Whitby Chronicle, 14 Feb 1896, p. 2

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Jam" B. Nê.Aoiaon. Almost Passes Mr. Jas. E. Nicholson, FlorenoevfJle' N. B., Struggles for Seven Lonir Ysare with CANCER ON THE LIP, AND IS 0 YRED BY AYT JIZÇSparilla Mi i j , "I vcnnquJed do-> tiols 1,011) ii d ftr nie, but to no pu1 osee , thV cancer bt gmîtLo Eat mbt the Flesh, Ip o i timy chin, andi1I inff#-r.id tr If-r 1,fig Fii inaill 1 o ei~ t%,, o 1 n ced a Decided Improvement. Fn-otira,iz, b)- thiq resuitî I perie. i f In a ii i i ttî u - thc îf tliiteIr 111N(fliri Ie :iîtii !n';iI I thire 1 . t i nI 111, Lu livai, aii% af'er liiing 11w siirsa i;rilIa for six rnitrths thie Wlairace of t Jic carnce r d is¶ppearcù.' Ayer s > Sarsa parilla Admittod at the World's Pair. AY L'ti I'ILLS lRegulie the bvweL. wJ OIRESPONDENOE Uxbrldge Airotirîr odiiresiderit, lu the person cf Jolhn 1) irwaril, di4 d'iliarsîlay unorning D8c6a&< d camice froiîn Montrose, Scotland, in the earIl' ffti.Li sud 8ettied in Ux bridge a vear later. tii1 J ji in cnitting food, hls panto boaae cai and before bsing relesed tbaL partic b ie wardrobe was cemnpiet.ly denm iised. Fortunately b.e eoaped with -t -n 1 hm prie ake It i. surprisin1j what a variety of g( the departmental stores of Toronto carry. Tbe d extremes, "sfrom a ne, te an anchor," bas outhived its neefuli and i. ne longer applicable. Whetbg be true or 'bat, we bave been oredità informed tbat on. of these stores ha@ 8nwed Lb. task cf furniebîng live boa) babies at a nominal snM ta those i tbesire ta purohase them. In proof hi of we are told that a couple purciit one cf these infante laet ilaturday, are higbiy pleased witb their bargi Shotnld tb. weathier prove fine, we x that thero wiIl be a generai rush for oîty soit Saturday and before a fortuif few bouses lu Lb. place wili be childii On. cf Lb. Edwards children, cf Fi port, narrowiy esoaped a fes.rfui accid on Tbursday cf lasL week. The Iil feibow tried to motnut a passingis1.1 when be elipped and fell beneath runner cf the hind bob and wais dragg a considerable distance before being C' covered. Had the runner passed oý the chiid he certainly oouid net bave vi ived Ras the sleigb was heaviiy lbat witb piles being delivered te John A by J- H. Con ners We notice that ma. of the juvoniles cf this village bavei s.anie bad fashion, that cf riding on p ing sioigbs. Parents should exercise 1 utuo8t carA that isnob practices cee lest fatalities coeur. Wm. Burt, cf Havelock, was ho Tnt-sday niglit with bis father, Riebî Burt Monday mnorning the city papi stated that the6 former Mr. Burt, w wva8 a fireman on the ((.P.R. betwe Toronto and Kingston, bad disappear frorn the York station in a very myst, r ous mariner, and Lbat sometbingz dren fu 1 muet have happened him. IE frienîls bere, for it muet be remember that be resided many years in our nidi hecame mnoh aiarmed The police we notified, and for some days search h heen made for hlm te DOo aveul, Imaagii the sensation cansed wben ha turnedi bore on Tiuesday evening, baie ai hearty. H.e expiains his absence as di te the faot that ho was on a short vii with friende in Uxbridge. Hie was n aware that snob a romance wae beit mannfaotu.red ont cf bis short absence.. News. STOUr? VILLEt Thoa Latcham, cf Glasgow, who h, served an apprenticeship cf 55 years thie anvil, on Tuesday naiied, olench( and finisbod the four shoes on W Re. nold', hors. in 16 minutes. Haw ià th for a nian cf 75 yearu cf age. cf A lady istruck town Luis week in seart lsOfThos Henry Wright buL h wa8 ri ffiiently advertisied ahead so ws.s unabl ut Le reach the pookets cf syrnpatheti( W. understand ishe hale froni Muakok as sud that ah. spent sorne ime in search of ing for the mythical Thomas Boni g Wright at Uxbridge hast year. Cheel r. and faisehood may woîk for a while bu oventualiy ignominy i. sure ta corne. me The Chathamn Wagon Camapauy