VOL. XXXX. WHIITBY, ONTARIO, FRI1DAY, FEBRJJARY 14, 1896. NO.U 200 Lamps~E c,f ail kinds at COSI. ST.lAI)A\'G pI, - 1 'A ":T 1.APS, o XtiR r kflds of Lamp. ( mmencing Mwonday, FOebe i0n 2() ,111. LAMP CRIMNE'CS 20 REDITCED ..... 1,\c pir< hased Am IL~îi Corner ,o'~ IhI'ORTA Pi ices tall Good XVîa-uI 5' 5. Good <for $ý3 Firi w o tbh $6 5o LOCAL NEWS LETTERS, COInoCîLE OoaZswostDNCIIo, TOWN4 LINE. Rev. Mr. Manning will conduet baptismnal service at Alimonds neit Sunday. Mr-. and Ma-e. J. Oke, ai Toronto, paid a flyiug visit amosg relatives hure asat week. The farmers tn this locnaity are putting up <huit summer supply of ice, <bu sampie is fair. One ai thu Base bine items Fot astray aset week and got under tbe beadsng Town Uine. Sotte very fine elm saw logs are buing hauled aioug tise front road <o the mille east of town. .........Mr.ansd Ma-s. Lee of Columbus were guestB at their Uncle's Ma-. Whitfield Le of this J the' Corner Da-ug place aud of Ma- and Ma-s. Mathias Mackey. .0 reduce these lines. On account of the storni <bat paevaled last sunday tbu attendance at cburch was Aril\Tfar beiow tise aver-age, Dr. Hare deiivurud1 A.L.Jb2AJN3 thu uducational se-mon Rev Mn. Philip of Pickering beitig unable to attend. Drug Store, Mn S, P. Br-own fortnenly of the Town Uine has purchased a cheesu factoa-y lu the 1 ITBY. western part of Middlesex Co. in the neigh- <0 k pos~sess ion of <heirnuew hotme near the factory the îst of Feb. I Mr lJas. TruIl is mnucb pleased witb <bu marn imaama air iiit 'r erected tom hini hv XW i.Piper, !I WTfI~flffD XX bth', Ti is onQe of the best milis built V YY~~~Wi in Cuantada. Farmiers intending purchasing j sh-auld see MIr. Truli's muachine. Prices on aph)liaatu it to \V,I. Piper, agent, Weitby. Thins s ruai old fashionud sluigbing we aru having now anîd it rerniuds us that we 1NST ought <o bave an old tittu social of saine sort, a wedding would do. We hear of plenty of weddiugs in othea- places but such ('LEA N S WEEP. affairs scn to be things of tbu past around bure. I< ceea-s strange <00. -~ ~ - XVe would uuggest <ooaut road master that he..have tbe ditches moved out nearer the k for Cash : fencus so tbat <bure will be room between theni for a mian <o drive aiang witb a Ioad ýlatrs8,woth$2.0 oiof cord-wood without getting inta <hem ltta-sauotb$250 ou up sidu down with <the whoie business. Mixd Mttass wotbSotte people suem boa-n for accidents -rt-class Extension Tahle1 and thea-efore corne out without much loss. for $,s. Bedrom Sets worth $14 for $1o.9o. Bedroom Set wortb $16 for $13. We have notbing but first-class workmen lu our Up- bolsterng Dupartm-ent. Leading Undertaker,- E. J. JOHNSON, BROOK ST.,, WHITBY. IVLLBUY TIfF Woekly ,vGlobe Uý,nCHRONICLE * FOR 1896. --,qlwSee Our Club- ý WES1 Capiti Surpli Mr. John Davuy <s suffuring a good deal fa-oui bis ijur's aeceived last week fra-a kicking boa-se Ma- D. bas onu bad catit wouud ou tbu bacit of hie 11usd, thu left anm sud shoulder are also cut and sev'erely bruised but the worst and most troublusomu injurv jiu the chest, tise aset boue and suveraI ribe are fracturéd 'nd preseed in- ward causing mucb pain and suffering in breatbing, it le tbougbt <bat with tme and care bu will fully rucover. It le is an un- common expea-luncu for Ma-. Davey <o bu con-fiuud to thu bouse sud we sincerely sympathise wi<h hini. QUEENS&N K. Miss Barbara Walker emuinsd to the city on Monday. Mrs. John Lee and Mm..jas. Ashton are both serioueiy iii. Tise