti had a friendly gaine with a team from tube new. ly erganizeti club at tuis place. Being a stormy night, it was hardly ezpected that the. DunDartuon team wonid put in an appearauce, sud in coneequence the team wbicb represeuteti the Val. wae net near- ly go strongi as il might have been, al- theugb it likely made net mucb differ once, for the Dunbarten boys are formuid- abie oppenente ovor tube black sud white squares. J H Besse, the Vale's beet player, met witb the woret luek. Lt wae flot because ho fâiledti t play wit bhis usual virn, but sine bis recent runaway accident hie spectacles have been a little on thle scue-baw, csusing hum te play on thbe siant, se that hie mon were often piaceti whero tbey bad no business te ho At the conclusion cf thbe game oyaterg were servedti e victcrs sud vanquisheti. Ln this gastronorýuc engagement our beys belti their own pretty well. A return match wiii b. playeti at an eanly date.- News. An angry crowd gathered at the rail- way station on Friday afterneon, when Andrew Clarke, charged with rape, was taken te the ceunty gaoi. They confined their manifestations cf dis- pleasure te hocting and caliing narnes, but it was plain that it needed only a spark te create a serieus disturbance. Such exhibitions are beth unnecessary aud unseemly in this country, and are altogether without excuse in a case wbere the law bas net proved inade- quate te deai with crime. People semetimes seem te forget that until a prisener, charged with crime, has been instructed te twork on thie County cf Ontario side last Sunday, peuding a furtber examination cf tube statute law on the subject. Wbile there is ne epidemic or pres- ent cause of alarm,. the amount of ty- pboid fever and other preventable dis- ease in Orillia at the present time is quite sufficieut te warrant the Board cf Health in considering seriously what rneasures are necess ary te restore pub- lic confidence in the healthfulness of the :own, Not a few are of opinion that the ilinesa which resulted in the- death cf Miss Emily Warren had its enigin in t#e lUne and back premises between Kennedy's hall anti the -Amer-: ican hotel. The law requiring -earth closets to be used in the thickbr popU latcd portion of the town is obeyed 1>y those who choose and disirega by evcrybody cisc. Tiiere la no0 use talk. ing of sewersleadiug to'the,ýlakè. fits waters. are already quite too4nuch p>ol- luted by the lth from- Uic aàylutn nd. from certain drains, which ougkht 'neyer te have becu perzuitê& But there are letcet means oc 4ip*g tfhe- e' and a~ th aduoption ;~ 'Closct U';zIvtlier oip*ey now Madie ý aý ~!r o$Oo7ý .d :îe buldigthe'associaioýn to furnish the blne It le altogethe llel tis, offer will be accepted, and.- a three end rink instead of a four erected dur- ing the coming summer-Times. novirtue in the nasty taste of codmliver oil. Then why take it clear ? breaks the oil mua to drops so small that yoU can ruatory Sassa. ý -conenud ivted with lied Wijh up stairs keës. 1 ,rtng read re: I d rI bottift, lu. G. A. LrIU&, IPtY andl t" 'a * Vastorla in Dr* Samuel Pltcher's presczpilon for Iuftts, and Children. It cnaisnether Ounm, orpbbio nor' ether Yarcotlo substance. - It tal a rrnlssubstitute for Paregorlo,, Drops, Soothlng Syrupe, and Castor 011. 1* la Pleasant. Its guarante. la thfrty years use 1>7 PMilons of Mothems Castorit destroys Wormuand alsys fvrluess. (Jastoris prevents vomlting Sour Ourd.. cures Diarrhea and Wind Colle. Castoria relieves teethlug troubles, cures constipation and liatulency. Castorla animletes the foÃ"d. regala"es the stommaeh and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas. torts Ila the Children's Panacea--tho Mother's Frie.ud. Castoria. ~CâatcIs laan excelent nmedicluefor fli- dren. Xotbaihave repoatedly told me oftite good effctupoa tbeir dsildre.11 Da. G. O. Osocox>, Léowell, Ma"s "Coe1is tie best remedy for chlren cf ,which I amn acqusintod. 