off,î of La, tae. ver Lb. Speight Wagon WorL ir et Markham, finish tb. work tlioo ka hand, thon close tbe feotory et Markhau e making Mr. Speight Mamangor et Chat bo hani. Ln consequonce a public meetini a was hold sud the citizen, are subsonibinj id La a boan ta Mr. Speight ta, keep hie busi )- neas et Markhaw. Already $2,500 hai te been subscribed snd Lwlce or Lb nice tht a um isl offered. The Segt 'l rb Le ably romain. Segt iipo t About 8 p m Wodnesdey evening, 22W r8 uit, Walter O'Deii, of Uxbridge, egeý 'e about 14 yearB met with e very mrioni ir accident. Hisainother and smater hat 9 been aven La Part Penry durng Lh. de: ansd upon their reLuis Water unhitchet theb hors. sud put iL in Lb. stable, aut ira ianl the sct of cleaning the suow fron 8its foot and legs when tb. boise kicked e him. IL seenis that the sho. of tb. horse ,a oaught lu th. pookez of the boy*as oa snd csnried hum under th. foot of tht animai where he lay for snme tlireor a four minutes before being rescued, dur- ing which ime ho vas tzampled upon and very soriouaiy injurod. Lt was foared ai Lb. ime that his in juries might prove fat. ai but he isnowon afair wey to recovery. -Tribune. BEPaEa. Miss Laura Lake, of Egypt, peid thia village as dying visit on Sunday. Mise E J Webat.î. of lUdora, took in ohuroh service bore on Sunday. Ifisa Ada Walton spent a few deym leut weey viaiing frienda ru Eestville. Mi C Cunningham, ofEastvillIe waa tb. guest of MMissAda WalLon ounSiînday. Our bran baud and oroheetre purpomo holdingsa concrt et S*Udford ona Priday evouiag 1h. 14th iut. Evreryone nMay zpet a treiàLas the band 'a spul*ug no effort ro Sire th. people value for Îtiteir maled t oronto on Wdeayl.2t Olt, ta uwat Ig hr sai#t«,LI. s&~ #611 lvryloir villa lyphoid lever. oomauaityberllhn vis',a diôepe's to.vryboy. soraosjy wsh or éI dum fer wse rtb: peasantle Warningta thr "asiriniw Ai. /l'L41/fPauCri ,n",,ter 'than th" 1 lurk m P wf oeu ,.yua»" ~ b' rmèta tby ounerVup the mZ. arot send by refWU milplain. ges.e o4fidIf-Tïme- BuýttbeY ma.V al bemet el owandorcome bhv%% indicions sand Iimely u tta enVOlO~. Dr. Pierce'. G-Iden Morlical DiYens'esr, the Aaop yaicIsel 35 years con- colebrated cure for coldu, cougbtq, 'asrand gPn * lnie pacic ttAt±fldiseeftsof onnptfonà. Bêtter thaï > hyposphbites <w WO=OM.nIL"' sbcharof fMand'cod liver cil; u"irivafled amd unapproacbli ciii bé cous e yleter fM-*ilaees eing from a ecrofelng o A inlé fêbdondition of the l'vstem.Sedf? Persa.. Ad 00soarzAjzi lmr-sbok. Address Word's Dispensry A THE 00K OUPAlY, medicai A anoc4ation. N 63MinSieto--daj IoM 8-36-. '258 WoodWard Av., Buffalo, N.Y.- ~erlaor nptrppermapently c- d, Mo or Cookn CofttoRoot Compouad ýÇQ.paky. For tç,eae tslnounîb 8,anuoaou is sold byaU rpousie wholesalo S01 UO refeeli, fdlrs5 Woldît- Disbi Ïary fttal dm1>0nini iMdiédl Asuo<iton, Buffalo,IX. Y. OfbrîCsmnadioanol bdensfor o IngeIliliper box Tereosut discoveaYof'r. E 9jy *t> sndAIlvoe trouble&- tIksgi ,g Mr. Thos.Kehoe-, isdrawine'ad g seJy~r~os>e e froan Lake Sitncçoe for lâ barn fona-.~t ~ ~ ~ tion. .2 et t14op ~ ~ ~ Mr. John Ai*nsworth bas. a large, nunim-',i ber-~ ~ ~ ~~ialqgU Cu12 hchlswt~nh.,4l~ i*o -- wb;,l. nghl miademeanors madeSe f-0 'àyI'àTFUaY an of judge brought mabout th1 -resuit, flot. à Jtas exposes bmgi. lors- withstanding the tactics resorited to by The followlng le the last paragraph ini à no th e -constable. to varnish ýhis mis- last wesk' s,,obrrespondeno. of the Ux- do the payment of ae fine ini a byridge Journal: >oods Barre magistrate's court.Weaevrsrrtb.ektaeptte dol t rom a Iadder. severe illnes. of W. j. Nott, manager of the eedie Parc Mahslrath ay Jessop Furniture Company of th l town, ParckMyhste a heD il dalso correspondent for the, Wltby ýe it I-buse, fell fronM a ladder *hile des- 'CHRtONICLE,. It appears lie wus made quite ably cending from the hay loft of the hotei sick a