Rev. Mvi. Rpo i anniqgion 1ra4' ed in the PiýsbÃÃéten isurch on Suay last. The stoi blocked the centre road ta sucb au extent tbat oua-mail carrier failed to get througb ou Tuesday. Ma-. W Taylor mnourns the loss of bis hound 1< ha- Zgoue <o tbu happy buning grounds with <bu belp af a little poison. Su1 as Buckler vvho was wel sud favoa-ably known in this nigbboa-bood but wha bas s peut the last four years lu Minnesota paid our village a fiying visit a few days ago. Tbe newly ulectud offices of the Epwoa-tb League are: Prusident, T L Salter , Vice pre-sidents. Ma-s. Leitcb, Ma-s. Pua-tins, J. Love, V Jennison; Cor, Sec. Ma-s Shier -Ruc Sec. \rn. Phoenix, Ra-es, J. A. Mille-. Nobody sbould miss <bu lecture on Mon- day evuning nex< <bu 17 net in <bu Presby- tuaian clu ta-ch by <bu Ruv. C. 0. Johnston pastor o! Bathurst struet Muthodist cburch. Thbu admission féeu will bu only 15 cents wbich will put 1< within the aeach af evury- ou. The S. of T decided <o meut on Tbairsday evuuing aset week to enable tise Myrte division <o drive aut on a visit but the very unfavonablu wuathun pmevested this plan fa-unibuing carrnud out and now another at- tumpt will bu made and ta that end tise division will meut on Thursday evening nuit week with the hope lte weather and 'roads will be better. 'qW __ __ ---) IOOKL. bing Lista. Miss McConacbie, of Bowîanville, ia vistang at Ma-s T j Hohiday's. 12 Mm Marshall, of Oshau'a, preached. in tise derso a G aham t<b baphist cburcb last Sunday. dersn if Grahim, Evaporated California peaches, ioc per pound, Or 3 poundS (or 2,5C., at Hohiday Bt as. r ERN BANK 0F CANADA. Th revival services wicb have be _____e onintenthds churcis for five al Auhorized $ý00000 u'eeks, will be concluded/ this (Fniday> ~1 Athorzed 1,00,000evenirg. ýus 100,000 Mn Thos Caîplin u'iilsiortiy go ta Mani- BOARD 0F DIRECTORS. toba. He. is sou' ooking fur s pai-chuser (IWAN, Es(ý., Prusidunt. for 1115 bouse and lot. ,r aa'Ç S. HAMLIN, EsQ., Vice-Pi-es. Mn R H Walks, B A., of Lindsay, made a b-cifbomne riait hast Friday. His many T. H. MC\IILLAN,- - CaShier. friexids will be mucis pieased ta knou' tiat 'mai Bankixig Busiuees transact.d. h is bealth is mach imrpioveti. I)raits issued, payable in ait parts of Can- ada. Unrited States, and on London, Eng- land. jpavable in ail parts of Europe. 396 pe -t. allowved on Savings Bank DeposIts and¶ -rt-diited half yearly. >)'iIattention to collection of flltriid<'rs' 8ae notes. E. D. WARREN, Manager of Wbltby Branch. Farm for Sa/e. 'l hat desirabie farm. containiisg 0 acres, the centre of Lot 2 in thse nud Concoesaof ai e Tow nsh ip of Pickering thse caisSofcthe laie Jno. Mc<'ullough, tbree mhes froe Wbithy town or Pickering village. snd i % milea (romoe coansd cburch. Thse ground, brick boumesuda" AUa-i tion are unsurpassed. Gond oeobazd sud ou-. buildings, ose bain 36z60 wib baoerMet. OUn barn 30140 wih tonsie tbllsg# eum mtis. The f trn is weillfenoeds MUfa» p »wd âD aI good mte oficulelsio. Ftr fÃéer 1pulls iars appl y on premêm cr by lettiel,, Box 421. WhtbwP.O.S Oét. Lo8t. Oxi Wedxiesday afternoon. tise Chosen' Frienda andi Royal Templai a cdisent a iôad ai <heu- mnembers <o attend the itdsensl afi ah. lace S L Kerr-, wbo belonged, to bots orders ut Columbus. Mnr jno M edlund ls asuiferlag frot plurlsy andi inxifammation cf Uic lwssflôli an atîack ai la g nippe. So senleus lu 1d condition chat boci Drm Warren sud Moon* are attendlng hlm. We hope te oasmknou <but lie la gettilng