The report nll as s amen bete.) en hm adM l which had'be not ed. wUlved 80 hot u the previcussdoy 2NDREPRT N DIJATÃN. Mtter Prige bjed o the report incldingthe ettrs sd meotias l Mr. bingl brogh timon tseco- d uesttn If ery committee quomted, ren poroedcatio ase foows: d eve eend r s drder. te te jaurapls Whare8392.20ibe'aidhe rdge o te ounil wtould on theke teul orThe rpot i aif yar;1802.14 te hitb tei and Mr.ld ontai se m ch uelas collgiaEPORttiTe;ON401.44te ort Mtteria ne woulctd teeortn Perr hih shoo; (> tat he hare te luabghle tters indse mra page Mr biNog2eUbrgh etron teut sflton ulst .lemittee st teieiy ii ts MeprtHonleduaad h noascedlfromthe cation reer refd t the mmuere-l repot of9th.J2n e siotha Ux- uestgf atth c ounl peiton ar-te Ohaw hgh school s hetad only gcOst tes ablsigbardsofesarbt ron in $163, Whjtby collegte 80ns4to tute rnae tofnaes against unicipali-in an tPerry high school 83 Te2tcs that the chagommvlal ratriteerecm endfls 8lSrkobac! bren bnstrtedouWietether thaud' cmt tememorial be sen t t t1xig e bad ef gh edtnaving prtame n o r ee t oacomnibe Mr. oyl nfel. Wdha nt iaed beenthe ctio en fserreport stacondsit will reprsoth uessinta ust iny pagesfthe ounal, aitindpar- ,Oliaw herksre old aaoluttr w adwrt earls to reoaredothing rto ann t$n6t, \'hlli nIcle, esiut wlîc h li hadae- esmoanae ai uncpai clerk haflieeinsrce o rt ithMr Uouîdtsaid err e isencairmn Mlxr. I intlboad teews of e at- oin printo vlloeta o atitothat eïno[ ý the 'lxfuel, h sicohad latnthieng Asnnesrywbepo prstnd ted in vesu gne'- pto 21 . he oun aes o h ornl n svstenc, W!iîî h a a lan ef ha t- cairman o rcanybody isc has ahor- tendi xti nc c c cnîunclie wa much imp o rtae atereprt ate in cni!r ti 1c0yir(iý uhîsholcud Mr. (Gould said tMr Brownchair- r 1 t i- chî \ IC11tea !ces Cof t, aon inin ng, prwl oos fe tofera j Mn lc lk l î (igs - gyi snca<1-Dewd lst '- othiognn the maryerwhl e tereport ycnairu ccicc'nici li$t215.uc the i passe.1 Mi-. Gmtnit î ldth i i.îvc o ear M-r. Pringle subsdedutandtherother \cu thU îthe rd'cav plnnocuespassicd icl Mfi r t î1 w -i t~isc îhe knew Then M.r. uld r.o wnhathair- n q sic 1r1t sîi it ii~ti îng uotci. mn.onPring!e said he drto ofrm Nit c\ c ,JJ(J tU I r'çr'.mr.otio din the at ber we the report F M it ; ý \i Veu \\f n ave tial er Mr.c adoDte a ws ienddtoe sthri licr t lic l îsîca îfthu p oor he eNowMr. Gould oes on tothe e cc.îtc ' iic ;îîrciuna ti>ri bis portadopedb ad ater ti. oc .i(d S )c ý1r1r1cd«I 1passe(I (1(. r. ingcouncil e no erso wil hve N1c k I 1' ýV1114Fd1t(41Re . ui Mrdd .f aulthort torherteovedC neltt(( t~e- inaxc . it(r er not thedcommi-tht al the uslettes mand e oialsine tce Il idc poix cite eoniploNv architects. the report be struck out. Wa llthu-, cirniînittee costus There was a gencral murmnr of dis- h M r. lIrci t\ tri said thiat before em- sent from passing the report, so Mr. VI pleyllIg 0r11 ilittec-s to formulate Gould to save it from disaster moved ' schenics we hliidbutter first decide that it be laid over to the June session, P wlîetilcr (r cilt %c want suc-b an insti- and that was agreed to. a tuitt li a .111cl 1If xxe bave a ma joritv in COuînc-iIf\ i tiu i a piler house then tiîus cb iic .cli e tsefull, but flot Nlc rs Il .ni andl (Yiltb,îrciagreed xv.t. cfil ROADS AND BRIDGES. Mr-. Munroc brought in the reportc the road and bridge committee as fe' low's: 1- --u pun.u imaucuuum w» u - w bave na lo"m~ bnt*ho ba« soit t t .oaotey oee i %at ibm umï" t tuMibeofecf atà tbe timnoLclltrefrcages lu eib law wblohwilj ',compel eaoh munolplity tol pulli o4 tUpown ceut. b. concti lh;Sl-n=d Y916 .chafrman. The report passed. Adjourned to dinner. AFTERNOON SESSION. $3 PER DAY AND MILEAGE. Mr. Calder brought in the milee and per diem report, which shows1 foliowing amounts due to members Name. Brethour, Brock... Brown, 'rhorab ....... Calder. Whitby tp.. Cleavely. Rama ....... Couithard, Oshawa.. Cook, Sco tt.......... Dowswell, Uxbrc!ge tp... Diagle, Oshawa... Gerow, Pickering... Gould, UxbridRe town.. Grierson, E. Whitby .... Graham, Mara ....... Ham, Scugog ......... Hare, Oshawa........ Hilts, Pickering... Hoyle, Cancington.. King, Whitby town .... Kelly, Uxbridge town .... McDongali, Thorah .. McGregor, E. Whitby.. McPhee, Mura........ McCully, Brock... Mowhray, Pickering .... Munroc, Reach....... Millard, Uxbnidge <p .... Poucher, Pickering.. Pringle, Whtby town .... QŽuigley, Scot......... kundie, Port Perry.. Real, Reach ........... Ross, Port Perry... Smnith, Whitby tp... rreîeaven, Beaverton .... .Jmpbrey, Brock... Nullcer. Uxbridge.. vVexr, Reacb ........... days 5 .5 5 5 5 .5 5 5 5 S 5 5 5 5 S 5 5 5 5 5 s 5 5 5 5 5 s s 5 s 5 5 5 s 5 5 'i il 'I "'3 Miles 41 54 8 88 5 69 22 48 6 67 20 5 Io 47 48 67 9 78 42 9 28 25 55 4 61 47 17 23 y- 8o 20 80 50 20 00 50 Bo 30 80 40 70 70 30 50 am 20 15 23 15 21 20 15 17 '9 15 21 17 16 19 15 19 21 15 21 19 15 17 17 20 16 17 16 15 21 1 19 17 ý649 BEAm=TON. Mr A Tisdale, of Orlia, was in town over Sunday. Dr. Gilpin, cf Breohin, wus in town on -monday mut. miss MoKenujep of moriposa, is visiting ,Mrs. Treleaven atb prosent Mr. -John Trede, avin- pent Sunday ývisiimg fienda neaîr eqhin;1 1Mr and Mis Melntyre, were visiti3g. friendir ai Loruevile,,.çuSunday. Mr Elliott", fMbiokt ià s the guest, of bis son, A ý T mliotý,>druggist, Bt pisent.1 Mr. and Mis. Irwen, of Cambray, were the guesta of Mr. and Mrs. Rilano. laut week. Mesùrs. Geo. Wmfiamo#7 and O.,L.. MoUse drove ýover tô Kirkûield on 8&m. Mr. Arthur Samis, ofOanningionçspmt Bunday hors, iii. gust of 1fr. A. D., 1#0 . -E etacot t MdW. W Bruce attended the carnival in Oanning. ton on Th=Msay -venù3g laut. W. sre peasedoeau f thes rpl rey fl$o Iieaftl f.r .3 om. Mrs. Tho&. TrSeavm îi. -et promet aMonoly ÃœfI Rr rayfinsw14i iftk1n i =»yg (etbir~end y J fi d ti h a if i5 si ir iii vi rm H a G m vc th c'ii i ici-\ civ. Recommending that $200 be speni in repairin&, Mr. cîcZic su' ,thlc-(i iiunculibas foc the Scugog and Cartwright roadway, provided vears bccri gaicur ing ai(i publisbîng the uncted counties of Northumnberland and infoiiiiti)ii ii his(itistin. h yDurham make a luke grant ; ordering paymenu of infoîîîit cci cc h u clestin. b ç mâlî accotr uts amounring to S19 2o in comedi. ncît have thlc t)ii itte hunt Up ail nion wiuh the Narrows bridge at Orillia ; $r6 to this cL.cî.andîcciirng il down te usIn Mr. Cîeaveley for services as comrmissioner <o June Thît trccîbt- s tht tere re xpc'nd county grant of Iast lune Head River June -1,1r roIt)l, i, tht terearchrcdge betwecen Rama and Daltoni ; $200 to ciii scarc-(ilv cii îccý,lî 110r people in orne down hills on Kingston Road between Whitby courîîv t i cî,ke Itl erliwhiîe te es- and Osèawa provided Whitby town and Oshawa tablusiî a Iocicuofe refuge. Suchi bcing grant $200, each and the Whitby township $zoo the aselie -,tll tink il oul be et-each for the same purpese; that the grant to the the aseluestiI tiicks t wuldbe et-hridRe iu Brook be laid oven untîl June; tbat $50 ter t(c unite i wth otiier counities mn sucb more be expended on Head River brige between a scheme. Rama and Dalton;, that the application te lay The motion was lost. out $200 ln cutting down bills on the Kingston Road in Pickering township be laid over f111 lune, 53 Il liA -FOREN00N thRt $7 be granted te assist the township of \4ara uo build a bridge over Sucker Creek on tbe Met at (). 