and was attended by a lare number of the promnifleft Conservatives of the ridiflg. PresidentJ.L Smith occup- ied the chair. rhc tirst business was t( elcct offl- cers for 1896, which resulted as follows:. 1,jeidc-nt, J. L. Smith; ist vice, W. F. Lowail. 2nd do., W. M. Real, Reach; 3rd, Jas. Bowman, Port Perry; sec., J no. flurnis treas., J. H. Long; chair- men. fur minor municipalities-Osh- awa, Wrn. Chaplin; Whitby, John Bal D)ow; Pickerinlg, A. -lohnston W'hitby township, John Niedland; E. Whitby, M'ni. Chap)lin; Reach, D. Perkins;, Port lcrry, E. Il. l>urdy. Scugog, W. R. lin. Livciv and practical ad- (resses Wec Tdeiivered b I)Dr. Kaiser, A. Johinstofl C. W. SCott, M'm, Reai, J. Il. Long, R. il, Lawder, Capt. 1) llorn, Kbth. N ejr., 1r. McGillî- vray, . D ow, and Wm. Smith, Iateruhet ut parliainent for the ridîng. ihc lta ttermde special reference to t h e I t t i t da s oot questionl as bcing .1 Cr 111prtant and dangerous feature ot tilc 1)<)Itt(ai situation for the Con- m' ý .ýi\ 1 C P.rtv, inasmiuc h as there is a vvhi clitIcîeclce of opinion prevaiiing as t4) tli bst mcthod of dîsposing of it. le wouid en(leavor to vote upon the cconsc entilousi v after studying ILS os and would have to ask to r t he contînued support o! those Who ,Lrý-iwith himi on ail other questions, bUt dlr<tfroll in himin this matter. M r l"Itl' ail iDow made a strong h ncý l t favor of a remedial i easuire %%hl Ilh w il I secure to the Manitoba mi- titillI the Pi ivIcges guaranteed them If tv c t )l uî li rt n u bt oue. la t 1 1 t.lw pic' IREU of y«uj rd W"oe ,,i W , Ntiw5 EDZ 4 s TÉ to pri ol bri 0f Li ne ar LU mi sli bil wl wi it h( p( n( rr tr bt ti Pl al al tI M. 'an. Extraordinary Photography. Mi \ Joinston, Pickering, said the pi t rxtveparty had some breakers h; bttUt.hut flot on accounit of having a of bal ) icy or sm-alt support. On the fr (tler hIa'nc the Liberais were neyer be- rr fore the country in such a plight. Vo Hitex l.iddnu policy at ail but to wait h, and sec if the troubles o! the Conser- ti vatives would so disrupt them as to tI PlIace thte Liberais in office by an acci- u (lent. Four years ago the Liberais had tb a great poticy, and claimed that they fo coulti open to us the markets o! the t( îtlitc(l States. This took weti with ap greaýt many Conservatives. but as the o pohîcv fiad been abandoned, like many a foi mier <o<'s. ùy the (rits, the Conser-v v.îî ivels Wotuld 'now take warning and ti ffit suiv )f'Liberat ideas.L NIr. C. W. Scott, Oshawa, said he ist more oft a worker than a speaker. fie secs nothing at present in the Liberal Iîrî)gratinm to induce the electors tot spotthat part%. Hopes to see Mr.c Siitfi again returned to partiament, aul nmade M inister o! Agriculture. t \%. NM. Real, Reach, said the Re-r form-ers had done sonte big biowing about the way they had shaped the voters' lists for next etection, but a!ter tooking over the field for a year their strongest candidate had thrown up the% job as utterty hopeless. Hon. J. H. Long is a Tory Equal-t Righver. Is in favoir o! une language, one school, one citizenship, and if we cannot have one church let those who ditier support their own denominations1 and not ask the conntry to do it. Be-i tieves Win. Smith is the man for South1 Ontario. MIr. R. H. Lawder made a speech o! statîsties. Our debt has increased ont', $î 46,000,000 since confederation, yei. we have paid since then $2 14,000,- 000o to public works, the immense water and railway lines which were re- quired by a big country like this hav- ing been expensive. But the resoît o! these outlays is that we do more trade according to population than any peu- ple in the worid except the Engtish. W'e do $49 per head in trade, the United States $22. Our 3 per cent. Dowinion bonds bring as high bids for our bonds in Londs in London as do tîhe 4 per cent. bonds o! the great na- tions o! Europe. There was an im- mnense spread in agriculture between 188 1 and 189 1, yet the better facilities now to be had for performing farmn work prevented a like increase in the population. However, there had been an increase o! over haif a million in city and town population, and this meant a iargely increased home market for the consumption of farrn produce, which is exactty what farmers want. m,ý theh caMidiMe. Dr.