bettes-. - arequas-tities of tabave bea cet f(Min hiseuîls pond duting tise Mle-thw vWO»I. nasse cf wviciswas ta supç4 WMby l, houses. Tise qtahty appem t<sbe ~ good. 1< la cxp.ced that *qveM atite iiC tise Whbypcew « b A ý MrMVaau the tula t vIduhiy feawe* g4o~ W an toisas-n iba-i. , a cmu*s Miu bis iw 1 i W. A. H. GUT & W0., grain buy.rS BEALL, S. - lInser of MUtiene B..uldenoe opposite Town au, Brooklin. ScauNwrN Coâ.xu -D. H@LLmAT 15o now prepared to deliver or oell at shed, BrookUnlai ~on, or off ours tl e lebrated Branton ilM *clou. U e aso eh. (The boat le the obeapesi.) W A MaNUEL!i, D V S.-Graduste of the 0*.-1 tario Veterinary College. Torento.; Sonoruyý meniber of the Ontario Meminl ~ce Treats MI Ilslesseis -of thé 4om5t.ý animais by lbe moets pproveil.so4 partioulier attentionza Ontario. "'If Candiemas be bright and fair Hal f the winter 's to come-and mair." Bruin saw hie shadow on Sunday without any difficulty, and has now returned to complete hie long nap. There je stili a lot of cold weather before spring. We Are Giving ->@-. Bargains in Blankets, Bargains in Underwear, Bargains in Overcoats, Bargains in Shawls, Bai-gains in Hoods, Bargains in Caps. We are going to clear ont every yard and piece of Winter Goode before the firetof Mai-ch, if low prices wili make thein go. We have new Cottonades, Shirtings, etc,' now in stock. Holliday Bros. BROOKLIN. We are pleased to note that Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Smnitb, sr., are much better thîs week. Mrs. David Reese, wbo has been vlsiting in Toronto for somne dîne, returned home on Saturday. Mrs. Chas Tho son intende giving a social at her bomthear the station Wednes.. day neit. A good trne is auticipated. .ýý Those on the slek list now are : Misses jennie Ditson, Maud Spencer, Mr. Frank Lamob, Mm. G. Marnion, and Mr. G. %Stn.. A jolly sleigb-load of Whitbyltet came out and spent Fniday evcning. st the «Ever- green Cottage. They had a graind -tltno, but did flot reach home Until 6 o6ecoek-ne enorning. Quite a number of thse staunch Tories fromi here took lus tis an amwl netIng at Wbitby on St Iay l epress uthemsei- Ves as having beenw11 aefpi d>-,WitWbhe_ proceding. Tomake It ýoSe r. enoeffl>'a, >for1A1 Som of 'Tcmogvmtn&-=en - ~lib b-em~ home aud s doctor csiled ta attend hlm, but owlng to trie swolleu condition the doctor won not able ta tell for ceatala wisether any boues are broken. Mr josephs Stratiord, tise general manager ar tise Fariera' Bluder Twine Co., wlll ad. dresa a public meeting lu tise masonlc hall, heré, on tise evenlng ai Weduesday, iii s9th lit., lu tise lutereat of <hie co-operai4W marement among tise farinera. Hon. 1rhas, Ballantyne la tisa expected to h. presieut and give an addrcss. A full attendance *i farmers, and ail otisers interested lu thse sue- ceas of the agrlcuiîurist, la boped for, Mur Stratiord will address a meeting at Kinsale on Thursday aftersoon and ut tise Gran-ge bail In tise erening cf that day. Mr- John Christie, a fariner near Utîca, sold a fat cou' ta Mr M Elliott, fa be deliver- cd at Brooklin station. He started ta drive hem here aset Frlday, but the moud w&s bleary with ou' and tise beast becume complecely tlred out. After beiug foreed along for a mile or two she could sot more any farther and a euni ai borsc.a and ale' h wure procured to brlng her the rest ai tte jnua-nev. On arrivaI Mr Elliott refuscd ta accept the animal in the condition ase was in and <hus saved $3o, for