2 . Monck Road: <bat $8 be paid Jne' IHamilton (;()I' -' lXMO0NTH1S' HOIST. for hauling gravel <o repair approacb te county hridge au Ceder Dale ; the grant asked for by Mr Mr. 'GciIc brougbt un the report of Hoyle, to be expended iu cutting down a bill the coniittc on legislation and nme- in Caruningîou be laid over tiii lune. The couru fo!lows:mittce expressed the opinion chaut th systeen morials, as flos advocated by the Good Roads Association, ef (i) Rccommending that no action commuuhug siatute lubor la tie proper ene. be takeri ici reference to a communica- -sigzned W. H. HofL.E chairmnan. tion freni the (,ooci Roads association; The clauses passed with very lîttle (2) that no action be taken on the me- discussion until it came.- te one de- morial frem Simncoe county asking for clining te make a grant te assist the legislat ion to ereate a board ef arbitra- township ef Brock in building a bridge tien from wbich there would be ne ap- ever the Beaver river. peal in cases of damages against Mr. Umphrey said he had ne doubt municipalities for accidents ciaimcd to that the bridge would require te be arise from defective highways; (3) that over 100 feet long. and that it should the memorial of thc county ef Perth te be built by the ceunty, but if a reason-J the legislature requesting arnendments able amounit vere paid te Brock town- te the Ditches and Watcrcourses' Act ship that municipality would under-1 be signed and sent in;~ (4) that the take the work it.self. Brock has been Wardcn and Clcrk sigru and forward paying ir.s share for rnany years te the memerial et the county et Grey fer hèelp build bridges for other townships, legisiation te prevent Bernardo child- but has neyer received a cent of recog- ren from being imported into Canada; nition at the hands of this council. He (5) etc., etc. considered the application for a grant On the clause about boards ef arbi- on this occasion as being a perfectlyt tration in cases ef damages against fair and just one, and vouid- uge -upon q mnunicipal ities, the counicul that a sum begranted. Mr. Pringle said that this was.proti- Mr. King said he is net opposed te ably the most important matter re- grnt being Made for ýpublic works «lun1 ferred te Mr. Gould's committee and th cont, and- ho wu go fut had been thrown eut, He is ef opin- thlr< the a opl st o rwd ion that we need the desired change in ed he is assured by properly prepaà red the law very badly. He could call t information that the grauts ar-e need-ed. mind many cases where municipalities But he believes the county, council had been laid under heavy conts be- should only assist the mînor municiW- cause juries always t.ake upon <hem- hes n as vewudir tt vcrk to lue uni- selves .te sympathize with individuals pdne r neouicr toe anrex- as against large corporations,.es oroemnilaiytobao Mr. Hoyle said that every town, viiere thec minor muuicipatity las, poor village and township had an e.xperîence or smali. StiWy if thc reeveof Brock of its own in this matter, and he be- 3iiigdw othscucipaso lieved that it is high tume there vas a the vork they -are askîn'~ a grant for, chnei- thedirection oet taking such and,stixuates of et el>111 Up-ý cases eut of court and having them port a grant if inu' is Judgjnent -e deait with a court of arbitration. would bc necemary. Jie vougd aug- Mr. Gerow said Pickering. had been gest that lu niakîng .1 gmants ýprofper saddled every time it had at- 5~CtU ud~tmtsb ie tempted to defend a case of tliis sort, wt aconioth vwakn ov -and hacir elt compeiled to seule daims vat' ti na*tUre etticwo-iidt -which had flot a shadow of1ju inu id h 'c" <1YWCQYM them bec ueoâr' ei 1Mr. Gould eaytd with MÃ..