ý 'McGlivray said thâe irilght be ir1at an- doub>ts as eo whatwotxld be Ëe outcomne of the présent state, of el-T irsat Ottawa, but'there was Ù6 dôubt to the resuit of the neût election in Duth (hitarlo. ïTbc perils of the [anitoba matterî to, the Tories was the m total of the Liberal party's hopes. biey otter nuo oher-programme except trustt that this knotty question may rove a boon to them, and 'ive them fice. Frece Trade as they have it in igtand, Mr. Laurier says, might be rought about in 38 Or 40 years.- Few fus wiil live that long. Wm. Smith, M. P., said that the berals might have trouble to find a ew candidate, but they will find one, id will flght every inch of the ground. ,t there be no over-confidence. As to arters in parliament he has flot the ýightest idea what shape the remedial Ill will take, nor does he believe those rho are giving forecasts of it, but it- iil not please everybody. He hopes -witl dispose of the question, but in oting for or against it, whichever he ýelieves will be best for the* country, ýe does flot expect to please ail his sup- orters. He would ask those who may mt agree with him in the matter to re- nember that this is one of the most rying situations Canadian members of )artiament have ever been catted upon o face. From what he can learn he )elieves that the parliarnentary parties 'iii be split up on the question. Mr. J. B. Dow, in seconding a mo- on o! fuîl confidence in Mr. Smith, roposed by Capt. Dillon, said that an Lgreement had been entered into at fie time of confederation and later vith the protestant minority of (Quebec nd the Catholic minority of Manitoba fiat they should always have school Drivilegs to their taste. These privileges ave since been fortified by many acts f legisiation, but have now been taken rom the Manitoba minority. This ninority has exercîsed its right o! ap- pealing to the courts to show that it had a legai grievance, and had asked hfe Dominion parliament to remedy hat grievance. That.body had caiied upon Manitoba to do justice and hac been refused. There was not.hing lefi for the Dominion parliament to do but to redeern its honorable pledges anc itass a blil to make these rights of min- orities secure. It is a moral obligation and must be fulflilcd. If the Conser- -ative party foolishly splits on the ques- tion it can only resuit in returning Mr. Laurier to power, who would soon ge the miatter fixed up with his Grit friend Greenaway. Thus while the sanie ené wvould be accomplished, the Conserva. :îves would find themnselves out in th( cold and the other fellows in office. The meeting ciosed with cheers foi the Queen, Mr. Smith and the chair. à epice -bas been cleared on the river for skating jat above the milidam. Hockey will b. indulged in, and the boys intend to try and get a match on. Once more the buzz of the .aw je hoardi Soutîh of Bay Street. The sawmill basI started agein in charge of Mr B Jackson.i Mr Hector McDonald, of the 8Lb con,1 je now a proud and hippy father. Hie accession te the ranka wu, gasetted lait Baturday. We are eorry t.o learn of the illnss cf Mr Samnuel MeMillan, of Lb. first con- cession. Mr John D Rîtchie is once more able te corne to, Beaverton. ewîs iu town last Friday looking aimoet ai good as new. The auget of