ase died before evening. CHRONICLEC readers areprobabiy aireudy nwane <bat the county C. E. convention la <o be beid bere on the 25tb and 26th of <bis month. The methodist church has been sectired for the meetings. A large number of delegates are expected, froni the societies scattened through tbe county, for whose ne- ception and comfort tbu local committee is making every provision. It le expected that this gathering of young christians will be Vangea- and more interesting <han any held heretofore, and ail friende of <bu move- ment are requested <o belp in any way <bey can to make it juet as succesaful as possible. Mn C E Scott, pastor of the baptist cbua-ch, wili preach bis faruwell sermon hure nex< sabbatb evening. Tbough Mn. Scott bas not been beme rury regulariy lately, yet there will bu a generai feeling of regret at the definite annouxicement of bis depantu ne. He bas won the respect and esteerniof all witb wisom he came in contact and will carry witb bu <the best wisbee of this com- munity for success in bis iife's work as a christian mîinister. I understand that Mr Vichent, who bas been conductlng the ser- vices here lately, will now have charge of the congregation as pastor. He le a yocang maxi possessed ai marked ability us a preacher and la ala-eady mucis tbought of by hie congregation. Cons-retires atteuded tise Cou- mntlon aiWisitby on Sains-dy ist. MraWalýtertRagra as of fate becu buallycn- gagd îearnuugsau' loge <o Osbawa. Wai<er is a hustier mc tuis business, sud dan't you forget Old missiouary Mati bas af laie been callng ïon tho cattieeau la <bis viciuity. He predicta iou'.prices ia.tishe spring, aud h. cannai mule Mny isatemeats. SMasnyin and arousd bere actended thse ana- tdon sale of Mr. Scott of Audie'. -Mr. Pencher officiated lu bis usual good fanm. Moderato pi-ices were paid. Rumnai- as it <bat M&rs. McBryan and ber daugister u'il emove ta Toronto early la'tise sp-o.Kinsale wili regret ta part u'ltb them, but a lWllins uinwislng tiseinsuccesa. LW. Mowbray. aur u'orthy assessai, ila90o119 tise daily rounds a:t the presant turne. Be kisid elsougis net te dispiace your doga. as tbey are a necessamy cvii. sud you cas keep tiseraforth. mail smniof Sioa ahd. Sanie tait ai dhMvidai.circuit, sud seiýrsal. ai tise nos-chancis goers are exalted witb st[MK hopos of Salem chural i hlg reopeedanjd Kin"ansd Greenwood coagrcgations usiiingi tics-e. This is - uly supposition on ise part aio some dissatisficd anas. 'ACuth ic qurtesboard meeting tise, ciairman of ch. district '4dcled <here was cdosucb Intention, aud tisat, ibis ouid not h. saccomplished without <h. cossent- ofbocli congre gacions. Tise generail opinion hms- Is tbat no change-, iii take- place at ail, but- ta tie circut wilh remaîea .as. before., A sleigb-oad of young people frai beres at- tendcd chicosnival eld mc Clamont ou.Ttes- dey- aiùgisusand report hliing had îa splen A isbappy snd pleaslag avenu ooký cu Tcsesdyuaoenimg, visas 1ffl~ç ford was à Îu u à i seily bus ta_ Miss McdýGUlrci its i '-hppy eveni <001k place à îtis ,c w» ~ ~ ~~~C u'tcsdb otffricadomi ail Wcbt echo tise sentiments ae ,ou tt in-wsblng Mr. laid 'ms-s, long. bampy ad prosrem *aee. npie tie ei ca and laeaesyn0e uÈ'o tumaceli or hes-self, [f I u'cre,<o r7 and 'pieuse eersybodyIîaafrsaid 1 sisojd scs h. lise position or tise id cm anud <the aonkcy going ta miarket. For th. future I shahl endeavor ta give a rue record ot (actsansd 'nova as gîven e- ms, for publication. Don'i