few weeks ago after writng a lot of astables on Monday morning. He drop-*'rot"I about R. G. Shier's livery stable, . _and severali n tcwn tried to -"cure"sihlm, thy ped heavily on his side and sustained but none did any good. Atlust Thos Keely, who severe hip bruises. It - was thought foreman in the llvery stable, gave 1dm a iere- then that the cords of the injured li b S e o ly akn h m w rs, a d Mr aqed were broken, a surmise which fortun- hie, tik ,praa htT ml dfo given him enougli, took the matter i# hand1 and ately proved incorrect, and May wiIl and gave him a " pillIl which I thtnk Ille1 ais. iikely recover from the consequencesof won't forget i a burry. You can j uît bet Peet, his fali within a week. Shier gave him J ust what be needed, and8 th u Ibe13 L Co several in town had better foliow suit. We WIgt o. .Ook truly sympathize witb Mr. Nott, as his is a1 ls. A couple of weeks ago it was stated moet serions case-be baving pains in bis li.that negotiations were going forward head, spitting blood ail the time, and ean- sot go out s.fter dark as lie is afraid of bis0 est looking to the retirenient of Messrs. ifeé. Mr. Nott, if I wasted to, I could give Ittlî Duncan Anderson and Dr. Spohn from away rnumber of your iittie secrets When igthe House of Commons race, so that I was going to your shop glving you news, the he efom frce miht nit on and receivi sg saine, I was sot going there theth Reori frcs mgh unteona for n-othing. JAS. W. MURRAY.s ýgd third party. Mr. H. H. Cook bas The editor of THgE CHRONICLE was in dis been industriousl) shaking hands this Mr. Nott'ea fflôe sorne ime ago, whon 9 over week in town. He says he camne up thi6 jas. W. Murray carne slippin ste re- after so mne puip miii machinery ho had bakd o. Âtr h et w ad e l led heard the Longford Lumber Co. had 0to a ak dMr. Nott wa ho ef e mades busi vis seli. Ini this, however, ho was misin- nes@ was, and were tld that be came inB InY formed; they won't seil. In1 any case the baok door with new itemls, being th" Hermann H. would make a ver>' popu- afraid eof the gang -get.. n V hzn 198 lar candidate. A man whom ail par- We taok occasion te warnMrNtta dh tes could weii afford to support is Mr. look ont for a Judas, as a person who 'se,- George Thomson, whom the News- would sneak in the back doci with one Louter hopes to seo representing East fitary would carry two away. Murray ere Simcoe at Ottawa in th, near future. does sot " give away a number cf Mr &dThre may bo changez. Nott's ecret,' simply becaue ho knowb ors h . . n oue of theni, we suppose, and becausù 7ho Thecounty means business. If the there are noue, J3ut hie is Judas enouglî i er, resuit of the investigation into the and untruthful enougli to pîotend thati re > d shady transactions of certain county knows sorne se.crets wbich wouid hnrt thie ,or constables who reside in Orillia has standing of our Port Perry writer if told. ad changed outside public opinion with re- Murray le recognized as one of the gang lis gard to the town's moral standing, it o f tougbs in that town. W. have not ed wil at least have scrved one purpose, liéard froni Mr. Nott as te these "1secrets' Pi 1t- and one which will benefit more or less at this writing, but we challenge M urray er@ every municipalîty in the county. At te tell a tlitiu about Mr. Nott's corres. ,a8 the June session of the county cDuncii pondence that will sot do te iattei "" there is going to bc a generai reorgani- credit. We have discussed with Mr up zation of the force of the county con- Nott the polioy cf bis correepoodence a ,nd stables. The plan hit upon ta effect a hundred or more times, and have neyer Sclearing out, if suc hi is thought to be h a d a w r ri i u a c n i c lot n ecessary, is that on the recommenda- ns of ie deBire ta serve the public afs ntionoftevs of the various muni- Weil es La publisb Port Perry news. ng aite th. . o h bjcin