-nn injustice, of juries incoeurtà , w oJU ,tbat tt eSCIU Iud have> give darnagcs every time, vtoîr.ciutstJ$~t' .lPis gard to evidence or their oath& Mr* Hoyletn ea1~ai ced for appointîng' é-arbltat Mmses Of a '&ýS ~ neot a -fair oacuç- nder tus' 4ésired< cbage in law à ' Wtht- gtt' Xk>ma #b,..-he, - vuiç zimn on a h4 third hW4tô be'a q'ualîicd mnunefo' ThDdu - Mce.- <>nWdasda ateroone'lut *a0 lwo yoçSg liadi" 01t bisloo.3*.ywe oià oï bonds ehe'14!10o0 y té hemé - toie.Thi ev.M N. euhfâneperforà miùg both cerooe; the flrut one bois the. marriage cf Mis K. MoDougal, ofSimco street, tb Mr. Ju. Gilpit, of Toronto, (brother ef Dr. Gilpin, of Brechin). The. csramony took plaut the reaidenne of the. bride'. uistér Mis. P. Ring ir., beiug attondedlby only the. near relatives of the bride sud groom. The other oes being the. wedding ef Miss J. Montgomnery to Mr. A. W. Talbot, of Toronto, the. bride was assioted by ber sister, Miss Sadie, ile Mr. J. Mc- Dougail snpporied tho groom. The presents given in beth cases were namer- th md age the 3 as 40 80 50 60. SL 20 8o 6o 70 00 50 00 70 00 70 luS ,ir mg rtii Dx. Centuries ago, peo- pie used to fcar what they called the pes- c . 4. tii1e n ce. "Black .~ Death " was the most terrible thlng in the worid to themi. They feared it as people now fear thr JChoiera and YelloE Fever. And yel there is a miore terri ble thing than cmiv of these. >fherc 1:1 a thîiîg that causc more micery anud more deatls thati any of these. It la the counmoncst troubil that human beings suifer from. It is se conîmon that ninc-tenths of all thc siekocas in the world la traceable to it. It la uîcrely that imple, common thing-constipati-cnt. There is no telling what it iav lead to, bu* it la sure to lead to soniething bid. Its in. mnediate effects are untîleasant in the ex- trente. It makes people listless, gives thern headaches, makes the digestion poor. causes dizzinesc, lbs of appetite. lus-, of sleep foul breath and di.scirsu after ci:ting Ail titis merely because Nature has biený, imposed upon, and has been refuccd tliii littie help she needed. This luttie help is furnished bv Doctor Pierce's Plea.dant Pellets. Onue pil Ili.; a gentie laxative and two a mild cathartic. There are two remarkable thiuigs about th-- "Pellets." One i% that they neve-c- gripe; the other that tht-y cure perrnaruentiy. There is no other medicine- that doca cucre perma,-nently. You can take any vthtr meciùe you like, as long as you like, anid if Vou stop, your trouble will corne ba--kz quîckly, and the chances are the trotnble will be worse than it was before. This isu't true of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. You take thern until you get yourself inte perfect wtorking order, and tbeuî rou stop. You don't have to take an y more' Pellets " unless aftcr a while you dlo something that deranges your digestive systetn agaiti. We are flot guessing about these facts, and we don't ask you to take our unsupported word for it. Thousands of people have found that they are true and have