death visited the home o! Mr Wm Everson on Monday, January 27, carrying off that gentleman's beloved wife te her eternat home. Mesers Cameron & Cameron bave add- ed another te their kennel of tborongh bred canines. This time it in a New foundlarid and a beanty, tee, weighirg 100 pounde. It is really toe bad we bave ne skating rink here this winter. LATELY DIBOOVZRED. AS MARVELLOUS AN ACHIEVE- MENT AS MEDICAL HIS TORY AFFORDS. Rev J Van Wyck, et Hamilton, Pa.etor of Gore Street Methodiat Charoh, Visite One of Ris Con gregation, Mrs Clarkson, Wife of th. Manager of the Star Oil Comapany, and Writes Mr Ryckman Particulago Bearing Upen 11cr Case of BrighL's Disease. Hamilton, Jan 24, 1895. Mr Ryokman: Dear Sir,-I bave been oonversingz this day with Mrs E Clarkson, 188 Han- nah etreet oet, this City, wbo cdaims te have reoeived great bonefit from the us o! the Kooteuay Cure which je sold e0 veeuerally by yen at the prr'sent tînt. Her speciailtrouble was BrighL'a cdisease,' sud wus of nine years' standing. It wae se pronounced by two physicians. Wbile ae.dees net cdaim Se be ou.m pletely cnred, having taken only four bottles of the rewedy, yet se. feel e mnch better thst se do., net hesitate, te, recemmend it ne te anyene afflicteki as se bas been. The pains in her bead bave eutirely ceased, snd almeet from tb. back. The complexion weares the glow ef bealth and the puffed appearance ige one from the face. 8h.he in- creaeed*nine ponds in weiqbt in two menths. and je ihereby encouraged te believe that wbat bas so improved ber physical condition will nltimMely accem- piish a complet. cure. J VAN WYCK, 50 flore street, Ham:ilton, Ont. Whftby Tp. CoudiL. The councit for the Township cf Whlt- by met s Broeklin on Monday. AUl th. inembers ver. prosent except Mr. Ket chen, Who wîs iMI. A petition wuasad from Mrs. M Wilson, of kekiburit, aking tbTat the. tcwnship by-lav be se framed as tuoen- able ber te appiy for a hotel licous.. Thé mnaSter vas left over for fuyther coonsider- ation, on motion "6f Mesers McTaggrt sud Smith. lieurs M Holmee and HT I*ngford presented Skie auditor's 'report, sud on motion cf Mesurs Smith sud Rogers "it- vas sceptsd, spd $10-eaoh was ordereciý te b. paid th. audit ira Mr Smith gave ntc f ylva the. next meetlxg t e appomnt vorséeermot highways, fence-view.n %Î4- Pounid- -teoerinfor 1896 -iimtion of Meusrs Bm an d oit- ers, $100 v a grauS-4thard:,îtotn dem SI. liii o-the Kingson rpa'db&ý twesoan Whitby and .Oshawa, p oyidhxg, the, 1ev»' of WbitbvandQ"awa-, eec Mr W ýj Moore and, miss 14.- Moore haive, been visltlng frinds aýt Wood- ville. Fred. Wickett, of Sonya, 15 visiting here,4 'the Publie Debate between Royal Teruplars and Patrons lias been post«i poned- until friday n ight Feb x4th. 1fr. Dan Calder. of Bay street. le viuit- ing trinds in aime"e oounty ab present. Our local paper, the Express, lutS week V lu- hipuiov. ie ew power.prtosà .j h.è iproes ýbasbien using * band -ProseI dl i atosfire fÂgaS 54 erovemenli on îny presver In that-, f- fice. 117he nit stop is to secure elEctric power to rmn i. Miss Ev Weeutoott, Meusre C E West- cott, M W Roîch and W W Bruce took in the Masonio bal l inOanningtion liet Friday evening aud report a pleauaut time. Among the many happy wedding cermoriies to be recorded from this place is tmat which transpired at the dweliing o! Mr. and Mrs. R Morrow on Tuesday evening Feb. 4th .when ibeir youngest daughter Mîinnie became the bride o! Mr. Frank 1 Everson. HamptoI. Mr, F. T. Altin and Mr. Chas. Kers- lake spent Sunday at Greenbank. Mr; Jabez Elliott, Brandon, Mani- toba, is visiting Mr. Thos. Etiiott. l Death has again entered our village claiming for its own Mr. Wm. Joli who died,' on Wednesday after a lingering iliness. He was buried on Friday at Bowmanville