Murray jea ayourngish feiiow, but be abl cipstbes e name strof the jcin knows Port Perry Weil enougb <o know ableconsable wil be truc off th t hi@ treacherons attempte La trap Mr roll; those of the white cloth wiii be Nott wiIl render him a beo there for the retained. If deemed necessar>' others ime big nfc ei idn o ias will ho appointed to fill up the gaps. popul brîty inpubiish ig b iabove. r In at It would be an unwiso procoeding t0 anY Other town ho wouid b. condemned ed oven guess at the number of gaps that as a wcnld-be Judas. The gang who unai ýv may be made; there may be very few, Port Perry have a code of moral,, pecutiar Lat perhaps. In the meantime it will be La themeelves; and those citizens Of tiit left to the peace guardians, individual- place Who try ta live right have tangbt TE ch ly, to so conduet theniseives that a themeelves to believe that it is a maLter M_ good mark wilI ho sci-atched opposite cf Rood poiicy La .ay nothirig and ta frown le6 their names. This is certain-the best apon any perses Who exposes the vicionls Lc. men will receive the appointments. In conduet of tbe gang and tihe so-cal1ed ka. the light of past oevents in Orillia, and .brb ebeswho join witb the. gang pal the pleasure it has givon the Barrie 11 anything iL ha, a mimd Vo- do. Part gre 'Y hif oluin Wrie ~ Perry le net as bad as it once was, but it giv abopres tahprintid h forplc sP.-t Perry etili, and the srabscription Pai abuut ntd hp f u oienew 'ollecteil ta pay the coats ineurretI i affairs, the public sorenel>' hope that in by R. G. Sllier in bmaeen iios~r future no paraliel cases crop up neither attark upon otir Port Perry correspondent par r' in Orillia noir elsewhere;bu OUanshwthth nlrpretdthbod.t' kabtto a hawtat he ,nlyof tepgn wrmCz.e o fer iL 1is a constant-renfterrethere Ced Many visited aur tobaggon Saturday. Excellent sport. Miss Loyttie Lackhart, town, guest of Mrs. Dr. Mitchell. Messrs. W. Rabbins and W. pent H.aJt wee i oron tto 1 Belleville league convention. ChY Clergyman speaks Abo physîcal restoratian. 'aino's Cefery Compound Does l'arve//ous Work In a Populou, si Friene Ionathàn wîli now clear track, he's trade4 the grey and got black, Mr. Jonathan Prior has retui from Hartford, Conn,,p U. S. The man>' friends of Mrs. S«, Murle>' Coram, relict of the late j Coram, heard with sorrôwv of decease. She had been aiiing for s time. After the death of ber partner six months ago, she weni reside with iter daugitter. She diec Sunda>' Feb. 2nd, and was buried Bethesda on Tuesday sth inst., E Wm. Joiliffe proaching the funi sermon. junior beague givos an ontertainur Thursday î4th inst. Mr. S. Northcott of Sauina visi ild frionds bore rocont>', [undreds Made WeIl Wh able by the -Dootors. le Only Medicine in the Wor] Heartily Endorsed by the lergy of ail Denomination RE GREAT DISEASE BANISE The. sick people of ube great cburch Irisit of St. Aune'., Montreal have been Batly blessed and bene-fitted by Lb. 1Hf.. ving sud beltb re8tcrnug virtues of aîne's Celery Compound. The olergy. Zlo cf St. Aune'. oburcb, know of the ,ad woîk acoaplisbed amonget their Lrishioner,. nd at ail Limaes accord un- Lntrtl prmèisPta Lb.thegreet ouring Com- nd. R-.v. P Riaax, onepf St. Anus',B ose popiiilar priente, Who usied the. Can- end bicnsclf wnît(ts as follo W*B. II am, fuliy eonvinced, bath by per. iel experience and lby the statements many pariabioners intrusted ta my -e, that the celebrate-1 uiedicin. Paine'i eîy C ompound deseives a hiiih recom- mdation. 