crow toc soon. Sisce the exposume ai gambiing a feu' wecits ago, I1, ai od <bat soe citizen of Uxbridge, Oshawa, Whitby sud Lindsay ape l i igge <o <blox <bat th'Ls coun had suaau exposure ai soie ai ha citimens. I am. credibly informed tbac iu cacis oi the above four towns tise -suse- state af tiongaesi as bads- and lu tvr cases worae tChus Port Pcra-y. The -ouiy diffe-ce beisg tisai our tou's-vas'exposed, sud thc towus above mentsondescaped.becusea uabd tise courage te dame tackle tise:-job. Mti'peo- ple wooder wby thoseevlsra llo-wd togo oun" and wisaia peaphe do kaowà fcEus-h tsy ,are-lse-é laut once -ýte sWims-asttheW n'papmen or -emenihe artiSaites bud tise resl, flicevil aso sUvu go' ou n da4y taday'sud not on.~ ~~iitw "ctst aeo ac Cioublê.to prvent- a wssaom us iuot nters-ted lidn HojWrtt: os-4 fi g- - Holyý Writ,, - As mybuoibes keejper? 'A v l Iovm lady-of tis a ou'u and4 ee uell-es- pected, said a feu'dayâ mgo tisai "blésas isud enoug b, bt batib re ,s-etvaailier places-fi:town tan tjasesworae.-" Query-viierc .ie th -y? iSaie- in tovu n u.:Dao-m e Wnprsd utisenear intatre If sounetse sn- sainsaila brý otlgisi te _lalit liv ibe, alstlie u-eai Iy aegn HAF 5,. a, oaci iii tie On WeddaIy ew Mitchell'* aud D. souuuwd eyo g la» Rovard on 4ilvln1 "s-lu Thed6,»ove council met on Monday al rnembM were present. A by-law wuýs Pau- ed tthbHzlng the reeve and-treas to borrow of, tiseWestern batik sufficient money to meet tbi current expenses of thse township Iuntili tise taxes are collected. Mr Wer mtnd Iliat au order be drawn on treas in favoi'ofJas A Weir for the au= of $4.8o be- fat, onu& haif of account for work dose on tîxbrldî town lune the other haîf bein 'at, ~Uxbridge township. Mr. Lamb moved tbat an order be drawn on treas ini favor of following persans bein rfuud of dot tax : A T Horn $i, John il $1, Wm Mackey $i, John Bentley 01, sud Richard Cannex S1. Mr. Real moved that the treasurer's aecouets as net forth in the Auditoftsreport ha accepted. 1fr'Stepheus moved that an order be granted in favor of W J Welr and David Perkins for $30,00o for tlsefr services as Auditora Ãor thse year 183. 'he foflowing mutton bille was paid Geo. Wallace, $9.83, Mr. Jos. atone 2o. 16. On motion of Mr. Real thé following were appolnied path-masters pro tem ilo. 69 Wm Love. 17 Elias Day, T >'Coats, î14 Wm. Cook. On mnotion c fM r Real the clerk be iusrructed to uotify the trustees of school tectioun o. i and 2 and Union sections 14 and 7, that this council propose at its next meedUndto Paus a by-law *making certain alterations in their respective school divis- ions. On motion Uic council adjourned. P. C. GRAHAM. Muchester Business DIr.otory. Mais. B. S. Pà aJCK, Mauchesier, repaire, re- novat3a or ro-fashions ail so rts of tirs men. d.mnt hani in moat case@se sgood snd feahiosableua when new. Orders sollclted. Now te the time t0 look ovor youx fune for thoir Safety, and ta have theni renovated. Tnm UMTTED 8TÂTis Lira Iwqsui.cum Co. issuels'ihe mnt lbrai poilloy inthe m arket. P 0 GuâiNÂN, agent for thes coanUes 0f on- tae.ro sUd Victoria. Local agente wantad in every ioDwn and bamlet. To snob a"onts win bc offred ûrst cdues contracte. Write for partlouiars. W. atr you; outfit fre. RINSALSM. Any person wanting to rent a gond fan sbould sec 1 W Dunn. johin W. Salton is working bard for the Sun LA GCo. We wish him succ-ess. Owlsg to the stormy Snbb-ath, service was very tbinly attended. Rev. Hamîis officiated. Mr. Wlilred