cemetery. The relations -have the sympatby o! the entire vicin- ity in this their sad bereavement. Th!nness Is often a sign of poor. health. A loss of weight generally shows somethlng is wrong. If due to a 'cough, caldy any lung 'trouble, or If there [ s an tinherited tendency to weak lung.,takse care I of Cod-Ilveér 011, with 1yo phosphiteS, [s Ià a. fà t-foodai more. It causes such'change ln the system.that the gain 1tl pcrmaneéhxt -nd, ImpDrevement continùes eveniafter you éease takig [t' $und- flesh; -rlch b1ood; strong nerves; 1gôod digestion; arei't thesee wrlh aud Obldren. Il t inneteOîim o 1eur other arcotie substance. It la a hormoiesa ubsuinititiO«iiiu- :for P'argorlc# Drope, Boothlng Byrupoan d Castor 011 lnh Pleasahnt. Its guarnte. fi tblrty years' useby Milos ofXMothem .Castoris destrOysWorms ud ai g *wberisness. Castorla prevents vomltlngf Sour Cuul, eure Diarrhoea and Wlnd Colle. Castorla relieves teetblng troubles, curoe coustipaou suadfiatuleucoy. Castorla assimilbLes the foo14 regulates the otomach and bowels, givlng heslthy and natural sleep. Cas- tori l the CbildrenP'Panacea-the Motherl's IMe"d A parlor social in the interests of the Methodist church will, bc held at the parsonage on Tesday evening Feb 25. Refreshrnents, krogram, etc., will bc provided by the gôod ladies and friends of the congregation. The use of Tem- perance hall has been obtained and no one need stay away on accounit of sup- posed lack ofroom. Admission 25ct8 per couple, A meeting was held Iast Friday after - noon in the Methodist church to teýt the feeling of the congregation as the to the proposed change of circuits in the Whitby District. Rev Mr, Man- njng of Whitby was present and ex- piained the reasons for re-arrangement. The change if accomplished will put Myrtie, Raglan and Columbus in one circuit the rnister to reside at Myrtle preaching at each place once a Sunday. Kedron with Brooklin will make one circuit.'- The feeling of the meeting was strongly against the change and the delegates te the meeting were instruct- ed to oppose this move. Sbonezor. Mr. Frank Rundie is home from the West. Miss. Sgrah Scott Moorfield is visit- ing her Mr. J Penfound. Mr. jabez Eiiiott Brandon is at Mr J C Gibson's. Rev. Mr. McColi, of Medcalf St. church Oshawa will preach on Mission- ary work next Sunday mornîng in our tabernacle. Mrs j Oke is on the sick list being afflicted with rheumatism around the heart. Castoria, sa satorts le oweladpelehlweh 1 recommued ft aoa lortoaaypmol. known to me14' 111 go. Ozfoed St, BroogMy. "Our pbyudîmas in the cbidrii dqnpà ment bave spken blgbly oftie Ioe once la their outÙMd practiceS lhutea and aldhoagh vsolilà bave uiMoeag tS, medicai suppies whM a ekxaowa se gular- products, yet we me f»ee Sonfie ubth*' mnrta ofcf utola bas wo S m te"@uwi f avor upon15" UIiITUD RosnxTAx. »IfNi,, VuLrlcocele, HMMlssonsNervouà Debglityq Sembia Strlcture, .1yphII, Ucuatural Dlscharges, '<Iduey sud BWaddcr DlsegsePositively eaTu nDOPOsit tb e in Your. But kor wlth i toeopuAi us sfter yoi, are OURZO under a wrItten Sdf bu, »Wwa nd BAsod DÙ.anaha,,wmeked the lives of alm midl sà d mn.Thain, the-* khop the Sundayim auns--aU have its vistimma. Towmai au, fcave bem -dse VARICOCELIB9, EMJSSIONS AND SYPI W. 8. COLLIN3. W. 9. *'CGlIIns, ni Saalnotw. p!eal uM tI 1 9. - 1 Ilebosdmbadhabi wlich gayud5lité. I tpo bo I"e fbeo= oug m- d despoifl oxeazabi;lu6mor x ro, 7 - dbii pun e nac; barPol E.LA. TONTON. Sma ekes v'. .ment improvmdrea 5h. fWst , TbeylWaUmi aidi .P.ILMESI24 A«e bousWrck- 'an,-. le. iii. uAa &te.