1 therefore willingly indorse 5r testimenjals siready given in its the thé rned ýah her orne if e ýt to 1 on 1 at kZv. ierai ent ted ide was )ke the ut Id Mearc Pleasto.d Le beur that Ilev. Mi. ihanan i. ît'coveriug froma bis ilues, gr. Andrw Boes bas becn improirng propeîsv by a Page wire fonce acros faima. It wonld be W-*ell for is e igb,- ito Lake pattern. lev Fatiier Hlogan bas been alun8 for le time. W. hope he wll soou hi. und again. fr. David Rosi le makingpeépratjnnr, Pàqiki sebool building is to be erecîed -l EOunervative cauons yul b. bield .a t 1Cttàw Tsa t P ipond & Cg. fruit, nerohst» ~rsa , b v e a sig e d, w ith * lia b i t es o >Ills excies theuisd I -~ e Torontl *asnar Aste Wakinc aos Eeroaai Curedi of a -Serloug Oh-eaGe. "I ý.:ai s s:ÀerI*tîg from wài,îat is ' -:- P ig < iease for Ilve years, <a 1 r il:tic 1 have been nnable ta o rî nsl up. 1 was la bed for three wc" * th timie 1 hail leeches appIled an;I b f fit. &ielng llood's Sarsapar<uu a :i. pa pern I docided te try a bate.1e Iý t îhîgthesecnd oUl u e,! (1I , y inzy 1e." GEO. MERRETT T, f-oori'sg PIlle are proTrnt P'ld p uasycf ation Sal bys.1ldrug ~î raic il J G" 81 ~'..4ZiiU i~1 G~ 7~W~SPI QU'r ~: tVe Kîdaey medpl I.-- ove .4 A. iuuber of peop!e fi-oit.wn ha% fotuud ploa-tire Ili Vsting Mr. Jackson tish hatoliery, one mille 8outb cf towi and looking at the Lwinkhirig lîttie trot Just out. Mi- Johnr 'l'ummonde, o1 Beach, we presenLed nt th<e recent concert her, i tht' S 0ýE. witb a socilety pin for securin the largest number of new membere dui ing the pabt vear. T~he merrcîants ef Uxbnidge, ike th Eatous anA %Iurravs and Suteliffes, Toron ta, oocasianaily have Le beave thei new arrivaIs cf goods on the idewalh for a day or two. until Lhey enu mah room in iheir stores, aud pas. thora int stock On complaint of Chief Wright few days ago Measrs. W. A. Broddy ani J. F. Browneoombe were fined for ob structing the sidiewatk in Lhiii way. Th, merchants naturaily rosent this treal ment, wh 'le the public are divided on Lb, subjeet. Borne îbink these monl are no only enterpri-ing, but public benefaotor in their esterprise, whiic athers say ter us ne necegqity fer boxes La the numbei aof lorty, Bifty or more boing rang.d alan1 the aide cf th. waik, and ths. et .Lwl wouid be lhable fer damuages should thos boxes fall on any persan or frigbcer herses into rtnsning awey. Wbile tLb pros and cons are being discuased tht question ariases, wbere do aIl tb. goodi go ? Thore ii; a great deel of merchan dise diepoeed af in tbis town in a year, and buyers muet came frein a long dis- tance Le geL iL. At bosutys s*Urine Wbitby CHRONICJLE * "We are smre- what dlvided between Messîs. Kelly, Mo- CulIy and Dingle as ta, wbicb i. Lb. band- sonest unember of concil, with Mr. Kelly a 11db iein Lb. lead. Mr. MoPhee wonld be in it, only thet hie bairlise do - sertod hlm." Os the strengtit of sucb a mtaternent from sncb a weli known auth- ority on manly graec.aud beauty as tte editor of the CHROMfOLz, an aider wau given ta Mr. Joseph Oherpaw, baker, ta * prepare a. bun cf goodly dimensions and wandeiful ingredients for prèsentation ta Mn. Kelly on bis reLuis from Wbittby. Accordingly, on Saturdey nigbt, wben "4soboal" hed got nioely st.arted in th. beck @hop, Mr. N. F. Patoison, QOC., on behaîf of Mr. Keliy's admirera, preseat.d bîm witbi this "beautra(uly sud wonder fully medý" bun, Mr. Kelly waas "1teken oompletely by surprise,"V but managod bo thank tbem for thoir '%eantiful proet" in e "few well ohosen romanko." He btusbingiy denied euy rigbt La tih ooa, but deolsred b. would prize thst bun among bie dearest treamures and no one but ait enemy sbouid ovor have a ha* at iL. Mima Mabol Code, of Oshawa, is villa (leptain Hilta aud faanly, of Peirpori Frank Woodruff loft Lhé other day foi Sudbury, wee er buhobaengag.d vlàhi ibrother Lot.. A ornal sociable qvont *ook ir eo Tud&,y eveniug et thé rosidatis. of Kv. and bMis. Rob6rt DovereU, w.st .end- 3irs. (Dr.) u«a m snawbateeat InT #ULrcESSr nI,EID F~R AN$OiBEAS Ir Dr. . n àu Co. sai 1sISu3r na *b uzt î kEDLW a is- moDnr lww -. zuzLo CNQjO L . U % bud Des.-RiPa- J.a~a uud oeoe.i .ittoe Kendli.SNvi~&~ wtt mf.h JO je/ E£TT i sf à Upterffrove E-ver Belief

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