Sadier is vislting his hrother li Michigasi. Ha will bc away about ten days. Mir. Rodd had a very happ) party e Iew nights since. The youug couples were out îu abun dance. PORT IrmmY. Showing bis baud. Mr. j no. (iregg, of Boston, fa home on a viait f Sinoe Mr. Shier attacked me on thse street a to bis farniiy. ew weks mgo I have refrad a n mycorsnd once (rom a"sing nnyconment upou the ce=u- Miss Nene Cook of Oshawa, la visitlng friaflds ence, except <o cliaracteise it Rt tisai dîne as a in eows this week. cowardly auit. I -placed tise ttirl Paloter Tremeer bas reuovated E. Bread's bands of the law officers of the counu>r suupo barber sbop so nicely Chat everytiig lookta s headsng of Sbie's admission rfbiou i: I a dido seat as a pin.not si that ho h. puulshed, but mserely plaoedl The county convention of the Epworth under sanie sort ai bonds Ca behave hiamsef.- if League for Ontario county will meet In Port any Vftson who had becs subjected te sncb a Pcrmy os Monday snd ruesday 24th and a5th brutal amuait-no thankit o Sbier tbarl osac.)d Februamy. The meetings promise to h. very in- as well as 1 did--could h. expected to pus-tue teresting to chose who attend. a mart>charitable course I wouid like to knfow Trhe rsikroad hu fared better than thse roads, ho'. 1 dld flot expect that aveu ibis couru whie te rais avemae vrygoo tme hewould lessen the hatedin whieh 1am held by a whli e erishave md adl oy gdr im Chelot of cougisa-as well as a goodly suniber of poadestharesuery beay sd bdlidrted ubraofothers Who profesa ta h. respectable peopl&e-o pepl c is ehi. eaazay accu in ie. s be fthus îawn, who are always ou the hautfor cie' peope coingta îws o trde.blood of the opponents of their viciaus cunduci. Die&.-At Toronto ou the 8th inat., Florence. Having vindicated myseif and secured protec- beloved wlfe of Mr. Fruste Smith, lu ber mind tion, I left it to ebe CHEON iculEs respectable year. Thie deceased was an only daugister of readers to judge for Cbauselves. 1 ba,#e read Mr. Chas. Quackenbush, formerly oi Port two (aise reports lunCisc Standard-as wefl as Perry. The body was brought bere for inter- hearlsg (aise reports (rom Shier and bis frends- ment os Tuesday. cf what eok place at Mr. Shiers triai, sud 1 The South Ontario Frmers' Institut. w.11li have beari the comments of boti the vicions bold two meetings in Port kenry next Wednes- j nd the decent people of Port Perrt or. b. maf. day 19th inst., in the rawu hall, commencing ai ter. 1 wouid so"-ow refer te thse affsfr gi. i and 7,30 P, m The meetings will be addres- only to comment upon a stement publisbed ian setu by Messrs. D W Beadie, M A., W J Hay- the Uxbridge Journal by jas. W.« Muirray wnt. craft, 1 Ushes-, sud Prof G Harcourt. The ing from here (some frieud sent nme tise louMffal) subjects are ali of speciai interest to fariens. li wiicislhe cluima to- have played taise friend ta, The hall shouid be fllied ai each meeting, me (a sort of Judas Iscaniot) and professes to kev. C. 0. Johnstn, well knowu as a plat- bave learned some tings wbicb u'ould discredît f orni speaLker, will deliver one of his unIque mif a published. In regard to Murr-ay, 1 mal lectures ai Greeubank DCxt Monday evening. sai' that I took sanie pains to as*ist him, at hisY 17th1 inst. The subject as : *Seven différent own request, in bis conmespoudesce for tise jour- people, of whom you are one."' As Mr. John- nal, and formed an ides. t6ha ad some man-.