testified to theru. Let the druggist who says that seme- thing cisc is " just as good " seli that sente- thing else te, soincbody eise. Don't let hini trifie with your health for the sake of a littie more profit te himseif. . World's t)ispensary Medical Association, No. 663 Main Street Buffalo, N. Y. WISE WOMEN 1 TI WO OPINIONS FIREELY GIVEN. ¶ç77ISE women always use Diamond I>9ye wben the work cf home dye- ing begins. The majority of women know that Diamond Dyes produce the richest strongest and most Brillant colora. Two usera of Diamond Dyes freely give their Opinions. Mrs A Chittick, Windsor, N S, says "H!,te used Diamond Dyes for over two years and find them ahead cf al others; they are -the best for producing clear:and lovely colora,>' Mra. Jas H (3oulter, Xeep&wa, Man, msaya IlI have, alwayis much pleasure in uuing Diamond Dyes ;-,-I think they aru grand, and always make- old, things. 190k like new. " stanar<emdy.JoSePb Garduer,> cf tbis pdtliosd hedache.K&PJsreheol rudythat g'h imeif 25.aboxcf -ail 17Ak tiyulna ne h hm mlof a cause beude 1 'f. J ë-uoAN . O*SW i. . ïiCw ",o.ty- urWhItb~. Banrister Oouz~*y Orêwr* A$tÃ",w, lOosu be. Qffio.-Bou*k WIng B ariir, esic 019Offc orairy ourp by Parevweýli a Rtledge, nDoi j»YA1 Mo G. YOUNG SMITH. LL. Ba, Brrlter elc*,-Money te Loan. Tui of M a- Licenses. Office - Brit) Block, Sonth of Market, Byook St., Wbtt DOW & JKGILLIVRAY, Barristers, Solicitors lu Ohancry, et Office in Mathieon &hBawkenlm new bic Brook St., W hitby, sonth of Ontaro bank. Or's Warren te Moori 'I I i J I t I. J. J. Moore, M.- D. Brooklin. office heurs 9. a. ra. ;M fioe Telepone Communcatitoc D. P. BOGART, M.D.L.D.S. Phyuiican, Surgeon ana Accoucher et office and Residence next tei AUl gnt Church, Dundas Street, Whitby. N. B.- Dental Surgery in Il ius branches promptI c p 0 I D F. Warren, M.: Whitby. Office heurs Il a. Dr. H. Wightmar c1 P( AI Bi gt( Open ovory Saturday night. W. B. YARNOLD, D. L. 8.9 ounty Surveyer and Driinage Engineer ort Ferry, Ont. A. A POST, rohiteot, laie with Langley, LangleyJ 3urke, Toronto, Desigxis for Churches rilas and Cottages a speialty. Drawingi Separed for remodeling existing structures, ifice-Firsi fiat over W. R. Howss's druê tore. IârP O Box 202, Whitby. WMR. CALVERLEY, DENTLST. Having movd into our new prmiew are prepared to extend the range fbuie8si Al work pertaining to the harness-making and saddlery buiness will le done te satin faction. Collars a specialty. Cal and oee my hop and stock. W. CALVEBLEY, Second doer west of old shop. JNQ. NOBLE, -ELumer IN LL inDls,0 Lbr, DShi ndles, Saa, omand BUIII,,»« orders or information cgn be rm JOHN NOBLE, Dundas 1 - Ail obtaine4 fr stnre Witb, ppsieMr A C W Whon's resulence. 194 Whitby, April 4th, 1894. . _____ Wmm~4IMA M Dpul, IWhitby, lo Jsu.8 ib S~~t 4; 'pius; LMaya hune8' Tf; Sep. 8; Oc. ; 4 BEOUEAX M.GîseonGreenw%'d, Clerk.-Jun 6; Mareli8;; May n; July 9; -Sap. 4; Nov. 5. PORT Pruaz - J. W. Burnhaa, Pr P" ry le*k-Jun. 29; Mardi 9; May 15 Jiily ýD; Bop. 28; Nov. 18. tTXzamou-JosePh B. Gould, Umbridge Clerk-Jan. 80; Mgaroh 24; Ma'y1th;jtj7 14; Oct 14; Dec. 16.y OÂxNmono-Gorge Smait, Cannxngtout Dc. 17. rc2b; May 20; .Tuly lb; oct. BnÀÂmuaron-Geo. P. Bruce, Bouverton, Olerk-March, 26; May 21; July 16; ()et, 16; Dec, 18, tTFTBGRov-F J Gîllespie, Upterg'o've, Clerk,-March 27; May 22; laIy 17 ; Oct. 17; Dec 19. Wliitb» llroik 01 per annium in adysu,., otherwise 81.50. subOrliltons always paal-at the o2fce ot PiblIcati-on. : ýe, Palbief do not wundertake te 4ehéi*er l. te'Pt"'r At an ont ffif tWhilbr. n pe fuis te reg- hM . l"eat , -ailon b. relodupon notifOaio asam#ro oourtea. ,Âd t" r by con- tract, 10 Centis pe is opxefutn JIESN STANTON, Porezun. R&ilway T1mer.