& Mm I Pro", Rontgen, o! the Utnrzburg Uni. versity in Vienna, has made a wonderfuî discovery in this lins. Photographe of1 the skeletons of living being o! coins in-i side of closed purses, and pieces of metai inside of wooden boxes can be eaeiiy tek-i en by th. new procees. The l'rofessor thinka that by hie newiy discovered pro- cees ho wiit be able te show that light penetrates aIl bodies sand that no sucb thing existe as an opaque body. Ais te, the photographe which have been secured by the new proceas among the more net able experinients was that in whicb a bu. man baud waa subjected te, the penet- rating raya. In the photograph resnlting appears a ekeleten hand the tissu. or covering of the flesh notshowiug in the picture at al. And this was not the band of a dead pereon but, betenged te a living breatbing man, Lb.hesutef th. armbeing se screened aud arranged as te hoe exclud- ed frein the powerful tertuseof the tube- camiera. Iu another experiment a photo- graph was taken of a wonnded mnn ankie, in which a bullet was imbsdded. The picture shows the bullet just au iL is lodged in the ankie thus revealing by pbotograph whit berotofor oould only h. learned by th. painf ut and often -uselees proceas of probing sud the application ci the surgeona kuifo.- So hers sosais at hast a way invected te, make photographe of th. boues and organa inside i living buinan being without hlm te pieces or boring boles in hlm to e-o 1. If this procosa cf photography eau b. utilized to make pictures cf the, iuteiýor o! tb. buman body by sections, ita pos- sibilities in relation Su medical science would seotn to e alumont hrnities. For instance if a person wus suupeoted of o!i having a turner or -a cancer 'thioexezbt truth might bQ scertained by making a 0boogaphcft 1,setin c t0 .bodyl Wheeti.aburmal growth was *uppo.ed Su exiet. Praoui experîfente hveaSI"- ready detormnioed thM in l cS. of ouixd by a bullet, it viii b. iun oiy mi4e tozý photogragh thi erior cf thxe wouudedýý section, aud oate the.exact -age . whee, the,. mible alodg.d, se Shat it may b. rernoved vitheut snp o!fithe pamnfl pro, timius.uies to w" oOmap 'le Sesrt ipr»oeni. nei Ceutaur Oompauy, il YMmn&, New T@CWIC -And su on. Capt. Dillon that there are wars and ru mors o! wars in the Liberal party, but the Tories meet ber-e to-day with ai strong and unbroken front to support the oid fiag. the oid poiicy, and the old candidate (cheers.) Mr. Laurier and his party are playing fast and loose with ail questions, and were bound te be heid te nothîng. One thing they altways assert, howevei, is that the Con- servative policy is' ait for the rach. I complete answer te, this he woold point eut that inl 1878 when the Tories took office there was oniy $79000,000 if thÇ post office savings bmnk, which je trie banking bouse of the poor, whilst n t)'tere is $298, depoefred thee These figures -show that .skie-poont &i iaying away large um snuad sfia the National Poticy la 'makng tbem ich., Robert Miller, jr., sud the Cota- servatives have an I nid udtried pUy the Liberals noue at a&U, -m ar said he would suroud. id, ugelwUt clean men. so heËOt ins Anamtiam -s eron, Israel Tare ndjipp9Y%'mcau These mer& would b. terrÉaclame~ skaters on ithe. oriwi< g,.wbkb mens men ho. ýà % do Im ioe'allkeandcm omef*êIP- to'4defy aU la""s f .oc4ei and stilI ketp crias as 055av4a M oI tivces res aoôdlaî1 , iý l M f RICE. earo, doubt. Sin te, loti1s meoic 'O7~) Wafti Put £0 1 Ç&storia. ~Ougoeia laan exoellent nmedicênefor ecl- drom Kothm ha*@ repeatdiy told me of 15e good e" upoua lr culidren." Dm. Q. O. Osomn, Lowefl, Masm "Castortla dmthebea reoed for chuldieu of wbhhIarn acqumlnted. 1 hope the day lasnot tar dWttwhenmothes wlUlo05Sdethral lteeof theiz' childre", and use Cagtoria In- gliead of thevartousquack lostrumahiCh ore deWroyng thir loved ones, by forcing opum, morphine, uoothlng syTUPand other hurtf ni agents down their throste, thereby umnding tham teprezatum graves." Da. 3. Y. Kmenuao, .Oouway, Ârk.