1 hope the day la not far di«ant when motherswvlU cousler the real kgntocf their chfldren, and use CastScia in- Mtead of thevartousquackncstrums whlch ame destroylng their loved ees, by forcing opiumi, morphine, socthlng syrup snd otuher hurtfui ageuis dcwn their throts, thereby sendlng Betm te preinature graVesY Du. . P . XKnscms, Oonway, Ark. Caztoria. "CanstLa sowefl adaptedto chlldretbat 1 reconmmend It aesupeertetany pumelt" known te mae."1 jE. A. AcROMa, IL D., 111 go. Oxford St., Brookrlyu, N. Y. 44Our phyicaIen utihe cbildren'sdeport. mnt bave spoken bfrhiy of tlsefr- expSl once ln thelr outalde praculce wlthOuon, and although we onIl' bave s3Mog Our medical supplies wba± le known as regular products, yet we am-etu-e. to coxztem tba theb menite of CuitoÉs ba»s won us te look wlt favor upon It."1 UîWrrzW.n s'rr MMoeDUMMwsAUr, Bo094MM& ÂLIZI C. Sxrrm, Pio., The Coutauv Compa.ny, Il Murray stroogi New York Citys ITusdeof Yomg.Md l<JâedBsae a!muslly svt te a peaue~ thrng eay ndicrtlo sd I*o eCeeeee Self abusoiettiioa 1o Diseases have rumed and wmeked the.ie cf mnya romimng youn a.. av Y aey otthe fflowma ng mDeuomaùt nden irëe mMomxg o-Ambç- f the k!ace- Drme» nDi »aul1 B«wtle. dIrrtbe ysBur uLSbo ~keryan ltoegt.Our .iFm.t df.mUwI mdyuup me»ptaf ldeiaU1l, bat os*KENNEUY & KERGAN' "At 14 yesrsofteng1lieerned a bad habit whick almesa ruled me. 1 beeme nerrons and weak. My back, troubled me. 1 could stand noexeertien. Hsead snd eyes becme duIL. Dresîns aui4 drains at night weekened me . -I tried seven Médical Firme, liic-. -tri Beiti, Patent liedicines sud Feiliy Dcctens, Tbey gave, me -',ne hsp. A fiand advlsemetotrp DDr. Kennedy à Kergas. The* sent me»eme mentlu'a treatment aud it cured me. K ooud,él .51 .5.6 f.<t." Tliey bav euznna y yfrianuds." "Hom 8 pre'go i oontrtedaseriomns diss.Iwt to Hotlg e lte tuest forBe kiidme. Atraweti ypoaaa bocame Boe, eislà lpimplea on- bce, lama et halkglansmal e.etc. A medica Kennedy kéràan'N 0 a odTreatruen. Ilý bad L neymptozs sfor-ffl mas.Ian an (lotcS Ils twy etiio , ,aul Who, have . IiU~. t ui raaathe pomsoutm L. »Jax 8san f anin le&, gay Ides. ivfnuia&=usM ana er em I wAs cunnu cf a bati cae cf Gnip by MIN- ARDeS LINIMNT. Sydnmey, COB. 0. I. LAeUE 1 wus OtTEEDof loes cf voice by MINARD'8 LINIMENT. Yarnouth.O m Lux.- I WA5 901mEDOf Sciatica Rhemnatim by BurinNfld.LÈwm S. Busu.uu. At Kmnistoni cr4d 600,OOÙ -ro ditiuidt (Jo, e hardly taste it. saydem Mr. John Rundle te able te be about again after a prolonged illness. Miss Maud Trewin bas net been able tue attend tbe Ladies' College, Oshawa, since holidays througb sickness. Sbe is impreving nicely. Mr. Cephas Mountjey bas been visit- ing friends in Mariposa. Neyer bo witubout Eseljay's Liver Lozenges. Keep tub. system regular wit baEeljay'a Lîver Dr. Eseljay don't ask YOD tictake pille. If yen are eick talc. Eseljay's Lt ver Lozen- ges and getu well. The Miniter cf Militia hau granted tube use cf the Toronto Armeurios for tube Canadian Horse Show te b. held ini April. PloasantasUsyrp; ncthing squale iL Ua worm ieduicîne;- the naine ie Motber Graves' Worm Extermlnüator. The greateet worm île- stroyer of dis age. There wl be ne horse racing at Saratoga this year. Give Holewamy's Cern Cure a trial It re- snoved ten comas trom eue pair cf foot without aypa.What it bas. doue once it will de1 Mn. T. Shewman, Winnipeg, received a b.- quest cf $55,000 under Lbe will cf au aunt wbe' dieti at Adolpbuetown, Ont. Ne person abould go frein home witbont a botuuleocf Dr. J, D. Kellogg's Dysentery Cor- dial ru their possession, as change hf wateru, ccoking, climat., etc., frequently brings on suminencocmpiaint, andi there je uothiug like beine ready wiîb a sure remedy at band, whicb ottentimeg saves great sufferung, and fuequent- l>y valuable lilvos. This Cordial bas gaineti fer itseif a wide sproad reputation for affording prompt relief frein ail ensmer complainte- A paper willseen b. issuet at Oookstowu. ELuanis Liniment th. best Batir Zestorer Thero e mconsiderable diphthonia at Brace-- bridge, RL el las ,za1 1oe i C mia rs-h i"

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