~TabI. GRAND TRUIE ~ND MIDLANI> - ý- lý ý 1 DAVID ORMAISTON, D. A., ttorney-at-Law, Sollolor *lu Chane Oonvyaner, etc. MOfce-Inu the 010 South of lhé Put 'DOYIce,- lumeMlum à bit, duth. - tic le 3. 9 nr nls )er Uy. m 'g. '. . M"en J. B. POWELL, 8- RENIGGS )or. King & Tonge St. Toronto. For the nexi three months I a=a giviig pecial attention te patients frora a dis- ance. Am eabil making plstes in rubber, 8, celluloid #10. Golf su& silver fiuiug rork' crowning by ftrst-cls operators ai he raost reusonable rates ini the city. %ein in the city cali in and let me exara- te your teeth. I mk. ,no-e dra charge. H. BIGGS, Dentiet, seu$ eaut corner i1i~undYonff2~8is., Toronià i ~. H.WARNR ICÂLER GOAL, LAT%~ * . OOR»WOO3), GENT For tuo eOE QAL, 00.j TORONËTO. iffice and- mý Yar jut'- Eastof -UptQw-n -Staýtiu ~A8KYOIff T.T10NER E c o IieEpress.~. I I b 44 Mr. Pringie moved, seconded by Mr. Hloyle, that this council reahizes in the Stabiiity and sprcading influence of the British Empire that the best interests Mf mankind are enhanced;- that by the cxtensien of its authority civilization, norahity, education and christianity have been disseminated throughout the world; that this counicil [s in sympathy iith Her Majesty in maintaining at the ?resent time her honor and authority. .nd the rights of the empire. There- cire, we as an humble legisiative body Jesire te place on record our loyal at- ýachment to Her Gracious Majesty ?ueen Victoria, eur appreciation ef ler mnethods in exercising her perega- ives, and in promoting the objects of er rule. Wc are happy and proud to Lcknowiedge our allegiance to the Brit- ;h Empire, the grand old flag ef which sneyer unfurlcd to promote oppres- ion or tyran ny; but always may be re- ,arded as the synenym of progress, ,curity and liberty, We further de- re te give expresion te our unwaver- ng support of the British nation, both n peace and in war, and eur firm con- ctien that in expressing these senti- nents we are in complete accord with 0.11 fer Majesty's Canadian subjects. ThÈat cepy of this'motion be sent tO-the ýov.-Generai for transmission te Her [ajesty.-Carried. The motion was carried by a standing ote, amnid great applause. Severai matters were laid over te the une session. The ceuncil adjeurned te the first londay in June, singing God Save e Queen. By order, Nov Llvery and Sale Stables J. E. FAREWELL, Oherkofîhe Peace. 1 1 1 1 1 9 1 1 J.4- NEWPORT, Proprietor. Commercial mon iibera1Iý deait with Teaming done ai reasonable prices3. Freight and Baggage hauled ut resson. LIFE INSURANCE. -:,D:- 1 InuacesCo.,fTorocnten To Malse Pure 31oo4 Thor h o e dicine before <ho people eq to Rlood'a Sarsaparilla, lu lu theo- tanda spring uiedioino and bleod purifier and it p tournes peculiar menit which others try in VI eo reaob. 1h really makes the weak ir toi Do not nogleot te purlfy yonr blood this aprii rake Hood's Sursaparilla now. Hood'u Plle become the favorite caibar with evory one wbe tries tbem. 25c. per b Largest Capital Stock Lif e Usuracce Ce, )u the continent. Ninetyý$ per cent, e ail coumulatienu et surplus Js returned to the colicy hoîriers. AIl claiu.s are paid withont Ielay oir discount on preof uf death or naturity of endowment t ti eb. lut, 93. Agent, Whitby. October 7th 1896. Dundas St., Whitby, A LOYAL COUNCIL. Dver Meb. lot, 98.