- son is recognizpd as one of the best and most hood about bum; but 1 have no secrets cf pr entertaining lecturere in Ontario, those wiso at- ow ta tell anybody, aud did not tell anvbody, tend and hear binext Monday ovenîng wiîl t>e snd did not tell hlm any. If h. la tise Judas lx sure of an inteUlcetusi <eut. Admission 15 pretenda <obh. and knew anytbing ot My sec- cents, rets. 11e would have taId what he kuew, and aot Diviioncout ws hld y Judg Datse ou1'ae lied by iiretending <o kuow u'bst h. dom Dbeisioh cot. Fr ebar v. Fre DrneAUoc tknow. Wbat J. W. Mus-rav £old me Ik1i the xth int. Frebor vs. reebon.-A ta myseif, but if 1< cornes ta teilisg secrets 1 casà ý on a promaissory s'te, The pies set up wus wunt reveal twenîy-five cf bis to anc h.eaunof inelu. of consideration. Tise note wssigsed by <the ~d o ned£ abdrylnnwhsyo widow anid ose af the sons oflae reoIdontitn owsdiy nn i M11 decesed.It ppeaing Frebomand especiuily a uewspaper correspondent; If 1 buving giren the Dote in seulem»eut of were disposed to tell<hase wondedufl iblaga le a claim againsi bis estate and havisg A S4ews, 1e wonld bIag bsi esd lu sham > laiton possesion of sncb estate, thesee Asa usfpup e rtsI avof a. ien bs was a good consideration. Judgmeut for ifmea ayscrtaiprivai parties, bt piff. for $184.2o aud coats. H. L. Ebh.Il's for noe litdm ahc y~eng pbepWS piff.; N. F. Patterson Q. C. for deft Freebomu taMrrayor eanrueese, e lt va youueIf vs. Freeborn,-(2ud suit) adjourned. Jases vs, Mabt wo Tere r sin Pr erryhiga ti u Day -Judgment for deft. Wakeiy vs. ritunro. - about ongdaeing uti. ndPot Pe wy isai I lv. h Action to mcaron 'iscit the peice of a cow which 1bv oeL.Ilae ntsu» tise plaintif[ aileged wus deseased and unfit for aedn o aentsutf humas food or use. judgmentîreserved. T. A.M.Shebywunaotbissatn McGiilivray for plaintiff; N. F. Patterson fors as it i. <the business of thse lau'ta dmi sà r deeyiiecrhuûes, sud I bave feit t tisIaould moi i*elt deft. Gardner vs. Maylar.---Action ta eemn whether the mosies puid inta court by thse garnai ut_. w assshdd;bt shee should go ta to tise primary creditor or tafedru-à , ithtieidstia>Ioun # certin.hlder of echaics iens judmentfendmysoîf against the-uirtru<bful siuft u1h- certin oldrs f mchalcalies. udg ecd about desigulsg parties ns tise*A u li favor ai the lien hottiers. R. G. Gi-ant for tise prrlmary creditors ; Ebbeil's for th eu bn olders. journal. The reins-n1 bavê eamelVed .h* -_ý Brown vs. Platten,-Adjourued. litie . W. muriýitse ediotbu One year old. CHEONICLIE prophesied that, it woad b& 1<15s jus< oue year since 1 assumed thse posi- Murray it seenas to be a- case ef -a gzlky G-> <lad of correspondent for Port Perry of <hie paper. amenas ueeds £10-a sn,'a uwriIig~ I bave osdeuvorcd lain y humble way ta g&ive the th. mattbiesDhie <saa sner eav m CHRtouicLE readers a readable- weekly budget ai by me iu witing,cltbçrdirecily oe-indls-tly uews. Wbile I ara aware of thc fact that someW..:ï bave been displeaaed witis some of my articles, i w.. q.zy' amn alse coà secous <bat vert matir bave' akeuu Lugrippe bas deserted nur village, we are pheased ce remank. . May it never ne<umxi, say ose and ail, A riait frornY orksbire jackit l looked foru'and ta wlcb pleasure. May he lire long ta visit oui- bai-g. Ms-. IL W. MlcBryan sold a valuabie harsa feu' dayasmnce t a gaod round suni. Hommes ar oigbetter of lare. The pewtu chasse maker for '96 cuiled apas thc farm&ï,*t is vicinity. He antiolputes gaod ,-Drim n~beS eilseasa. 1